today I recieved some money from Norway for some Norwegian football-stuff I wrote, (that someone wanted me to write since I have a football-blog, I think). So now I've payed the payment that should have been paid the day before yesterday.
Sorry about the delay!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 10:18 AM Subject: Problems with Bailiff-bayment/Fwd: Jobseekers Allowance/budget-complaint/ Fwd: Contact Details and further info To: info@jacobsbailiffs.co.uk
Cc: Winter Nic JCP WILLIAMSON SQUARE <NIC.WINTER@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>, Support Counsellor <supportcounsellor@cccs.co.uk>
I know my Council Tax/Bailiff-payment is due today. But I've been on Employment Zones, untill 20/12.
And the Jobcentre haven't been answering my phone-calls.
So now they tell me that my next payment is at 'Bank Tuesday next week'.
So the payment today is one week delayed due to problems at the Jobcentre unfortunately.
I'm going to update you if I hear anything before this.
Sorry about the delay! Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>Date: Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 10:01 AM Subject: Jobseekers Allowance/budget-complaint/ Fwd: Contact Details and further info
To: NIC.WINTER@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk Cc: supportcounsellor@cccs.co.uk
today it's two weeks since I got my last pay-cheque, from Sencia.
My budget, (in co-operation with the CCCS), is based on forthnightly jobseekers allowance-payments.
In the extra meeting at the Jobcentre today, (just to sign a Employment Zone-form, that was forgotten on the meeting I had at the Jobcentre on Friday), I was told, that my next payment will be on 'bank Tuesday next week'.
Then it's gone three weeks since my last payment, and I have bills before that if I'm not mistaking.
Is this right that my next payment isn't going to be before 'bank Tuesday next week'?
Erik Ribsskog
In the extra-meeting today, I was also told that my meeting on Thursday with Gary, is at 10.10 and not at 3 PM, like Gary said on Friday.
I got a letter, in todays extra meeting, telling me to go on a 'Jobseekers Agreement'-interview, on Thursday, at 10.10, but I had a meeting like that, with Gary, on Friday, I'm really very certain about.
Could you please check up if my meeting on Thursday is at 10.10 or 3 PM, and what need to bring to this meeting. Hope this is alright!
PS 2. I enclose scans of the two 'meeting-letters' I have been given by the Jobcentre, for meetings on Thursday.
I'm wondering which time is right. Am I supposed to go to both meetings?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 4:23 PM Subject: Re: Contact Details and further info To: Winter Nic JCP WILLIAMSON SQUARE < NIC.WINTER@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>
Hi Mr. Winter,
thank you for your e-mail! My last day with Sencia was 20/12.
I enclose a copy of the file from Sencia, saying that I have to call the Jobcentre, on 21/12.
But I'll also go to the Jobcentre, on Tuesday at 9 AM, if I don't hear anything else back from you, after you recieve this e-mail.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Winter Nic JCP WILLIAMSON SQUARE <NIC.WINTER@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:
Mr Ribsskog,
Please find my contact details below re telephone numbers. My email address is as this message nic.winter@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk . Please use these should there be any problem with the normal means of communication with the Jobcentre or an issue you need to query.
Unfortunately when we have looked at your claim, the provider Sencia has not yet advised us of the last date of your Employment Zone provision. This is probably because of the holidays. In order that we can quickly progress your claim could you attend Williamson Square as early as possible on Tuesday 4th January, we open at 09.00hrs, and we will get you to sign a statement stating the last date you attended. This will only take a few moments and should enable the benefit centre to have the information to assess your claim straight away. As soon as you complete this we will send the papers to the benefit centre, so it will be in your interest to have this done as early on 4th January as possible. Please speak to the Customer Service Manager at the podium by the door who will be able to direct you.
Yours faithfully,
Nic Winter
Jobcentre Manager | Williamson Square Jobcentre Plus | 20, Williamson Square | Liverpool | L1 1PW |Telephone 0151 801 5704 | TexBox 0845 6088551 | Mobile: 07720049195 | Merseyside CSD web site | North West CSD site
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