Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

onsdag 24. august 2011

Jeg sendte en e-post til ANSA

fromErik Ribsskog

dateWed, Aug 24, 2011 at 11:24 AM
subjectFwd: Invitation to Attend An Interview at University of Sunderland

hide details 11:24 AM (0 minutes ago)


kan dere sende dette videre til de rette i England?

(Fant ikke noe e-post til Department of Education).

Jeg var sendt fra Student Helpline til Accommodation, og trodde jeg var klarert for History.

Da jeg kom hjem til Temporary Accommodation, i Clanny House, ved campus, University of Sunderland, paa mandag, saa laa det et brev under doera om at jeg hadde en avtale 22. september, om aa faa en studieplass.

Og at jeg kunne bo der jeg bodde frem til da.

Dagen etter blir jeg vekket tidlig, faar ikke lov aa barbere meg og pusse tennene, blir dratt med til et moete med noen folk som ikke presenterer seg.

De sier jeg maa flytte, og at moetet som det stod var 22. september, var foer 22. august, enn jeg leste brevet.

(For brevet ble levert 22. august, og jeg var ikke hjemme foer paa ettermiddagen).

Politet var oppringt og kjoerte meg til the Coucil i Sunderland, og jeg bor naa paa et hostell.

Politiet dukket opp der med noen vannflasker jeg ikke hadde tatt med fra Clanny House, campus.

Og et brev fra University of Sunderland, hvor de beklager at det ikke stod korrekt maaned.

Men jeg mener det at det ogsaa ville vaert alt for kort moetevarsel.

Og at dette var en konstruksjon.

Og at folk som skriver feil maaned og som ikke rydder opp i det, det er folk som ikke burde ha ansvar og heller burde jobbet med aa smoere baguetter, etc.

Noe saant.

Universitetet skriver at jeg skylder de penger fra 2005.

Ja, men jeg har kontaktet de flere ganger, etter dette, om aa faa til en betalingsavtale, og de har ikke svart.

Jeg mener at jeg var klarert for History naar Student Helpline sendte meg til Accommodation.

Universitetet skrev i brevet at de er helt fulle, og ikke har noen ledige plasser i det hele tatt.

Jeg synes dette er vanskelig aa tro.

Jeg mener at naar de tuller saann med moetetidspunkt osv., saa burde de i det minste latt meg faa studere et kurs.

De dro meg opp av senga og til et moete og heiv meg ut som om det skulle vaert i Hitler Tyskland.

Jeg bor naa paa et hostell som minner mest om et fengsel, (naar man ser paa de som bor der, folk med tatoveringer etc).

Vil advare mot dette universitetet naa.

De vil heller ikke gi meg bekreftelse paa at jeg fikk beste karakter paa TOEFL-test i 2004, mm.

Veldig uakademiske.

Som om det var Warsawa-pakten som vant den kalde krigen, og at folka jobba for Stasi.

Noe saannt.


Erik Ribsskog

- Hide quoted text -
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: Invitation to Attend An Interview at University of Sunderland
To: Trudy Doran
Cc:,, Harry Erwin


thank you for your e-mail!

What happened this morning was that university staff and the Police woke me up and threw me out of my room and I was sent to the Council and am now at a hostel.

I think this must be the worst thing that has happened all my life.

It was like in Hitler Germany.

In your e-mail from yesteday you say I can stay untill September and then on.

What the h*ll, I think I have to say, is going on?

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 12:31 PM, Trudy Doran wrote:

Re: Invitation to Interview with the University of Sunderland Admission Team

Dear Eric

You met with my colleague Lesley Watson from The Accommodation Office at The Gateway, on Friday 19th August 11. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss your current and future accommodation requirements. You are currently in a temporary room at Clanny House.
You advised Lesley that you intend to apply for a study programme at The University of Sunderland for the new academic year, commencing this September. If successful in your application to study you intend to apply for a permanent university accommodation contract.

University records indicate that you have not yet formally applied for a study programme. To support you in doing so, an appointment has been arranged for you to meet with a member of the University Admissions Team.
Please report to the Accommodation Desk at The Gateway City Campus on

Date: Monday, 22nd Sept 11
Time: 2 pm

It is very important that you attend the meeting as this will determine your current accommodation room rate, your accommodation needs and your future study status with the University of Sunderland.
If you are unable to attend the interview, please contact me on 0191 5152935 or email no later than 1 pm on Monday, 22 August 2011 to confirm your attendance or to arrange an alternate appointment time, should this be necessary.

Trudy Doran
Assistant Residential Services Manager/Operations Manager (Welfare & Support)
Residential Services
The Gateway, Level 1
City Campus
Chester Road

Contact Tel No: 0191 5152935

Visit to see the University's new TV ads

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Liverpool City Council

fromErik Ribsskog
toLiverpool Direct

dateWed, Aug 24, 2011 at 10:59 AM
subjectRe: Your Refuse Problem <<#22175-124542#>>

hide details 10:59 AM (0 minutes ago)


it's not Leathers Lane.

It's Leather Lane, in L2.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

- Hide quoted text -
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Liverpool Direct wrote:

Your unique reference number is: 124542
Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.
Dear Erik

Thank you for your e-mail regarding your refuse problem.Due to the refuse problem being situated on Leather Lane, this does not come under Liverpool City Council and would be covered by Knowsley Borough Council which you can access through link below.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below.

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Want free reminders by text of when to put your bins out? Text BINS, your house number and postcode to 62233. (You will not be charged for any of the reminder messages you receive. An Inbound text message to 62233 will be charged at standard network message rates.)

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog
Received: 22/08/11 10:35:03 o'clock BST
To: Liverpool Direct
CC:Phso Enquiries
Subject: Re: Fwd: IPCC reference: 2011/004716


I sent it to the Council as an update on the problem with the garbage-throwing-routine, like I've complained to the Council about earlier.

I think the garbage-bins should be easily accessable like it's been on all other addresses I've lived at, in the UK and abroad.

The routine, with having to walk throug a pub/restaurant-patio, past a lot of business-people in suits, who are drinking continental beer and eating dinner, is degrading for the people living in 5 Leather Lane, I think.

How would you have liked to have to walk through a restaurant to throw your garbage yourselves?

(If it's ok to ask).

So I just wanted to update about this problem which it seems a bit perhaps to me that the Council ignores.

Also, the Liverpool County Court, is in the same neighbourhood as 5 Leather Lane.

Who know if perhaps the Bailiff and the Judge use to sit in that patio and are tired of seeing me distroying their meal when I'm walking by, they are perhaps 'inhabile' due to this, I've thought about now.

I'm also sending this e-mail as an update to the Parliamentary Ombudsman.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 3:50 AM, Liverpool Direct wrote:

Your unique reference number is: 124542
Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.
Dear Mr Ribsskog.

Thank you for your email.

In order to further process your enquiry, please can you advise what your complaint is concerning, as the issue with the police and bailiffs would not be dealt with by the council unless it was due to a debt owed to the council, such as council tax.

If you have a specific complaint about a service provided by the council which you would like us to investigate, please advise and we will forward it to the relevant department for you.
If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Want free reminders by text of when to put your bins out? Text BINS, your house number and postcode to 62233. (You will not be charged for any of the reminder messages you receive. An Inbound text message to 62233 will be charged at standard network message rates.)

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog
Received: 20/08/11 13:15:09 o'clock BST
CC:Phso Enquiries
Subject: Fwd: IPCC reference: 2011/004716


yes I wanted to complain about what happened.

It started really back in 2006, when I moved to Leather Lane.

Mr. Grimes, from Imperial Property, (the Landlord company), wanted to keep the original of my tenancy-statement, from the shared flat, in Mandeville St., in Walton, where I moved to when I got employment at Arvato, in the automn of 2005.

There it wasn't fun to live, people stole my food, woke me up in the middle of the night to get cigarettes and some people didn't pay for electricity, etc.

The landlord, (John, who has a furniture store in Breck Rd., I think it was), took away the heather in my room, for 'refurbishment', or something, so I had a cold winter, without any heating in my room.

So I wanted out of that place.

So I let Mr. Grimes have the statement.

I was a bit desperate to move, due to that it's quite cold not having heating in your room.

Also, the garbage-throwing arrangement in 5 Leather Lane, are hillarious.

One have to walk trough a restaurant/pub-patio, where a lot of people in suits etc., sits to drink imported lager or to have a meal.

It's degrading to live there, I'd say, due to the placement of the garbage-bins.

The boiler wasn't fixed for two years there, and when the washing-machine also broke down, I kept some of the Housing Benefit, (I got constructivly dismissed from Arvato and have an employment-case), and bought a washing-machine.

The tone between me and the Landlord-office was a bit heated.

I went there to pay the rent since there were also other problems I could discuss at the same time, like disrepair.

And I was a bit in arrears with the rent, so I thought it would be more polite to show up at their office in person.

Then Lorna sent George, from their Preston-office to collect the rent, for some time, on my door.

George, (I don't think I got the last-name), never where there on the agreed dates, so I had to go to the bank all the time to withdraw and deposit the rent.

Some, (or perhaps all, this is some years ago, so I don't have all the receipts yet), of the money George collected aren't on the statement.

So it's a dispute between me and the landlord, regarding many things.

Mr. Grimes said he would go to my flat to give me a 'special gift'.

I'm a bit vary about Mr. Grimes and Lorna due to that they kept the original statement, and have acted very strange when I have called.

Once I called Lorna if she had gotten an envelope with money for the rent, which I put in their letter hole in the wall.

Since they closed earlier than I thought.

The next working day I called them to check if they've gotten the money, and Lorna said I shouldn't put envelopes in their hole in the wall, due to that 'the children could find them'.

In an office?

That really freaked me out.

So both Mr. Grimes, Lorna, George and the garbage-throwing-arrangement really freaked me out.

The dispute was taken to the County Court.

The County Court didn't send me a letter about a court-hearing.

(Or at least I didn't get the letter).

I complained about this, to Admin Appeals, and didn't prepare for the next hearing, since I'd frozen the process, I thought.

(The court called me three times about these hearings, while I told them I wanted this in writing).

I also complained to the Parliamentary Ombudsman, (who I also update now).

But the Liverpool County Court, ignored my complaints, and on Wednesday at 1 PM., the Bailiff and the Police where at my door.

I didn't expect the Police, only the Bailiff, and I thought he didn't have the right to throw me out, after I'd complained to the Parliamentary Ombudsman, so I put a sofa in from of my door, on Tuesday night.

The Police and the Bailiff had keys to my door, but couldn't get in due to the sofa.

I complained again to the IPCC and the Parliamentary Ombudsman, while the Police and the Bailiff tried to get in.

I handed the Police printed copies of these complaints through a slight opening in the door.

The Police just removed my enterance-door, after I'd given them the letters.

(Probably with some tools etc).

The Police were also shouting and hammering on my door, even if I told them I'd complained to the Parliamentary Ombudsman and told them to leave me alone.

It was horrible with all their noise etc., so it was a bit uncivilised I think.

The Police were at my door two times, in March, with stun-guns etc., due to that some readers on my blog had told them I'd bought an axe, for self-defence, (since I thought Mr. Grimes was threatening me).

I used to be in the Home Defence in Norway, so I'm used to having a machine-gun in my home, and thought it was calming having an axe in my appartment, so that I could defend myself in case something happened, and the axe could also be used as a fire-axe, in case of a fire, etc.

An in-expensive axe from Wilkinson.

But then four Police-officers came to my flat with stun-guns and all.

I've read in the Times, in 2005 or 2006, that in the UK one are allowed to defend oneselves, if burglars etc., want to attack you in your home, and after being in the Norwegian Home-Defence, I don't think it's that dramatic having an axe in one's flat, for self-defense.

(Like Duncan Ferguson, he use to beat burglars up, I've read.

So one are allowed to defend one's flat in the UK, I think).

The Police dramatised this a lot, and fist four Police-officers with stun-guns came to my flat, and looked at my cutlery and all my other things in my kitchen and my bed-room.

And stole my axe.

Which I had bought in self-defence against Mr. Grimes who freaks me out a bit.

(It's the story with the tenancy-contract, etc.

I don't think a 'normal' guy would have wanted the orginal of one of my documents.

So he freaked me out a bit.

He also wanted to give me a special goodbye gift, etc.

This I thought was peculiar.

And freaked me out).

Also two inspectors from the Police, came to my flat.

(One had a hare-lip).

And asked a lot of questions regarding the Wilkinson-axe.

So I got a bit fed up, I thought the Police dramatised and I refered to the castle doctrine, which says people have the right to defend one's home.

So I felt harassed by the Police and the Landlord, and put a poster on my door, telling the Police to just send a letter in the post, and don't scream outside my door, all the time.

The Police just ignored this poster/paper-sheet, on Wednesday, and just broke the door down.

The Bailiff and the Police told me I could bring some of my personal stuff with me.

But the Police nagged about that I had to hurry, and stressed me, so I didn't get things like extra underway, socks, my tooth-brush, mobile-charger, camera-charger, laptop, etc.

The Police told me noone could stop a warrant from the County Court, so I just calmed it down, and filled my suit-case with my desk-top computer and some clothes.

And brought with me two bags as well, one containing all the files from my employment-case against Arvato, who I've contaced a lot of law-firms, (on the legal aid programme), and the Police about, without any progress, for some reason.

Then I took a National Express-bus to Sunderland, since I'd recently been in contact with them about starting studying again, and my enquiery was sent to the accommodation-office, at University of Sunderland, so I reackoned I just needed to speak with accommodation, to get a flat at campus.

I got temperary accommodation, at campus, at University of Sunderland, the same day, (Wednesday), and am now corresponding with my old faculty, Faculty of Applied Sciences, which modules I'm going to study.

But the dispute between me and my Landlord wasn't really resolved.

I think the Police should have respected the copies of the e-mails to the Parliamentary Ombudsman and the IPCC, which I gave them, and not broken down my front-door.

I couldn't really live there then, with a distroyed front-door, so it didn't really mather much which arguments I used, when I spoke with the Police and the Bailiff, after that.

So I want to complain about both the Court, the Landlord, the Bailiff and the Police, so I send copies to the Ombudsman and the Liverpool City Council, (who I've updated about this case earlier).

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


I also have an IPCC-case, from 2007, which is stalled at the IPCC, from when the Merseyside Police called me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog', in a letter, and other complaints.

I've also sent a lot of e-mails to the Merseyside Police, in the last months, about that I'm being attacked on the internet, with identity-theft attacks etc., a lot.

I also send a copy e-mail to the Norwegian embassy, in London, since I also contacted them, while the Police broke down my door, on Wednesday.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: !enquiries
Date: Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 4:52 PM
Subject: IPCC reference: 2011/004716
To: Erik Ribsskog

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for contacting the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC). It appears that you are unhappy with police wantign to break into your apartment, I therefore thought it would be helpful to explain the police complaints process to enable you to raise your concerns.

If you feel that you have been treated badly by the police you have the right to make a complaint. Through this process you can raise your concerns and the police can have the opportunity to address them.
There are different ways to make your complaint, however the quickest way is to make your complaint to the police force concerned as they will be responsible for resolving your complaint. Contact details for police forces can be found at the following link: To help you find which police force you wish to complain about you can visit the website :
If you prefer you can make your complaint to the IPCC and we will forward the details onto the Professional Standards Department of the police service concerned on your behalf. The easiest way to make your complaint to the IPCC is to complete our online complaint form. The form will prompt you for all the information we need in order to process your complaint. If you would prefer a hard copy please provide contact details and we will send you a copy in the post.
Link to IPCC online complaint form:
Alternatively you can contact a solicitor, a representative or your MP to act on your behalf.
If you are unhappy with the way your complaint was handled or the decisions made you may have a right of appeal to the IPCC. It is at this stage of the process the IPCC would become involved.
If you have any further queries please contact Customer Services on 08453 002 002.
Kind regards

Caroline Wilson
Customer Contact Advisor
Independent Police Complaints Commission
Tel: 08453 002 002

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Illuminati blood-line?

Jeg tenker naa, at grunnen til at jeg blir tullet med 'overalt og av alle'.

Er fordi at min mor, Karen Ribsskog, er etter faraoene og Kong David osv., og er en saakalt 'Illuminati-linje'.

Min soester Pia Ribsskog, fortalte meg en gang, paa sitt favorittsted Jollys, i Storgata, i Oslo, i 1993 vel, at 'du faar ikke noe hjelp av politiet'.

Skulle ikke forrundre meg om det var noe saant.

Hvem vet.

Vi faar se.


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til the Parliamentary Ombudsman

fromErik Ribsskog
toPhso Enquiries

dateWed, Aug 24, 2011 at 10:51 AM
subjectRe: PHSO: Reference 115058 - Your email to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

hide details 10:51 AM (0 minutes ago)


well this is part of a complaint about the County Court-case so I send this as an update in connection with that case.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

- Hide quoted text -
On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Phso Enquiries wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Our reference: EN-115058 (Please quote in any future correspondence)

Thank you for your email of 23 August 2011 regarding your complaint about your previous landlord.

I note from your email that you wanted to inform the Ombudsman that you wish to have nothing more to do with your landlord, but explained that he still has your deposit and some of your belongings.

As explained in my email of 22 August 2011, the matters that you raise about your landlord fall outside of our jurisdiction and we are therefore unable to assist you with any aspect of this complaint. We can only advise that you contact the Housing Ombudsman Service with any issues relating to your previous landlord.

Further information about our role and what we can and can’t investigate can be found on our website:

Yours sincerely

Lyndsey Carpenter
Customer Service Officer
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower

T: 0345 015 4033

From: Phso Enquiries
Sent: 23 August 2011 14:31
To: Carpenter Lyndsey
Subject: FW: Update/Fwd: Fwd: IPCC reference: 2011/004716 <<#22175-124542#>>

Saved to VF
2 of 2

Angela O'Connor
Customer Service Team Leader
Ext 1591

From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 23 August 2011 12:34
To: Phso Enquiries
Subject: Update/Fwd: Fwd: IPCC reference: 2011/004716 <<#22175-124542#>>


regarding my old landlord, in Liverpool, (Imperial Property), the Bailiff gave me a letter, which I read yesterday.

It said that I had to collect the rest of my personal property, (which I didn't get room for in my suit-case and to bags), within two months.

I don't want anything more to do with this Landlord, (like I have explained, due to that they are very peculiar and freaks me out), so I just inform you about this, (since I don't know who else to inform), that this Landlord, (Imperial Property), still has my deposit and a lot of my personal belongings.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: IPCC reference: 2011/004716 <<#22175-124542#>>
To: Liverpool Direct
Cc: Phso Enquiries

I sent it to the Council as an update on the problem with the garbage-throwing-routine, like I've complained to the Council about earlier.

I think the garbage-bins should be easily accessable like it's been on all other addresses I've lived at, in the UK and abroad.

The routine, with having to walk throug a pub/restaurant-patio, past a lot of business-people in suits, who are drinking continental beer and eating dinner, is degrading for the people living in 5 Leather Lane, I think.

How would you have liked to have to walk through a restaurant to throw your garbage yourselves?

(If it's ok to ask).

So I just wanted to update about this problem which it seems a bit perhaps to me that the Council ignores.

Also, the Liverpool County Court, is in the same neighbourhood as 5 Leather Lane.

Who know if perhaps the Bailiff and the Judge use to sit in that patio and are tired of seeing me distroying their meal when I'm walking by, they are perhaps 'inhabile' due to this, I've thought about now.

I'm also sending this e-mail as an update to the Parliamentary Ombudsman.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog
On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 3:50 AM, Liverpool Direct wrote:

Your unique reference number is: 124542
Please include your unique reference number in all email communication.
Dear Mr Ribsskog.

Thank you for your email.

In order to further process your enquiry, please can you advise what your complaint is concerning, as the issue with the police and bailiffs would not be dealt with by the council unless it was due to a debt owed to the council, such as council tax.

If you have a specific complaint about a service provided by the council which you would like us to investigate, please advise and we will forward it to the relevant department for you.

If you would like any further assistance on this matter or anything else please let me know via the e-mail address below

Kind regards


Liverpool Direct

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you

Want free reminders by text of when to put your bins out? Text BINS, your house number and postcode to 62233. (You will not be charged for any of the reminder messages you receive. An Inbound text message to 62233 will be charged at standard network message rates.)

Would you prefer to receive your council tax bill via e-mail? Go to and complete the easy online registration form.

--- Original Message ---
From: Erik Ribsskog
Received: 20/08/11 13:15:09 o'clock BST
CC:Phso Enquiries
Subject: Fwd: IPCC reference: 2011/004716

yes I wanted to complain about what happened.

It started really back in 2006, when I moved to Leather Lane.

Mr. Grimes, from Imperial Property, (the Landlord company), wanted to keep the original of my tenancy-statement, from the shared flat, in Mandeville St., in Walton, where I moved to when I got employment at Arvato, in the automn of 2005.

There it wasn't fun to live, people stole my food, woke me up in the middle of the night to get cigarettes and some people didn't pay for electricity, etc.

The landlord, (John, who has a furniture store in Breck Rd., I think it was), took away the heather in my room, for 'refurbishment', or something, so I had a cold winter, without any heating in my room.

So I wanted out of that place.

So I let Mr. Grimes have the statement.

I was a bit desperate to move, due to that it's quite cold not having heating in your room.

Also, the garbage-throwing arrangement in 5 Leather Lane, are hillarious.

One have to walk trough a restaurant/pub-patio, where a lot of people in suits etc., sits to drink imported lager or to have a meal.

It's degrading to live there, I'd say, due to the placement of the garbage-bins.

The boiler wasn't fixed for two years there, and when the washing-machine also broke down, I kept some of the Housing Benefit, (I got constructivly dismissed from Arvato and have an employment-case), and bought a washing-machine.

The tone between me and the Landlord-office was a bit heated.

I went there to pay the rent since there were also other problems I could discuss at the same time, like disrepair.

And I was a bit in arrears with the rent, so I thought it would be more polite to show up at their office in person.

Then Lorna sent George, from their Preston-office to collect the rent, for some time, on my door.

George, (I don't think I got the last-name), never where there on the agreed dates, so I had to go to the bank all the time to withdraw and deposit the rent.

Some, (or perhaps all, this is some years ago, so I don't have all the receipts yet), of the money George collected aren't on the statement.

So it's a dispute between me and the landlord, regarding many things.

Mr. Grimes said he would go to my flat to give me a 'special gift'.

I'm a bit vary about Mr. Grimes and Lorna due to that they kept the original statement, and have acted very strange when I have called.

Once I called Lorna if she had gotten an envelope with money for the rent, which I put in their letter hole in the wall.

Since they closed earlier than I thought.

The next working day I called them to check if they've gotten the money, and Lorna said I shouldn't put envelopes in their hole in the wall, due to that 'the children could find them'.

In an office?

That really freaked me out.

So both Mr. Grimes, Lorna, George and the garbage-throwing-arrangement really freaked me out.

The dispute was taken to the County Court.

The County Court didn't send me a letter about a court-hearing.

(Or at least I didn't get the letter).

I complained about this, to Admin Appeals, and didn't prepare for the next hearing, since I'd frozen the process, I thought.

(The court called me three times about these hearings, while I told them I wanted this in writing).

I also complained to the Parliamentary Ombudsman, (who I also update now).

But the Liverpool County Court, ignored my complaints, and on Wednesday at 1 PM., the Bailiff and the Police where at my door.

I didn't expect the Police, only the Bailiff, and I thought he didn't have the right to throw me out, after I'd complained to the Parliamentary Ombudsman, so I put a sofa in from of my door, on Tuesday night.

The Police and the Bailiff had keys to my door, but couldn't get in due to the sofa.

I complained again to the IPCC and the Parliamentary Ombudsman, while the Police and the Bailiff tried to get in.

I handed the Police printed copies of these complaints through a slight opening in the door.

The Police just removed my enterance-door, after I'd given them the letters.

(Probably with some tools etc).

The Police were also shouting and hammering on my door, even if I told them I'd complained to the Parliamentary Ombudsman and told them to leave me alone.

It was horrible with all their noise etc., so it was a bit uncivilised I think.

The Police were at my door two times, in March, with stun-guns etc., due to that some readers on my blog had told them I'd bought an axe, for self-defence, (since I thought Mr. Grimes was threatening me).

I used to be in the Home Defence in Norway, so I'm used to having a machine-gun in my home, and thought it was calming having an axe in my appartment, so that I could defend myself in case something happened, and the axe could also be used as a fire-axe, in case of a fire, etc.

An in-expensive axe from Wilkinson.

But then four Police-officers came to my flat with stun-guns and all.

I've read in the Times, in 2005 or 2006, that in the UK one are allowed to defend oneselves, if burglars etc., want to attack you in your home, and after being in the Norwegian Home-Defence, I don't think it's that dramatic having an axe in one's flat, for self-defense.

(Like Duncan Ferguson, he use to beat burglars up, I've read.

So one are allowed to defend one's flat in the UK, I think).

The Police dramatised this a lot, and fist four Police-officers with stun-guns came to my flat, and looked at my cutlery and all my other things in my kitchen and my bed-room.

And stole my axe.

Which I had bought in self-defence against Mr. Grimes who freaks me out a bit.

(It's the story with the tenancy-contract, etc.

I don't think a 'normal' guy would have wanted the orginal of one of my documents.

So he freaked me out a bit.

He also wanted to give me a special goodbye gift, etc.

This I thought was peculiar.

And freaked me out).

Also two inspectors from the Police, came to my flat.

(One had a hare-lip).

And asked a lot of questions regarding the Wilkinson-axe.

So I got a bit fed up, I thought the Police dramatised and I refered to the castle doctrine, which says people have the right to defend one's home.

So I felt harassed by the Police and the Landlord, and put a poster on my door, telling the Police to just send a letter in the post, and don't scream outside my door, all the time.

The Police just ignored this poster/paper-sheet, on Wednesday, and just broke the door down.

The Bailiff and the Police told me I could bring some of my personal stuff with me.

But the Police nagged about that I had to hurry, and stressed me, so I didn't get things like extra underway, socks, my tooth-brush, mobile-charger, camera-charger, laptop, etc.

The Police told me noone could stop a warrant from the County Court, so I just calmed it down, and filled my suit-case with my desk-top computer and some clothes.

And brought with me two bags as well, one containing all the files from my employment-case against Arvato, who I've contaced a lot of law-firms, (on the legal aid programme), and the Police about, without any progress, for some reason.

Then I took a National Express-bus to Sunderland, since I'd recently been in contact with them about starting studying again, and my enquiery was sent to the accommodation-office, at University of Sunderland, so I reackoned I just needed to speak with accommodation, to get a flat at campus.

I got temperary accommodation, at campus, at University of Sunderland, the same day, (Wednesday), and am now corresponding with my old faculty, Faculty of Applied Sciences, which modules I'm going to study.

But the dispute between me and my Landlord wasn't really resolved.

I think the Police should have respected the copies of the e-mails to the Parliamentary Ombudsman and the IPCC, which I gave them, and not broken down my front-door.

I couldn't really live there then, with a distroyed front-door, so it didn't really mather much which arguments I used, when I spoke with the Police and the Bailiff, after that.

So I want to complain about both the Court, the Landlord, the Bailiff and the Police, so I send copies to the Ombudsman and the Liverpool City Council, (who I've updated about this case earlier).

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


I also have an IPCC-case, from 2007, which is stalled at the IPCC, from when the Merseyside Police called me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog', in a letter, and other complaints.

I've also sent a lot of e-mails to the Merseyside Police, in the last months, about that I'm being attacked on the internet, with identity-theft attacks etc., a lot.

I also send a copy e-mail to the Norwegian embassy, in London, since I also contacted them, while the Police broke down my door, on Wednesday.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: !enquiries
Date: Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 4:52 PM
Subject: IPCC reference: 2011/004716
To: Erik Ribsskog

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for contacting the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC). It appears that you are unhappy with police wantign to break into your apartment, I therefore thought it would be helpful to explain the police complaints process to enable you to raise your concerns.

If you feel that you have been treated badly by the police you have the right to make a complaint. Through this process you can raise your concerns and the police can have the opportunity to address them.
There are different ways to make your complaint, however the quickest way is to make your complaint to the police force concerned as they will be responsible for resolving your complaint. Contact details for police forces can be found at the following link: To help you find which police force you wish to complain about you can visit the website :
If you prefer you can make your complaint to the IPCC and we will forward the details onto the Professional Standards Department of the police service concerned on your behalf. The easiest way to make your complaint to the IPCC is to complete our online complaint form. The form will prompt you for all the information we need in order to process your complaint. If you would prefer a hard copy please provide contact details and we will send you a copy in the post.
Link to IPCC online complaint form:
Alternatively you can contact a solicitor, a representative or your MP to act on your behalf.
If you are unhappy with the way your complaint was handled or the decisions made you may have a right of appeal to the IPCC. It is at this stage of the process the IPCC would become involved.
If you have any further queries please contact Customer Services on 08453 002 002.
Kind regards

Caroline Wilson
Customer Contact Advisor
Independent Police Complaints Commission
Tel: 08453 002 002

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Om meg

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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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