Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

onsdag 21. mai 2008

Tazte priv, ble sendt på radio, NRK P3, høsten 2004. (In Norwegian).

Wikiquote: Tazte priv/Lena fra Døden på Oslo S. (In Norwegian).

Lena fra Døden på Oslo S

[rediger] Om politikk
Fy fader, jeg hater politikerforakt!
Jeg stemmer Venstre, for Venstre er jo de små og mellomstore bedriftenes parti, og jeg, Lena, er en liten eller mellomstor bedrift avhengig av hvor mange liggeturer jeg får.
Frihet under ansvar? For et jævla dustete opplegg.

[rediger] Om jøder
Skjønner du ikke at jødene styrer Norge? Faen ta dem, jævla sionister ass!
Hvis bare jødene setter alle klutene til, de jævla jødeklutene sine, fy faen
Hvorfor tror du Haakon Magnus har så krum nese? Hvorfor tror du Jens Stoltenberg egentlig heter Jens Schtoltzenbürg? Hvorfor tror du at stortingspresident Jørgen Kosmo, hvis du bare bytter om på bokstavene, så får du jøden Kosmo? Bytta ut r og g med en d der hvis du er interessert i å høre på.

[rediger] Diverse
Fy faen du er så jævla frekk! Men du treffer spikern på hodet.
Hodet ditt vokser opp og ned og mikrofonen ser ut som et snyteskaft, din gris! Nå tror jeg vi må runde av dette intervjuet fort som faen Bård.
Hadet bra du og, trehoda troll med børstemark ut av nesa!
Jeg digger deg! Jeg hater deg... Jeg er likegyldig til deg.
Jeg skulle ønske folk ville ha meg for den jeg er, ikke bare for det jeg har mellom beina... Vet du hva jeg har mellom beina? En piercing det har gått verk i!
Hadet på badet din gamle sjokolade! Merkelig uttrykk egentlig... Ser deg i kveld gamle karamell!

Lena fra Døden på Oslo S., kommenterer om omgangstonen i det moderne Norge. (In Norwegian).

Her hører vi Lena fra Døden på Oslo S., forteller om omgangstonen i Norge:

Faen så uhøflige folk har blitt.

Det er slutt på høflige fraser.

Alle skal si akkurat hva de mener.

Samfunnet har blitt uformelt, joda.

Men samtidig har vi ikke mistet noe på veien?

Faen, er det rart folk setter seg overdoser når høflighetsfrasene har blitt toatelt fraværende?

Fy faen!

Politikerne hva gjør de?

Nå sier jo folk at jeg må huske å ta medisinene mine osv., men jeg lurer på om ikke Eia, vet et par ting, om hva som foregår, og synes det er artig, å vitse om dette, som en slags meta-humor, i programmene sine på radio og TV?

F.eks, så prater han jo om Jahve, i forbindelse med noe nattverd her, som vel går på det greiene, som Dagbladet skrev om, med Bohemian Groove, og Illuminati osv.:

Og en del andre ting han prater om, jeg lurer på om han er 'in the know', angående noen New World Order agendaer som foregår i Norge osv., og liker å vitse med det, som en slags meta-humor, jeg har også synes det kan virke sånn med Jarle i Åpen Post osv., også.

Men nå sier jo folk på Dagbladets kommentarfunksjon, at jeg må huske å ta medisinene mine, så da tar jeg sikkert feil da.

Men da er vi tilbake til omgangstonen, og den synes jeg er mye bedre i England, enn i Norge, så sånn sett, så trives jeg mye bedre i England, enn f.eks. i Oslo.

Det er bare sånn jeg oppfatter det privat.

Men det betyr jo ikke at det er sånn, andre kan jo mene at det er motsatt, at omganstonen er mye høfligere og bedre i Oslo.

Det er mulig.

Men dette her er jo min blogg, så da får jeg skrive hva jeg mener her da.

Så får man håpe at det er i orden!

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Når Eia mobber Elg, mobber han egentlig Tufte Johansen da, lurer jeg på.

Hvorfor er tonen så uhøflig i Norge? Er det derfor nordmenn er så forknytte? Har det alltid vært sånn? Er det organisert? (In Norwegian).


Hvor ble innlegget av?

Skrevet av Ratatoskr 20.05.2008 kl. 14:09

Argh! Hvor ble Cons' innlegg av?? Kom igjen Dagbladet, det var morsomt!

Jeg som hadde så mange kommentarer klare....

Nytt innlegg Svar på innlegg Varsle




RE: Hvor ble innlegget av?

Skrevet av cons 20.05.2008 kl. 14:20

Dem fikk telefon fra Stoltenberg og Kolberg.

Jeg har det på blogg da:

Nytt innlegg Svar på innlegg Varsle




RE: Hvor ble innlegget av?

Skrevet av fredrik 21.05.2008 kl. 10:42

Ojojojojoj, håper at du tar medisinen din

Nytt innlegg Svar på innlegg Varsle




RE: Hvor ble innlegget av?

Skrevet av cons 21.05.2008 kl. 10:57

Det er alltid hyggelig å debattere med sine landsmenn.

Jeg har merket det, etter at jeg flyttet til England, at det er så høflig tone i Norge.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

Nytt innlegg Svar på innlegg Varsle

Did Merseyside Police fail to help fireball murder victim Monika Szmecht?

Did police fail the fireball murder victim Monika Szmecht?
May 10 2008 by Michelle Fiddler, Liverpool Echo

AN INVESTIGATION was underway today to see if a Polish waitress stabbed and torched by her abusive boyfriend was given enough police protection.

Monika Szmecht was imprisoned in a van and then driven to a remote country lane, where she was doused in petrol and set alight last June.

Ex-soldier Anthony Clarke was jailed for life after being convicted of her murder last week.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission is now investigating the way Merseyside Police dealt with domestic violence allegations prior to her horrific death.

Officers from Merseyside police were in contact with Ms Szmecht and she expressed concern about Clarke’s behaviour in the days leading up to her murder.

During Clarke’s trial, Liverpool crown court heard the 27-year-old lashed out at his ex-lover days before her death after discovering texts from another man.

He also threatened to burn down her house – forcing her to secretly move.

Weeks before she died, Ms Szmecht told police she had been assaulted by Clarke.

She ended up with bruises and a fractured bone in her hand and was due to make a statement against him.

Clarke claimed in his defence he met up with Miss Szmecht on the day she died in order to hand over £1,000 in return for her not making the statement.

During the trial, his sister Shareen Clarke told the jury she, in fact, attacked the Polish waitress.

On the day of her death, Clarke bundled Ms Szmecht, who at the time was living in Wellesbourne Place, Norris Green, into his van, where he kept her imprisoned for four hours.

He then took her to an isolated country lane in Rainford and stabbed her six times.

When she struggled to her feet Clarke, a divorced dad-of-three, doused her in petrol and set her alight.

Merseyside police referred concerns regarding the way they dealt with Ms Szmecht and handled her allegations of domestic violence at the hands of Clarke to the IPCC on December 11 last year.

IPCC Commissioner for the North West Mike Franklin decided an independent investigation was needed.

The watchdog could not launch the investigation until criminal proceedings against Clarke were completed.

Mr Franklin said: “This was a horrifically brutal murder and my condolences go out to Ms Szmecht’s family and friends.

“It is known that Merseyside police had been in contact with Ms Szmecht and she had raised concerns about Mr Clarke’s behaviour towards her in the days leading up to her murder.

“Our investigation will examine whether officers observed the correct policies and procedures and whether Ms Szmecht was afforded sufficient protection.”

A Merseyside police spokesman said: “We can confirm the force has looked into the police response to issues of domestic violence in the case of Monika Szmecht.

“The matter was voluntarily referred to the IPCC and we support their decision to carry out an independent enquiry.” 472 2529

E-mail to the LGO, 21/5/08.

Google Mail - complaint against Liverpool City Council our ref 08 000 279

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

complaint against Liverpool City Council our ref 08 000 279

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, May 21, 2008 at 8:03 AM

st3 york <>



I'm refering to our phone-call, on Monday, where I explained that I would have a closer look at the compaint, and

call you back the next day. (Tuesday, yesterday).


Unfortunaltly, I was a bit busy yesterday, but I have thought a bit more about this now, so I'm sending you this



Like I explained in the phone-call, my main complaint, against the gym, was that the (female) washing-staff,

where washing the mens chaning-room, within the opening hours, on several (at least two) occations.


I also explained, that I had been working-out in other council/university-run gyms, in Oslo and Sunderland,

but that I hadn't seen this before, that the female washing-staff was washing the mens changing room,

within the opening hours.


I've been thinking a bit more about how to explain this, and I think one must probably say, that this, that

the washing-women wash the mens changing-room within the opening hours of the gym, must be said

to be indicent(?)


And this gym is not like a private gym, but it's a council run gym, open to all members of the public, and

run by the tax-payers money.


The council, explained that they had changed the 'washing-regime', after recieving my complaint, but after

I've been thinking more about this, I think it's a bit strange anyway.

Since, I think that the staff at the gym should have stopped the washing-women, acting like this, I remember

that there was plenty of staff there, the last time this happend, they were just standing in the reception-area,

without doing any work-tasks, maybe 10 or 15 minutes before the gym closed, looking at me, more or less,

smiling, when I left the gym, the last time this happend.

So, I think that staff must have been aware of this.


So, I think that there must have been something going on at the gym, since the staff didn't react, when the

washing women did this.

So I don't think it's enough by the Council, to say they've changed the washing regime, since I think there

must be problems with the staff as well, since they didn't reflect or react at this procedure.


I think both the washing-staff, and the gym-staff and management, should have understood, by themselves,

that it's maybe a bit indecent, to let the washing-women wash the mens changing-room during the opening

hours of the gym, while the changing-room is being used.


So I think that there must be something going on there, since noone reflected on this.


So, I think that maybe the situation at the gym, should be looked a more into, by the Ombudsman, since

I think that there must have been something strange going on there.

I haven't had the time to look at the complaint that much, and this was from last year, so I don't remember

the details that well, but I remember that I was thinking, that there were a lot of strange things going on at

the gym.

So I'm forwarding you the complaint I sent the gym, so maybe you could have a look at this, and see what

you think yourselves, of the other complaints than the main complaint mentioned in this e-mail, if you don't

think the things going on at the gym, weren't a bit strange.

So then I'll trust your judgement on the other complaints, since I am a bit after shedule with work etc. here.

Hope this is alright!


Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog



On 5/14/08, st3 york <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribskkog


I refer to your complaint against Liverpool City Council. I tried calling you today and last Wednesday but have been unsuccessful.  I would like to have a chat with you about your complaint. Please would you telephone me today or on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week (19-21 May) sometime between 9.15am and 4.30pm so that I can make progress on your complaint.  If I am not available when you call, please leave a message giving details of the best time to get back to you.


Yours sincerely


Julie Murray


Commission for Local Administration in England

Tel: 01904 380220


NOTICE - This message contains information intended only for the use of the addressee named above.  If you have received this message in error please advise us at once and do not make any use of the information.


Google Mail - Complaint

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog


Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 5:06 AM


"Lennon, Linda" <>, "Southern, Lesley" <>



I'm refering to phone-call last week (4/7). I know I said I'd send this e-mail no

later than Wednesday, but I didn't get to start on it untill late on Wednesday,

so it's probably going to be Thursday untill I get to actually send the e-mail,

so sorry about that!



Problems with washing women/girls in the mens changing-room during opening hours:


The first thing I wondered about, was regarding the problems described in

the e-mail I sent to Linda Lennon on 8/6, about the washing girl/women in

the mens changing-room.


I'll copy the text from that e-mail into this e-mail, since I have some questions

regarding that episode:




Jun 8, 2007 10:58 PM


Fwd: Statement




I just got back from the gym, it closed at 9 pm.


I just had to eat a bit and relax a bit after the work-out, or else I would have sent the

email at once.


Because what I'm wondering about with the gym, is:


Is it really right that there should be female washing-staf in the mens wardrobe

at 8.45 pm, when the gym closes at 9pm?


This happened again today, and it has also happened once before.

I used to workout a bit when I lived in Oslo and Sunderland as well, but they never

used to start washing the wardrobe until after the closing hours.


So I think that since the gym is run by the Council, I think that they shouldn't

have the washing-routines that includes female staff starting to wash in the

mens wardrobe as early as 8.45 pm.


I think they should wait until after closing-hours to wash the mens wardrobe,

and that if they have to wash, then they could maybe instead wash the machines

in the gym or something else before the gym is closed.


When I went into the mens wardrobe at 8.45 pm then there was a female washing

staff washing there, about 40 years maybe with dark hair.


I think she was talking with a colleague in there, it was probably the other washing-


I was working out on the tread-mill by the reception untill a bit before 8.45 pm, and

then I saw the washing-staff walking around in the reception-area at around 8.40 pm.


And one of the washing-staff looked quite young, maybe 16-17 years.

I think it must have been her that the washing-woman with dark hair spoke with in

the mens wardrobe at 8.45.


I don't think there should be that young female washing staff in the mens wardrobe

at 8.45, when the gym closes at 9.00pm.


It has happened once earlier as well that there were female washing staff in the

mens wardrobe at around 8.45, and I just think that this isnt right.


I think that both the staff in the gym and the washing staff should understand by

themselves that the female washing staff shouldnt start to wash in the mens

wardrobe untill after the closing hours at 9 pm, so thats why I havent complained

about this to the staff in the gym or the washing staff.

I think that it should be unecessary for me to tell this to them, I think they should

have understood this by themselves.


And Im not really sure whos in charge there in the evenings eighter.


There has also been other incidents at the gym that I have thought to complain

about, but I havent untill now.

But with the washing-staff in the mens wardrobe again today at 8.45 pm, was

a bit like the final drop, so since Im not really sure whos in charge there in the

evening I thought that I could send you an email about this.

And also since one of the washing women was so young, it makes me a bit

worried about whats going on in the gym, when they put a washing woman/

girl that looked like she was maybe 16 or 17 in the mens wardrobe at 8.45pm,

so therefore I thought I should really just write the email now, because that this

is a bit unacceptable for a gym thats run by the Council.


I know its a bit late to send emails at this hour, but it thought that since I think

that this way of organising the washing-routines in the gym is a bit unaceptable,

I thought that if I sent the email about this right after I got back from the gym,

then there would be less possibilites that eg. someone could say that I must have

mistaken the time etc,  since now its just a quite short time since I left the gym,

so I reckoned that its best to send it right away, while I still have the details at

mind so to speak. 


So I hope that this is alright!


Sorry that I send the email this late.




Erik Ribsskog

- Show quoted text -


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <
Date: Jun 8, 2007 3:45 PM
Subject: Statement




I refer to the phone-call earlier today, and send the statement from

the bank about the duplicate payment with the direct-debit.


Pleare just contact me if there is anything else I should have remembered.


Hope that this is alright!




Erik Ribsskog


So my questions regarding this is:


1. How come that there are washing women/girls in the mens changing-room at 8.45 pm,

when the gym closes at 9 pm?


2. Is the gym going to change its washing-routine, so that the washing women/girls dont

start to wash the mens changing-room untill after the gym is closed. (Because like I explained

in the e-mail to Linda Lennon, this with the washing women in the mens changing-room has

also happened earlier at the Millenium gym, but I've never seen it in other gyms).



Problems with direct-debit processing errors/duplicate payments:


Also, I have been in contact with Lesley Southern, about some problems regarding processing

errors/duplicate direct debits from the gym.


I explained to him that I would also bring up some the issues regarding this with you, so I think

its alright if I also copy the contents of that e-mail:





Erik Ribsskog <> 


 hide details

 Jul 10 (2 days ago) 



"Southern, Lesley" <>





Jul 10, 2007 6:18 PM





Re: Earlier e-mails








thank you very much for your answer.


I think it was very fine that you had the time to answer me, and I also think that it was very

fine that you have taken off my arrears due to the amount of time/inconvinience I have had

due to this.


But since there were still some things I was wondering about, I thought I could try to send

you an enquiery about this, to try to maybe found out about this.


I've written an explanation below, as comments on your e-mail, since I thought it was easier

to explain/answer this way.


To summarize my questions:


1. Shouldn't the gym have asked me first if they wanted to withdraw an extra payment (that they

had no mandate for) from my account in June?


2. How come that there were still two payment-requests from the gym waiting to be withdrawn

from my account on 27/6, when firstly, the gym only have a mandate to withdraw one monthly

payment from my account. Secondly, I had agreed with the staff at the gym, that I would pay the

arrears when I recieved the swith-bonus from the bank. And thirdly, I had sent Linda Lennon,

Administration Manager at the Council an e-mail about this problem on 8/6, with a copy of the

statement from the bank, showing that there was a problem with the gym charging me duplicate

payments from my account for the month of June?


3. How come that the gym still wanted to withdraw a (duplicate) payment from my account for the

month of July, when the gym was closed for refurbishment for six weeks from 25/6?


I'm also going to contact the Duty Officer at the gym regarding why the gyms members weren't

informed about the six weeks closure of the gym and more. So it might be that I'll also ask him

about some of the same questions. (Like about why the gym still wanted to charge me even

if they were going to be closed etc.)


I hope you have the time to answer me about this questions, since I thought some of these things

were a bit strange, so it would be nice to be informed about this.

So I hope that you bear over with me if I'm asking many questions!


Thank you very much in advance!


Yours sincerely,


Erik Ribsskog






On 7/3/07, Southern, Lesley <
> wrote:



Your enquiry regarding your direct debit payments has been passed onto myself for further investigation.


Unfortunately we cannot refund a payment to a member that has outstanding arrears, this is for audit purposes as we are required to provide details of all miscellaneous payments made to our members.


The action we have taken to date is to take your 1 month overpayment as your cancellation fee (which is normally 2 months) and we have taken your arrears off your membership record for the inconvenience caused as a result of the error.

- Regarding the overpayment, it wasn't actually an overpayment, because when the bank saw that it had been a

process error/duplicate payment from the gym, then they transferred the duplicate payment back as a

'interbranch payment' on 6/6.


(Secondly, I think that I shouldn't recieve a cancellation fee, when the gym suddently closes for 6 weeks

for refurbishment. I think that then the gym should have first sent its members a letter about this, put

up a poster at the gym about this, and also not charged its members for the month that they are closed,

but I have to contact the Duty Officer at the gym about something else, so I'll bring this up with him.)



I have checked the Direct Debit report and it seems that the overpayment dates back to a missed January payment which has been allocated to your account on 30
th May.  I will need to speak to our Direct Debit team to determine why a payment for January has been included in June's Direct Debit report.

I've been speaking with the staff (including the Manager) at the gym several times about the arrears, and we agreed that I would

pay the arrears later, when I recieved some money I was expecting (a switch-bonus from the bank).


This was agreed with Craig at the gym, when we set up the direct-debit agreement in May.


I spoke with Craig about this on 1/6 as well, since I hadn't recieved the switch-bonus yet, and then I was informed

that the arrear was £70.50, and we agreed that I would pay this when I recieved the money from the bank.


So my point is, that they should have told me first if they wanted to withdraw an extra payment from my account

on 1/6, so that I could have planned this in advance.


Also, this (RBS) bank account was set up in May, so I don't really understand how a missed direct-debit

payment to my old (Barclays) account in Januray, could suddently appear on my RBS-account in June?


It seems a bit strange to me that this could happen, when I also had agreed several times with the staff

at the gym (in the month of March and then monthly), that I would pay the running bills, and that I'd pay the

arrears when I recieved the switch-bonus from RBS.


Also I had been told by the staff at the gym, that there was no hurry at all with the arrears, as long as I

paid the running bills.


- Also the bank told me when I called them in the beginning of June, that the gym wasn't allowed to

withdraw more than one payment a month from my account, since they only had one mandate.


- Also, when I called the gym on 26/6, to ask if they were open on 26/6, (since they were closed for

no apparent reason on 25/6), then I was told that the gym was closed for refurbishment for six weeks.


I then thought that it wasn't right that the gym should charge me for the month of July, when they were

closed. (I also thought they should have informed the members about the six weeks closure). So due

to this, I called my bank (the RBS customer-support line) on 27/6 to cancel the direct-debit.

I was then told that there were still two direct-debits from the gym on my account, both with the same,

reference-number (LIFE 800 1561).


- So I was wondering, how come that there were still two payment-requests from the gym waiting to

be withdrawn on my account on 27/6, when firstly, the gym only have a mandate to withdraw one

monthly payment from my account. Secondly, I had agreed with the staff at the gym, that I would

pay the arrears when I recieved the swith-bonus from the bank, and thirdly, I had sent Linda Lennon,

Administration Manager at the Council an e-mail about this problem on 8/6, with a copy of the

statement from the bank, showing that there was a problem with the gym charging me duplicate

payments from my account?




Your account has now been set to expired and no payment was requested in July.


Well, there were actually two payments requested in July (see above

So my questions regarding this is:


3. Shouldn't the gym have asked me first if they wanted to withdraw an extra payment (that they

had no mandate for) from my account in June?


4. How come that there were still two payment-requests from the gym waiting to be withdrawn

from my account on 27/6, when firstly, the gym only have a mandate to withdraw one monthly

payment from my account. Secondly, I had agreed with the staff at the gym, that I would pay the

arrears when I recieved the swith-bonus from the bank. And thirdly, I had sent Linda Lennon,

Administration Manager at the Council an e-mail about this problem on 8/6, with a copy of the

statement from the bank, showing that there was a problem with the gym charging me duplicate

payments from my account for the month of June?



Problems around the closure of the gym for six weeks from 25/6 due to refurbishment:


5. How come that the gym still wanted to withdraw a (duplicate) payment from my account for the

month of July, when the gym was closed for refurbishment for six weeks from 25/6?


6. How come that there were no letters sent to the members of the gym regarding the closure

of the gym for six weeks from 25/6 due to refurbishment?


7. How come that there were no poster in the gym informing the users of the gym that the gym

would be closed for six weeks from 25/6 due to refurbishment?


8. How come that there was only a makeshift sign on the entrance-door to the millenium-

building saying 'gym closed', and nothing more when I went there to work out on the

evening on 25/6. (Shouldn't it have been a proper sign, with information about why the

gym was closed, how long the gym was closed for, and not just some makeshift

sign written with an ink-marker)?


9. How come that there were no information about the fact that the gym was closed, when

I went on the lifestyles website:



on 26/6 (When the gym had been closed since 25/5)?


(I can see that it says that the gym is closed there now, but on 26/6, there was no information

about the gym being closed at all. I went there to see if it said anything on the website on 26/6,

since the gym was closed for no obvious reason on 25/6, but it didn't say anything about the gym

being closed on the website, so I noted down the phone-number to the gym, and called the gym,

and they told me that the gym was closed for six weeks due to refurbishment.)


10. How come that members of the gym were charged for the whole month of June, when the gym

was closed for refurbishment from 25/6? (Shouldn't the six days from 25/6 to 30/6 have been

deducted from the charge?).



Other problems at the gym:


Like I wrote in my e-mail to Linda Lennon on 8/6, there had also been other, earlier incidents at

the gym which I had thought to complain about.


But like I also wrote, it wasn't always easy to know who it was that was in charge there after the

manager had gone home, and him I only spoke with once, since I most often worked out in the



And that the incident with the washing girls/women in the mens changing room again within the

opening hours was the last drop, so to speak.


And then it was easier for me to complain, because then I had her e-mail address from before,

since I had sent her a copy of the statement from the bank, to document the problems with

the duplicate direct debit/processing error from the gym.


So then it was easier for me to complain.


I'm going to try explain a bit more about the earlier incidents:


Problems with locker:


On 26/4, it says in my note-book, I was at the gym.


I work with office-work, so I try to work out quite often, and I usually use different lockers at the

gym, depending on which locker of the lockers that are free etc.


And when one work out 3-5 days a week for some time, and you have a different locker each time,

then it could be that one forgets exactly which locker one uses this particular time.


And, since only about half of the key-rings with the keys for the lockers had tag-numbers on them,

this could be a bit confusing.


So when I was finished with the work-out, and I went to the area of the changing-room where my

locker was, then the locker wouldn't open.


Like I wrote, I use different lockers each time, depending on which lockers that are free, where in

the changing-room it is less crowded etc.


So it isn't that easy to be exactly sure if it is that particular locker, especially since the key-ring

to the locker (like about half of the other key-rings, i noticed later), lacked a number-tag on it,

to specify which locker it belonged to.


I usually dont keep things like my wallet etc. in the locker, since its a big gym, always many

people there, and I would get a lot of inconvienience if something happened to my wallet etc.,

so I didn't keep the most 'valuble' things in the locker.


I use to keep my note-book with my wallet, so I had my note-book still on me, and I thought it

was a bit embarresing going to the reception explaining that I coultn't find my locker, so I decided

to be 100% sure before I did that.

So, I just wrote down the numbers of all the lockers in my note-book, and then I checked each

and every locker, and crossed the number for that locker in my note-book.

I made sure to check each lock thoroughly.


So, when I had checked each lock in the changing-room, and the key didn't fit in any of them,

then I went to the reception to explain.


It was still quite embarresing, but at least now I had the note-book to show that I had tryed all

of the locks.


There were about 5 or 6 people sitting in the reception, and the woman in charge, told Neil to

help me with this.


I explained to Neil that maybe the smartest thing for me would be to return at closing-time,

when all the other users of the gym had gone home, then it would only be one locker left

to check.


I was holding my note-book still, so I wrote down that Neil started acting a bit like a sergeant

in the army, knocking his fist into the side of the enterance to the changing-room and screaming

/comanding: 'come here'.


I thought this behaviour was a bit peculiar, but I went after him into the changing-room, and then

he starting to ask if I had been having a few beers. (Since I couldnt remember the number for

the locker).


I asked him what his name was, and wrote it down.


Then I showed him that I had tryed all the lockers, and that noone worked, and that there wasnt

any number-tag on the key-chain for the locker.


He asked me which locker I thought it was, and I told him that I thought it was the number 156

one. (It says in my note-book).


So he asked me to give him the key, so that he could try the number 156 locker and the

surrounding lockers.


But he couldnt manage to open any of them, so he went to find the master-key.


This took a bit of time, but he returned and then opened the locker with the new key.


It was locker 156, and I showed him in my note-book that I had already tryed to open

locker 156 with the key, because I had crossed out that number in the note-book.


Neil said that 'the locks often get stuck.', I can see from my note-book.


I found a new locker (since I didnt have the key any longer to the 156 one), and Neil

reminded me to remember the key-number.


I told him that I thought that there should be key-tags on the key-rings for the lockers.


Also, the next time I went to the gym, the woman in charge reminded me that I should

remember the key-number, and then I told the woman in charge that I thought that

there should be key-tags on the key-rings. (But there still wasnt done anything

with this problem, and about half of the key-rings were still missing a key-tag

for the remainder of the time I was working out at the gym).


So my questions regarding this is:


11. How come there are so much problems with the locks getting stuck in the lockers?

I mean, surely the gym bought new lockers when they opened? And its the Millennium

building gym, so the building and the gym can't be that old? (Did someone buy used

lockers for the gym when it opened)?


12. How come the gym doesn't use oil in the locks for the lockers, if it, like Neil said,

is a problem with the 'locks often get stuck'?


13: And why didn't the gym put key-tags on the lockers, when about half of the key-

tags were missing, and I had spoken about this problem with both Neil and the woman

who was in charge there on the day this incident ocured, I think it was on 26/4?



Problems with the washing of the machines:


When I wrote the e-mail about the problem with the washing women/girls in the

mens changing-room in the opening hours, then it came to mind that maybe

the washing-should should rather wash the machines, and then wait untill

the gym has closed, before they washed the changing-rooms.


The reason I thought about this, is because I remembered an incident from when

I was working out, I think it must have been in April or May.

Then I was working out at the thread-mill, and this was I seem to remember hours

before closing-time.


There were a couple of washing-ladys there, even if it was still a few hours until



They were just walking around a bit, seemingly not certain on the routine.


But then one of the washing ladies started to wash the stepping-machine in front

of me. But what I thought was a bit strange, was that she only washed the tip of

one of the handles of the stepping machine, and then nothing else. This she did

twice with a few minuttes inbetween.


Other than that, I couldn't see that eighter she or her collegue washed any of the

other machines. (They looked a bit lost there, walking around with their buckets

while the gym was still quite crowded, since it was hours till closing-time.)


My question regarding this is:

14: Shouldn't the washing-staff put up a sign near the machines when they wash

them during the time of which the gym is open? Couldn't people get hurt if

they work out on machines that are slippery from being washed? I seem to

remember from other places I've been working etc., that yellow plastic signs

are being put on the floor etc., saying that one have to be careful since its

newly washed, so shouldn't the washing staff in the gym also do this when

they clean the machines within the opening hours?



Problems with staff:


Like I've written, there have been some incedents before that I have wondered

if I should complain about, but I'm not always sure whos in charge there, so

this makes it a bit more tricky to complain, and I've also had the problem

with the arrears on my membership, and the manager let me work out

there and pay the arrears later, so there was a threshold before I would



But I wrote down in my note-book a couple of things I reacted on anyway.


I was wondering a bit what was going on there, e.g. on 24/5 Craig and

a blond girl sits in the reception.


Only Craig logs in the members, even if there is a long queue. The girl

is only watching. (I think maybe she is his girlfriend, since I noticed

them sitting very close once when I wanted to log in).


So I was wondering, if there is a long queue, surely both of them could

log in the users of the gym, so that they wouldn't have to wait in a line,

like if some of the customers are there to sign up for a membership,

then still everyone have to wait in one line, even if there are more

staff at work.

So then I was wondering what is the girl doing there, if she cant log in

the customers, and is only sitting watching.


And I think she had been working there a while then, so I dont think

she was on training.


So this seemed a bit strange to me, so I thought I could mention it

while Im writing this e-mail anyway.


Also, I remember, that one Friday I was working out there, then they

annonced the closing of the gym like this:


'The gym will be closing in 60 minutes', 'The gym will be closing in

45 minutes', 'The gym will be closing in 30 minutes', 'The gym will

be closing in 15 minutes'.

I think it was the same girl, but it seemed like it was Craig that told

her to say it.


Normally they only say 'The gym will be closing in 20 minuttes', or

something like this, so I thought I could mention this as well, even

if its maybe not so important what they say on the calling-system

in the Friday evenings? Anyway, I thought I could mention it while

I was writing the e-mail anyway.


My question to this is:


15. How come the staff only sits watching while the customers are

standing in line?


16. Shouldn't the staff have name-tags, where it said name and title,

so that it would be easier for the users of the gym to know who to

speak with regarding different problems. (So that they know who

are in charge)?


(For instance, on the day when there were washing girls/women in

the mens changing room, and they must have been there from

around 8.40 pm. or earlier, because I went in there on 8.45 pm,

and then they were well into their routine it looked like, before I

turned and went home.


On that day (8/6), the staff that were working around closing-time,

was Neil, a young girl that wears high-healed shoes and blouse,

and a man around 40 years maybe that I think could maybe is the

girls father, because I saw him standing very close to the girl once.


I thought maybe the girl was in a kind of responsible position there,

since she wear office-clothes, but the guy in his forthies I reckon

also could be in charge there, since hes the oldest etc., and also

Neil I reckoned could have been in charge, since he has access

to the master-keys etc.


So its a bit embarrasing asking about whos in charge, because

you wouldn't want to offend anyone, with asking whos in charge,

and then its actually that person who is in charge.


I don't say that it is impossible for the customers of the gym to

find out whose in charge, but I thought that it could maybe add

to the general level of customer-service at the gym if the staff

was wearing name-tags.


I wrote down a note of who that was working that day, so that

I would know later, since I wrote the e-mail that day with the

complaint about the washing-staff in the chaning-room, so I

thought I'd write it down, in case it became an issue.)


17. Should they really anounce that the gym is closing in 60 minutes,

and that the gym is closing in 45 minutes etc.?




Problems with direct-debit agreement on 13/12/06:


While I was looking for some notes before I started writing this

e-mail now, I found a letter from the gym from 8/12/06.


I'll just write what it says:


'Dear Mr. Ribsskog,


RE: Lifestyles Membership No: LDD121346


As a valued Lifestyles member, I was surprised to find that your monthly

Lifestyles subscription of £23.50 due earlier this month has not been paid.


You may be aware of this already and have made payment at the

Lifestyles centre, if so, please accept my apologies.


If you have not paid these arrears, I would ask that you pay them at your

earliest convienience by contacting your nearest Lifestyles Centre. Your

membership account can be updated at any of the centres and you can

pay either by cash, cheque, credit or debit card.


Please contact Liverpool Direct on 0151 233 3007 for the number of your

nearest Lifestye centre.


I regret that until any arrears have been paid, standard admission

charges will apply and you will lose the benefits of your membership.


Yours feithfully


Steve Kneale


Business Development Manager'.




(I write quite fast, so I thought I could just write it down, so that it would be

easier to understand what I meant.)


There were some problems regarding me switching from a Barclays Cashcard

account to a Barclays Current-account at around the end of November/beginning

of December 2006.


The problem was that my pay from work was switched to the new current-account,

whereas the direct-debits remained connected to the old account.


I was in a busy period with work etc., so I didnt think about this problem before I

got a letter from the bank about it.

So I went to the bank, and transfered all my direct-debits from my old Barlays

cashcard account, and to my new Barclays current/visa account.

The clerk in the bank did this for me, it was a quite routine operation it seemed

to me.


Exept for the Lifestyles direct-debit for some reason.

This direct-debit had been canceled right away, in a way so that the clerk in the

bank couldnt transfer it to the new account.


And when I went to the gym on 13/12, I had to pay the charge for Decemeber at

the gym, and it wasn't possible for me to just switch the existing direct-debit

agreement from my old Barlays Cashcard account to my new Barclays Current

account, but I had to fill out a new form all over again to set up the new

direct debit agreement on my new account.


I accept that it was my fault with forgetting to transfer the direct-debit to the

new account (It was some comunication-problem at work, with me informing

work that I had got a new bank-account, but with work not giving me any

feedback on that they had changed my account information in the payment



But because of the later problem with the direct debits now in June, I thought

I could ask a couple of questions regarding this as well, while I'm at it, so to



18: How come that the gym canceled my direct-debit between 1/12 and 8/12,

and sent me a letter on 8/12, where it said that I had to go to the gym and

pay in cash, when I had never had any payment problems with the gym before 

this, and all the other direct-debits were possible to switch (for the clerk at

the bank to my new account), except the gyms direct-debit? Shouldn't the

gym have tryed to collect the payment from my account again 7-14 days

later, like the clerk in the bank told me that the other companies did?


19: Why did I have to write my signature on, and fill out a new form all over

again on 13/12, for a new direct-debit. Didn't the gym have all my information

from before, have one got to fill out and sign a new form just because one

gets a new account-number, when one are still using the same bank?


(The signature of the women I spoke with on the gym on 13/12/06, looks

like it says Probert as a last name by the way, in case that makes it

any easier to find out about this.


I remember I thought it was strange that I had to fill out the form all over

again, just because of the problem of the one payment due to the

problems with changing the direct-debits and my pay from work to

the new account, in a coordinated way.


Because it didn't seem to be a similiar problem with the other companies

that also had direct-debits on my account, so therefore I remember that

I thought that this was a bit strange.

And now, due to the other problems with the direct-debits again, now in

June, I thought I'd just ask about the earlier problems, since they came

to mind now.


also this:


How come I got a letter sent 8 days after the missed payment in December,

where as later, in January, February and March (with the new direct-debit set

up on 13/12), I didn't get a letter at all.


It went on for two or three months, it must have been, before someone reminded

me that there were arrears on my membership.


I was quite busy in this time-periode, even if I was unemployed, so I didn't

have so much money then, so I should maybe have spoken with the staff about

this myself, but I much problems with paying my rent etc., and I was glad to

have the oppertunity to work-out, since it was a bit stressing not having a

job, and it helped to work-out to relax from the stress.


And also, the staff gave different information to me regarding the arrears. The

girl wearing office-wear, and who worked on 8/6, for instance, told me on

one occation that it wasn't a hurry paying the arrears at all. (As long as I

paid the running bills, which I did).


And other members of staff, Craig for instance, told me that I had to pay the

arrears before a certain date, (I spoke with the manager and got an extension,

and later I agreed with Craig that I would pay the arrears when I got first the

loan I was promised from the bank, and later the switch-bonus I was promised

from the bank.)


So the questions regarding this:


20: How come in December I get a letter for not paying after 8 days, where as

in the new year, it goes in the region of two or three months without recieving

a letter or reminder from the staff, even if I worked out several times a week?


21: How come one member of the staff (the girl with the office-wear who worked

on 8/6), says that there is no hurry with the arrears, where as another member

of staff (Craig), says that I have to pay before this and this date? How is this

really supposed to be, according to the rules?


(I appriciate very much that I was allowed to work out at the gym even if I had

arrears, so it's not because I am ungrateful that I ask about these things. It's

just that due to the other problems, with the washing-women/girls in the changing

room, and the problems with the continuing processing errors and duplicate

payments with the direct debits.


And also due to the problems surrounding the unanounced closure of the gym

for six weeks due to refurbishment.


Due to these problems, I thought it would be best to mention all the other

problems while I was at it. Even if some of these problems aren't maybe

that serious in themselves, I anyway thought that they were worth bringing

up, because, I think, thay add to a general picture of things at the gym

being a bit out of hand, so due to this I'm a bit concerned about whats

really going on at the gym, and then I thought it would be best to mentioned

all the things that came to mind, because these things, even if it isn't clear

to me here and now that there for certain is a problem conected with them,

it could be a problem, so I thought it would be the most responsible thing

to do, to also add the latter part of the problems, the ones that are mentioned

under the title 'other problems'.


So even if it was the first five or ten questions that made me go to the step

of complaining. Even so, I hope you have the oppertunity to answer me about

the last part of the questions as well.


Sorry again that this e-mail got a bit delayed. I know I said I'd send it no latter

than Wednesday, but I reckon that as long as I send it before the office hours

on Thursday, then it hopefully should be ok.


I'll also forward this e-mail to Linda Lennon and Lesley Southern, since I've been

copying the e-mails I've sent to them earlier, in this e-mail now. 


Hope that this is alright, and that you bear over with me if some of the last questions

wasn't as well stated as they should have been, due to time problems etc.


Hope that this is alright!


Yours sincerely,


Erik Ribsskog





















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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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