Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

mandag 27. september 2010

En direktør sier at Norge trenger en nasjonal plan for kraftlinjer. Kanskje man kunne ventet med master i Hardanger, til en sånn plan var utredet?


Jeg sendte en ny copyright-klage, på en YouTube-video, med masse bilder av meg, som noen har publisert

Gmail - Bekreftelse av varsling om krenking av opphavsrett


Erik Ribsskog

Bekreftelse av varsling om krenking av opphavsrett

YouTube Service

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 8:01 PM



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Bekreftelse av varsling om krenking av opphavsrett

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Erik Ribsskog

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Erik Ribsskog

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5 Leather Lane

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  • Jeg forstår at misbruk av dette verktøyet vil føre til at min YouTube-konto blir avsluttet.

Bindende underskrift:
Erik Ribsskog

Vennlig hilsen


© 2010 YouTube, LLC

901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

Nina Monsen slipper nok å oppleve, hva jeg skriver om henne, for hun tok selvmord i år 2000, ifølge søstera mi. Derfor skriver jeg litt nøye om henne

stakkars nina monsen


Nina Monsen hadde nemlig unger, og hu var vel ganske vel-etablert, (ettersom jeg forstod på søstera mi, ihvertfall, fra noen knappe ord hun sa på 90-tallet), på sitt oppvekststed Bergeråsen.

(I Ulvikveien vel, (tror jeg ihvertfall), hvor vel også onkelen hennes bodde.

Som Christell Humblen sa, rundt 1980, at hadde tilbudt Nina Monsen penger, for å suge han.

Og da var Christell og Nina, kanskje 8-9 år gamle, og jeg 10 år da.

Og sa fra til faren min, Arne Mogan Olsen, og mora til Christell, dvs. Haldis Humblen, om dette.

Men jeg vet ikke om de gjorde noe akkurat, for å ta opp dette, med sex-press fra onkelen til Nina Monsen, mot Nina Monsen.

Hvem vet).

Så at hu Nina Monsen skulle ta selvmord.

Det syntes jeg hørtes litt rart ut, ihvertfall.

Men det er mulig at noen har noe forklaring, eller 'forklarings', på dette.

Dessuten så syntes jeg det var rart, at hu var på institusjon, i Lillehammer, (ifølge Christell Humblen), ca. 9 måneder etter at vi hadde sex.

Nina Monsen var en halvtime ca. på badet mitt, før hu gikk hjem, den kvelden jeg skrev om.

Jeg besvimte, så jeg husker ikke om jeg kom, når hu sugde meg på slutten.

Men det er kanskje sannsynlig, for da sugde hu plutselig veldig godt, husker jeg.

Jeg lurer på om hva hu dreiv med inne på badet mitt, i en halvtime, etter sex-en.

Har hu kanskje tatt ut sæd, av kjeften sin, eller spytta ut den, og stappa i fitta?

For jeg synes at søstera mi, (Pia Ribsskog), var litt 'lur' i tonen, når hu spurte meg, på 90-tallet, (ved flere anledninger vel), om jeg ikke skulle ha unger snart.

Hvem vet.

Bare noe jeg såvidt tenkte på.

Så her er det nok fortsatt noen mysterier begravet.

Og de er vel ikke begravet på kirkegården ved Berger kirke, der antagelig Nina Monsen er begravet.

Hvis hu ikke er begravet, eller kremert, inne i Oslo da, i Romsås-traktene der, hvor vel mora bodde.

Hvem vet.

Kanskje det er mulig å finne ut mer om dette.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Her er mer om dette:

mer om nina monsen gravsted

PS 3.

Christell kalte hun Nina Monsen, for 'Nasse Nøff', for hun var nesten som leke-bamsen til Christell, da de var sånn 7-8 år da, (da jeg først ble kjent med dem, da faren min ble sammen med Haldis Humblen, mora til Christell).

(Jeg likte ikke at faren min hadde begynt å være hos ei dame, om kveldene og nettene.

For jeg syntes det var litt trist, å være alene om nettene, når jeg bare var ni år.

Så jeg hadde ikke lyst til å bli med ned og besøke Haldis.

Men, faren min fortalte meg det, at det var to jenter der, på min alder, som jeg kunne leke med.

Og da ble jeg med til slutt da.

Og de to jentene det var Christell Humblen og Nina Monsen da.

Så sånn var det).

Men det var nesten som at Nina Monsen bodde der nede også, i 'Haldis-huset'.

Og hu var som venninna, eller 'leken', til Christell Humblen da, må man vel nesten si.

Men når hu fikk problemer seinere i livet, da var vel 'Haldis-familien' ingen steder å se, tror jeg.

Enda de omtrent adopterte henne, på 70 og 80-tallet, vel.

Så jeg får vel si R.I.P. Nasse Nøff da.

Selv om jeg det var mange ting jeg ikke skjønte med henne.

Men men.

Så sånn var det.

Så vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.

Jeg driver fortsatt og søker jobber, denne gang som Operations Manager

Gmail - Operations Manager


Erik Ribsskog

Operations Manager

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 5:11 PM



I found information about this vacancy, at the Jobcentre, last week.

I've been working as a Shop Manager, and assistant, for ten years, in one of Norway's biggest retail-companies, Rimi, (now owned by ICA).

I've studied Information Management with business, on University-level, on a private university-college, in Norway, named NHI, (now NITH).

I've also worked as Self-Employed, here in the UK, so I've got experience from managing businesses, both in Norway, as a Shop Manager, and here in the UK, as Self-Employed.

I attach my CV, and hope to hear back from you!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

CV - Erik Ribsskog.doc


Jeg søkte også på en jobb som kontorsjef:

Gmail - Office Manager


Erik Ribsskog

Office Manager

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 5:23 PM



I found information about this vacancy, at the Jobcentre, last week.

I've been working as a Shop Manager, and assistant, for ten years, in one of Norway's biggest retail-companies, Rimi, (now owned by ICA), so I'm an experienced manager, and used with working with budgets.

I've studied, Basic Commerce and Office, on Upper Secondary School Business-school, in Norway, where I got my A-levels, and National Diplomas, in Basic Commerce and Office, Marketing and Information Management.

I've also worked as Self-Employed, here in the UK, so I've got experience from managing businesses, both in Norway, as a Shop Manager, and here in the UK, as Self-Employed.

I attach my CV, and hope to hear back from you!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

CV - Erik Ribsskog.doc

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Liverpool Community College

Gmail - Adobe Dreamweaver


Erik Ribsskog

Adobe Dreamweaver

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 4:50 PM

"Griffiths, Ian" <>


I don't want to argue, but this was a course you also had last year.

And last year, then I tried to get on a course in PHP, but then you also had problems, and changed it from a 3 month course to a 12 month course.

Is this, (you contacting me), a reply to my web-mail to you, from your web-site, from last week, by the way?

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Griffiths, Ian <> wrote:


We need to have a sufficient number of people interested before starting to enrol them. I'm sorry that I've not been in touch but my primary concern is that we don't enrol unnecessarily if the course is not viable.

There has also been a summer recess in August and day time recruitment during September to contend which, which further delays us. I appreciate that these are no concern of yours but I hope this goes some way towards explaining the timescales with regards this course.


From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 27 September 2010 16:43

To: Griffiths, Ian

Cc: Elliott, Lorraine

Subject: Re: Adobe Dreamweaver


yes, I also hope that.

How is it by the way, that I haven't heard from the College before.

Since I got the acknowedment-card, (for my application), from you, in June.

So something must have been wrong at your college, since you wait this long, with contacting me about enrolement.

I mean, the course starts next week.

Why didn't you contact me, about this, in July or August?

Just something I think I should complain about.

Because, I think one week, to sort enrolement and the letter from JET, is a bit short time.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 4:08 PM, Griffiths, Ian <> wrote:


Please keep me informed of your progress, I hope to see you Friday.


From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 27 September 2010 16:06

To: Griffiths, Ian

Cc: Elliott, Lorraine

Subject: Re: Adobe Dreamweaver


I contacted Lorraine Elliott, manager of JET, regarding the course-fee, in May.

And I have agreed to apply for the course, in co-operation with Gillian, from JET County Rd., in a meeting, at JET Breck Rd., (where she wanted to meet me, for some reason).

I hope Lorraine Elliott, can get back to us, regarding such a letter, before Friday.

(Since I forward this e-mail to her).

And I think Friday at 16:15 is best then, since I also need to get a confirmation-message/letter, from JET, before the meeting.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


Here is my e-mail to Elliott, from May, (I've since then had many meetings, with Gill there, about the course-application etc):

Erik Ribsskog <>



Thu, May 20, 2010 at 3:16 AM


Course in Web-design/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Reminder/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint <<#22175-33652#>>


hide details May 20


I was a bit stressed, when I went to JET last year, because I was at the dentist, right before I went to your office.

What Working Links said, was that if I wanted to go to an IT course, with Liverpool Community College, then maybe JET could help me found the course, or send me to an organisation that could.

But I ended up a course in Food Hygiene and not IT.

This must have been because I had an ache in my tooth, so I was a bit stressed, in my initial meeting, unfortunatly, and since I had to go to the dentist every week, and I had a bad tooth-ache from this.

But now I was wondering about the IT-course.

Is it possible, like Working Links said, that Jet could help me found e.g. a course in Web-design, at Liverpool Community College?

Thank you very much in advance for any help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Griffiths, Ian <> wrote:


As soon as you have the letter stating that JET are willing to fund, we can enrol.

Thursday and Friday are both OK but only at certain times, on Thursday this is 13:00 until 13:30 and on Friday only after 16:15 as I am not in Clarence Street before then on Friday. Please let me know which is best so I can ensure that I am available.


From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 27 September 2010 15:38

To: Griffiths, Ian

Cc: Elliott, Lorraine

Subject: Re: Adobe Dreamweaver


yes, I have agreed with Gillian, at JET, that they would found the course.

(But she hasen't replied, to my e-mail, so I'm sending a copy of this e-mail to the Jet-manager Lorraine, about the Course-fee).

I'm doing budget-work, and am going to Employment-zones on Wednesday.

But I can go to an enrolment-meeting, on eighter Thursday or Friday, if that's alright?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Griffiths, Ian <> wrote:


I've recently received your application for Adobe Dreamweaver. The course starts on the 4th October. Can you let me know your availability this week so that you may enrol on this. The course fee is £129.



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Jeg sendte en ny e-post, til Liverpool Community College

Gmail - Adobe Dreamweaver


Erik Ribsskog

Adobe Dreamweaver

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 4:42 PM

"Griffiths, Ian" <>

"Elliott, Lorraine" <>


yes, I also hope that.

How is it by the way, that I haven't heard from the College before.

Since I got the acknowedment-card, (for my application), from you, in June.

So something must have been wrong at your college, since you wait this long, with contacting me about enrolement.

I mean, the course starts next week.

Why didn't you contact me, about this, in July or August?

Just something I think I should complain about.

Because, I think one week, to sort enrolement and the letter from JET, is a bit short time.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 4:08 PM, Griffiths, Ian <> wrote:


Please keep me informed of your progress, I hope to see you Friday.


From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 27 September 2010 16:06

To: Griffiths, Ian

Cc: Elliott, Lorraine

Subject: Re: Adobe Dreamweaver


I contacted Lorraine Elliott, manager of JET, regarding the course-fee, in May.

And I have agreed to apply for the course, in co-operation with Gillian, from JET County Rd., in a meeting, at JET Breck Rd., (where she wanted to meet me, for some reason).

I hope Lorraine Elliott, can get back to us, regarding such a letter, before Friday.

(Since I forward this e-mail to her).

And I think Friday at 16:15 is best then, since I also need to get a confirmation-message/letter, from JET, before the meeting.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


Here is my e-mail to Elliott, from May, (I've since then had many meetings, with Gill there, about the course-application etc):

Erik Ribsskog <>



Thu, May 20, 2010 at 3:16 AM


Course in Web-design/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Reminder/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint <<#22175-33652#>>


hide details May 20


I was a bit stressed, when I went to JET last year, because I was at the dentist, right before I went to your office.

What Working Links said, was that if I wanted to go to an IT course, with Liverpool Community College, then maybe JET could help me found the course, or send me to an organisation that could.

But I ended up a course in Food Hygiene and not IT.

This must have been because I had an ache in my tooth, so I was a bit stressed, in my initial meeting, unfortunatly, and since I had to go to the dentist every week, and I had a bad tooth-ache from this.

But now I was wondering about the IT-course.

Is it possible, like Working Links said, that Jet could help me found e.g. a course in Web-design, at Liverpool Community College?

Thank you very much in advance for any help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Griffiths, Ian <> wrote:


As soon as you have the letter stating that JET are willing to fund, we can enrol.

Thursday and Friday are both OK but only at certain times, on Thursday this is 13:00 until 13:30 and on Friday only after 16:15 as I am not in Clarence Street before then on Friday. Please let me know which is best so I can ensure that I am available.


From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 27 September 2010 15:38

To: Griffiths, Ian

Cc: Elliott, Lorraine

Subject: Re: Adobe Dreamweaver


yes, I have agreed with Gillian, at JET, that they would found the course.

(But she hasen't replied, to my e-mail, so I'm sending a copy of this e-mail to the Jet-manager Lorraine, about the Course-fee).

I'm doing budget-work, and am going to Employment-zones on Wednesday.

But I can go to an enrolment-meeting, on eighter Thursday or Friday, if that's alright?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Griffiths, Ian <> wrote:


I've recently received your application for Adobe Dreamweaver. The course starts on the 4th October. Can you let me know your availability this week so that you may enrol on this. The course fee is £129.



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The message content of in-coming emails is automatically scanned to identify Spam and viruses otherwise Liverpool Community College does not actively monitor content. However, sometimes it will be necessary for Liverpool Community College to access business communications during staff absence.

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This email and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liverpool Community College or associated companies. You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended recipient.

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Ti tusen bloggposter, på johncons-blogg


dette er bloggpost nr. 10.000, på johncons-blogg.

Jeg blir fortsatt tulla med, over hele linja, og det er vanskelig for meg, å få utrettet mye, siden alle bare leser bloggen, og aksepterer dette.

Dette er en uting, ved Norge, vil jeg si, at man bare aksepterer at folk blir tullet med, og sitter på henda, (eller hva man skal kalle det).

Så dette blir en klage-bloggpost.

Jeg synes det er som at Norge er et land fullt av landssvik, skal jeg være ærlig, når folk aksepterer, at andre folk blir tullet med, av noen illuminister, (eller hva det kan være), på denne måten.

Så dette blir en kondolanse blogg-post, dessverre.

For de sivile rettighetene, i Norge og England.

Som virker å være avgått med døden.

Så kondolerer til folk i Norge og England, pga. dette.

Med johncons-blogg hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Her er mer om dette:

johncons blogg 10000 poster

Jeg fikk en ny e-post, fra Liverpool Community College

Gmail - Adobe Dreamweaver


Erik Ribsskog

Adobe Dreamweaver

Griffiths, Ian

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 4:08 PM

Erik Ribsskog <>

"Elliott, Lorraine" <>


Please keep me informed of your progress, I hope to see you Friday.


From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 27 September 2010 16:06

To: Griffiths, Ian

Cc: Elliott, Lorraine

Subject: Re: Adobe Dreamweaver


I contacted Lorraine Elliott, manager of JET, regarding the course-fee, in May.

And I have agreed to apply for the course, in co-operation with Gillian, from JET County Rd., in a meeting, at JET Breck Rd., (where she wanted to meet me, for some reason).

I hope Lorraine Elliott, can get back to us, regarding such a letter, before Friday.

(Since I forward this e-mail to her).

And I think Friday at 16:15 is best then, since I also need to get a confirmation-message/letter, from JET, before the meeting.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


Here is my e-mail to Elliott, from May, (I've since then had many meetings, with Gill there, about the course-application etc):

Erik Ribsskog <>



Thu, May 20, 2010 at 3:16 AM


Course in Web-design/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Reminder/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint <<#22175-33652#>>


hide details May 20


I was a bit stressed, when I went to JET last year, because I was at the dentist, right before I went to your office.

What Working Links said, was that if I wanted to go to an IT course, with Liverpool Community College, then maybe JET could help me found the course, or send me to an organisation that could.

But I ended up a course in Food Hygiene and not IT.

This must have been because I had an ache in my tooth, so I was a bit stressed, in my initial meeting, unfortunatly, and since I had to go to the dentist every week, and I had a bad tooth-ache from this.

But now I was wondering about the IT-course.

Is it possible, like Working Links said, that Jet could help me found e.g. a course in Web-design, at Liverpool Community College?

Thank you very much in advance for any help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Griffiths, Ian <> wrote:


As soon as you have the letter stating that JET are willing to fund, we can enrol.

Thursday and Friday are both OK but only at certain times, on Thursday this is 13:00 until 13:30 and on Friday only after 16:15 as I am not in Clarence Street before then on Friday.  Please let me know which is best so I can ensure that I am available.


From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 27 September 2010 15:38

To: Griffiths, Ian

Cc: Elliott, Lorraine

Subject: Re: Adobe Dreamweaver


yes, I have agreed with Gillian, at JET, that they would found the course.

(But she hasen't replied, to my e-mail, so I'm sending a copy of this e-mail to the Jet-manager Lorraine, about the Course-fee).

I'm doing budget-work, and am going to Employment-zones on Wednesday.

But I can go to an enrolment-meeting, on eighter Thursday or Friday, if that's alright?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Griffiths, Ian <> wrote:


I've recently received your application for Adobe Dreamweaver.  The course starts on the 4th October.  Can you let me know your availability this week so that you may enrol on this.  The course fee is £129.



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This email and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed.  Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liverpool Community College or associated companies.  You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended recipient.

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This email and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed.  Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liverpool Community College or associated companies.  You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended recipient.

The message content of in-coming emails is automatically scanned to identify Spam and viruses otherwise Liverpool Community College does not actively monitor content.  However, sometimes it will be necessary for Liverpool Community College to access business communications during staff absence.

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Jeg sendte en ny e-post, til Liverpool Community College

Gmail - Adobe Dreamweaver


Erik Ribsskog

Adobe Dreamweaver

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 4:06 PM

"Griffiths, Ian" <>

"Elliott, Lorraine" <>


I contacted Lorraine Elliott, manager of JET, regarding the course-fee, in May.

And I have agreed to apply for the course, in co-operation with Gillian, from JET County Rd., in a meeting, at JET Breck Rd., (where she wanted to meet me, for some reason).

I hope Lorraine Elliott, can get back to us, regarding such a letter, before Friday.

(Since I forward this e-mail to her).

And I think Friday at 16:15 is best then, since I also need to get a confirmation-message/letter, from JET, before the meeting.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


Here is my e-mail to Elliott, from May, (I've since then had many meetings, with Gill there, about the course-application etc):

Erik Ribsskog <>



Thu, May 20, 2010 at 3:16 AM


Course in Web-design/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Reminder/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint <<#22175-33652#>>


hide details May 20


I was a bit stressed, when I went to JET last year, because I was at the dentist, right before I went to your office.

What Working Links said, was that if I wanted to go to an IT course, with Liverpool Community College, then maybe JET could help me found the course, or send me to an organisation that could.

But I ended up a course in Food Hygiene and not IT.

This must have been because I had an ache in my tooth, so I was a bit stressed, in my initial meeting, unfortunatly, and since I had to go to the dentist every week, and I had a bad tooth-ache from this.

But now I was wondering about the IT-course.

Is it possible, like Working Links said, that Jet could help me found e.g. a course in Web-design, at Liverpool Community College?

Thank you very much in advance for any help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Griffiths, Ian <> wrote:


As soon as you have the letter stating that JET are willing to fund, we can enrol.

Thursday and Friday are both OK but only at certain times, on Thursday this is 13:00 until 13:30 and on Friday only after 16:15 as I am not in Clarence Street before then on Friday. Please let me know which is best so I can ensure that I am available.


From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 27 September 2010 15:38

To: Griffiths, Ian

Cc: Elliott, Lorraine

Subject: Re: Adobe Dreamweaver


yes, I have agreed with Gillian, at JET, that they would found the course.

(But she hasen't replied, to my e-mail, so I'm sending a copy of this e-mail to the Jet-manager Lorraine, about the Course-fee).

I'm doing budget-work, and am going to Employment-zones on Wednesday.

But I can go to an enrolment-meeting, on eighter Thursday or Friday, if that's alright?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Griffiths, Ian <> wrote:


I've recently received your application for Adobe Dreamweaver. The course starts on the 4th October. Can you let me know your availability this week so that you may enrol on this. The course fee is £129.



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Jeg sendte en ny e-post, til Liverpool Community College

Gmail - Adobe Dreamweaver


Erik Ribsskog

Adobe Dreamweaver

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:37 PM

"Griffiths, Ian" <>

"Elliott, Lorraine" <>


yes, I have agreed with Gillian, at JET, that they would found the course.

(But she hasen't replied, to my e-mail, so I'm sending a copy of this e-mail to the Jet-manager Lorraine, about the Course-fee).

I'm doing budget-work, and am going to Employment-zones on Wednesday.

But I can go to an enrolment-meeting, on eighter Thursday or Friday, if that's alright?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Griffiths, Ian <> wrote:


I've recently received your application for Adobe Dreamweaver. The course starts on the 4th October. Can you let me know your availability this week so that you may enrol on this. The course fee is £129.



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This email and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liverpool Community College or associated companies. You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the intended recipient.

The message content of in-coming emails is automatically scanned to identify Spam and viruses otherwise Liverpool Community College does not actively monitor content. However, sometimes it will be necessary for Liverpool Community College to access business communications during staff absence.

Liverpool Community College has taken steps to ensure that this email and any attachments are virus free. However, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Liverpool Community College for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use.


Sånn her var også Linda Moen, (min firemenning), fra Berger. Jeg husker fortsatt den rå latteren hennes, da bussen fra Sande VGS., kjørte over en dump

også linda moen

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Høyesterett

Gmail - (no subject)


Erik Ribsskog

(no subject)

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 2:45 PM

"HRET (postmottak)" <>


hvem skal jeg liksom ta opp det med da, at jeg ikke får arven min, etter min mormor, enda jeg er arving.

Mine medarvinger, de visste jo det, at jeg ikke var på talefot med dem, da de tok på seg, å dele boet.

Jeg mener at Tingretten er ansvarlig, for å gi meg arven min.

Og det har ikke skjedd, (enda min mormor døde for snart et og et halvt år siden).

Og Agder Lagmannsrett vil ikke gå inn og be Larvik Tingrett gi meg arven min.

Det høres kanskje rart ut av meg, å kreve arv etter min mormor, men min mor døde i 1999, så jeg er faktisk medarving da.

Jeg synes det er veldig urettferdig system, som dere har, oppe i Steinrøysa, hadde jeg nær sagt, som noen bruker som navn på Norge.

Jeg bor i England nemlig, i landflyktighet, etter at jeg overhørte i Oslo, i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av noe de kalte 'mafian'.

Og etter at jeg ble forsøkt drept, i Larvik, i 2005.

Men politiet vil ikke engang etterforske disse sakene, og de ber meg bare lese i leksikon, når jeg spør dem om hvem denne 'mafian', kan være.

Og her i England, blir jeg også tullet med.

Folk søker på navnet mitt fra Mekka, så jeg lurer på om det kan være muslimsk mafia, som forfølger meg.

Jeg får ikke være flyktning, i England, siden jeg er fra Norge, så jeg lever i en 'tulle-verden', og må late som at jeg bare er vanlig jobbsøker/EØS-immigrant.

Så skjerpings i Norge, vil jeg si.

Er det ingen som kan klare å rydde opp her, lurer jeg.

Jeg har sendt dette til advokat også, men jeg har ikke hørt noe.

Med flykning-hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

2010/9/27 HRET (postmottak) <>

> Erik Ribsskog



> Ad. Deres henvendelser


> Det vises til Deres e-poster til Høyesterett av 15. juli 2010 og 26. august 2010 vedrørende sikkerhetsstillelse for begjæring om offentlig skifte. Jeg beklager sent svar herfra.


> Høyesteretts oppgave som øverste rettsinstans er å behandle anker over avgjørelser (dom, kjennelse eller beslutning) truffet av lagmannsretten. Det fremgår ikke av Deres e-poster at det her foreligger noen slik avgjørelse. Høyesterett kan således ikke hjelpe Dem med de forhold som tas opp i Deres e-poster.



> Med hilsen

> Høyesteretts kontor den 24. september 2010



> Gunnar Bergby

> direktør




Jeg sendte en e-post til presten oppe i Ågotnes der

Gmail - Problemer med kirkeklokker, Ågotnes kirke


Erik Ribsskog

Problemer med kirkeklokker, Ågotnes kirke

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 1:43 PM

"" <>


jeg har overhørt i Oslo, i 2003, at jeg er forfulgt av noe som blir kalt 'mafian'.

Og jeg ble forsøkt drept, i Larvik, i 2005.

Men politiet i Norge, vil ikke etterforske, så jeg må leve i landflyktighet, i England.

Jeg driver og prøver å finne ut, hva som har skjedd, siden jeg, som er en fredelig og sivilisert tidligere Rimi-butikksjef og HiO IU-student, (og heimevernsmann), i Oslo, blir forfulgt.

Jeg har hørt at noen i Bergen tuller med meg, og går med t-skjorter og masker, som skal forestille meg, (siden jeg skriver om disse problemene, på blogg).

Jeg husker i den forbindelse, at jeg prata med en som het Ove, som bodde i Ågotnes, på internett, på 90-tallet, en som kalte seg 'Wazted' vel.

Tilfeldigvis da.

Kameraten hans sa at han hadde klippet over ledningen til de elektroniske kirkeklokkene, i Ågotnes.

En søndag morgen, som han var fyllesyk.

Stemmer dette, at noen har gjort dette, lurte jeg.

For han dro også inn til Bergen, og prata med ei som var på chatte-kanalen min, som het Janniche Fjellhaug, fra Nattlandsfjellet, i Bergen.

Så jeg lurer på om det kan være noen av de som tuller med meg.

Så jeg bare lurte på om dette med kirkeklokkene i Ågotnes, var kjent.

(Jeg syntes jeg måtte være høflig mot denne karen, for min farmor het Ågot, nemlig).

Men men.

Er dette en kjent historie, at en ungdom/ung voksen, ved navn Ove, klipte over ledningene til kirkeklokkene, i Ågotnes, tidlig en søndag morgen, på 90-tallet.

Hadde vært veldig bra, hvis dere kunne bekrefte dette, for jeg prøver å finne ut hvem denne personen var igjen, (og om det han skrev om, på internett, stemte), for jeg lurer på om han driver med noe tull, eventuelt.

Men men.

På forhånd takk for eventuelt svar!


Erik Ribsskog

Nå fikk jeg match på MyHeritage. Løvenbalkene, de er etter kong Christoffer II, av Danmark, og de er de direkte forfedrene, til min grandtante Unse

Gmail - Erik Ribsskog, du har fått Smart Match treff! (27. sep 2010)


Erik Ribsskog

Erik Ribsskog, du har fått Smart Match treff! (27. sep 2010)

MyHeritage Smart Matches

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 12:14 PM



Har du problem med å lese denne meldingen? Les den i din nettleser.

Hei Erik,

Gode nyheter, har funnet 17 nye Smart Match treff for deg!

Et Smart Match treff kobler sammen noen på slektstreet ditt med noen vi tror er samme person på et slektstre tilhørende et annet medlem. Gode Smart Match treff kan hjelpe deg med å oppdage nye slektninger og forfedre!

Nye Smart Match treff på ditt 'Ribsskog Family Tree' slektstre

Et nytt Smart Match treff ble funnet på
Anerne 2009 Web Site / Anerne 4010
, et slektstre med 757 personer opprettet av Jens Bj. Laesoe fra Danmark og sist oppdatert 26. September 2010.

Kontakt Jens

På treet ditt På matchende tre

Niels Eriksen Løvenbalk

Inngiftet: 22 steg

Niels, Eriksen Løvenbalk, Tip 16
Treffkvalitet: 74%

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MyHeritage (UK) Ltd., Cardiff House, Second Floor, Tilling Road, London NW2 1LJ, England;

Hodeskalle-symbolikk, det synes jeg ikke passer, for en kommende dronning. Det synes jeg er unorsk og ukongelig. Hun tror hun er datteren til Madonna

datteren til madonna


Her er mer om dette:


Populære innlegg

Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

Totalt antall sidevisninger

