Erik Ribsskog
New complaint/Fwd: FW: RE: FW: Complaint about the Post Office in Winslow St., Walton, Liverpool
Erik Ribsskog
Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 5:52 PM
"customercare@postoffice.co.uk" <customercare@postoffice.co.uk>
"emb.london" <emb.london@mfa.no>, fampo@hotmail.com, "mail.gva" <mail.gva@efta.int>, mail.bxl@efta.int, efta-lux@ec.europa.eu
today, I went to the post office in County Road/Church Street.
It says on the internet that they close at 17.30.
I was there at around 16.45, and they were closed.
It says on the internet that they close at 17.30.
I was there at around 16.45, and they were closed.
It was metal in front of the windows.
And metal in front of the door, (except for the bottom half of the door).
This means closed, to me.
I then went to the Post Office in Winslow St.
A Pakistani guy stood in front of me in the queue.
When a Pakistani woman was finished being served, the Pakistani guy went of the queue.
And I had to ask him if he was queing.
He said no, even if he had been queing right before.
He was just waiting, for someone, while he queued, it seemed.
This was when Royal Mail was there, I noticed.
After a while I got served.
Today it was your usual staff.
The woman who has been on a cruise to Norway.
And the one with amputated fingers on one hand.
The amputee served me.
She said that Post Office should have still been opened.
Was it to try to trick me in there through the half-closed door and to execute me?
Only during invasions post-offices close early, I think.
Have you been taken over by some type of African which-doctors, or something?
Is it Bilderberger Group?
And no uniforms or name-tags at Winslow St.
The ones who worked today are reasonable and polite.
But the Mary and a male staff in his 50's, are stubborn.
The only work there ocationally.
Are these some type of Bilderberger-actors, (or something), i'm wondering.
Today I got the receipts like I asked for.
It says the weight and everything.
Why do some staff refuse to do it like I ask them to?
Is it just to provoke, I'm wondering.
The Post Office close an hour early and refuse to make receipts.
It's like a scandal, I'd say.
Have you no standards when it comes to custommer-service?
And your e-mails looks like provocations as well, I think.
They are written by nerds and not business-people, I think.
It shows you don't take complaints seriously I think.
You can't just ask people to re-submit e-mails like people are machines.
You can ask polite if it was a specific informaton you wanted.
But not like in the forwared e-mail I think.
It's a provocation, it seems to me.
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: FW: RE: FW: Complaint about the Post Office in Winslow St., Walton, Liverpool
To: "customercare@postoffice.co.uk
Cc: "emb.london" <emb.london@mfa.no>
Dear Sir / Madam ?
Resubmit e-mail?
What the sh*t is this?
I hope the bl**dy British post-offices are being closed down and that we get some European post-offices here in stead.
Resubmit e-mail?
What the sh*t is this?
I hope the bl**dy British post-offices are being closed down and that we get some European post-offices here in stead.
Brits don't know anything about customer-service.
They don't know how to serve.
They're just stuck up.
And there seems to just be idiots, who deals with complaints.
They tell me one thing.
And then they change it.
It's a joke.
How can you be this un-professional.
I went to the post-office in Bootle today, and no receipt.
If I go to the food shop I always get a receipt.
But not at the post office.
How hard can it be?
You can't tell people to resubmit their e-mails and send funny e-mails like this.
The post-office woman tells me to put the letter on the scale, even if its a woman standing in front of the scale.
Erik Ribsskog
On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 4:21 PM, customercare@postoffice.co.uk <customercare@postoffice.co.uk > wrote:
FROM: "customercare@postoffice.co.uk
TO: customercare@postoffice.co.uk
SENT: 25 November 2013 12:01:11 (GMT Standard Time)
Dear Sir / Madam
Thank you for your email.
Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience you may have been caused.
It is always disappointing to hear of any customer’s dissatisfaction with
our business. However, so that we can assist you with your complaint please
re-submit your email giving your full name title and postal address, Post
Office details and
full nature of the complaint, such as the weight, size and cost of your
Once the details are received the Post Office Customer Care Team will
investigate the complaint for you.
Please accept my apologies once again.
If we can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us
again. Please reply via the website customercare@postoffice.co.uk as a
reply sent to any other email address will not receive a response.
Yours sincerely
Yvonne Leadbeater
Customer Care
FROM: "customercare@postoffice.co.uk
TO: customercare@postoffice.co.uk
SENT: 22 November 2013 10:24:18 (GMT Standard Time)
------ ORIGINAL MESSAGE -----FROM: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>TO:
November 2013 18:06:01 (GMT Standard Time)Hi,I went to the Post Office in
Winslow St. now.The post office-woman whohas been with a ship to Norway
wasn't workingnow.In stead it was Mary.Marycomplained about that I had
complained about her.(To you).I asked her whenthis was.She answered some
months ago.But I have sent hundreds of packetsto Norway, from my web-shop.I
can't remember what happens every time I goto the post-office.Because you
have so many different certificates ofposting.And there has also been a lot
of complaints surrounding thatpostoffice staff are stubborn, and don't want
to give me the typeofcertificate of posting, that I ask for.But I thought
this was resolvednow.What was that Mary was trying to tell me, I was
wondering.When I gothome now, I see that Mary haven't given me
receipts.Only 2 x HorizonCertificate of Posting.But it doesn't say the
price, of the postage, onthese receipts.And it doesn't say the weight.I
paid eight pounds andsomething, (if I remember it right).What was the exact
amount I was paying,I was wondering.Also what was the weight, (for each
packet).(Just so that Ihave this information, to prove to the customers,
thatI've sent thesepackets.If the packets take weeks.Like happened
once).Also, Mary startedasking me what the value of the packets were.I've
sent hundreds of packetsto Norway earlier, but can't rememberthat they ask
me that.I'd also filledout a form, for the customs, (at home), like I
alwaysuse to do, I'dsay.Also, an old woman, (a manager), stod besides Mary,
the wholetime.Without saying who she was.I'd like to complain about this
poorcustomer-service, please.I've gone to commerce and office-school,
inNorway, for three years.I've gone to a private academy name NHI.I've
workedin retail for fifteen years, and in retail-management foraround ten
years.Idon't like to be naged on, about month old cases, when I go to
thePostOffice.When I e-mail you about a case, then this should be dealt
withinwriting, I think.And not months later, by a hostile
postoffice-worker.Maybe in Russia, but not in the western world, I
think.Thatwas like this woman had her periode, or something, I think.The
Post Officeshould be better organised, I think.You have an organisation,
and you coulduse that to inform staff,about desitions, in a case.So that
they aren'tgoing to bring up month old cases, when people goto the Post
Office.That'sout of place, I think.And that case must have been resolved, I
think.Soplease tell your staff to stop hasassing me when I go to
thepost-office,and patronising me like acting like my mother.And which
amount should I putin the book-keeping, 8 pounds and X pence?And the weight
on these twopackets please, (in case the customerswant to see the receipt
that showsI've sent their
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