Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

fredag 14. desember 2012

Mer om Twitter-klage, (PsykologenDin)

Gmail - #6863849 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - PsykologenDin"


Erik Ribsskog

#6863849 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - PsykologenDin"

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 4:10 PM

Twitter Support <>


I want this escalated for a second opinion please.

This is part of a large attack it seems, and Twitter have taken the around fifty complaints I've sent you earlier more seriously, I think.

This is like you aren't taking your job seriously, I think.

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 1:15 PM, SamuelFisher <> wrote:

##- Please type your reply above this line -##


SamuelFisher, Dec 13 05:15 am (PST): Hello,
While we understand your frustration, the reported behavior is not in violation of the Twitter Rules (
We have found overwhelmingly that responding to users who are intentionally attempting to aggravate you encourages that user to continue their behavior. We recommend you don’t reply, retweet, comment on their behavior, or instigate them. If you'd prefer not to see content from that person, you can block the user using the blocking feature described here:
As a policy, we do not mediate content and we do not intervene in disputes between users. This means that users are allowed to post potentially inflammatory content, provided that they do not violate the Twitter Rules.
If you believe the content or behavior you are reporting is prohibited in your local jurisdiction, please contact your local authorities so they can accurately assess the content or behavior for possible violations of local law. If Twitter is contacted directly by law enforcement, we can work with them and provide assistance for their investigation as well as guidance around possible approaches. You can point local law enforcement to our Law Enforcement Guidelines here:
If you’re concerned for your physical safety, please contact your local authorities for further assistance. Please let us know if you believe the behavior has escalated or otherwise violates our rules.
Twitter Trust & Safety

Additional information:
• Dealing with abusive users:
• Blocking other users:
• Making your profile protected:

johncons, Dec 12 05:03 pm (PST): How can we help?: Offensive content
Reported user: @PsykologenDin
Offensive Tweet:
Text of Tweet: @johncons Jeg har ledige timer.
Tweet time: Dec 10 2012 16:26:59 via web
What are you reporting?: This user keeps sending me @replies and I don't want to receive them.
Blocked user(s): Yes
How long ago did this begin?: Few days ago
How many times has this happened?: Only once, (but this is a new account which seems dedicated to attacking me).
I've sent you around 50 similar reports lately.
This seems organised.
Further description of problem: This account calls himself a nick meaning: 'Your psychologist'.
And the person tweets to me that he can set up an appointment.
(Something like this).
I think this is very inpolite and offensive.
Your full name: Erik Ribsskog
I understand that Twitter may provide third parties, such as the affected user, with a copy of this report.
Twitter username: @johncons
Email address:


Mer om Twitter-klage, (SeriousCareface)

Gmail - #6864048 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - SeriousCareface"


Erik Ribsskog

#6864048 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - SeriousCareface"

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 4:06 PM

Twitter Support <>


I want this escalated for a second opinion please.

This is part of a large attack it seems, and Twitter have taken the around fifty complaints I've sent you earlier more seriously, I think.

This is like you aren't taking your job seriously, I think.

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 1:15 PM, SamuelFisher <> wrote:

##- Please type your reply above this line -##


SamuelFisher, Dec 13 05:15 am (PST): Hello,
While we understand your frustration, the reported behavior is not in violation of the Twitter Rules (
We have found overwhelmingly that responding to users who are intentionally attempting to aggravate you encourages that user to continue their behavior. We recommend you don’t reply, retweet, comment on their behavior, or instigate them. If you'd prefer not to see content from that person, you can block the user using the blocking feature described here:
As a policy, we do not mediate content and we do not intervene in disputes between users. This means that users are allowed to post potentially inflammatory content, provided that they do not violate the Twitter Rules.
If you believe the content or behavior you are reporting is prohibited in your local jurisdiction, please contact your local authorities so they can accurately assess the content or behavior for possible violations of local law. If Twitter is contacted directly by law enforcement, we can work with them and provide assistance for their investigation as well as guidance around possible approaches. You can point local law enforcement to our Law Enforcement Guidelines here:
If you’re concerned for your physical safety, please contact your local authorities for further assistance. Please let us know if you believe the behavior has escalated or otherwise violates our rules.
Twitter Trust & Safety

Additional information:
• Dealing with abusive users:
• Blocking other users:
• Making your profile protected:

johncons, Dec 12 05:43 pm (PST): How can we help?: Offensive content
Reported user: @SeriousCareface
Offensive Tweet:
Text of Tweet: @johncons Mafian sa akkurat til meg at de har gitt opp å lete etter deg.
Tweet time: Dec 10 2012 17:39:24 via web
What are you reporting?: This user keeps sending me @replies and I don't want to receive them.
Blocked user(s): Yes
How long ago did this begin?: Few days ago
How many times has this happened?: Only once, (but this is a person I don't know who is).
Further description of problem: The person tweets to me that the mafia just told him they've stopped looking for me.
I think this is very inpolite, ridiculing and harassing.
Your full name: Erik Ribsskog
I understand that Twitter may provide third parties, such as the affected user, with a copy of this report.
Twitter username: @johncons
Email address:


Mer om Twitter-klage, (JohnconsRumpe)

Gmail - #6864093 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - JohnconsRumpe"


Erik Ribsskog

#6864093 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - JohnconsRumpe"

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 4:02 PM

Twitter Support <>


I want this escalated for a second opinion please.

This is part of a large attack it seems, and Twitter have taken the around fifty complaints I've sent you earlier more seriously, I think.

This is like you aren't taking your job seriously, I think.

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 1:15 PM, SamuelFisher <> wrote:

##- Please type your reply above this line -##


SamuelFisher, Dec 13 05:15 am (PST): Hello,
While we understand your frustration, the reported behavior is not in violation of the Twitter Rules (
We have found overwhelmingly that responding to users who are intentionally attempting to aggravate you encourages that user to continue their behavior. We recommend you don’t reply, retweet, comment on their behavior, or instigate them. If you'd prefer not to see content from that person, you can block the user using the blocking feature described here:
As a policy, we do not mediate content and we do not intervene in disputes between users. This means that users are allowed to post potentially inflammatory content, provided that they do not violate the Twitter Rules.
If you believe the content or behavior you are reporting is prohibited in your local jurisdiction, please contact your local authorities so they can accurately assess the content or behavior for possible violations of local law. If Twitter is contacted directly by law enforcement, we can work with them and provide assistance for their investigation as well as guidance around possible approaches. You can point local law enforcement to our Law Enforcement Guidelines here:
If you’re concerned for your physical safety, please contact your local authorities for further assistance. Please let us know if you believe the behavior has escalated or otherwise violates our rules.
Twitter Trust & Safety

Additional information:
• Dealing with abusive users:
• Blocking other users:
• Making your profile protected:

johncons, Dec 12 05:53 pm (PST): How can we help?: Offensive content
Reported user: @JohnconsRumpe
Offensive Tweet:
Text of Tweet: @johncons Fjert
Tweet time: Dec 10 2012 21:27:12 via web

Offensive Tweet:
Text of Tweet: @johncons Kan du forresten be mannfolkene dine bruke glidemiddel? På forhånd takk!
Tweet time: Dec 10 2012 21:50:42 via web
What are you reporting?: This user keeps sending me @replies and I don't want to receive them.
Blocked user(s): Yes
How long ago did this begin?: Few days ago
How many times has this happened?: Only twice, (but this is a new account which seems dedicated to attacking me).
I've sent you around 50 similar reports lately.
This seems organised.
Further description of problem: The nick means johncons-bum.
(johncons is my nick).
The first tweet to me means 'fart'.
And the second tweet means that I shouldn't forget to buy lube for my men.
As a heterosexual man, I find these tweets very insulting, offensive and harassing.
Your full name: Erik Ribsskog
I understand that Twitter may provide third parties, such as the affected user, with a copy of this report.
Twitter username: @johncons
Email address:


Mer om Twitter-klage, (GigiPisser)

Gmail - #6864145 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - GigiPisser"


Erik Ribsskog

#6864145 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - GigiPisser"

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 3:59 PM

Twitter Support <>


I want this escalated for a second opinion please.

This is part of a large attack it seems, and Twitter have taken the around fifty complaints I've sent you earlier more seriously, I think.

This is like you aren't taking your job seriously, I think.

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 1:15 PM, SamuelFisher <> wrote:

##- Please type your reply above this line -##


SamuelFisher, Dec 13 05:15 am (PST): Hello,
While we understand your frustration, the reported behavior is not in violation of the Twitter Rules (
We have found overwhelmingly that responding to users who are intentionally attempting to aggravate you encourages that user to continue their behavior. We recommend you don’t reply, retweet, comment on their behavior, or instigate them. If you'd prefer not to see content from that person, you can block the user using the blocking feature described here:
As a policy, we do not mediate content and we do not intervene in disputes between users. This means that users are allowed to post potentially inflammatory content, provided that they do not violate the Twitter Rules.
If you believe the content or behavior you are reporting is prohibited in your local jurisdiction, please contact your local authorities so they can accurately assess the content or behavior for possible violations of local law. If Twitter is contacted directly by law enforcement, we can work with them and provide assistance for their investigation as well as guidance around possible approaches. You can point local law enforcement to our Law Enforcement Guidelines here:
If you’re concerned for your physical safety, please contact your local authorities for further assistance. Please let us know if you believe the behavior has escalated or otherwise violates our rules.
Twitter Trust & Safety

Additional information:
• Dealing with abusive users:
• Blocking other users:
• Making your profile protected:

johncons, Dec 12 06:03 pm (PST): How can we help?: Offensive content
Reported user: @GigiPisser
Offensive Tweet:
Text of Tweet: @johncons Nei, gryntere er ikke velkomne på julebord. Du får spise måkene dine alene.
Tweet time: Dec 10 2012 23:08:09 via web
What are you reporting?: This user keeps sending me @replies and I don't want to receive them.
Blocked user(s): Yes
How long ago did this begin?: Few days ago
How many times has this happened?: Only once, (but this is a new account, which seems dedicated to attacking me, I think).
I've sent you around 50 similar reports lately.
This seems organised.

Further description of problem: The tweet, (to my nick), means: oinkers aren't welcome on Christmas-table-parties. You'll have to eat your seaguls alone.
I haven't contacted this person at all.

But it seems to me that this person is refering to my blog.
I used to live across a lane from some seaguls, which I posted videos about on YouTube and on my blog.
I think this tweet is very inpolite and offensive.
Your full name: Erik Ribsskog
I understand that Twitter may provide third parties, such as the affected user, with a copy of this report.
Twitter username: @johncons
Email address:


Mer om Twitter-klage, (Gryntgrynt)

Gmail - #6864203 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - Gryntgrynt"


Erik Ribsskog

#6864203 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - Gryntgrynt"

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 3:56 PM

Twitter Support <>


I want this escalated for a second opinion please.

This is part of a large attack it seems, and Twitter have taken the around fifty complaints I've sent you earlier more seriously, I think.

This is like you aren't taking your job seriously, I think.

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 1:15 PM, SamuelFisher <> wrote:

##- Please type your reply above this line -##


SamuelFisher, Dec 13 05:15 am (PST): Hello,
While we understand your frustration, the reported behavior is not in violation of the Twitter Rules (
We have found overwhelmingly that responding to users who are intentionally attempting to aggravate you encourages that user to continue their behavior. We recommend you don’t reply, retweet, comment on their behavior, or instigate them. If you'd prefer not to see content from that person, you can block the user using the blocking feature described here:
As a policy, we do not mediate content and we do not intervene in disputes between users. This means that users are allowed to post potentially inflammatory content, provided that they do not violate the Twitter Rules.
If you believe the content or behavior you are reporting is prohibited in your local jurisdiction, please contact your local authorities so they can accurately assess the content or behavior for possible violations of local law. If Twitter is contacted directly by law enforcement, we can work with them and provide assistance for their investigation as well as guidance around possible approaches. You can point local law enforcement to our Law Enforcement Guidelines here:
If you’re concerned for your physical safety, please contact your local authorities for further assistance. Please let us know if you believe the behavior has escalated or otherwise violates our rules.
Twitter Trust & Safety

Additional information:
• Dealing with abusive users:
• Blocking other users:
• Making your profile protected:

johncons, Dec 12 06:12 pm (PST): How can we help?: Offensive content
Reported user: @Gryntgrynt
Offensive Tweet:
Text of Tweet: @johncons Grynt
Tweet time: Dec 11 2012 15:20:14 via web
What are you reporting?: This user keeps sending me @replies and I don't want to receive them.
Blocked user(s): Yes
How long ago did this begin?: Few days ago
How many times has this happened?: Only once, (but this is a new account which seems dedicated to attacking me).
I've sent you around 50 similar reports lately.
This seems organised.
Further description of problem: The person tweets 'Grynt' to me, which means something like 'oink'.
This is very inpolite and offensive, I think.
Your full name: Erik Ribsskog
I understand that Twitter may provide third parties, such as the affected user, with a copy of this report.
Twitter username: @johncons
Email address:


Mer om Twitter-klage, (SomeMafian)

Gmail - #6864264 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - SomeMafian"


Erik Ribsskog

#6864264 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - SomeMafian"

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 3:52 PM

Twitter Support <>


I want this escalated for a second opinion please.

This is part of a large attack it seems, and Twitter have taken the around fifty complaints I've sent you earlier more seriously, I think.

This is like you aren't taking your job seriously, I think.

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 1:15 PM, SamuelFisher <> wrote:

##- Please type your reply above this line -##


SamuelFisher, Dec 13 05:15 am (PST): Hello,
While we understand your frustration, the reported behavior is not in violation of the Twitter Rules (
We have found overwhelmingly that responding to users who are intentionally attempting to aggravate you encourages that user to continue their behavior. We recommend you don’t reply, retweet, comment on their behavior, or instigate them. If you'd prefer not to see content from that person, you can block the user using the blocking feature described here:
As a policy, we do not mediate content and we do not intervene in disputes between users. This means that users are allowed to post potentially inflammatory content, provided that they do not violate the Twitter Rules.
If you believe the content or behavior you are reporting is prohibited in your local jurisdiction, please contact your local authorities so they can accurately assess the content or behavior for possible violations of local law. If Twitter is contacted directly by law enforcement, we can work with them and provide assistance for their investigation as well as guidance around possible approaches. You can point local law enforcement to our Law Enforcement Guidelines here:
If you’re concerned for your physical safety, please contact your local authorities for further assistance. Please let us know if you believe the behavior has escalated or otherwise violates our rules.
Twitter Trust & Safety

Additional information:
• Dealing with abusive users:
• Blocking other users:
• Making your profile protected:

johncons, Dec 12 06:21 pm (PST): How can we help?: Offensive content
Reported user: @SomeMafian
Offensive Tweet:
Text of Tweet: @johncons Hello, we started following you. Hope this is alright!
Tweet time: Dec 11 2012 15:26:45 via web
What are you reporting?: This user keeps sending me @replies and I don't want to receive them.
Blocked user(s): Yes
How long ago did this begin?: Few days ago
How many times has this happened?: Only once, (but this is a new account which seems dedicated to attacking me).
I've sent you around fifty similar reports lately.
This seems organised.
Further description of problem: Someone say they are a mafia, and have started following me.
I would have normally sent about crime like this to the Police, but they don't reply to my crime-reports, for some reason.
Your full name: Erik Ribsskog
I understand that Twitter may provide third parties, such as the affected user, with a copy of this report.
Twitter username: @johncons
Email address:


Mer om Twitter-klage, (G_Rukke)

Gmail - #6864302 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - G_Rukke"


Erik Ribsskog

#6864302 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - G_Rukke"

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 3:03 PM

Twitter Support <>


I want this escalated for a second opinion please.

This is part of a large attack it seems, and Twitter have taken the around fifty complaints I've sent you earlier more seriously, I think.

This is like you aren't taking your job seriously, I think.

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 1:15 PM, SamuelFisher <> wrote:

##- Please type your reply above this line -##


SamuelFisher, Dec 13 05:15 am (PST): Hello,
While we understand your frustration, the reported behavior is not in violation of the Twitter Rules (
We have found overwhelmingly that responding to users who are intentionally attempting to aggravate you encourages that user to continue their behavior. We recommend you don’t reply, retweet, comment on their behavior, or instigate them. If you'd prefer not to see content from that person, you can block the user using the blocking feature described here:
As a policy, we do not mediate content and we do not intervene in disputes between users. This means that users are allowed to post potentially inflammatory content, provided that they do not violate the Twitter Rules.
If you believe the content or behavior you are reporting is prohibited in your local jurisdiction, please contact your local authorities so they can accurately assess the content or behavior for possible violations of local law. If Twitter is contacted directly by law enforcement, we can work with them and provide assistance for their investigation as well as guidance around possible approaches. You can point local law enforcement to our Law Enforcement Guidelines here:
If you’re concerned for your physical safety, please contact your local authorities for further assistance. Please let us know if you believe the behavior has escalated or otherwise violates our rules.
Twitter Trust & Safety

Additional information:
• Dealing with abusive users:
• Blocking other users:
• Making your profile protected:

johncons, Dec 12 06:29 pm (PST): How can we help?: Offensive content
Reported user: @G_Rukke

Offensive Tweet:
Text of Tweet: @crukke Han paranoide spinnville fyren som anmeldte bestemoren for være i mafiaen er også på Twitter: @johncons
Tweet time: Dec 11 2012 15:34:54 via web
What are you reporting?: This user keeps sending me @replies and I don't want to receive them.
Blocked user(s): Yes
How long ago did this begin?: Few days ago
How many times has this happened?: Only once, (but this is a new account, which seems dedicated to attacking me, I think).
I've sent you around fifty similar reports lately.
This seems organised.

Further description of problem: The person calls me paranoid, and 'spin-wild'.
This is very offensive, inpolite and harassing, I think.
I don't even know who this person is.
Your full name: Erik Ribsskog
I understand that Twitter may provide third parties, such as the affected user, with a copy of this report.
Twitter username: @johncons
Email address:


Mer om Twitter-klage, (MsErikRibsskog)

Gmail - #6864391 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - MsErikRibsskog"


Erik Ribsskog

#6864391 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - MsErikRibsskog"



Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 1:15 PM

Twitter Support <>

johncons <>

##- Please type your reply above this line -##


SamuelFisher, Dec 13 05:15 am (PST): Hello,
While we understand your frustration, the reported behavior is not in violation of the Twitter Rules (
We have found overwhelmingly that responding to users who are intentionally attempting to aggravate you encourages that user to continue their behavior. We recommend you don’t reply, retweet, comment on their behavior, or instigate them. If you'd prefer not to see content from that person, you can block the user using the blocking feature described here:
As a policy, we do not mediate content and we do not intervene in disputes between users. This means that users are allowed to post potentially inflammatory content, provided that they do not violate the Twitter Rules.
If you believe the content or behavior you are reporting is prohibited in your local jurisdiction, please contact your local authorities so they can accurately assess the content or behavior for possible violations of local law. If Twitter is contacted directly by law enforcement, we can work with them and provide assistance for their investigation as well as guidance around possible approaches. You can point local law enforcement to our Law Enforcement Guidelines here:
If you’re concerned for your physical safety, please contact your local authorities for further assistance. Please let us know if you believe the behavior has escalated or otherwise violates our rules.
Twitter Trust & Safety

Additional information:
• Dealing with abusive users:
• Blocking other users:
• Making your profile protected:

johncons, Dec 12 06:45 pm (PST): How can we help?: Offensive content
Reported user: @MsErikRibsskog
Offensive Tweet:
Text of Tweet: @johncons Penis- og testikkelamputasjon bestilt.
Tweet time: Dec 12 2012 01:10:00 via web
What are you reporting?: This user keeps sending me @replies and I don't want to receive them.
Blocked user(s): Yes
How long ago did this begin?: Few days ago
How many times has this happened?: Only once, (but this is a new account which seems dedicated to attacking me).
I've sent you around fifty similar reports lately.
This seems organised.
Further description of problem: The person uses my name, (Erik Ribsskog), with 'Miss', in front.
And writes that penis and testicle-amutation has been ordered.
I'm a heterosexual man, who thinks this seems like some kind of horrible threat.
I would have normally sent crime-reports like this to the Police, but they don't reply to my crime-reports, for some reason.
Your full name: Erik Ribsskog
I understand that Twitter may provide third parties, such as the affected user, with a copy of this report.
Twitter username: @johncons
Email address:


Mer om Twitter-klage, (MobbedByMafia)

Gmail - #6864437 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - MobbedByMafia"


Erik Ribsskog

#6864437 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - MobbedByMafia"

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 2:56 PM

Twitter Support <>


I want this escalated for a second opinion please.

This is part of a large attack it seems, and Twitter have taken the around fifty complaints I've sent you earlier more seriously, I think.

This is like you aren't taking your job seriously, I think.

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 1:15 PM, SamuelFisher <> wrote:

##- Please type your reply above this line -##


SamuelFisher, Dec 13 05:15 am (PST): Hello,
While we understand your frustration, the reported behavior is not in violation of the Twitter Rules (
We have found overwhelmingly that responding to users who are intentionally attempting to aggravate you encourages that user to continue their behavior. We recommend you don’t reply, retweet, comment on their behavior, or instigate them. If you'd prefer not to see content from that person, you can block the user using the blocking feature described here:
As a policy, we do not mediate content and we do not intervene in disputes between users. This means that users are allowed to post potentially inflammatory content, provided that they do not violate the Twitter Rules.
If you believe the content or behavior you are reporting is prohibited in your local jurisdiction, please contact your local authorities so they can accurately assess the content or behavior for possible violations of local law. If Twitter is contacted directly by law enforcement, we can work with them and provide assistance for their investigation as well as guidance around possible approaches. You can point local law enforcement to our Law Enforcement Guidelines here:
If you’re concerned for your physical safety, please contact your local authorities for further assistance. Please let us know if you believe the behavior has escalated or otherwise violates our rules.
Twitter Trust & Safety

Additional information:
• Dealing with abusive users:
• Blocking other users:
• Making your profile protected:

johncons, Dec 12 06:54 pm (PST): How can we help?: Offensive content
Reported user: @MobbedByMafia
Offensive Tweet:
Text of Tweet: @jeblad Du må kalle @johncons for Baronesse Adeler. Alt annet er 'breach of honour-crime'
Tweet time: Dec 12 2012 16:00:51 via web
What are you reporting?: This user keeps sending me @replies and I don't want to receive them.
Blocked user(s): Yes
How long ago did this begin?: 24 hours ago
How many times has this happened?: Only once, (but this is a new account which seems dedicated to attacking me).
I've sent you arround fifty similar reports lately.
This seems organised.
Further description of problem: The person writes to another person, that he has to call me 'Baronesse Adeler'.
I'm a heterosexual man, and don't like to be called baronesse.
This I think is very offensive, inpolite and harassing.
The person have also used a lot of effort, to manipulate pictures, (which I own the copyrights for), from my blog, (
Your full name: Erik Ribsskog
I understand that Twitter may provide third parties, such as the affected user, with a copy of this report.
Twitter username: @johncons
Email address:


Mer om Twitter-klage, (johncons_mage)

Gmail - #6863797 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - johncons_mage"


Erik Ribsskog

#6863797 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - johncons_mage"

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 2:51 PM

Twitter Support <>


I want this escalated for a second opinion please.

This is part of a large attack it seems, and Twitter have taken the around fifty complaints I've sent you earlier more seriously, I think.

This is like you aren't taking your job seriously, I think.

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 1:14 PM, SamuelFisher <> wrote:

##- Please type your reply above this line -##


SamuelFisher, Dec 13 05:14 am (PST): Hello,
While we understand your frustration, the reported behavior is not in violation of the Twitter Rules (
We have found overwhelmingly that responding to users who are intentionally attempting to aggravate you encourages that user to continue their behavior. We recommend you don’t reply, retweet, comment on their behavior, or instigate them. If you'd prefer not to see content from that person, you can block the user using the blocking feature described here:
As a policy, we do not mediate content and we do not intervene in disputes between users. This means that users are allowed to post potentially inflammatory content, provided that they do not violate the Twitter Rules.
If you believe the content or behavior you are reporting is prohibited in your local jurisdiction, please contact your local authorities so they can accurately assess the content or behavior for possible violations of local law. If Twitter is contacted directly by law enforcement, we can work with them and provide assistance for their investigation as well as guidance around possible approaches. You can point local law enforcement to our Law Enforcement Guidelines here:
If you’re concerned for your physical safety, please contact your local authorities for further assistance. Please let us know if you believe the behavior has escalated or otherwise violates our rules.
Twitter Trust & Safety

Additional information:
• Dealing with abusive users:
• Blocking other users:
• Making your profile protected:

johncons, Dec 12 04:54 pm (PST): How can we help?: Offensive content
Reported user: @johncons_mage
Offensive Tweet:
Text of Tweet: Jeg er latterlig stor. Større enn størst. For å underdrive litt. Men @johncons sine mannlige elskere digger meg visstnok. Så sånn er det.
Tweet time: Dec 10 2012 00:41:21 via web
What are you reporting?: This user keeps sending me @replies and I don't want to receive them.
Blocked user(s): Yes
How long ago did this begin?: Few days ago
How many times has this happened?: Only once, (but this is a new account which seems dedicated to attacking me).
I've sent you around 50 similar reports in the last couple of weeks.
This seems organised.
Further description of problem: The person with this account, calles himselves 'johncons-mage', which means johncons-belly.
johncons is my nick, on the internet, I have this blog, (johncons-blogg):
The person says that my belly is redicously big and something with male lovers.
And I'm very heterosexual and think this is very offending and inpolite, so I wanted to compain about this.
Your full name: Erik Ribsskog
I understand that Twitter may provide third parties, such as the affected user, with a copy of this report.
Twitter username: @johncons
Email address:


Jeg fikk en ny betaling, fra Amazon/CreateSpace. Takk til de som har kjøpt bøkene mine!

Gmail - Remittance Advice - ERIK RIBSSKOG. Payment# 4473509


Erik Ribsskog

Remittance Advice - ERIK RIBSSKOG. Payment# 4473509

Amazon Accounts Payable


Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 9:26 AM


~WF_ADHOC-13096090 <>

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The following payment has been made by Amazon EU Sarl.
This payment has been processed by Direct Deposit. Please allow 5 business days following the payment date to receive the funds.
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Payment made to:ERIK RIBSSKOG.
Our Supplier No.:13061495
Supplier site name:MOD:DE:1139481
Paid to bank:Hidden for security
Paid to account:Hidden for security
Payment number:4473509
Payment date:14-DEC-12
Payment currency:EUR
Payment amount:13.07

Invoice Number
Invoice Date
Invoice Description Discount Taken
Amount Paid

491457722-SEP-12Member ID: 1139481, Member Name: Erik Ribsskog, Se9.21 547079428-NOV-12Member ID: 1139481, Member Name: Erik Ribsskog, No3.86

Jeg har tenkt å skifte navn på Godteposer, til Posegodt. For det er vel kanskje bedre norsk


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Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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