Ingeborg Ribsskog - Baron Adeler Malteserordenen E-post til slottet om Mette-Marit videoen Er noe galt i Martine-saken? Problemer med Grandiosa? johncons-MUSIKK johncons-REISE johncons-FOTBALL

tirsdag 7. september 2010

Noen lurer på hvordan man kan donere penger, til meg, for å drive johncons-nettstedene, og fortsette å kjempe mot maktmisbruk fra myndighetene, mm.

hvordan donere penger


Hvis du går på

Og så velger 'Doner'.

Så burde det være mulig å donere penger, for å drive johncons-nettstedene mm., gjennom en paypal-knapp, som er på den siden.

Så dukker forhåpentligvis eventuelle donasjoner opp på min bankkonto hos RBS, her i England.

Jeg kan publisere det, på bloggen, hvis jeg får noen sånne donasjoner.

Og jeg kan ha et regnskap osv., på bloggen, om hvordan disse pengene eventuelt blir brukt da.

Men men.

Vi får se hva som skjer.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Her er mer om dette:

johncons org donere

Jeg sendte en 'appeal' til the Jobcentre

Gmail - Appeal against the decition, to put a sanction, on my Jobseekers Allowance, for not going on Employment Zones-meting at Sencia/Fwd: Problems with the Employment-zone meeting/Fwd: New review-meeting?


Erik Ribsskog

Appeal against the decition, to put a sanction, on my Jobseekers Allowance, for not going on Employment Zones-meting at Sencia/Fwd: Problems with the Employment-zone meeting/Fwd: New review-meeting?

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 7:26 PM





I would like to please appeal, against the decition, that I'd lose my Jobseekers Allowance, since I 'didn't go to Employment-zones'.

(Mr. Winter, Jobcentre Manager, Williamson Sq., Liverpool, said in the meeting there yesterday, that it was ok to send an appeal like this, in an e-mail, as long as I wrote 'I want to appeal'.

So I hope this is alright):

I write a blog, where I write tips for other Norwegians who want's to work in the UK, so I have some pictures, when one can see, that I went to the Sencia-meeting, in this link.

Here one can see, that on this day, (1/7), I first go to a meeting at the Jobcenter, on 10.30, then to Sencia, on 1.30.

I got a new replacement dish-washer, from Argos, the day before, that I had 'installed', so I was maybe a bit thinking about the dish-washer.

Because I was wondering if I needed dish-washer salt etc:

The problems with the Employment Zone-meetings, started in June, I think it was.

But I'll focus on what happened, from when I chose Sencia.

I told Mrs. McCarthy, I think her name was, that I'd like to chose Sencia, from the three companies, who provided Employment-zones.

She asked why.

And I said it was because, it was close to my home address, (in Leather Lane).

Really, Reed are involved in my employement-case against Bertelsmann.

And, Pretemps are involved in a complaint against the Jobcentre, Williamson Sq., when I asked what Employement-zones was, then I only got the Pretemps-folder.

(From the young woman there, with the scars from the pimples on her chin).

So I hadn't been given the Employment-zones information-pack, before the Employment-zone meeting, so I had no idea what Employment Zones was, before I went to the meeting.

So I was socially alienated by the Jobcenter, I think, like I've complained about to the Jobcentre, on e-mail.

On the Pretemps-folder, it said an address in Lord St.

So then I went back, and asked I was supposed to meet in Lord St., for the Employment-zone meeting.

But I wasn't, so the woman took back the Pretemps-folder.

I complained because they didn't give me the information-pack before at the Employment-zone meeting.

So I went for two weeks, not knowing what kind of meeting, I was going to.

Since there isn't any information about Employment-zones on the internet.

Which I think it maybe could have been.

And when I then didn't get the information-pack, then I didn't know what kind of meeting, that the Jobcentre, had arranged for me.

Or rather, I didn't know what 'Employement Zones' was, but an Employement-Zone meeting was set up for me, by the Jobcentre, without anyone there, explaining to me, what it was.

So Pretemps and Reed, where involved, in complaints, I had from before.

That's why I chose Sencia.

But I didn't want to talk about the complaints with Mrs. McCarthy, since they were with ICE, etc.

So I just said, since it was close to my home-address.

And then, Mrs. McCarthy, didn't comment or correct me, or anything.

(This was in the second Employement Zone meeting, that I had there.

So then I had had the information-pack, for two weeks time).

Since I had noticed, when I browsed through the folders, that Sencia had an address in Pall Mall, which was close to where I lived.

I've noticed where that street is, since I think that's a bit 'funny' name.

Since my motther, (who died in 1999), Karen Ribsskog, had been an au-pair, in the UK, in the late 60's, and therefor, (I think at least), smoked Pall Mall sigarettes, when I grew up in Larvik, Norway, in the first half of the 70's.

So I first went to a Jobcentre-meeting, _before_ the Employment-Zone meeting.

(I didn't understand the purpose of this meeting).

But here is a link to the letter, from the Jobcentre, about this meeting:

(This meeting was at 10.00 AM, I noticed now.

And the job-centre woman is called McCarten, (and not McCarthy), I noticed now).

I had said, to McCarten, on the meeting a forthnight before 1/7, that I would first go to the Sencia-meeting, and then to the Jobcentre-meeting.

(She asked me what I'd prefer).

So I don't know why she sent me a letter, where she'd changed this agreement.

I was a bit tired in that meeting, since I had been busy with changing the dish-washer, from Argos, since the old one didn't work any longer, even if it wasn't even a year old, so I got a new for free.

Since I only have one wash here, so using a sink to wash up here, I think is un-hygenic, since one have to use the same sink to wash-up in, as one uses to pour out water from washing the floors etc., and that sink wasn't very clean when I moved in here, so a dish-washer, is much better, for this appartment, I think. But it's the least expensive one, from Argos, which only cost around £100. But I used to have a dish-washer in Norway).

I went to Sencia, in Pall Mall.

I was a few minutes late, because the clock on my laptop, sometimes slows, for some reason.

(Maybe Microsoft knows why.

I got so stressed while working with a lot of work-pressure, in Norway, in the 90's in the budget food chain Rimi, as an Assisting Manager there, that I had to stop wearing a watch, since just looking at the watch, made me stressed, after a particulary stressful sommer, when I was in charge of the shop, while the manager was on holiday, I think it was.

Something like this).

The calling-system, with the building, in Pall Mall, where Sencia have an office, didn't work.

Noone answered, when I called, on the Sencia-button.

But, a young man, with business-wear, and dark hair, told me that Sencia had moved to Hanover St., I think it was.

Then I called Sencia, from my mobile.

But they told me, that it would take me another 10 minutes to get to that address.

And then, I would be like 20 minutes late, (because the calling and the laptop-clock, delayed me).

And they planned to start at 1.45, with inductions, (a young man told me on the phone).

So I would be there in time, he said.

So I was told to contact the Jobcentre, for a new appointment.

I then went home, and sent the e-mail, which is forwarded, with this e-mail, to the Jobcentre contact-us team.

(Or I noticed now, I sent it to the Department of work and pension, so I was a bit tired from the dish-washer, and sterssed from the meeting, and some complaints I wrote, in between.

So sorry about this!).

So I thought I had an understanding, or rather agreement, with Mrs. McCarten, that I'd go to Sencia Pall Mall, at 1.30.

McCarten gave me the time only, 1.30, that I wrote in my pocket-calender.

I was also at a lot of meetings at Jet Breck Road, and Jet Waverthree, in these weeks, so I was a bit absent-minded/distracted, in these weeks.

It was also very warm, (this was in mid-summer, the first week of July).

And it was also the World Cup, which was a distraction, even if I wanted it to be, or not.

So I didn't intensionally go to the wrong address.

But I thought I had an agreement, with Mrs. McCarhten, to go to Pall Mall.

And as soon as I knew, that I'd gone to the wrong address, then I called Sencia.

And I then e-mailed the Jobcentre, within halv an hour, after the initial meeting-time, with Sencia.

(See the e-mail which is forwarded, with this e-mail).

So I can't see that I've been ignorant here.

Some distractions have caused, that I thought the meeting was in Pall Mall, and not in Hanover St.

But, I was sure, that the meeting was in Pall Mall, so I didn't look that closely on the letter I got really, since I thought the agreement, with Mrs. McCarhen, was what was important.

I was sure I knew where the meeting was going to be.

I had thought about this address, in my head, since my mother smoked Pall Mall.

So I was sure I knew where to go.

But these weeks, in late June/early July, where stressful for me, with a lot of meetings going on, in four offices, Jet Breck Road, Jet Job-bank, the Jobcentre Williamson Sq., and Sencia.

And I also had an early Jobcentre-meeting, at 10.00 AM, this day.

So I somehow managed to go to the wrong address.

But this was due to Mrs. McCarthen not being clear on the address.

(And that I was a bit stressed, so I didn't double-check what Mrs. McCarthen and I had agreed on.

As far as I understood it.

Since I had a lot of meetings, so I just remembered what Mrs. McCathen and I, had agreed on, and went to Pall Mall.

I don't think I did anything wrong then.

Maybe Sencia had a bit bad customer-service, (I've gone to business upper secondary school, in Norway), since the couldn't wait for the five or ten minutes, it would have taken me, to go to their other office, in Hanover St.

(I think that must be next to the big Tesco Supershop, so I know where that is, more or less.

Since I've been to that Tesco shop, a lot, since they have must better assortiment/range, and lower prices/larger budget assortment, than my local shops, in Dale St. etc).

So I think this was unfair, that I would be sanctioned, on my allowance, because of this.

This are money I'm dependant on, to buy food, and to pay bills.

I have a budget, that I've set up, in co-operation, with the CCCS.

And I can almost not explain, how frusterated I get, when the money I need for food etc., is stopped.

It was almost like my hold world fell apart, when I heard about this, from Jenny, at the Jobcentre.

Because now, maybe companies are going to take me to court, since I can't pay my bills.

And maybe I have to eat rice/purrige/etc., for two weeks.

And drink the tap-water, which my 'belly', can't take that well, since I have some problems with air in my stumic etc.

And I've been told, by fellow study abroad students, from when I studied at the University of Sunderland, in 2004, that one shouldn't drink the tap-water here, in the UK.

So I wonder if it is the tap-water here, that has coused me problems with my stumic, from a few years back, after I started the Arvato-case.

Anyway, I thought this was very un-fair.

Because I haven't intentially, skipped a meeting.

I meant to go to the meeting, but a misunderstanding, led to me, to go to the wrong address.

But I think the Jobcentre, and Sencia, has a bit of the blaim for this as well.

Since the Sencia-folders, have three different addresses in them.

And since Mrs. McCarthen, at the Jobcentre, didn't clearify it with me, which address I meant, when I told her, that I chose Sencia, since they were close to my home-address.

(When she asked me why I chose Sencia).

So this is a misunderstanding, that sometimes happen.

So the Jobcentre, should have just put me on a new appointment with Sencia.

In stead of making a big deal out of this.

This is like something that happens every day, all around the world.

Why should I be punished for this, which was misunderstanding between me and the Jobcentre?

Or maybe Mrs. McCarthen, mis-lead me on purpose, when she didn't clearify about the address, but only gave me the meeting-time.

This I want to complain about.

And also that Sencia, couldn't wait another ten minutes for me, when I called them, at 1.40, on 1/7.

That was bad customer-support, I think.

Some place I've read about that one have 15 minuttes, that one can be late, in business-life.

I called on the door-bell/calling, at Sencia, Pall Mall 5 minutes late.

And called Sencia Hanover St., 10 minutes late.

So this isn't a big deal, I think.

So this I think is 'far-out' if one put this in the perspective of traditional business-conduct/rules.

So this I think was very un-fair to me.

Sencia showed bad customer-service, I think.

But that's one thing perhaps.

I could expect then to wait for 20 minutes really, to be fair.

I have to say Sencia acted ok.

But their calling didn't work in Pall Mall, that's a complaint.

And the Sencia leaflets, are bad, since they have three addresses in them.

And I suspect that Mrs. McChanen, deliberatelty failed to lead me to the right address.

She must have understood, that I would go to Pall Mall.

And therefore changed the meeting-time, for the Jobcentre meeting on 1/7, I suspect.

Then I was first shown to one person, then to another, I think it was.

So it could they noticed how tired I was.

So this could have been a plot at the Jobcentre I suspect.

I have the Order of St. John-members, among my relatives, in Norway, and I suspect I'm being followed by them, (and have also overheard, in Norway, in 2003, that I'm being followed by the "mafia'n").

So I want to please appeal, on that I shouldn't lose these money.

First I was told I'd lose the previous payment.

That payment, I got anyway.

So now my last weeks have been distroyed, since I didn't understand, if I was going to be punished, or if you had changed your mind?

How can people plan their economy, with Jobcentre's like this?

All information is given to late.

It's like I'm systematically being attacked in a way that you try to make me stressed, and lose control.

I think this must be the Order of St. John, or something like this.

In Norway, noone would have been punished, for a thing like this.

In Norway, one would have respected peoples need to have control of their economy and their lives.

This is a scandal, from the Jobcentre I think, the way I have treated by you, in the last weeks and months.

My mother was almost like a Brit, from being an au-pair, in the UK.

But maybe she should have gone to another land, I sometimes think now.

Why do Brits always have to try to set up people in different plots I'm wondering.

I have had appriciated if you could please stop this now, and please stop messing with my Jobseekers Allowance.

I also send about this to the UN, CCCS, and the Norwegian Embassy, since I sent them a Jobcentre-complaint yesterday, which is linked to this appeal.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 1:57 PM
Subject: Problems with the Employment-zone meeting/Fwd: New review-meeting?


now I was at Sencia, in Pall Mall, for the Employment-zone meeting, at 1.30 pm.

The only problem was, that while I tried to get the calling to work, in that building, in Pall Mall 30-32, then someone told me, that they've moved, to Hanover St.

Then I called Sencia, on 0151 236 1204.

And they told me, that the inductions would start in 5 minuttes, and that it would probably take me 10-15 minuttes, to get to their new address.

So Sencia told me to contact the Jobcentre, and get a new appointment.

So that's why I'm sending this e-mail.

And to complain about that your Employment-zone information-pack litterature, should be up to date.

I remember telling Mrs. Smart, at Jobcentre, Williamsson Sq., that I chose Sencia, among other things, that they were close to my address, (in Leather Lane).

So I wasn't given the information about the new Sencia-address, by Mrs. Smart eighter.

So this is a new complaint in the long line of complaints, that I've had to send about Williamson Sq. Jobcentre.

Can you please explain how you can not have up to date litterature, in you information-packs, about Employment-zones, after you didn't give me the right information at first eighter, (like I've also complained about, to this e-mail address, on 20/5).


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:22 AM
Subject: New review-meeting?


almost a year ago, I received my university-level degree in IT, from my 'home-university', Oslo University College.

And I've mentioned this, from time to time, in sign-on meetings, at the job-centre, (Williamson Sq.).

But, I was wondering.

Should one have a new review-meeting, if one get a new university-level degree, (and a new jobseekers-agreement).

Also, I was wondering.

I have the internet at home.

Do I still have to use the machines at the Jobcentre, for the job-search?

(I think it's better to do at home, because then there's less noise, etc.).

I haven't got a regular contact-person, at the Jobcentre, so I thought I could try to send an e-mail about this.

Thank you very much for any help in advance!

Yours Sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Mette Hanehamhaug, vil ikke fortelle ungene, at de er annerledes

mette hanekamhaug


Men det husker jeg, fra da jeg var sånn 5-6 år, og jeg og søstera mi, Pia Ribsskog, vi bodde hos mora vår, Karen Ribsskog og stefaren vår, Arne Thormod Thomassen, i Larvik.

Og i Larvik, så var det ingen mørkhudede folk, på denne tiden.

(Dette var i 1976 ca., vil jeg tro).

Så jeg og søstera mi, vi var sånn 5-6-7 år gamle, men vi hadde aldri sett noen som var mørkhuda.

(Enda vi ofte var med mora vår, på kafeteriaer og handlerunder, i Larvik sentrum).

Så stefaren vår kjørte inn til Oslo, med mora vår, og meg og søstera mi da.

Så glante vi som bare det, når det gikk forbi en neger, på gata.

(Det var vel sånn, at Arne Thormod og mora vår, hadde fortalt oss på forhånd, tror jeg, når vi kjørte fra Larvik, at nå kom vi kanskje til å få se negere, siden vi skulle til Oslo.

Også har kanskje en av dem sagt det da, noe sånt som, at 'se der går det en neger', eller noe sånt da.

Det her var vel i Grensen, eller noe, tror jeg.

Noe sånt.

Men men).

For det fantes ikke negere i Larvik, så det hadde vi aldri sett før.

Og heller ikke hos faren vår på Berger, så fantes det negre, eller andre mørkhudede.

Så det var kun hvite nordmenn, som bodde i Vestfold, på den første halvdelen av 70-tallet, sånn som jeg husker det.

(Så det var litt av en kulturforrandring, for meg, må jeg nok si, å flytte til Oslo, på slutten av 80-tallet, hvor nesten halvparten av innbyggerne nå vel er mørkhudede eller fremmedkulturelle da.

Men men.

Men jeg prøvde å oppføre meg høflig likevel da, selv om de som bodde i Oslo ofte var fra en annen kultur.

Så det oppstod selvfølgelig situasjoner, siden jeg er så norsk, av kultur, siden jeg vokste opp i 70-tallets Larvik, hvor det bare fantes hvite, norske folk, og ingen utlendinger.

(Ihvertfall ikke mørkhudede utlendinger.

Ikke som jeg kan huske, ihvertfall).

Men men).

Men jeg husker at vi også kjørte ned mot Grenland.

Og der var det faktiskt noen negere, som hang i et kryss vel, og som stefaren vår, Arne Thormad Thomassen, spurte om veien et eller annet sted da.

(Men da hadde vi allerede sett negere i Oslo, mener jeg å huske.

Så da var det ikke like spennende, med de negerne i Grenland da.

Eller var det narkomane vi så der kanskje?

Nei, det i Grenland husker jeg litt dårlig, for vi kjørte ned dit ganske ofte.

Men i Oslo var vi bare noen få ganger, med Arne Thormod Thomassen, på 70-tallet, så det husker jeg bedre).

Men det her husker jeg godt enda.

Så det at norske unger ikke skjønner at dem ikke er negre, eller mørkhudede da, det tror jeg ikke noe på.

Ungene ser det, at noen er hvite og at noen er svarte.

At dem ikke skjønner dette selv, det har jeg ingen tro på.

Så her har nok ikke Mette Hanekamhaug beina på jorda, vil jeg si.

Jeg har jo før skrevet, at hun var litt som Bambi på isen, når hu kom inn på Stortinget.

På en litt merkelig måte vel, etter masse omtellinger.

(Så da mener jeg det, at hu blir nesten som en slags 'reserve' på Stortinget.

At hu fikk så få stemmer, at hu var 'sistemann', som kom inn.

Så hu er vel den vi burde høre minst på, på Stortinget da, mener jeg.

At hu da blir den siste, av de som er på Stortinget, som vi burde høre på.

Så hu burde ligget litt lavt, (ihvertfall denne stortingsperioden), mener jeg.

Jeg synes det blir rart, at ei som såvidt kom inn på Tinget, skal ha en så skyhøy profil, i media, og attpåtil fortelle alle folk i Norge, hva dem skal mene og gjøre.

Nei, det blir litt feil da, mener jeg.

Hvis hu står på førsteplass på lista, så kan man kanskje gjøre sånn, mener jeg.

Men ikke hvis du er et tredje-fjerde valg, som såvidt kommer inn på Tinget, etter kjempemange omtellinger, mener jeg.

Som et utjevningsmandat, heter det vel.

Så sånn er nok det.

Bare noe jeg tenkte på.

Så vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se).

Og nå, et år eller to seinere, så skal hu liksom fortelle Ola og Kari Nordmann hva dem skal synes da, og hvordan dem skal oppdra ungene sine, osv.

Jeg tror vi må ta det, som denne personen, Mette Hanekamhaug, sider, med en liten klype salt.

Var det de samme kreftene, (Bilderberger?), som fikk Hanekamhaug inn på Stortinget, som også fikk George W. Bush, til å bli valgt som president i USA, etter mange omtellinger, i staten Florida, hvor hans bror var guvernør, på den tiden?

Er det noe lurifaks ute å går her, lurer jeg.

Vi får se.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Her er mer om dette:

Jeg fikk en ny e-post fra E-on

Gmail - Your reply from E.ON


Erik Ribsskog

Your reply from E.ON


Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 3:44 PM


Account number:012373289370

Hello and thank you for your email.

I can confirm that you may make payment to Eon whilst your account is being dealt with by The Ombudsman.

It is better to keep making token payments as cases can take some time to be dealt with.

If you have any queries, please contact me on 0115 843 4013.

Kind regards

Michelle Dudley

Customer Service

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Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Jet

Gmail - Email response to Mr Erik Ribsskog


Erik Ribsskog

Email response to Mr Erik Ribsskog

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 1:26 PM

"Birch, Gary" <>


thank you very much for your e-mail!

It's been quite busy at the Jobcentre lately, with a lot of meetings etc., so I haven't got the Jet-stuff in the front of my head, at the moment, unfortunately.

But when I saw your e-mail, then I remembered, that I haven't heard from Gill, at Jet County Rd.

Even if she was supposed to contact me, regarding that she wanted to re-write my CV, a bit.

I was wondering if you could please send my e-mail to her, so then she could perhaps contact me back about this.

Since I can't seem to find e-mail address here, at the moment, unfortunately.

Thank you very much for your help in advance!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Birch, Gary <> wrote:

Dear Mr

Thank you for
your most recent email.

Please be
directed to my previous email to you dated 17th August (included below
for your easy reference) and I suggest to you that its content still
applies. You have now been sent an evaluation form for you to complete
and return in the pre-paid envelope. This is your opportunity to comment
on the standard of service you feel you have received. Additionally, my email
makes clear what you should do if you believe you have been treated unfairly in
any of your contacts with JET or more specifically the BME Employability Team.

apart from the above, I am no longer in a position to enter into written
correspondence with you concerning the issues you raise.

I do hope I
have made my position in this matter clear.


Gary Birch


Adult Learning Service

1st Floor,
Clubmoor Childrens Centre

Utting Avenue East


L11 1DQ

Phone: 0151 233


Liverpool and England's
2018 World Cup Bid

Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 19 August 2010 23:02


Subject: To the superior of Gary


I was also wondering.

You've sent me a letter about an assisting store manager vacancy, in Old Swan.

Isn't a bit odd that you send me about retail-jobs, that's unqualified
jobs, when I have a qualification in IT.

And I tried to ask Danielle Roberts, yesterday, who sent the letter,
why she sent me the letter, since I haven't met her, and I don't know who she

Am I registered in a database with you?

Also today I received an evaluation-form, from Jet, without any explanation or

What was this about?

Danielle Roberts avoided my question about who told her to send me the

So I'm wondering what's going on.

She also made a point of my date of birth.

It was a bit like she was ageist, and maybe it was a joke since I'm 40 years
old, to put me in food shop, in _Old_ Swan?

Also Heron Foods, (which is the employer), are from East Riding of Yorkshire
Council, (it says on the internet).

And this Council buy services from Bertelsmann, whom I used to work for
in the Cunard Building, and they 'messed' with me there, I think I have to say,
since they gave me training for a job receiving calls from Council-citizens
there, about bin-problems etc., but only I and a Finish girl received that
training, which I thought was a bit odd.

My grand-aunt in Denmark,
is in a direct line after Woden, I wonder if this is something to do with Norse
mytology etc., since East Riding of Yorkshire council, per haps is like a
'norse' place?

I think this is a bit odd.

This is an update, to the e-mail I sent Jet, the complaint about Mr.
Birch, from earlier this week.

Also, Gill, from Jet County Rd.,
haven't gotten back to me, regarding an review of my CV.

So I think I'm going to wait untill this comlaint is finished being processed
before I have any more meetings with JET.

Since I think you are doing almost only strange stuff.

(Sorry if I'm wrong).

I hope this is alright!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog


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well, my impression from Gill, Jet Walton, was that she wanted me to
get one of those statements from Naric.

And if she wanted me to pay for it, she would have just given me the
contact-information to Naric, I think.

But I have to speak with her about this then.

I've been to Jet job-bank, about a statement from Naric, twice, but I
haven't been helped by Jet, to get one.

Also, I was at Jet job-bank, on a food hygiene course, last year, and
we were told, by the teacher, that Kentrucky Fried Chicken only used the lowest
quality of chicken, and that kebabs bought on town, was really a bit like

So I think your Jet Job-bank is a mafia-nest.

Mr. Pinada, went to see someone, a couple of times, during our meeting.

(To do some mafia-stuff).

We fist sat down, in a big meeting-room, at the ground-floor.

Mr. Pinada wanted me to leave all my degrees etc., in that room, if there
wasn't anything of value.

Even so.

We didn't go back to that room.

We went to the Employability Team-office.

And then to another meeting-room, at the first floor.

Why did we have to have the meeting, in three rooms?

Why did Mr. Pinada interrupt the meeting twice, to speake to a

You don't fool me, you mafia-mobsters.

You are infected by mob big time, I'd say.

Please send this to your superior.

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 3:40 PM, Birch, Gary

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

My name is Gary Birch and I am the manager
with overall responsibility for the BME Employability Team and as such have
been forwarded your recent email exchanges with both members of my team and the
Liverpool JET Services.

I have requested and received all
background information regarding your enquiry, looked at the accuracy of the
information and advice you received and reviewed all relevant client case
notes. It is my opinion that the service you received was appropriate and
of a standard that we expect our Guidance Officers to meet during each and
every client intervention. I do appreciate that on occasion the
signposting process may lead to a destination were a cost implication is
unavoidable and that no suggested sources of funding may be forthcoming.
However, these circumstances in no way diminish the accuracy, relevance or
quality of the service provided. You are perfectly entitled to be
dissatisfied with the service you received and to disagree with my opinion. I
therefore encourage you to provide your honest comments, whether positive or
negative, on the service as part of our post contact evaluation process.
I will ensure you are sent an evaluation form in the next couple of days.

An issue of greater concern to me is
the references you make in your emails to both your ‘colour’ and
that of the BME Employability Team members. You appear to be suggesting
that the service provided to you was less than that offered to clients of other
ethnic origins and that this was because of the team’s ethnic mix. If
this is the case, I must point out that the work of the BME Employability Team
is held in the highest regard and that they enjoy an enviable reputation in
supporting the needs of all clients
in the same professional manner, no matter the race, creed, country of origin
or religious beliefs of the individual or group. Any evidence you have of
discriminatory practices should be forwarded to me immediately. I will
then arrange to meet with you at the earliest opportunity and I can guarantee
you that all allegations will be fully investigated.

I do hope I have made my position in
this matter very clear but please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any
queries arising from this email.


Gary Birch

Contracts Manager

Adult Learning

1st Floor, Clubmoor Childrens Centre

Utting Avenue


L11 1DQ

Phone: 0151 233 8537


Supporting Liverpool and England's
2018 World Cup Bid

From: Costello, Mary On Behalf Of JET

Sent: 16 August 2010 10:04

To: Birch,

Cc: Pineda, Carlos

Subject: FW: Complaint/Fwd: Is it
possible to convert Norwegian degrees/certificates to English
degrees/certificates?/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint about Jet Employability
Team/Fwd: Update/Fwd: IT Manager

Please see email below



Central JET Team

Liverpool JET Service

Neighbourhood Employment Services

2nd Floor Millennium House

Victoria Street

Liverpool, L1 6JF

T: 0151 233 5462

F: 0151 233 8241

M: 07540 643100



2010 Year of Health and Wellbeing

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 13 August 2010 17:12


Subject: Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Is it
possible to convert Norwegian degrees/certificates to English
degrees/certificates?/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint about Jet Employability
Team/Fwd: Update/Fwd: IT Manager


I mean, is it
because I'm not coloured, (not black).

Because in the first meeting, then they said there that they could sometimes
send to Naric, but not before companies asked for it.

And I've had problems with the Jobcentre giving me grief, so then I thought I
could ask to get about my qualifications clearified.

(And they didn't look
at my Upper Secondary school qualifications in the
first meeting).

So I think it's
strange I have to pay the £40.

I feel a bit tricked by Mr. Carlos Pineda.

He didn't tell me that this involved a £40 bill.

I think he should
have told me that, in the meeting at Jet job-bank, on Wednesday.

It's like he
clouded it, about this, I think.

Therefore I think I was tricked, I think the normal procedure, in this, is that
this goes through JET.


Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded
message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 4:55 PM

Subject: Complaint/Fwd: Is it possible to convert Norwegian degrees/certificates
to English degrees/certificates?/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint about Jet
Employability Team/Fwd: Update/Fwd: IT Manager



is it because I am
not black, that I have to pay £40, for this?

Wouldn't Jet
normally have paid this?


Erik Ribsskog

Forwarded message ----------

From: info <>

Date: Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 9:42 AM

Subject: RE: Is it possible to convert Norwegian degrees/certificates to
English degrees/certificates?/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Complaint about Jet
Employability Team/Fwd: Update/Fwd: IT Manager

To: "" <>

Dear Erik

Thank you
for your email.

the National Agency responsible for providing information and advice about
vocational, academic and professional skills and qualifications from all over
the world. We provide information about the equivalency of qualifications and skills
from overseas to the UK's
national qualifications frameworks.

we are unable to comment on qualifications or institutions via email or provide
comparability statements by email.

If you would
like to use our services you can call us on (0044) (0)871 330 7033, Monday to
Friday (between 9:00am and 5:00pm), to speak to an information adviser and they
will be happy to discuss this with you further. Detailed information on
our services and the various steps to take can also be found here:

If you
require a written statement of comparability from us you can apply to our
organisation in two ways:

1) You can
apply online through our website:,
where you can fill in our online application form with your personal details
and pay by credit or debit card. You will receive a discount for applying
online and the total price will be £40.00 if you live outside of the EU or
£40.00 +VAT (£47.00) if you live within the EU. The fee is per Statement, which
can include multiple qualifications.

You then
need to forward us photocopies of all your academic documentation including
your final transcripts and final certificates. If these are not in
English, please include certified translations. You may send these to us
along with a print out of your online application form to our address which is:






GL50 1XP

you can also fax your documentation to us on (0044) (0)871 330 7005

2) If you do
not want to apply online you can also apply through the post. You need to
send us photocopies of all your academic documentation including your final
transcripts and final certificates (if these are not in English, please include
certified translations) along with a covering letter, with all your contact
details on it, including your name and address and a contact email address (if
you have one) and a contact telephone number. Your covering letter also needs
to contain a brief description of why you wish to apply to us.

If you apply
through the post this service will cost you £46.00 if you live outside the EU,
or £46.00 +VAT (£54.05) if you live within the EU.

The turnaround time
for the Statement of Comparability is 15 working days from the date of receipt
of all required documentation and payment. Please note that this timeframe does
not include delivery time and cannot be guaranteed. In some cases, such as
those requiring additional research, the process may take longer and the
applicant will be informed.

hope this information is of assistance to you. If you have any further
queries please do not hesitate to contact us.



t: +44 (0)871 330 7033

f: +44 (0)871 330 7005


Oriel House, Oriel Road,
Cheltenham, GL50 1XP

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 11 August 2010 18:52

To: Customer Services


Subject: Is it possible to convert
Norwegian degrees/certificates to English degrees/certificates?/Fwd:
Update/Fwd: Complaint about Jet Employability Team/Fwd: Update/Fwd: IT Manager


I was at a meeting
at Jet Liverpool today, with Mr. Carlos Pineda, Guidance Officer, Adult Learning Service, Ethnic Minority Employability

We agreed, that
I'd contact Naric, regarding my degrees from Norway.

I have degrees at
both level 3 and level 5/6.

I send about this
in different e-mails, first about the level 3 degrees, then I think it's easier
to keep the overviev.

I went three years
on Upper Secondary
Business School,
in Norway,
from 1986 to 1989.

For all of these three years, I got a 'vitnemål', that's a (school leaving)

These I think must
be at National Diploma-level.

The first year, I graduated in 'Grunnleggende handels og kontorfag', which
means 'Basic commerce and office-knowledge'.

The second year, I
graduated, in 'Markedføring', that's Marketing.

The third year, I graduated in 'Informasjonsbehandling', that's Information

The third year, I
had an optional subject, 'Matematikk', that's Maths, (even if we had an a bit
un-structurised teacher, in that subject, I'd say, so I only got a 2, as a
grade, but that's still a pass).

So, since I passed
in maths, as an optional subject, then I got a qualification, called 'generell
studiekompetanse', earlier called 'examen artium', in Norway.

(I think this is
what you call A-levels, in the UK).

I didn't get this in writing, from my Upper Secondary School.

But I got matriculated, at the University
of Oslo, in 1991.

(Since I had a rest-year, from the Information
Management University
College, which I studied
on then, NHI.

And then I got a job in a shop, to save up money for further full time studies.

And then I wanted to try to use my mind a bit more as well, since I only sat in
the check out in the shop, and I was a bit curios about what 'Examen
Philosoficum' was, at the University of Oslo, so I studied there.

So the Univeristy of Oslo, can confirm that I have this qualificiation, (I'm
sending a copy of their letter), called 'generell studiekompetanse'/'examen

Which that I can study at (Norwegian) universities.

So these three years at Upper Secondary School in Norway, they gave me three
certificates/National Diplomas and one academic qualification, (examen
artium/generell studiekompetanse).

So I was wondering it I could then please get these transfered to English

Because I'm not sure that e.g. the Jobcentre, understand my Norwegian

(It would then be three National Diplomas I'd guess:

- One in Basic
Commerce and Office-knowledge/work.

- One in Marketing.

- One in
Information Management.

- And also an
academic qualification, that means I can study at unversities, (A-levels?).

I hope you have
the chance to look at this!

Thank you very
much in advance, for any help!

I'm also going to send you another e-mail, about my level 5/6

But I send two different e-mails, about this, since I think it helps with
keeping the overview, regarding this.

Hopes this is alright!

I enclose scanned
copies of the three certificates, and the letter from the University of Oslo,
regarding the academic qualification, 'generell studiekompetanse'/A-levels(?).

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 5:29 PM

Subject: Update/Fwd: Complaint about Jet Employability Team/Fwd: Update/Fwd: IT




I was at Jet job-bank
today, and spoke with Mr. Carlos Pineda, Guidance Officer, Adult Learning Service, Ethnic Minority Employabilitiy

We discussed my

And I explained that the Jobcentre gave me grief, because they say that my
degree from Norway,
is at level 4, while Jet and Direct Gov say it's at level 5.

So we agreed I'd
contact Naric, about this, (and to see if my grades from two University
Colleges in Norway
are enough to get a Bachelor Degree, etc).

I appolised for that I think I perhaps over-reacted a bit in my compaint.

It's just that I'm a bit stressed from being un-employed, and the Jobcentre are
giving me a bit grief regarding this and other issues.

So we agreed that
this complaint was now solved, with the new information I got the meeting

Thank you very much for your help with finding out which level my degrees from Norway

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 6:22 PM

Subject: Complaint about Jet Employability Team/Fwd: Update/Fwd: IT Manager



I was sent by
Gill, from JET in Walton, to Jet employability team, last month.

They didn't want to transfer my degree, to a UK degree, so I now strugle, when I
apply for work, and the Jobcentre says I'm at level 4, when I'm really at level
5 or 6.

I think I really have a level 6, (bachelor), degree.

But Jet Employability Team, didn't want to look at my files thorowly, but were
almost hostile, I think, (maybe because I'm white, since all of the people in
that office were coloured).

And they didn't want to transfer my degrees from Upper Secondary School

They only wanted
to look at one file, and that was it.

But I also have a file from another University
College, where I almost
got a degree.

So I think this really-really is like a Bachelor-degree.

But I don't think the person at Jet employability team, seemed qualified to
judge this.

It seemed like he had enough with finding Norway on the screen.

Is it any way I could get this looked at properly?

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Wed, Jul 28,
2010 at 5:47 PM

Subject: Update/Fwd: IT Manager



sorry that I'm
sending this many e-mails.

But you see, I'm from Norway,
so I'm not used with 'fancy' sections on the CV, called things like 'Personal
Profile', and 'Skills'.

So it could be that I get my CV a bit wrong now.

And the Jobcentre, Working Links etc., they tell me things like to have those
sections, and that the CV shouldn't be more than two pages, and to only write
work-experience from the last 10-15 years.

So I've changed the CV a lot of times now.

But I think it's
maybe best for me, to just have a very basic style of CV, like I've learned in Norway.

Since CV really means Curriculum Vitea, which means a description of how one
have lived ones life.

As far as I understand.

So really, I'm not sure if the 'fancy' sections should be on the CV,

And to cut out
pieses of one's work-experience, on one's CV, isn't really true to the original
nature of a CV, which means a descripiton of what one have done, in one's life.

So I think the Jobcentre, and Working-links are a bit silly, perhaps.

But you have given me valueable feed-back.

Thank you very much for the feed-back!

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Wed, Jul 28,
2010 at 5:05 PM

Subject: Re: IT Manager

To: Lesley Sloan <>


well, I've studied
IT for four and a half years at university-level, so I think I have some

I've also worked with system development, in 1993, even if maybe that isn't on
my CV, since it's many years ago.

But thank you anyway for your reply.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Jul 28,
2010 at 4:54 PM, Lesley Sloan <>

Dear Erik

Thank you
for your application for the position of IT Manger at Alfa Aesar, Heysham.

your skills and experience do not meet our specifications and therefore we will
not be pursuing your application further.

In the
meantime I would like to thank you for your interest in the position and indeed
Alfa Aesar and I wish you every success in securing suitable employment in the



HR Manager

Alfa Aesar

A Johnson
Matthey Company

Shore Road

Port of Heysham Industrial Park




Phone 01524 862241


At Johnson
Matthey, sustainability is key to our success.

Social -
Environment - Health & Safety

To learn
more, visit

>>> Erik Ribsskog <>
28/07/2010 15:59 >>>


I read
about this vacancy, on the Jobcentre Plus website.

I have a degree from Norway,
in IT, from 2009, which is comparable with a Higher National Diploma, here in
the UK, and I've also
studied Information Management, at university-level in Norway, for two years, in addition
to this.

I also
have degrees from Upper Secondary Business-school, in Norway, in Basic Commerce and
Office-work, Marketing and Information Management, which are comparable with
National Diplomas here.

I've also worked as a manager, in Norway,
for ten years, in one of Norways
biggest food shop-chains, Rimi, (owned by ICA),
so I'm used with working with management and customer support.

I attach
my CV, and hope to hear back from you!



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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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