Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

søndag 14. august 2011

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Akershus

Gmail - Deres ref 2007/32677-97 FM-J


Erik Ribsskog

Deres ref 2007/32677-97 FM-J

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 8:44 PM



jeg lurer jo på om det er sånn, at dere beskytter faren min, Arne Mogan Olsen, jeg nå.

Fordi at han er FRP-kar, samme som Fylkesmann Røsjorde?

Eller fordi han har Johanitterordenen i slekta.

Det er dette jeg stunder på nå.

Så dette er korrupsjon altså.

Helvetes korrupsjon.

Det er for jævlig at det skal være sånn her i Norge.

Dett var dett sa Fleksnes.

Sånn er det for demokratiet i Norge og, at dett var dett også har korrupsjonen tatt over demokratiet.

Dett var dett.

Heil heil,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: 2011/8/14

Subject: Deres ref 2007/32677-97 FM-J


jeg viser til Deres brev av 9/8.

Dere skriver at det ikke passer å gi Fri Rettshjelp, i min omsorgssviktssak.

Dette dekkes av andre ordninger.

Men jeg gjentar at det var Politiet i Drammen, (Johansen), som rådet meg til å søke om Fri Rettshjelp, i denne saken.

Dette var visst vanlig i saker som dette.

Så dere er på bærtur her mener jeg, og jeg klager med dette til Statens Sivilrettsforvatning.

Med heilsing

Erik Ribsskog

Jeg har ikke vært så flink til å jobbe med den båten ute i the Wirral i det siste, men vi får se om det blir noe årnings. Vi får se

har ikke vært flink til å huske på båt i det siste men men

Jeg fikk et brev fra HM Revenue & Customs


Jeg sendte en ny anmeldelse til Merseyside-politiet

Gmail - Report of crime


Erik Ribsskog

Report of crime

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 1:59 PM




Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra insults me, and call me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog', in a letter, (see attachments).

(I haven't even contacted them, I like pop/rock/alternativ rock, etc).

I wanted to report this as harassment, threath of demasculation and breach of honour-crime.

Erik Ribsskog

2 attachments


Her er vedleggene:



Jeg fikk en ny regning fra British Gas, (som jeg i mellomtiden har klaget på til the Energy Ombudsman)




Her er mer om dette:

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til the Landlord ++

Gmail - Complaint regarding your letter from 2/8


Erik Ribsskog

Complaint regarding your letter from 2/8

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 12:44 PM





I'm refering to your letter from 2/8, and have some complaints about this letter:

1. You put the letter under my door, even if I've made it clear that I don't want anyone from your office, on my door, with special gifts or anything like that, like you wrote in a letter.

2. My name is Erik Ribsskog and not Eric Ribsskog.

3. You haven't put on the statement, around £2.000-3.000, collected by your representative George, from your Preston-office, on my door, sent by Lorna, from your Weaverthree-road office, after I bought a new washing-machine since I needed clean clothes and the old one wasn't fixed.

(I attach a scan of a receipt from 6/6/10, which I found in my organiser, which isn't on the statement.

This is recept number 11, and I think Mr. George only used that block for my bills, so I guess he received 10-15 payments, or something on my door.

Even if he was never on time, and I had to back and forth, to the bank, all the time, since he didn't keep apointments, and Lorna at your office, and I, didn't go well, due to your disrepair.

So I don't think you have claim, this was harassment towards me.

4. I've used some of the rent-money, for buying a washing-machine, dish-washer and furniture from Argos.

You didn't fix the washing-machine, when it broke down, I tried to hand-wash, and had to buy new clothes, as well, since I did the hand-washing wrong.

It's only one sink in the kitchen, which is very un-hygienic.

The sink has 'suicide-cuts' in it, it seem.

Shouldn't be used for dish-washing, so I bought a dish-washer.

George didn't show up on agreed dates, so didn't get receipts.

Wasn't much furniture in the flat, night-tables in the living-room etc., so I bought more furniture from Argos.

It was in-expensive machines and furniture, I guess the total was around £400, (I did the installing/furniture-asembeling myself, so I round up to £400 which I think should be on the statement as well).

5. You lie about garbage-throwing arrangements, the garbage-bin is behind a patio, used by a local pub, (Rigbys pub), and restaurant, (Lady of Mann).

One can throw garbage outside of restaurants opening hourse, (gate is locked with big pad-lock), so I don't think you can say that the rent should be more than the housing-allowance.

One should be allowed to cap the Housing Allowance here, a bit since garabage-throwing arrangements aren't fine, and you use two years to fix my boiler, and repairs have been lagged, so I've had to do electricity-work myself, since I've been waiting for other problems to fixed, and there have been 'e-mail arguments', between me and your office.

So you should deduct £1000 of the statement for this, I reackon.

Total deductions = £3.000 (collected by George, not on statement) + £400 (washing machine, dish-washer and furniture from Argos) + £1.000 (capped rent-payments due to garbage throwing arrangements not being fine, and disrepair) = £4.400.

You owe me:

£4.400 - £3.501.24 (your rent 'arrears') = £898.76

Please pay right away, on paypal:

Or I'm going to kick Lorna's fat bum out of your office in Weaverthree Rd.

Erik Ribsskog


To Liverpool County Court:

You should send the bailiff, Mr. Campbell, to Imperal Properties, insted of to my address, because it's really they who owe me money, like explained about.

Please stop ignoring evidence I send.

You've also sent scam-emails, and have not informed me about a hearing, and use wrong name on me, I'm Erik Ribsskog, not Eric Ribsskog, it's just the landlord who harass me, and mess with my name and tenancy, due to that I'm from Norway, I think it must be.

Something like this.

So they're really racist, or something, I'd guess.

Something like this.

5 attachments


Her er vedleggene:






Dette her er et brev jeg fikk fra the Landlord, 2. august





Jeg sendte en ny e-post angående utkastelse

Gmail - Update regarding your letters from 5/8, regarding claim number 1LV81952


Erik Ribsskog

Update regarding your letters from 5/8, regarding claim number 1LV81952

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 12:07 PM

"Liverpool County, Enquiries" <>




My name is Erik Ribsskog, and not Eric Ribsskog.

On top of all the other errors in this case.

Please tell me I can stay in this flat now.

I've also registered with the Council, that I live here, as part of their Voting Register-programme, at the date 15/10.

Erik Ribsskog

Det her var et brev jeg fikk fra Liverpool County Court, tidligere denne uken





Sånn her kjører Magne Winnem og. Jeg holdt på å få ødelagt det andre kneet mitt og, en gang jeg var med en havseiler han sameier, og han nesten kræsja

sånn her kjører magne winnem og


Magne Winnem sin fetter, fra Swindon, Colin Dobinson, jobber forresten en del på Skibladner, som hobby, med å pusse opp osv., var det vel, (mener jeg at Winnem sa en gang, rundt år 2000 kanskje vel).

Men men.

Og Berlevåg Mannskor, (de som er kjent fra en film, som heter 'Heftig og begeistret', vel), kom visst og sang, i bryllupet til Dobinson, (ifølge Winnem).

Av en eller annen grunn.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg registrerte boligen min, hos Liverpool City Council

img119 paint


Her er mer om dette:

Gmail - Confirmation of registration - Liverpool City Council


Erik Ribsskog

Confirmation of registration - Liverpool City Council


Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 11:20 AM


Security Code Part One: 128357

The property will be registered as follows: 14-08-2011 11:16

Property is occupied by foreign nationals not entitled to register only

Thank you for using the ERS Voter Registration Service.

Please note, this email is for information purposes only. Please do not reply as the email address is unmonitored.

Her er det brevet jeg fikk, fra Liverpool County Court, om at jeg blir kastet ut på onsdag


Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Akershus

Gmail - Deres ref 2007/32677-97 FM-J


Erik Ribsskog

Deres ref 2007/32677-97 FM-J

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 10:53 AM



jeg viser til Deres brev av 9/8.

Dere skriver at det ikke passer å gi Fri Rettshjelp, i min omsorgssviktssak.

Dette dekkes av andre ordninger.

Men jeg gjentar at det var Politiet i Drammen, (Johansen), som rådet meg til å søke om Fri Rettshjelp, i denne saken.

Dette var visst vanlig i saker som dette.

Så dere er på bærtur her mener jeg, og jeg klager med dette til Statens Sivilrettsforvatning.

Med heilsing

Erik Ribsskog

Jeg fikk et nytt avslag på søknad om Fri Rettshjelp


Jeg sendte en ny anmeldelse til Merseyside-politiet

Gmail - Report of crime/Fwd: ecard has been viewed by


Erik Ribsskog

Report of crime/Fwd: ecard has been viewed by

Erik Ribsskog

Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 9:34 AM




someone have sent an e-card, in my name, to Norwegian politician Ine-Marie Eriksen Søreide, who's a member of the Norwegian parliament, Stortinget.

I wanted to report this as identity-theft and harassment.

(I don't know who this could be, unfortunately, but they send a lot of e-cards like this, to everyone I contact, and write about, on my blog).


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>

Date: Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 8:40 AM
Subject: ecard has been viewed by
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Jeg synes det er rart at Carl I. Hagen skal detaljstyre terror-etterforskning, (enda han ikke er ekspert på det). Hva hvis det fantes medsammensvorne?

hva hvis det fantes sammensvorne

Jeg sendte en ny Facebook-melding til Rosario fra Spania og University of Sunderland

  • Erik Ribsskog

    9. februar

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Hi there Rosario,

      have you moved to Texas?

      Is it you from Sunderland?

      Facebook thought I knew you.

      Didn't you use to have blonde hair?

      Maybe I'm remembering wrong.

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

  • Rosario González Oria

    • Hi Erik, yes it´s me, Rosario from Spain. I was in Sunderland with you living in the same flat, Federica´s friend. Yes my hair was little bit ligher than it is now. I´m working in Texas just for a few years in a school teaching spanish. Hope everything is going fine with you.Take care, Rosario

  • Erik Ribsskog

    10. februar

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Hi,

      ok, nice to hear from you Rosario.

      Have you heard anything from our other flat-mates in Sunderland?

      (Ivo, Dorthe, Federica, Nelufer, and what was the name of the other woman, who like Nelufer moved, the woman from Germany?).

      And you friend Claire from France, Julian etc., heard anything more from them?

      You also had an Irishman visiting, I remeber.

      Hope you are fine!

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

  • Erik Ribsskog

    29. juli

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Hi Rosario,

      sorry I send many messages!

      Do you know Ana, from Spain, who works at Aldi, St. John-centre, in Liverpool.

      I was shopping at Aldi, (like in Sunderland), and she said 'ona momento', or something, and I asked her if it was Italian.

      But she said it was Spanish.

      Maybe she wants to go to the movies or something, do you think?

      Maybe you can find out?

      Thanks in advance for any help!

      How is it in the USA?

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

  • Erik Ribsskog

    31. juli

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Also Rosario,

      aren't you in Texas?

      A guy in Texas, (Houston), called Kim Stensvaag, is searching about my steph-cousin, Isa Ingebrigtsen.

      Do you know him?

      (Since you live in Texas I mean).

      Even if that's a bit unlikely, I guess.

      Since he's from Norway.

      Any news on the Spanish young woman at Aldi?

      What was the name of the dark haired beautiful Spanish young woman at the Forge, in Sunderland again?

      (The one with the 'x' in her name, or something, I think).

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

  • Erik Ribsskog

    1. august

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Hi,

      sorry I send many messages Rosario!

      Today Ana at Aldi said that she didn't know what Tortilla de Patata was.

      (Like you used to make in Sunderland, in our shared flat, at the Forge, potato-omelet).

      I promised Ana I would ask you where in Spain you are from again.

      Hope this is alright!

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

  • Rosario González Oria

    for 8 timer siden

    Rosario González Oria

    • Hi Erik

      It is nice to hear about you. I didn´t know that you were still in
      Liverpool, hope everything is going well over there. I´m sorry I don´t know any spanish girl called Ana living in Liverpool. Did you ask her to go out? maybe you can try just in case, maybe she doesn´t have any friends over

      there. I´m back in Spain now, I will teach here but USA is beautiful, definitely I will be back, I love it.

      Hope you were lucky with the girl or maybe you have met somebody more interesting.

      Kind regards


      El 1 de agosto de 2011 16:01, Facebook <

  • Erik Ribsskog

    for 7 timer siden

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Hi Rosario,

      thank you very much for your message!

      They also have another fine girl in that shop, called Geraldine, or something.

      It just reminded me of you when she started speaking Spanish.

      I don't have that much time to think about girls now, since the Liverpool County Court, want's to throw me out on Wednesday.

      They didn't even inform me about the hearing.

      It's like it's something from Al Quaida or something, since it's ramadan, I think.

      The Tesco-supermarkets close early here in Liverpool since it's Ramadan, it seems.

      So maybe I should write kalifat Liverstan?

      I don't know.

      I owe £3.000 in rent and have no where to go, if I'm thrown out.

      Maybe I go visit you in Spain :)

      I'm selling a co-owned property in Norway, which I inherited a part of, in 2005, so I will get money, but it takes some time.

      Who knows what happens.

      We'll see.

      Thank you very much for you message!

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

  • Erik Ribsskog

    for noen sekunder siden

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Hi,

      I remember now, I've lost my passport, so I can't visit anyone in Europe.

      The Norwegian Embassy in London use one month, to make new passport.

      My half-brother, Axel Thomassen, used to live in Spain, and knew a Spanish woman there.

      He lived with his late father, Arne Thomassen, (my earlier steph-father), and Arne drove home to Norway, without any sleep, for some reason, Axel said, in 2001, I think it was.

      Axel was maybe going to visit me at the Forge, before I had to move, since my study-loan was delayed, and my studies lagged.

      Axel marks territorry, in Oslo, (like a dog almost), so it isn't any fun for me, to live in Oslo, because my brother says Oslo is his area, and talks shit about me to all the women I try to chat up, on town.

      So it's much funner in the UK, even if I've heard in Oslo, in 2003 and 2004, that I'm followed by the 'mafian', and a hunting-team tryed to kill me, in Kvelde, in 2005.

      Do you think our flat-mate Federica, from Rome, was 'mafian'?

      I mean she didn't like Berlesconi, I remember she said.

      And her Italian friends were a bit peculiar, I think, and her father, with his beard, 'ciao', and electric drill, and he drove you South-Europeans, Federica, Claire and you, to see the Angel of the North, around that cathedral-town, Durham.

      But anyway.

      So I think I'm stuck in the UK.

      I should perhaps not go back to Norway, with my brother and the 'mafian' and all.

      So I hope I get the money from my property in Norway soon.

      We'll see.

      Thanks again for your message!

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

Tjueørten: Norge blir delt inn i forskjellige administrative soner, siden alle i Norge, er uinteresserte i å la folk få sine demokratiske rettigheter


Jeg sendte en ny Facebook-melding til Rosario fra Spania og University of Sunderland

  • Erik Ribsskog

    9. februar

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Hi there Rosario,

      have you moved to Texas?

      Is it you from Sunderland?

      Facebook thought I knew you.

      Didn't you use to have blonde hair?

      Maybe I'm remembering wrong.

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

  • Rosario González Oria

    • Hi Erik, yes it´s me, Rosario from Spain. I was in Sunderland with you living in the same flat, Federica´s friend. Yes my hair was little bit ligher than it is now. I´m working in Texas just for a few years in a school teaching spanish. Hope everything is going fine with you.Take care, Rosario

  • Erik Ribsskog

    10. februar

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Hi,

      ok, nice to hear from you Rosario.

      Have you heard anything from our other flat-mates in Sunderland?

      (Ivo, Dorthe, Federica, Nelufer, and what was the name of the other woman, who like Nelufer moved, the woman from Germany?).

      And you friend Claire from France, Julian etc., heard anything more from them?

      You also had an Irishman visiting, I remeber.

      Hope you are fine!

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

  • Erik Ribsskog

    29. juli

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Hi Rosario,

      sorry I send many messages!

      Do you know Ana, from Spain, who works at Aldi, St. John-centre, in Liverpool.

      I was shopping at Aldi, (like in Sunderland), and she said 'ona momento', or something, and I asked her if it was Italian.

      But she said it was Spanish.

      Maybe she wants to go to the movies or something, do you think?

      Maybe you can find out?

      Thanks in advance for any help!

      How is it in the USA?

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

  • Erik Ribsskog

    31. juli

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Also Rosario,

      aren't you in Texas?

      A guy in Texas, (Houston), called Kim Stensvaag, is searching about my steph-cousin, Isa Ingebrigtsen.

      Do you know him?

      (Since you live in Texas I mean).

      Even if that's a bit unlikely, I guess.

      Since he's from Norway.

      Any news on the Spanish young woman at Aldi?

      What was the name of the dark haired beautiful Spanish young woman at the Forge, in Sunderland again?

      (The one with the 'x' in her name, or something, I think).

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

  • Erik Ribsskog

    1. august

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Hi,

      sorry I send many messages Rosario!

      Today Ana at Aldi said that she didn't know what Tortilla de Patata was.

      (Like you used to make in Sunderland, in our shared flat, at the Forge, potato-omelet).

      I promised Ana I would ask you where in Spain you are from again.

      Hope this is alright!

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog

  • Rosario González Oria

    for 25 minutter siden

    Rosario González Oria

    • Hi Erik

      It is nice to hear about you. I didn´t know that you were still in
      Liverpool, hope everything is going well over there. I´m sorry I don´t know any spanish girl called Ana living in Liverpool. Did you ask her to go out? maybe you can try just in case, maybe she doesn´t have any friends over

      there. I´m back in Spain now, I will teach here but USA is beautiful, definitely I will be back, I love it.

      Hope you were lucky with the girl or maybe you have met somebody more interesting.

      Kind regards


      El 1 de agosto de 2011 16:01, Facebook <

  • Erik Ribsskog

    for noen sekunder siden

    Erik Ribsskog

    • Hi Rosario,

      thank you very much for your message!

      They also have another fine girl in that shop, called Geraldine, or something.

      It just reminded me of you when she started speaking Spanish.

      I don't have that much time to think about girls now, since the Liverpool County Court, want's to throw me out on Wednesday.

      They didn't even inform me about the hearing.

      It's like it's something from Al Quaida or something, since it's ramadan, I think.

      The Tesco-supermarkets close early here in Liverpool since it's Ramadan, it seems.

      So maybe I should write kalifat Liverstan?

      I don't know.

      I owe £3.000 in rent and have no where to go, if I'm thrown out.

      Maybe I go visit you in Spain :)

      I'm selling a co-owned property in Norway, which I inherited a part of, in 2005, so I will get money, but it takes some time.

      Who knows what happens.

      We'll see.

      Thank you very much for you message!

      Best regards,

      Erik Ribsskog


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Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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