Erik Ribsskog
RE: Complaint Ref. 1-2605275373
Erik Ribsskog
Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 6:31 PM
"customercare@postoffice.co.uk" <customercare@postoffice.co.uk>
ok, I've noticed that the staff in this Post Office doesn't always give you all the receipts, if you buy both buy electricity and e.g. pay a giro.
So I sometimes only try to do one errand per visit, at that post office.
And that's why I ended up in the other Post Office, in County Rd., some weeks ago.
(After they have now refurbished, and gotten a proper sign, etc.
Because a part of their Post Office-sign had fallen down.
And it said Pet Shop, (or something), since it used to be a shop there earlier, one could see, around the time I moved back to Walton, in May last year).
And then a guy was standing outside this Post Office drinking a can of beer.
And he suddenly went inside the Post Office, and right to a window, not caring about the queue.
So this was odd, I think.
Maybe this was what they call street theater?
This incident seemed strange to me, at least.
Why don't they manage the queue, at that Post Office?
And I've worked in retail for many years, and haven't seen customers acting like that in the shops I've worked in.
If they drink they usually drink after they've done they're errands, (and not before), I think, (as a type of general rule), if I'm not mistaking.
But none of the Post Office-staff told this beer-drinking-guy to stand in line.
This was a bit strange incident, I think.
Aren't the Post Office supposed to manage the queue?
And why doesn't the Post Office e.g. call the Police when someone are standing drinking outside their branch in the afternoon?
Erik Ribsskog
On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 10:15 AM, customercare@postoffice.co.uk <customercare@postoffice.co.uk > wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your email, which I have passed to our Customer Care Team who were dealing with your complaint.
If you need to contact us, please phone us on the number shown below quoting the above reference number. Or you can email us via customercare@postoffice. co.uk
Kind regards
Kevin Storr
Customer Service Advisor.
Telephone: 08457 22 33 44
Textphone : 08457 22 33 55 (For the Deaf and Hard of Hearing)
FROM: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
TO: "customercare@postoffice.co.uk
SENT: 10 August 2013 11:53:39 (GMT Standard Time)
yes, the woman who didn't do the certificates rights, was named Sue, by the
way, her college said.
I was there at around 5 PM, and at the same time Royal Mail was there to
collect the post, so when I complained, the packets had been collected
already, I think.
Perhaps that's why they couldn't make the certificates again.
I haven't seen the Sue-woman there before.
Normally it's the woman who has been to Western Norway on a cruise from
Southampton, (she told me once, probably since I sent a lot of post to
Norway), and also another woman with amputated fingers, for some reason.
I started going to this post office, (and not the other one in County
Road), because the other Post Office's sign, had fallen down, when I moved
to Walton again, a bit more than a year ago.
Just something more I thought about after reading your e-mail from today.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 10:40 AM, customercare@postoffice.co.uk <
customercare@postoffice.co.uk> wrote:
> Dear Mr Ribsskog
> Thank you for your email regarding County Road (Liverpool) Post Office
> branch.
> Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience that you have been
> caused. I have recorded the details of your complaint under our reference
> number 1-2605275373 and we are looking into the matter for you. You
> should expect to receive a full response to your complaint via
> e-mail within the next 10 working days.
> If you need to contact us, please call us on the number shown below
> quoting our reference number. Or you can email us via *
> customercare@postoffice.co.uk*
> If you need any further help with Post Office® products and services, you
> can call 0845 722 33 44 between 8.15 am and 6 pm Monday to Friday, and
> 8.30 am to 2.00 pm on Saturday. You can also access information at *
> www.postoffice.co.uk**,* the official Post Office® website.
> Yours sincerely
> Lesley Lindley
> Customer Service Advisor.
> Telephone: 08457 22 33 44
> Textphone : 08457 22 33 55 (For the Deaf and Hard of Hearing)
> ------ ORIGINAL MESSAGE -----
> FROM: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
> TO: customercare@postoffice.co.uk
> SENT: 07 August 2013 22:20:41 (GMT Standard Time)
> Hi,
> I was at the Post Office in 34 County Road again today.
> I had four packets for my web-shop, (I sell sweets like Glacier Mints to
> mostly Norway).
> And I specifically asked for Certificates of Posting, for each packet.
> Yet, when I went out of the Post Office, I noticed I had only been given
> two certificates, (and two receipts).
> So I went in again, and the Post Office-woman who has been on holiday in
> Norway, (she told me once), wrote the address on the receipts.
> And she told me that I could download a Certificate of Posting-form, from
> your web-site.
> I said that was a good idea.
> And I think I found that form now, when I searched on the internet.
> So I'm going to start using it, I thought.
> But anyway, I think that when I ask for the certificates.
> Then I should have been given them.
> If the Post Office offer a service.
> (That is to issue certificates of posting).
> Then they should do it properly, I think.
> And the reason I want these certificates, is that once, some packets to
> Norway used long time.
> And the customer contacted me.
> And I only had the receipts.
> How could I prove that I'd send the packets to the customer then?
> The receipts could have been for packets I'd sent another customer.
> I couldn't prove it wasn't.
> So after this happened, I'd wanted to have the certificates of posting.
> To be able to prove I've sent packets, when they use long time.
> I think it's a bit wrong that I have to do this work-task.
> Because sometimes post office-staff just makes these certificates
> automatically.
> So I think that all Post Office-staff are meant to be apply to make them.
> I think that the Post Office should do things properly.
> If you offer a service you should do it properly, I think.
> I've now sent more than a hundred packets with sweets, (from my
> to Norway and the USA.
> And I think I must have bought 'stamps' from you, for around £1000.
> So I think I'm a quite good customer with you.
> So I don't think it's right that you don't make the certificates of
> posting, when I ask for them.
> But I'm going to try to use your forms now.
> Even if I also have to fill out a form for the custom, so it gets a bit
> many forms now, so to speak.
> (At least if there isn't a problem with my printer running out of ink, or
> something like that.
> I wonder if I have to have extra printer-ink here now, since I have to
> print out so many forms now, for sending the packets, from my web-shop).
> Regards,
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Paula Loach <paula.loach@royalmail.com>
> Date: Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 12:56 PM
> Subject: Post Office Ref: 1-2433956351
> To: "eribsskog@gmail.com" <eribsskog@gmail.com>
> Customer Service Centre
> PO Box 740
> Brampton
> S73 0ZJ
> Tel 0845 722 33 44
> Fax 01226 273690
> Textphone (for people who are deaf
> or hard of hearing) 08457 22 33 55
> Email customercare@postoffice.co.uk
> Ref: 1-2433956351
> Dear Mr Ribsskog
> Thank you for letting me know about your experience at County Road Post
> Office® branch on 21 February 2013.
> I am sorry that the Branch Assistant who served you was rude towards you
> and had closed down his work station despite the branch still being open.
> also understand that you have concerns over the actions of the Branch
> Manager. I do appreciate the concern that this matter has caused you and
> please accept my sincere apologies for this.
> Please be assured that complaints of this nature are taken very
> I have therefore phoned the Branch Manager as part of my investigation.
> has asked that I pass on her apologies and advised that the individual
> concerned is a relief staff member who covers when other staff members
> on annual leave or on sick leave. However she has been reminded of the
> polite and professional service we expect her and her staff members to
> maintain in accordance with Post Office standards.
> I am confident that the above action will improve the service in branch.
> do rely on customer feedback to improve the service we provide so please
> feel free to contact us if you have any further issues.
> The details of your complaint have been included and recorded under the
> above reference number. If you need to contact us again about this
> matter,it would help us if you could quote our reference number to
> enable us to
> quickly access the information.
> Once again please accept my apologies for any distress caused by this
> incident.
> If we can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact
> again by emailing customercare@postoffice.co.uk or by clicking reply to
> this message.
> To help us improve the service we provide, an independent agency conducts
> telephone interviews with a sample of customers who have used our
> each month. All feedback is welcomed and used to further improve the
> service. If you are contacted and do not wish to take part, please let
> interviewer know. If you prefer not to be contacted please call 020 7357
> 8522 within seven days of the date of this letter and quote the reference
> from the top of this letter, to the agency.
> If you need any further help with Post Office products and services, you
> can call 0845 722 33 44 between 8.15 am and 6 pm from Monday to Friday,
> 8.30 am to 2 pm on Saturday. You can also access information
atwww.postoffice.co.uk, the official Post Office website.
> Yours sincerely
> Paula Loach
> Paula Loach
> Customer Care
> Telephone: 08457 22 33 44
> Textphone: 08457 22 33 55 (For the deaf and Hard of Hearing)
> Email address: customercare@postoffice.co.uk
> *If you have difficulty reading this e-mail, it is available in a
> format free of charge. Just telephone 08457 22 33 44*
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