Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

onsdag 8. juli 2009

Jobbsøking i England: Nå fikk jeg sånne skjema, som jeg må fylle ut, angående en jobb. Så jeg tror det hjelper å gå til det som heter Working Links

Google Mail - Desktop Support Engineer Application

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Desktop Support Engineer Application

Jade Sidwell

Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 3:56 PM


Hi Erik,

Thank you for your e-mail. I have attached two
files for you including; a job application form and a job description of the

It would be great if you could fill in the job application
form and send it back to me, preferably via e-mail


Jade Sidwell

Jade Sidwell

HR Consultancy/Administrator

High Performance Consultancy

'Exceeding your Expectations'

t:0844 800 5932

m:07749 684 649

23 Seymour Street


L3 5PE

This e-mail message and attachment are confidential and High
Performance Consultancy reserves the rights of priviledge in respect thereof.
Any reader of this e-mail message and attachments who is not in the addressee,
is hereby expressly forbidden to copy, disseminate, distribute, or in any way
use the information contained in this e-mail. If you have any queries please

2 attachments
Desktop Eng  JD V4  Final.doc
Application form -PCSG.doc


Her kan man se mer om hvordan den jobben er:

Desktop Support Engineer for The PC Support Group


Company Overview

The PC Support Group specialises in providing computer maintenance and support to small businesses and home users. It uniquely combines the friendliness, flexibility, personal relationship and convenience of “the local one-man band” with the skills and professionalism of large corporate IT operations.

Our mission is to be the total computer service provider of choice for thousands of small businesses and domestic users in the UK and abroad by creating a network of small, dynamic and profitable local businesses supported by a first class national control centre.

We take our values very seriously and require that anyone joining us lives by them at all times. These values are: honesty, integrity, respect, freedom of expression, shared commitment, good value, reliable, technically excellent and friendly.


Job Description

The role mainly consists of:

  • Taking and recording calls into the office
  • Providing technical advice over the phone and on-site for desktop related issues
  • Dealing with customer support requests plus system alarms/alerts according to priority
  • Onsite customer visits to resolve problems


You will be responsible for:

  • Constant customer dialogue and interaction on phone
  • Continue to move all outstanding issues/tasks along to completion in timely manner
  • Meet promises and commitments  to clients
  • Repairing, tracking and returning faulty computer equipment
  • Unpacking, assembling and testing new systems
  • Ensuring that all equipment is cleaned before being returned to customer
  • Managing electronic support tickets and logging of activities in the database
  • Provide customers with realistic timescales for completion of work
  • Ordering parts and equipment on behalf of customers
  • Investigate faults and provide a brief fault report to the customer before undertaking repairs
  • Providing technical and system usage advice to customers
  • Perform other general administrative tasks
  • Seek help, advice and information freely and urgently when needed


You will need to be:

  • A natural analytical and problem solving person and able to learn on the fly
  • A confident communicator (including listening ability) and have a good telephone manner
  • Self-motivated
  • Keen to help and assist others
  • Willing to learn
  • Ambitious and hard working
  • Enthusiastic about technology and its use
  • Able to show evidence of self-development/self-learning
  • Keen to better yourself through constant learning and questioning
  • Someone who has a sense of urgency – committed to delivering results
  • Hold a full, clean driving license.


In addition to the above all staff are required to:


  • Adhere to all The PC Support Group’s policies and procedures, including Equal Opportunities and Health and Safety.
  • Respect confidentiality: all confidential information should be kept in confidence and not released to unauthorised persons.
  • Undertake appropriate training and development as required.
  • Participate in The PC Support Group’s Performance Review and Development Scheme.
  • To undertake any other duties as required by the Directors of The PC Support Group




16k- 18k per annum (salary will be dependent on experience).  Full time, permanent position

Holidays will be 20 days per annum plus Bank Holidays/Public Holidays (although Bank Holidays may have to be taken on alternative days)



Candidates should note that short listing will be based on information provided on the application form with regard to the applicant’s ability to meet the criteria outlined in the Person Specification attached.



Application forms must be submitted no later than 5pm Friday 10th July 2009.









SCALE: £16-£18k (dependant on experience)


CRITERIA: Applicants should provide evidence of their ability to meet the following criteria:                           


Method of Testing:  A – Application form, I – Interview, T – Test, R - Reference




Method of Testing





Hold qualifications within the area or have relevant work experience




Qualified to G.C.S.E level/NVQ level 2 (or equivalent) in a computing discipline, Maths and English




Evidence of continued personal development in IT technical skills and knowledge.




A level (or equivalent) in a Computing discipline




CompTIA or Microsoft Certified Professional qualification




Willing to undertake training as required.




Experience and Knowledge




Working usage and technical knowledge of SME & home technologies  including;




PC hardware fault finding and repair





General PC and laptop troubleshooting





Hardware and software experience together with experience of peripherals and accessories.  Particularly in relation to fault diagnosis




Cloning drives, copying and backing-up data





Installation, configuration and maintenance of Microsoft Windows desktop systems including XP and Vista





Microsoft Office – all versions




Networking – maintenance and fault analysis/resolution




802.11b/g/n WEP/WPA/WPA2










TCP/IP / Routers / VPN / Firewalls





Active Directory/ Exchange/Sharepoint















Excellent analytical and problem solving skills




Able to work effectively under pressure and to strict deadlines




Able to work independently as well as part of a team




Able to operate flexibly and reliably and on own initiative





Excellent communication skills – written & verbal




Excellent, demonstrable, interpersonal and customer care skills




Ability to work in an organised and methodical manner









An awareness of Equal Opportunities Issues




A full UK clean driving license







Desktop Support Engineer Job Specification

© The PC Support Group 2009

Han industriherren, Anker Heegaard, som var min mormors farfar eller om det var oldefar, han dreiv visst med dampmaskiner osv. (In Norwegian)

På danska afdelningen finnas utstälda, dels i
maskingalleriet af det stora expositionshuset, dels i annexerna 16
motorer, hvaraf 10 ångmaskiner, 5 lokomobiler och 1 lokomotiv.
Den af dessa maskiner som först tilldrager sig vår
uppmärksamhet är naturligen den af Anker Heegaard, Fredriksværk,
utstälda, hvilken håller alla de arbetande maskinerna i gång.
Dess styrka uppgifves i katalogen vara 25 hästkrafter, men
torde den utan öfverdrift kunna uppskattas till 30. Maskinen
är af den i Danmark mycket begagnade, kombinerade
hög- och lågtrycks-konstruktionen med tvenne liggande cylindrar och
kondensor. Ångtrycket var vid vårt besök 50 skålp. (3,845
per qv.c.), och kan lågtryckscylinderns volym uppskattas tiil 3
à 4 gänger högtryckscylinderns. Cylindrarne äro försedda med
ångmantlar. Konstruktionen synes till sina detaljer vara
omsorgsfullt utförd, men torde väl kunnat vara något mindre
komplicerad, en anmärkning hvilken, såsom redan i förra
häftet omnämndes, gäller om nästan alla de danska ångmaskinerna.
I öfrigt kan anmärkas att dess luftpump gör något oväsen, då
den går, en sak som dock möjligen kan bero på en
sättning i grunden. Arbetet är till alla delar särdeles godt och
bär vittne om att verkstadens goda rykte är väl förtjent, hvilket
omdöme äfven bestyrkes af öfriga från densamma utstälda föremål.
Dessa äro i maskingalleriet en mindre 3 hästkrafters horisontel
högtryckningsmaskin utan expansion, en mycket vacker, både
till form och material, pistonstång, med i hufvudet ingjuten s.
k. Babbits metall, samt en mängd gjutgods, vittnande om en
långt drifven skicklighet i gjutningskonsten, hvarpå vi såsom
exempel här endast anföra en fyrkantig kamin med genombrutna,
mycket fint outarbetade väggar och en stor infattad spegel på
framsidan. Ångmaskinen är såld till Sverige.

Herr Anker Heegaards vertikala lokomobiler, af hvilka en
6 hästkrafters och en 3 hästkrafters äro utstälda i annexet
straxt bredvid ingången från Halmtorvet, äro för oss väl bekanta
sedan 1866 års utställning här i Stockholm. Dessa
lokomobiler äro mycket i bruk i Danmark, mera kanske än de
horisontela, hvilka såsom bekant hos oss äro de vanligaste. En
liggande på 8 hästkrafter är äfven exponerad från samma
verkstad. De äro alla solidt utförda samt hafva dessutom den
förtjensten att presentera så litet blanka ytor som möjligt, hvilket
för skötselns och varaktighetens skull vid sådana maskiner är
att sätta värde på.


Her fant jeg et bilde av han industriherren Anker Heegaard, som var min mormors farfar eller oldefar. (Jeg får sjekke opp det mer nøye seinere):


PS 2.

Heegaard-familien hadde en fabrikk i København, og også en i Frederiksværk.

Her er fabrikken i København.

(Dem tenkte kanskje ikke så mye på forurensing og sånn, på den tida):


PS 3.

Jeg husker da jeg var på språkreise, i Brighton, i 1988.

Så dro jeg tilbake, og bodde hos den vertsfamilien, i 1989, og også i 1990.

I 1988 og 1990, så var tremenningen min, Øystein med.

Og i 1990, så bodde en en dansk kar der da, fra København vel, som også var hos den her vertsfamilien.

Hudson-familien, i Shoreham-by-sea.

Og han danske ungdommen da, fra København, han ville ikke prate med meg omtrent, på dansk og norsk.

Han ville bare prate engelsk, når han prata med norske, og knapt nok det.

Så det her syntes jeg var litt spesielt, husker jeg.

Men jeg merka jo det, når jeg jobba for Bertelsmann Arvato, på vegne av Microsoft, at mange dansker ikke forstår norsk.

(Og omvendt).

Så han var nok ikke aleine.

Så sånn var det.

PS 4.

Her har vi bestemor Ingeborgs farfar eller oldefar, Anker Heegaard, igjen, denne gang i form av en byste:


PS 5.

Det her må nok være bestemor Ingeborgs foreldre, (og også mine oldeforeldre da, faktisk), som jeg fant på et nettsted nå om Hagerup-familien, siden moren til bestemor Ingeborgs far, het Hagerup:

bestemor ingeborgs foreldre

PS 6.

At det er bestemor Ingeborgs foreldre, det kan man skjønne av tre ting:

- Faren heter Heegaard, og moren heter Nyholm.

- Årstallene stemmer.

- Min mor, Karen Ribsskog, var visst oppkalt etter bestemor Ingeborgs mor, min mors mormor, Karen Marie Nyholm.

Så sånn var det.

Og da kan man se det, at industriherren Anker Heegaard, det var bestemor Ingeborgs oldefar.

Siden bestemor Ingeborgs far, heter Hans Louis Anker Heegaard, og han hadde en far, står det, ved navn L.C. Heegard.

Og L.C. Heegaard, det var Anker Heegaard, (han på bysten), sin sønn.

Det leste jeg på Wikipedia, igår, var det vel.

Skal jeg se om jeg finner det.

PS 7.

Ja, det var bare å gå inn på det Hagerup-nettstedet, og trykke på linken, hvor det står Louis Carl Heegaard, så kommer det opp at faren hans var Anker Heegaard og hvem moren hans var, osv.

Så da skulle det være funnet ut av.

Ikke dårlig.

Det står veldig mye om bestemor Ingeborgs familie, på nettet, så det er sikkert mulig å sitte i dager og uker, og finne ut mer om det.

Det er sikkert mulig.

Vi får se hva som skjer.

PS 8.

Han er visst norsk, han som har det Hagerup-nettstedet.

Så jeg har en tipp-oldemor, som het Hagerup da.

Så det er kanskje i den slekta, hvor det er en dame som heter Inger Hagerup?

Er ikke det en kjent norsk forfatter, eller forfatterinne, eller hva man skal si, i våre dager.

Det kanskje det er mulig å finne ut mer om.

Vi får se.

PS 9.

Inger Hagerup, har visst oversatt 'Fluenes Herre', til norsk, en vel kanskje veldig tidsaktuell bok?

Og hun har også laget det diktet, som heter 'Lille Persille', som mora mi var så fan av, mener jeg å huske, på 70-tallet.

Så sånn var det.

PS 10.

Og hvis noen tror at dette bare er tull, at bestemor Ingeborg, er etterkommer av han kjente Anker Heegaard osv.

Så burde det vel være kjent, kom jeg på, at bestemor skrev leserinnlegg i Aftenposten og Tønsbergs Blad vel, med signaturen 'Ankerita'.

For bestemor het egentlig Ingeborg Ankerita Ribsskog, født Heegaard da.

Så det Anker-navnet, det har også bestemor Ingeborg fått da, etter han Anker Heegaard, og som også mange av de andre i Heegaard-familien hadde som et av fornavnene.

Så sånn var det.

Jobbsøking i England: Working-links møte var torsdag ja. Jeg hadde skrivd onsdag jeg, så jeg var litt stressa i det forrige møte. Ikke bra. (N)

Google Mail - Link to employment-case ++

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Link to employment-case ++

Kershaw, Danielle

Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 12:00 PM

Erik Ribsskog <>

Hi Erik,

I’m sorry to hear about your
grandmother, yes you’re appointment is on Thursday at 11am. I look
forward to seeing you then.

Danielle Kershaw


Working Links

1 Union Court

Floor 3


L2 4SJ

T: 0151 255 2870

F: 0151 255 2898


Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 08 July 2009 11:45

To: Kershaw, Danielle

Subject: Re: Link to
employment-case ++


my grandmother died in the weekend, so I've been a bit delayed, with
the applications, unfortunatly.

But I forward you copies of the application e-mails now.

I'm also forwarding the e-mail to nextstep, which they haven't
answered, about the courses, in


Our next meeting is tomorrow at 11 am, right?

I've written it in my calender, at Wednesday (today), but I seem to remeber
that you said Thursday,


I should have asked about this before, but I've been a bit thinking about my
grandmother, etc, since

she died, unfortunatly.

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Kershaw, Danielle <>

Good afternoon Erik,

Thank you for remembering to email me your CV and the files
you mentioned. This will help me a lot, thank you and I look forward to meeting
with you again next week.

Take Care,

Danielle Kershaw

Personal Consultant.

From: Erik
Ribsskog []

Sent: 02 July 2009 15:56

To: Kershaw, Danielle

Subject: Link to employment-case


thank you
very much, for all the fine advice, in the meeting today!

the link to the employment-case I have, against Arvato, that I mentioned

in the
meeting today:

file, explains a lot about the initial problems there, by the way:

And here
are the phone-numbers I mentioned, to the University-colleges, HiO and NITH,
who don't want to

send me a
degree, in Oslo:

HiO. +47
22 45 20 00

NITH: +47
22 05 99 99

(I also
have tried to call, to the University
of Sunderland, to try to
get them, to send me some copies of

language-test result, and some files, from my Final Year Project there, but I
haven't managed to get

sorted yet, but I can speak more with you, about this, in the next meeting).

I'm also
enclosing a copy of my earlier CV, like we agreed on, in the meeting today,
where all my

should be listed, also the the work-experience, from before 1996, that isn't

on the
new CV.

I'll also
forward you copies of the application e-mails, later, if it's alright, so that
you can see, if you think

I write
them right, or not, if that's ok.

Hope this is alright, and thanks again for all the advice in the meeting!


Erik Ribsskog

The information contained in this e-mail is confidential. It is intended only
for the stated addressee(s) and access to it by any other person is
unauthorised. If you are not an addressee, you must not disclose, copy,
circulate or in any other way use or rely on the information contained in this
e-mail. Such unauthorised use may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail
in error, please inform us immediately and delete it and all copies from your
system. Commercial matters detailed or referred to in this e-mail are subject
to a written contract signed for and on behalf of Working Links.


Her er mer om dette:

Photo 1312

Jobbsøking i England: Det blir mye e-poster noen ganger, men vi får håpe at det blir noe jobb snart og. Vi får se. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - Link to employment-case ++

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Link to employment-case ++

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 11:44 AM

"Kershaw, Danielle" <>


my grandmother died in the weekend, so I've been a bit delayed, with the applications, unfortunatly.

But I forward you copies of the application e-mails now.

I'm also forwarding the e-mail to nextstep, which they haven't answered, about the courses, in

Our next meeting is tomorrow at 11 am, right?

I've written it in my calender, at Wednesday (today), but I seem to remeber that you said Thursday,


I should have asked about this before, but I've been a bit thinking about my grandmother, etc, since
she died, unfortunatly.

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Kershaw, Danielle <> wrote:

Good afternoon Erik,

Thank you for remembering to email me your
CV and the files you mentioned. This will help me a lot, thank you and I look
forward to meeting with you again next week.

Take Care,

Danielle Kershaw

Personal Consultant.

Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 02 July 2009 15:56

To: Kershaw, Danielle

Subject: Link to employment-case


thank you very much, for all the fine advice, in the meeting today!

Here's the link to the employment-case I have, against Arvato, that I

in the meeting today:

(This file, explains a lot about the initial problems there, by the

And here are the phone-numbers I mentioned, to the University-colleges,
HiO and NITH, who don't want to

send me a degree, in Oslo:

HiO. +47 22 45 20 00

NITH: +47 22 05 99 99

(I also have tried to call, to the University of Sunderland,
to try to get them, to send me some copies of

my language-test result, and some files, from my Final Year Project
there, but I haven't managed to get

this sorted yet, but I can speak more with you, about this, in the next

I'm also enclosing a copy of my earlier CV, like we agreed on, in the
meeting today, where all my

work-experience, should be listed, also the the work-experience, from
before 1996, that isn't listed

on the new CV.

I'll also forward you copies of the application e-mails, later, if it's
alright, so that you can see, if you think

I write them right, or not, if that's ok.

Hope this is alright, and thanks again for all the advice in the meeting!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

The information contained in this e-mail is confidential. It is intended only for the stated addressee(s) and access to it by any other person is unauthorised. If you are not an addressee, you must not disclose, copy, circulate or in any other way use or rely on the information contained in this e-mail. Such unauthorised use may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail in error, please inform us immediately and delete it and all copies from your system. Commercial matters detailed or referred to in this e-mail are subject to a written contract signed for and on behalf of Working Links.

Google Mail - PC Technician

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

PC Technician

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 11:46 AM

"Kershaw, Danielle" <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 11:08 AM
Subject: PC Technician


I've studied computing, at two University-Colleges, in Norway, and on one

University, in the UK, so I have a very good general knowlegde, of computing.

I'm also used to building and upgrading my own computers, as a hobby,

on can say, since I've had PC and Hifi, as an interest.

So I'm enclosing my CV, and I hope to hear back from you, about the job!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

CV - Erik Ribsskog.rtf

Google Mail - Desktop Support Engineer

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Desktop Support Engineer

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 11:45 AM

"Kershaw, Danielle" <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 11:40 AM
Subject: Desktop Support Engineer


I called your company just now, and spoke with Ian, who adviced me to send a CV

and an application for this role, to this e-mail address.

I've been working with customer-support, taking inbound calls, on behalf of Microsoft

Scandinavian Product Activation, and I've also been working as a shop-manager,
in Norway, so I know how important it is, with good customer service, for a business
to be successful.

I've also studied computing, at two University-Colleges, in Norway, and on one
University, in the UK, so I have a very good general knowledge of computing.

So I'm enclosing my CV, and I hope to hear back from you, about the job!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

CV - Erik Ribsskog.rtf

Google Mail - Web/E-commerce Designer

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Web/E-commerce Designer

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 11:45 AM

"Kershaw, Danielle" <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 11:04 AM
Subject: Web/E-commerce Designer


I have studied computing at University-level, on two Univesity-colleges, in Norway,

and on one University, in the UK, so I have a very good general understanding,
of computing.

I've also got my own web-site, so I'm used with webdesign, even if I'm maybe even
better at regular programming, in Java, Pascal, Basic and machine-code etc., since
I've been using more time on system development and programming, so far.

I'm enclosing my CV, and I hope to hear back from you about the job!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

CV - Erik Ribsskog.rtf

Google Mail - Update/Fwd: Meeting at the Job-center last week

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Meeting at the Job-center last week

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 11:47 AM

"Kershaw, Danielle" <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: Update/Fwd: Meeting at the Job-center last week
To: Margaret Hudson <>

Hi Margaret,

thank you very much for your help with the CV, it looks very brilliant now!

I'm just a bit conserned, now it looks a bit like I have holes in my education and work experience.

Aren't companies going to wonder what I was doing before 1998, and after I finished studying?

And shouldn't I write that I won the famous Food shop-manager contest, in Norway, in 2001, in Rimi,

'Rimi Goldmines', and things like that?

But other than that, I thought the CV was very fine!

Thank you very much for you help with this.

In our meeting, a couple of weeks ago, we talked a bit about courses.

I've studied computing, for several years, but when I look at the vacancies now, very many companies
are looking for people who know PHP.

We talked about, in our meeting, that the Jobcenter had some courses, that could be available to me,

since I unfortunatly has been unemployed for some months.

But is it right that you have courses in web-design and/or PHP, you think, since I see that many
companies advertise for people who knows PHP, so I thought to take a course in that would be

very useful for my chances for getting an interesting and challenging job.

Or should I bring this up in the review-meeting later this week, at the jobcenter?

Thanks again for your fine help with the CV!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Margaret Hudson <> wrote:

Hi Erik

I have changed your CV around and just took some of your past jobs off from over 10 years ago as the last 10 years work experience are the most important.

If you require any further help please contact me



From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: Wed 03/06/2009 21:45

To: Margaret Hudson

Subject: Update/Fwd: Meeting at the Job-center last week


I'm also attaching a cover-letter, with this update, for a job that I applied for just now, like we agreed last week,

that I was going to send you.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 6:41 PM

Subject: Meeting at the Job-center last week


Hi Margie,

I'm refering to our meeting at the Job-center at Williamsons Sq., last week, and I'm enclosing

a copy of my revised CV, as agreed.

I've added a column called 'Personal Profile', on the CV, like you adviced me to do.

Is it right that you also want me to remove some of my work-practise, from my CV, since it's

many years since I worked in my first jobs. Isn't it valuable for new employers to also be able

to see which jobs I had, some years ago, to see that I've always been working/studying etc?

We also discussed cover-letters, and I thought I'd use something like the Person Profile on

the CV, as a cover-letter. What do you think is the difference between what should be in the

cover-letter, and what should be in the personal profile on the CV, by the way?

Thanks again for the fine advice in the meeting, and sorry that it took some days for me to

get this done!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and

intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they

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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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