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torsdag 27. desember 2012

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til CCCS/Stepchange

Gmail - Your reference: 1105539


Erik Ribsskog

Your reference: 1105539

Erik Ribsskog


Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 6:03 PM

Customer Relations <>


thank you for your e-mail.

I just thought the new name was a bit like you moralise and patronise people.

I think a neutral name like 'Debt Advice', would have been better.

Your old name, (CCCS), was also a bit strange, I think, (to be honest), because it almost look like CCCP, which is the Russian name for the Soviet Union, I think.

So it was almost like one were labeled as communists if one wrote to CCCS.

And now one are labeled as immoral, I think, (since one have to change ones behaviour, that is change ones steps).

But I think a neutral name would have been better, it's like both your old and new name labeles your clients, I think.

That's my opinion at least.

I understand you are a charity, so I'm not sure if I should take this complaint any further.

(Since I'm not that used with dealing with charities).

I've said my opinion now, at least.

So I have to think about if I should do anything more in conection with this complaint.

Thanks again for your e-mail.


Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 2:15 PM, Customer Relations <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Client reference: 1105539

Complaint reference: 1076/1105539

Your comments regarding our response to your  complaint have been noted. I’m sorry you remain dissatisfied with the content of our e-mail and the information we’ve provided
about the charity’s new name.

As requested, your message has been escalated for the content of your complaint and our response to be reviewed.

I can confirm the explanation we’ve provided about our service, and the charity’s intention are correct and have no further comments to add.  Under the terms of our complaints procedure, I am therefore
confirming this is our final response. As previously advised, if you remain unhappy with our reply , you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service who’ll complete an impartial review of your concerns. You’ll need to do this within six months
of the date of this email. Information relating to their service can be found using the following link

Clare Sharkey

Client Liaison Manager

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 24 December 2012 05:01
To: Customer Relations
Subject: Re: Your reference: 1105539


I must admit that I've only read the first line of your e-mail now.

You bring my feelings into this.

This I react on.

Then I think you are not a serious business-person.

I therefore would have wanted to please get this escalated to your line-manager.

Erik RIbsskog

On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Customer Relations <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Client reference: 1105539

Complaint reference: 1076/1105539

Further to my previous email which acknowledged your concerns about our recent name change. You’ve told us that you feel our new name is patronising and demoralising. I’m sure you’ll appreciate
it isn’t our intention to upset any of our clients.

Changing our name from Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCCS) was a bold step for us. Although we help thousands of people every day with their debt problems, and we’re already the UK’s largest
single provider of Debt Management Plans, millions of people still need our help. Becoming StepChange Debt Charity is part of our plan to be more visible and to help even more people.

You’ve told us you dislike our new name but we believe it will help raise awareness of our services and provide a clear message about who we are and what we do. It will help people recognise the
free services we offer and hopefully we’ll become the organisation that people turn to first when looking for debt help.

We’re not here to judge people who contact us. We aim to give them the help and advice they need to take control of their financial situation no matter how they got in to difficulty.

You’ve also raised concern that we’re funded by creditors which has caused you to have doubts about how independent we are. Unlike fee-charging debt management companies, we are funded by creditors.
Their charitable contributions enable us to provide genuinely free advice and support to those who need it. Our advice is always based on what is best for an individual not what is most profitable for us. Creditors do not influence our advice or the debt solutions
we discuss with individuals who need our help.

I hope my explanation helps you understand why we’ve changed our name and that I’ve restored your confidence in our service. I’m sorry you dislike our new name but we hope you’ll continue to use
our free service to guide you through your financial difficulties.

Details of the charity’s formal complaints procedure were sent to you in our initial email. If you aren’t satisfied with this response, you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service
who’ll complete an impartial review of your concerns. You’ll need to do this within six months of the date of this email. Information relating to their service can be found using the following link
Kind regards

Christina Eccles

Client Liaison Officer


This message may contain confidential information and is intended for the addressee only.If you have received this information in error, please return it to us and delete it from
your computer.
Although StepChange Debt Charity operates anti-virus programmes, it does not accept
responsibility for any damage whatsoever that is caused by viruses being passed.
As emails are not a secure method of communication, StepChange Debt Charity does not
accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message.
Foundation for Credit Counselling, trading as StepChange Debt Charity,
Wade House, Merrion Centre, Leeds LS2 8NG. Company No. 2757055, Charity No. 1016630.

Det her er den tyske psykologdama Silke, som onkel Martin dro meg med til, i 2005. Det virker som at hu har funnet seg nye utfordringer, innen Larvik kommune, siden da

tyske psykologdama silke

Mer fra #blablatemp

[2012-12-26 22:05:23] *** now talking in #blablatemp
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[2012-12-26 22:07:55] *** lillan quit (leaving )

[2012-12-26 22:08:38] *** now talking in #blablatemp
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[2012-12-26 22:08:40] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-26 22:12:10] *** now talking in #blablatemp

[2012-12-26 22:12:12] *** channel #blablatemp mode is +t
[2012-12-26 22:12:12] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-26 22:15:40] *** now talking in #blablatemp
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[2012-12-26 22:15:42] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-26 22:19:10] *** now talking in #blablatemp
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[2012-12-26 22:22:43] *** now talking in #blablatemp
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[2012-12-26 22:22:45] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-26 22:27:25] *** now talking in #blablatemp

[2012-12-26 22:27:25] *** channel #blablatemp mode is +t
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[2012-12-26 22:30:56] *** now talking in #blablatemp
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[2012-12-26 22:37:00] *** now talking in #blablatemp
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[2012-12-26 22:39:36] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-26 22:42:07] *** now talking in #blablatemp
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[2012-12-26 22:42:07] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-26 22:44:40] *** now talking in #blablatemp
[2012-12-26 22:44:42] *** channel #blablatemp mode is +t
[2012-12-26 22:44:42] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012

[2012-12-26 22:48:12] *** now talking in #blablatemp
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[2012-12-26 22:56:48] *** now talking in #blablatemp
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[2012-12-26 23:00:19] *** now talking in #blablatemp
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[2012-12-26 23:00:20] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-26 23:02:52] *** now talking in #blablatemp

[2012-12-26 23:02:54] *** channel #blablatemp mode is +t
[2012-12-26 23:02:54] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
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[2012-12-26 23:13:33] *** now talking in #blablatemp
[2012-12-26 23:13:33] *** channel #blablatemp mode is +t
[2012-12-26 23:13:33] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-26 23:17:06] *** now talking in #blablatemp

[2012-12-26 23:17:06] *** channel #blablatemp mode is +t
[2012-12-26 23:17:06] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-26 23:20:38] *** now talking in #blablatemp
[2012-12-26 23:20:40] *** channel #blablatemp mode is +t

[2012-12-26 23:20:40] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-26 23:22:36] *** Babbelaar ( joined

[2012-12-26 23:24:11] *** now talking in #blablatemp
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[2012-12-26 23:24:11] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-26 23:29:55] *** now talking in #blablatemp

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[2012-12-26 23:29:57] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
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[2012-12-26 23:32:28] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-26 23:34:22] <Babbelaar> Her kan man se det, at Erik liker snacks.
[2012-12-26 23:34:25] <Babbelaar> Her.

[2012-12-26 23:36:01] *** now talking in #blablatemp

[2012-12-26 23:36:03] *** channel #blablatemp mode is +t
[2012-12-26 23:36:03] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-26 23:36:11] <Babbelaar> Hva mener du med det Ivers?

[2012-12-26 23:36:18] <Babbelaar> Hei Erik, vi snakker litt om snacks.
[2012-12-26 23:36:30] <Babbelaar> En iver eller ivar mener den har avføringssmak.
[2012-12-26 23:37:01] <Babbelaar> Men han sa jo bare at han trodde.

[2012-12-26 23:37:16] <Babbelaar> Folk må vel kanskje få lov til å tippe på ting (og tang)
[2012-12-26 23:37:30] <ivers> Jeg vet ikke.
[2012-12-26 23:37:34] <ivers> Må få en uttalelse.

[2012-12-26 23:37:39] <ivers> fra Erik
[2012-12-26 23:37:43] <Babbelaar> Det er mulig.
[2012-12-26 23:37:44] <ivers> ikke skorpa
[2012-12-26 23:37:55] <Babbelaar> han skorpa ja.

[2012-12-26 23:37:59] <ivers> skorpa har en penis i munnen
[2012-12-26 23:38:01] <Babbelaar> Han har jeg et spørsmål til
[2012-12-26 23:38:04] <ivers> så han skriver litt stygt.

[2012-12-26 23:38:06] <Babbelaar> Hm.
[2012-12-26 23:38:10] <Babbelaar> Rart du skulle si det.
[2012-12-26 23:38:15] <ivers> Du mener det samme ?
[2012-12-26 23:38:32] <Babbelaar> For det jeg hadde tenkt å spørre om, var om skorpa ville være twitter-kjæreste med meg.

[2012-12-26 23:38:53] <ivers> Akkurat.
[2012-12-26 23:38:53] <Babbelaar> Nei, nå skal vel ikke jeg ta noe særlig spekulerings ang legningen til skorpa, mener jeg.
[2012-12-26 23:39:00] <ivers> Ja.

[2012-12-26 23:39:14] <Babbelaar> Men jeg må si jeg er enig med deg.
[2012-12-26 23:39:22] <Babbelaar> At det beste er vel om Erik svarer selv
[2012-12-26 23:39:38] <Babbelaar> om snacks og smak osv osv

[2012-12-26 23:40:39] <ivers> jepp
[2012-12-26 23:47:55] <skorpa> Tangy cheese
[2012-12-26 23:48:33] *** now talking in #blablatemp
[2012-12-26 23:48:35] *** channel #blablatemp mode is +t

[2012-12-26 23:48:36] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012

[2012-12-26 23:47:54] <skorpa> Her er det orden i sakene
[2012-12-26 23:47:59] <skorpa> Eller karbohydratene
[2012-12-26 23:50:07] *** now talking in #blablatemp
[2012-12-26 23:50:09] *** channel #blablatemp mode is +t

[2012-12-26 23:50:10] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-26 23:52:39] *** now talking in #blablatemp
[2012-12-26 23:52:41] *** channel #blablatemp mode is +t
[2012-12-26 23:52:41] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012

[2012-12-26 23:57:14] *** now talking in #blablatemp
[2012-12-26 23:57:16] *** channel #blablatemp mode is +t
[2012-12-26 23:57:16] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-26 23:59:39] *** jc_away quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)

[2012-12-27 00:00:12] *** now talking in #blablatemp
[2012-12-27 00:00:13] *** channel #blablatemp mode is +t
[2012-12-27 00:00:13] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
[2012-12-27 00:03:44] *** now talking in #blablatemp

[2012-12-27 00:03:46] *** channel #blablatemp mode is +t
[2012-12-27 00:03:46] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012
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[2012-12-27 00:07:19] *** channel #blablatemp mode is +t

[2012-12-27 00:07:19] *** channel created at Mon Dec 10 13:45:51 2012

Fler e-poster fra Philip Gabrielsen

Noname 351   Noname 352   Noname 353   Noname 354   Noname 355   Noname 356   Noname 357   Noname 358   Noname 359   Noname 360   Noname 361   Noname 362   Noname 363   Noname 364   Noname 365   Noname 366   Noname 367   Noname 368   Noname 369   Noname 370   Noname 371   Noname 372   Noname 373   Noname 374   Noname 375   Noname 376   Noname 377   Noname 378   Noname 379   Noname 380   Noname 381   Noname 382   Noname 383   Noname 384   Noname 385   Noname 386   Noname 387   Noname 388   Noname 389   Noname 390   Noname 391   Noname 392   Noname 393   Noname 394   Noname 395   Noname 396   Noname 397   Noname 398   Noname 399   Noname 400


Disse linkene åpnes i et eget vindu.

PS 2.

Jeg har nå publisert halvparten av de åtte hundre e-postene, (fra Wikipedia sitt lukkede forum), som Wiki-admin Philip Gabrielsen aka. Flums sendte meg, for en drøy uke siden, (må det vel ha vært).

Jeg har valgt å publisere disse e-postene, fordi at det virker for meg, som at noe er alvorlig gæernt, i Wikipedia, etter at jeg ble bannet derfra, av Orkla, (ifølge en versjon ihvertfall), for noen år siden.

Jeg vet ikke hvorfor Philip Gabrielsen har sendt meg disse e-postene.

Og Philip Gabrielsen har trakassert meg både på Wikipedia og på sitt eget nettsted, så jeg har derfor valgt å ikke kontakte han, om dette.

Men jeg synes at disse e-postene, vel er noe som burde bli offentliggjort, etter at Philip Gabrielsen har sendt dem til meg.

Jeg kan ikke sitte her og ruge på disse e-postene aleine, har jeg tenkt.

Så jeg vil fortsette å publisere resten av disse e-postene, i dagene fremover.

Og jeg vil prøve å holde den samme takten, som jeg har holdt hittil, da.

Det vil si at jeg vil prøve å fortsette å publisere femti 'Philip Gabrielsen e-poster', om dagen, da.

Så da burde denne 'haugen', på 800 Wikipedia e-poster, være ferdig publisert, om en drøy ukes tid, da.

(Hvis alt går etter planen, ihvertfall).

Så sånn er det.


Erik Ribsskog

Her kan man se en av fordelene, ved å ha en egen chattekanal, på irc. Hvis det dukker opp en 'gærning', så kan man bare hive vedkommende inn på for eksempel #blablabla, så blir det ikke så 'svett', liksom

en av fordelene egen chattekanal

Jeg sendte en e-post til Bouncer4You

Gmail - Eggdrop bot/Fwd: Bill be paid


Erik Ribsskog

Eggdrop bot/Fwd: Bill be paid

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 11:47 PM


Bouncer4You <>, Bouncer4You <>


I can't see that I've recieved a reply to this e-mail, so I'm sending a reminder about this.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


The reason I'm sending this reminder is that someone on irc today made me aware of that this bot is still up and running.

Someone have added a lot of gay-channels on it.

(To make me look stupid, or something, it seems).

What's going on, I was wondering.

I can't see that I've paid for this bot-shell, in a couple of years now.

How can it still be up and running, (and on a lot of strange channels?).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 3:25 PM
Subject: Eggdrop bot/Fwd: Bill be paid


I want to cancel subscription for Eggrop-bot please.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bouncer4You <>

Date: Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 4:00 AM
Subject: Bill be paid

Dear Customer,

your bill (RE110112623) four our products of your account 15262 is paid.

Your Bouncer4You Team


Populære innlegg

Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

Totalt antall sidevisninger

