
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Klage/Fwd: Partiet De Kristne: Aktiver ditt abonnement på saker fra NTB Kommunikasjon
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 28. desember 2020 kl. 16:34
Til: NTB kundesenter <kundesenter@ntb.no>
Kopi: juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>, elh@forbrukertilsynet.no, inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no, fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>, post <post@finkn.no>, abuse@telia.com, hege.puntervill@ntb.no, Akademikerforbundet <post@akademikerforbundet.no>, Politikk Høyre <politikk@hoyre.no>
det vet jeg ikke om jeg kjøper helt, at dere ikke har noen mulighet til å finne ut av dette.
Det er nok mer snakk om at dere ikke gidder, (hvis jeg skulle tippe).
Så dette ønsker jeg å heller få svar fra en overordnet om.
(Jeg ønsker å vite navnet på det trollet, som har bestilt dette, i mitt navn.
Og jeg ønsker å bli informert om, hvilke bedre rutiner, som dere skal skaffe dere, for å hindre at noe lignende skjer igjen).
Erik Ribsskog
man. 16. nov. 2020 kl. 12:31 skrev NTB kundesenter <kundesenter@ntb.no>:
Jeg fant et følgeabonnement registrert på denne epostadressen - dette er nå slettet fra våre systemer. Vi har dessverre ikke mulighet til å vite hvem som har registrert deg som følger av Partiet De Kristne, men jeg håper du for fremtiden slipper å motta henvendelser du ikke ønsker. Skulle du oppleve dette igjen, ta kontakt med oss.
Hege Puntervill
Tlf. +47 22 00 32 00
Mob. +47 95 02 07 70
Epost : hege.puntervill@ntb.no
Følg oss gjerne: Facebook LinkedIn Instagram
Personopplysninger i epost som sendes til eller fra NTB, håndteres iht. vår personvernerklæring.
--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Erik Ribsskog [eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sent: 15.11.2020, 12:22
To: juridisk@datatilsynet.no
Cc: elh@forbrukertilsynet.no; pfu@presse.no; post@akademikerforbundet.no; fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no; inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no; post@finkn.no; kundesenter@ntb.no; politikk@hoyre.no
Subject: Klage/Fwd: Partiet De Kristne: Aktiver ditt abonnement på saker fra NTB Kommunikasjon
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Fra: Partiet De Kristne <no-reply@ntb.no>
Date: man. 19. okt. 2020 kl. 20:21
Subject: Partiet De Kristne: Aktiver ditt abonnement på saker fra NTB Kommunikasjon
To: <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Aktiver ditt abonnement på saker fra NTB Kommunikasjon
Klikk her for å følge denne avsenderen Partiet De Kristne.
(Sensurert av johncons-blogg)
Denne tjenesten leveres av NTB Kommunikasjon. Ved å aktivere ditt epostabonnement på NTB Kommunikasjon aksepterer du samtidig våre vilkår for tjenesten: https://app.emarketeer.com/ext/webpage/show.php?p=450013af3bf5a2a842e641f4ce10be3856713f4.
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Re: Klage/Fwd: Din faktura fra CDON.no (ticket id 896010) (ticket id 982391)
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 28. desember 2020 kl. 16:26
Til: CDON CustomerService <customerservice@cdon.com>
Kopi: Qliro Kundeservice <kundeservice@qliro.com>, "Kopi: CDON CustomerService" <customerservice@cdon.com>, "kopi: juridisk" <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>, stina.westerstad@babybjorn.com, elh@forbrukertilsynet.no, inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no, fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>, post <post@finkn.no>, order@email.cdon.com, CDON <reply@email.cdon.com>, newsletter@email.cdon.com, finansinspektionen@fi.se, Milton Gunn <Milton.Gunn@cdon.com>, sikkerhetssporsmal@klarna.no, abuse@telia.com, caytana.baguion@klarna.com, Laurèna Eid <laurena.eid@fi.se>, post@kghav.com
nå har jeg tidligere klag på deg, til hu styreleder-dama deres Westerstad.
For den kundeservicen deres ligner ikke grisen, må jeg si.
(Jeg ønsker å vite navnet, på det trollet, som har bestilt dette, i mitt navn.
Og jeg ønsker å bli informert om hvilke bedre rutiner, som dere skal skaffe dere, for å hindre at noe lignende skjer igjen).
Erik Ribsskog
man. 16. nov. 2020 kl. 11:57 skrev Cathrine CDON <customerservice@cdon.com>:
##- Skriv svaret ditt over denne streken -##
Din henvendelse (982391) har blitt oppdatert.
Cathrine CDON (CDON)
16. nov. 2020, 11:57 CET
Vi har flere ganger gitt informasjon hva vi kan gjøre, Vi kan gi informasjon til politiet ideres utredning så lenge du har anmeldt saken. vi har sperret kontoene med fin informasjon, Alle ordrene er lagt med din informasjon, navn, adresse, osv. Vi kan ikke på noe magisk vis se hvem som står bak disse ordrene.
Som sagt, Anmeld saken og politiet hjelper deg videre
Med vennlig hilsen
When a great deal means a great deal!
Erik Løvenbalk Ribsskog
13. nov. 2020, 15:44 CET
Dette er en oppfølging til den forrige forespørselen din, #896010 "Klage/Fwd: Din faktura fra ..."
i den mailen som du svarer på.
Så skrev jeg, at dere får la en hos Qliro Group se på dette.
Siden at jeg blir sendt rundt som en kasteball mellom alle de vanlige streberne/sliterne hos CDON og Qliro (Pay).
Så dette må jeg klage på.
Nå må dere slutte med disse fæle nykkene deres, og sende dette sånn som jeg ber dere.
(Jeg ønsker å vite navnet på det trollet, som har bestilt dette, i mitt navn.
Og jeg ønsker å bli informert om, hvilke bedre rutiner, som dere skal skaffe dere, for å hindre, at noe lignende skjer igjen, med andre borgere/folk).
Erik Ribsskog
man. 12. okt. 2020 kl. 08:35 skrev Cathrine CDON <customerservice@cdon.com>:
CDON AB Corporate Domicile (styrelsens säte): Malmö | Corp. Reg. No. 556406-1702
Visiting address: Södergatan 22, 211 34 Malmö, Sweden | Postal address: Box 385, 201 23 Malmö, Sweden
www.cdon.comCDON Logo
Når CDON kommuniserer med deg via e-post behandler CDON de opplysninger som du har gitt til CDON i forbindelse med din melding, f.eks. navn og e-postadresse. Tenk på å ikke oppgi flere personopplysninger enn nødvendig og at du ikke opplyser noen sensitive personopplysninger i dine e-postmeldinger. CDON behandler dine personopplysninger i henhold til de gjeldende personoplysningsforskrifter og CDON’s integritetspolicy som du kan lese her.
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Klage/Fwd: Din faktura fra CDON.no (ticket id 896010)
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 28. desember 2020 kl. 16:18
Til: Qliro Kundeservice <kundeservice@qliro.com>
Kopi: CDON CustomerService <customerservice@cdon.com>, "kopi: juridisk" <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>, stina.westerstad@babybjorn.com, elh@forbrukertilsynet.no, inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no, fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>, Qliro Kundeservice <kundeservice@qliro.com>, post <post@finkn.no>, order@email.cdon.com, CDON <reply@email.cdon.com>, newsletter@email.cdon.com, finansinspektionen@fi.se, Milton Gunn <Milton.Gunn@cdon.com>, sikkerhetssporsmal@klarna.no, abuse@telia.com, caytana.baguion@klarna.com, Laurèna Eid <laurena.eid@fi.se>, post@kghav.com
hva skal dette bety?
Dere skal tjene kundene.
Og dette med 'instrukser' og deres ellers vage måte å kommunisere på.
Det lukter lang vei, må jeg si.
Så dette må jeg klage på.
Jeg har tidligere klagd på din kollega Cathrine, (hos CDON), til ei styreleder-dame, (Westerstad), hos dere.
Så jeg får håpe at hu er litt mer vettug.
(Jeg ønsker å vite navnet, på det trollet, som har bestilt dette, i mitt navn.
Og jeg ønsker å bli informert om hvilke bedre rutiner, som dere skal skaffe dere, for å hindre at noe lignende skjer igjen).
Erik Ribsskog
man. 16. nov. 2020 kl. 10:49 skrev Qliro Kundeservice <kundeservice@qliro.com>:
Hei Erik,
Takk for at du kontakter oss på Qliro.
Jeg kan se at du har vært i kontaktet oss tidligere med lignede henvendelser, og ber deg følge instruksene i tidligere mail fra oss.
Ønsker deg en fortsatt fin dag.
Med vennlig hilsen,
Hvordan vil du vurdere hjelpen du fikk?
Bra, jeg er fornøyd
Dårlig, jeg er ikke fornøyd
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Re: Klage/Fwd: Siste nytt fra LO
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 28. desember 2020 kl. 16:07
Til: Magne Svendsen <Magne.Svendsen@lo.no>
Kopi: juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>, LO Postkasse LO <arkiv@lo.no>, elh@forbrukertilsynet.no, inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no, fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>, post <post@finkn.no>, Akademikerforbundet <post@akademikerforbundet.no>, Politikk Høyre <politikk@hoyre.no>, LO <LO@communicatoremail.com>, trine.holden@lo.no
dere må prøve å finne ut hva som har skjedd her.
(For jeg har ikke kontaktet dere).
Og så har jeg også rett til, (mener jeg), å få vite, hva dere akter å foreta dere, for å forhindre, at noe lignende skjer, med andre 'Hvermansen-folk', i fremtida.
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
man. 16. nov. 2020 kl. 10:36 skrev Magne Svendsen <Magne.Svendsen@lo.no>:
Hei, beklager hvis du har kommet på vår mailingliste uten at du selv har ønsket det.
Jeg har vært inne og slettet epostadressen din i registreret.
Bekllager de ulempene dette har medført for deg.
Magne Svendsen
From: Trine Holden <trine.holden@lo.no>
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2020 9:41 AM
To: Magne Svendsen <Magne.Svendsen@lo.no>
Subject: VS: Klage/Fwd: Siste nytt fra LO
Fra: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Sendt: lørdag 14. november 2020 01:17
Til: juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>
Kopi: LO <LO@communicatoremail.com>; LO Postkasse LO <arkiv@lo.no>; elh@forbrukertilsynet.no; inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no; fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>; post <post@finkn.no>; Akademikerforbundet <post@akademikerforbundet.no>; Politikk Høyre <politikk@hoyre.no>
Emne: Klage/Fwd: Siste nytt fra LO
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
Med vennlig hilsen
Trine Holden
Landsorganisasjonen i Norge
Informasjons- og rådgivningsavdelingen
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Fra: LO Norge <LO@communicatoremail.com>
Date: tir. 13. okt. 2020 kl. 15:00
Subject: Siste nytt fra LO
To: <eribsskog+i@gmail.com>
Nyhetsbrev fra LO Norge
Bilde er fjernet av sender. Nyhetsbrev fra Landsorganisasjonen i Norge
Åpne i nettleser
Meklingsinnspurt i statsoppgjøret
Meklingen i tariffoppgjøret i staten går nå inn i den siste fasen. Fristen er ved midnatt onsdag 14. oktober. Finner man ikke en løsning, blir det streik fra torsdag morgen.
Les mer her
Bilde er fjernet av sender. cta pil
Uttalelse om statsbudsjettet: Kutt i formuesskatt og mindre til de ledige
Pandemien har rammet befolkningen skjevt. De med lavest lønn og usikker jobb er rammet hardest. Politikk må rette opp i dette, men regjeringen prioriterer de aller rikeste. Det heter det i en uttalelse fra LOs sekretariat.
Les mer her
Bilde er fjernet av sender. cta pil
Bilde er fjernet av sender. LONorge-logo-skjerm-rgb.png
Landsorganisasjonen i Norge (LO) er Norges største lønnstakerorganisasjon. Over 950 000 medlemmer er organisert i en rekke fagforbund som er tilsluttet LO. LOs forbund organiserer arbeidstakere både innen privat og offentlig sektor, og innen alle bransjer og yrker.
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Bilde er fjernet av sender. cta pil
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Bilde er fjernet av sender.
6 vedlegg
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Outlook-Bilde er f.png
Outlook-Bilde er f.png
Outlook-Bilde er f.png
Outlook-Bilde er f.png
Outlook-Bilde er f.png
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Klage/Fwd: Ukens tips fra ifi.no
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 28. desember 2020 kl. 15:44
Til: Kristian Owren <kristian@ifi.no>
Kopi: juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>, elh@forbrukertilsynet.no, inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no, abuse@telia.com, fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>, post <post@finkn.no>
jeg ønsker å vite navnet på det trollet, som har bestilt dette, i mitt navn.
Og jeg ønsker å bli informert om hvilke bedre rutiner, som dere skal skaffe dere, for å hindre at noe lignende skjer igjen.
Erik Ribsskog
man. 16. nov. 2020 kl. 07:49 skrev Kristian Owren <kristian@ifi.no>:
Viser til e-post du har sendt oss for 2 uker siden med samme henvendelse. Som vi svarte på. Vi slettet deg da fra registeret, og du har ikke mottatt noen nye nyhetsbrev etter dette.
Med vennlig hilsen
Kristian Owren
Adm. direktør
Tlf: 926 88 260 E-post: kristian@ifi.no
Informasjonskontoret for farge og interiør
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Tenk på miljøet før du skriver ut denne mailen.
Fra: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
Sendt: 14. november 2020 01:06
Til: juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>
Kopi: Kristian Owren <kristian@ifi.no>; elh@forbrukertilsynet.no; fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>; inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no; post <post@finkn.no>
Emne: Klage/Fwd: Ukens tips fra ifi.no
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Fra: ifi.no <no-reply@ifi.no>
Date: tir. 13. okt. 2020 kl. 11:27
Subject: Ukens tips fra ifi.no
To: <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Nyhetsbrev fra ifi.no
Se denne e-posten i nettleseren din
Ukens tips fra ifi.no.
Informasjonskontoret for farge og interiør arbeider for at du skal få inspirasjon, tips og ideer til dine prosjekter. Denne uken har vi noen gode forslag enten du ønsker å gjøre jobben selv, eller sette den bort til fagfolk.
Gode farger til soverom
Gode farger til soverom
Har farger noe å si for hvordan vi sover? Vi har spurt søvnekspertene om hvilke farger som er gode å ha på soverom.
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Stor luksus på liten flate
Stor luksus på liten flate
Da rørleggeren bygget eget baderom, sparte han ikke på noe. Oppussingen ble utført med millimeterpresisjon, og som en slags test på hvor mye lekkert utstyr som kan få plass på få kvadratmeter.
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Mal veggene med omtanke for menneske og miljø
Mal veggene med omtanke for menneske og miljø
Mood Care Wall er malingen som tar hensyn til miljø og inneklima hele veien fra råvare og emballasje til ferdig malt vegg. Malingen er en innovasjon fra Beckers, og fremstilt med råstoffer fra blant annet trær, planter og alger. Selve malingboksen er laget av en stor andel gjenbrukt plast.
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Lær om linoljemaling på 3 minutter
− Linoljemaling er en maling som er miljøvennlig og som gir fantastiske resultater, sier malermester Roger Studsrud.
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Finn den rette stemningen hjemme med disse 4 tapetstilene
Finn den rette stemningen hjemme med disse 4 tapetstilene
Har du lyst på bedre stemning i stuen eller på soverommet? Da er dette uken for å gjøre noe med det. Det er nemlig Wallpaper Week denne uken, og med tapet kan du enkelt få den stemningen du ønsker hjemme.
Les mer
Copyright 2020 © ifi.no
Avregistrer nyhetsbrev
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Klage/Fwd: Charlotte Søllner Hernø har svaret på din kommentar på denne side: http://www.husmoderforening.dk/218062118
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 28. desember 2020 kl. 14:56
Til: Kundeservice SimpleSite - Jakob <kundetjeneste@simplesite.com>
Kopi: juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>, elh@forbrukertilsynet.no, inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no, fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>, post <post@finkn.no>, abuse@telia.com, kundeservice@123hjemmeside.dk
dette vil jeg gjerne ha svar fra en overordnet om.
Dette svaret deres virker ikke så overbevisende, i og med at jeg mottar veldig mange lignende mailer.
Det er noen troll/jævler, som bestiller masse dritt, i mitt navn, (eller i tulleversjoner av mitt navn), på nettet, fra firmaer med dårlige rutiner.
Og dette er nok noe lignende.
(Jeg ønsker å få vite navnet på det trollet som har bestilt dette i mitt navn.
Og jeg ønsker å bli informert om hvilke bedre rutiner, som dere skal skaffe dere, for å hindre at noe lignende skjer igjen).
Erik Ribsskog
Det er også rart at jeg får svar fra noen som kaller seg Simplesite, som jeg aldri har hørt om før.
Hva skal dette bety?
PS 2.
Og hvorfor bruker du fornavnet mitt i hilsenen.
Det synes jeg at blir som noe freidig og at dere er for dus.
søn. 15. nov. 2020 kl. 21:07 skrev Kundeservice SimpleSite - Jakob <kundetjeneste@simplesite.com>:
Hei Erik,
Jeg skriver fra SimpleSite.
Vi har sett på saken din, og heldigvis viser det seg at det kun er en feilstavelse.
En norsk dame la inn en kommentar på en dansk nettside, og skrev dessverre inn mailadressen eribsskog@gmail.com ved en feiltagelse da hun skulle skrive inn sin egen mailadresse.
Vennligst kontakt oss igjen hvis du har flere spørsmål. Vi er alltid her for å hjelpe deg.
Med Vennlig Hilsen,
Del din erfaring! Gi oss en tilbakemelding på Trustpilot
Hold deg oppdatert! Følg oss på Facebook
Noe å si? Fyll ut skjemaet nedenfor.
Evaluer svaret mitt:
On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 6:33 AM, Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> wrote:
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Fra: 123hjemmeside Kundeservice <kundeservice@123hjemmeside.dk>
Date: ons. 14. okt. 2020 kl. 16:16
Subject: Charlotte Søllner Hernø har svaret på din kommentar på denne side: http://www.husmoderforening.dk/218062118
To: <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Hvis du ikke længere ønsker at modtage service meddelelser fra 123hjemmeside, kan du afmelde dig her.
Charlotte Søllner Hernø lagde en kommentar på denne side: http://www.husmoderforening.dk/218062118
Her er kommentaren:
14.10.2020 16.15 | Charlotte Søllner Hernø
Kære Erika,
Selvfølgelig kan du blive medlem. Alle er velkomne.
Du kan jo komme næste gang og melde dig ind ved samme lejlighed.
Klik her for at se denne kommentar på http://www.husmoderforening.dk/218062118
Kunne du tænke dig at få din EGEN hjemmeside?
Du kan få din egen hjemmeside med videoklip og fotoalbum.
Begynd at lave din egen GRATIS hjemmeside - Klik her!
Hvis du har nogle spørgsmål, anbefaler vi at du læser vore spørgsmål og svar på www.123hjemmeside.dk eller skriver til kundeservice@123hjemmeside.dk
Med venlig hilsen
123hjemmeside.dk - Rigtig god fornøjelse!
Hvis du ikke længere ønsker at modtage service meddelelser fra 123hjemmeside, kan du afmelde dig her.
Toldbodgade 31, DK-1253 København, Danmark.
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Klage/Fwd: PARTCIPATE! The Official Newsletter of the FGG. November 2020 Edition.
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 28. desember 2020 kl. 14:39
Til: juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>
Kopi: contact@gaygames.org, elh@forbrukertilsynet.no, inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no, fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>, post <post@finkn.no>, abuse@telia.com
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Fra: Federation of Gay Games <contact@gaygames.org>
Date: søn. 15. nov. 2020 kl. 20:16
Subject: PARTCIPATE! The Official Newsletter of the FGG. November 2020 Edition.
To: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Welcome to the November 2020 Edition of Participate!
Join us for Hong Kong 2022 - Gay Games 11!
Follow FGG on Facebook • Twitter • Instagram
Joanie Evans, co-president
Sean Fitzgerald, co-president
Welcome to our last 2020 edition of Participate!
This year continues to bring change and, finally, perhaps some rays of light to carry us forward into a new year of recovery and hope.
While there are still 6 weeks to go before we see the end of this year, here at the Federation our eyes already look to the future and to the AGA in January and the site selection process for choosing a host city for the 2026 Gay Games. Stay tuned for updates on this matter and, if you are a member or HLM with a gaygames.net email account, make sure you check it for the latest information about your participation in the selection process.
This month, we remembered our founder, Dr Tom Waddell, on his birthday, November 1. This year, he would have turned 83 had he not passed in 1987. It's incredible to think that what he started almost 40 years ago with passion and determination and a little over 1000 participants has turned into the world's largest sports and cultural event put on by the LGBTQ+ communities, routinely attracting upwards of 10,000 participants and many, many thousands more spectators. However, the Gay Games is, at its heart, about more than scale. It's about the core principles on which the Games was founded: Participation, Inclusion, Personal Best.
Many of us have not experienced a year like 2020 that has tested the necessity of those principles and, in some ways, empowered us to live them with urgency and intention. Yet, may we not need a year similar to this one to remind us to do so going forward.
We will be back in full force in January 2021 coming to you with a monthly PARTICIPATE! as we head closer to Gay Games 11 Hong Kong in 2022.
We wish you all health, happiness, prosperity and, above all, safety, until our next edition.
Joanie and Sean, on behalf of the whole of FGG. xx
#FGG #gaygames. #gaygameshk2022 #lgbtq #love
GGHK2022 Update
Hong Kong looks to the future with the Gay Games in 2022
Reaching the two-years-to-go milestone until the Games in Hong Kong on November 11-19, the GGHK team are in the midst of working together with key organizations and community leaders for a unity celebration. Major corporations are meeting with the GGHK team to join as platinum sponsors and announcements are planned for early 2021.
“Unity is the key message of GGHK” said Dennis Philipse, founder & co-chair of GGHK. “Carrying a torch of empowerment and connection in Hong Kong serves to bring our community together in this important time for our city. We are excited to welcome all the expected 12,000 participants and 75,000 spectators from 100 countries to the city.”
“Becoming Asia’s first city to host Gay Games isn’t just a cause for pride and celebration for Hong Kong, it drives home the message that the LGBTI community and indeed all in society deserve to be visible, represented and included in sports and other areas of life,” said Mr Ricky CHU Man-kin, Chairperson of Hong Kong’s Equal Opportunities Commission.
Colin Grant, co-founder and CEO of The PURE Group and member of GGHK’s Advisory Committee stated “GGHK is a huge, exciting and progressive event for Hong Kong which the whole team at PURE are delighted to be part of, and it’s my honor to be on the advisory committee. The diversity and inclusion of the Gay Games, together with its unique approach to global and local sports, arts & culture means it’ll be a relevant and colorful boost to our city – especially being the first host city in Asia!”
“The Jockey Club HKFA Football Training Centre is proud to support this landmark event to promote equality for all. As well as being the Home of the Hong Kong representative teams we also provide inclusion to the community, schools and local charities. We are happy that the centre can host the Gay Games in 2022.” – Mark Sinclair, Operations Manager, HK Football Association.
Read the full story here.
Gay Games 11 Hong Kong 2022 - Survey
From 11-19 November 2022, history will be made as Hong Kong plays host to the first ever Gay Games in Asia. Over 100 volunteers are already hard at work to make sure all visitors have a safe, enjoyable and personally fulfilling experience. To help us achieve this goal, we would like you to tell us which aspects are most influential in your decision to take part as a participant, volunteer and/or spectator.
Your feedback will be immensely helpful as we establish priorities and allocate resources. The survey takes less than five minutes to complete and even if you are unable to attend, your insights will still be valuable to our management team.
This survey is available in English, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Spanish and French: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GGHKFGG_EN
FGG Family Profiles
Meet the GGHK Team: Jackie Vierow, Director of Sports
Having started as a Project Lead for the sports sector, my role has expanded to include the wider organization. I have always been passionate about sports and when I found out that Hong Kong had won the bid, I immediately looked for ways I could get involved. The Gay Games provides such an inclusive and accepting environment, which will be hugely beneficial to the people of Hong Kong.
Sports have an amazing ability to foster a sense of community and provide role models who empower others to find their voice. I hope to be a part of this empowerment by helping to increase awareness and participation across Hong Kong.
I have always been extremely enthusiastic when it comes to sports, as I jump at the opportunity to try anything new. In my 10 years in Hong Kong I have enjoyed cycling, running, swimming, triathlon, softball, rock climbing, badminton, tennis, basketball, sailing, and golf. Hong Kong may be known for its densely populated city, but sports enable people to experience the beautiful nature that Hong Kong also has on offer.
There are few places in the world where you can enjoy the city, mountains, and ocean almost all at once. You can wake up and take a dip in the ocean before work and enjoy a mountain trail hike on the way home to your apartment in the middle of the city! On top of that, Hong Kong is rich in culture with an incredible food scene that includes local street food all the way through to elevated cuisine from all over the world.
Meet the GGHK Team: Alan Tse, Associate PR & Communications Manager
It’s been a pleasure to join the GGHK 2022 team as the Associate PR & Communication Manager. It’s been a wonderful opportunity to promote the diverse culture that we are proud of in Hong Kong.
In my daily life I love art and music and I often get together with friends to listen to our favourite singers and go to concerts. I’m excited by the arts & cultural events at GGHK 2022 as I enjoy visiting art exhibitions and exploring the new artists in the industry.
Gay Games 11 Hong Kong 2022 will change perceptions, open new doors and foster ongoing community enrichment through emerging LGBTQ sport teams and cultural groups in many communities throughout the Asia Pacific region. Even thought it’s still two years away, I can’t wait for the Gay Games to get underway in Hong Kong.
Meet the GGHK Team: Luke White, Finance Coordinator
I moved to Hong Kong in September 2019 and prior to moving I was researching ways to get involved in the local LGBT+ community. That’s how I came across the Gay Games and I knew I could contribute something to the local LGBT+ community using my skills as an accountant.
Competitive sport was a big part of my life throughout university and after, as I used to compete nationally and internationally in Dancesport and formation dancing, so I was excited to see that the Gay Games also includes a Dancesport category. As such, the Gay Games perfectly combined my passions for diversity and sport!
I relocated to Hong Kong to join my partner who had moved here two years ago. An accountant by training, I still work in finance and am also trying to kick start an LGBT+ employee network here in my Hong Kong office. Since moving to Hong Kong, I’ve gone back to the gym and have enjoyed getting into F45. I also very much enjoy running and try to hike as often as possible to make the most of Hong Kong’s beautiful trails. I also brought my bicycle from the UK and plan to get out on some rides with a cycling group at some point!
Hong Kong is such a diverse and vibrant city. Its fast pace keeps you on your toes and you constantly meet new and interesting people.
You can check out all volunteers on GGHK on the website here https://gghk2022.com/en/team-2/
Together our actions make an impact
Get involved now to support GGHK as donor, fundraiser, sponsor, volunteer, champion or sign up for our newsletter!
Meet Our Volunteers
David C. Doan, PhD, MBA, RN, PMC-II, PMP, CSM, BCMAS
Vice Chair of Culture & Ceremonies Committee
Can you tell us a little about who you are, where you live, what sport/culture activity you participate in?
Greetings from Southern California! My name is David Doan and I live literally approximately 2 kilometers from Disneyland® in Anaheim, California. I am currently the Vice Chair of the Culture & Ceremonies Committee as of September 2020. I am also one of two delegates for the Lesbian and Gay Band Association (LGBA).
Professionally, I am a management consulting manager at Accenture in their North America Health Clinical Innovation Practice. I have over 25 years in the healthcare industry with multifaceted expertise in consulting, strategy, business development, sales, account management, project management, product management, implementation, solution architect, performance improvement, change management, and training/education development.I have a passion in nonprofit organisations and am currently on the Board of Directors for four other organisations: Lesbian and Gay Band Association (LGBA); Gay Freedom Band of Los Angeles (GFBLA); American Public Health Association (APHA); Project Management Institute – Orange County Chapter (PMI-OC)
How many Gay Games have you attended?
3. Gay Games VIII Be Part of It (2010) – Cologne, Germany; Gay Games IX Go All Out (2014) – Cleveland, Ohio USA; Gay Games X All Equal (2018) – Paris, France
Can you tell us about your first Gay Games experience?
My first Gay Games experience in Cologne, Germany was life-changing, cathartic, and transformative. Prior to attending, I was hesitant and anxious for my safety knowing that the expected large group of LGBTQ+ people might incite hatred and intolerance for obvious reasons. This was not the case at all. Instead, the reception from the beautiful people of Cologne was an unexpected and warm welcome.
I remembered warming up prior to stepping into the RheinEnergie Stadium for the Gay Games Opening Ceremony Team Band rehearsal and realised that I was part of something big. Performing the Gay Games anthem song, “Take the Flame,” was life-changing and symbolic. Performing “Elsa’s Procession to the Cathedral ” for the Gala concert was so moving that I still remember the chills that it gave me on that night. For the first time in my life, I could actually be free, liberated, and be who I am. Meeting people across the globe, sight-seeing the beautiful Cologne Cathedral, and partying on the streets of Cologne are memories that I will never forget. I took away from this experience to always be authentic and not be afraid of expressing myself ever again.
What was your highlight at GGX: Paris 2018?
The Gay Games X in Paris offered numerous highlights. I will sum them in three words: hot, “Rise,” and food. The heat! Wow! The heat was unbearable for the two weeks that I was there. The humid heat also offered many hot memories around the city. Playing the numerous French classical orchestral repertoire with the Salon Orchestra under the baton of Charles Andreolitti was musically rewarding. Having the opportunity to perform Rosanno Galante’s “Rise: A Gay Games Anthem,” commissioned by the Federation of Gay Games, under the baton of Kathleen McGuire on the Casino de Paris stage was historic. Finally, I thoroughly enjoyed eating great foods and drinking lots of red wines without being rushed at numerous cafés around Paris. What a treat!
What attracted you to volunteer for the Federation of Gay Games?
As mentioned previously, I am passionate about the causes and mission of nonprofit organisations. What attracted me to volunteer for the Federation of Gay Games is the unique and special collaboration of sports and culture. I was an avid volleyball player, swimmer, and cross-country runner and wished I would have known about the Gay Games previously. I am also a musician with the love for theatre. The Gay Games promotes the unity of both sports and culture as we are not just an athlete or a musician. Moreover, the core principles of Participation, Inclusion, and Personal Best™ seems to sum up succinctly the tenets of how we all should live our lives. I chose to volunteer so that I can carry out these principles and promote equality through sports and culture.
Why do you think this volunteer opportunity is a good match for you?
The position of Vice Chair of Culture & Ceremonies Committee is a nice fit for me for some of the reasons mentioned above. In addition, I have direct experience in planning events and conferences. I also appreciate the importance, tradition, and sensitivity of the various events that fall under the purview of this role including the Opening
Ceremony, Closing Ceremony, and Memorial Moment. It is also an advantage having the experience of being a participant at previous Gay Games so that I can incorporate elements into these events to improve and enhance the experience of guests, presenters, and spectators. Finally, I am an extremely organised person with strong project management skills that will be put to good use in facilitating stakeholders’ buy-in and promoting efficient coordination of tasks and activities. I look forward to taking on the challenge of this important role.
What is it like to volunteer with the Federation?
Like any nonprofit organisation, immersing with the culture of the Board of Directors is an important aspect of being productive, collaborative, and collegial. There is also a need to be sensitive to the prioritisation and needs of various sports and cultural committees. Finally, there is a great opportunity to collaborate with team members across the globe. Working in this global and diverse environment excites and delights me. The spirit of diversity, equity, and inclusion is surely demonstrated and permeated throughout every interaction and aspect of my role. I am humble by the opportunity and experience to contribute toward the mission of the Federation of Gay Games.
Can you tell us about the project you are working on?
Currently, I am actively working on the first-ever virtual production of the Memorial Moment in support of the upcoming Annual General Assembly (AGA) meeting in 23rd and 24th January 2021. This event will be produced virtually as we are not able to meet in person in London. There are numerous technical and logistic considerations to ensure collaboration across geographies/teams and preservation of the purpose, tone, and mood of this important, respectful, and symbolic Memorial Moment event that has historically been held in person. I am hopeful and confident that the final deliverable will incorporate these elements.
Diversity and Inclusion
A series of interviews with supporters, members and fellow activists.
Nadyne Trindade
What is your name, and where do you live?
My name is Nadyne, I am originally from Brazil but for the past 2 years I have been living Loughborough, UK.
How long have you been serving the Federation of Gay Games?
I just recently joined the FGG after having the chance to learn more about the organisation over this summer. Speaking to some senior members, I learned about the role with the Diversity and Inclusion Committee and I wanted to become part of the projects that were being developed in these areas.
What role do you have? What do you do in this role? What led you to take on this role?
I am a volunteer at the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, working mainly on policy development and the current debates around gender identity and expression. In this work, I collaborate with other committee and external members to put down equality, diversity and inclusion policies & practices both for the FGG and Host Cities of the Games. There were two main motivations behind my decision to take this role: firstly, my admiration for the history of the Gay Games, the guiding principles of the FGG and for the alternative narratives that people are able to create for themselves when they find a place and a community in sport. Secondly, as a young academic, I often look for ways to translate evidence from research into good practices that will promote social justice and enhance participation.
What do you get from volunteering with the Federation?
The best part of this is the opportunity to connect to people from all parts of world who are highly motivated to create a sporting and culture event that is continuously more inclusive and diverse. I have a deep admiration for my colleagues and I find everyone to be very approachable when it comes to sharing their experiences and expertise in different areas. Working in a collaborative environment in which you feel compelled to ask questions, challenge assumptions and to connect to people at the personal level has been a very satisfying experience to me.
When you look back – have you had a proudest moment? If so what is it?
A few days ago, I realised that a lot of what I do these days in terms of work and also my social circle has a lot to do with the Gay Games in Cleveland and I feel very honoured by that. In 2014, I was studying in London, ON (Canada) and I heard about the event through a group of other athletes from my university who wanted to share the costs of gas and accommodation. Their enthusiasm was contagious!
What would you say to another woman who was thinking of volunteering for the FGG?
Being part of the FGG allows me to “be the change I wish to see in the world” and I feel that this is at the same time a very rewarding and humbling experience. I wish other people will also be able to celebrate how far we have come and to also join hands on the work we need to do across the different areas of the organization.
Sarah Townsend – Volunteer on Site Selection Committee and Delegate for Federation Sportive Gay et Lesbien (France)
What is your name, and where do you live?
Sarah Townsend, France
How long have you been serving the Federation of Gay Games?
Since 2015
What role do you have? What do you do in this role? What led you to take on this role?
International Delegate Fédération Sportive Gaie et Lesbienne (FSGL). This is a ‘relay’ role – I am the information conduit between the FGG and the FSGL, which involves keeping both organisations up-to-date with relevant information about each other. I attend the FGG AGAs and write up a report for the FSGL on the proceedings so that all the French members can be kept up-to-date with FGG advances and bring any questions the FSGL has to the FGG AGA; I read, comment on, and relay the Gay Games bid books, and vote on site selections for FSGL with their considerations in mind; I help inform on and promote the values and actions of each organisation.
What do you get from volunteering with the Federation?
What I get back mostly is the satisfaction of helping to build a community. I joined the LGBTQ+ sport movement in 2015 after benefitting from it for a good few years. I was contacted by the FSGL and had a long chat with Marc Naimark about activities and the duties and possibilities of volunteering. Even though I am isolated in my very non-LGBTQ+ corner of rural France, as an international delegate I have a connection with a huge vibrant LGBTQ+ sport network that has led me to all sorts of things I never thought I’d be doing – working with the EGLSF, promoting LGBTQ+ values in my local rowing club (and taking a contingent of 26 women to the 2018 Gay Games, and participating in an Erasmus+ sport project this year!), co-founding a sport association locally to promote women’s sport. That first step of volunteering to connect with FGG opened up a fantastic path of personal discovery and I like to think that my activities and actions since have provided this opportunity to others.
When you look back – have you had a proudest moment? If so what is it?
Many moments I’m proud of – speaking at the European Parliament against homophobia in sport, being part of the group carrying the FGG flag at the opening ceremony in Paris, when I’m promoting LGBTQ+ sport locally, co-founding a women’s sport organisation. But I never feel prouder than when I am simply with friends and colleagues at LGBTQ+ sport events - the Games, the AGAs, simply being part of this community.
What would you say to another woman who was thinking of volunteering for the FGG?
Just Do It! We hesitate, wondering if we’re good enough, imagining that others have more to offer than us, but we all have valuable experiences and sharing those experiences is precious. We all have our different ways of touching people and if being you can offer someone else the opportunity to also be them, then that’s all that counts.
Have you been inspired by these stories from Nadyne and Sarah? Would you like to find out more about volunteering with the Federation? If so, I would be delighted to hear from you. Just drop me a note atviv.woodcock-downey@gaygames.net – we can start a conversation that might lead to your next volunteering role.
We are currently looking for the following skills and experience to support our work
Marketing skills
Graphic design skills
Human resources management skills
Communications skills
Welcome to the Federation.
For more information about Memberships follow this link
Federación Mexicana Deportiva de la Diversidad (FMDD), recently celebrated the first edition of Pride Games, which took place in Guadalajara, Mexico from October 23rd to the 25th. Taking in all of the necessary health precautions into account, Pride Games Guadalajara 2020 had 450 registered athletes featured in 7 disciplines an: volleyball, beach volleyball, football 7, tennis, track & field, an aerobics class and a gymnastics exhibition.
Due to the current pandemic, all sporting activities had to be held outdoors, which was the reason Pride Games was held in Unidad Deportiva Revolución, a sports venue with more than 6 hectares of open area. All participants, referees and staff members were directed to go through a sanitation tunnel when entering the venue, as well as measuring each person’s temperature. The use of masks was mandatory for all and the face space was greatly encouraged among team members. The areas were also constantly sanitized by a wireless nano flow pistol that provided reassurance to the health of the participants. And finally, participants were asked to volunteer for COVID testing which was administered by a certified doctor.
Among the activities that occurred during Pride Games, Francisco (Paco) Sevilla, a male gymnast from Mexico City, made a performance to Adele “Someone like you” on a balance beam during the Welcome Words on Saturday 24th. The moment was significant due to prejudice male gymnast have on performing on this apparatus, which is considered one of the most difficult apparatuses in gymnastics, requiring an obscene amount of strength, flexibility, and balance, but only female athletes use it. With a wave of applause for his performance, the moment was used to send out a message of inclusion and equality.
Fernando Ortega, director of the State Sports Ministry, Juan Carlos Razo, president of FMDD, and Jorge Luis Martínez gave welcoming words to the participants and other guests. Jorge Luis Martínez was the guest of honour, a speed skater world medallist athlete who recently made the courageous act of coming out during the Pan American Games in Lima 2019.
Pride Games wouldn’t have been possible without the valuable support from the State Ministry of Tourism, State Ministry of Health, the State Sports Commission (CODE), the Direction of Sexual Diversity for the Government of Jalisco and the Guadalajara CVB, as well as the sponsors that came onboard this first edition: Hotel Auténtico Vertical, Electrolit (hidration), Outback México and Baxu.
The FMDD is currently working on the future projects and hope to release the date of the next edition very soon.
FGG in the Community
Chicago University Adds Class on Impact of the Gay Games
In June, 2020, the FGG was contacted by Kate O’Brien, Associate Athletic Director at DePaul University in Chicago. She was seeking someone to speak about the Chicago Gay Games to two classes for first-year students in October.
The class is called “The Socioeconomic Impact of Sport in Chicago.” Previous topics covered include Title IX / equal pay in sports, Olympic controversies (the Munich games in 1972), the Chicago Marathon, the Chicago Park District, race in athletics, the NCAA Transgender Student-Athlete policy, gender identity, Special Olympics, and the Paralympics. As a microcosm of society, sport offers a unique venue to discuss such topics as race, class, gender, sexual orientation, access/privilege, leadership and community service, among others—all with a focus on power, privilege. and inequality.
The classes were comprised of first-year student-athletes enrolled in an “Explore Chicago” class entitled “The Socioeconomic Impact of Sport in Chicago.” Other topics covered during this class have included Title IX/equal pay in sports, Olympic controversies including the events of the Munich games in 1972, the Chicago Marathon, the Chicago Park District, race in athletics, the NCAA Transgender Student-Athlete policy, gender identity, Special Olympics and the Paralympics. As a microcosm of society, sport offers a unique venue to discuss such topics as race, class, gender, sexual orientation, access/privilege, leadership and community service, among others—all with a focus on power, privilege and inequality.
Kate O’Brien had been introduced to the Gay Games by a former men’s tennis student-athlete at DePaul, who participated in the 2006 games in Chicago. Said O’Brien, “When I learned over the summer we’d be 100% online this quarter, I started trying to think of new cool ways to engage the classes. A colleague at DePaul, Mark Wodziak, a faculty member in the sociology department encouraged me to focus on power, privilege, and inequality. With that in mind, I started looking back to topics we had covered in the past but not in a while. I remembered the Gay Games and emailed the Federation.”
Doug Litwin, the FGG Officer of Marketing, and a native Chicagoan, offered to speak to the two virtual classes (morning and afternoon) on 14 October. He gave a zoom presentation that introduced the Gay Games movement, reviewed the entire history, and then focused most of the class on the Chicago Gay Games VII which took place in 2006.
A total of 49 first-year student-athletes attended the two classes on 14 October.
Comments from students afterwards included…
“I just got out of an amazing class.”
“That was cool.”
“I had no idea the Gay Games were a thing.”
Said Kate O’Brien, “Guest speakers like Doug have allowed us to bring topics to life allowing students to get much more out of the experience than they could reading something or watching a video.”
Since the Chicago Gay Games took place 14 years ago when all of these students were just young children, plans are already in place to repeat this course in the future.
New Radio Program Explores Early Gay Games History
A San Francisco-based radio producer, Maria Crispi, has just posted a comprehensive new show exploring the early history of the Gay Games, from 1981 through 1987. This show spans nearly 3 hours and includes a number of interviews with organizers and participants in those early years.
Maria is a bisexual woman who attended Gay Games I as a spectator and has followed the event ever since. She worked very diligently to identify key individuals from the early Gay Games and conducted interviews with them.
Anyone who participated in the early Gay Games, or who is interested in the event’s history, would enjoy listening to this show. It is presented in four parts. Here are two links where you may access the radio show:
Share your stories of Participation, Inclusion and Personal BestTM with the hashtag #gaygames
Since the first Gay Games in 1982, the Federation of Gay Games mission promotes equality in and through sport and culture and ensures that the Gay Games, the world’s largest sports and culture festival open to all, take place every four years under the founding principles of Participation, Inclusion, and Personal BestTM.
Copyright © 2018 Federation of Gay Games, All rights reserved. You have received this email newsletter because you agreed to receive communications from the Federation of Gay Games or subscribed to the Participate! newsletter.
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Address: 584 Castro Street Suite #343 • San Francisco, CA 94114 • Phone: +1-866-459-1261
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Klage/Fwd: We're updating our Terms
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 28. desember 2020 kl. 14:33
Til: juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>
Kopi: support@airbnb.com, elh@forbrukertilsynet.no, inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no, fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>, post <post@finkn.no>, abuse@telia.com
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Fra: Airbnb <discover@airbnb.com>
Date: søn. 15. nov. 2020 kl. 18:04
Subject: We're updating our Terms
To: <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Hi Erik,
Our community and vision for travel continue to grow, so we’re updating our Terms of Service, Payments Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Nondiscrimination Policy, Extenuating Circumstances Policy, and some of our other terms and policies (“Terms”).
The updated Terms will go into effect for existing users on January 20, 2021. Beginning on that date, you will need to agree to the updated Terms in order to book or manage reservations. Also, your use of the Airbnb Platform from that date onward will be automatically subject to the updated Privacy Policy.
We’ve also put up information about how terms and policies are changing on our Terms update page. You should review the updated Terms in full and can download hard copies for your reference. If you disagree with the updated Terms, you may terminate your agreement with Airbnb at any time by deleting your account.
Thank you for being a member of our community.
The Airbnb Team
Airbnb, Inc.
888 Brannan St.
San Francisco, CA 94103
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Klage/Fwd: Vågå Iskrem
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 28. desember 2020 kl. 14:23
Til: rolf stokke <rolf.stokke@brandfoods.no>
Kopi: juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>, elh@forbrukertilsynet.no, inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no, fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>, post <post@finkn.no>, abuse@telia.com
dere må prøve å finne ut hva som har skjedd her.
(For jeg har ikke kontaktet dere).
Og så har jeg også rett til, (mener jeg), å få vite, hva dere akter å foreta dere, for å forhindre, at noe lignende skjer, med andre 'Hvermansen-folk', i fremtida.
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
søn. 15. nov. 2020 kl. 10:38 skrev rolf stokke <rolf.stokke@brandfoods.no>:
Hei Erik,
Beklager at du mottok mail fra oss. Dette vil selvsagt ikke gjenta seg.
Rolf Stokke
15. nov. 2020 kl. 07:21 skrev Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>:
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Fra: rolf stokke <rolf.stokke@brandfoods.no>
Date: ons. 14. okt. 2020 kl. 10:27
Subject: Vågå Iskrem
Kjære kunde,
Vi håper iskremen vår har falt i smak. Som utfordrer i iskremkategorien er det ikke bare nok å produsere den beste iskremen. Vi er også avhengige av gode ambassadører.
I 2018 hadde vi en omsetning på ca. 2 mill og doblet til 4 mill i 2019. Målet for 2020 var en ny dobling, men så kom korona og stakk kjepper i hjulene for den planen. Men vi gir oss ikke så lett.
Målet for 2021 er 8 mill og vi går nå ut med en folkefinansierings-kampanje for å hente kapital til vår vekststrategi. Kapitalen går i hovedsak til å styrke salgsapparatet.
Nåværende eiere av Brand Foods har forhåndstegnet for i underkant av 300 000. Hittil er det kommet inn over 30 nye investorer som har tegnet aksjer for ca kr 400 000 kr.
Som en god kunde av oss, ønsker vi å gi deg et ekstra godt tilbud.
Vi gir deg iskrem for tilsvarende beløp som du tegner aksjer for. Minste-tegning er kr 1 000. Investerer du kr 1 000 leverer vi iskrem hjem til deg for kr 1 000. Ønsker du å investere mer er det bare hyggelig.
«Forundringspakken» består av ulike smaker fra Vågåis, Flåklypa-is eller Evas Datter. Uansett hva som ligger i leveransen til deg, er vi trygge på at du kommer til å like iskremen vår - enten det er fløte-iskrem, gelato, vegan-iskrem og sorbeter.
Hele investeringstilbudet kan du lese her: https://folkeinvest.no/kampanje/brand-foods-as
Hvordan benytter du deg av tilbudet?
Følg instruksjonene på folkeinvest.no for å tegne.
Når du har tegnet, sender vi deg en bekreftelse på at vi mottatt tegning fra deg. Iskremen blir levert når kampanjen på folkeinvest er avsluttet - dvs etter 25 okt.
Vi håper du vil benytte deg av tilbudet. Har du noen spørsmål er det bare å maile eller ringe meg.
Rolf Stokke
926 18 116
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Klage/Fwd: Find Posters That Tell Your Story
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 28. desember 2020 kl. 14:18
Til: support@displate.com
Kopi: juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>, elh@forbrukertilsynet.no, inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no, fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>, post <post@finkn.no>, abuse@telia.com
I want to know the name of the troll who has ordered this in my name.
And I want to be informed about, which better routines, that you're going to start with, so that this doesn't happen again.
Erik Ribsskog
lør. 14. nov. 2020 kl. 17:01 skrev Displate Client Experience Team <support@displate.com>:
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request (346206) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email.
Displate Client Experience Team (Displate)
Nov 14, 2020, 17:01 GMT+1
Hello Eric,
Thank you for contacting us.
Please let us respond in English as we don't speak Norwegian.
We're sincerely sorry but we don't fully understand your inquiry. Could you please explain it a bit further?
Do you mean that you don't want to receive any emails from Displate?
Looking forward to your answer.
Have a great weekend!
Best regards,
Kaja Latos
Junior Client Service Agent
Erik Ribsskog
Nov 13, 2020, 16:19 GMT+1
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Fra: Displate <noreply@displate.com>
Date: man. 12. okt. 2020 kl. 17:04
Subject: Find Posters That Tell Your Story
To: Erika Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Erika Say goodbye to paper posters and welcome our 21st century wall art canvas. Let’s get you that perfect roommate
Find Displates that tell your story
Erika here’s a 15% sitewide discount for your next order.
Claim it fast, offer ends soon
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GWD CONCEPT Sp. z o.o., Al. Jerozolimskie 123a, 02-017 Warsaw, Poland
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Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Klage/Fwd: Early Black Friday sale this weekend!
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> 28. desember 2020 kl. 14:08
Til: juridisk <juridisk@datatilsynet.no>
Kopi: elh@forbrukertilsynet.no, inger.lise.blyverket@forbrukerradet.no, fmovpost <fmovpost@fylkesmannen.no>, post <post@finkn.no>, abuse@telia.com
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
(Jeg har ikke kontaktet disse).
Vennligst rydd opp!
Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
Jeg sender fortsatt om identitetstyveri til Datatilsynet, (siden at det ikke
virker helt klart, hvem andre jeg burde sende om dette til, synes
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Fra: Displate <noreply@displate.com>
Date: lør. 14. nov. 2020 kl. 09:51
Subject: Early Black Friday sale this weekend!
To: Erika Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Up to35% OFF
Erika, check these sweet Early Black Friday deals this weekend!
Get ready - sale starts this Saturday at Midnight
Buy up to 3 Displates and get 25% OFF
4 or more, and get 35% OFF
Get the goodies
Offer lasts until SUNDAY
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GWD CONCEPT Sp. z o.o., Al. Jerozolimskie 123a, 02-017 Warsaw, Poland
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