Erik Ribsskog
Your letter from Birkenhead Benefit Centre, from 28/1, (Your ref: JSA 6 th Floor/P. Wright JSA Maintenance Team)
Erik Ribsskog
Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 1:41 PM
Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>
"emb.london" <emb.london@mfa.no>, post@mfa.no, info@linskills.co.uk
I'm refering to your letter from 28/1, which I received today, (and
attach a scanned copy of).
Your letter mentions something about that there haven't been a
significant change in my trading pattern.
How can you know this?
Do you have Jobcentre-staff at the Post Offices?
(I didn't understand this.
So I send copies of this e-mail to the Norwegian Embassy in London
just in case).
About my two businesses, (book-self-publishing and web-shops).
You have first told me my web-shops were a hobby.
Then, (in 2012, I think it was), you wanted me to report about how
much I worked, forthnightly, at the Jobcentre, (on sign on-meetings).
Then, (last year), you told me I didn't have to report about the
businesses, on the sign on-meetings, any longer.
Now, it seems that you want to know exactly when I've been working
with these two hobby-businesses.
I didn't understand it like you wanted me to write down exactly when
I'm working with these small businesses.
I thought you were going to tell me in advance before you wanted me to
start reporting about this, on the sign on-meetings again.
So I haven't made notes about this.
But I have however, had it in the back of my head, the whole time,
that I shouldn't work more than the allowed sixteen hours, every week,
with my businesses.
So I've worked less than 16 hours, every week, since you told me to
stop reporting about this, on the sign on-meetings.
Please tell me if that's not ok, that I continue to do it like that.
I can start to write the exact hours down again, if you want me to,
(please just tell me if so).
The businesses still aren't running in plus.
But these are long-term hobby-businesses, I'd say.
I have hopes for them to turn around soon.
The books, are going to give me income, for the rest of my life, I think.
I just need to get them right.
(There have been problems with that the books haven't had page-numbers.
And I've been working lately, on Saturdays, with this problem.
And I'm going to be finished with this, later this year).
The web-shops, I plan to better the design on, after I'm finished with
the books.
And then I plan to start market them, on Facebook, etc.
Then they should do better economically, I think.
They also are part of my online portfolio, that I refer to, when I
apply for Web Design-jobs.
So I tolerate a few pounds loss, every month.
If I hadn't had the web-shops, I think my job-applications would have
looked a bit dum.
Also, the books, (which are mostly memoirs), help me document
employement-cases etc., that I have in Norway.
And stuff about my upbringing, etc.
So if the make a few pounds loss, one month, then that's like a hobby
also, so it's a bit like something I do instead of going to the
movies, or watch telly, (which both also cost money).
So I don't want to stop with these business even if they lose a bit money.
But I haven't given up turning them around.
But I only work with them a few hours every week/month, so it could
take some time.
But it's fun, and I learn from this, because I haven't had my own
business, when I lived, in Norway.
So both business owns me a few hundred pounds, but that's going to
turn around, in a few years time, I think.
I attach copies of the book-keeping, for both businesses, for the
months you mention, in your letter.
Please just contact me if there is anything more I should inform you
about regarding this.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
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