Your letter of 22/4 from Ken Garrett Benefit Officer, Your ref: 10055749
Erik Ribsskog <>
5:40 PM (20 minutes ago)
to Benefits,, mail.gva, CONTACT-US, Contact-Us, Colin, amnestyis, EUteam, HRW
I'm refering to your letter of 22/4, which I received today, (and
which I attach a scanned copy of).
The problem seems to be a misunderstanding, between the Jobcentre and myself.
Someone have sent the Jobcentre a phoney e-mail, in my name, (after
reading about my jobseeking on my blog), it seems.
I attach a letter from Director David Simms, at the Jobcentre from 4/4.
Mr Simms writes in his letter: 'on 11 March 2014 you noticed us via
email that you had been working around 60-70 hours per week, were
running several websites and earning around £300.00 per week'.
But this is just 'balony'.
I have never worked that much with my web-sites, and I have never
earned that much on them.
(They run with a small loss.
But I still want to keep them, since I apply for web-design-jobs, and
then one almost has to have links to websites one have created, to not
look dum, when one apply for work.
I have sent the Jobcentre, (and the Council), the book-keeping for
these web-shops numerous times.
If you have a look at the mentioned book-keeping, then you should be
able to see, that the e-mail from 4/4 was a forgery, and something
sent by someone wanting to distroy my life, by being evil, I have to
The Police arrested me earlier this year.
And then it was the same problem.
Someone had written an e-mail to a Jobcentre-advisor, in my name,
asking her on a date.
The Police said this was a crime, and arrested me.
But I hadn't sent that e-mail.
Rather, I had complained about this Jobcentre-woman, (Sarah Bamber),
to her line-manager at Aintree Jobcentre, (Gaynor), because Sarah
Bamber became to personal, and asked me if I could help her daughter
study marine-biology, in Norway, in the first meeting, (which I
contacted a researcher Anders Karlsson at University of Tromsø about,
who I used to work as Store Manager for, at Rimi Langhus, in 2001 and
So this could be that Sarah Bamber, from Aintree Jobcentre, is out of balance.
She gets to personal, (and don't separate work and private life), in meetings.
And after this, someone have sent a false e-mail in my name, (after I
complained in e-mails, one of around hundred complaints, I've sent,
about the Jobcentre).
A solicitor named Colin Simbers, (from Linskills solicitors), has been
my solicitor, in that case.
So he should be able to confirm, that these phoney e-mails, are a
repeting problem, (which distroys my life, more or less).
I've sent the Council numerous updates about the situation.
So you should have gotten information about this before, if I'm mistaking.
But I can now also send you a file from 10/4, when I registered a
rapid reclaim, at the Jobcentre website.
Here I explain: 'Why has there been a delay in making
your claim?
It has been a misunderstanding, about
when my sign on-meeting was, and after
that, I made a reclaim, but was sent to
Huyton Jobcentre, which is to far to walk
to, and I didn't have money for rail.'.
And: 'What have you done to find work since
the date you want this claim to start?
I have applied for many jobs since 6/3. I
have done my jobseeking-activities every
week-day, since 6/3, and I have a printed
log, from Universal Jobmatch, which
shows this.'.
I've logged about my jobseeking on Universal Jobmatch, for almost a
year now, (after NCS told me to do this), so I can prove that I have
applied for work, every week-day, since almost a year back.
So this is just 'balony' from the Jobcentre, I have to say.
For all that I know, it could be some 'new age-people' at the
Jobcentre who make up these e-mails that I haven't written.
That's perhaps how the Jobcentre is these days.
I read somewhere on the internet that Ingeus were 'satanic', so it
shouldn't surprice me much.
Some of the Jobcentre/Ingeus-staff seem more like actors than
jobseeking-advisors to me, to be honest.
(I've sent many tens of complaints since I became unemployed, in 2008).
I started my web-shop, in 2010.
And then the Jobcentre said it was a 'hobby'.
And then they didn't care about it much.
But now they want to see book-keeping for it all the time, etc.
So the Jobcentre have changed here, regarding how they look at my web-shop.
This was after I also started self-publishing, in 2012.
Then they didn't think that was a hobby, and wanted to see the
book-keeping, etc.
And then they started to pretend that they hadn't called my web-shop a
hobby, and wanted to see book-keeping for my web-shop as well.
And now these fabricated e-mails on top of the complicated situation,
from before.
The problem is that I'm a human being, who is made of organic
material, and need food, to function.
I can't get food sometimes now, since I can't get a voucher for the
food-bank even, since they ban me from the Jobcentre, due to these
mentioned forged e-mails.
So I have to send copies to Amnesty and Human Rights Watch I think
now, while I write this.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
Her er de tre første vedleggene:
PS 2.
Her er det siste vedlegget:
Summary of information entered
Getting started
Please enter your postcode L4 5XJ
Your date of birth 25 July 1970
Your sex Male
Do you have a partner? No
Do you have any dependent children
aged under 20 living with you?
Have you had a claim to Employment and
Support Allowance (ESA) due to illness or
disability that has ended since 10 March
Have you had Jobseeker's Allowance at
any time since 9 October 2013 ?
Did you claim for a partner before? No
Since you last claimed Jobseeker's
Allowance have there been any changes
to the amount of your savings?
Are your savings under £16,000 in total? Yes
Are you re-claiming JSA because you
have been on a training course arranged
through your Jobcentre and this has now
Changes since last claim
Since you last claimed Jobseeker's
Allowance have there been any changes
in circumstances to the benefits you
Since you last claimed Jobseeker's
Allowance have there been any changes
to other money you receive?
Since you last claimed Jobseeker's
Allowance has your address changed?
Since you last claimed Jobseeker's
Allowance have your family
circumstances (excluding pregnancy)
Since you last claimed Jobseeker's
Allowance have there been any changes
in circumstances within your household?
Since you last claimed Jobseeker's
Allowance have your housing costs (but
not mortgage charges) changed?
Since you last claimed Jobseeker's
Allowance has your ground rent
Since you last claimed Jobseeker's
Allowance have your Service Charges
Since your last claim, have you done any
When your claim will start
Online claims begin on the date they
are submitted. In very exceptional
circumstances only, it may be possible for
a claim to start from an earlier date and
then only with a valid reason provided.
Do you want your claim to start from an
earlier date?
What date do you want to claim
Jobseeker's Allowance from?
6 March 2014
About your delay in claiming Jobseeker's Allowance
Why has there been a delay in making
your claim?
It has been a misunderstanding, about
when my sign on-meeting was, and after
that, I made a reclaim, but was sent to
Huyton Jobcentre, which is to far to walk
to, and I didn't have money for rail.
How did you find out that you could claim
Jobseeker's Allowance?
Attending the Jobcentre
Did you seek advice on how to claim? Yes
Have there been any changes in your
circumstances since the date you want
this claim to start?
Have you been unwell and unable to work
since the date you'd like to claim from?
Have you been looking for work since the
date you want this claim to start?
What have you done to find work since
the date you want this claim to start?
I have applied for many jobs since 6/3. I
have done my jobseeking-activities every
week-day, since 6/3, and I have a printed
log, from Universal Jobmatch, which
shows this.
Would you have been willing to work
since the date you want to claim
Jobseeker's Allowance from?
How many hours a week would you have
been willing to work since the date you
want this claim to start?
Who did you ask for advice about
I called Maria on 0345 608 8545, last
week, and got an appointment on Huyton
Jobcentre on 4/4. I couldn't attend since
I didn't have money for rail, but my sister
has borrowed me some money now.
When did you ask them about claiming? 31 March 2014
What did you ask them about claiming? Jobseekers allowance.
What did they tell you? Maria said something about
contradictions and evidence, I didn't
understand exactly what she meant, but
she ended up advicing me to apply for a
rapid reclaim online.
How did you find out that your claim could
start from an earlier date?
I explained the situation to Maria, and she
adviced me to just make a rapid reclaim
and back-date it. I've also e-mailed the
Jobcentre and explained why I couldn't
make it to the meeting on 4/4.
Housing Benefit or Council Tax reduction scheme
Do you wish to claim Housing Benefit
(HB) or apply for a reduction in your
Council Tax
Did you apply for Housing Benefit (HB) or
apply for a reduction in your Council Tax
(CTR) during your last claim?
Personal details
Title Mr
First name Erik
Surname Ribsskog
Middle name
Relationship status Single
Nationality Norwegian
National Insurance (NI) Number SG270967D
Are you a UK national? No
Contact information
Your address status I have a permanent residential address
Where you live 10 Keith Court, Keith Avenue,
LIVERPOOL, L4 5XJ, England
Would you like us to send your post to a
different address?
Daytime contact number (Sensurert av johncons-blogg)
Contact number type Mobile
Do you have another contact number? No
Please indicate any times you are not
available for us to contact you within
the next few days, to arrange a 'new
jobseeker interview'
You will be required to attend a 'New
Jobseeker's Interview at your local job
centre - please indicate any times that
you will not be able to attend
If you would like an email
acknowledgement when you submit your
claim, please enter your email address
If you need us to provide an interpreter
when we contact you, please select the
language required
Changes since last claim
Since your Jobseeker's Allowance
stopped have you had any changes to
any pension you receive?
Since your Jobseeker's Allowance
stopped have you had any changes to
any part-time work you do?
Since your Jobseeker's Allowance
stopped have you had any changes to
any training or education?
Have you been abroad at any time since
your last claim? We use abroad to mean
any country outside the UK.
Is there anyone in your household
that you have previously told us about
Are you sick? No
Have you had to see a doctor regularly
for medication or treatment in the last 26
Have you been in hospital since your last
claim ended?
Have your payment details changed since
your last claim to Jobseeker's Allowance
Tax and tax credits
Are you getting Child Tax Credit or
Working Tax Credit?
Previous work
Did you receive or are you currently
getting Return to Work Credit, In Work
Credit or Self-Employment Credit?
Are you a carer for someone else? No
Savings, investments and other income
Please could you tell us how you have
supported yourself since your last claim?
Thank you for submitting your application
Your application for Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) has been submitted.
You can save or print this page
Next steps: application interview and assessment
We'll contact you by text or phone within two working days
Monday to Friday between 7.00 am and 9.00 pm
Saturday and Sunday between 9.00am and 5.00pm
to arrange a 'new jobseeker interview' at your local Jobcentre Plus office.
Please allow 48 hours from when you made your claim before you contact us for an update.
Your appointment may be on the same day. The interview will normally last between 20 to
40 minutes. If you and your partner are making a joint claim to income based Jobseeker's
Allowance you must both attend the interview, which could last up to 1 hour.
What to bring to your interview
Please bring your CV to your interview, if you have one.
Please also bring proof of any changes. This includes things such as payslips, pension
statements and letters giving details of any training courses or social security benefits. It could
affect your benefit if this information is not provided.
Please note
You will no longer be able to view your application online. If you need to make any changes or
have not heard from us after 48 hours from submitting your claim please contact Jobcentre Plus
quoting your National Insurance Number.
How to contact Jobcentre Plus
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