Gmail - CCCS
Erik Ribsskog
Erik Ribsskog
Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 6:29 PM
Correspondence Queries <>
what's this Stepchange?
Have the CCCS been closed down?
Erik Ribsskog
Dear Client
Thank you for your email.
We need further details from you before we can deal with your query. As well as your full name, please also provide us with two of the following pieces of information:
• Your client reference number.
• Your full postal address including postcode.
• Your phone number.
• The creditor name, reference number and balance of one of the debts that we have record of.
If you can forward your query back to us with this information we will deal with this as soon as possible.
If you have any further queries, please contact us on 08442 643 643, lines are open 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, you can email us at
You can also keep us updated about your details through our website, at
Kind regards
Correspondence advisor
Sent: 31 October 2012 14:10
To: Q&A
Cc: Correspondence Queries
Subject: Re: CCCS
thank you very much for your e-mail.
I'll copy this e-mail to your client services-depatment then.
Maybe they can give me advice on how to get Wescot to delete my debt.
Because they contact me all the time with their e-mails and 'funny' letters.
So I think that's the only way to get them to stop wasting my time.
I've promised them I'll start to pay them token-payments when I get my Jobseekers Allowance back.
Still they harass me and sabotage against me, like I explain about in more detail in the e-mail you replied to.
Thanks again for the advice!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
Good morning
Thank you for your recent e-mail.
As stated in the below emails the address that you need to send any such correspondence to is
Thank you for contacting CCCS.
If you have any further queries you can reply to this e-mail, use Online Chat or call us on free-phone
0800 197 1704 (weekdays 8am until 8pm).
Kind regards
From: Erik
Ribsskog [mailto:]
Sent: 30 October 2012 15:29
To: Contact Us
Cc: Q&A
Subject: Re: Wescot ResponseRE: Correspondence Reply
I have explained that in the e-mail where you have highlighted a sentence in red.
That your partner Capital One told me last year my signature wasn't mine.
And that you this year have lied about me not replying to your correspondence.
And that you have made me waste my time since your partner Capital One and yourselves haven't been able to accept my token-payment-offer like other companies like Swalec, DML and
United Utilities have accepted, almost a year ago.
This is sabotage, I think.
I suspect you and Capital One have a secret agenda here.
And you really should contact your English-teacher about this.
Because I get anoyed when I have to explain the same again and again.
And it's a saying you have here in the UK, which says it's no excuse for ignorance.
So eighter you're ignorant or slow.
So I think you should perhaps find another job.
Like putting spread on sandwiches, or something like that.
Just an advice.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
Date 30th October 2012
Dear Mr Ribsskog
Further to your recent email regarding your email below. I acknowledge your comments and would like to confirm that
Wescot always attempt to respond with an explanation or resolution as quickly as possible.
Please advise as to why this account would be deleted, we have no details in regards to a query for this account. If
you believe this balance is not due we would require the full details of dispute on this account. Which would allow us to investigate your query with our client.
Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience you may have been caused whilst contacting us.
Yours sincerely
Ms H Thundercliffe
Accounts Controller
Registered in Scotland No. SC84131, Registered Office: Kyleshill House, 1 Glencairn Street, Saltcoats,
Ayrshire KA21 5JT
From: Erik
Ribsskog [mailto:]
Sent: 30 October 2012 14:54
To: Contact Us
Subject: Re: Correspondence Reply
this about that my debt has been deleted is something I'm still looking forward to hearing from you about.
Perhaps you should ask your old English-teacher for advice as to what my writings meant.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
Date 30th October 2012
Dear Mr Ribsskog
Further to your recent email regarding the below account. I acknowledge your comments and would like to confirm that
Wescot always attempt to respond with an explanation or resolution as quickly as possible.
In your email below you have you look forward to hearing that this debt has been deleted. Please could you advise further
on this, as we haveno details in regards to the balance being deleted.
Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience you may have been caused whilst contacting us.
Yours sincereley
Ms H Thundercliffe
Accounts Controller
Registered in Scotland No. SC84131, Registered Office: Kyleshill House, 1 Glencairn Street, Saltcoats,
Ayrshire KA21 5JT
From: Erik
Sent: 19 October 2012 10:40
To: Correspondence Queries
Cc: offers
Subject: Re: Correspondence Reply
ok, I don't think I have gotten their sort-code and account-number.
Do you know this?
I also sent you an update, on Saturday, after the e-mail you replied to now.
I'll paste that in this e-mail now.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
Here's the update e-mail from Saturday:
I got a new income and expenditure-form in the post from you today.
From 11/10, with the reference D3/49597867.
I contacted your partned Capital One last automn, regarding my new budget.
I offered you a token-payment-agreement on £1 a month, untill I got a full-time-job.
Capital One told me my signature wasn't mine, so this process have stalled, since last year.
Now you get back to me.
I'm still unemployed but I'm trying to set a business up, on my spare-time.
And the Jobcentre is 'messing' with my jobseekers allowance.
So at the moment, I have to say I don't have any income.
I could get back to you when I get the jobseekers allowance back.
And then I would offer you the same as last time, £1 a month in token-payments.
I've since last year gotten a flat witch was unfurnitured.
So any money I have left after token-payments each month I now buy furniture and other things for the flat with.
And I was going to set up a new budget, when I got a full-time job.
And I'm going to do that.
But I don't think it's right that I have to set up a new budget now, because your partner said my signature wasn't mine, and didn't accept my new budget, last year.
This has taken so much of my time now, so you should really just delete the debt, I think.
I'm on Ladders, so I have a high income-potential.
All the hours I've spent on you and Captial One should add up to arround the debt I owe you, I think.
So I'm looking forward to hearing from you that my debt with you has been deleted!
Hope this is alright!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
Good morning Erik,
Thank you for contacting us about Wescot.
To make token payments to Wescot you do not need to fill in a giro slip. All you need is their sort
code and account number and also the Wescot reference number starting with DM or D3. You then need to go into your bank and ask them to send £1 payment to Wescot by bank transfer. They may reject the offer of payment but they won’t reject the £1 payment you
send and this will reduce the debt in time.
If you need any advice then please do not hesitate to call us.
Kind regards
Correspondence Advisor
From: Erik
Ribsskog [mailto:]
Sent: 12 October 2012 16:13
To: Correspondence Queries
Cc: offers
Subject: Re: Update/Fwd: *****7867/Fwd: CCCS
thank you for your e-mail!
I'm not paying token-payments at the moment.
Wescot have sent me a budget-form again now.
But as your collegue there have previously told me I don't have to fill out this form to get token-payments.
It should be enought that I've explained about my situation.
I've offered Wescot a token-payment-arrangement like a 'million' times.
But they haven't sent me giros or anything.
And this is taking a lot of my time now.
Because I've been offering Wescot, (and Capital One), a token-payment-arrangement since last year now.
And all I get are standard letters which tells lies like that I haven't replied to their letters.
When I've sent about a million e-mails to them, which I haven't gotten replies to.
So I now copy this e-mail to Wescot.
And I hope they'll send me some giros for the token-payment arrangement of £1 a month now.
Or tell me what information they need from me to set up a direct-debit-agreement.
So I hope this will be sorted now.
Thanks again for the e-mail!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
Hello Eric
Thank you for copying us in to the email you have sent to Wescot.
Please try not to worry about the contact you have received as this is a standard procedure
for creditors to take. Nelson Guest & Partners are an internal collections department who work on behalf of Wescot to collect the outstanding balance.
As you have contacted this creditor to advise of your current financial situation and
are making token payments, you are doing all you can at this time. If you receive any further contact regarding this matter, please advise of this.
I hope this is helpful and reassuring.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0845 272 5400. Lines are open 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Email us at or go online to and follow the links to send us a web mail.
Kind regards
Correspondence Advisor
From: Erik
Ribsskog []
Sent: 08 October 2012 01:14
Cc: Q&A
Subject: Update/Fwd: *****7867/Fwd: CCCS
on Saturday I got a letter from Nelson Guest & Partners Solicitiors, witch I attach a scanned copy of.
I'm don't have the chance to pay 50% of the dept, av the moment, unfortunately.
I'm repeating my offer of a token-payment-arrangement again.
(Which I've done many times earlier).
I hope you can 'stop messing around' now, (like I think I have to call it), and just accept my token-payment-offer, like the other companies have done.
I don't understand why you do so much 'mumbo-jumbo' surrounding this.
This should be a straight forward tokey-payment agreement.
I hope the CCCS can tell you to stop with your funny letters and just accept my token-payment-agreement, which I have offered you, a million times, (to exaggerate, but anyway).
Captial One even have a football-cup named after you, but you don't seem to be a serious company.
It's like being on the candid camera to try get a token-payment-agreement agreed with you.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: *****7867/Fwd: CCCS
To: offers <>
Cc: Q&A <>
it should be D3/49597867, (like I wrote in the subject-line in the e-mail I sent you on 20/9).
I repeat my token-payment offer on £1 a month, like I offer all my other creditors untill I find new employment.
Hope this is alright!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
Good morning,
Please provide the wescot reference beginning with D3 or DM
Kind regards
Rebecca Stearman
Offers Administrator
From: Erik
Ribsskog []
Sent: 28 September 2012 14:34
To: Correspondence Queries
Cc: offers
Subject: Re: *****7867/Fwd: CCCS
thank you for your e-mail!
Yes, I send a copy of this e-mail to Wescot as a reminder of my token-payment-offer, of one pound a month untill I find new employement.
I thought it was like you write here, with the budget-form etc., from when I went to business-school, in the eighties.
Even if that was in Norway, I think business-law is mostly the same in the western world.
Mostly based on old British business-law, if I'm not mistaking.
Thank you very much for the help with this!
The information I sent to Capital One was a new token payment-offer after I had to move to Sunderland for some months last year.
If I remember it right.
I now found a letter on my blog, from Capital One, from 2009, when they also complained about my signature, (so this has happened in both 2009 and 2011), which I attach.
Thanks again for the advice!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
Hi Erick
Thank you for your email about your Wescot and Capital One accounts.
If you have concerns over the wording of the letter from Wescot, I would advise you to raise a complaint directly
with them.
The complaint procedure can take up to 8 weeks and if you are unhappy with any response they give you, you can raise
this further with the financial ombudsman service.
You don’t need to fill out the budget form that Wescot have sent you. You have advised them that you have already
completed a budget with us. Both forms cover the same areas. If you need a copy of the budget that you completed with us, please let me know as I can send this out to you. The budget can also be sent to Capital One.
I wouldn’t advise you to stop making payments towards the Wescot account. It is in your best interest and benefit
that you carry on making a token payment. It will show that you are willing to pay the account off.
If you don’t make a payment, the creditor can take further action.
I understand you would like to keep the contact in writing but it is also best that you call them to discuss your
concerns. This will eliminate any responses about them not receiving your letters.
You can ask for a Data Access Request from them which will provide you with all the notes made on your account. There
may be a charge for this request.
Can you advise me what information you sent to Capital One for them to reject your signature? If your signature hasn’t
changed, I would advise you to contact Capital One and ask for a further explanation, i.e. are they comparing your signature to the signature on the original credit agreement?
Again, you can ask for a Data Access Request to see what has been noted on your account and there may be a charge
for this request.
I hope this has been helpful.
If you have any further queries, please contact us on 0845 272 5400, lines are open 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday,
you can email us at
Kind regards
Paul Marshall
Correspondence Co-ordinator
From: Erik
Sent: 26 September 2012 00:05
To: Correspondence Queries
Subject: Re: *****7867/Fwd: CCCS
I've gone to business-school and letters shouldn't contain lies even if they are standard letters.
Here it's obvious that the standard letter is used wrongly.
I'm not making a token-payment here, you haven't read up.
Please escalate to your line manager.
Erik Ribsskog
And I don't think it's a good idea to call these companies.
It's better to keep the correspondence in writing, so to keep documentation about what has been agreed.
PS 2.
You haven't commented on that Capital One told me my signature wasn't mine.
I want to please escalate this to your line-manager.
Hi Erik
Thank you for contacting us about your account with Wescot.
Creditors will often send standard collection letters out to you. Standard letters will include certain phrases that may not fit entirely, such as "we have not received a reply".
Unfortunately even though you are making a token payment we cannot stop creditors from contacting you. You should continue to keep your creditors up to date with your financial situation and offer them the most fair and reasonable offer you can.
It may be best to call your creditors and speak to someone directly. That way all issues can be discussed there and then.
If you have any further questions or need some more advise, you can call us on 0845 272 5400. Lines are open from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. You can also email us at
Kind regards
Correspondence Advisor
We are altering the way in which we handle your correspondence to ensure we safeguard your personal information at all times.
In order for us to do this we will be making some changes to the way in which we validate your identity.
The next time you contact us, we will require you to provide us with at least 2 pieces of information from the list below:
· Client reference number
· Postal address
· Postcode
· Telephone number
· Email address
Please make sure you provide this information along with your full name on every communication you send to us. If not, we will prompt you for these details and this may delay your reply.
Thank you
The Correspondence Team
We are altering the way in which we handle your correspondence to ensure we safeguard your personal
information at all times.
In order for us to do this we will be making some changes to the way in which we validate your identity.
The next time you contact us, we will require you to provide us with at least 2 pieces of information
from the list below:
Client reference number
Postal address
Telephone number
Email address
Please make sure you provide this information along with your full name on every communication you send
to us. If not, we will prompt you for these details and this may delay your reply.
Thank you
The Correspondence Team
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Read the MoneyAware
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
We are altering the way in which we handle your correspondence to ensure we safeguard your personal
information at all times.
In order for us to do this we will be making some changes to the way in which we validate your identity.
The next time you contact us, we will require you to provide us with at least 2 pieces of information
from the list below:
Client reference number
Postal address
Telephone number
Email address
Please make sure you provide this information along with your full name on every communication you send
to us. If not, we will prompt you for these details and this may delay your reply.
Thank you
The Correspondence Team
We are altering the way in which we handle your correspondence to ensure we safeguard your personal
information at all times.
In order for us to do this we will be making some changes to the way in which we validate your identity.
The next time you contact us, we will require you to provide us with at least 2 pieces of information
from the list below:
Client reference number
Postal address
Telephone number
Email address
[Message clipped]