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tirsdag 22. oktober 2013

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Her kan man se det, at jeg har solgt tilsammen 60 bøker, siden jeg begynte å publisere, på CreateSpace/Amazon, for et drøyt år siden. Det blir spennende å se, om dette eventuelt kommer til å ta av litt mer, etter at jeg er ferdig, med å publisere Min Bok 5-bøkene og også har fått satt på sidetall, på de av bøkene mine, som mangler dette. Vi får se

60 bøker

Nå har jeg solgt tilsammen åtte bøker, denne måneden. Jeg får litt lite royalties, (har jeg lagt merke til), fra den engelske og den europeiske versjonen, av Amazon. Så jeg har tenkt å se over dette, (sånn at jeg får like mye royalties, uansett hvilken Amazon-versjon, som bøkene mine blir solgt fra), etter at jeg er ferdig, med å publisere Min Bok 5-bøkene, (og etter at jeg også er ferdig med det, å liksom få satt på sidetall, på de av bøkene mine, som mangler dette)

litt lite royalties


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Jeg fortsetter å søke jobber. Denne gang som Store Manager Designate

Gmail - Store Manager Designate. (Ellesmere Port)


Erik Ribsskog

Store Manager Designate. (Ellesmere Port)

Erik Ribsskog


Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 5:13 PM



I read about this vacancy on the Direct Gov-website, and I wanted to
please apply for this job.

I've worked as a Store Manager for four years, (I was a
Cashier/Stocker from 1992 to 1994, then a Key Holder in the summer of
1994, then an Aspiring Manager the rest of 1994, then an Assistant
Manager, (in two different stores), from 1995 til 1998, then a Store
Manager, (in three different stores), from 1998 to 2002, then Key
Holder, (in two different stores while I studied full-time), from 2002
to 2004), in the Norwegian grocery-chain Rimi, (now owned by ICA).

I was responsible for motivating, training and developing up to 25
employees, at a time, when I worked as a Store Manager, in Rimi, and
one of the shops I worked as a Store Manager in, (Rimi Kalbakken, in
Oslo), from 2000 to 2001, had a weekly turn-over, at around 850.000
NOK, (which is around £90.000).

I've also worked as a full-time Cashier, (later part-time Cashier and
Delicatessen-employee, while studying), in the big hypermarked
Matland, (which was bought by Coop while I worked there, and changed
its name to OBS! Triaden), in Lørenskog in Norway.

I attach my CV and hope to hear back from you!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

CV (Retail) - Erik Ribsskog.doc

Nå har jeg jobbet med paperback-utgaven, av Min Bok 5. Jeg har ikke så mye igjen, på Bind 1. Jeg må rette sidetallene, i kapitteloversikten, og designe coveret. Men jeg skal prøve å bli ferdig, med Min Bok 5 - Bind 1, en av de neste dagene. Vi får se

min bok 5 bind 1 jobber med

Her er mer om den fotballkampen, som jeg var på, i dag, (mandag)

mer om fotballkamp


På en annen nettside, (som jeg så, da jeg kom hjem, fra kampen), så står det, at det gratis-tilbudet var, for den yngre generasjonen, (eller noe sånt):

yngre generasjon

Jeg sendte en e-post til Norsk Fotballforbund

Gmail - Update/Fwd: Mobbed at Goodison Park


Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Mobbed at Goodison Park

Erik Ribsskog


Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 2:00 AM



kan dere sende dette til engelske FA.

For jeg fant ikke e-post adressen deres, på deres nettsted.

På forhånd takk for hjelp fra en tidligere spiller på Berger IL,
(aldersbestemte lag), da jeg brukte min fars etternavn Olsen, (og jeg
var også linjedommer-vikar, i en kamp, for Berger IL, da jeg egentlig
var tilskuer, men ble mast på, om å være linjedommer, av en eller
annen Berger-kar, enda jeg bare var tenåring, og hadde blitt dratt med
dit, av min fars kolleger, som jeg egentlig bare skulle sitte på med,
på vei hjem fra Drammen).


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 1:09 AMSubject: Update/Fwd: Mobbed at Goodison Park


I live close to Goodison.

(In Keith Court).

And today, at around 7 PM, I suddently heard Z-cars, from Goodison.

I knew it wasn't a Premiere League-game, because I support Everton,
and know the next game is on Saturday.

But I wonder which fixture it was today, and checked your web-site.

It said it was a U21-fixture against Manchester United, (on the
front-page, on your web-site, I think it must have been).

And the words 'free fixture'.

I just got dressed and went to Goodison, (since the game had started).

And was there about ten minutes out in the game.

(Something like that).

The ticket-office was closed.

But I followed some other fans who was let in at Gwladys Street.

I asked in the door if it was a 'free fixture', and was let in, by a
guy dressed in a yellow reflex-jacket.

When I got home I read more about this on your web-site.

And it seems this was something for kids, when I read about this, on
your 'game web-page', (or what one should call it).

But that wasn't reflected on your front-page, at around 7PM, I think.

So you made me look a bit stupid now, I think.

I would have sent a copy e-mail to the FA now, if I had known their
e-mail address.

(I couldn't find it on their web-site).

Even if I've supported Everton since I was seven years old, around 1977/78.

The people who sat around me changed all the time.

It was a bit strange.

I even remember smelling sh*t, at one time in the second half, (from
one child there, who sat besides its mother, it seemed).

Are football-grounds now for kindergarden-kids?

The pubs are closing as well.

Aren't men allowed to be anywhere anylonger now, I remember thinking,
during a quiet periode of the game.

I wondered if I should join the conservative party, to get kids that
smells like sh*t, out of the football-grounds, at one time, during the
second half.

(Something like that.

I was in the conservative youth party, in Norway, in the 90's.

I was dragged there by an earlier class-mate).

I'm long-time unemployed.

So I can't afford to go to PL-games.

The last game I was on, was in 2010.

Then it was also an incident, (which one can read more about, in the
forwarded e-mail).

I was given a ticket, that didn't work, in the turn-stile/ticket-machine.

(It's like the turn-stile scandal, that I read about on a
football-exhibition, in the central library, some months before I went
to that game, in 2010).

But you at Everton FC. didn't clean that case up.

(I can't remember that you replied about that.

Even if I though I was being mobbed there).

Also, I've on a third game, at Goodison.

Back in 2005, I watched a CL-qualifier-game, against Villa Real.

And then a big guy sitting behind me deliberatly irritated me, the
whole game, with some part of his jacket.

And he had a 'Spanish' friend who seemed to be like a drone, or something.

And he was refered to as a 'mafia-guy', by the normal fans, (if I
over-heard right).

Also when I lived in Norway, in the 80's.

I once sent you money in an envelope, for some Everton FC-merchandise,
(like a scarf, or a shirt, or something like that).

But I never got any merchanidise or the envelope back.

What happened with those money, I was wondering.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 1:41 AM
Subject: Mobbed at Goodison Park


I went to see the Everton - Everton game yesterday, and I think I was
being mobbed, at the box-office.

I was in the queue, number 4, and a man in his early twenties, sat there.

I asked if I could get a ticket for free, since I had a receipt from
Tesco, showing that I bought four Chang-beer, for £4, on Tuesday.

But the young man said no.

I then asked for a £10 ticket, for the main stand.

But he said that there was only tickets for Lower Bullens left.

Now the strange thing happened.

The young man, left his seat, and a woman, in her early twenties, in a
thight blouse, sat down, and looked away, (while her boobs where
pointing at me, from behind the thight blouse).

She sat like that for a minute or two.

Then I think the young man was back, with the ticket.

What did he do with it?

I think he must have made it 'in-valid', in a machine, because when I
got to the turn-stile, then my ticket didn't work.

So that's why I think I was mobbed.

(I overheard in Oslo, in 2003, that I was followed by some 'mafian' there.

And I was attemped killed, in Norway, in 2005, on a farm belonging to
my uncles woman).

I was at game at Goodison, in 2005, a Champions League-qualifier,
against Villa Real.

And then a guy I heard was called a 'mafia-guy', messed with me, and
provoked me, by taking a string, or something, at his jacket, against
the back of my head, and he was there with a foreign guy, who didn't
speak any English almost.

And I haven't much money, and I've used most of my spare-time, to try
to get my rights.

So I haven't been on any other games, but I've been on a guided tour
at Goodison, twice, actually.

I'm really a refugee, here in the UK, but the UK government, don't let
me be a refugee officially.

Yesterday, a very muscular man in his 50's sat next to me, so there
was almost no room for me to sit on my seat.

But I can't say if that also was a mobster-plot.

It could be, because, the young man, in the box-office, probably ran
to get a plot-ticket for a set-up, (have you got e.g. muslim mob at

I think you have a problem with mobsters.

I've supported Everton, since 1977, I think it was, when Everton beat
Coventry 6-0 at Goodison.

And my mother, Karen Ribsskog, who had been an au-pair, in the UK, in
the late 60's told me Everton were a good team, and she said she
tought I should pick Everton, as my English team, to support.

Since English football is very popular in Norway, the main
broadcasting company, NRK, used to show a match from the highest
division in England, every Saturday, in the 70's and 80's, so almost
all Norwegians who where boys, in the 70's and 80's support an English

But I can't go to see Everton play at Goodison, without being mobbed,
it seems, even if I've supported Everton for more than 30 years.

So this makes me sad.

Just wanted to complain about this.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


I have a football-blog, so I took some pictures, of what happend at
the box-office and at the turn-stile, so enclose so pictures, to show
to help explain a bit what went on.

4 attachments
Photo 0683.jpg
Photo 0686.jpg
Photo 0687.jpg
Photo 0692.jpg

Jeg sendte en e-post til Everton FC

Gmail - Update/Fwd: Mobbed at Goodison Park


Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Mobbed at Goodison Park

Erik Ribsskog


Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 1:09 AM



I live close to Goodison.

(In Keith Court).

And today, at around 7 PM, I suddently heard Z-cars, from Goodison.

I knew it wasn't a Premiere League-game, because I support Everton,
and know the next game is on Saturday.

But I wonder which fixture it was today, and checked your web-site.

It said it was a U21-fixture against Manchester United, (on the
front-page, on your web-site, I think it must have been).

And the words 'free fixture'.

I just got dressed and went to Goodison, (since the game had started).

And was there about ten minutes out in the game.

(Something like that).

The ticket-office was closed.

But I followed some other fans who was let in at Gwladys Street.

I asked in the door if it was a 'free fixture', and was let in, by a
guy dressed in a yellow reflex-jacket.

When I got home I read more about this on your web-site.

And it seems this was something for kids, when I read about this, on
your 'game web-page', (or what one should call it).

But that wasn't reflected on your front-page, at around 7PM, I think.

So you made me look a bit stupid now, I think.

I would have sent a copy e-mail to the FA now, if I had known their
e-mail address.

(I couldn't find it on their web-site).

Even if I've supported Everton since I was seven years old, around 1977/78.

The people who sat around me changed all the time.

It was a bit strange.

I even remember smelling sh*t, at one time in the second half, (from
one child there, who sat besides its mother, it seemed).

Are football-grounds now for kindergarden-kids?

The pubs are closing as well.

Aren't men allowed to be anywhere anylonger now, I remember thinking,
during a quiet periode of the game.

I wondered if I should join the conservative party, to get kids that
smells like sh*t, out of the football-grounds, at one time, during the
second half.

(Something like that.

I was in the conservative youth party, in Norway, in the 90's.

I was dragged there by an earlier class-mate).

I'm long-time unemployed.

So I can't afford to go to PL-games.

The last game I was on, was in 2010.

Then it was also an incident, (which one can read more about, in the
forwarded e-mail).

I was given a ticket, that didn't work, in the turn-stile/ticket-machine.

(It's like the turn-stile scandal, that I read about on a
football-exhibition, in the central library, some months before I went
to that game, in 2010).

But you at Everton FC. didn't clean that case up.

(I can't remember that you replied about that.

Even if I though I was being mobbed there).

Also, I've on a third game, at Goodison.

Back in 2005, I watched a CL-qualifier-game, against Villa Real.

And then a big guy sitting behind me deliberatly irritated me, the
whole game, with some part of his jacket.

And he had a 'Spanish' friend who seemed to be like a drone, or something.

And he was refered to as a 'mafia-guy', by the normal fans, (if I
over-heard right).

Also when I lived in Norway, in the 80's.

I once sent you money in an envelope, for some Everton FC-merchandise,
(like a scarf, or a shirt, or something like that).

But I never got any merchanidise or the envelope back.

What happened with those money, I was wondering.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 1:41 AM
Subject: Mobbed at Goodison Park


I went to see the Everton - Everton game yesterday, and I think I was
being mobbed, at the box-office.

I was in the queue, number 4, and a man in his early twenties, sat there.

I asked if I could get a ticket for free, since I had a receipt from
Tesco, showing that I bought four Chang-beer, for £4, on Tuesday.

But the young man said no.

I then asked for a £10 ticket, for the main stand.

But he said that there was only tickets for Lower Bullens left.

Now the strange thing happened.

The young man, left his seat, and a woman, in her early twenties, in a
thight blouse, sat down, and looked away, (while her boobs where
pointing at me, from behind the thight blouse).

She sat like that for a minute or two.

Then I think the young man was back, with the ticket.

What did he do with it?

I think he must have made it 'in-valid', in a machine, because when I
got to the turn-stile, then my ticket didn't work.

So that's why I think I was mobbed.

(I overheard in Oslo, in 2003, that I was followed by some 'mafian' there.

And I was attemped killed, in Norway, in 2005, on a farm belonging to
my uncles woman).

I was at game at Goodison, in 2005, a Champions League-qualifier,
against Villa Real.

And then a guy I heard was called a 'mafia-guy', messed with me, and
provoked me, by taking a string, or something, at his jacket, against
the back of my head, and he was there with a foreign guy, who didn't
speak any English almost.

And I haven't much money, and I've used most of my spare-time, to try
to get my rights.

So I haven't been on any other games, but I've been on a guided tour
at Goodison, twice, actually.

I'm really a refugee, here in the UK, but the UK government, don't let
me be a refugee officially.

Yesterday, a very muscular man in his 50's sat next to me, so there
was almost no room for me to sit on my seat.

But I can't say if that also was a mobster-plot.

It could be, because, the young man, in the box-office, probably ran
to get a plot-ticket for a set-up, (have you got e.g. muslim mob at

I think you have a problem with mobsters.

I've supported Everton, since 1977, I think it was, when Everton beat
Coventry 6-0 at Goodison.

And my mother, Karen Ribsskog, who had been an au-pair, in the UK, in
the late 60's told me Everton were a good team, and she said she
tought I should pick Everton, as my English team, to support.

Since English football is very popular in Norway, the main
broadcasting company, NRK, used to show a match from the highest
division in England, every Saturday, in the 70's and 80's, so almost
all Norwegians who where boys, in the 70's and 80's support an English

But I can't go to see Everton play at Goodison, without being mobbed,
it seems, even if I've supported Everton for more than 30 years.

So this makes me sad.

Just wanted to complain about this.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


I have a football-blog, so I took some pictures, of what happend at
the box-office and at the turn-stile, so enclose so pictures, to show
to help explain a bit what went on.

4 attachments
Photo 0683.jpg
Photo 0686.jpg
Photo 0687.jpg
Photo 0692.jpg


Her er vedleggene:

Photo 0683

Photo 0686

Photo 0687

Photo 0692

Her kan man se Everton sitt U21-lag sin beste sjanse, (må man vel si), i dagens null-null kamp, mot Manchester United. Jeg så tilfeldigvis på Everton sitt nettsted, (etter at jeg hørte at de spilte musikk, på Goodison, siden jeg bor ganske nærme), at den kampen var gratis, å komme inn på, (av en eller annen grunn)


Her er mer om dette:

mer om z cars


Populære innlegg

Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

Totalt antall sidevisninger
