Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

tirsdag 18. august 2009

Jeg blir manipulert og brukt som noe drone, av myndighetene

Mer og mer tyder på, at myndighetene, bruker meg som noe spion og drone, i firmaer osv., bak ryggen min.

At det var det som skjedde, på Arvato.

At det var det som skjedde, i Rimi.

Og at det var det som skjedde, da jeg ble jaget, fra gården til onkelen min, i Larvik, i 2005, (selv om jeg hørte at de skulle skyte meg).

Så her opererer myndighetene utenfor alt som heter lover og regler, hvis det jeg tror er riktig.

Så sånn er det.


Erik Ribsskog

Mer om CV-er i England, og problemene hos Randstad, Reed og Arvato

Google Mail - Fantastic position!

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Fantastic position!

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 5:13 PM



yes, it's David Vaughan.

I attach a copy of his business-card, which I have in a file, since it's part of an employment-case,
since there were quite serious problems at Arvato, with bullying from managers and illigal

management-methods etc., unfortunatly.

(I've been working in management myself, in Norway, so I've there learned how to deal with
problems like this, on courses, as a manager, so I tried to deal with the problems at

Arvato, the way I'd learned at the courses I was at as a shop-manager, since I almost
had to workmyselves to death there, at Arvato, and I had to do something, or else
I couldn't have gone on).

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 4:48 PM, <> wrote:

Do you know his first name, as we dont have a Mr Vaughan in Liverpool Reed?

Kind Regards

Juliana Golob

Senior Consultant

Reed Specialist Recruitment, Warrington

Tel:01925 414222

Fax:01925 428850

" Proud to be voted the #1 Recruitment Superbrand, Reed continues to

provide the quality of service for all your recruitment needs "

Erik Ribsskog


com> To

18/08/2009 16:45 cc


Re: Fantastic position!


I see, no problem.

Is it alright if I ask you a question, by the way.

Because when I got the Arvato-job, then I was in contact, with Mr. Vaughan,

at Reed, in

Liverpool City Center.

He sent me to Randstad, (Joane Trust), who found me the Arvato-job.

Is this normal, that Reed send people to Randstad, etc?

Just something I wondered about, aren't you competitors?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 4:27 PM, <> wrote:

No Juliana from Reed :-)

Kind Regards

Juliana Golob

Senior Consultant

Reed Specialist Recruitment, Warrington

Tel:01925 414222

Fax:01925 428850

" Proud to be voted the #1 Recruitment Superbrand, Reed continues to

provide the quality of service for all your recruitment needs

" Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.




16:14 cc

Subject Re: Fantastic position!


ok I'll do that, and get back to you tomorrow.

Are you the Juliana who worked for Randstad, when I started in the

Arvato-job btw?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 4:07 PM, <>

wrote: for each role that you were at the same company - can you

please group the details eg: December 1992 - May 1996,

Rimi Nylænde, Oslo,

Norway. Duties included.................................................................... Thank

you Kind Regards Juliana Golob Senior Consultant Reed

Specialist Recruitment, Warrington Tel:01925 414222 Fax:01925

428850 " Proud to be voted the #1 Recruitment Superbrand, Reed

continues to provide the quality of service for all your

recruitment needs " Erik Ribsskog

<eribsskog@gmail. com> To

18/08/2009 15:59

cc Subject Re: Fantastic

position! Hi, ok, I'm going to a meeting at Working Links

tomorrow, where I have a personal advisor, so then I'll her

for advice, and then I'll get back to you, tomorrow or

the next day, if that's alright. I've been working in the

food-shop chain in Norway, for a lot of years, so I'm not

that used with applying for jobs, since I got promoted without

having to apply formally, within the company, all the

time, so I need some advice from Working Links on how to

write the CV. So I'll get back to you tomorrow, if that's

alright! Best regards, Erik Ribsskog On Tue, Aug 18, 2009

at 3:55 PM, <> wrote: Please

bullet point in each role the duties you did - you Cv

is really long and needs to show your experience more

and the languages you have! please send more time

doing this! Kind

Regards Juliana Golob Senior Consultant Reed

Specialist Recruitment, Warrington Tel:01925

414222 Fax:01925 428850 " Proud to be voted the #1

Recruitment Superbrand, Reed continues to provide the

quality of service for all your

recruitment needs " Erik

Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail. com> To

18/08/2009 15:42 cc Subject Re:

Fantastic position! Hi Juliana, thanks for the

phone-call, earlier today! Here is my CV again, on which

I've written comments, about what I did, in my

previous employment-roles, and what the reasons were, for

ending the work-relationship. I hope this is alright, and

please just contact me, if you have

any other quesitions! Yours sincerely, Erik

Ribsskog On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 8:20 AM, <> wrote: Hi Erik I

am currently looking to employ a

Customer Service, Administration and Telesales role in

St Helen's, Warrington. All applicants must be fluent

in 1 or more of the following languages: Swedish,

Norwegian, Danish or Finnish. The salary is �18-20K

and will be full time, Monday

to Friday. Interested? Please call Juliana Golob on

01925 414222 or email

Yours sincerely Juliana

Golob Senior Permanents Consultant WARRINGTON

EMP Reed Specialist Recruitment Tel No: 01925


We respect your privacy. If you no longer

wish to receive correspondence from us please click on

the following link:

Disclaimer: Internet communications are not

secure and therefore Reed does not accept legal

responsibility for the contents of this message.

Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the

author and do not necessarily represent those of the

Reed family of companies unless otherwise

specifically stated. This email and any files

transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the

use of the intended recipient. If you are not

the intended recipient or the person

responsible for delivering it to the intended

recipient, be advised that you have received this email

in error and that any dissemination, distribution,

copying or use is strictly prohibited. If

you have received this email in error please notify the

sender and then delete the message and any attachments

from your computer. This email has been scanned for

all known viruses by the Websense Mailcontrol

System. While the sender has taken

every reasonable precaution to minimise risk, we cannot

accept liability for any damage which you sustain as a

result of software viruses. You should carry out your

own virus checks before opening any attachments to this

e-mail. WARNING: Only click here to report this email

as spam.(See attached file: CV - Erik

Ribsskog (with comments).rtf) REED Specialist supports

Reed is the leading independent recruitment specialist in

the UK and Ireland, and is also represented in Continental

Europe, the Middle East and Asia Pacific. We supply

temporary, contract and permanent staff

to clients across all market sectors, and we are

leading practitioners in IT and HR Consultancy in

all these geographical areas. Reed Specialist

Recruitment Ltd. Registered Office: Academy

Court, 94 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1DT. Company

Number: 06903140. Registered in the UK. REED

Specialist supports

Reed is the leading independent recruitment specialist in the UK

and Ireland, and is also represented in Continental Europe, the

Middle East and Asia Pacific. We supply temporary, contract

and permanent staff to clients across all market sectors, and

we are leading practitioners in IT and HR Consultancy in all

these geographical areas. Reed Specialist Recruitment

Ltd. Registered Office: Academy Court, 94 Chancery Lane,

London, WC2A 1DT. Company Number: 06903140. Registered

in the UK.

REED Specialist supports

Reed is the leading independent recruitment specialist in the UK and

Ireland, and is also represented in Continental Europe, the Middle

East and

Asia Pacific. We supply temporary, contract and permanent staff to


across all market sectors, and we are leading practitioners in IT and


Consultancy in all these geographical areas.

Reed Specialist Recruitment Ltd. Registered Office: Academy Court,


Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1DT. Company Number:

06903140. Registered in

the UK.

REED Specialist supports

Reed is the leading independent recruitment specialist in the UK and

Ireland, and is also represented in Continental Europe, the Middle East and

Asia Pacific. We supply temporary, contract and permanent staff to clients

across all market sectors, and we are leading practitioners in IT and HR

Consultancy in all these geographical areas.

Reed Specialist Recruitment Ltd. Registered Office: Academy Court, 94

Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1DT. Company Number: 06903140. Registered in

the UK.



Her er vedlegget:


Her er hvordan CV-en min ble, med de kommentarene som jeg skrev for hun fra Reed da

Curriculum Vitae


              Erik Ribsskog

              Flat 3

              5 Leather Lane


              L2 2AE






Personal Profile:


I'm a hardworking and committed person who has very good management and communication skills.


I've studied Computing, (with some Management, Marketing & Economy-modules), at University-level.


In 2001 I received an award, 'Rimi Goldmines',  in shop-management in Norway. An award that only a handfull of Rimi's 500 shop-managers receive every year.


At school, I was always one of the best in my class, and in 1988, I was allowed to study in the county of Buskerud, Norway, although I lived in the neighbouring county of Vestfold. This was because I was one of the ten best students that year.





              March 2007 - November 2008, Self-Employed, Company-Researcher

              (Working as a freelancer, doing research on Scandinavian companies in the

              packaging-industry for a database,, on behalf

              of Packaging Europe, Norwich). In this role, I called companies in Scandinavia,

              and updated a database, that packaging-customers could search in, to find the

              best suppliers. This job ended, due to that the project was finished.


              June 2006 - December 2006, Arvato Services Ltd, Liverpool.

              Multi-lingual Contact Centre Representative on Bertelsmann Arvato's

              Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation-campaign. In this job,

              I was answering phone-calls, from Microsoft's Scandinavian

              customers, who wanted help with activating Windows and other

              Microsoft-programs, over the phone. This job ended, due to that

              the contract ran out, and I didn't want to work there any longer,

              eighter, due to problems with a lot of bullying from managers, etc.,

              so I found a new job, instead.


              August 2005 - June 2006, Randstad Employment Agency, Liverpool.

              Multi-lingual Contact Centre Representative on Bertelsmann Arvato's

              Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation-campaign.In this job, I did

              the same as in the above job, but I was employed by an employment-



              March 2005 - July 2005, Løvås Farm, Larvik, Norway.

              Farm-work on a farm owned by relatives in Norway.

              (Due to problems with getting my home university to approve the modules

              from the University of Sunderland, and the study finance from Norway

              was delayed due to this.). I ended working in this job, due to that I

              moved to the UK.


                June 2003 - August 2004, Rimi Langhus, Ski, Norway.

              Team Leader, Food Shop, part-time. I ended working in this job, due to

              that I went to study, at the university of Sunderland.


              August 2002 - January 2004, Rimi Bjørndal, Oslo, Norway.

              Team Leader, Food Shop, part-time. I ended this job, due to that I was

              studying full-time, and had the job above, as well.


              May 2001 - August 2002, Rimi Langhus, Ski, Norway.

              Food Shop Manager, full-time. I ended this job, because I was going to

              study, a Bachelors-degree, at Oslo University College.


              August 2000 - May 2001, Rimi Kalbakken, Oslo, Norway.

              Food Shop Manager, full-time. I ended this job, to start in the above job.


              October 1998 - August 2000, Rimi Nylænde, Oslo, Norway.

              Food Shop Manager, full-time. I ended this job, to start in the above job.


              May 1996 - October 1998, Rimi Bjørndal, Oslo, Norway.

              Assistant Manager, Food-shop, full-time. I ended this job, to start in the above job.


              January 1996 - April 1996, Chinatown-expressen, Eiksmarka, Norway.

              Chinese Food Delivery in Oslo West and Bærum, part-time. I ended this job,

              because I was having an operation in my knee, from playing football. And it

              was only an extra-job as well.


              February 1995 - August 1995, Norsk Idrettshjelp, Oslo, Norway.

              Telemarketing, part-time. I ended this job, since it was only to pay for my driving-

              lessons, and it was only an extra-job, besides my full-time job.


              January 1995 - May 1996, Rimi Nylænde, Oslo, Norway.

              Assistant Manager, Food Shop, full-time. I ended this job, to start in a similar job,

              in the same company, but in a larger shop.


              June 1994 - December 1994, Rimi Nylænde, Oslo, Norway.

              Team Leader, Food Shop, full-time. I ended this job, since I was promoted.


              August 1993 - June 1994, Rimi Nylænde, Oslo, Norway.

  Food Shop employee, full-time. I ended this job, since I was promoted to work as

              a Team-Leader.


              March 1993 - March 1993, Action Arcades, Lørenskog, Norway.

              System Development, Accounts Programmer, part-time. I ended this job, since the

              project finished.


              December 1992 – August 1993, Rimi Munkelia, Oslo, Norway.

              Food Shop employee, part-time. I ended this job, since I got another job, in the same

              company, and this only was a part-time job, while I was in the army.


              August 1992 – June 1993, Terningmoen, Elverum, Norway.

              Norwegian Army, Infantry, Conscription Service.


              August 1991 - December 1992, OBS Triaden, Lørenskog, Norway.

              Food Shop employee, part-time. I ended this job, since I had to go to the army.


              September 1990 – August 1991, OBS Triaden, Lørenskog, Norway.

              Food Shop employee, full-time. I ended this job, to study full time.


              August 1990 – September 1990, Det Norske Hageselskap, Oslo, Norway.

              Office Worker for the publication Norsk Hagetidend, full-time. I ended this job, since

              I found a permanent job, and this was only for three months.


              Sept. 1988 - aug. 1989, CC Storkjøp, Drammen, Norway.

              Food Shop employee, part-time. I ended this job, since I moved to Oslo, to study

              computing and business, at a University-College, NHI, (now NITH).





              September 2004 - February 2005, University of Sunderland.

              Studying abroad, Computing.


              August 2002 - June 2004, Oslo University College, Oslo, Norway.

              Høgskolekandidat, a two year degree in Information Technology.


              August 1991 - June 1992, NHI, Oslo, Norway.

              2nd year NHI-candidate. (Computing, University-level).


              August 1989 - June 1990, NHI, Oslo, Norway.

              1st year NHI-candidate. (Computing, University-level).


              August 1988 - June 1989, Gjerdes VGS., Drammen, Norway.

              3rd year upper secondary school. Business-school. Computing-line.


              August 1987 - June 1988, Sande VGS., Sande, Norway.

              2nd year upper secondary school. Business-school. Marketing-line.


              August 1986 - June 1987, Sande VGS., Sande, Norway.

              1st year upper secondary school. Business-school. Office-line.





Numeracy, Level 2, February 2009.

Learn Direct, Liverpool.


ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence), January 2009.

Learn Direct, Liverpool.


Literacy, Level 2, November 2008.

Learn Direct, Liverpool.


Participated on many courses for food-shop managers, arranged by Hakon-gruppen (now ICA), 1992 – 2004:


              -   Practical management.

-   Employment law.

-   Economy.

-   Security.


  NT Server Core Tech, May 1998.

              Global Knowledge Network, Skullerud, Oslo.


              Summer-school, English, Brighton, 1988.

              EF Language-courses.


              Summer-school, English, Weymouth, 1986.

              EF Language-courses.


              Summer-school, English, Brighton 1985.

              STS Language-courses.





              Full UK Driving Licence.





Tim Sykes, Editor, Packaging Europe, Norwich, phone: 0160 341 4444





Enda mer om CV-er i England

Google Mail - Fantastic position!

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Fantastic position!

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 4:45 PM



I see, no problem.

Is it alright if I ask you a question, by the way.

Because when I got the Arvato-job, then I was in contact, with Mr. Vaughan, at Reed, in
Liverpool City Center.

He sent me to Randstad, (Joane Trust), who found me the Arvato-job.

Is this normal, that Reed send people to Randstad, etc?

Just something I wondered about, aren't you competitors?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 4:27 PM, <> wrote:

No Juliana from Reed :-)

Kind Regards

Juliana Golob

Senior Consultant

Reed Specialist Recruitment, Warrington

Tel:01925 414222

Fax:01925 428850

" Proud to be voted the #1 Recruitment Superbrand, Reed continues to

provide the quality of service for all your recruitment needs "

Erik Ribsskog


com> To

18/08/2009 16:14 cc


Re: Fantastic position!


ok I'll do that, and get back to you tomorrow.

Are you the Juliana who worked for Randstad, when I started in the

Arvato-job btw?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 4:07 PM, <> wrote:

for each role that you were at the same company - can you please

group the

details eg:

December 1992 - May 1996, Rimi Nylænde, Oslo, Norway.



Thank you

Kind Regards

Juliana Golob

Senior Consultant

Reed Specialist Recruitment, Warrington

Tel:01925 414222

Fax:01925 428850

" Proud to be voted the #1 Recruitment Superbrand, Reed continues to

provide the quality of service for all your recruitment needs

" Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.




15:59 cc

Subject Re: Fantastic position!


ok, I'm going to a meeting at Working Links tomorrow, where I have a

personal advisor,

so then I'll her for advice, and then I'll get back to you, tomorrow

or the

next day,

if that's alright.

I've been working in the food-shop chain in Norway, for a lot of

years, so

I'm not that

used with applying for jobs, since I got promoted without having to



within the company, all the time, so I need some advice from Working


on how

to write the CV.

So I'll get back to you tomorrow, if that's alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 3:55 PM, <>

wrote: Please bullet point in each role the duties you did - you

Cv is really long and needs to show your experience more and

the languages you have! please send more time doing

this! Kind Regards Juliana

Golob Senior Consultant Reed Specialist Recruitment,

Warrington Tel:01925 414222 Fax:01925 428850 " Proud to

be voted the #1 Recruitment Superbrand, Reed continues

to provide the quality of service for all your recruitment

needs " Erik Ribsskog

<eribsskog@gmail. com> To

18/08/2009 15:42 cc Subject

Re: Fantastic position! Hi Juliana, thanks for the phone-call,

earlier today! Here is my CV again, on which I've written

comments, about what I did, in my previous

employment-roles, and what the reasons were, for ending the

work-relationship. I hope this is alright, and please just

contact me, if you have any other quesitions! Yours

sincerely, Erik Ribsskog On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 8:20 AM, <> wrote: Hi Erik I am

currently looking to employ a Customer Service,

Administration and Telesales role in St

Helen's, Warrington. All applicants must be fluent in 1 or

more of the following languages: Swedish, Norwegian, Danish

or Finnish. The salary is �18-20K and will be full

time, Monday to Friday. Interested? Please call

Juliana Golob on 01925 414222 or email

Yours sincerely Juliana Golob Senior

Permanents Consultant WARRINGTON EMP Reed Specialist

Recruitment Tel No: 01925 414222

We respect your privacy. If you no longer wish

to receive correspondence from us please click on the

following link:

Disclaimer: Internet communications are not secure

and therefore Reed does not accept legal responsibility for

the contents of this message. Any views or opinions

presented are solely those of the author and do

not necessarily represent those of the Reed family of

companies unless otherwise specifically stated. This

email and any files transmitted with it are confidential

and solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you are

not the intended recipient or the person responsible

for delivering it to the intended recipient, be advised that

you have received this email in error and that any

dissemination, distribution, copying or use is strictly

prohibited. If you have received this email in error please

notify the sender and then delete the message and any

attachments from your computer. This email has been scanned

for all known viruses by the Websense Mailcontrol System.

While the sender has taken every reasonable precaution to

minimise risk, we cannot accept liability for any damage

which you sustain as a result of software viruses. You

should carry out your own virus checks before opening any

attachments to this e-mail. WARNING: Only click here to

report this email as spam.(See attached file: CV

- Erik Ribsskog (with comments).rtf) REED Specialist supports

Reed is the leading independent recruitment specialist in the UK

and Ireland, and is also represented in Continental Europe, the

Middle East and Asia Pacific. We supply temporary, contract

and permanent staff to clients across all market sectors, and

we are leading practitioners in IT and HR Consultancy in all

these geographical areas. Reed Specialist Recruitment

Ltd. Registered Office: Academy Court, 94 Chancery Lane,

London, WC2A 1DT. Company Number: 06903140. Registered

in the UK.

REED Specialist supports

Reed is the leading independent recruitment specialist in the UK and

Ireland, and is also represented in Continental Europe, the Middle

East and

Asia Pacific. We supply temporary, contract and permanent staff to


across all market sectors, and we are leading practitioners in IT and


Consultancy in all these geographical areas.

Reed Specialist Recruitment Ltd. Registered Office: Academy Court,


Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1DT. Company Number:

06903140. Registered in

the UK.

REED Specialist supports

Reed is the leading independent recruitment specialist in the UK and

Ireland, and is also represented in Continental Europe, the Middle East and

Asia Pacific. We supply temporary, contract and permanent staff to clients

across all market sectors, and we are leading practitioners in IT and HR

Consultancy in all these geographical areas.

Reed Specialist Recruitment Ltd. Registered Office: Academy Court, 94

Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1DT. Company Number: 06903140. Registered in

the UK.

I England, så er det visst del uenighet, om hva som skal stå på CV-en

Google Mail - E-mail about job/Fwd: Fantastic position!

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

E-mail about job/Fwd: Fantastic position!

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 4:01 PM

"Kershaw, Danielle" <>

Hi Danielle,

I'm in contact with Reed, about a multi-lingual job, but there are some problems with the CV,
so I send you a copy of the e-mail about this, before the meeting tomorrow.

Hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: Fantastic position!


ok, I'm going to a meeting at Working Links tomorrow, where I have a personal advisor,

so then I'll her for advice, and then I'll get back to you, tomorrow or the next day,

if that's alright.

I've been working in the food-shop chain in Norway, for a lot of years, so I'm not that
used with applying for jobs, since I got promoted without having to apply formally,

within the company, all the time, so I need some advice from Working Links on how
to write the CV.

So I'll get back to you tomorrow, if that's alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 3:55 PM, <> wrote:

Please bullet point in each role the duties you did - you Cv is really long

and needs to show your experience more and the languages you have! please

send more time doing this!

Kind Regards

Juliana Golob

Senior Consultant

Reed Specialist Recruitment, Warrington

Tel:01925 414222

Fax:01925 428850

" Proud to be voted the #1 Recruitment Superbrand, Reed continues to

provide the quality of service for all your recruitment needs "

Erik Ribsskog


com> To

18/08/2009 15:42 cc


Re: Fantastic position!

Hi Juliana,

thanks for the phone-call, earlier today!

Here is my CV again, on which I've written comments, about what I did, in

my previous employment-roles,

and what the reasons were, for ending the work-relationship.

I hope this is alright, and please just contact me, if you have any other


Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 8:20 AM, <> wrote:

Hi Erik

I am currently looking to employ a Customer Service, Administration

and Telesales role in St Helen's, Warrington. All applicants must be

fluent in 1 or more of the following languages: Swedish, Norwegian,

Danish or Finnish. The salary is �18-20K and will be full time,

Monday to Friday.

Interested? Please call Juliana Golob on 01925 414222 or email

Yours sincerely

Juliana Golob

Senior Permanents Consultant


Reed Specialist Recruitment

Tel No: 01925 414222

We respect your privacy. If you no longer wish to receive

correspondence from us please click on the following link:


Internet communications are not secure and therefore Reed does not

accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message. Any

views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not

necessarily represent those of the Reed family of companies unless

otherwise specifically stated.

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and

solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you are not the

intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering it to the

intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in

error and that any dissemination, distribution, copying or use is

strictly prohibited.

If you have received this email in error please notify the sender and

then delete the message and any attachments from your computer.

This email has been scanned for all known viruses by the Websense

Mailcontrol System. While the sender has taken every reasonable

precaution to minimise risk, we cannot accept liability for any

damage which you sustain as a result of software viruses. You should

carry out your own virus checks before opening any attachments to

this e-mail.

WARNING: Only click here to report this email as spam.(See attached file:

CV - Erik Ribsskog (with comments).rtf)

REED Specialist supports

Reed is the leading independent recruitment specialist in the UK and

Ireland, and is also represented in Continental Europe, the Middle East and

Asia Pacific. We supply temporary, contract and permanent staff to clients

across all market sectors, and we are leading practitioners in IT and HR

Consultancy in all these geographical areas.

Reed Specialist Recruitment Ltd. Registered Office: Academy Court, 94

Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1DT. Company Number: 06903140. Registered in

the UK.

Det var visst noe med 'Historisk Årbog', det på websidene til museet i Danmark

Google Mail - Gjedde-slekten/Fwd: Sølvølkrus antagelig etter Didrik Galtrup

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Gjedde-slekten/Fwd: Sølvølkrus antagelig etter Didrik Galtrup

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 3:04 PM

Orla Poulsen - Thisted Kommune <>


var det sånn det var ja.

Da får jeg beklage at jeg tok feil da, så får jeg prøve å finne ut av dette på en annen måte, ved å søke på nettet, eller noe.

Igjen takk for hjelpen!


Erik Ribsskog

2009/8/18 Orla Poulsen - Thisted Kommune <>

Han har ikke skrevet på vores webside. han har skrevet en
artikel i Historisk Årbog, som vi har uploadet til websiden. Der er i alt 1600
artikler, hvoraf de første er publiceret i 1906!!!


Orla Poulsen

Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 18. august 2009 14:43

Til: Orla Poulsen - Thisted
Emne: Re: Gjedde-slekten/Fwd: Sølvølkrus antagelig etter
Didrik Galtrup


men han her Ole P. Colding, han har jo skrevet på ditt
museums websider.

Du må vel
vite hvem dere lar skrive på deres websider, er ikke du ansvarlig for museet og
websidene da?



Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 12. august 2009 13:53

Til: Orla Poulsen - Thisted Kommune
Re: Gjedde-slekten/Fwd: Sølvølkrus antagelig etter Didrik


igjen tusen takk for svar!

Jeg skal søke i det arkivet, i den linken, som du opplyste.

Mange takk for det.

Jeg er ikke så flink til å forklare hva jeg mener alltid, men nå skal jeg
prøve igjen:

Her er den ene personen jeg lurte om, om han var adelig:

Disse fæstebreve er alle fra ”gamle” Gjeddes tid. Dvs.

Anders Christensen Gjedde f. i Handest ved Hobro 13.

februar 1774, bondesøn. Han svang sig op som forpagter

og kunne i 1804, 28 år gl. købe Glomstrup, gift 1808 med

Ane Marie Galtrup, datter af godsejer til Højriis Didrik

Galtrup. Han anlagde plantagen 1811 og opfordrede

fæsterne til at plante ved gårdene.

1812 overtog han også Højriis. Blev landvæsens- og

tiendekommissær, dvs, en slags dommer i tvivlsspørgsmål,

og havde med både det ene og det andet at gøre. Kun 62 år

gl. døde Anders C. Gjedde.

Maren Gjedde, var min mormors oldemor, og hun var datter av Anders
Christensen Gjedde.

Så Maren Gjedde, var min tipptippoldemor, og Anders Christensen Gjedde,
var min tipptipptippoldefar.

Min mormor, Ingeborg Ribsskog, sa at han var fra gammel dansk adel.

Men i linken, til deres websider, skrevet av Ole P. Colding, så står
det at Anders Christensen Gjedde,

fra Handest ved Hobro.

Hobro ligger visst nord for Randers, så jeg nå.

Så kanskje jeg skulle kontakte han Ole P. Colding da.

Er det en som jobber på museet deres eller?

Igjen mange takk for svar!

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

2009/8/12 Orla Poulsen - Thisted Kommune <>

Det er
såmænd mig. Men har ikke folketællinger, kirkebøger, skifter osv der dækker
Morsområdet. Prøv at kigge på - hvor der er adgang
til at læse kirkebøger og folketællinger fra hele Danmark. Du skal blot
oprette dig selv som bruger!



Fra: Erik Ribsskog []
Sendt: 12. august
2009 13:38

Til: Orla Poulsen - Thisted Kommune
Re: Gjedde-slekten/Fwd: Sølvølkrus antagelig etter Didrik


jeg forstår.

Men dere skriver jo om Højriis og slikt på deres nettsider.

Højriis ligger jo på Mors.

Hvorfor skriver dere om Mors på deres nettsider da, hvis dere ikke vet
noe om Mors.

Disse personene jeg nevner, Didrik Galtrup og Anders Christensen
Gjedde, de er vel fra Thisted, og så har de senere flyttet til blant annet
Højriis på Mors da.

Dere skriver jo om dette på deres

Hvem hos dere er det som skriver deres nettsider da, er det lov å
spørre om det?

Igjen takk for raskt svar!

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

2009/8/12 Orla Poulsen - Thisted Kommune <>

gerne jeg end ville er jeg ikke i stand til at svare dig på spørgsmål
vedrørende forhold på Mors. Ellers vil jeg henvise til vores hjemmeside,
hvor der er oversigter over alt, hvad vi har på arkivet



Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 12. august 2009 04:40

Til: Orla Poulsen - Thisted Kommune
Gjedde-slekten/Fwd: Sølvølkrus antagelig etter Didrik


igjen takk for den forrige e-posten!

Jeg fikk ikke noe svar, fra museet på Mors, og jeg kom også på et
annet spørsmål, hvis det er iorden, at jeg stiller det.

Det var om Anders Christensen Gjedde, eller 'gamle-Gjedde', som
dere kaller han, på deres nettsider.

Det er altså faren til Maren Gjedde, og morfaren til Anders
Gjedde Nyholm, og 'gammel-Gjedde' eller Gedde,

kjøpte Højriis, eller tok over Højriis, etter at hans kone, som het
Galtrup, til pikenavn, døde.

Men det står på deres nettsider, at 'Gammel-Gjedde', (Anders
Christensen Gjedde), var en bondesønn, som slo seg opp, i samfunnet, som

Min mormor, Ingeborg Ribsskog født Heegaard, som var fra Danmark, hun
var barnebarn av Anders Gjedde Nyholm, så den kjente generalen som var
øverste general i Danmark, Chef for generalkommandoen, i mellomkrigstiden,
han var altså min tippoldefar.

Og min mormor, var veldig stolt av denne Gjedde-slekten, og viste meg
det, at på et sølv-ølkrus, som var etter Galtrup-slekten,

vil jeg tro, så hadde en eller flere Gedde, gravert sitt navn, som
eiere av sølvkruset da, i generasjonene etterpå.

Men, min mormor sa at den familien, Gjedde, var en fin gammel dansk

Men det får jeg ikke til å stemme, når jeg leser på deres
nettsider, hvor det står at 'Gammel-Gjedde', var en bondesønn, som slo seg
opp som forpakter.

Han kalte seg jo også Anders Christensen Gjedde, var det vel, og
hvis Gjedde hadde vært veldig fint, så hadde han vel droppet

Eller hva tror dere.

Jeg personlig, tror at dette da må være en egen jyllandsk, eller
jydsk, Gjedde-familie.

Det finnes jo også en Gjedde-familie, fra Mån, på Sjælland, men
den hadde visst ikke noe link, til Ove Gjeddes familie, leste jeg i en
bok, om Gjedde-familien, som jeg fant på internett.

Så jeg tror det finnes tre Gjedde-familier.

Eller fire.

En fra Stockholms-området, som var den første.

En fra Skåne, (den med Ove Gjedde).

En fra Mån, (med noen kjente generaler, fra Napoleonskrigene og
slaget om København osv).

En fra Mors/Thisted-området, på Jylland.

Hva tror du selv, tror du at denne 'Gammel-Gjedde', stammet fra de
kjente Gjedde-familiene, siden han var en bondesønn, som også kalte seg
Christensen, og som slo seg opp som forpakter?

På forhånd takk, hvis dere har tid til å svare!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Subject: Fwd: Sølvølkrus antagelig etter Didrik
To: "" <>


Thisted museum anbefalte meg å prøve å kontakte dere.

Jeg lurte på om dere er interessert i et fint sølvølkrus, fra
1700-tallet, etter Didrik Galtrup,

antagelig, og som har stått på Højriis, på Mors, og som jeg har fått
i bursdaggave, i 2004,

av min mormor, Ingeborg Ribsskog, som var fra Danmark, men døde
tidligere iår.

Jeg synes det kruset er for fint, til å ha i et vanlig hus, i
tilfelle det blir stjålet, og det ligger

i Oslo, mens jeg er i England, og jeg synes ikke jeg burde ta det med
til England heller,

siden det vel hører mer hjemme i Danmark.

Jeg er arbeidsledig i England, men kruset ligger hos CitySelfStorage
i Oslo, og visst dere

er interessert, så kan jeg høre hvor mye de skal ha, for leie, for
jeg har ikke fått hentet

tingene mine, for jeg har blitt værende i England, lenger enn jeg
planla, grunnet at jeg

ikke får noe hjelp av norsk politi, etter at jeg har overhørt at jeg
er forfulgt av noe de

kaller 'mafian', i Oslo, og som jeg ikke får respons fra politiet
angående, når jeg

kontakter de om dette, derfor har de av tingene mine, som jeg la
igjen hos City SelfStorage,

i Oslo, de har bare blitt liggende i en bod der, siden 2004, og jeg
skylder nå en del i leie,

for den boden da.

Men bare si fra hvis dere er interessert.


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Subject: Re: Sølvølkrus antagelig etter Didrik Galtrup
Orla Poulsen - Thisted Kommune <>


jeg synes dere skrev så mye om han Didrik Galtrup og noen av de andre
som har hatt det kruset, på deres

websted, så jeg tenkte dere kanskje var interessert.

Men jeg skal kontakte det historiske museumet.

Mange takk for hjelp!


Erik Ribsskog

2009/7/29 Orla Poulsen - Thisted Kommune <>

vi er ikke interesseret - men måske skulle du forsøge at henvende dig
til det lokalhistoriske arkiv på Mors - der er en del af Morslands
Historiske Museum.



Fra: Erik Ribsskog []

Sendt: 29. juli 2009 04:42
Til: Orla Poulsen -
Thisted Kommune
Emne: Sølvølkrus antagelig etter Didrik


er dere interessert i et sølvølkrus, fra 1700-tallet, som har stått
på Højris, og som

har en mynt fra begynnelsen av 1700-tallet og en løve med krone, på

Det er også gravert inn i lokket, navn på eiere, etter

Det står bl.a. 'gedde', gravert inn i lokket, har min mormor
Ingeborg Ribsskog,

født Heegaard, vist meg.

Henne oldemor, var Maren Gjedde, og hennes morfar var Anders Gjedde

Det ligger et postkort av Højriis, i kruset, fra før
ombygningen, tror jeg.

Og det ligger en datering av kruset, til sent 1700-tall der.

Og en litt tagg, har brukket av kronen, for min mormor,
emballerte ikke det kruset

så bra, da jeg skulle dra fra Nevlunghavn til Oslo, med kruset, som
jeg fikk i fødselsdags-

gave, uventet, i 2004.

Jeg har blitt forfulgt i Norge, av noe de kaller 'mafian', i Oslo,
har jeg hørt.

Kruset og mine ting fra det norske heimevernet mm., ligger hos
City SelfStorage, i Oslo,

mens jeg er i England selv, arbeidsledig, og uten penger.

Så jeg er redd for at City SelfStorage, vil kaste ut mine ting,
blant annet kruset,

så jeg prøver å redde dette.

Så jeg ville trengt noen tusen, for å betale leien til City
SelfStorage, og for meg

selv til å reise til Oslo og Danmark og ordne med dette, og sende
resten av tingene

mine til England, hvor jeg bor.

Jeg synes et sånt krus, er litt for fint, til å ha i et vanlig
hjem, det kan jo bli stjålet osv.

Og jeg synes ikke at det passer på Højriis nå, etter at Højriis
nå er et nygotisk slott,

for det kruset, er vel fra den tid, hvor Højriis var en vanlig
dansk herregård vel, så jeg

synes ikke at det kruset passer inn på Højriis, etter at det har
blitt et gotisk slott,

med tårnet og andre gotiske ting, (som jeg har sett på bilder på

Så jeg har lyst til å redde dette kruset, (og mine andre ting),
men jeg synes det

kruset hører hjemme på deres museum, så jeg vil gjerne skjenke det
kruset til

museet, spesielt hvis museet kan hjelpe meg med å betale regningene

Ciry SelfStorage osv., sånn at dette kruset kan reddes.

Selge det, heter det kanskje da.

Uansett, så synes jeg at det er en for fin ting, å ha i sitt hjem,
så det hører vel

mer hjemme på museum, vil jeg kanskje tro.

Hva synes dere, hvis dere har tid til å svare på dette.

Jeg forstår det, at dere kanskje får mange rare henvendelser
som dette, og kanskje

derfor ikke har tid til å svare.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Populære innlegg

Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

Totalt antall sidevisninger

