Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

tirsdag 22. mars 2022

Enda mer fra irc

[19:56.11] * You have joined #london
[19:56.11] Topic: (ange1968) Our thoughts are with the Ukraine people today
[19:56.11] Channel Topic Set by: X on 12:39 24.02.2022
[19:56.11] Channel modes for #london are :+tnRCl 36
[19:56.11] Channel Created on: 16:43 18.04.2005
[19:56.18] * Easy0bserver sets mode +v john_cons for #london
[19:56.21] <john_cons> i have the london channel on efnet
[19:56.34] <john_cons> i'm going to kick the people out there for no reason
[19:56.36] <+chimera> depends on how you see it I guess
[19:57.38] <+Sherlock> You are starting to sound like a troll john_cons 
[19:57.46] <+chimera> if you dont count in that the pubs and everything else was closed; I've gone thru the covid period almost doing my normal things
[19:59.12] <john_cons> Sherlock: you have been very inpolite towards me, for no reason, it seems
[19:59.36] <john_cons>
[19:59.43] <john_cons> is it because of this?
[20:00.09] <+Sherlock> No I haven't
[20:00.21] <john_cons> yes you have, you've called me paranoid, etc
[20:00.23] <+chimera> just ignore him, Sherlock. Sensitive and angry at the world in general
[20:00.32] <+Sherlock> you were pasting Norwegian so I kicked you
[20:00.42] <+Sherlock> That was a joke
[20:00.57] <+Sherlock> Get over yourself
[20:01.03] <john_cons> it said predator not sherlock in the kick-message
[20:01.12] <john_cons> and you dont have a @
[20:02.14] <+chimera> u see any predator in the channel, john_cons?
[20:02.35] <john_cons> chimera: mind your own business for once then
[20:03.12] <+Sherlock> I think predator will ban you next
[20:03.25] <+chimera> no reason to get angry just because you dont understand
[20:03.28] <john_cons> crocodiles 
[20:03.43] <+Sherlock> Nobody is angry either
[20:04.09] <+chimera> its a waste of energy
[20:05.26] <+Sherlock> Not good for you
[20:05.38] <+chimera> true that
[20:06.19] chimera added to ignore list
[20:06.26] <john_cons> [20:06.19] chimera added to ignore list
[20:06.28] <john_cons> there
[20:06.45] <john_cons> bbl
[20:09.15] <+Sherlock> A bit of peace
[20:12.25] <+Sherlock> Chores are usually
[20:12.47] * Easy0bserver sets mode -v Falcon for #london
[20:14.58] <+Sherlock> Things to do so have fun with your chores :p
[20:15.41] <john_cons> liber is on my london-channel on efnet, i'm going to kick him out to take revenge
[20:15.43] <john_cons> only joking
[20:16.25] <Falcon> Jokes are funny
[20:18.59] <john_cons> a scottish philosofer name hume thought everything should be fun
[20:19.23] <john_cons> it wasn't important if it was right or not, the thing is it should be fun
[20:22.03] * anahita ( has joined channel #london
[20:22.11] * X sets mode +l 38 for #london
[20:30.30] * giorgos_ (~gg@ has joined channel #london

Mer fra irc

[17:21.53] * Chimera ( has joined channel #london
[17:22.48] <Chimera> hi London :P
[17:25.36] * Chimera ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:26.10] <Appocomaster> hi
[17:27.11] * chimera ( has joined channel #london
[17:40.51] <StinkyMiss> anyone else bored want to chat? pm me
[17:41.21] <Appocomaster> meant to be working :p
[17:45.03] <chimera> Appocomaster: Same appo as in Planetarion btw?
[17:45.34] <Appocomaster> ...
[17:45.41] <Appocomaster> no one else has asked me that on this network
[17:45.45] <Appocomaster> >:(
[17:45.50] <Appocomaster> in like, 10 years
[17:45.51] * Easy0bserver sets mode +v Appocomaster for #london
[17:45.51] <chimera> I'm sorry
[17:45.53] <+Appocomaster> so well done for being the first
[17:45.55] <+Appocomaster> no problem :p
[17:46.02] <+Appocomaster> 1 heard of planetarion before
[17:46.08] <Falcon> lol
[17:48.06] <chimera> some kind of connection in my brain all of the sudden :)
[17:48.29] <+Appocomaster> well done
[17:48.35] <+Appocomaster> too many late nights ;)
[17:49.58] <chimera> thats right
[17:51.28] <john_cons> chimera: have you been following me here from the oslo channel
[17:51.30] <chimera> late nigths these days will be beer and nice people
[17:51.30] * Easy0bserver sets mode +v chimera for #london
[17:51.42] <john_cons> and on the norway channel
[17:52.08] <john_cons> norge rather
[17:52.29] <Sherlock> paranoia :p
[17:52.33] <+chimera> john_cons: you bailed. Left us in the gutter
[17:52.37] * Falcon plays spooky music
[17:52.52] <john_cons> you've also contacted me on msg
[17:53.00] <john_cons> what up
[17:53.02] * Easy0bserver sets mode +v john_cons for #london
[17:53.33] <Sherlock> Why don't you reply to the message then and avoid telling everyone?
[17:53.36] <+chimera> think I said: How are you doing or something close
[17:53.51] <john_cons> Sherlock: i was away and when i was the guy was offline
[17:54.05] <john_cons> Sherlock: i was away and when i saw it the guy was offline
[17:54.11] <Sherlock> Yeah but not now
[17:54.26] <john_cons> because i have now closed the message
[17:54.33] <john_cons> i don't really like this guy
[17:54.44] <+chimera> dont worry about it
[17:54.54] <+chimera> we're all cool now
[17:55.01] <Sherlock> That's your opinion
[17:55.39] <+chimera> john_cons might not agree as well
[17:56.33] <Sherlock> Well he can keep it to himself, saying it in the channel isn't necessary
[17:56.33] * Easy0bserver sets mode +v Sherlock for #london
[17:56.44] <john_cons> well i've left the norway and oslo channels because of you and fisk77
[17:57.05] <john_cons> im now only on london and norge
[17:57.12] <+Sherlock> Does that mean you will leave here too?
[17:57.17] <john_cons> and now suddently you are on both those channels as well
[17:57.31] <john_cons> time will tell
[17:57.35] <+chimera> I'm sorry to hear that
[17:57.45] <+Sherlock> Ignore it
[17:59.20] <+chimera> john_cons: after you left I had to put on logging for my irc client
[18:00.43] * RangerBobVa ( has joined channel #london
[18:00.57] * X sets mode +l 40 for #london
[18:02.53] <john_cons> chimera: i'm not you and fisk77's father, you shouldn't be dependant on me, and i don't want you teenage-rebelion against me
[18:04.18] <+chimera> what are you talking about now?
[18:04.53] <+chimera> stop making sense
[18:05.12] * queen-bee (~n1@ has left #london ()
[18:05.42] <+Sherlock> Why don't you take this in private?
[18:05.58] * Ural (~kvirc@ has joined channel #london
[18:07.00] <Falcon> Please God
[18:07.01] <Falcon> Hey Ural 
[18:07.15] <RangerBobVa> What did I walk in on now?
[18:07.24] <Ural> Falcon: hey!
[18:07.32] <Falcon> lol RangerBobVa 
[18:07.33] <+Sherlock> kids bickering
[18:07.33] <Falcon> No idea
[18:07.53] <+chimera> whatever happened to this covid crap btw?
[18:08.19] <+Sherlock> Not a lot
[18:08.54] <Falcon> Still there.  People just want to pretend it's over
[18:08.54] * Easy0bserver sets mode +v Falcon for #london
[18:08.54] <+chimera> its like it never went down if you go out for a beer these days
[18:09.08] <+chimera> fine with me
[18:09.49] <RangerBobVa> To be fair huge vaccination efforts have also helped get us to now.
[18:09.50] <+chimera> locking everything down didnt work out
[18:10.00] <+chimera> now its working IMHO
[18:10.27] <+Sherlock> They will treat it like flu from now on unless there's a severe mutation
[18:10.46] <john_cons> chimera: you follow me everywhere, and you are dependant om me, it seems, even if i like women and not men
[18:11.03] <+Falcon> yup
[18:11.21] <RangerBobVa> I figure we'll all get yearly boosters now like the flu.
[18:11.28] <+chimera> to be honest. I can not say I had it. Maybe I had it and didnt notice
[18:11.28] <+Falcon> It was always going to get to this stage.  People just seemed to think at the beginning it would be over quicker
[18:11.35] <+Sherlock> john_cons, I prefer it when you don't speak ha
[18:11.37] <+chimera> I hope so anyway
[18:12.20] <john_cons> Sherlock: so does putin i guess
[18:12.41] <+Sherlock> Well that is irrelevant 
[18:13.01] <+Sherlock> He wouldn't even care
[18:13.29] <RangerBobVa> Just like us
[18:13.36] <+chimera> heh
[18:14.29] <john_cons> Sherlock: too much bubly?
[18:16.01] <+Sherlock> too much what?
[18:17.17] <john_cons> prosecco
[18:17.28] <+chimera> ah, popped a Magners cider
[18:17.40] <+Sherlock> I don't drink alcohol 
[18:17.59] <john_cons> i thought prosecco was the fab thing over there
[18:18.03] <john_cons> in the uk
[18:18.09] <+chimera> Sherlock: its a good thing to not drink
[18:18.44] <+Sherlock> Well you are misinformed john_cons 
[18:19.05] <+chimera> too late for me though. I'm just another brick in the wall
[18:19.14] <john_cons> i lived in the uk for ten years, not that long ago, and it was bubbly this and bubbly that
[18:19.38] <+Sherlock> Well not where I am it's not
[18:20.15] <+Appocomaster> no
[18:20.17] <+Sherlock> and you can't judge a whole nation 
[18:20.20] <+Appocomaster> you must be living in a different area
[18:20.25] <+Appocomaster> or moving in different circles
[18:20.34] <+Sherlock> more likely
[18:20.37] <+chimera> Sherlock: you might not know this, but you will be on john_cons blogg in a few
[18:21.24] <+Sherlock> Oh well
[18:22.39] <john_cons> there was something called fraxenet or something, which was an annex for the muslims in andalucia, and they perhaps moved to the uk, after the christians took back spain
[18:22.49] <+chimera> Sherlock: never into alc at all?
[18:23.53] <+Sherlock> No I haven't, I like a clear mind
[18:24.46] <+chimera> and no other drugs then I recon?
[18:24.57] <+chimera> aka the clear mind
[18:25.48] * StinkyMiss (~StinkyMis@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[18:29.05] <+Sherlock> No I am not interested in drugs either
[18:29.47] <+chimera> for what its worth, Sherlock. You sound like a good guy :)
[18:29.48] <+Sherlock> Besides the work I do sometimes ask for a test
[18:30.33] <+chimera> ah, really? What kind of work?
[18:33.49] <+Sherlock> I thought you might ask that. 
[18:35.07] <+Sherlock> I write and develop code for law enforcement to track evil people on the dark web
[18:39.21] <john_cons> i lived in liverpool and shoped at tesco, and they are a nationwide chain, if i'm not mistaking
[18:41.21] * Alan ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:41.26] * X sets mode +l 38 for #london
[18:41.36] <+chimera> Sherlock: makes sense. And sounds like interesting work you are doing
[18:42.01] <+Sherlock> yeah I like it, what do you do?
[18:45.17] * Falcon ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[18:47.41] * StinkyMiss (~StinkyMis@ has joined channel #london
[18:47.59] <+chimera> somewhat in the same street actually. Cant be compared I guess but I am the asshole at the office with all the strict rules enforcing everyone to think twice before they click a link or try to discuss the need of 2-FA
[18:47.59] <@Easy0bserver> chimera, this is your 1 and only warning for swearing in channel. The next time will result in a ban.
[18:48.23] <+chimera> oh dear
[18:48.39] <+chimera> I'll behave
[18:49.06] <+Sherlock> Yes I know what you mean
[18:49.28] * Ural (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: Post tenebras spero lucem.)
[18:50.53] <+chimera> I always try to explain why, in simple terms
[18:51.14] <+chimera> Some just dont care or just dont understand
[18:55.22] <john_cons> chimera: and yet you have big problems understaning my blog, and you pick on me on irc, to with every detail on my blog
[18:59.25] <+chimera> I think most ppl do tbh. 
[19:00.10] <john_cons> or most trolls
[19:00.20] * Alan (znc@ has joined channel #london
[19:00.20] * Falcon ( has joined channel #london
[19:00.24] * Easy0bserver sets mode +v Falcon for #london
[19:04.10] <+chimera> just keep going. I'm sure someone will understand eventually
[19:05.21] <john_cons> and i'm sure youre not a troll really, you're just a bit thick
[19:05.25] <john_cons> if thats ok to say
[19:05.52] <+chimera> sure. I dont care
[19:06.20] <john_cons> you don't care, and still you follow me everywhere on irc
[19:06.27] <john_cons> how does that add up, i'm wondering
[19:07.26] <+Falcon> Jesus
[19:07.33] <+Falcon> You still banging on?
[19:07.50] <+Falcon> Just ignore if it’s bothering you that much
[19:07.51] <+chimera> it will not stop Falcon
[19:07.58] <+Falcon> chimera: so I see
[19:09.31] <RangerBobVa> How's the baby Falcon?
[19:09.43] <+chimera> persistent, to put it mildly
[19:09.43] <RangerBobVa> You still going on bike rides?
[19:10.08] <john_cons> Falcon: i tried to ignore them, but these people change nick all the time, so even if i use the ignore-command, it just goes on, the other guy has started calling himself 'erikdust' and thats my first-name, and that he calles me jerk, or something, that after calling himself chrisxp, cxp, fisk77, kris77 etc, it just goes on and on
[19:11.24] <+Falcon> RangerBobVa: she’s teething at the moment and making a total wreck of the living room lol
[19:11.28] <+Falcon> How’s you?
[19:12.18] <RangerBobVa> Ha.  Just get her a bunch of toys ;)  Not bad.  Still in recovery.
[19:12.43] <+Falcon> She is very happy with her new box 📦 and wrapping paper lol
[19:12.47] <+Falcon> Loves it
[19:18.09] *** Server disconnected on Singapore.SG.AS.Undernet.Org
[19:19.22] john_cons resolved to
[19:26.17] * You have joined #london
[19:26.17] Topic: (ange1968) Our thoughts are with the Ukraine people today
[19:26.17] Channel Topic Set by: X on 12:39 24.02.2022
[19:26.18] Channel modes for #london are :+tnRCl 38
[19:26.18] Channel Created on: 16:43 18.04.2005
[19:26.24] * Easy0bserver sets mode +v john_cons for #london
[19:27.05] <john_cons> [10:14.29] <Chimera> Persona non grata, det er vel hva familen din tenker om deg, john_cons ? :)
[19:27.05] <john_cons> [10:14.46] <Chimera> bare lurer
[19:27.19] <john_cons> this is how that guy is on the norwegian channels
[19:27.30] <john_cons> always nagging about every detail on my blog
[19:27.34] <RangerBobVa> Gibby is getting along with one of the girls now so that's been good.
[19:27.44] <john_cons> and hes very cocky, (i think its called)
[19:27.45] <@Easy0bserver> john_cons, this is your 1 and only warning for swearing in channel. The next time will result in a ban.
[19:28.00] <john_cons> what
[19:28.18] <john_cons> bug
[19:29.20] <john_cons> useless nazi bot
[19:29.22] <john_cons> or what
[19:29.26] * StinkyMiss (~StinkyMis@ Quit (Quit)
[19:34.41] <+chimera> Easy0bserver seems somewhat senstive for foul language. Might get the +b for this if I'm unlucky
[19:35.14] <john_cons> [20:37.22] <Chimera> ErikDust: ikke noe annet enn normalt ville jeg tro. Enkelte her inne er redd for å møte andre kanskje
[19:35.14] <john_cons> [20:37.34] <Chimera> alt skal løses ved å sende e-poster


Så skjedde dette:

[19:35.41] * You were kicked from #london by X ((PREDAT0R) pack it in)

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Jeg sendte en e-post til Farmasiet

Erik Ribsskog <>
Erik Ribsskog <> 22. mars 2022 kl. 08:32
Til: Farmasiet Kundeservice <>
Kopi:,, "inger.lise.blyverket" <>,, post <>,,, amnestyis <>, HRW UK <>, Akademikerforbundet <>, Politikk Høyre <>, tim <>, Irina Ball <>

nå har jeg drevet nettbutikk selv, jeg har jobbet i emballasje-bransjen, jeg har vært Rimi-butikksjef, jeg har jobbet som bud for Chinatown-expressen og jeg har sitti i kassa på Matland/OBS Triaden, (i et friår fra studier på NHI, blant annet).

(Blant annet).

Og jeg synes at deres forklaring ikke henger på greip.

Bruker dere sånne konvolutter som er lagd i Hong Kong liksom, med kjempedårlig lim?

Da burde dere vel finne en bedre emballasje.

Budet deres var smidig som en katt, (vil jeg si).

Selv om han var godt voksen.

Man kunne kanskje forestille seg at budet hadde jobba på Moskva-balletten, på sine yngre dager.

Noe sånt.

Siden at han var så rask/smidig.

Men han var litt oppi åra.

Så dette var nok et drevent bud.

(Hvis jeg skulle tippe).

Så hvis det er sånn som du sier, at dere bruker kjempedårlig emballasje.

Så ville vel budet vært vant til dette.

Sånn at han bar Farmasiet-konvoluttene, med toppen opp.

Sånn at varene ikke drysset ut, på bakken, her og der.

Jeg synes også det er rart, at dette skal ha vært en vare, som hadde ligget, på bakken.

For det var ikke noe is eller møkk på varen, (som jeg kunne se).

Og som sagt så har jeg jobbet i kassa på Matland/OBS Triaden, og at en sånn tannpasta-eske åpner seg, (på den måten), av å falle i bakken, det synes jeg høres litt tvilsomt ut.

Det så faktisk litt ut som, (mener jeg å huske), at den tannpasta-esken, aldri hadde vært bretta sammen, fra fabrikken.

(Uten at jeg studerte dette kjempenøye.

For å si det sånn).

Jeg har også delvis vokst opp i deres nabo-by Larvik, på 70-tallet.

Og der så jeg en gang, en rabiat kar, som gikk rundt på fortauet, og sa, at: 'De juger så det renner av dem'.

Så det er visst vanlig, nede i Vestfold, å juge sånn.

Så dette kjøper jeg ikke helt.

Jeg vil gjerne ha svar, fra en overordnet, om dette.


Erik Ribsskog

man. 21. mar. 2022 kl. 15:28 skrev Henriette (Farmasiet Kundeservice) <>:
Skriv over her når du svarer på e-posten
Vi har nå svart på din henvendelse 92172. Dersom du ønsker å svare oss skriv inn på toppen her.

Henriette (Farmasiet)

21. mar. 2022, 15:28 CET


Beklager at emballasjen hadde hull i seg, sånn skal det selvfølgelig ikke være!
Budet til Porterbuddy hadde nok kun hensikt i å legge tannkremen tilbake i pakken slik at du fikk denne sammen med resten av det du bestilte hos oss
Produktet skal fremdeles være trygg å bruke, men vi ønsker selvsagt ikke å være vanskelige her, så vi refunderer deg beløpet for varen. Beløpet vil være tilbake på kortet ditt innen 7 virkedager.

Som en liten kompensasjon har du her en rabattkode NFX368 som gir 20% på 1 kjøp til og med 01.05.22. Gjelder ikke allerede rabatterte varer, Covid-19 hurtigtester, Norgesplaster ECG247 hjerteovervåker & plaster, Intelligent Skin Health, legemidler og varer dekket av det offentlige.

Ønsker deg en fin dag videre!

Med vennlig hilsen Henriette, Kunderådgiver

FARMASIET, kundeservice telefon
33 74 03 24 (kl: 9-15:30)

Norges største nettapotek, alltid åpent der du er.

Erik Ribsskog

20. mar. 2022, 12:06 CET


nå heiv jeg den tannpastaen som jeg fikk fra dere i går.

For det ekle pakkis-budet deres, (hvis det er lov å være ærlig om hva man synes), hadde grisa med varene, (virka det som).

Tannpastaen hadde glidd ut av esken, og det var et lite hull, øverst i konvolutten deres.

Så den gikk nå i søpla.

For det ble jeg kvalm av.

(Må jeg si).

Hva f*en skal dette bety.

Hvorfor skal pakkis-budet deres, (som var godt voksent/middelaldrende), absolutt grise med, (eller om man skal si klå på), mine varer, (etter å fikla med esken, og åpnet denne, inni konvolutten/pakken, virker det som).

Jeg blir kvalm.

Erik Ribsskog

Dette må vel sies å være nesten plagiat, av det jeg blogget om, (angående min tidligere klassekamerat Sigmund Landaas sitt Svelvik-byggeprosjekt), her om dagen



Artikkelen overfor, er et slags intervju med Oslo Friluftsråd.

(Denne 'slurve-avisa' mener muligens Oslofjordens Friluftsråd.

Noe sånt).

Og de sier noe lignende av meg, angående bygging i/ved naturvern-område.

Men de er kanskje litt treige, med å komme på banen.

(Må man vel si).

For jeg har blogget om dette prosjektet, (til Sigmund Landaas & Co.), i mange uker/måneder nå.

(For å si det sånn).

Og det er fordi at hele tida skriver om dette.

(Og har bilder av min tidligere klassekamerat Sigmund.

Som visst har blitt skalla/skinnhead.

Siden 80-tallet).

Så sånn er det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Det er min søsters venninne Camilla Skriung som var i Natur og Ungdom.

Og hu bodde så mange år, i Svelvik, under oppveksten, at mange, (som meg), vel gikk ut fra, at hu var innfødt Svelvik-jente.

(For å si det sånn).

Så man kan kanskje lure på, hva hu driver med.

(Hvorfor passer hu ikke på fuglene på Grunnane.

Har hu blitt lei av 'naturvern-demonstrasjon-spetakkelet', (med medfølgende arrestasjoner, osv.).


Så sånn er muligens det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

PS 3.

Camilla Skriung har jeg nevnt, i Min Bok 2:

camilla skriung min bok 2


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Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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