Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

fredag 4. mars 2011

Jeg har også laget et nytt organisasjonskart, for quiz-show konsernet, som jeg har publisert på quiz-show konsern-bloggen

nytt organisasjonskart

Enda mer fra quiz-show konsern-bloggen

enda mer fra quiz-show konsern bloggen

Mer fra quiz-show konsern-bloggen

quiz-show konsern 1

quiz-show konsern 2

Mer fra #quiz-show-styre

Session Start: Thu Mar 03 01:16:12 2011
Session Ident:#quiz-show-styre
[01:16] * ludoleif ( has joined #quiz-show-styre

[01:16] * ludoleif slaps _cons_ with a wet trout!
[01:16] * ludoleif ( Quit ( Quit: Leaving )
[01:20] * ludoleif ( has joined #quiz-show-styre

[01:20] * ludoleif slaps _cons_ with a wet trout!
[01:23] * ludoleif ( Quit ( Quit: #quiz-show-styre )

[06:05] * _cons_ sets mode -b *!* for #quiz-show-styre
[06:05] * _cons_ sets mode -b *!* for #quiz-show-styre

[14:37] ->> Connection closed from
[14:40] ->> You joined channel #quiz-show-styre
[14:40] ->> Topic is: quiz-show konsern-styre. (Kun høyere ledelse, dvs. kanalsjefer, konsernsjef og designsjef). This channel is in Norwegian.

[14:40] ->> Topic set by _cons! on 12/02/2011 02:25:37
[14:40] ->> Channel Modes are: +tn

[14:40] ->> Channel created on 06/02/2011 21:41:18
[14:40] ->> Attempting to join #quiz-temp
[14:50] * OldGnom (~RS@ Quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer )

[15:05] * OldGnom (~RS@ has joined #quiz-show-styre
[15:14] * blablabot sets mode +o _cons for #quiz-show-styre
[17:43] ->> You joined channel #quiz-show-styre

[17:43] ->> Topic is: quiz-show konsern-styre. (Kun høyere ledelse, dvs. kanalsjefer, konsernsjef og designsjef). This channel is in Norwegian.

[17:43] ->> Topic set by _cons! on 12/02/2011 02:25:37
[17:43] ->> Channel Modes are: +tn

[17:43] ->> Attempting to join #quiz-temp
[17:43] ->> Channel created on 06/02/2011 21:41:18
[17:49] * blablabot sets mode +o _cons for #quiz-show-styre
[18:23] * skorpa ( has joined #quiz-show-styre

[18:23] * skorpa is now known as skorpion
[18:24] * Quizzie2 sets mode +o skorpion for #quiz-show-styre
[20:57] * Tingeling ( has joined #quiz-show-styre

[20:57] <Tingeling> hallo
[20:57] <Tingeling> hva skjer?
[21:14] * OldGnom (~RS@ Quit ( Read error: Operation timed out )

[21:32] * OldGnom (~RS@ has joined #quiz-show-styre
[21:39] * OldGnom (~RS@ Quit ( Ping timeout: 375 seconds )

[21:49] * Tingeling ( Quit ( Quit: Ha det bra! )
[21:51] * Solitare ( has joined #quiz-show-styre

[21:51] * OldGnom (~RS@ has joined #quiz-show-styre
[22:13] * OldGnom (~RS@ Quit ( Quit: fuck it all )

[22:29] * OldGnom (~RS@ has joined #quiz-show-styre
[23:21] * Solitare ( Quit ( )

Mer fra #blablabla

Session Start: Thu Mar 03 14:37:15 2011
Session Ident:#blablabla
[14:37] ->> Socket Error: 10053 : Connection is aborted due to timeout or other failure (Server)
[14:37] ->> Goto for more Socket Error Information

[14:37] ->> Connection closed from
[14:40] ->> You joined channel #blablabla
[14:40] ->> Channel Modes are: +tn
[14:40] ->> Attempting to join #quiz-show-styre

[14:40] ->> Channel created on 31/12/2010 09:58:40
[15:14] -> *blablabot* op (sensurert av johncons-blogg)
[15:14] * blablabot sets mode +o _cons for #blablabla
[17:43] ->> You joined channel #blablabla

[17:43] ->> Channel Modes are: +tn
[17:43] ->> Attempting to join #quiz-show-styre
[17:43] ->> Channel created on 31/12/2010 09:58:40
[17:48] -> *blablabot* op (sensurert av johncons-blogg)

[17:49] -> *blablabot* op (sensurert av johncons-blogg)
[17:49] * blablabot sets mode +o _cons for #blablabla
[23:12] * Solitare ( has joined #blablabla

[23:21] * Solitare ( Quit ( )

Jeg sendte den e-posten min, til Elena, i Ukraina, til flere organisasjoner i Norge, sånn at de ikke kan si det, at de ikke kjenner til min situasjon

Gmail - Oppdatering om min situasjon/Fwd: Elena Tanasieva


Erik Ribsskog

Oppdatering om min situasjon/Fwd: Elena Tanasieva

Erik Ribsskog

Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 6:38 PM

To:, post <>,, Postmottak Vestfold <>,, "HRET (postmottak)" <>, Postmottak Sivilombudsmannen <>,,,,,,


jeg sender denne, sånn at folk/organisasjoner som tuller med meg, ikke kan bruke det som unnskyldning, at de ikke vet om min situasjon.

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: Elena Tanasieva
To: dating <>

Dear Elena,

I didn't know you had a son.

My appartment isn't that big, I would have needed to have a better economy and a bigger appartment to have children.

That must be later, (in maybe five to ten years, depending on how long time it takes for the Government in Norway to give me my rights, since I'm a refugee from Norway, really, after hearing I'm followed by the 'mafian' there, in 2003 and 2004, and I was attempted to be murdered there, in 2005.

And the Police in Norway don't want to help, and the Government here in the UK, don't want to let me be a refugee, formally, so I'm in a difficult situation.

And it was someone I don't know who are, in my home-land Norway, (someone who are messing with me, because they wrote I was 'transsexual', etc., even if I'm very male, and never have been or want to be a transexual.

So I'm being persecuted.

(By someone I don't know who are).

And my situation is difficult since I don't get my rights, from the governments of Norway and the UK, and not even the UN reply to my e-mails.

And also I don't know what orthodox Christian is, I'm atteist, I saw you have a round table, I remember, and only wear black, and tell your star-sign, is it something occult/illuminist/kabalist?

I think I have to say thank you very much, but I can't take on the responsibilty of having a family at the moment, due to that I'm being messed with by Governments etc.

It was very nice to see your beautiful smile!

Good luck with everything!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

2011/3/4 dating <>

Dear Erik!

Thank you very much for your message with your e-mail
address. I am very glad that you got interested in me and responded.

Well, let me introduce myself and tell more about me and
my life here.

I am divorced and I have a son. His name is Nikita, he
is 4 years old. He goes to the kindergarten. My favorite time is when we spend
it together with my little son. My ex husband appeared not to be ready for all
the troubles and responsibilities of conjugal life and decided that family is
too much for him. That is why I got divorced and now we live with Nikita

However, as any woman I need loving man by my side. I am
seriously looking for my “half” and hope that my future marriage will be happy.
I have a lot of love and would like to give it to my future husband. I believe
that family is the most important thing in life for every person. I attend the
Dating Agency now with a hope to find a man of my dream with whom I’d be able to
create a real strong family. Why I am looking for my one and only in another
country? Because after sad experience with our man, I understood that the
problem is in Ukrainian men in general, as they are just not happy with their
families, and don’t have that desire to be happy with family comfort, loving
wife and kids. I’d like to get acquainted with a man who loves children and
would become a good father to my son. Besides, I have an older sister who
visited this agency some years ago and now she lives in United
States happily with her husband. So
I have a very good example of my sister. It was she who gave me contacts for
this agency and suggested to join it too to find my other half.

Well, I was born in the beautiful city Chernivtsy on the
30th of November, 1984 under the constellation of Sagittarius. So, I am 26 years

Well, I am 5’4” (163sm) tall and my weigh is
115 lbs
(54 kg).
I have light brown hair and brown eyes.

I have graduated from the Chernivtsy State commercial technical School,
profession commodity research, and commercial activity.

I am very kind, faithful, sociable and cheerful person. I
don’t have bad habits. I am a good housewife. I like to cook and to keep

I’m fond of various kinds of music. The choice of musical
style depends greatly on my mood. I prefer pop, especially Madonna. I like
reading books, especially detective novels, novels, psychological books. Also I
like swimming, watch movies.

I spend my free time going for a walk with my son and
friends. I’m easy going and sociable person, that’s why I have a lot of friends.
I am very active person and enjoy going in for sports. My favorite kind of sport
is swimming and figure skating.

I am also fond of traveling, and I have a dream to see
the world. But as for now, I don’t have possibility to travel much. I enjoy
outdoor activities and like nature very much, especially sea.

Also, I have another profession which is hairdresser. I
have finished the hairdressing courses as I like it very much. At the moment
I have a
part time job of the hairdresser and I work in the Beauty

Well, I think now I should tell a couple of words about
my family. My mother Tatiana is an accountant. She is 54 years old. My father
Aleksandr is a director of automobile firm. He is 56 years old. They live
together and happy in their family life. As I already told, I have one elder
sister Kate. She is 32 years old. She is married and lives in the
USA. My family helps me
take care of my son.

I am an Orthodox Christian and I like to read Bible
sometimes and try to attend church when I can, but I am not very religious. I
believe that every person should have God in his soul.

I am new in this search. I just joint the Dating Agency
in my city, Chernivtsy, Western Ukraine, as I
hope this will gave me a chance to meet a nice and serious man for serious
relations leading to marriage. My English is not perfect yet and in the Agency I
can get help with translating of my letters, so it is very convenient for me.
Also I don’t have my own computer so correspondence through the Agency is the
best choice for me as for now.

The man that I hope to meet must be serious, kind, who
loves children and who will treat his woman with respect. If you think that we could be capable
of creating a strong, healthy and happy family together then I would be very
happy to hear from you more and also receive some pictures from you. I am
sending you some my pictures.

I liked the idea to meet soon but it is impossible for me
to visit you in UK as I won't be given visitor visa to go there, and so for
meeting you will need to come to me. I hope our relations will progress well and
you will decide about visiting me here.

I’m looking forward to your prompt reply.

You can write me directly to the e-mail address of the

Sincerely yours, Elena.

Jeg sendte en e-post tilbake til Elena

Gmail - Elena Tanasieva


Erik Ribsskog

Elena Tanasieva

Erik Ribsskog

Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 6:20 PM

dating <>

Dear Elena,

I didn't know you had a son.

My appartment isn't that big, I would have needed to have a better economy and a bigger appartment to have children.

That must be later, (in maybe five to ten years, depending on how long time it takes for the Government in Norway to give me my rights, since I'm a refugee from Norway, really, after hearing I'm followed by the 'mafian' there, in 2003 and 2004, and I was attempted to be murdered there, in 2005.

And the Police in Norway don't want to help, and the Government here in the UK, don't want to let me be a refugee, formally, so I'm in a difficult situation.

And it was someone I don't know who are, in my home-land Norway, (someone who are messing with me, because they wrote I was 'transsexual', etc., even if I'm very male, and never have been or want to be a transexual.

So I'm being persecuted.

(By someone I don't know who are).

And my situation is difficult since I don't get my rights, from the governments of Norway and the UK, and not even the UN reply to my e-mails.

And also I don't know what orthodox Christian is, I'm atteist, I saw you have a round table, I remember, and only wear black, and tell your star-sign, is it something occult/illuminist/kabalist?

I think I have to say thank you very much, but I can't take on the responsibilty of having a family at the moment, due to that I'm being messed with by Governments etc.

It was very nice to see your beautiful smile!

Good luck with everything!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

2011/3/4 dating <>

Dear Erik!

Thank you very much for your message with your e-mail
address. I am very glad that you got interested in me and responded.

Well, let me introduce myself and tell more about me and
my life here.

I am divorced and I have a son. His name is Nikita, he
is 4 years old. He goes to the kindergarten. My favorite time is when we spend
it together with my little son. My ex husband appeared not to be ready for all
the troubles and responsibilities of conjugal life and decided that family is
too much for him. That is why I got divorced and now we live with Nikita

However, as any woman I need loving man by my side. I am
seriously looking for my “half” and hope that my future marriage will be happy.
I have a lot of love and would like to give it to my future husband. I believe
that family is the most important thing in life for every person. I attend the
Dating Agency now with a hope to find a man of my dream with whom I’d be able to
create a real strong family. Why I am looking for my one and only in another
country? Because after sad experience with our man, I understood that the
problem is in Ukrainian men in general, as they are just not happy with their
families, and don’t have that desire to be happy with family comfort, loving
wife and kids. I’d like to get acquainted with a man who loves children and
would become a good father to my son. Besides, I have an older sister who
visited this agency some years ago and now she lives in United
States happily with her husband. So
I have a very good example of my sister. It was she who gave me contacts for
this agency and suggested to join it too to find my other half.

Well, I was born in the beautiful city Chernivtsy on the
30th of November, 1984 under the constellation of Sagittarius. So, I am 26 years

Well, I am 5’4” (163sm) tall and my weigh is
115 lbs
(54 kg).
I have light brown hair and brown eyes.

I have graduated from the Chernivtsy State commercial technical School,
profession commodity research, and commercial activity.

I am very kind, faithful, sociable and cheerful person. I
don’t have bad habits. I am a good housewife. I like to cook and to keep

I’m fond of various kinds of music. The choice of musical
style depends greatly on my mood. I prefer pop, especially Madonna. I like
reading books, especially detective novels, novels, psychological books. Also I
like swimming, watch movies.

I spend my free time going for a walk with my son and
friends. I’m easy going and sociable person, that’s why I have a lot of friends.
I am very active person and enjoy going in for sports. My favorite kind of sport
is swimming and figure skating.

I am also fond of traveling, and I have a dream to see
the world. But as for now, I don’t have possibility to travel much. I enjoy
outdoor activities and like nature very much, especially sea.

Also, I have another profession which is hairdresser. I
have finished the hairdressing courses as I like it very much. At the moment
I have a
part time job of the hairdresser and I work in the Beauty

Well, I think now I should tell a couple of words about
my family. My mother Tatiana is an accountant. She is 54 years old. My father
Aleksandr is a director of automobile firm. He is 56 years old. They live
together and happy in their family life. As I already told, I have one elder
sister Kate. She is 32 years old. She is married and lives in the
USA. My family helps me
take care of my son.

I am an Orthodox Christian and I like to read Bible
sometimes and try to attend church when I can, but I am not very religious. I
believe that every person should have God in his soul.

I am new in this search. I just joint the Dating Agency
in my city, Chernivtsy, Western Ukraine, as I
hope this will gave me a chance to meet a nice and serious man for serious
relations leading to marriage. My English is not perfect yet and in the Agency I
can get help with translating of my letters, so it is very convenient for me.
Also I don’t have my own computer so correspondence through the Agency is the
best choice for me as for now.

The man that I hope to meet must be serious, kind, who
loves children and who will treat his woman with respect. If you think that we could be capable
of creating a strong, healthy and happy family together then I would be very
happy to hear from you more and also receive some pictures from you. I am
sending you some my pictures.

I liked the idea to meet soon but it is impossible for me
to visit you in UK as I won't be given visitor visa to go there, and so for
meeting you will need to come to me. I hope our relations will progress well and
you will decide about visiting me here.

I’m looking forward to your prompt reply.

You can write me directly to the e-mail address of the

Sincerely yours, Elena.

Hu her sa vel ikke først at hu hadde unge. Det var vel litt juks kanskje. Hu hadde også litt stor nese kanskje. Hu hadde også rundt bord, er hun heks?

Gmail - Elena Tanasieva


Erik Ribsskog

Elena Tanasieva


Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 2:25 PM


Dear Erik!

Thank you very much for your message with your e-mail
address. I am very glad that you got interested in me and responded.

Well, let me introduce myself and tell more about me and
my life here.

I am divorced and I have a son. His name is Nikita, he
is 4 years old. He goes to the kindergarten. My favorite time is when we spend
it together with my little son. My ex husband appeared not to be ready for all
the troubles and responsibilities of conjugal life and decided that family is
too much for him. That is why I got divorced and now we live with Nikita

However, as any woman I need loving man by my side. I am
seriously looking for my “half” and hope that my future marriage will be happy.
I have a lot of love and would like to give it to my future husband. I believe
that family is the most important thing in life for every person. I attend the
Dating Agency now with a hope to find a man of my dream with whom I’d be able to
create a real strong family. Why I am looking for my one and only in another
country? Because after sad experience with our man, I understood that the
problem is in Ukrainian men in general, as they are just not happy with their
families, and don’t have that desire to be happy with family comfort, loving
wife and kids. I’d like to get acquainted with a man who loves children and
would become a good father to my son. Besides, I have an older sister who
visited this agency some years ago and now she lives in United
States happily with her husband. So
I have a very good example of my sister. It was she who gave me contacts for
this agency and suggested to join it too to find my other half.

Well, I was born in the beautiful city Chernivtsy on the
30th of November, 1984 under the constellation of Sagittarius. So, I am 26 years

Well, I am 5’4” (163sm) tall and my weigh is
115 lbs
(54 kg).
I have light brown hair and brown eyes.

I have graduated from the Chernivtsy State commercial technical School,
profession commodity research, and commercial activity.

I am very kind, faithful, sociable and cheerful person. I
don’t have bad habits. I am a good housewife. I like to cook and to keep

I’m fond of various kinds of music. The choice of musical
style depends greatly on my mood. I prefer pop, especially Madonna. I like
reading books, especially detective novels, novels, psychological books. Also I
like swimming, watch movies.

I spend my free time going for a walk with my son and
friends. I’m easy going and sociable person, that’s why I have a lot of friends.
I am very active person and enjoy going in for sports. My favorite kind of sport
is swimming and figure skating.

I am also fond of traveling, and I have a dream to see
the world. But as for now, I don’t have possibility to travel much. I enjoy
outdoor activities and like nature very much, especially sea.

Also, I have another profession which is hairdresser. I
have finished the hairdressing courses as I like it very much. At the moment
I have a
part time job of the hairdresser and I work in the Beauty

Well, I think now I should tell a couple of words about
my family. My mother Tatiana is an accountant. She is 54 years old. My father
Aleksandr is a director of automobile firm. He is 56 years old. They live
together and happy in their family life. As I already told, I have one elder
sister Kate. She is 32 years old. She is married and lives in the
USA. My family helps me
take care of my son.

I am an Orthodox Christian and I like to read Bible
sometimes and try to attend church when I can, but I am not very religious. I
believe that every person should have God in his soul.

I am new in this search. I just joint the Dating Agency
in my city, Chernivtsy, Western Ukraine, as I
hope this will gave me a chance to meet a nice and serious man for serious
relations leading to marriage. My English is not perfect yet and in the Agency I
can get help with translating of my letters, so it is very convenient for me.
Also I don’t have my own computer so correspondence through the Agency is the
best choice for me as for now.

The man that I hope to meet must be serious, kind, who
loves children and who will treat his woman with respect. If you think that we could be capable
of creating a strong, healthy and happy family together then I would be very
happy to hear from you more and also receive some pictures from you. I am
sending you some my pictures.

I liked the idea to meet soon but it is impossible for me
to visit you in UK as I won't be given visitor visa to go there, and so for
meeting you will need to come to me. I hope our relations will progress well and
you will decide about visiting me here.

I’m looking forward to your prompt reply.

You can write me directly to the e-mail address of the

Sincerely yours, Elena.

4 attachments
Lena 4.JPG


Her er vedleggene:


Lena 4



Jeg sendte en ny anmeldelse til Politiet i Steinkjer

Gmail - Anmeldelse


Erik Ribsskog


Erik Ribsskog

Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 2:20 PM


post <>


jeg blir utsatt for en hat-kampanje, på nettet.

Denne e-posten jeg videresender her, er del av denne kampanjen, (mener jeg).

(Refererer til vedlagt skjermdump fra Facebook. Det er bare løgn og regnspikka fantasi, jeg er ikke homo, og kommer aldri til å bli det).

Jeg ønsker gjerningsmannen tiltalt og straffet, (som en politidame, hos Drammenspolitiet, informerte meg om, at jeg måtte skrive, i anmeldelser sendt pr. e-post, i 2007 vel).

Jeg sender også dette til Spesialenheten, siden dere hos Politiet ikke svarer på min korrespondanse, (pr. brev og e-post).

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

regnspikka løgn og fantasi.JPG


Her er vedlegget:

regnspikka løgn og fantasi

Regjeringen søker på 'Illuminati Norge', på Google. Det var vel litt spesielt? Hva er egentlig dette Illuminati? Hva er det egentlig som foregår?

regjeringen søker om illuminati norge spesielt

Fler bilder fra Liverpool

Photo 3100

Photo 3101

Photo 3103

Photo 3104

Photo 3105

Photo 3106

Photo 3107

Photo 3108

Photo 3109

Photo 3110

Photo 3111

Photo 3112

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Photo 3114

Photo 3115

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Photo 3118

Photo 3119

Photo 3120

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Photo 3135 1

Photo 3136

Photo 3137

Photo 3138

Photo 3139

Photo 3140 1

Photo 3141

Photo 3142

Photo 3143

Photo 3144

Photo 3145


Populære innlegg

Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

Totalt antall sidevisninger

