Gmail - RE: Fjerning av blogginnlegg
Erik Ribsskog
RE: Fjerning av blogginnlegg
Erik Ribsskog
Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 4:47 PM
OTP InformationDesk <>
yes, I've read that this court is for countries.
But the Order of St. John, (if it's them who are messing with me), are
a member of the UN, so they are a bit like a country, I think.
And I am after Danish nobles, (after my Danish grand-mother), and I've
applied to baron for Greenland etc., (to the Danish royals), since my
great-great-great-grandmother, (I think it was), was a kind of 'king'
on Greenland.
(And I'm after Gjedde, who I wonder if are Goths, or something like that.
And Adeler, Løvenbalk, Huitfelt, etc).
And I had to read in a newspaper archive, that my steph-sister
Christell Humlen's half-brother Bjørn Humblen, was in the Order of St.
So I wonder why they kept this secret.
Are they messing with me, I wonder.
I also inherited some files from Didrik Gedde, who was in a court in
Hague, ('Folkeforbundet'), but someone the files from my grand-mother,
(Ågot Mogan Olsen's), house, in the early 90's.
(Since both courts are in Hague, I mean).
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 1:32 PM, OTP InformationDesk
<> wrote:
> Dear M. Ribsskog,
> Thank you for your message. Please note that the International Criminal Court has a very limited jurisdiction. The Court may only address the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes as defined by Articles 6 to 8 of the Rome Statute that have occurred after 2002, and can only exercise jurisdiction in the countries that have ratified it. For more information on the Court's jurisdiction and the full text of the Rome Statute, please refer to page 2 of the attached document and our website, We encourage you to carefully review this information.
> If, after your careful review, you believe this is the correct place for your case and would like to submit a claim to the Court, then please follow the directions for how to do so on page 1 of the attached document.
> Kind regards,
> OTP Information Desk
> International Criminal Court
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:]
> Sent: 27 August 2013 09:28
> To: OTP InformationDesk
> Subject: Fwd: Fjerning av blogginnlegg
> Hi,
> I wanted to report the Liberation Army for doing war-fare against me and for crimes against humanity.
> Then invent funny e-mails, (which they send in my name), it seems, and are actually doing war-fare against normal peple, (like me), it seems.
> I see they use the same colours as the Order of St. John, which I have in my extended familiy, (my steph-sister Christell Humblen's half-brother in Bergen Bjørn Humblen).
> So this could be some kind of crucade against me, I think, from the Liberation Army/Order of St. John.
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Tone Lund Georgsen <>
> Date: 2013/8/26
> Subject: RE: Fjerning av blogginnlegg
> To: "" <>
> Hva er dette for et språk. Dette blir anmeldt i morgen i UK. Jeg skal også bruke mitt nettverk gjennom min jobb for at du skal få den hjelpen du trenger.
>> To:
>> Subject: Fjerning av blogginnlegg
>> From:
>> Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 23:55:51 +0200
>> Hei igjen.
>> Jeg kan fjerne blogginnleggene om deg dersom du kommer til Liverpool og suger kuken min. Håper dette er i orden. Vi får se hva som skjer. Vi får se.
>> Men men.
>> Mvh Erik Ribsskog
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