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onsdag 20. november 2013

Jeg sendte enda en e-post til Merseyside-politiet

Gmail - RE: complaint - [Not Protectively Marked] - [Not Protectively Marked]


Erik Ribsskog

RE: complaint - [Not Protectively Marked] - [Not Protectively Marked]

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 10:25 AM

Cottam Jenni <>


yes you can just do that.

I'm going to contact the IPCC and complain that you are discreptful, when you write salutations like that.

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Cottam Jenni <> wrote:

Mr Ribsskog,

I am Sergeant Cottam of the Liverpool North Standards Unit based at St Anne Street Police Station.

Please contact me on 0151 777 4037 to discuss your complaint.

Your complaint cannot be concluded via the email system, I need to speak to you.

If you do not ring me, I will file your complaint accordingly.

Thank you

Sergeant Cottam

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 20 November 2013 10:17
To: Cottam Jenni
Subject: Re: complaint - [Not Protectively Marked]


can't we keep this in writing, I was wondering.

I think that's better, because then we get to keep a copy of what has been said, in the e-mail-programme.

I also think it's a bit descending that you just write 'Thank you' as a salutation.

(And not 'Yours sincerely').

And you complain that I don't have a facility for automatic phone-call-answering.

This is a new phone-number I have, since I got 70 'dodgy' phone-calls, some days ago, on my old mobile-number.

Also, it says 'Unknown' when you call me.

Or else I would have called back.

The phone you used for calling me seems to not have a phone-number.

Could I please escalate this, to your line-manager, please.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 9:06 AM, Cottam Jenni <> wrote:

Mr Ribsskog,

I have tried to ring you but there was no answer, and no facility to leave an answerphone message.

Can you please ring me on 0151 777 4037 to discuss your complaint against Police?

Thank you

Sergeant 2158 Cottam

Liverpool North Standards Unit

St Anne Street Police Station

Tel: 0151 777 4037

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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Merseyside-politiet

Gmail - complaint - [Not Protectively Marked]


Erik Ribsskog

complaint - [Not Protectively Marked]

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 10:17 AM

Cottam Jenni <>


can't we keep this in writing, I was wondering.

I think that's better, because then we get to keep a copy of what has been said, in the e-mail-programme.

I also think it's a bit descending that you just write 'Thank you' as a salutation.

(And not 'Yours sincerely').

And you complain that I don't have a facility for automatic phone-call-answering.

This is a new phone-number I have, since I got 70 'dodgy' phone-calls, some days ago, on my old mobile-number.

Also, it says 'Unknown' when you call me.

Or else I would have called back.

The phone you used for calling me seems to not have a phone-number.

Could I please escalate this, to your line-manager, please.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 9:06 AM, Cottam Jenni <> wrote:

Mr Ribsskog,

I have tried to ring you but there was no answer, and no facility to leave an answerphone message.

Can you please ring me on 0151 777 4037 to discuss your complaint against Police?

Thank you

Sergeant 2158 Cottam

Liverpool North Standards Unit

St Anne Street Police Station

Tel: 0151 777 4037


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computer viruses.

The views expressed in this communication may not necessarily be the
views of Merseyside Police.

All communications, including telephone calls and electronic messages to
and from Merseyside Police may be subject to monitoring and recording.


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