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torsdag 28. februar 2008

E-mail to the Ipcc, 28/2.

Re: Your Complaint To IPCC
28 February 2008
Re: Your Complaint To IPCC
Erik Ribsskog
Peter Crouch
28 February 2008 19:11


thank you very much for your answer!

Like I exlained earlier, I've lost a bit of confidence in the Merseyside Police, due
to the phoney e-mail addresses etc., so I don't think theres any point in me
going to any more meetings with them etc.
I'll just wait untill they're finished, and then I'll appeal to the Ipcc, for the Ipcc,
to have a look at the incidents collected.

Like I informed the Ipcc about in one of the former e-mail, which you are answering
me on now, I recieved a letter from the Merseyside Police, from 3/12, last year,
from an Inspector on the Complaints Investigation Bureau.

It says in the letter, that they want an answer, within 21 days from 3/12.

Then they were going to inform the Ipcc, that 'the need for further investigation
of your complaint be discontinued because of lack of co-operation'.

So I reackon I'll eighter hear from you, the Ipcc, or the Force then, once the Force
have finished with their enquieries.

And then I'll contact the Ipcc, when I've got confirmation from the Force or the Ipcc,
that the investigation from the Force have been discontinued.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog

On 2/28/08, Peter Crouch <> wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog,

I am writing in reference to your e-mail of 3rd January 2008 marked for
the attention of Douglas Cleaver. As the line manager for Sarah Brown
and previously the line manager for Joanne Fitzgerald, he has asked me
to respond to the concerns that you raise.

Firstly please accept my sincere apologies for the prolonged delay in
contacting you.

The first issue that you raised concerned an e-mail that you sent to my
colleague Joanne Fitzgerald on 10th November 2007, in which you
expressed a lack of confidence in the Police, following a meeting with
Walton Lane Police Station on 8th November 2007. You were informed by Ms
Fitzgerald that she had forwarded the e-mail to Michael Gibbs, the IPCC
Casework Manager who had been dealing with an Appeal that you had
submitted. Your concern appears to be a lack of response from Mr Gibbs.
Having looked into the matter I can see that Ms Fitzgerald asked Mr
Gibbs to consider whether the e-mail you had sent was part of the
previous Appeal. She also stated that he should pass the e-mail back if
he believed it to be a new complaint, which he duly did.
For your information the IPCC allocates the work to its staff based on
the category of work and geographical location of the force who are the
subject of the complaint. Accordingly all new complaints are dealt with
by my team at our London office and all Appeals, Dispensations and
Discontinuances are dealt with by the IPCC regional office dealing with
the Police Force concerned. In your case our Sale office deal with all
such matters regarding Merseyside Police related Appeals, Dispensation
And Discontinuances.
Since the e-mail of the 10th November 2007 was considered a new
complaint it was passed back to my department where it was assigned to
Casework Manager Sarah Brown, Joanne Fitzgerald having since moved into
a different department. Ms Brown contacted you on the 7th December 2007
and informed you that she had taken over the matter from Ms Fitzgerald.
However, I can see that since Ms Fitzgerald had informed you that she
had passed the e-mail to Mr Gibbs, you might still have expected a reply
from him even though you had been contacted by Ms Brown. I apologise if
there was any confusion there.
Also in your e-mail of 3rd January I notice that you refer to advice
received from Ms Brown that you should contact the police regarding your
lack of confidence in them. You state that this doesn't make sense.
While I appreciate you may wish the IPCC to become involved at this
point, you must remember that each police force is responsible for
considering complaints made against that force and for recording your
complaint. If you are not happy with the police's decision on recording
your complaint, you have the right to appeal to us. Therefore, while I
acknowledge your frustration with the response, Ms Brown advice to you
was appropriate.

You also raised 3 concerns following a new e-mail sent to Ms Fitzgerald
on 5th December 2007.
1) How to deal with a letter from the police.
2) How to deal with a letter from the IPCC, in connection with an
harassment episode on Walton Lane Police Station on 8/11.
3) The problem with Mr. Gibbs not answering the e-mail sent on 10th
November 2007.

You go on to say that you consider only the 2nd point to have been
answered by Sarah Brown. However I can see that Ms Brown contacted you
by e-mail on 11th December 2007 and stated that whilst the police are
conducting an investigation into your complaint the IPCC is unable to
intervene and is not able to dictate which department carries out this
investigation. She went on to say that you will need to speak to the
Professional Standards Department (PSD) of Merseyside Police to discuss
further. While I appreciate that this does not make specific reference
to the letter received from the police, dated 3rd December 2007, it is
quite clear that we were not able to intervene and that you should
contact the PSD. As for the 3rd point concerning Mr Gibbs not
responding, I assume that Mr Gibbs did not feel it was necessary to
contact you since Ms Brown was now dealing with the e-mail from you. Ms
Brown similarly did not make reference to Mr Gibbs since she had
informed you that she would be responding to the e-mail that you had
sent Miss Fitzgerald.

The final point you make in your e-mail, dated 3rd January 2008, was,
broadly, that the latest complaint should perhaps be dealt with together
with the previously made complaints. As you will be aware, the Appeal
that you submitted to IPCC in August 2007 had already been upheld and
the Merseyside Force instructed to 'record' your complaint. Therefore
they were already looking into that matter and the IPCC would not have
been able to instruct them to add any new matters to the existing
complaint. However, it is entirely possible that they might have chosen
to add them together once the new complaint was submitted. Once the
Force had completed their enquiries into any of the complaints that you
raised, you would have had a right to Appeal to the IPCC.

I hope that this e-mail addresses the concerns that you have raised and
helps to explain the process that the IPCC has to follow and the reasons
behind some of the decisions that we took.

yours sincerely

Peter Crouch
Senior Casework Manager
Telephone Complaints Centre
Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)
90 High Holborn
London WC1V 6BH
Direct Line: 020 7166 3123
Personal Fax: 020 7166 3423

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Letter from Currys, 17/2. (Recieved 28/2).

E-mail to the LSO, 28/2.

To Mrs. Wilton, Corporate Services Manager
28 February 2008
To Mrs. Wilton, Corporate Services Manager
Erik Ribsskog
Legal Services Ombudsman
28 February 2008 16:37


I'm refering to your letter, from 27/2, with the reference 40080, which I recieved today.

I'm sorry I'm not sending a letter back, since I've run out of ink for the printer, so sorry about this!

You want me to provide evidence why I suspect there could be some corruption involved regarding
LSO's processing on my complaint with references 39651 and 40800 on the Law Society.

I haven't got any spesific evidence on that there is corruption.
But I'll try again to explain why I suspect this.
The Law Society, made a lot of mistakes, regarding the complaints 39651 and 40800, and I your
investigation, more or less, freed the Law Society.
This is why I suspect there could have been corruption involved.

Since you, more or less, free the Law Society, even if I think they made a lot of mistakes.
So whay I wanted, with my enquiery to you, was for you to have a look at the files, and check
if you are agreeing with me, if you think there could be some corruption of some kind involved
in your investigation.

I'm going to have a closer look, in detail, at the LSO reports, when I have some days off work
in a couple of weeks, and then I'm going to contact you again, with a more specific
Sorry that I didn't have the time to look at the reports in detail today!

And sorry about that I send an e-mail and not a letter again!

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog

Letter from the LSO, 27/2.

E-mail to Amnesty, 28/2.

Re: Fw: Regarding help from Amnesty
28 February 2008
Re: Fw: Regarding help from Amnesty
Erik Ribsskog
28 February 2008 15:18


I was just wondering why you can't help.

I'm a refugee from Norway.

I think, (I've overheard), that the government has been using me as a spy/target-guy.

And this is against my will and knowledge, and without that I have understood what has been going on, and the context surrounding this.

And now, noone are telling me anything.

And I have no overview over what my situation is.

And I don't know what has been goving on, and noone tells me anything.

I have tryed to get a dialog with the police in Norway and Britain, and with the Nowegian embassy in London, but I don't know who is on my side, and who I can trust.

I don't know what my situation is, and therefor I don't know what my side is in this.

I know that the government can't use people as spies/target-guys, against their will.

And the Government is torturing me, and are speculating in, that I will comit suicide, so that this, that they have used me as a spy/target-guy, against my will and knowledge, isn't goving to be known.

And I mean that the Government, has a duty to inform people of what has been going on, in cases where the person is involved.

I have collegues etc, that I don't know what has happened with since one and a half years ago.

And the Government aren't telling me anything.

And the Government aren't telling me anything about what has been going on, in connection with that I have been used as a spy/target-guy.

And the Government aren't telling anything about the mafia-stuff in the news etc.

So I don't know what my situation is.

And I have no possibility to get control, before I know what my situation is.

And you, in Amnesty, are just saying that you can't help me.

So I'm living in a hell, while the Government are waiting for me to kill myself.

To avoid that was has been going on, to be known.

I'm trying to get control, but the Government are laying obstacles in the way, for a trial I'm trying to get through the justice system.

So there is no respect for human rights.

And I'm going to bring up these braches against my rights, from the Goverment, if I get control, and find out what the situation is, and get the oppertunity to do this.

So in the meantime I'm here in a hell.

So I was wondering how it can be, that you in Amnesty can't help, with these problems, that obviously are breaches on my human rights from the Government.

I'm just saying the Government, but it is the Goverment in Norway, the Government in Britain, and also the Government in the USA is involved, it seems.

So I understand that you say that you, Amnesty UK, can't help me with this.

But I was wondering why you can't help me.

And also, who it is, who helps people with breaches like this, on their human rights.

Thank you very much for you help in advance!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog

On 2/25/08, <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your further email. I am very sorry that Amnesty International UK is unable to advise further on your situation.
I hope you are successful in finding some assistance.

John Hook
Supporter Care Team
Amnesty International UK

"Erik Ribsskog" <>
21/02/2008 15:40
"" <>

Re: Fw: Regarding help from Amnesty


I might have sent an answer to this e-mail earlier, but I thought I'd send an update now, due to some
problems with the Sivilombudsmannen.

The Sivilombudsmannen, was actually the right place to complain about the government ignoring e-mails and
not answering correspondence.

So I think that was very impressing, that you managed to find the right place in Norway to complain, even
if you are the British department of amnesty, and also the Norwegian department Amnesty was unable to
help me finding the right place in Norway to complain, so I think that was very impressive of the British
department of Amnesty!

But, it seems to me now, that the Sivilombudsmannen, are having some problem with some sort of
corruption there.

(I'm going to send a copy of an e-mail I sent them regarding this).

And it seems like the problems I'm having, are of an urgent nature, so I'm not sure if I have the time to
wait, untill the Sivilombudsmannen, have managed to sort the problems they are having with what
seems to be corruption or some delaying of the complain-procedure etc.

And also, I thought I'd tell you this, in case, even if it's maybe unlikly, that someone else ask you
about problems like this, that you should then maybe think twice, before you recomend the
Sivilombudsmannen again, since it seems that they are a maybe a bit temporarely, not functioning
like they should be, since it seems like they are having some problems with corruption of some sort.

To be honest, I'm not really sure exactly, what the problems really are, because noone have really
told me anything about this, so I have to try to deduct what it is, that is going on.

I'm enclosing a copy of the latest 'teory', regarding what I think could be going on, that I wrote on
You Tube yesterday, I'm going to enclose that in it's own e-mail.

And I'm also going to send a copy of the e-mail I wrote the Sivilombudsmannen today, regarding
the problems there, even if that e-mail is in Norwegian, I have unfortunatly not had the time
to translate it, but I'm sending it anyway, since I'm refering to the e-mail in this e-mail.

So I hope this is alright, and thanks again for the advice regarding who to contact in Norway.

If you have any more advice, by any chance, on who contact, regarding the problems mentioned
in the enclosure, then I think it would be very fine.

I write in the You Tube enclosure, that I hadn't really got any help from Amnesty.

Then I think of the Norwegian and EU-amensty departments.

So sorry that I forgot that I had got help from the British amnesty, regarding the Norwegian

I should have remembered that when I wrote the You Tube comment.

So sorry about this!

Hope this is alright, and thanks in advance if you by any chance have some more advice on who
to contact regarding the probelms!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On 11/7/07, <> wrote:

Dear Erik,

Thank you for your further email received yesterday. I did send the following reply (on November 2nd) to your earlier enquiry, which I am now re-sending in case it did not reach you.

With kind regards

John Hook
Supporter Care Team
Amnesty International UK
----- Forwarded by John Hook/UK/Amnesty International on 07/11/2007 13:57 -----
Sent by: John Hook
02/11/2007 12:06

"Erik Ribsskog" <>

Re: Regarding help from AmnestyLink

Dear Erik

Thank you for your further email. I am sorry that Amnesty International UK is unable to advise on your situation, although I have come up with the following link to the website of the Norwegian Ombudsman, who may be able to help.

I hope you are successful in finding some assistance.

Best wishes

John Hook
Supporter Care Team
Amnesty International UK
Tel: 020 7033 1777

Amnesty International UK
The Human Rights Action Centre
17-25 New Inn Yard

"Erik Ribsskog" <>
30/10/2007 00:48

"" <>

Re: Regarding help from Amnesty


thank you very much for your answer!

Are you sure that don't getting help when one are in the risk of being executed/sacrificed/tortured, isn't
under the cathegory 'cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment', like you are mentioning in your e-mail?

I also suspect that this case falls under this point: 'ending extra-judicial executions and "disappearances"'.

At least this is how it seems to me, even if these things can be difficult to document sometimes I
guess, at least before it has happened.

But not getting help from the government is a specific human rights violation.

Your Norwegian section, answered me that they can't investigate crime-cases, which was not what I
asked them for advice on at all.

So I don't understand how they could be right, since they didn't even understand the problem.

The problem was lack of help from the Government, and also harassment, probably 'set ups' from the
Government, and that they speculate, in not answering e-mails etc.

And it seem like someone have instructed my bank, not to give me a loan or an overdraft as well.

And the Government isn't informing me on what's goving on, even it's clear to me that I'm followed
by mafia, like I've heard it being said.

And also, even if the company I used to work in is/was full of criminals, I guess mafia/mob, and
the Police are only pretending that nothing is going on, and are keeping me in the dark about all

So without me being an expert on human rights, I can't see it differently, than that the Government
must be breaching my human rights, and I haven't managed to get any help regarding this.

But since you are working with human rights issues, then maybe you know a bit about how to
deal with problems like this, so maybe you could give me some advice regarding who I should
contact, or how should go forward with cases like this?

I understand that you aren't working on cases were human rights are being breached by Governments(?)

And I know that I've already written an e-mail to you regarding this.

But I thought I'd try just once more, to hear if you knew about any organisations who deals with problems
involiving human rights being breached by Governments, in the way I've explained in this e-mail.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On 10/29/07, <> wrote:

Dear Erik,

Thank you for your email.

However, I'm afraid that the Norwegian Section is correct as the issue you raise does not fall within our mandate.
Amnesty International works on specific human rights violations, and our mission focuses in particular on:
campaigning to abolish the death penalty, torture, and other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
ending extra-judicial executions and "disappearances";
protecting the human rights of refugees and asylum seekers;
protecting the human rights of non-combatants in armed conflicts;
working for fair and prompt trials for all political prisoners;
seeking the release of all prisoners of conscience.

Of course there are many other issues of concern around the world, but Amnesty does not have the resources to work on every issue.
The issues we work on are decided by our membership through our internal democratic decision-making processes.

I hope that you may be able to find some assistance from another organisation.

Rachel Armitage

Supporter Care Team
Amnesty International UK
Tel: 020 7033 1777

Amnesty International UK
The Human Rights Action Centre
17-25 New Inn Yard

"Erik Ribsskog" <>
26/10/2007 02:47


Regarding help from Amnesty


I'm a Norwegian living in Britain, and I've been in contact with the Norwegian department of Amnesty,
regarding lack of respect from the Government in connection with human rights issues.

What I've contacted them about, was that the Norwegian Government, (Politidirektoratet/justisdepartementet),
isn't answering my e-mails.

And also the 'Spesialenheten' (the Norwegian equivalent of ipcc), have been using more than six months,
and have still not decided if they are going to investigate my complaint against representatives from
the Norwegian special police 'Kripos', or not.

So it's obvious that they are delaying this.

This might not seem so important, but the point is, that this is in regards to me being followed by organised
criminals or mafia, in both Norway and Britain.

And the point is, that this can lead to people being killed/executed/tortured.

And also, if the police is aware of this, like the Norwegian police are, since I've told them, and still don't help,
maybe they have problems getting evidence against the criminals/mafia, and then hope that they will kill,
so that they will get evidence in that way. (I would call it people sacrifice).

This is how it seems to me that it must have been, or still is, for all that I know.

And I contacted the Norwegian department of Amnesty, earlier this week, but they only said that Amnesty
wasn't dealing with investigating crime.

But that's not at all what I contacted them about, I contaced them about the problem that the Government
are ignoring peoples rights, with the consequense that people can end up murdered/tortured etc.

So I think, since they are working with human-rights issues, on a daily basis, then I can't really understand,
how it could be possible for them to not understand what I was contacting them about.

So I'm a bit worried that something might be wrong in the Norwegian Amnesty department.

And this case is also linked to Britain, so I was wondering if it's right that Amensty aren't dealing with
serious breaches of human rights from Governments.

And also how I should go forward if I wanted to complain about the Norwegian of Amnesty, since it seems to
me that something must be wrong there.

And I think that this would be serious, since I've always thought that Amnesty is an important organisation,
and that you are doing valuable work around the world.

I'm also going to forward you copies of the correspondence I've been having with the Norwegian deparment
of Amnesty regarding this.

I know that they are in Norwegian, but I'm sending them anyway, just for formalitys sake.

I hope that this is alright, and I hope that you have the chance to have a look at this!

Thank you very much for your help in advance!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Spion/Target-guy. (In Norwegian).

Jeg tror, (jeg har overhørt), at myndighetene har brukt meg som en spion/target-guy.

Og dette er mot min vilje og viten, og uten at jeg har skjønt hva som har foregått, og sammenhengen rundt dette.

Og nå, så sier de ikke noe.

Og jeg har ikke noe oversikt over hva situasjonen min er.

Jeg vet ikke hva som har foregått, og ingen sier noe.

Og jeg vet ikke hvem jeg kan stole på.

Jeg har prøvd å få en dialog med politiet i Norge og Storbritannia, og ambasaden i London, men jeg vet ikke hvem som er på min side, og hvem jeg kan stole på.

Jeg vet ikke hva situasjonen er, så jeg vet egentlig ikke hva min side er engang.

Jeg vet at myndighetene ikke har lov å bruke folk som spion/target-guy mot deres vilje.

Så myndighetene piner meg vel da, og spekulerer i at jeg skal ta selvmord, sånn at dette, at de har brukt meg som spion/target-guy, mot min vilje og viten, ikke skal bli kjent.

Og jeg mener myndighetene har plikt til å opplyse folk om hva som har foregått i saker hvor de selv er innblandet.

Jeg har kolleger osv., som jeg ikke vet hva som har skjedd med på et og et halvt år.

Og myndighetene sier ikke noe.

Og myndighetene sier ikke noe om hva som har skjedd i forbindelse med at de har brukt meg som spion/target-guy.

Og myndighetene sier ikke noe om det mafia-greiene i nyhetene osv.

Så jeg vet ikke hva min situasjon er.

Jeg har ikke noe mulighet til å få kontroll, før jeg vet hva situasjonen er.

Og Amnesty bare sier at de ikke kan hjelpe meg.

Så da blir jeg bare levende i et helvete, mens myndighetene venter på at jeg skal ta selvmord da.

For å unngå at hva de har gjort skal bli kjent.

Jeg prøver å få kontroll, men myndighetene driver å legger hindringer i veien for en rettsak jeg prøver å få igang osv.

Så det er ingen respekt for menneskerettighetene osv.

Og jeg kommer til å ta opp disse bruddene på mine rettigheter fra myndighetenes side, hvis jeg får kontroll, og finner ut hva situasjonen er, og får muligheten til det.

Så i mellomtiden så finner dere meg her i helvete.

Alle har blitt hjernevaska. (In Norwegian).

Jeg har hørt mange tullete unnskyldninger...
Skrevet av Jan Guldvog 27.02.2008 kl. 19:18


"Mangler kompetanse

Killi mener Jernbaneverket mangler kompetanse.

- Vi har mistet kompetanse, noen ble bareiere i Thailand. Vi må leie inn folk utenfra."

Sitat slutt.

Jernbanedirektør Steinar Killi:

Ta din hatt og GÅ!!!

Med skuffet hilsen fra én, som har reist nok med tog, til å vite et og annet om hvor skoen trykker, og så ALDRI - jeg gjentar ALDRI - har fått reise med tog mellom Spikkestad og Drammen

Jan Guldvog

Nytt innlegg Svar på innlegg Varsle 1
anbefalingerBra! RE: Jeg har hørt mange tullete unnskyldninger...
Skrevet av cons 28.02.2008 kl. 00:08

Enig, hvis ikke organisasjonen klarer å beholde nøkkelmedarbeidere, og de ikke har nok kompetente folk, slik at de tåler å miste et par stykker, hvis de får nok av sjefene der og flykter til Thailand, så er det nok ledelsens ansvar.

At man så skal klage på at medarbeiderne flyktet til Thailand, så er det en dårlig unnskyldning.

Fordi det er vel en grunn til at de ikke ville være i Norge og jobbe i Jernbaneverket lengre?

Så kan vel tolkes å antagelig være grunnet forhold i organisasjonen, og da altså ledelsens ansvar.

For det andre, så er det ledelsens ansvar, å ha en sterk organisasjon, som tåler å miste folk.

Ingen i en organisasjon skal være uerstattelige, det mener jeg vi hørte, når jeg gikk 2. eller 3. klasse Handel og Kontor, og vi var på bedriftsbesøk hos en bank i Drammen, og lederen for personavdelingen forklarte.

Så det var altså jobben hans å blant annet sørge for at han selv ikke ble uerstattelig.

Så dette er ledelsens ansvar i Jernbaneverket, at de ikke har bygd opp en sterk nok organisasjon, som tåler at et par stykker drar til Thailand og starter pub.

At ikke direktøren for jernbanene har lært dette, når man lærer det i 2. klasse handel og kontor, da kan man lure på hvor forstokket, eller hva det riktige ordet er, disse folka er, for å generalisere litt.

Og dessuten, så tar han ikke ansvaret selv.

Han tar ikke ansvaret for at han som direktør, ikke har klart å bygge opp en sterk organisasjon.

Så det er ansvarsfraskrivelse, han bare skylder på de to som dro til Thailand.

Så jeg er enig med konklusjonen din, om at hvis ting hadde være normale, altså hvis staten hadde vært som det private næringsliv, eller som statsektoren i andre land, så burde nok han direktøren tatt hatten sin å gått ja.

Han sier at de mangler kompetanse, og det er nok ikke umulig det.

Men så spørrs det, om de ikke kanskje mangler mest kompetanse i den øvre ledelsen?

Nytt innlegg Svar på innlegg Varsle 0
anbefalingerBra! RE: Jeg har hørt mange tullete unnskyldninger...
Skrevet av Jan Guldvog 28.02.2008 kl. 04:03

Takk for gode, kloke og velvalgte ord!!! :)

Med vennlig hilsen

Jan Guldvog

Nytt innlegg Svar på innlegg Varsle 1
anbefalingerBra! RE: Jeg har hørt mange tullete unnskyldninger...
Skrevet av cons 28.02.2008 kl. 08:14


takk for det!

Jeg skriver masse debattinnlegg, nå om dagen, fordi det virker som om man blir ofret av myndighetene, i deres kamp mot noe multinasjonal mafia.

Eller hva som kan være den egentlige grunnen.

Jeg mistenker at myndighetene kan være innvolvert.

Det er i allefall sikkert, at det er at det virker som at de bryr seg null og niks om folks rettigheter, og ofrer vanlige folk gladelig.

I allefall hvis de har lyst hår.

Sånn virker det i allefall for meg, her har jeg prøvd å forklare.

Du virker som en oppegående kar, så jeg tenkte jeg kunne ta med om dette, fordi jeg synes det virker som om myndighetene holder disse problemene dekket over, ovenfor innbyggerne i de forskjellige landene.

Og for å ta med noe om jernbaneverket, så virker det jo som at noe må være galt med myndighetene, og skolesystemet, siden tydeligvis ingen av de setter komptetanse i høysetet.

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anbefalingerBra! RE: Jeg har hørt mange tullete unnskyldninger...
Skrevet av Jan Guldvog 28.02.2008 kl. 08:46

Tusen hjertelig takk for rosen... :)

Den dèr satt - jeg èr - dessverre - 100% UFØR...

Med vennlig hilsen

Jan Guldvog

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anbefalingerBra! RE: Jeg har hørt mange tullete unnskyldninger...
Skrevet av cons 28.02.2008 kl. 09:15


takk for svar!

Jeg prøver bare å fortelle det jeg vet, og det er at det virker som om politiet er del av noe mafia/illuminati nettverk, som er oppe å kjører i Norge, og som har en agenda mot lyshårede folk.

Det er i hvertfall sånn det virker for meg.

Så da tenkte jeg at jeg kunne benytte anledningen, når man støter på folk som det virker som har litt evne til å tenke selv, og som ikke er, mer eller mindre, hjernevaska til å tro at Norge er det beste landet i verden, og alt i Norge er best i verden.

Fordi jeg tror dette er bare noe myndighetene vil at folk skal tro.

Egentlig er Norge gjennomkorrupt, og styrt av mafia.

Se f.eks. EU.

Her når de åpnet den frøbanken på Svalbard, så forsikret EU-lederen, han portugiseren, den norske pressen om, at Norge når som helst kan få bli medlem av EU.

Jeg lurer på hvorfor EU hele tiden forsikrer Norge om det.

Norge er så medlem av EU man kan bli, uten å være medlem av EU.

Vi har de samme reglene og lovene som EU, men vi har ikke noe innflytelse.

Vi har ikke noe vi skulle ha sagt, men er i praksis, bortsett fra det, medlem av EU.

Er det sånn, at EU ikke vil ha oss med?

Hvorfor skulle Norge ønske en type medlemskap, som innebærer null inflytelse, men at man må følge alle påleggene.

Blir Norge tullet med av resten av verden?

Som noe ledd i en agenda som har med jødisk verdensherredømme, eller som en hevn for hva vikingene gjorde?

Blir hver enkelt lyshårede nordmann tullet med hele livet, av noe Illuminati-nettverk?

Jeg har skrevet mer om hva jeg vet på bloggen i hvertfall, og mesteparten har jeg funnet ut ved å lese på nettet osv.

Men det virker litt som om det er som de sier i Grandiosa full pakke videoen, som er regisert av vennen til Jens Stotenberg, han vennen som var eks-mannen til Yssen fra Valla saken.

Så det kan virke som om at ting henger sammen, og at det er noe nettverk ute å går.

'Alle har blitt hjernevaska', sier de i Grandiosa full pakke reklamen, laget av vennen til Stoltenberg.

Egentlig skrevet av Lars Kilevold vel, men det kan jo tenkes at reklamemannen har hatt et ord med i valget av refreng osv.

Siden han var ansvarlig for hvordan reklamen til slutt endte opp, mener jeg.

Så det er bra at det fortsatt dukker opp folk som det virker som har evne til å tenke selv da, og at ikke alle har blitt helt hjernevaska.

Det står mer om hva som foregår i Storbritannia osv., på den bloggen, men det virker ikke som om det er noen som står opp mot maktmisbruk fra myndighetene.

Ofrer folk gladelig. (In Norwegian).

Jeg har hørt mange tullete unnskyldninger...
Skrevet av Jan Guldvog 27.02.2008 kl. 19:18


"Mangler kompetanse

Killi mener Jernbaneverket mangler kompetanse.

- Vi har mistet kompetanse, noen ble bareiere i Thailand. Vi må leie inn folk utenfra."

Sitat slutt.

Jernbanedirektør Steinar Killi:

Ta din hatt og GÅ!!!

Med skuffet hilsen fra én, som har reist nok med tog, til å vite et og annet om hvor skoen trykker, og så ALDRI - jeg gjentar ALDRI - har fått reise med tog mellom Spikkestad og Drammen

Jan Guldvog

Nytt innlegg Svar på innlegg Varsle 1
anbefalingerBra! RE: Jeg har hørt mange tullete unnskyldninger...
Skrevet av cons 28.02.2008 kl. 00:08

Enig, hvis ikke organisasjonen klarer å beholde nøkkelmedarbeidere, og de ikke har nok kompetente folk, slik at de tåler å miste et par stykker, hvis de får nok av sjefene der og flykter til Thailand, så er det nok ledelsens ansvar.

At man så skal klage på at medarbeiderne flyktet til Thailand, så er det en dårlig unnskyldning.

Fordi det er vel en grunn til at de ikke ville være i Norge og jobbe i Jernbaneverket lengre?

Så kan vel tolkes å antagelig være grunnet forhold i organisasjonen, og da altså ledelsens ansvar.

For det andre, så er det ledelsens ansvar, å ha en sterk organisasjon, som tåler å miste folk.

Ingen i en organisasjon skal være uerstattelige, det mener jeg vi hørte, når jeg gikk 2. eller 3. klasse Handel og Kontor, og vi var på bedriftsbesøk hos en bank i Drammen, og lederen for personavdelingen forklarte.

Så det var altså jobben hans å blant annet sørge for at han selv ikke ble uerstattelig.

Så dette er ledelsens ansvar i Jernbaneverket, at de ikke har bygd opp en sterk nok organisasjon, som tåler at et par stykker drar til Thailand og starter pub.

At ikke direktøren for jernbanene har lært dette, når man lærer det i 2. klasse handel og kontor, da kan man lure på hvor forstokket, eller hva det riktige ordet er, disse folka er, for å generalisere litt.

Og dessuten, så tar han ikke ansvaret selv.

Han tar ikke ansvaret for at han som direktør, ikke har klart å bygge opp en sterk organisasjon.

Så det er ansvarsfraskrivelse, han bare skylder på de to som dro til Thailand.

Så jeg er enig med konklusjonen din, om at hvis ting hadde være normale, altså hvis staten hadde vært som det private næringsliv, eller som statsektoren i andre land, så burde nok han direktøren tatt hatten sin å gått ja.

Han sier at de mangler kompetanse, og det er nok ikke umulig det.

Men så spørrs det, om de ikke kanskje mangler mest kompetanse i den øvre ledelsen?

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anbefalingerBra! RE: Jeg har hørt mange tullete unnskyldninger...
Skrevet av Jan Guldvog 28.02.2008 kl. 04:03

Takk for gode, kloke og velvalgte ord!!! :)

Med vennlig hilsen

Jan Guldvog

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anbefalingerBra! RE: Jeg har hørt mange tullete unnskyldninger...
Skrevet av cons 28.02.2008 kl. 08:14


takk for det!

Jeg skriver masse debattinnlegg, nå om dagen, fordi det virker som om man blir ofret av myndighetene, i deres kamp mot noe multinasjonal mafia.

Eller hva som kan være den egentlige grunnen.

Jeg mistenker at myndighetene kan være innvolvert.

Det er i allefall sikkert, at det er at det virker som at de bryr seg null og niks om folks rettigheter, og ofrer vanlige folk gladelig.

I allefall hvis de har lyst hår.

Sånn virker det i allefall for meg, her har jeg prøvd å forklare.

Du virker som en oppegående kar, så jeg tenkte jeg kunne ta med om dette, fordi jeg synes det virker som om myndighetene holder disse problemene dekket over, ovenfor innbyggerne i de forskjellige landene.

Og for å ta med noe om jernbaneverket, så virker det jo som at noe må være galt med myndighetene, og skolesystemet, siden tydeligvis ingen av de setter komptetanse i høysetet.

Øvre ledelse. (In Norwegian).

Jeg har hørt mange tullete unnskyldninger...
Skrevet av Jan Guldvog 27.02.2008 kl. 19:18


"Mangler kompetanse

Killi mener Jernbaneverket mangler kompetanse.

- Vi har mistet kompetanse, noen ble bareiere i Thailand. Vi må leie inn folk utenfra."

Sitat slutt.

Jernbanedirektør Steinar Killi:

Ta din hatt og GÅ!!!

Med skuffet hilsen fra én, som har reist nok med tog, til å vite et og annet om hvor skoen trykker, og så ALDRI - jeg gjentar ALDRI - har fått reise med tog mellom Spikkestad og Drammen

Jan Guldvog

Nytt innlegg Svar på innlegg Varsle 0
anbefalingerBra! RE: Jeg har hørt mange tullete unnskyldninger...
Skrevet av cons 28.02.2008 kl. 00:08

Enig, hvis ikke organisasjonen klarer å beholde nøkkelmedarbeidere, og de ikke har nok kompetente folk, slik at de tåler å miste et par stykker, hvis de får nok av sjefene der og flykter til Thailand, så er det nok ledelsens ansvar.

At man så skal klage på at medarbeiderne flyktet til Thailand, så er det en dårlig unnskyldning.

Fordi det er vel en grunn til at de ikke ville være i Norge og jobbe i Jernbaneverket lengre?

Så kan vel tolkes å antagelig være grunnet forhold i organisasjonen, og da altså ledelsens ansvar.

For det andre, så er det ledelsens ansvar, å ha en sterk organisasjon, som tåler å miste folk.

Ingen i en organisasjon skal være uerstattelige, det mener jeg vi hørte, når jeg gikk 2. eller 3. klasse Handel og Kontor, og vi var på bedriftsbesøk hos en bank i Drammen, og lederen for personavdelingen forklarte.

Så det var altså jobben hans å blant annet sørge for at han selv ikke ble uerstattelig.

Så dette er ledelsens ansvar i Jernbaneverket, at de ikke har bygd opp en sterk nok organisasjon, som tåler at et par stykker drar til Thailand og starter pub.

At ikke direktøren for jernbanene har lært dette, når man lærer det i 2. klasse handel og kontor, da kan man lure på hvor forstokket, eller hva det riktige ordet er, disse folka er, for å generalisere litt.

Og dessuten, så tar han ikke ansvaret selv.

Han tar ikke ansvaret for at han som direktør, ikke har klart å bygge opp en sterk organisasjon.

Så det er ansvarsfraskrivelse, han bare skylder på de to som dro til Thailand.

Så jeg er enig med konklusjonen din, om at hvis ting hadde være normale, altså hvis staten hadde vært som det private næringsliv, eller som statsektoren i andre land, så burde nok han direktøren tatt hatten sin å gått ja.

Han sier at de mangler kompetanse, og det er nok ikke umulig det.

Men så spørrs det, om de ikke kanskje mangler mest kompetanse i den øvre ledelsen?


Populære innlegg

Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

Totalt antall sidevisninger

