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torsdag 17. juli 2014

Mer fra England

Nå var jeg på mitt lokale supermarked Tesco Walton igjen.

Da jeg gikk inn døra, så ropte hu i avis/tobakkskiosken, at de stengte, om ti minutter.

Enda klokka var søtten minutter på ti.

(På min mobil sin klokke.

Som jeg sjekka mot en klokke på nettet, her om dagen).

Og jeg spurte henne, om det var riktig at de stengte om ti minutter.

Og visste henne min mobil, som var seksten minutter på ti.

Og da sa hu det, at de stengte inngangsdøren, fem minutter før.

Men at jeg hadde frem til klokka ti, å handle.

(Noe sånt).

Så henta jeg noen hermetikkbokser.

(For jeg har nesten ingen penger igjen).

Og gikk til hu i aviskiosken.

(For man kan gå dit, hvis man ikke har så mye varer.

Og det var kø i de andre kassene).

Og hu sa det, at hu het Sara.

Da jeg spurte hva hu het.

(Siden hu hadde forklart, om åpningstidene.

For hu hadde ikke navnskilt, såvidt jeg kunne se.

Hu hadde en slags bluse, (eller blazer), utafor uniformen sin, (sånn at man ikke kunne se navnskiltet), kunne det virke som.

Noe sånt.

Ellers så hadde hun kanskje ikke navnskilt, i det hele tatt.

Hvem vet.

Noe synlig navnskilt, kan jeg ikke si, at jeg kunne se, ihvertfall.

Men men).

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.


Erik Ribsskog


Jeg har drevet, med å stenge Rimi Bjørndal, i en del år tilsammen, (må man vel si).

Og der tror jeg folk hadde blitt litt forbanna, hvis de hadde stengt døra, fem minutter før tida.

(Som Sara sa at de gjorde, på Tesco Walton).

Og i Norge, så har jeg ikke hørt det, at de butikkansatte roper på callinga, at nå stenger vi da og da.

(Ihvertfall ikke søtten minutter før stengetid.

På Matland/OBS Triaden, så lot de alle handle ferdig, selv om klokka begynte å nærme seg halv ni, mener jeg å huske.

Men men).

Og før jeg gikk for å betale, i kiosken.

Så så jeg det, at hu Sara, chatta med en kollega, (en ung mann).

Så det kan kanskje ha vært noe 'lurifaks', tenker jeg.

For det er liksom sånn, at hver gang, som jeg går inn i denne butikken, (etter klokka halv ti), så roper de dette.

Men noen ganger, så roper de også det, at alle skal gå til kassa.

(Akkurat når jeg går inn, i butikken).

Men ingen, (av kundene), pleider å bry seg noe særlig om det, (må jeg si).

(Når de roper at kundene skal gå til kassa, cirka ti på ti, osv.).

Jeg synes at sånn roping, (på callinga), minner om dårlig kundeservice, ihvertfall.

Men hvis jeg sender klage til Tesco sitt hovedkontor, om dette.

Så er det bare surr der og, (må jeg si).

De vil ikke sende meg et organisasjonskart, (for eksempel), når jeg ber de om dette.

(Siden at de har organisert sin kundeservice, på en slags komplisert/uforståelige måte, må jeg si.

Noe sånt).

Så sånn er det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Men men.

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posegodt twitter 199 nok

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Mer om Posegodt

posegodt spørsmål

Nå har jeg oppdatert Posegodt, om at man nå kan få fire poser, av en vare, for 199 NOK, (og dermed spare 40.60 NOK, iforhold til vanlig utsalgspris)

oppdatert posegodt

Mer om budsjett

Erik Ribsskog

Problems with direct debit/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#1024648]

Erik Ribsskog Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 2:49 PM

I'm going to write a note here, (in my budget-files), about this payment, (and that it's due on 31/8).

And then I'm going to get back to you.

If there is any problem with this, later.
I hope this is alright!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 6:33 PM, Swalec <> wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog
Ref: 275847031
Thank you for your email. I apologise for the delay in replying to your email.
The remaining outstanding balance is £5.00 on your account. Can you please confirm if you will be able to make this payment of £5.00 on 31 August 2014?

I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards
Jennifer McAveety
Customer Service

--Original Message--
Subject: Re: Problems with direct debit/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#1024648]


thank you for your e-mail!
It isn't easy for me to say when I can continue to make the payments.

The Jobcentre stop my allowance, every other month, it seems, (for no good reason).
I almost starved to death, in May.

And then again, I almost starved to death again, a few days ago.
Almost all the letters I send the Jobcentre, gets missing, in the post.
I guess we could try, to set up a payment, due on 31/8, for the £5.
(If that's ok.
Since the Council wants me to start paying them the Council Tax, for this year, around then).
I can try to pay this amount, from your website.
(If you think that's possible).
I hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 1:09 PM, Swalec <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog,
Thank you for your recent email dated 7th July, I apologise for the delayed response.
I appreciate your current financial circumstances and your ongoing issue with the Job Centre.
I have checked your account and it shows that we have already requested your payment due on 10/07/14 however it can take up to 10 working days for the bank to recall a payment as unpaid and you may incur bank charges therefore I would suggest you speak with your bank.
I would advise that you contact us as soon as you are aware when you can continue making payments toward your account. Your current outstanding balance on your account including the payment we have requested on 10/07/14 is £5.00.
Should you wish to discuss your account in more details please contact our final accounts department on 0800 048 2409.

Kind Regards
Laura Govan
Customer Service

--Original Message--
Date: 07/07/2014 15:41:27
Subject: Problems with direct debit/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#1024648]


the token-payment wasn't succesful last month, due to that I haven't
gotten my jobseekers allowance since May, so it was no money on my

I can't say when I'm going to get money next, since someone tricked
the Jobcentre into stopping my claim, and they haven't started paying
my allowance again yet.

They first told me I would get my allowance on 24/6.

Then they told me I was going to get it on 2/7.

(I called the Jobcentre and my call was transfered to a call centre in
Norwich, where I got to speak with a woman with a Polish-sounding
name, like Agnielska, or something like that).

But I still haven't gotten the allowance.

And the last time I got my allowance was in week 21, I think it was.

I've just found out that the Norwegian army put me in what seems to be
a gay-platoon, when I had to serve my conscripton-service in the 90's.

So it could be NATO that are messing with me to cover this up, or
something like that.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Swalec <>
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 14:16:02 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Update/Fwd: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding
token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#1024648]

Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your email. I apologise for the confusion regarding your
payment arrangement. It would appear the advisor has actually set you
arrangement to start on 28 August 2013, rather than July.
I hope this is satisfactory and I can assure you the payments will
start then. Please contact us again if you have further queries.
Kind Regards
Jennifer Dickson
Customer Service

--Original Message--
Date: 02/08/2013 06:53:05
Subject: Update/Fwd: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding
token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#1024648]


you write in your e-mail from 31/5, that: 'The next payment from the
bank will be 28/07/2013'.

I've checked my online banking now, and I can't see that this Direct
Debit-payment, (a token-payment of £1), has been deducted, from my

(Even if 28/7 is now five days ago).

I was wondering what was going on.

Thanks in advance for informing me about this.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding
token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#1024648]


ok, I will try to inform you earlier if a similar problem happens again.

I'll pay the next token-payments in the way you mention in your e-mail.

Thank you very much for the help with this and sorry about the delay!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 8:57 AM, Swalec <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog,
Thank you for your reply.
I have cancelled the payment for 28/06/2013 being taken from your bank
account as you will be paying online. The next payment from the bank
will be 28/07/2013. If there will be any problems with this payment,
please let us know in advance to avoid any reminder letters being
Kind Regards
Fiona Hurst
Customer Service

--Original Message--

Date: 31/05/2013 01:11:12
Subject: Re: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding
token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#1024648]


thank you for your e-mail!

I got the three missing Jobseekers Allowance-payments on my
bank-account, today, (Thursday).

I've paid the token-payment just now, from your web-site.

And I'll pay the next token-payment, also from your web-site, by 28/6,
when this payment is due.

Sorry again about the delay with this!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Swalec <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog,
Thank you for your email.
I have noted this information on your account. However we have already
requested this payment from your bank and I am unable to stop this.
Should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards
Fiona Hurst
Customer Service

--Original Message--
Date: 28/05/2013 14:26:47
Subject: Problems with paying bill/Re: Regarding token-payments/Fwd:
SWALEC query: Your final bill [#3173013] [#1024648]


the Jobcentre haven't paid me my last three jobseekers
allowance-payments, so I have no money on my bank account now.

I hope it's ok that I pay the token-payment due today, when I get the
jobseekers allowance back.

I can pay it by credit card, and I'll check your website for more
information about how I can pay, when I get my allowance back.

Hope this is alright, and sorry about the delay!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 3:41 PM, Swalec <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your email and I am sorry for the delay in responding.
I have reset your payment arrangement for you.  Your first payment for
£1.00 will be taken by direct debit on the 28th December 2011.
I hope this is in order for you but if I can be of any further
assistance please do not hesitate to contact me on 01738 453898.
Kind Regards

Leighann Whyte
Customer Service

--Original Message--

Date: 24/11/2011 19:42:13
Subject: Regarding token-payments/Fwd: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#3173013]


I've been adviced by the CCCS, to pay token-payment, to my creditors,
before I get a new job.

I've set the token-payment amount, to £5 a month.

But now I've reviewed my budget, and I have so many token-payments
now, and I live at a hostell, where I have to pay £73 a month, so I
have to reset the amount on the token-payments to £1 a month now
unfortunately, from next month.

So I'm stopping the current Direct Debit now, on my bank-account, and
ask you if you could please set up a new Direct Debit, for £1 a month,
from next month.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Swalec <>
Date: Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: SWALEC query: Your final bill [#3173013]

Dear Mr Ribsskog,
Thank you for your email, I can confirm that I can arrange a payment
plan for you to pay the balance of £40.24 at £5 a month. To do this
can you please confirm the bank account details to be used and the
date you would like the payments to be made each month.
Kind Regards

Tracy Adam
Customer Service

--Original Message--
Date: 03/10/2011 14:02:15
Subject: SWALEC query: Your final bill

Hi, I was wondering if it's ok if I pay the arrears, (of around £40),
with a five pound a month direct debit, starting from next month,
(since I'm unemployed and on a budget in co-operation with the CCCS).
Hope this is alright! Yours sincerely, Erik Ribsskog
Topic : Your final bill
Email :
Name : Erik Ribsskog
Phone: 07905206018
Postcode : SR2 7ES
Address Line 1 : Azalea Lodge, 1-2 Azalea Terrace North

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02716495 (Supply of Gas), SSE Water Limited Registered in England &
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Registered in Scotland No. SC292102 (Heating & Wiring Cover), all
members of the SSE Group
The Registered Office of SSE Energy Supply Limited, Southern Electric
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SSE, Scottish Hydro, Southern Electric, SWALEC and Atlantic are all
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Wales No. 03757502 (Supply of Electricity, Home Phone & Broadband),
Southern Electric Gas Limited Registered in England & Wales No.
02716495 (Supply of Gas), SSE Water Limited Registered in England &
Wales No. 06021063 (Supply of Water) and SSE Home Services Limited
Registered in Scotland No. SC292102 (Heating & Wiring Cover), all
members of the SSE Group
The Registered Office of SSE Energy Supply Limited, Southern Electric
Gas Limited and SSE Water Limited is 55 Vastern Road Reading Berkshire
The Registered Office of SSE Home Services Limited is Inveralmond
House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ
SSE and associated brands: Scottish Hydro, Southern Electric, SWALEC and Atlantic are all trading names of SSE Energy Supply Limited Registered in England & Wales No. 03757502 (Supply of Electricity, Home Phone, Broadband & Feed in Tariffs);
Southern Electric Gas Limited Registered in England & Wales No. 02716495 (Supply of Gas);
SSE Water Limited Registered in England & Wales No. 06021063 (Supply of Water);
SSE Home Services Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC292102 (Heating & Wiring, Shield Care & Servicing, Gas Installations and Eco);
SSE Energy Solutions Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC386054 (Energy Efficiency Installations & Insulation Products);
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All members of the SSE Group
The Registered Office of SSE Energy Supply Limited, Southern Electric Gas Limited and SSE Water Limited is 55 Vastern Road Reading Berkshire RG1 8BU
The Registered Office of SSE Home Services Limited, SSE Energy Solutions Limited and SSE Green Deal Provider Limited is Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ
SSE Energy Supply Limited, SSE Water Limited, SSE Home Services Limited and SSE Green Deal Provider Limited are all authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for certain consumer credit activities.

SSE and associated brands: Scottish Hydro, Southern Electric, SWALEC and Atlantic are all trading names of SSE Energy Supply Limited Registered in England & Wales No. 03757502 (Supply of Electricity, Home Phone, Broadband & Feed in Tariffs);
Southern Electric Gas Limited Registered in England & Wales No. 02716495 (Supply of Gas);
SSE Water Limited Registered in England & Wales No. 06021063 (Supply of Water);
SSE Home Services Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC292102 (Heating & Wiring, Shield Care & Servicing, Gas Installations and Eco);
SSE Energy Solutions Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC386054 (Energy Efficiency Installations & Insulation Products);
SSE Green Deal Provider Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC432920 (Green Deal Scheme)
All members of the SSE Group
The Registered Office of SSE Energy Supply Limited, Southern Electric Gas Limited and SSE Water Limited is 55 Vastern Road Reading Berkshire RG1 8BU
The Registered Office of SSE Home Services Limited, SSE Energy Solutions Limited and SSE Green Deal Provider Limited is Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ
SSE Energy Supply Limited, SSE Water Limited, SSE Home Services Limited and SSE Green Deal Provider Limited are all authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for certain consumer credit activities.

Mer fra Twitter

Erik Ribsskog

Case# 02565800: Abusive user - katemosa - ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Or71I:ref

Twitter Support Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 7:15 PM
To: ""

Thanks for letting us know about your issue. Here are some tips to help you with your situation:
We've investigated the account and reported Tweets for abusive behavior, and have found that it's currently not violating the Twitter Rules (
If someone feels personally threatened, or if you believe the content you are reporting is prohibited in your local jurisdiction, please contact your local authorities with the information you provided to us. You can point local law enforcement to our Law Enforcement Guidelines here:
Please respond to this ticket to let us know if you believe the behavior has escalated or otherwise violates our rules.
Twitter Trust & Safety

System Reference: ref:00DA0000000K0A8.500G000000Or71I:ref

Mer om nettmobbing

Erik Ribsskog

Faktura nr. 280551 Østlendingenløpet 2014

Erik Ribsskog Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 2:32 PM

dette har ikke jeg bestilt.

Erik Ribsskog

2014-07-16 17:16 GMT+01:00 <>:
Quick Systems as
Solvikvegen 15, NO-2843 Eina, Norway
Phone +4761159000
Company registration number: NO876933292MVA
Customer number 137535

Erik Rrribbskog
10 Keith Avenue
LXJ5X Liverpool
Date 16.07.2014
Invoice 280551
Payment due 21.07.2014

Product Amount (NOK)
Erik Rrribbskog
Folkefemmern uten tid Klasse: Trim Menn - Pulje: Folkefemmern 150,00
Engangslisens type: Engangslisens 30,00
Total 180,00

This confirms that you have accepted the challenge and signed up for Østlendingenløpet 2014.
To see who will be joining you click here.

My page
To enable access to your account visit the following link:
Firsttime users can click "Create account...". Provide the emailadresse you have used to sign up to previous events, and you will receive an email with a link you can use to activate your profile.
Non refundable registration
The registration for the race is non refundable. By registering, a payment obligation occurs. Quick systems as is managing the registration for the organizer.
If payment is not received on time, and we have to send you a reminder, a reminder fee will be added to your account.
Payment from abroad
The invoice can be paid by credit card by following this link. If invoice is paid by using the link, a transaction fee of 2,50% of the purchase amount is added.

Mer om budsjett

Erik Ribsskog

[SH-275981] SpexHost ~ Support Ticket Updated

Erik Ribsskog Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 2:23 PM
To: billing
Cc: Contact-Us , CONTACT-US , DWP ICE gateway team

the next payment that is scheduled from the Jobcentre, is on Tuesday next week.

So I'm waiting for that payment now.

I'm going to update you on Tuesday next week, about this.
(I'm not sure why I didn't get the last payment).
Sorry about the problems with this!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 2:16 PM, <> wrote:
+TTN: Erik Ribsskog,

Support Ticket #275981 has been updated

Hi Erik,

I just wanted to again follow up about the payments? We are just about 1 month overdue now, with a new payment being due.

The SpexHost Team

~ Thomas Law
~ Account Manager
~ SpexHost, LLC

If you want to view the entire log of this ticket log onto our Billing Center at with your username and password.

If you have any questions regarding this response or any other support questions please feel free to contact us.

Mer om jobbsøking i England

Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Web Developer - Bright Future Software

Erik Ribsskog Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 1:53 PM
To: Mark Sidebotham
you can call me from 2PM today.
(I only saw your e-mail now).

Or from 1PM tomorrow.
(I'm in a meeting at the bank, from 10AM).

Or else I could also try to call you, from the phone-box.

I'm on mobile broadband now, so Skype doesn't seem to work.

Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 9:08 AM, Mark Sidebotham <> wrote:
Hi Erik,

I can give you a call today at some point, when is best to talk?



From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 16 July 2014 15:28
To: Mark Sidebotham
Subject: Re: Update/Fwd: Web Developer - Bright Future Software

well I'm expecting a plumber here today, because it's a leakage in my bath-room.
It's a bit chaos here today due to this.

Perhaps I could get a phone-interview tomorrow, (because I'm going to the bank on Friday, for an apointment there).
(Or else you could try calling now, risking being interrupted by the plumber).


Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 2:12 PM, Mark Sidebotham <> wrote:
Thanks for coming back to me Erik,

I tried calling a moment ago to discuss the roles we have. When is a good time for a quick chat?



From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 16 July 2014 13:32
To: Mark Sidebotham
Cc: Contact-Us; CONTACT-US; ~ RBS Customer Relations; DWP ICE gateway team
Subject: Update/Fwd: Web Developer - Bright Future Software


also, I'm not sure if this is the job description, for the job I applied for.

I see in my log now, (on Universal Jobmatch), that I applied for this job, (on 12/7):

Applied for a Graduate / Junior Web Designer (JavaScript / jQuery)-job in Salford with Easy Web Recruitment. (Ref: CWJobs/EWR973753015/60049996. Applied through the Easy Web Recruitment-website).
You seem to look for a PHP-expert, while I'm more into Front End, I guess.

I've done a bit PHP, but not that much that I can brag about it, I think.

Have you mixed the job-descriptions up, I was wondering.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: Web Developer - Bright Future Software
To: Mark Sidebotham <>
Cc: Contact-Us <>, CONTACT-US <>, ~ RBS Customer Relations <>, DWP ICE gateway team <>
yes, I'm still interested in the job.

The problem is that the Jobcentre aren't that good at paying my jobseekers-allowance, (I have to say).

So I don't know when I can afford a train-ticket to Manchester.
But I send a copy of this e-mail to RBS, so perhaps they can let me have an overdraft.

Thanks again for the e-mail!
Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Mark Sidebotham <> wrote:
Hi Erik,

You sent me your CV in application for the Web Developer role we have currently. The role is based in our offices in Media City, Manchester on a permanent basis. I have attached details of the job and if you are still interested in the role, please let me know when is a good time for a quick chat.

Kind regards


Image removed by sender. Bright FutureMark Sidebotham, | Bright Future Software Ltd | 6th Floor, White Tower, White, MediaCityUK, Greater Manchester M50 2NT

Company name: Bright Future Software Ltd
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Image removed by sender. Bright FutureMark Sidebotham, | Bright Future Software Ltd | 6th Floor, White Tower, White, MediaCityUK, Greater Manchester M50 2NT
Tel: 0161 974 0100 | Mob:

Company name: Bright Future Software Ltd
Registration number: 07983222
Place of registration: England
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Bright Future Mark Sidebotham, | Bright Future Software Ltd | 6th Floor, White Tower, White, MediaCityUK, Greater Manchester M50 2NT
Tel: 0161 974 0100 | Mob:

Company name: Bright Future Software Ltd
Registration number: 07983222
Place of registration: England
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Her kan man se det, at Strømm Trevare og 'Ågot-huset', het noe med Roksvold

 roksvold paint


Her er mer om dette:

mer om roksvolden

Jeg sendte en e-post til the Financial Ombudsman

Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Complaint about Barclays/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Property in Norway

Erik Ribsskog Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 1:59 AM
To: ""

to do with the meeting, with the unshave man, at Barclays Bootle, last week.

(Like I explained about, in the forwarded e-mail).

I now remember, that he said, something like:

'There's no _avenue_, that leads to an overdraft, for your acount'.

(Something like that).

I thought that perhaps was a bit strange use of the word 'avenue',
(instead of e.g. 'way').

Could he have been mocking me, (or something like that), since my
address is 10 Keith Court, Keith _Avenue_, (in Walton, Liverpool).

Just something I thought about.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 4:40 AM
Subject: Complaint about Barclays/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Property in Norway
To: "" <>


to do with this mortage, that I'm trying to get, on my property, in Norway.

I was at Barclays in Walton, on Monday.

They told me to go to Barclays in Bootle or Lord Street, to speak with
a mortage-advisor.

So I went to Barclays Bootle, on Tuesday.

There I got to speak with Paula Farrell.

(About an apointment with a mortage-advisor).

But I wanted to complain a bit here.

I explained in the meeting, that I was there a bit late, because I
couldn't find the branch, at first.

(They have a big shopping-centre there).

And then Farrell said: 'Were tucked away at the front'.

I thought she was being sarcastic.

And then she told me to tell someone that I went to the meeting with
the mortage-advisor next week.

What's that supposed to mean?

Was it a threat or something?

Why would I need to tell someone I was going to a meeting at the bank.

This I wanted to complain about, since this could seem like a threat, I think.

Also she asked about my new mobile-number twice.

Which I thought was to many times.

Also I went back there today, (Thursday), regarding an overdraft.

Then Farrell wasn't there.

But an unshaven blond man, sat there, and asked me what I wondered about.

I explained that I had given Farrell the wrong answer about my
Barclays-account, on Tuesday.

Because when I wondered about an overdraft.

(Since the Jobcentre are messing with me, so that I almost starve to death).

Then I answered it wasn't a student-account.

(Because I wondered if I could have an overdraft for graduates, that
I've read about, some time ago.

Since I've now gotten my degree, from Norway, in 2009).

I told the blond man, that my Barclays-account was initially a student-account.

(But that the meeting with Farrell was mostly about the mortage.

So I managed to remember wrong, about the Barclays account).

I had also brought with me, the business-card, of the Barclays staff,
in Sunderland, (Neville J. Anderson), that I spoke with, about a
bank-account, in 2004, when I studied, at the University of

(Since I've had that card in my wallet, since then, by chance, I think
one have to say).

And then the clerk said there was no way I could have an overdraft.

I think that's strange, that I can't have an overdraft, for graduates,
when I've now gotten my Høgskolekandidat-degree, from Oslo University
College, (in IT).

And also, why don't their staff shave, I was wondering.

That's strange in custommer-facing-role, I'd say.

When I served my conscription-service, in the Norwegian Army, in 1992/93.

We were told we eighter had to have no beard or a full beard.

Nothing inbetween was considered 'kosher', (as I remember it).

I guess working in a bank, as an advisor like that, could be compared
with representing a country's army.

At least I thought it was a bit strange, that the Barclays-staff have
a three day beard, like we call it, in Norway.

(Like Richard Gere, in Pretty Woman, I guess).

Farrell also asked me if I had any days I couldn't have the meeting.

And then she asked me if Friday was ok.

And then she changed it to Friday next week.

And then she didn't answer when I wanted to have the meeting later than 10 AM.

So I wanted to complain about that Barclay Bootle aren't good at

Thanks in advance for any help with this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 4:45 PM
Subject: Complaint/Fwd: Property in Norway


I was a bit in a hurry at the library yesterday, so I didn't notice
that you called me 'Sir/Madam'.

It's an insult that you call me Madam I think.

This I wanted to complain about.

Weren't RBS supposed to be sold to Santander.

When is this sale going to happen, I was wondering.

The sooner the better, I hope.

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 15:56:32 +0100
Subject: Re: Property in Norway
To: ~ RBS Customer Relations <>
Cc: "" <>


ok, which UK bank would be able to give me a loan on a propery in Norway then?

Are there other British banks who are more international?


Erik Ribsskog

On 7/1/14, ~ RBS Customer Relations <> wrote:
> Dear Sir/Madam,
> Thank you for your e-mail.
> At the outset, I would like to apologise for any inconvenience this
> matter may have caused you.
> Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide a mortgage for a property
> outside the UK.
> For opening a graduate account you will need to visit any RBS branch to
> discuss the eligibility.
> Regards
> Imran khan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erik Ribsskog []
> Sent: 27 June 2014 12:12
> To: ~ RBS Customer Relations
> Subject: Property in Norway
> Hi,
> I own part of a property in Norway.
> (My father inherited this, (from his bachelor-uncles, after two of them
> had died), in 2005, but didn't want to own it, for some reason, and gave
> half of his share on to me).
> My third bachelor-uncle, (Idar Sandersen), still lives there.
> But he is more than 90 years old.
> I want to sell it, but perhaps it's better to wait, untill my granduncle
> dies.
> I've asked my earlier Norwegian banks, (from when I lived in Norway,
> that is DNB and Nordea), if they could loan me some money, on this
> property.
> But they have not given me any loans, for some strange reason.
> Because this property is in a place, (Hurum), where properties like
> this, are in demand, (since it's close to the sea/fjord, etc.), it
> seams.
> I'm not sure if you at RBS are used to dealing with properties in
> Norway, so I've waited many years, with contacting you, about this.
> But I guess my share of this property could easily be worth ***
> And at the same time, I have problems with the Jobcentre.
> They stop my allowance, 'all the time'.
> (And they also take me to court, acusing me of haveing written dirty
> e-mails to their staff.
> I rather want to live on the money for this propety I own, than having
> to deal with the Jobcentre any longer.
> If that's possible).
> Can I please get a loan, on this property.
> And then I can pay it back, after Idar Sandersen dies.
> Since I almost starve to death, every year, (or so), due to problems
> with the Jobcentre.
> I've also gotten my degree, in 2009, from Oslo University College.
> Could I please have a bank-account, for graduates, with an overdraft,
> (for graduates), I was wondering.
> Best regards,
> Erik Ribsskog
> *** WARNING : This message originates from the Internet ***
> The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Registered in Scotland No. 90312. Registered
> Office: 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB
> Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the
> Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
> This e-mail message is confidential and for use by the addressee only. If
> the message is received by anyone other than the addressee, please return
> the message to the sender by replying to it and then delete the message from
> your computer. Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure. The Royal Bank
> of Scotland plc does not accept responsibility for changes made to this
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Jeg sendte en e-post til Bjørn Ribsskog

Erik Ribsskog

Slektsforskning/Fwd: Slem pike

Erik Ribsskog Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 1:06 AM
To: Bjørn Ribsskog
Cc: "larvik.tingrett" , "drammen.tingrett" , "agder.lagmannsrett" , "HRET (postmottak)" ,
Bcc: Rahel Savoldelli ,, Holtech Medical , Nord-Trøndelag Bondelag , she
Hei Bjørn Ribsskog,

da du dreiv med slektsforskinga di, rundt år 2002 vel, så bodde tante
Ellen i Sveits.

(Der bodde hu i 30 år, eller noe sånt).

Men nå er hu tilbake med faenskapen sin, (må man vel si).

Det er bare tull og tøys.

Min mor Karen sendte meg til min far, da jeg var ni år, i 1979.

Og de fortalte om, (onkel Håkon vel), at tante Ellen brukte mye
narkotika, i Oslo, på 60/70-tallet, da hu gikk på forsøksgym.

Hu fødte så en mongolid sønn, ved navn Joakim, i 1969.

Men på 90-tallet så var han plutselig død, (på mystisk vis, kan det
ihvertfall virke som).

Og min søster Pia og jeg, var nede i Sveits, (Aesch, ved Basel), og
besøkte Ellen, sommeren 1987, (vår far sendte oss).

Og da prata Ellen om at hu dyrka noe slags mild marijuana i hagen, ved
å pirke ut spesielle frø, fra fuglefrø-poser, og plante dem i hagen.

Noe sånt.

Og hu sendte det også i posten til Danmark, og skrev 'urte-te', på pakkene.

Jeg vet ikke om hu skrøna, men noe rart var det vel ihvertfall.

Og nå har hu tulla, med arven etter bestemor Ingeborg, (som du besøkte
i forbindelse med slektsforskning vel), i fem år.

Så det er bare tull og tøys.

Men hvis du fortsatt driver med slektsforskning, nå og da.

Så kan du jo kanskje besøke Ellen også, (siden du vel besøkte bestemor
Ingeborg, i Nevlunghavn, en gang, hvis jeg har forstått det riktig).

Og så kan du kanskje be henne om å slutte å sende alle de rare
'gærning-e-postene' sine, hvis du har tid til det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Beklager hvis det blir mange e-poster!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ellen Ribsskog <>
Date: 2014-07-17 0:13 GMT+01:00
Subject: Slem pike

Siden du har vært en slem pike får du ingenting i arv.

Hilsen Tante

PS Du skylder meg fremdeles 750000 kroner.

Mer fra YouTube


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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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