Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

onsdag 14. august 2013

Jeg sendte enda en ny e-post til Tesco

Gmail - Update/Fwd: New complaint/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office


Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: New complaint/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 10:36 PM

Executive Response <>


Hi again,

also, they say on the speakers in this store.

Something like 'this shop will be closing in twenty minutes, could all remaining customers make their way to the check-outs please'.

(Something like this).

But, in Norway, we would say like this, (at 22 PM): 'This shop is now closed, could all remaining customers please make their way to the check-outs'.

Or, we would probably not say anything at all, on the speakers.

But I've worked with closing a shop named Rimi Bjørndal, (as an Assistant Manager), for a couple of years, in the second half of the 90's.

And I used to close the entrance-door, at closing-time.

And not ten minutes before closing-time, like this store sometimes do.

That's a bit annoying I think, when the shop closes earlier than it says on the sign, that it's supposed to close.

At least they wouldn't have done that in Norway, I think.

If it's ok to mention that.

In Norway all customers which get to the shop before closing-time are allowed to do their shopping.

But the staff may remind the customers which haven't finished their shopping, at closing-time, that the store 'has closed'.

Just as an update.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 10:10 PM
Subject: New complaint/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
To: Executive Response <>


today I was at Tesco Walton at around 21.45.

And again you were sold out of Everyday Value Pizzas which cost 60 pence.

Also, you had two tills open.

But why do you place the manned tills so far from each-other?

(The open tills had several closed tills inbetween them).

Then it's difficult for the customers to notive which tills are open, I think.

Especially at Tesco Walton perhaps, where it isn't that much space, between the sheves and the check-out-area, I think.

And the cashier didn't shout 'free till here', (or anything like that).

It was kind of like she was hiding, I think.

(The blonde woman in her 50's).

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
To: Executive Response <>


thank you very much.

Sainsbury's in Rice Lane has started closing the self service department early, some days now.

I haven't seen this in the Tesco-stores in Liverpool City Centre, (where I lived a few years ago).

Does Tesco have a policy regarding this, I'm wondering.

(Since Sainsbury's doesn't seem to have one).

I've worked for many years in retail, so I'm a bit curious here, about the relatively new self service-departments.

Also, I still think it's strange that Tesco Walton have four types of different shopping-baskets.

(I noticed yesterday that you have two types of metal-baskets.

Most of them have blue handles.

But one of them had red handles.

Because I was wondering if was really Sainsbury's baskets.

Since I don't think Tesco normally have metal-baskets.

But I couldn't tell for sure.

And you also have two types of plastic-baskets.

Which one can't mix, because then they don't fit, if one put them on top of eachother.

For some reason.

This is a bit like we in Norway call 'pakkis-sjappe', ('paki/desi-shop'), I think).


Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 1:23 PM, <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your further emails. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.

I am sorry to learn that you have encountered a number of items being out of stock in our store, I can understand why you are disappointed.

I have made Colin Richardson, the Store Manager, aware of your complaints regarding items being out of stock. This will allow him to address the issues in store to ensure that we have sufficient stock levels.

Many thanks once again for contacting the Chief Executive's Office.

Kind regards

David Upstone
Customer Service Executive

Tesco Logo

.................. Original Message ..................

Received: 13/08/2013

Subject: Fwd: New complaint/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office [SR 1-293497288]


today I was at Tesco Walton again, around 9 PM.

Today you were sold out of Everyday Value Pizza's.

(The ones that costs 60 pence).

You are quite often sold out of this product, I've noticed.

(And I've also complained to you about this, a few days ago, if I remember
it right).

These pizzas are good as a kind of 'second dinner' I think.

So I first make some chicken steaks or something like that.

And then the pizza to get full.

Then I get a balanced diet, I think.

But this store is 'always' sold out.

I think I told you more than a year ago, that there is a bit few shelves in
this store.

(Or shop is a better word perhaps, because you don't really store the goods
that much I think.

At least you don't store enough of the pizza's.

I think you order to little almost all the time of them.

You order like 10 pizzas.

Then they're sold out.

And you order ten pizzas again.

Something like this.

Can one call it a store then?

Surely a store would have had a minimum order for these pizzas, so that you
would have more than e.g. half a days sales, of these pizzas in your

When I worked as a store manager in Rimi.

I would stock up on popular products.

In Norway we have Pizza Grandiosa which is very popular.

I would have like ten boxes, (of ten pizzas), of this product, on the

So that if we were sold out, we could just go to the freezer-storage and
find a box of Pizza Grandiosas there.

This isn't exactly rocket science I think.

So it shouldn't really be necessary for me to explain about this routine,
for you, in this e-mail.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: New complaint/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office [SR
Cc: Executive Response <>


ok, I don't understand why you don't fill up the self-service check out
machines with enough coins at the start of the day?

Or why don't you refill one machine at the time?

(In stead of closing the whole department?).

This seems strange to me.

If you have a self service department, then that should be open, when the
store is open, I think.

I used to shop at the big Sainsbury in Kensington, (the one with a
Starbucks cafe), for around a week, in February, in 2005.

And they didn't tell me then that these types of departments weren't going
to be open for all the hours the store is open.

This seems strange, I think.

And in the staffed till that day some boys with bikes, (I think it was),
forgot a plastic-bottle of milk.

When they were in that till before me.

(Because that was the till with the shortest queue).

I thought this was strange.

And the female Cashier was  unaware so I had to tell her that someone had
forgotten their milk.

And she ran after the boys.

So it's easier to shop in the self-service tills I think.

I'm from Norway and there they use a kind of divider, so that customers
have longer time, to pack their goods, in the staffed tills.

That's one of the reasons I like the self-service-tills, because then you
don't get the next customers goods mixed with your own goods.

So I think it's strange that you sometimes close the self service
department early.

If you have a department like that it should be open as long as the store
is open, I think.

I've never seen this at Asda, that they close the self-service-department

Erik Ribsskog


I send a copy e-mail to Tesco, since they haven't replied yet, to my
complaint about them.

Tesco Walton doesn't have a self-service department, for some reason.

So there it's a bit stressing to shop, I think.

And your cashiers, at Sainsburys Rice Lane, they don't stand in their
tills, like the cashiers at Tesco Walton.

Since you have chairs, in your tills, I guess the reason is.

And you at Sainsbury's only have one type of shopping-baskets.

Where as Tesco Walton has three different types, (which doesn't mix/stock,
even if they are more or less the same size).

They have some dark blue baskets, some less dark blue baskets, and some
metal-baskets, which looks more or less like Sainsbury's baskets in Rice
Lane, I think.

So I think enough 'strange stuff' is going on, at Tesco Walton.

So I don't like it when Sainsbury's Rice Lane starts to do 'strange stuff'
as well.

Just as an update.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 9:15 AM, <> wrote:

> Dear Mr Ribsskog
> Thank you for your email.  I am sorry that when you visited our Rice Lane
> store recently our self scanner checkouts closed early and you were
> wondering why this happens.******
> ** **
> We always aim to exceed our customers’ expectations and we use customers’
> feedback to continually improve our products and services.****
> ** **
> I called the store and spoke to Diane Colligan, Checkout Team Leader.  Diane
> explained that the reason the self scanner checkouts were switched off was
> to allow them to remove the money cassettes as they were empty and refill
> them.  Diane apologises for any inconvenience caused.****
> ** **
> I hope this information is helpful.  We appreciate you taking the time to
> email us and we hope to see you in store again soon.****
> Yours sincerely
> ** **
> Lillian Tarditi | Customer Manager****
> Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd | 33 Holborn, London | EC1N 2HT
> | 0800 636 262
> |
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: 09.08.2013 10:23:52 PM
> To: "Customer.Service" <>
> Subject: New complaint/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> Hi,
> today I was at Tesco Walton again, (and also a Sainsbury-shop).
> Budget chicken nuggets were sold out at Tesco Walton today, for the second
> day in a row.
> When I walked in to the shop, a security guard placed himself between me
> and the shopping-baskets, with his behind towards me.
> He was completely un-aware of that I wanted a basket.
> (Or he pretended to be unaware).
> Is it right that security-guards in Tesco tidy the shopping-baskets?
> Isn't that a 'normal' Tesco-staff-job?
> I ask that because the security guard seemed to lack basic
> customer-service skills, like being aware of a customer that walks into the
> shop, (of whom half of them wants a basket, or something like that).
> It's hard for me to belive this security-guard.
> Was he acting in-polite and provocing me, I'm wondering.
> Also you have changed packaging on your budget orange juice which you sell
> from the 'milk-department', (that is the type you sell from a fridge).
> Also, I tried to complain to the woman in the check-out that the chicken
> nuggets were sold out.
> But she didn't answer me at all.
> Before she waited for a long time, before giving me the receipt.
> (This was at 21.13, it says on the receipt).
> Also, most of your cashiers are standing in their tills.
> As an experienced cashier I wonder why they don't want to sit on their
> chairs.
> Is this something cultural, I'm wondering.
> Regards,
> Erik Ribsskog
> PS.
> And to Sainsbury's in Rice Lane.
> You closed your self-service tills at around 21.15, (I think it was), on
> Wednesday.
> Why do you close them early, I'm wondering.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: <>
> Date: Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 2:52 PM
> Subject: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> To:
> **
> Dear Mr Ribsskog
> Thank you for your email.
> Regrettably, we have nothing further to add however please be assured that
> your further comments have been noted.
> Many thanks once again for contacting the Chief Executive's Office.
> Kind regards
> David Upstone
> Customer Service Executive
> [image: Tesco Logo]
> .................. Original Message ..................
> To:
> From:
> Received: 30/07/2013
> Subject: Update/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> Hi,
> I've checked on Wikipedia now.
> And Storebrand had a profit of NOK 1471 million, in 2010, it says.
> And Tesco had a net income of £124 million, it says.
> So Tesco had a lower profit, even if Tesco has 537 784 employees.
> And Storebrand has 2160 employees.
> That says something about that Tesco aren't that well run, I think.
> Could it be the problem with the baskets?
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog <>
> Date: Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 4:39 PM
> Subject: Re: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> To:
> Hi,
> I've studied Information Management in Norway, for two years, in the late
> 80's and early 90's.
> And as part of a Management/Organisation-module there, I contacted the big
> Norwegian insurance-company UNI Storebrand, and they sent me their
> organisation-map.
> They are also a big company, so I don't buy this.
> I don't need a very detailed organisation-map.
> A general one wo

This is a confidential email. Tesco may monitor and record all emails. The views expressed in this email are those of the sender and not Tesco.

Tesco Stores Limited
Company Number: 519500
Registered in England
Registered Office: Tesco House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN8 9SL
VAT Registration Number: GB 220 4302 31

Jeg sendte enda en e-post til Tesco

Gmail - New complaint/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office


Erik Ribsskog

New complaint/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 10:10 PM

Executive Response <>



today I was at Tesco Walton at around 21.45.

And again you were sold out of Everyday Value Pizzas which cost 60 pence.

Also, you had two tills open.

But why do you place the manned tills so far from each-other?

(The open tills had several closed tills inbetween them).

Then it's difficult for the customers to notive which tills are open, I think.

Especially at Tesco Walton perhaps, where it isn't that much space, between the sheves and the check-out-area, I think.

And the cashier didn't shout 'free till here', (or anything like that).

It was kind of like she was hiding, I think.

(The blonde woman in her 50's).

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
To: Executive Response <>


thank you very much.

Sainsbury's in Rice Lane has started closing the self service department early, some days now.

I haven't seen this in the Tesco-stores in Liverpool City Centre, (where I lived a few years ago).

Does Tesco have a policy regarding this, I'm wondering.

(Since Sainsbury's doesn't seem to have one).

I've worked for many years in retail, so I'm a bit curious here, about the relatively new self service-departments.

Also, I still think it's strange that Tesco Walton have four types of different shopping-baskets.

(I noticed yesterday that you have two types of metal-baskets.

Most of them have blue handles.

But one of them had red handles.

Because I was wondering if was really Sainsbury's baskets.

Since I don't think Tesco normally have metal-baskets.

But I couldn't tell for sure.

And you also have two types of plastic-baskets.

Which one can't mix, because then they don't fit, if one put them on top of eachother.

For some reason.

This is a bit like we in Norway call 'pakkis-sjappe', ('paki/desi-shop'), I think).


Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 1:23 PM, <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your further emails. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.

I am sorry to learn that you have encountered a number of items being out of stock in our store, I can understand why you are disappointed.

I have made Colin Richardson, the Store Manager, aware of your complaints regarding items being out of stock. This will allow him to address the issues in store to ensure that we have sufficient stock levels.

Many thanks once again for contacting the Chief Executive's Office.

Kind regards

David Upstone
Customer Service Executive

Tesco Logo

.................. Original Message ..................

Received: 13/08/2013

Subject: Fwd: New complaint/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office [SR 1-293497288]


today I was at Tesco Walton again, around 9 PM.

Today you were sold out of Everyday Value Pizza's.

(The ones that costs 60 pence).

You are quite often sold out of this product, I've noticed.

(And I've also complained to you about this, a few days ago, if I remember
it right).

These pizzas are good as a kind of 'second dinner' I think.

So I first make some chicken steaks or something like that.

And then the pizza to get full.

Then I get a balanced diet, I think.

But this store is 'always' sold out.

I think I told you more than a year ago, that there is a bit few shelves in
this store.

(Or shop is a better word perhaps, because you don't really store the goods
that much I think.

At least you don't store enough of the pizza's.

I think you order to little almost all the time of them.

You order like 10 pizzas.

Then they're sold out.

And you order ten pizzas again.

Something like this.

Can one call it a store then?

Surely a store would have had a minimum order for these pizzas, so that you
would have more than e.g. half a days sales, of these pizzas in your

When I worked as a store manager in Rimi.

I would stock up on popular products.

In Norway we have Pizza Grandiosa which is very popular.

I would have like ten boxes, (of ten pizzas), of this product, on the

So that if we were sold out, we could just go to the freezer-storage and
find a box of Pizza Grandiosas there.

This isn't exactly rocket science I think.

So it shouldn't really be necessary for me to explain about this routine,
for you, in this e-mail.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: New complaint/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office [SR
Cc: Executive Response <>


ok, I don't understand why you don't fill up the self-service check out
machines with enough coins at the start of the day?

Or why don't you refill one machine at the time?

(In stead of closing the whole department?).

This seems strange to me.

If you have a self service department, then that should be open, when the
store is open, I think.

I used to shop at the big Sainsbury in Kensington, (the one with a
Starbucks cafe), for around a week, in February, in 2005.

And they didn't tell me then that these types of departments weren't going
to be open for all the hours the store is open.

This seems strange, I think.

And in the staffed till that day some boys with bikes, (I think it was),
forgot a plastic-bottle of milk.

When they were in that till before me.

(Because that was the till with the shortest queue).

I thought this was strange.

And the female Cashier was  unaware so I had to tell her that someone had
forgotten their milk.

And she ran after the boys.

So it's easier to shop in the self-service tills I think.

I'm from Norway and there they use a kind of divider, so that customers
have longer time, to pack their goods, in the staffed tills.

That's one of the reasons I like the self-service-tills, because then you
don't get the next customers goods mixed with your own goods.

So I think it's strange that you sometimes close the self service
department early.

If you have a department like that it should be open as long as the store
is open, I think.

I've never seen this at Asda, that they close the self-service-department

Erik Ribsskog


I send a copy e-mail to Tesco, since they haven't replied yet, to my
complaint about them.

Tesco Walton doesn't have a self-service department, for some reason.

So there it's a bit stressing to shop, I think.

And your cashiers, at Sainsburys Rice Lane, they don't stand in their
tills, like the cashiers at Tesco Walton.

Since you have chairs, in your tills, I guess the reason is.

And you at Sainsbury's only have one type of shopping-baskets.

Where as Tesco Walton has three different types, (which doesn't mix/stock,
even if they are more or less the same size).

They have some dark blue baskets, some less dark blue baskets, and some
metal-baskets, which looks more or less like Sainsbury's baskets in Rice
Lane, I think.

So I think enough 'strange stuff' is going on, at Tesco Walton.

So I don't like it when Sainsbury's Rice Lane starts to do 'strange stuff'
as well.

Just as an update.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 9:15 AM, <> wrote:

> Dear Mr Ribsskog
> Thank you for your email.  I am sorry that when you visited our Rice Lane
> store recently our self scanner checkouts closed early and you were
> wondering why this happens.******
> ** **
> We always aim to exceed our customers’ expectations and we use customers’
> feedback to continually improve our products and services.****
> ** **
> I called the store and spoke to Diane Colligan, Checkout Team Leader.  Diane
> explained that the reason the self scanner checkouts were switched off was
> to allow them to remove the money cassettes as they were empty and refill
> them.  Diane apologises for any inconvenience caused.****
> ** **
> I hope this information is helpful.  We appreciate you taking the time to
> email us and we hope to see you in store again soon.****
> Yours sincerely
> ** **
> Lillian Tarditi | Customer Manager****
> Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd | 33 Holborn, London | EC1N 2HT
> | 0800 636 262
> |
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: 09.08.2013 10:23:52 PM
> To: "Customer.Service" <>
> Subject: New complaint/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> Hi,
> today I was at Tesco Walton again, (and also a Sainsbury-shop).
> Budget chicken nuggets were sold out at Tesco Walton today, for the second
> day in a row.
> When I walked in to the shop, a security guard placed himself between me
> and the shopping-baskets, with his behind towards me.
> He was completely un-aware of that I wanted a basket.
> (Or he pretended to be unaware).
> Is it right that security-guards in Tesco tidy the shopping-baskets?
> Isn't that a 'normal' Tesco-staff-job?
> I ask that because the security guard seemed to lack basic
> customer-service skills, like being aware of a customer that walks into the
> shop, (of whom half of them wants a basket, or something like that).
> It's hard for me to belive this security-guard.
> Was he acting in-polite and provocing me, I'm wondering.
> Also you have changed packaging on your budget orange juice which you sell
> from the 'milk-department', (that is the type you sell from a fridge).
> Also, I tried to complain to the woman in the check-out that the chicken
> nuggets were sold out.
> But she didn't answer me at all.
> Before she waited for a long time, before giving me the receipt.
> (This was at 21.13, it says on the receipt).
> Also, most of your cashiers are standing in their tills.
> As an experienced cashier I wonder why they don't want to sit on their
> chairs.
> Is this something cultural, I'm wondering.
> Regards,
> Erik Ribsskog
> PS.
> And to Sainsbury's in Rice Lane.
> You closed your self-service tills at around 21.15, (I think it was), on
> Wednesday.
> Why do you close them early, I'm wondering.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: <>
> Date: Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 2:52 PM
> Subject: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> To:
> **
> Dear Mr Ribsskog
> Thank you for your email.
> Regrettably, we have nothing further to add however please be assured that
> your further comments have been noted.
> Many thanks once again for contacting the Chief Executive's Office.
> Kind regards
> David Upstone
> Customer Service Executive
> [image: Tesco Logo]
> .................. Original Message ..................
> To:
> From:
> Received: 30/07/2013
> Subject: Update/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> Hi,
> I've checked on Wikipedia now.
> And Storebrand had a profit of NOK 1471 million, in 2010, it says.
> And Tesco had a net income of £124 million, it says.
> So Tesco had a lower profit, even if Tesco has 537 784 employees.
> And Storebrand has 2160 employees.
> That says something about that Tesco aren't that well run, I think.
> Could it be the problem with the baskets?
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog <>
> Date: Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 4:39 PM
> Subject: Re: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> To:
> Hi,
> I've studied Information Management in Norway, for two years, in the late
> 80's and early 90's.
> And as part of a Management/Organisation-module there, I contacted the big
> Norwegian insurance-company UNI Storebrand, and they sent me their
> organisation-map.
> They are also a big company, so I don't buy this.
> I don't need a very detailed organisation-map.
> A general one wo

This is a confidential email. Tesco may monitor and record all emails. The views expressed in this email are those of the sender and not Tesco.

Tesco Stores Limited
Company Number: 519500
Registered in England
Registered Office: Tesco House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN8 9SL
VAT Registration Number: GB 220 4302 31

Jeg sendte en ny klage til LHT

Gmail - New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint


Erik Ribsskog

New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 8:34 PM

LHT Customer Service <>

Lars Aasen <>, Info <>, Runcorn Office <>

Hi yet again,

today I was woken up by someone who wanted to get in to my appartment to paint the entrance-door.

No appointment was made about this in advance.

They just woke me up.

And now information about this painting/building-project has been given to me in advance.

(Like I explained in the last update).

What on earth is going on?

Are LHT a department of the Al Quaida?

This is like the LHT are terrorising me, I think.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 2:37 PM
Subject: Update/Fwd: Complaint
To: LHT Customer Service <>
Cc: Lars Aasen <>, Runcorn Office <>, Info <>

Hi again,

also this morning, suddently it was a lot of builders 'everywhere' in Keith Court, (and there still is now).

There are someone sawing, (I think), in the court-yard.

And someone outside my lounge-window, (on the side of Keith Court facing Goodison Park).

And these workers make a lot of noise.

And no information in advance.

I think that's typical of LHT.

There's no information about when the gate is going to be fixed eighter.

And when the door for the garbage bins are going to be fixed.

It's like you have sent in an army of builders today, I think.

Perhaps you could just send a few, so that there is one quiet side of the flat.

Because it's noise in both the bedroom and the lounge now, from builders.

I attach a photograph of how the court looks now.

Why haven't there been sent information about this work to the people living in Keith Court, I'm wondering a bit here.

Since I sent you an e-mail yesterday, I mean.

I thought I could try to send an update today as well.

In the building-noise here.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 12:52 AM
Subject: Complaint
To: LHT Customer Service <>
Cc: Lars Aasen <>, Runcorn Office <>, Info <>


the guy in number 7 screams 'every' night when he gets home drunk, (it seems like to me), around midnight.

I've picked up that he screams that there is no security problem in Keith Court.

(Something like this).

And he screams he's lived here for five years.

(Something like this).

And tonight I think he screamed: 'stop locking the door'.

I guess he means the door to the gate.

Housing Officer Sarah Vermiglio told me about a year ago that all tenants had been given the key to the gate.

(Because I complained because I hadn't been given that key, and not a code for the code-display, that Sarah Vermiglio told me wasn't used any longer).

After many months, I got a key, in the post.

And I use it to lock the gate, when I go out.

Earlier, one could push a button, to open the gate, from the inside.

But that function has now stopped working, I've noticed.

But I just use the key, to open the gate.

Even if the door for the garbage-bins is always unlocked now.

(At least since the mentioned unlock-button-function for the gate has stopped working, (earlier this summer, I think it must have been).

I've noticed).

Shouldn't someone from LHT close the garbage-door in the gate except for the day when the garbage-bins are emptied?

Has Sarah Vermiglio lied when she said all tenants had gotten the key for the gate?

Could someone have a chat with the guy in nummer 7 and ask him to stop screaming?

(Perhaps he needs a key for the gate as well.

What do I know.

He just screams about that there haven't been a security problem here.

But he should bring this up with LHT in a formal way, and not scream 'each' night, I think.

If he has a problem with something with the gate, etc).


Erik Ribsskog

2 attachments


Her er vedleggene:



Keith Court har tidligere vært eldre-leiligheter

skjema nett 1


Her er mer om dette:

nett 2

(Samme link som ovenfor).

PS 2.

For cirka ti år siden, så var det visst noen som fant en forlatt baby, utenfor Keith Court:

keith court bbc

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til the Post Office

Gmail - Post Office Ref: 1-2605275373


Erik Ribsskog

Post Office Ref: 1-2605275373

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 7:33 PM

"" <>


thank you for your e-mail!

If I use the bulk-certificate of posting-forms from your website.

Is it then ok if I use one form, for each customer?

Because sometimes the customers complain that the packets use long time.

And then I could just scan the certificate of posting-form, and e-mail to the customer, to prove that the parcel(s) are on their way.

But I don't want the customer to know the address to any other customers.

So that way it would be better to have one form, for each customer.

Is this ok you think, if I use one bulk-certificate of posting-form, for each customer.

(And even if it is just one parcel?).

Thanks in advance for informing me about this!

I've also sent a couple of update e-mails, about some problems at an other Post Office-branch here in Walton, etc.

(While I was at it, so to speak).

But I guess you're going to receive those two updates shortly.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 2:30 PM, Paula Loach <> wrote:

Customer Service Centre
PO Box 740
S73 0ZJ
Tel 0845 722 33 44
Fax 01226 273690
Textphone (for people who are deaf

or hard of hearing) 08457 22 33 55

Date: 14 August 2013

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for letting me know about your experience at County Road

Post Office®

branch on 7 August 2013.

I am sorry that the Branch Assistant who served you failed to provide you with a Certificate of Posting for all of your mail items. I do appreciate the concern that this matter has
caused you and please accept my sincere apologies for this.

Please be assured that complaints of this nature are taken very seriously. I have therefore phoned the Branch Manager as part of my investigation. 
She advised that all staff members are experienced and should always provide a Certificate of Posting on request. She is therefore sorry for any inconvenience caused on this occasion and has assured me that all staff members will be reminded of their obligations.

It may help if I explain that a

printed Certificate of Posting which includes a tracking reference number for Recorded, Special Delivery, International Signed For and Airsure items of mail is automatically printed, however the customer would need to request a Certificate of Postingfor Ordinary First, Second Class and International mail. This must be done at the time of posting as duplicates cannot be produced once the transaction has been completed. Therefore the Branch Manager was unable to provide you with a duplicate Certificate
of Posting for your items as they had already been collected by Royal Mail and the transaction had been completed.

I also understand that you were advised to use the Bulk Certificate of Posting that can be downloaded from the Royal Mail website. 
These were introduced to save customers and Post Office staff time at the counter, as providing individual Certificates of Posting can be time consuming.  The bulk Certificate of Posting can
be found at

confident that the above action will improve the service in branch. We do rely on customer feedback to improve our service so please feel free to contact us if you have any further issues.  As we record every complaint, you can simply
1-2605275373 and we can get your details quickly.
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge receipt of your email to me dated 14 August 2013, however due to the nature of the
contents of this email, I shall not be providing a response.

Once again, I’m sorry for any distress caused by this incident.

If we can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us again by emailing
or by clicking reply to this message.

To help us improve the service we provide, an independent agency conducts telephone interviews with a sample of customers who have used our helpline each month. All feedback is welcomed and usedto further improve the service. If you are contacted and do not wish to take part, please let the interviewer know. If you prefer not to be contacted please call
0113 387 9872

within seven days of the date of this letter and quote the reference from the top of this letter, to the agency.

If you need any further help with Post Office products and services, you can call 0845 722 33 44 between 8.15 am and 6 pm from Monday to Friday, and 8.30 am to 2 pm on Saturday. You can also accessinformation at, the official Post Office website.

Yours sincerely
Paula Loach
Paula Loach
Customer Care

Telephone: 08457 22 33 44

Textphone: 08457 22 33 55 (For the deaf and Hard of Hearing)

Email address:
If you have difficulty reading this e-mail, it is available in a different format free of charge. Just telephone 08457 22 33 44


This email and any attachments are confidential and intended for the addressee only. If you are not the named recipient, you must not use, disclose, reproduce, copy or distribute the contents of this communication. If you have received this in error, please
contact the sender and then delete this email from your system.

ROYAL MAIL GROUP LIMITED registered in England and Wales at 100 VICTORIA EMBANKMENT, LONDON EC4Y 0HQ with the registered company number 04138203


Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Tesco

Gmail - Email to the Chief Executive's Office


Erik Ribsskog

Email to the Chief Executive's Office

Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 6:42 PM

Executive Response <>



thank you very much.

Sainsbury's in Rice Lane has started closing the self service department early, some days now.

I haven't seen this in the Tesco-stores in Liverpool City Centre, (where I lived a few years ago).

Does Tesco have a policy regarding this, I'm wondering.

(Since Sainsbury's doesn't seem to have one).

I've worked for many years in retail, so I'm a bit curious here, about the relatively new self service-departments.

Also, I still think it's strange that Tesco Walton have four types of different shopping-baskets.

(I noticed yesterday that you have two types of metal-baskets.

Most of them have blue handles.

But one of them had red handles.

Because I was wondering if was really Sainsbury's baskets.

Since I don't think Tesco normally have metal-baskets.

But I couldn't tell for sure.

And you also have two types of plastic-baskets.

Which one can't mix, because then they don't fit, if one put them on top of eachother.

For some reason.

This is a bit like we in Norway call 'pakkis-sjappe', ('paki/desi-shop'), I think).


Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 1:23 PM, <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your further emails. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.

I am sorry to learn that you have encountered a number of items being out of stock in our store, I can understand why you are disappointed.

I have made Colin Richardson, the Store Manager, aware of your complaints regarding items being out of stock. This will allow him to address the issues in store to ensure that we have sufficient stock levels.

Many thanks once again for contacting the Chief Executive's Office.

Kind regards

David Upstone
Customer Service Executive

Tesco Logo

.................. Original Message ..................

Received: 13/08/2013

Subject: Fwd: New complaint/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office [SR 1-293497288]


today I was at Tesco Walton again, around 9 PM.

Today you were sold out of Everyday Value Pizza's.

(The ones that costs 60 pence).

You are quite often sold out of this product, I've noticed.

(And I've also complained to you about this, a few days ago, if I remember
it right).

These pizzas are good as a kind of 'second dinner' I think.

So I first make some chicken steaks or something like that.

And then the pizza to get full.

Then I get a balanced diet, I think.

But this store is 'always' sold out.

I think I told you more than a year ago, that there is a bit few shelves in
this store.

(Or shop is a better word perhaps, because you don't really store the goods
that much I think.

At least you don't store enough of the pizza's.

I think you order to little almost all the time of them.

You order like 10 pizzas.

Then they're sold out.

And you order ten pizzas again.

Something like this.

Can one call it a store then?

Surely a store would have had a minimum order for these pizzas, so that you
would have more than e.g. half a days sales, of these pizzas in your

When I worked as a store manager in Rimi.

I would stock up on popular products.

In Norway we have Pizza Grandiosa which is very popular.

I would have like ten boxes, (of ten pizzas), of this product, on the

So that if we were sold out, we could just go to the freezer-storage and
find a box of Pizza Grandiosas there.

This isn't exactly rocket science I think.

So it shouldn't really be necessary for me to explain about this routine,
for you, in this e-mail.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: New complaint/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office [SR
Cc: Executive Response <>


ok, I don't understand why you don't fill up the self-service check out
machines with enough coins at the start of the day?

Or why don't you refill one machine at the time?

(In stead of closing the whole department?).

This seems strange to me.

If you have a self service department, then that should be open, when the
store is open, I think.

I used to shop at the big Sainsbury in Kensington, (the one with a
Starbucks cafe), for around a week, in February, in 2005.

And they didn't tell me then that these types of departments weren't going
to be open for all the hours the store is open.

This seems strange, I think.

And in the staffed till that day some boys with bikes, (I think it was),
forgot a plastic-bottle of milk.

When they were in that till before me.

(Because that was the till with the shortest queue).

I thought this was strange.

And the female Cashier was  unaware so I had to tell her that someone had
forgotten their milk.

And she ran after the boys.

So it's easier to shop in the self-service tills I think.

I'm from Norway and there they use a kind of divider, so that customers
have longer time, to pack their goods, in the staffed tills.

That's one of the reasons I like the self-service-tills, because then you
don't get the next customers goods mixed with your own goods.

So I think it's strange that you sometimes close the self service
department early.

If you have a department like that it should be open as long as the store
is open, I think.

I've never seen this at Asda, that they close the self-service-department

Erik Ribsskog


I send a copy e-mail to Tesco, since they haven't replied yet, to my
complaint about them.

Tesco Walton doesn't have a self-service department, for some reason.

So there it's a bit stressing to shop, I think.

And your cashiers, at Sainsburys Rice Lane, they don't stand in their
tills, like the cashiers at Tesco Walton.

Since you have chairs, in your tills, I guess the reason is.

And you at Sainsbury's only have one type of shopping-baskets.

Where as Tesco Walton has three different types, (which doesn't mix/stock,
even if they are more or less the same size).

They have some dark blue baskets, some less dark blue baskets, and some
metal-baskets, which looks more or less like Sainsbury's baskets in Rice
Lane, I think.

So I think enough 'strange stuff' is going on, at Tesco Walton.

So I don't like it when Sainsbury's Rice Lane starts to do 'strange stuff'
as well.

Just as an update.

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 9:15 AM, <> wrote:

> Dear Mr Ribsskog
> Thank you for your email.  I am sorry that when you visited our Rice Lane
> store recently our self scanner checkouts closed early and you were
> wondering why this happens.******
> ** **
> We always aim to exceed our customers’ expectations and we use customers’
> feedback to continually improve our products and services.****
> ** **
> I called the store and spoke to Diane Colligan, Checkout Team Leader.  Diane
> explained that the reason the self scanner checkouts were switched off was
> to allow them to remove the money cassettes as they were empty and refill
> them.  Diane apologises for any inconvenience caused.****
> ** **
> I hope this information is helpful.  We appreciate you taking the time to
> email us and we hope to see you in store again soon.****
> Yours sincerely
> ** **
> Lillian Tarditi | Customer Manager****
> Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd | 33 Holborn, London | EC1N 2HT
> | 0800 636 262
> |
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: 09.08.2013 10:23:52 PM
> To: "Customer.Service" <>
> Subject: New complaint/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> Hi,
> today I was at Tesco Walton again, (and also a Sainsbury-shop).
> Budget chicken nuggets were sold out at Tesco Walton today, for the second
> day in a row.
> When I walked in to the shop, a security guard placed himself between me
> and the shopping-baskets, with his behind towards me.
> He was completely un-aware of that I wanted a basket.
> (Or he pretended to be unaware).
> Is it right that security-guards in Tesco tidy the shopping-baskets?
> Isn't that a 'normal' Tesco-staff-job?
> I ask that because the security guard seemed to lack basic
> customer-service skills, like being aware of a customer that walks into the
> shop, (of whom half of them wants a basket, or something like that).
> It's hard for me to belive this security-guard.
> Was he acting in-polite and provocing me, I'm wondering.
> Also you have changed packaging on your budget orange juice which you sell
> from the 'milk-department', (that is the type you sell from a fridge).
> Also, I tried to complain to the woman in the check-out that the chicken
> nuggets were sold out.
> But she didn't answer me at all.
> Before she waited for a long time, before giving me the receipt.
> (This was at 21.13, it says on the receipt).
> Also, most of your cashiers are standing in their tills.
> As an experienced cashier I wonder why they don't want to sit on their
> chairs.
> Is this something cultural, I'm wondering.
> Regards,
> Erik Ribsskog
> PS.
> And to Sainsbury's in Rice Lane.
> You closed your self-service tills at around 21.15, (I think it was), on
> Wednesday.
> Why do you close them early, I'm wondering.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: <>
> Date: Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 2:52 PM
> Subject: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> To:
> **
> Dear Mr Ribsskog
> Thank you for your email.
> Regrettably, we have nothing further to add however please be assured that
> your further comments have been noted.
> Many thanks once again for contacting the Chief Executive's Office.
> Kind regards
> David Upstone
> Customer Service Executive
> [image: Tesco Logo]
> .................. Original Message ..................
> To:
> From:
> Received: 30/07/2013
> Subject: Update/Fwd: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> Hi,
> I've checked on Wikipedia now.
> And Storebrand had a profit of NOK 1471 million, in 2010, it says.
> And Tesco had a net income of £124 million, it says.
> So Tesco had a lower profit, even if Tesco has 537 784 employees.
> And Storebrand has 2160 employees.
> That says something about that Tesco aren't that well run, I think.
> Could it be the problem with the baskets?
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog <>
> Date: Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 4:39 PM
> Subject: Re: Email to the Chief Executive's Office
> To:
> Hi,
> I've studied Information Management in Norway, for two years, in the late
> 80's and early 90's.
> And as part of a Management/Organisation-module there, I contacted the big
> Norwegian insurance-company UNI Storebrand, and they sent me their
> organisation-map.
> They are also a big company, so I don't buy this.
> I don't need a very detailed organisation-map.
> A general one wo

This is a confidential email. Tesco may monitor and record all emails. The views expressed in this email are those of the sender and not Tesco.

Tesco Stores Limited
Company Number: 519500
Registered in England
Registered Office: Tesco House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire EN8 9SL
VAT Registration Number: GB 220 4302 31

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til politiet i Bergen

Gmail - Anmeldelse


Erik Ribsskog


Erik Ribsskog


Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 12:34 PM

Herdis Gurigard <>


takk for svar!

Dette er ikke et nettsted, som jeg noen gang har skrevet på.

Jeg har en blogg, (som har vært med på Tweet 4 Tweet med Jenny Skavlan blant annte, på NRK3).

Og på den bloggen, så har jeg innstallert et tracking-cookie-program som heter StatCounter, for å ha oversikt over hvor mange som leser bloggen, etc.

Og det programmet viser også hvilke nettsteder som sender trafikk, til bloggen min.

Så det var sånn jeg fant ut, at dette Bergens-nettstedet linker, til bloggen min, og når jeg sjekket hva som ble skrevet om bloggen min, så fant jeg noe jeg ser på som en æreskrenkelse.

Jeg har sett i nettaviser osv., at politiet i Norge ikke etterforsker æreskrenkelser lenger.

Det blir som noe 'russisk-aktig' for meg, at dette ikke etterforskes.

Jeg har sendt mange anmeldelser på lignende forhold til politiet i andre deler av landet.

Men tenkte jeg kunne prøve å sende om dette til politiet i Bergen nå, siden dette nå hendte på et 'Bergens-nettsted'.


Erik Ribsskog

2013/8/14 Herdis Gurigard <>


Beklager sen tilbakemelding grunnet ferieavvikling.

Du kan selvfølgelig anmelde nevnte forhold. Hvorvidt det er grunnlag for etterforskning, vil en av våre jurister avgjøre.

Idet man velger å debattere på et nettfora, vil det alltid være en viss risiko forbundet med dette i form av useriøse innlegg fra andre debattanter.

Med vennlig hilsen

Herdis Gurigard

Konsulent Forseelse

Hordaland politidistrikt

Politihuset i Bergen

-----Opprinnelig melding-----

Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 15. juli 2013 19:06

Til: Postmottak PDI Hordaland

Emne: Anmeldelse


kan jeg skrive en anmeldelse til dere hos politiet i Bergen?

En kar, på et Bergen-debattforum ved nick 'TheGaut', sier at jeg er en 'syk mann'.

(I betydningen sinnsyk, virker det som).

Det vil jeg gjerne anmelde, for æreskrenkelse.

Jeg sender også med skjermbilde, (fra dette debattforumet), som viser det jeg har skrevet ovenfor.


Erik Ribsskog


Populære innlegg

Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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