Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

torsdag 5. november 2009

Det virker som at NITO har spikka seg noen nye rutiner på Kanariøyene, eller noe

Google Mail - Søknad om medlemskap i NITO

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Søknad om medlemskap i NITO

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 4:57 PM




Jeg synes det var snodig at det ikke stod at jeg skulle sende vitnemålet på NITO sine nettsider da.

Har dere mekka noen nye rutiner eller?


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: 2009/11/5
Subject: Re: Søknad om medlemskap i NITO
To: Ann Carnarius Elseth <>


takk for svar!

Det var jo dumt at dere ikke kan hjelpe med arbeidssak mot Bertelsmann/Microsoft osv.

Men det er veldig bra, hvis jeg kan få bli medlem, siden da står jeg vel litt sterkere, siden jeg er i litt hardt vær for tiden, siden jeg er arbeidsledig osv.

Så det hadde vært veldig kjekt å hatt med på CV-en osv., nå som jeg først har blitt akademiker innen data, mener jeg.

Jeg sender med kopi av vitnemål fra HiO.

Igjen takk for svar!


Erik Ribsskog

2009/11/5 Ann Carnarius Elseth <>


Viser til din søknad
om medlemskap i NITO mottatt 2/11 d.å..

Dette kan vi
innrømme, men håper du har mulighet til å sende oss ditt vitnemål ( evt.
karakterutskrift ) fra Høgskolen i Oslo ?

Gjerne på mail til
undertegnede eller på fax til nr. 22 17 24 80

I forbindelse med
det du skriver i din søknad, må vi gjøre deg oppmerksom på at NITO ikke kan
bistå i en tvist som har oppstått

før du blir
registrert som medlem hos oss.

Med hilsen

Ann Carnarius Elseth

Spesialrådgiver NITO


Jeg sendte en ny e-post til det firmaet i Cheshire eller Lancashire, som ikke ville gi meg en datajobb

Google Mail - System Developer

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

System Developer

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 4:41 PM

Jon Twigge <>


I thought Jon sounded Norwegian as well, but I'll forget about this now!

Thank you very much for your answer, and just contact me if you change your mind and want to give me a job anyway :)

Only joking!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Jon Twigge <> wrote:

Hi Erik,

I don’t know where my surname came from.
It has been in the UK for some time but there are not many of us and we are
mainly in just a few small areas which might suggest that:

It did originally come from somewhere else ?

We don’t travel much ?

We might not be very successful at breeding ?

I am not sure which one, or more, is right.

I just googled Twigge Norway with no results so it is probaly
not Norwegian.

But thanks for asking J


Produce planning drawings cheaper, faster and better with the new RoofWright Planning Package

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Unless specified otherwise, the contents of this e-mail are of the individual and not RPS Limited, so cannot be taken as contractual, binding or approved.

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 05 November 2009 12:20

To: Jon Twigge

Subject: Re: System Developer

Hi, ok no problem,

are you Norwegian by the way, I think it looks like you have
a Norwegian name, if it's ok to ask?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Jon Twigge <>

Dear Erik,

thank you for sending us your
completed application form and letter. Unfortunately we are unable to
proceed with your application at this time.

We would like to take this opportunity
to wish you luck in your search for a new position.



Jon Twigge

Director of Sales

RPS / RoofWright

PS - i have signed up for Cycle India -
a charity bike ride over 190 miles in India.

You can read about it here -

and sponsor me here -

thank you

Produce planning drawings cheaper, faster and better with the
new RoofWright Planning Package

RPS Limited
(Creators of RoofWright)

Bowden Hall

Bowden Lane





(+44)161 426 1120

(+44)161 426 1121



hours: 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday UK local time

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attachments are free from viruses and unwanted attacheds, e-mail transmission
cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be
intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete. Jon Twigge
therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents
of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If
verification is required please request a hard-copy version.

specified otherwise, the contents of this e-mail are of the individual and not
RPS Limited, so cannot be taken as contractual, binding or approved.

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 05 November 2009 06:24

To: Jon Twigge

Subject: System Developer


an excellent programmer, (and also System Developer), in Java, Pascal, Basic,
Pearl, Machine-code, HTML, Javascript, etc., (even if I maybe need some time to
get back to my best level of programming, since I haven't been working with
Computing for a while).

have good customer-service skills and organisations skills, from working ten
years as a manager in the retail-business.

think your company looked like a very dedicated company, (more so than most
other companies I have applied to work for), so I thought it would be
challenging to work with you, and that I would be able to achieve something, if
I worked for a dedicated company, like I think your company seem like. (I'm
sorry I don't write a letter about this, like I read you wanted, but only an
e-mail. I hope that's alright!).

have a two-year degree, in Computing, from Oslo University College, and I've
also studied Computing and Business, at the NHI university college in Oslo, and
Computing, on the University of Sunderland.

also been working with System Development, on a project, in the 90's.

I hope to hear back from you about this vacancy, and I attach the application-form,
and my CV!


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til NITO

Google Mail - Søknad om medlemskap i NITO

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Søknad om medlemskap i NITO

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 4:30 PM

Ann Carnarius Elseth <>


takk for svar!

Det var jo dumt at dere ikke kan hjelpe med arbeidssak mot Bertelsmann/Microsoft osv.

Men det er veldig bra, hvis jeg kan få bli medlem, siden da står jeg vel litt sterkere, siden jeg er i litt hardt vær for tiden, siden jeg er arbeidsledig osv.

Så det hadde vært veldig kjekt å hatt med på CV-en osv., nå som jeg først har blitt akademiker innen data, mener jeg.

Jeg sender med kopi av vitnemål fra HiO.

Igjen takk for svar!


Erik Ribsskog

2009/11/5 Ann Carnarius Elseth <>


Viser til din søknad
om medlemskap i NITO mottatt 2/11 d.å..

Dette kan vi
innrømme, men håper du har mulighet til å sende oss ditt vitnemål ( evt.
karakterutskrift ) fra Høgskolen i Oslo ?

Gjerne på mail til
undertegnede eller på fax til nr. 22 17 24 80

I forbindelse med
det du skriver i din søknad, må vi gjøre deg oppmerksom på at NITO ikke kan
bistå i en tvist som har oppstått

før du blir
registrert som medlem hos oss.

Med hilsen

Ann Carnarius Elseth

Spesialrådgiver NITO



Her er vitnemålet mitt, som jeg sendte med som vedlegg til e-posten:


Her kan man se at det var flere enn meg som ikke likte å jobbe for Bertelsmann Arvato, i the Cunard Building

post Today, 02:31 PM

Post #26

Ronnie Goodlass

Group: Members
Posts: 52
Joined: 30-August 08
Member No.: 5,427

I used to work in arvato on the Orange 3mobile and the Miele campagins... worst place i have ever worked!!!

Nå synes jeg Christell virker litt mistenkelig, hun har jo slektninger i Johannitterordenen mm.

Og Christell kalte Nina Monsen, som tok selvmord før hun ble 30 vel, for 'Nasse Nøff', da hun var liten.

Og Christell var også veldig dominerende ovenfor Nina Monsen, som faktisk bodde hos Haldis og Christell og dem mye, som en søster nesten, for Christell.

For mora til Nina Monsen bodde i Oslo, og Nina Monsen bodde hos onkelen sin, av en eller annen grunn, på Bergeråsen.

Jeg var mye nede hos Haldis og dem, det året jeg var ti år, det første året, som faren min og Haldis var sammen.

Og en gang så fortalte Christell og Nina meg, på doen til Haldis, (vi løp rundt i huset og leika da, som unger).

Men plutselig ble det som om vi var voksne, enda de jentene bare var 8-9 år.

For da fortalte Christell at onkelen til Nina Monsen, hadde sagt at hu skulle få hundre eller to hundre kroner, for å suge tissen hans.

Fortalte de meg på doen til Haldis, av en eller annen grunn.

Ville Christell at jeg som ti-åring skulle gi Nina Monsen penger for å suge meg mens Christell så på?

Det var vel kanskje det, Christell er veldig skrudd, vil jeg si.

Kan ihvertfall hende, at det var sånn, men jeg skal ikke si det sikkert.

Men jeg reagerte sånn, at jeg fortalte faren min og Haldis om det her.

Men faren min sa ikke noe, og Haldis bare skreik 'nei'.

Så jeg tror ikke de gjorde noe med det her.

Det var kanskje bare jeg som var nerd siden jeg ikke ga penger til Nina Monsen da, men jeg syntes ikke sånt var noe særlig, i den alderen der.

Jeg tenkte på hva jeg gjorde.

Hva hvis besteforeldrene mine fikk høre ting, for eksempel, da hadde det ikke blitt så hyggelig å dra bort til Ågot og Øivind, for eksempel, på Sand.

Men men.

Mer da.

Jo, så ser vi at Christell var venninne noen ganger ihvertfall, med Annika, og Tom-Ivar Myrberg, han ble kalt Tommy.

Så her har vi Tommy og Annika.

Og jeg var som pappaen til Christell, kanskje hun trodde, som bodde langt borte på en sydhavsøy, eller ihvertfall oppe i Leirfaret.

Hvem var hesten og apekatten?

Det må vel ha vært faren min og Haldis?

Faren min da som apekatten og Haldis som hesten?

Hvem vet.

Noe sånt.

Men men.

Og Christell ble kalt 'Chris-tell Koppe-stell' (det tror jeg var noen sånne små kopper og asjetter, som jenter hadde(?)), av Tom-Ivar og Tore Myrberg vel.

Tore var forresten en ramp, som han andre broren, Ole-Petter, eller noe.

Det første jeg så av Tore, var at han lagde ugang, i hagen til Aina og dem, som var naboene mine.

Så gikk jeg inn i hagen og lurte på hva som foregikk, så tror jeg at jeg og Tore begynte å leikeslåss eller noe.

Jeg husker ikke helt.

Men det endte med at Tore stakk hjem, men kasta stein mot meg.

Og da måtte jeg bli kjent med Tom-Ivar og, og høre om jeg kunne få banke opp Tore.

Men nei, det fikk jeg ikke lov til av Tom-Ivar, som var enig i at Tore var umulig da.

Så da måtte jeg bli kamerat med Tom-Ivar, som var fra Nord-Norge, for å prøve å ha noe kontroll på Tore, som var et uromoment, kan man si, på Bergeråsen.

Mora til Tom-Ivar og dem, jobba på CC Elektro, i samme butikken som Haldis jobba.

Så sånn var det.

Mer da.

Jo, jeg kom på nå at da Haldis og dem flytta til Drammen, så hadde de visst leid ut til noen kosovoalbanere, mener jeg søstra mi sa.

Og det er mulig at Runar også gjorde det, på Sand.

(For han arva huset til Ågot og Øivind der).

Så det har kanskje vært noe albansk eller jugoslavisk mafia, som har kontrollert Bergeråsen da, tenkte jeg?

Siden hun Annika hørtes litt rar ut i stemmen, når jeg prata med henne ifjor, husker jeg.

Så jeg lurer på om det er noe som har foregått.

Men det er jo ikke sikkert at det er noe sånt.

Tommy, fetteren min, pleide å si at Ola Uglum og dem, var så rabagaster, på 90-tallet vel, så Bergeråsen var visst mye tøffere enn på 80-tallet, mener jeg Tommy sa.

Det spilte ikke så stor rolle for meg, for jeg hadde ikke kontakt med noen fra Bergeråsen.

Espen Melheim var vel den eneste kameraten min der, i 1989, da jeg flytta til Oslo, men han dro for å studere, i Kongsberg, og Belgia, tror jeg.

Og faren min solgte jo leiligheten i Leirfaret, så jeg hadde ikke noen kjente, eller noe sted å bo, på Bergeråsen.

Eller jeg hadde jo kjente, men ingen som jeg kjente bra nok til å besøke, for eksempel.

Annet enn farmora mi Ågot, på Sand, de første årene jeg bodde i Oslo.

Så det er mye rart.

Vi får se om det er mulig å finne ut hva som har foregått.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog

Sånn er det ofte i England, hvis du spørr om noe, så får du ofte ikke noe svar. Du må liksom nøye deg med det du får, for engelse folk er ganske ålete

Google Mail - SR/Enquiry about Didrik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, judge in Cairo

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

SR/Enquiry about Didrik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, judge in Cairo

ARK Records Enquiries

Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 12:44 PM


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Enquiries Duty Officer

Comments to:
Clive Hawkins,

Enquiries Manager,



Wednesday, November 04, 2009 4:06:02

ARK Records Enquiries

Re: SR/Enquiry about
Didrik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, judge in Cairo

Auto forwarded by a Rule


thank you very much for your

I understand that the best way of
finding this information, is probably to visit your buildings in London.

But, I was just wondering, are
these the results of a search you've done, in your archives:

371Foreign Office: Political Departments: General Correspondence from
1906-1966 Division within FO Records of Embassies, Legations, Consulates,
etc FO 141Foreign Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Embassy and
Consulates, Egypt: General Correspondence1815-1973FO 286Foreign Office:
Consulate and Legation, Greece (formerly Ottoman Empire): General
Correspondence FO 115Foreign Office: Embassy and Consulates, United States
of America: General Correspondence FO 891Foreign Office and Foreign and
Commonwealth Office: Consulate, Alexandria, Egypt: General
Correspondence1900-1970 FO 967Foreign Office: Legation, Hejaz: Various
Papers FO 926Foreign Office: Embassy, Consulate and High Commission,
Cairo, Egypt: General Correspondence1827-1952

within FO Records of Consular Courts and other extra-territorial
jurisdiction1784-1964 FO 847Foreign Office: Consulate, Alexandria, Egypt:
Court Records1855-1952 FO 841Foreign Office: Consulate, Cairo, Egypt:
Court Records1830-1949FO 846Foreign Office: Consulate, Port Said, Egypt:
Consular Court Records1858-1949Division within FO Records of the Library,
Research Department and Research and Library Department FO 925Foreign
Office: Library: Maps and Plans Division within FO Records of the Treaty
and Royal Letter Department FO 372Foreign Office: Treaty Department and
successors: General Correspondence from 1906 FO 93Foreign Office and
Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Protocols of Treaties FO 94Foreign Office
and Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Ratifications of Treaties BT
11/4301LEAGUE OF NATIONS/UNITED NATIONS (Code 12): General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade: request from the UK to Australia for concurrence in proposed
preference modifications to be offered to Norway, Denmark and Sweden in respect
of certain specified items1949-1950

800/287Volume 3: Air bombardment; Air Ministry; Anglo-French agreement:
Versailles Treaty: revision demand by Germany; Austria; Canadian Cardinalate;
China; Churchill, Winston; Corbett Ashby, Mrs. Denmark; Disarmament;
Disarmament Conference; Egypt; Far Easterncrises; France; Franco-British
conversation notes; General matters; Germany; India; Ireland; Lausanne
Conference; League of Nations; Ottawa Conference; Reparations; U.1932 June -

608/124/2Scandinavia: General, containing: Scandinavia: Questions to be
considered at Peace Conference concerning Norway, Denmark and Sweden.
Appointment of Mr Colban as secretary of 'Scandinavian Group' of League of

33/2636Political Department I: League of Nations: Denmark1936 May-1940 Aug

can search more about this online?

you very much again for your help!


Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 12:58 PM,
ARK Records Enquiries <>

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for contacting The National
Archives (TNA) of the United Kingdom.

We may hold records relating to your enquiry
and we recommend that you read our research guides.

We may hold no records at all on the career
of your grandmothers great-uncle.

FO 371Foreign Office: Political Departments:
General Correspondence from 1906-1966 Division within FO Records of
Embassies, Legations, Consulates, etc FO 141Foreign Office and Foreign and
Commonwealth Office: Embassy and Consulates, Egypt: General Correspondence1815-1973FO
286Foreign Office: Consulate and Legation, Greece (formerly Ottoman Empire):
General Correspondence FO 115Foreign Office: Embassy and Consulates,
United States of America: General Correspondence FO 891Foreign Office and
Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Consulate, Alexandria, Egypt: General
Correspondence1900-1970 FO 967Foreign Office: Legation, Hejaz: Various
Papers FO 926Foreign Office: Embassy, Consulate and High Commission,
Cairo, Egypt: General Correspondence1827-1952

Division within FO Records of Consular Courts
and other extra-territorial jurisdiction1784-1964 FO 847Foreign Office:
Consulate, Alexandria, Egypt: Court Records1855-1952 FO 841Foreign Office:
Consulate, Cairo, Egypt: Court Records1830-1949FO 846Foreign Office: Consulate,
Port Said, Egypt: Consular Court Records1858-1949Division within FO Records of
the Library, Research Department and Research and Library Department FO
925Foreign Office: Library: Maps and Plans Division within FO Records of
the Treaty and Royal Letter Department FO 372Foreign Office: Treaty
Department and successors: General Correspondence from 1906 FO 93Foreign
Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Protocols of Treaties FO
94Foreign Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Ratifications of Treaties BT
11/4301LEAGUE OF NATIONS/UNITED NATIONS (Code 12): General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade: request from the UK to Australia for concurrence in proposed
preference modifications to be offered to Norway, Denmark and Sweden in respect
of certain specified items1949-1950

FO 800/287Volume 3: Air bombardment; Air
Ministry; Anglo-French agreement: Versailles Treaty: revision demand by
Germany; Austria; Canadian Cardinalate; China; Churchill, Winston; Corbett
Ashby, Mrs. Denmark; Disarmament; Disarmament Conference; Egypt; Far
Easterncrises; France; Franco-British conversation notes; General matters;
Germany; India; Ireland; Lausanne Conference; League of Nations; Ottawa
Conference; Reparations; U.1932 June - Dec.

FO 608/124/2Scandinavia: General, containing:
Scandinavia: Questions to be considered at Peace Conference concerning Norway,
Denmark and Sweden. Appointment of Mr Colban as secretary of 'Scandinavian
Group' of League of Nations.1919

GFM 33/2636Political Department I: League of
Nations: Denmark1936 May-1940 Aug

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Bruno Derrick

Remote Enquiries Duty Officer

Comments to: Clive Hawkins,

Remote Enquiries Manager,

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 01 November 2009 04:00

To: DSD Enquiries

Subject: Enquiery about Didrik Galtrup Gjedde
Nyholm, judge in Cairo, from Denmark/Fwd: FW: About Diderik Galtrup Gjedde
Nyholm, judge in British imperial Egypt


I'm a Norwegian citizen, living in the UK.

I was adviced by the University of Cambridge,
to contact you.

It's regarding my ancestor, Didrik Galtrup
Gjedde Nyholm, from Denmark, who was my grandmother, Ingeborg Ribsskog's

He worked in an international court in Cairo,
and I was just wondering if I have illuminists/kabalists, in my family, so I
was wondering if he stated any interests in old egyptian religion etc., when he
got the job as a judge in Cairo?

Since I have so many 'New Age'-people in my
family, and my grandmother was also 'New Age', so I was wondering if the judge
was 'New Age', since the judge's brother, my grandmoters grandfather, the
general Anders (Gjedde) Nyholm, was in charge of all of Denmarks war-forces,
(chief of the generalkommando), in the 1920's, so I was wondering if he or
someone in my family, where 'New Age "spies"'.

Here is more about Didrik Galtrup Gjedde



Member of the International Mixed Tribunal at
Cairo since

1896 and Vice-President of that body since
1916; Justice of

the Court of Appeals at Copenhagen; member of
the Perma-

nent Court of Arbitration at The Hague;
author of one of the

draft schemes for an International Court of
Justice used by

the Committee of International Jurists as a
basis for the

scheme finally adopted by the League.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: J.P. Slight <>

Date: Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 12:07 PM

Subject: Re: FW: About Diderik Galtrup Gjedde
Nyholm, judge in British imperial Egypt

Dear Erik,

My PhD supervisor Dr. Harper forwarded your
email to me.

I think you should visit the National
Archives in person and explain to them the person you are looking for - the staff
are very good and you may find something there.

In Egypt, and many parts of the British
Empire, non-British Europeans often filled positions such as judges. The
British were only concerned to exclude natives of the country they were ruling
(at least until the later nineteenth century). Particularly in the Egyptian
case there was a long precedent of Europeans holding positions of power
(Egypt's ruler in the early nineteenth century Muhammad Ali was Albanian, and
many Europeans were employed in the finance ministry, the judiciary, the police
force, and especially the Army). I hope this answers your question.

With best wishes,

John Slight

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 28 October 2009 05:54

Subject: About Diderik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm,
judge in British imperial Egypt


I'm a Norwegian citizen, who's living in the
UK, (due to problems with my family etc., without that I've done anything
wrong, that I know of, at least, in Norway), and I have a late grandmoter from
Denmark, Ingeborg Ribsskog, who said that she was from the Danish noble-family

But I've later found out, on the internet,
that they weren't noble after all, so this was a lie, I think I have to say.

And, in her family, was eg. her grandfather,
her mothers father, Anders Gjedde Nyholm, who was Chief of the Generalkommando,
that's the general with control on all of Denmarks war-forces, in the 1920's.

And her grand-uncle, was Diderik Galtrup
Gjedde Nyholm, who was a judge, for the British imperial courts, in Cairo, and
then later a judge in the International Court, in Hague, in the 1920's.

I wonder why they would lie about the noble

Anders Gjedde Nyholm, only wrote A. Nyholm,
I've seen, as a signature, on official portrait-photographs in the Danish

And their grandfather, was a farmers son,
I've read on Thisted Museum's, in Denmark's, website.

So they weren't noble, but they maybe used
the Gjedde-name to get prestige, because of the famous Admiral and colonisator
of Tharambangdi, in India, for Denmark-Norway, Ove Gjedde, was famous, and
maybe they pretended to be from the same family?

I've tried to serch the British National
Archives online, about this, but I got no result, so I didn't know how to try
to find out about this, other than contacting a good university.

I was wondering why the British Imperial
Courts in Cairo, would let a Dane, (my grandmothers grand-uncle), Diderik
Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm, be a judge, in the British Empire?

Isn't this a bit strange, weren't this
positions normally given to people from the British Empire?

I hope you have the chance to answer about
this, or that you know of someone who might know about this!

I hope it's alright to ask about this, and I
apologise, if it isn't.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


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Det var visst ikke så lett å få jobb i Cheshire heller, (eller Lancashire, er det vel egentlig). Men men

Google Mail - System Developer

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

System Developer

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 12:20 PM

Jon Twigge <>

Hi, ok no problem,

are you Norwegian by the way, I think it looks like you have a Norwegian name, if it's ok to ask?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Jon Twigge <> wrote:

Dear Erik,

thank you for sending us your completed application form and
letter. Unfortunately we are unable to proceed with your application at this

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you luck in your
search for a new position.



Jon Twigge

Director of Sales

RPS / RoofWright

PS - i have signed up for Cycle India - a charity bike ride over
190 miles in India.

You can read about it here -

and sponsor me here -

thank you

Produce planning drawings cheaper, faster and better with the new RoofWright Planning Package

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From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 05 November 2009 06:24

To: Jon Twigge

Subject: System Developer


I'm an excellent programmer, (and also System Developer), in
Java, Pascal, Basic, Pearl, Machine-code, HTML, Javascript, etc., (even if I
maybe need some time to get back to my best level of programming, since I
haven't been working with Computing for a while).

I have good customer-service skills and organisations
skills, from working ten years as a manager in the retail-business.

I think your company looked like a very dedicated company,
(more so than most other companies I have applied to work for), so I thought it
would be challenging to work with you, and that I would be able to achieve
something, if I worked for a dedicated company, like I think your company seem
like. (I'm sorry I don't write a letter about this, like I read you wanted, but
only an e-mail. I hope that's alright!).

I have a two-year degree, in Computing, from Oslo University
College, and I've also studied Computing and Business, at the NHI university
college in Oslo, and Computing, on the University of Sunderland.

I've also been working with System Development, on a
project, in the 90's.

I hope to hear back from you about this vacancy, and I attach the
application-form, and my CV!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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