Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

torsdag 11. mai 2023

Jeg sendte en e-post til TSA (the Transport Security Administration) i USA

Erik Ribsskog <>
TSA Customer Service Response: SR: 05921502 - Re: [EXTERNAL SENDER] : Re: WCAA FOIA Appeal Response
Erik Ribsskog <> 11. mai 2023 kl. 21:48
Kopi: Brandi Holdaway <>,,,, "FOIA.Coordinator" <>, Ombudsman <>, EmploymentVerification <>, DPDFOIA DPDFOIA <>, TRIP <>,, "" <>,, post <>, amnestyis <>, HRW UK <>,,,,, Security <>, Akademikerforbundet <>,, Politikk Høyre <>, Sfovpost <>,,,, External Affairs <>,

I'll try to explain about this again.

I was a study abroad-student at University of Sunderland in the UK, from September 2004.

The Norwegian study-loan-bank Lånekassa and my home-university (HiO IU) messed with me, so that my study-loan was a term late.

And this (and other things, including problems with University of Sunderland, who had a problem with false fire-alarms all the time etc, at the shared flat I got after they refused me to get my own flat, like a leaflet they sent me said would be an option) made my studies chaotic.

So I decided to just quit my studies (before 

And I tried to find somewhere to live (and then I was going to find a job).

I tried to move to London, but I got freak-out by some Chelsea-football-hooligans, so I moved on to Amsterdam (because British Airways only had tickets to Amsterdam and Paris that day) and then to Germany.

And while I lived for a few days in a hotel in Frankfurt (in February 2005) then I thought that I needed a holiday (because I had worked a lot, in the holidays etc., before 2005, back in Norway).

(I thought I needed to relax.

And that a holiday (in the sun) would help me relax more.

So that it would be easier with the flat/job-hunt etc.

The reason I moved from Norway, was that I had overheard (at my workplace) that I was followed by some mafia, or something like that.

And I reckoned that the Norwegian police (who had harassed me when I went home from a nigh-club once, with my younger half-brother Axel, who went on a school for retards and youth-criminals (Bogstadveien spesialskole) for 9-10 years).

I reckoned that the Norwegian police wasn't that good with mafia-stuff (since Norway is a small country, in the outskirts of Europe) so I thought it would be better to live in the UK, and then find out which department in the Norwegian police that I should contact about this).

But the flight (from Frankfurt to Mallorca) was canceled.

And I got a ticket (almost all the other passengers got new tickets before me, so I had to wait for many hours, before I got a new ticket (for a new flight) so this wore me out a bit).

And when I went to the gate of the new flight, someone (possibly a nazi) freaked me out, by standing up (and just continued to stand up).

So I thought, I need a break from Europe.

And Frankfurt airport is a huge airport, so they had a store that sold tickets to the USA there.

And the least expensive was one for Detroit with Lufthansa (this ticket only cost 500 euro, or something, and I needed a break from Europe, I thought).

I had a new passport, and I had read in Norwegian papers that with this type of passport, one didn't need a visa for going to America.

But on the plane a Lufthansa-staff refused to give a form that all other non-US-citizens got.

So when I got off the plane in Detroit.

Then an American airport-security-guy screamed at me in German: 'Sprechen sie deutch'.

(Even if I got the best score on the TROFFEL-test (or what it's called) at University of Sunderland).

And I was forced to fill out a form in French.

(When I wanted a form in either English or Norwegian.

Not in German or French).

And then an African (colored) woman sent me to some police-men there (that were armed) when I tried to give her the form.

And they sent me back to Europe (they forced me buy a return-ticket with Air France) for no good reason (I'd say).

One of them (a guy who looked a bit like Burt Reynolds in the movie Smokey and the Bandit, with forearms almost like Popeye) wrote some stuff in my passport, after going through my suit-case (and interviewing me) and after xeroxing some of my 'rat race-files' (that I brought to Sunderland, because I had to get a place there through an organisation called ECL, or something, and I had to change some modules, to get a study-loan (from Lånekassa) so I needed my 'document/diploma/letters of recommendation/transcript-folder', from Norway).

So I try to register a FOIA-request.

And I want a copy of the letter that the airport-cops wrote (to do with why I wasn't allowed entrance to the USA).

And I also want copies of my 'rat race-files' (that the airport-policeman copied) because I ended up on my uncle Martin's farm in the Easter of 2005, and someone tried to kill me there in July 2005, so I fled to the UK again, and I had to leave my 'document-folder' at my uncle's farm, and I've tried to ask my aunt Ellen (who died during the pandemic) about those files (I called her from the UK, when she lived on Martins farm, around 2008) but she wasn't able to find my files/folder/suitcase.

I attach a scan of my old passport (where one can see the writings of the Detroit/airport-police, from February 2005).

I think one of the lines that was written in my old passport was possibly a type of reference-number.

So that number should make it possible to find my files in your archive/database, I reckon.

Thanks for the reply!


Erik Ribsskog

tor. 11. mai 2023 kl. 17:02 skrev TSA Contact Center <>:


Thank you for contacting the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Contact Center. The response to your inquiry is listed below. If you have additional questions, please respond to this email. Please include the Service Request Number of 05921502 in your inquiry.
Thank You
TSA Contact Center

Requests and Suggestions
FOIA Requests - General
For information on your correspondence with TSA, screening statistics, or incident reports, you must make a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. To learn more about the FOIA and how to submit a request, please visit

The FOIA does not require an agency to answer questions, perform research, create new records, or attempt to interpret a request that does not identify specific records. When making your FOIA request, be as specific as possible. Examples of required information include, but are not limited to, the following:

Specific airport, terminal, and checkpoint
Specific date or date range
Contract numbers, names, and services
Specific items, such as firearms
Relevant parties’ full names and office/airports

You will receive an acknowledgement email with your FOIA case number two (2) business days from the date we receive your completed request. Please save your case number, as you will need it for communicating with the FOIA Branch and to check your status. You may check the status of your request at Please note, the status information provided is an estimate. Your case may take longer to process based on the complexity of the request and our backlog.

old passport.jpg


Her er vedlegget:

Vandringsmann av Øystein Sunde er visst den beste norske sangen gjennom alle tider (ifølge Bing sin AI-chat)


Chat-roboten er litt bedre på romfart (enn musikk):

PS 2.

Chat-roboten er også grei på litteratur (kan det virke som):

Han til venstre (Ragnvald Ribsskog) var min morfars fetter (sønn av min oldefar Johan Ribsskog sin tvillingbror Adolf). Fra Dagsavisen - Rogalands Avis 9. mai 2023

(Samme link som overfor).

PS 2.

Ragnvald Ribsskog var også far til Bjørn Ribsskog (som døde for noen år siden).

Og det var sånn, at Bjørn Ribsskog startet et stort Ribsskog-slektsforsknings-prosjekt, rundt årtusenskiftet.

Og noen år seinere, så flytta jeg til England.

Og så lurte jeg litt på, noe min mormor hadde sagt en gang (på 80-tallet) om at det var mye stridigheter i Ribsskog-slekten.

Og jeg lurte også litt på hvorfor Bjørn Ribsskog liksom hadde plagd min gamle mormor (som var danskfødt og døde i 2009) med sin 'slektsforsknings-masing'.

Og da endte det med, at Bjørn Ribsskog mailet meg en kopi av sin slektsforskning.

(Han var kanskje sykelig, og forstod at han selv ikke ville rekke å få dette publisert.

Noe sånt).

Og den slektsforskningen har jeg publisert på bloggen.

Men problemet var at slektsforskninga var ispedd masse kode (muligens HTML-kode).

(Det er mulig at Bjørn Ribsskog hadde tenkt å publisere sin slektsforskning på web.

Og at det var derfor at den fila han mailet meg, ble seende rimelig merkelig ut.


Og den slektsforskninga har jeg lurt på, om jeg skal publisere, som en slags e-bok (eller ihvertfall som en DOC-fil/PDF-fil, som folk kan laste ned) på mitt nettsted.

(Jeg har planer om å prøve å bli ferdig med Min Bok 5 (ved å paste fra kapitlene på bloggen) før 17. mai (som jeg har blogget om tidligere.

Men jeg har tusen mobilbilder igjen, som jeg hadde tenkt å publisere først.

Men de kommer om et par dager (hvis alt går etter planen).

Og så kommer Min Bok 5 rundt 17. mai.

Hvis alt går etter planen).

Og i den forbindelse, så har jeg lurt på, om jeg skulle prøve å renskrive slektsforskinga til Bjørn Ribsskog litt (og ta bort de rare kodene).

Men det tror jeg at jeg står over.

Men jeg kan publisere fila (i nedlast-bar versjon og som PDF-fil og etterhvert Epub-fil) sånn som den er.

For ellers så for kanskje jeg skylda, hvis det er noe feil, i den slektsforskinga.

Så det minst 'klamme' er kanskje å ikke endre noe, på den slektsforskinga (selv om jeg utgir den som en ebok).

(For å si det sånn).

Jeg kan heller forklare i et forord.

(Noe sånt).

Og en del bøker står før i køen.

(Min Bok 5-10.

Arbeidssak-boken ('My Empoyment Case Against Bertelsmann Arvato Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation - The Indexed Files').

Adeler-boken ('Skifte etter Magna og Holger Adeler').

Og tegneserie-boken ('Jenny Skavlan i Finland')).

Så sånn er det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 3.

Det var også sånn, at min morfar Johannes Ribsskog.

Han skrev en barne/ungdomsbok, ved navn: 'Mannen i skogen', på 70/80-tallet.

Og min mormor, hu 'manet' meg, til å maskinskrive min avdøde morfars manuskript.

(Dette var mens jeg gikk det andre året på handel og kontor, husker jeg.

Det vil si skoleåret 1987/88).

Og min mormor ville ha denne boken, i X antall eksemplarer.

Så jeg kopierte opp, på en kopimaskin, som stod i min farmors hus (for et av kontorene til min farfars slektsbedrift Strømm Trevareindustri (som skiftet navn til Strømm Trevare A/S etter at min farfar døde) delte rom med min farmors fryseboks (i min farmor og farfars hus) for å si det sånn).

Og en kopi (som jeg satt i en perm vel) fikk jeg.

Og den lå/ligger i min lagerbod, hos City Self-Storage.

Så den boken skulle jeg gjerne ha gitt ut, som e-bok (den og).

(For å si det sånn).

Men City Self-Storage nekter å svare på mine mailer, osv.

Så hva de har gjort med denne boken (og andre slekts-klenodier og mitt HV-utstyr osv., samt mine mer eller mindre geniale data-programmer, fra 80/90-tallet mm.).

Det veit jeg ikke.

Men hvis jeg får tilgang til den lagerboden.

Så blir det jo femten bøker tilsammen.

(Min Bok 1-10.




Bjørn Ribsskog sin slektsforskning.

Og 'Mannen i skogen' (min morfars bok)).

Og min mor gjorde det samme forresten, på 90-tallet.

Hu skreiv en bok (om en norsk prinsesse som ble dronning i Spania for mange hundre år siden).

Og den boka skreiv jeg også inn på maskin (eller om det var et tekstbehandler-program).

Men det var vel ikke sånn, at jeg kopierte opp den boka.

(Sånn som jeg husker det).

Dette var vel noe jeg dreiv med, den første tida jeg bodde på St. Hanshaugen (nemlig første halvdel av 1996).

(Noe sånt).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

Jeg sendte en e-post til Wayne County Airport Authority

Erik Ribsskog <>
Erik Ribsskog <> 11. mai 2023 kl. 01:36
Til: Brandi Holdaway <>
Kopi:,,, "FOIA.Coordinator" <>, Ombudsman <>, EmploymentVerification <>, DPDFOIA DPDFOIA <>, TRIP <>,, "" <>,, post <>, amnestyis <>, HRW UK <>,,,,, Security <>, Akademikerforbundet <>,, Politikk Høyre <>, Sfovpost <>,,,, External Affairs <>,

thank you for your reply.

I'll try to copy them (TSA) this email then, as a FOIA-request.

So that they perhaps can find these files.

Thanks again for the reply!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

ons. 10. mai 2023 kl. 17:12 skrev Brandi Holdaway <>:


Since you were traveling internationally, most likely the people you were in contact with are employees of the TSA (Transportation Security Administration).   With that being said, I recommend you reach out to them.  The Airport Authority has no records. 


Brandi M. Holdaway


Brandi M. Holdaway, C.M. 

Assistant Director and FOIA Coordinator

Wayne County Airport Authority

11050 Rogell Drive, #602

Detroit, Michigan 48242

O: (734) 247-7237

F: (734) 247-7343


You can review the Airport Authority’s FOIA procedures and guidelines at .




From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 10:18 AM
To: Brandi Holdaway <>
Cc:;; FOIA.Coordinator <>; Ombudsman <>; EmploymentVerification <>; DPDFOIA DPDFOIA <>; TRIP <>;; <>;; post <>; amnestyis <>; HRW UK <>;;;;; Security <>; Akademikerforbundet <>;; Politikk Høyre <>; Sfovpost <>;;;; External Affairs <>;
Subject: [EXTERNAL SENDER] : Re: WCAA FOIA Appeal Response


CAUTION:Do not click links, open attachments, or reply to unknown senders, doing so can put WCAA, your colleagues, and vendors at serious risk!


I see that you write that you can't find the mentioned files.

But you don't explain what has happened.

Have you had a shortage of toilet-paper and then used some random files instead?

That sounds a bit odd, I think.

If I try to go back to the US after this, then I have to go to the American embassy (in Oslo) and explain about the incident in 2005, at the airport in Detroit (where you just sent me back to Europe, for no good reason, perhaps you thought that I was going to meet an American woman, and then the airport-cops got jealous).

So this I have to complain about.

Also, the files (letters of recommendation from employers and transcripts/diplomas from my education) that the airport-cop xeroxed would be valuable for me in the 'rat-race'.

My uncle (who tried to kill me, I have to say) also have these files, but they (my aunt Ellen who's now dead) couldn't find these files eighter, when I called them from the UK.

So this is very odd, that no-one can find these files (I think).

It doesn't seem that you have any explanation either.


(What has happened to the files).

I think these files must be there somewhere.

But you haven't looked good enough.

I've earlier sent you a scan of my old passport, where one can see that the airport-cop has written some symbols (letters and numbers) in my passport.

So this I have to complain about.

Erik Ribsskog


I again attach a scan of my old passport (where one can see the writings of your airport-cop/security-guy).

And also, your airport-cops forced me to pay for a new ticket back to Europe (with Air France) and then I got two American coins (two quarters) as change, and those coins I also attach a scan of (maybe AirFrance remember this, or Lufthansa that I bought the first trans-Atlantic ticket with).


ons. 10. mai 2023 kl. 15:38 skrev Brandi Holdaway <>:

Hello Mr. Ribsskog,


Please see the attached letter from the Airport Authority’s CEO Chad Newton.


Thank you,


Brandi M. Holdaway


Brandi M. Holdaway, C.M. 

Assistant Director and FOIA Coordinator

Wayne County Airport Authority

11050 Rogell Drive, #602

Detroit, Michigan 48242

O: (734) 247-7237

F: (734) 247-7343


You can review the Airport Authority’s FOIA procedures and guidelines at .


WCAA and its Employees will never ask you to buy gift cards or wire funds! If you receive an email or text message making such a request, verbally contact the WCAA individual through a previously established phone number. Cybercriminals and fraud should be reported to the Federal Trade Commission at


NOTICE: This electronic mail message and any files transmitted with it are intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. The message, together with any attachment, may contain confidential and/or privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, printing, saving, copying, disclosure or distribution is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately advise the sender by reply email and delete all copies.


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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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