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onsdag 30. april 2014

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Treasury-department/Fwd: New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Comments regarding the arrest of me yesterday    
  Erik Ribsskog  Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 1:27 PM  
To: Colin Simber  
Cc: "" , HRW UK , amnestyis , Politikk Høyre , Phso Enquiries , Helle Brynildsen Jahre , post , Akademikerforbundet , LHT Customer Service , Pia Ribsskog , Bjørn Ribsskog , she , "hv-02.kontakt" , "anne-kathrine.skodvin"  
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sorry that I send a lot of e-mails!

I just remembered one more thing.

You showed me yesteday, in the meeting, a letter from something called
the Treasury Department, (or something like that).

It said which jobcentres I was banned from, (the third letter I got
about that, if I'm not mistaking).

But what has that to do with the Treasury Department?

Is this something to do with my tax-return from 2007 and 2008 when I
was self-employed?

After I sent that form to the Government, then I got a letter from
HMRC, (or something like that), that they didn't want me to send more
tax return-forms to them.

Untill I had a new job, or something like that.

That was a bit strange I think.

Is this someone with a secret agenda, or something, I was wondering.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 13:08:47 +0100
Subject: New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Comments regarding the arrest of
me yesterday
To: Colin Simber
Cc: "" , HRW UK ,
amnestyis , Politikk Høyre ,
Phso Enquiries , Helle Brynildsen
Jahre , post , Akademikerforbundet
, LHT Customer Service ,
Pia Ribsskog , Bjørn Ribsskog ,
she , "hv-02.kontakt" ,


here is the mentioned link:

I also attach the CV, because it's more explained about that website there.


Erik Ribsskog


In the interview yesterday I complained I hadn't received the tape
from the last interview in the post.

(Even if you helped me fill out a form regarding sending me that tape
in the post.

After I asked you what was normal to do).

Lester said they only sent the tapes if it was a charge.

And that they sent the tapes to the solicitor.

But they also said the solicitor was only an advisor, (later in the interview).

So this doesn't add up.

I wonder a bit if I was just patronised about the tape, and that
Lester lied about it.

(Like he lied, when he woke me up yesterday.

He said he had a court order, to try to trick me to open the door, but
he didn't really have one).

PS 2.

You told me yesteday, in one of the meetings, that you represented hooligans.

But I don't want to be labeled or demonised as a hooligan.

Like I told you in January, my mother liked Everton.

It was her friend Gran's, (like the brewery, she is the sister of the
guy who owns the brewery I think), son.

He asked me, (he was around six years old, and I was around seven
years old, I think. His mate was there, and it was at their
villa/house outside Stavern).

He asked me did I support Manchester United or Nottingham Forest.

(They're favorite teams).

I wasn't into English football at the time.

So I used said a team-name, since I was put under pressure.

I didn't really like Cathrine Gran's younger brother.

So I decided I had to find my own favorite team.

I was into winter-sports like cross county skiing, and supporter Norway, mostly.

And then after the skiing one Saturday afternoon, then the only
Norwegian TV-channel, NRK, showed Everton Vs. Coventry.

Everton won 6-0, and our only TV was in my mother and steph-fathers
bedroom, for some reason.

My mother was outside the bed-room in the first floor, (she normally wasn't).

And she told me Everton was a good team, when I asked her, after I
started supporting them, (since the game was from Goodison etc., and
Everton played well and scored a lot of goals).

And 'all' the boys at Oestre Halsen primary school collected
football-cards, (English players), and every Saturday afternoon,
almost everyone watched an English football-game on the then only
Norwegian TV-channel.

This was in the 70's.

And English football was mainstream in Norway, I'd say.

In the 80's Norway go more TV-channels and also American and English

So people became more Americanised perhaps, and after a while English
football was only on pay TV-channels.

So people growing up in the 80's in Norway, (like my younger
half-brother Axel), perhaps doesn't understand that English football
was main-stream in Norway in the 1970's.

So I don't want to be labeled or demonised as a hooligan because I
grew up in the 70's in Norway, where it was main-stream to have an
English favorite football-team.

You told me you supported Liverpool.

And in January you told me it was the first sad thing you'd heard all
day, that my mother supported Everton.

Perhaps football is more serious here at Merseyside now, than it was
in Norway in the 70's.

It doesn't mean I'm a hooligan because I have an English favorite football-team.

That was main-stream around Larvik, in Norway, in the 1970's, as I remember it.

Just something I though about.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 12:22:47 +0100
Subject: Update/Fwd: Comments regarding the arrest of me yesterday
To: Colin Simber
Cc: "" , HRW UK ,
amnestyis , Politikk Høyre ,
Phso Enquiries , Helle Brynildsen
Jahre , post , Akademikerforbundet
, LHT Customer Service ,
Pia Ribsskog , Bjørn Ribsskog ,
she , "hv-02.kontakt" ,

Hi again,

I also know two clever computer-guys who could perhaps be involved.

Frode Eika Sandnes is a professor in Data-Comunication at Oslo
University College.

He also used to work in a Satelite-company here in the UK, and made a
lot of problems for my applications to University of Sunderland in
2004, and had a funny friend from Sunderland, in an extra meeting with
me, in Oslo.

He vistied me at University of Sunderland, in a hall in the Golman
Building, and his Sunderland-friend was there as well, and Oslo
University College denied three Erasmus-applications and lost my
'normal' application, for University of Sunderland, so I had to go to
study there through an organisation called Killroy Education, and it
was also a lot of problems with the Study Loan-bank, so I got my
study-loan four months late, and more that the International Office at
University of Sunderland should know about.

Also a guy named Thostein Bjoernstad, from Trondheim, is very good
with computers, (I know him from an irc chat-channel I had around
fifteen years ago).

But I can't say if any of these two are involved.

Just something I thought about.

When it comes to Sarah Bamber.

She's very stale, so I don't find her atractive.

She is horrible in the meetings.

She only want to discuss what I do on my spare-time, like courses,
web-shop, and self-publishing.

She didn't have any comments when I made new retail and IT cv's.

So I almost wonder if shes a Mossad spy and not really a jobseeking advisor.

I've been to 'funny' programmes with Senica and Ingeus, sent there by
the Jobcentre.

Then the problems started, (when I went to Sencia).

I though the meeting was at their Pall Mall office, (their office
which was closest to where I live in Leather Lane).

But when I got there, I couldn't get into the building, called them,
and was informed the meeting was in L1.

I said I'd be there in ten minutes.

But then they said I had to come back later.

A bit strange that they couldn't wait for me for ten minutes, after a
misunderstanding, I thought.

But I went home and sent the Jobcentre an e-mail where I explained.

And still my jobseeker allowance was sanctioned, (later over-turned).

But the Jobcentre are poor with e-mails, so they sanctioned me, before
the e-mail got to the right person, I think, (something which must
have taken weeks).

But an e-mail just takes seconds to send, so why to the Jobcentre use
weeks, to get it to the right person.

A bit strange I think.

E.g. the Council are much better with e-mails.

Also, after I complained about Sarah Bamber last year, about being to
personal, and wanting to be involved in running my web-shop, etc.

Then Gaynor had a meeting with both Sarah Bamber and myself, at
Aintree Jobcentre.

Then Sarah Bamber was crying like I explained in the interview yesterday.

At least she had liquid in her eyes.

I've read a novel in Norway, where a woman with shiny eyes was mentioned.

So it could be the liquid in her eyes meant she was sexually aroused,
or something like that.

I don't know why.

But it's just something I've thought about.

So this was very odd, and freaked me out a bit.

So Sarah Bamber freakes me out, and I'm not the slightest interested
in asking her out, like I explained yesterday, I try not to mix
business and pleasure.

So this is someone trying to frame me, like in the movie Who Framed
Roger Rabit, I'd say.

I have so many problems in Norway.

E.g. to get my inheritance after my grandmother who died in 2009.

She was my mothers longest-living parent, and my mother died in 1999.

So me and my two siblings should have split my mothers inheritance.

Also Drammen tingrett, (a local court), refuse to let me sell a
co-owned property in Hurum, which I inherited when my father didn't
want to inherit his grand-uncles in 2006.

Also City Self-Storage in Oslo, don't want to send me my stuff from
when I lived in Oslo, (where I lived from 1989 to 2004).

Also my uncle Martin Ribsskog don't want to send me my stuff from when
I worked at Loevaas farm, near Larvik, in 2005.

And when I lived in Leather Lane, I lived close to Arvato, (where I
used to work), but also some discos.

And once I walked home from town, I saw a green-eyed young woman name
Emma crying in Dale St.

I asked her what was wrong, and ended up promissing to take her on a
holiday to Cyprus.

So I want my money from Norway, and that woman is much more atractive
than Sarah Bamber, who I have no interest in, unfortunately.

If I have the chance to take a young, attractive over-clas woman to
Aiya Napa etc., then I don't look twice on Sarah Bamber who is
horrible in meetings and very stale, (an under-cover police-officer).

So the case against me is a scandal I think.

The police have told me to meet in a Magistrates court in Dale St.,
next month, and I'm probably going to be framed there and sentenced to
prison, in some Kafka-ish case against me, I think it seems like.

Are these the ombudsmen and the Swedes who are having fun with me?

Some kind of phoney vendetta culture or something surrounding this
case, it's could perhaps seem like to me.

(Even if I can't say for sure what's going un.

But many of the people I meet in the Government-positions seems more
like actors, I think.

But this is perhaps because I'm from Norway, and that people are
strange/shallow, to me, here.

Who knows.

I'm from Norway, so it isn't easy for me to say for sure.

Just something I thought about really.

Like I explained to Lester and his collegue yesterday.

When I lived in Oslo, from 1989 to 2004.

(I moved there to study at Norwegian College of Information
Technology, in 1989).

Then I didn't have the Police on my door a single time.

Where as here in the UK, I must have had the Police on my door fifteen
or twenty times, since I moved here, in 2004.

So this is like terror and nightmare for me.

So I wonder what's going on.

Also, when I lived in Norway, I had a web-site where I put up football-goals.

Because I had a TV-card on my computer.

And I copied the goals from the TV-channels I had on my satelite-dish and cable.

And I put them on a web-site that's on my CV.

And also when Wayne Rooney was sold from Everton to Manchester United.

Then a Times or Guardian-article mentioned that he was driven around
in a car, for hours, by some Merseyside-mafia.

And that article I put on the football-goal website.

It's still there, I think.

Perhaps some local Merseyside mafia mess with me due to this.

I'm going to try to find the link to that web-site in a second update.

Just some comments regarding me arrest, (arrest number ten?), yesterday.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 11:37:03 +0100
Subject: Comments regarding the arrest of me yesterday
To: Colin Simber
Cc: "" , HRW UK ,
amnestyis , Politikk Høyre ,
Phso Enquiries , Helle Brynildsen
Jahre , post , Akademikerforbundet
, LHT Customer Service ,
Pia Ribsskog , Bjørn Ribsskog ,
she , "hv-02.kontakt" ,


I thought I could write some comments about the arrest of me and
meetings yesterday.

First, there's something called a Mac-address.

All network-cards have a mac-address.

And then one could check and find out which computer who has sent the
mentioned abuse.

Also, I Keith Court is on the corner of City Road and Cowley Street.

So many people could get access to my wifi.

The Police quite often visit an a bit dodgy Chinese restaurand accross
City Road from Keith Court.

They come with big yellow Matrix-vans.

Might well be some computer-experts in them, who could send funny
e-mails in my name while the other cops are inside the restaurant.

This restaurant also sent me an e-mail right after I moved in at Keith
Court, where they wrote they knew I was unemployed, and that I could
get a discount there, due to this.

How could they know I was unemployed?

Seems like it could be the Police or someone having fun with me.

Also, when I got Virgin Broadband, (I had a gadget/dongle from
T-mobile/EE first, which was wireless broadband, but which stopped
working when Everton played home-games etc., for some reason).

Then, Virgin visited me three or four times.

(BT only needed one visit, when I got their broadband, in Mandeville
St., in 2006).

And they put a funny box there, (in the wall), on the last visit.

After distroying my printer and putting silver in an extra hole they
made in the wall, on the first visits.

I complained to the 'Phone-ombudsman', but didn't get any
compansation, (I also sent about it to the HPSO).

So someone could tap into my broadband-line, after having put a
special box inside the wall, posing as Virgin staff.

Also, when the Police arrested me yesteday, it was some police-violence.

(The IPCC have told me they don't want more e-mails from me, so I
don't copy them).

Lester has been at my flat three times now.

And also a lot of other cops have been there, for no good reason, I'd say.

The last time Lester was there, (with a collegue), he was at my flat,
early in the morning, after I had been doing web-design late.

So it's like the guy in number 9 spy on me, and call the cops if I'm up late.

Something like this.

The guy in number 9 is very sensitive, and complained a couple of
years ago, that he didn't like it that I somethimes opened the
electiricity cabinet outside my front door, (to check the balance), of
this converted flat for the eldery, (now LHT-owned).

At least, all three times Lester have been on my door has been when
I've been asleep and very tired.

Yesteday I'd slept for perhaps an hour or two, and was very tired.

The Police woke me up.

They started hustling me, I'd say.

They talked about, (through the door), that I had to collect my old
computer, at the Police station, and wanted to remind me about the
scheduled meeting at St. Annes Police-station next week.

Just harassment and patronising.

The staff at that Police station have earlier called me 'Miss Erik
Ribsskog' in a letter, when they wanted me to collect an employement
case I had, and which I let them have a look at to see if it was
anything serious there, (which it could seem like to me).

So I don't want to go to that Police-station unless I really have to.

The old computer could be called some scrap, I think.

And to go there would be to say it's ok for the Police to demasculate
me by calling me 'miss', I think.

That I think shouln't be tolerated being insulted like that.

Like I told in the interview yesterday, I haven't had much money here
in the UK, but in Norway I e.g. had a satelite-dish etc., so I can't
afford to buy new computers here, like in Norway.

So that computer is 10 to 15 years old, and had a lot of problems, so
it's just scrap, one could say.

Why let oneself be ridiculed for some old scrap, I've been thinking.

And it isn't mandatory to pick up computers like this.

So the Police should just sell it on an auction, like I know the
Police in Drammen do.

Because a mate name Kjetil Holshagen dragged me to an auction like
that in the 80's.

And I ended up buying a used walkman, which turned out to be scrap.

But it isn't any of constable Lesters business if I pick up that
computer, I think.

He's just harassing, patronising and hustling me, I think.

He also wanted to remind me about the meeting next week, (now called of).

And I had that written in my 2013-14 book.

So no need patronising me and waking people up for things like this.

Are this real cops or actors/bailiffs/Albanian mafia, I'm wondering.

Because two cops who was at my door a couple of weeks ago just left
when I told them.

They said Liverpool Social Services sent them, due to someone telling
them I was out of food.

But I got to borrow some money from my sister in Norway, so I told
them to go away.

And they didn't say who sent them.

But I had better things to do than stand there all day chatting with them.

Now my sister has stopped answering me, but I got a text yesterday
from DWP, that I would get my jobseekers allowance again, but I have
e.g. no electricity at the moment, due to problems with the Jobcentre
and my sister in Norway.

I asked if Lester had a court-order.

He said he had.

I told him put it in the letter-hole.

He then didn't have a court order.

So he was just hustling with a tired man, (me).

Lester said he would stand there all day if I didn't open up.

I said last time they just went in to my flat, when I opened the door.

(No manners).

Lester promised he would stand outside of the flat, just talking to me.

I then opened the door.

Then Lester put an army booted foot, in my hall.

I got provoced and tried to push him out.

Lester and his collegue floored me, like they said, and handcuffed me
and arrested me.

But I'm in the home defence, (in Norway), so I shouldn't have police
inside my appartment, I think.

I should have control there and don't be patronised in my appartment I think.

But Lester broke the agreement by putting his foot inside my appartment.

One of the cops stepped on my foot, (I wasn't wearing shoes), so now
one of my toes are blue.

And also Lesters younger collegue, put on the hand-cuffs to hard, so
it hurt, and I have marks from it on my hand.

He also spat when he shouted at me when I laied on the ground, outside
my front-door, before he dragged me up.

So not very fun.

I also have bruised/'saar' in Norwegian on my right elbow and arm.

I'm at the library so have to send an update, because the time is
running out on the computer.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog
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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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