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mandag 29. desember 2008

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Re: A crazy person emails the queen
by johncons on Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:33 pm

_pinhead_ wrote:
Do you get much sleep Erik?


does it seem like I'm not rested?


I thought about the mob stuff.

If they are controled by Goverment in Britain.

I'm sorry to say it, but I don't think it's ok by Britain to use mob agaist Norwegian Citiziens, who have rights according
to EEA-agreement.

Like, I thnk it's bad neighourhood-behavior, from Britain towards Norway, if it is like it seems to me, from these 'mobster'-resemebelig user on
this message-board etc.

Sorry to say it.


Erik Ribsskog

More about the mob etc on the message-board.

Re: A crazy person emails the queen
by johncons on Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:15 pm

Seagull Dave G wrote:
you seemed to have "messed" with a lot of people in high places... unless by "messed" u mean conspired? ur game is up "Erik", no-one is falling for ur trap

I haven't messed with anyone at all.

I've always minded my own business, and try to look after how I'm acting.

If I want my rights, then it doesn't mean that I've messed with someone.

People have rights, and they aren't doing anything wrong if they want to stand up for their rights.

If people in high places or other places can't accept that normal people want their rights, then that's their problem really.

You obvously is only doing 'kverulering', like we say in Norway, that you are being a troll.

So thats how this is.

I think I need a break now again before the trolls start attacking to much again here, it's a bit tirering with the mobbing.

But that's when the mob comes out, isn't it, when one are a bit down and out?

Erik Ribsskog

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Re: A crazy person emails the queen
by johncons on Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:00 pm

Seagull Dave G wrote:
hang on a minute... how do we know you aren't a mouthpiece of said mafia, posting on here to ensnare us in some devilish trap? ur story seems a little too... convenient, shall we say


I don't know about the phoney stuff.

I only want my rights from the Government.

But I can't get them, so I'm writing the blog.

And someone linked to the blog from here.

So now I'm writing here.

But on my blog I've been writing 4000 blogposts almost.

So it's a bit much to explain about on the message-board really.

Maybe I should write a blog in English as well, but that's going to take some time, since it's easier for me to write in Norwegian, so I do that, since then I can explain better etc.

This is a bit tirering with the message-board etc.

I don't know what you mean, what I want.

I want the Norwegian Government to give me my rights.

But I've also been messed with by the British Police etc., after the case I started against Bertelsmann/Microsoft.

And I also have rights in Britain since Norway have the EEA-agreement with EU.

But these rights are neighter respected.

The Merseyside Police have called me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog', and have been doing a lot of phoney stuff.

But maybe they havent got control.

What do I know.

I've also been messed with by the IPCC and the Home Office, so theres definatly something going on.

Shouldn't EU and EEA citizens get their rights in Britain you think?

Erik Ribsskog

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Re: A crazy person emails the queen
by johncons on Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:41 pm

_pinhead_ wrote:
Let me get this right... You overheard you are being followed by the Mafia in Norway. Ended up in Liverpool and also overheard the same thing?


I'm refering to when I was working at Rimi Bjørndal in Oslo, in 2003.

That was when I overheard that I've been followed by the mafia.

Then I went to Sunderland in 2004.

My study-loan from the Norwegian Government loan-scheme, was delayed.

For four months, so I try to go to London, to get a job, since I lost control on the modules in Sunderland, due to I had to sort a lot of stuff in Norway.

I ended up at my uncles womans farm in Larvik in Norway around easter 2005.

I was chased from there, after working there some months, in July 2005, by someone, a hunting-team, it seemed, that I overheard wanted to shot me in my head or my balls.

But I got to Larvik train station and to Kristiansand and Hirtshals and eventually to Schipol airport on an Easyjet flight to John Lennon airport in Liverpool.

And I've been living here since.

Here I've overheard that I've been used as a target guy (and also been in something called 'the game'?).

So it has been a lot of things goving on.

I went to Detroit in 2005, and was sent back to Europe, so I suspect that the yankees could also be messing with me.

Using me as a target guy etc.

So the situation is a bit complicated, I think.

So I try to get my rights in Norway since I'm a Norweigan citizen, and I have to start in 2003, when this started.

I dont know who that mafia is, and if they are over here in Britain as well.

Erik Ribsskog


The yankees are messing with my DHS trip complaint that I have with them now, regarding Detroit in 2005, so I suspect theres something phoney with them.

More from the message-board.

Re: A crazy person emails the queen
by johncons on Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:27 pm

_pinhead_ wrote:
Dunno.. Ya know... Women.

Dont trust em.


I'm not in a relationship now.

It was a Swedish girl who disappeared from Bertelsmann Arvato/Microsoft, that I was wondering what happened to,
since she was very pretty etc., if she had been kidnaped or if something had happened.

But I wasn't talking that much with the girls at Arvato, because I had overheard that I was followed by the 'mafia', and I was
being spyed on in the shared house I lived in, in Walton, and I was messed with at work, so I didn't want to be to close with
the girls at work, since I didn't have control, I didn't know what went on, so I didn't think it would be resposible to get to
close to the girls there, in the situation I was in.

I could be wrong, that's possible, but I've been a bit in shock also, since I'm not used with mafia-stuff etc., more used with
food-shop stuff and management and computing etc.

But thats how it is I guess.

Erik Ribsskog

More from the message-board.

Re: A crazy person emails the queen
by johncons on Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:14 pm

_pinhead_ wrote:
Have'nt you got any family who are missing you?


everyone in my family have been messing with me all my life.

This could be Illuminati-stuff.

That the Illuminati, have a war against the norse, and has used me as a 'target-guy' to try to get
me followed by the muslim or other mafia.

Something like this.

But I don't know what the situation is now, in Norway etc., since noone levels with me.

Erik Ribsskog

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Re: A crazy person emails the queen
by johncons on Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:09 pm

_pinhead_ wrote:
I dont understand why the mafia would waste their time with you Erik? I think there's something you're not telling us...

No, I'm telling everything I know.

I don't know why they want to waste time on me.

I don't even know who they are.

Maybe they have so good control in Oslo that they mess with normal people?

Maybe it was because I was working in a 'muslim township', more or less, like you call it in England.

What do I know.

Erik Ribsskog

More from the message-board.

Re: A crazy person emails the queen
by johncons on Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:57 pm

Jayfive wrote:
Well clearly the evidence was overwhelming. You did the right thing erik.


I didn't trust the police, since I had heard on TV, that politicians said that Norway was supposed to be an open society.

And the Police haven't told people in Norway, that there is mafia in Norway.

(Which I've also heard people on irc mention earlier).

So I didn't trust the police.

But I wanted to go abroad, to then try to contact the police in Norway, that had to do with mafia, and
level with them.

But the police don't want to tell anything at all, even if I have told everything I know, to them and on the internet.

So that's how this is.

Erik Ribsskog

More from the message-board.

Re: A crazy person emails the queen
by johncons on Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:45 pm

traffic_cone wrote:
This is definitely the strangest thread I can remember on this forum, I have to say.

I find it amazing that you moved country on overhearing the mafia were following you. Did you literally just overhear it randomly? What was the context?


I got my face distroyed, in Oslo, in December 2003. (It's a long face and story).

And I overheard on the bus on the way to work, at Rimi Bjørndal, that 'he's fighting back this one', from the youths on the bus, who sounded like in chock.

And from the youth-customers that was foreigners at Bjørndal, 'Hes followed by the mafia, still he's not afraid'.

(Just because I did my job).

I heard that a college, Songül, Kurdish girl from Turkey and Norway, was looking for the personel-files to find my address etc'.

I overheard woman in 50s saying to another woman i 40s or 50s that 'I've overheard that he's also followed by the mafia'.

(So it could be muslim mafia and 'standard' mafia).

And mafia/gang people, who looked like Albanian mafia, one very big, though guy, and a gang of guys in their 20s, came to the shop,
to 'inspect' me, like looking at my name-sign etc.

I also understood on other collegues and customers that they seemed very conserned.

So it was definatly something going on.

But exactly what the mafia-stuff was about, that I don't know, since noone has never leveled with me about mafia-stuff.

I only know what the papers write about stuff like that.


Erik Ribsskog

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Re: A crazy person emails the queen
by johncons on Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:27 pm

Tom U4EA wrote:
johncons wrote:

Thanks to the persons who has not been bullying!

Erik Ribsskog

Twatty-faced knob jockey!

That's intelligent.

I thought you Brits were supposed to be so subtle.

But you act more like a hooligan.

Or what the right name is.

But anyway.

I've had a much needed break now from this thread.

I was thinking about the smiley that you have on this message-board.

How do I get this smiley:

'yeah, like it's so funny - I'm laughing out loud'

What smiley-code have I got write?

And also about the post with the large personal-attack on me.

Someone on this message-board say it's written by a Norse with the phoney name of 'Svirre'.

But I don't think so.

Because only girls in Norway write so tidy.

So I think eighter it's written by girl, or eighter it's written by Brit.


Erik Ribsskog

Blitzerne har også hatt demo i Oslo og protestert mot Israels ambassade. Jeg synes de var flinke, litt mer Blu Tack neste gang, så er de der. (N)


Jeg lurer på om jeg skal be om noe råd av de, neste gang jeg skal ha demo her i England.

Vi får se.

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Re: A crazy person emails the queen
by johncons on Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:58 pm

Jayfive wrote:
You said yourself this person was someone who could understand the norwegian posts on your blog.

Its not impossible its a british person who can read norwegian residing in norway but its far more likely to be a norwegian person.


I said I thought he must be a Brit, and that he must have gotten help by someone who speaks Norwegian, since he was refering to
posts on my blog that I had written in Norwegian.

Ok, it seems like a Brit to me, from living all my life in Norway and some years in Britain.

But I guess we don't get any further on this.

I think I'll take a break now since I think I'm being a bit mobbed on this message-board now.

Thanks to the persons who has not been bullying!

Erik Ribsskog

More from the message-board.

Re: A crazy person emails the queen
by johncons on Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:27 pm

Jayfive wrote:
But someone on this message-board explained that a person writing here, with the nick Rafa, wrote earlier that he was an undercover cop, building a
(phoney) case against a Norwegian guy living in Walton, when I lived there.

And I guess there can't be that many Norwegian people being messed with by the Police and the Government, that lives in Walton.

So I think that could have been regarding me and I'm being messed with by the Police.

So I've sent this message-board user with the nick Rafa a message.

So what I'll do now, is that I'll wait an see if he reappears on this message-board.

:yeah, like it's so funny - I'm laughing out loud: Oh man.....

Erik, for the sake of clarity could you post up here the message you sent to this suspicious 'rafa' person?


thanks for your fast answer!

Here's what the user Ned wrote about the user Rafa, that he had written he was working for the Police and the ministry of Defence,
building up what seemed to be a phoney case against a Norwegian guy in Walton: ... olice.html

And here is the message that I sent the user Rafa, after reading what Ned wrote earlier in this thread: ... board.html

(The post that Ned from this message-board wrote is also possible to find earlier in this thread).

Erik Ribsskog

More from the message-board.

Re: A crazy person emails the queen

by johncons on Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:11 am
Jayfive wrote:
And then he has picked out five or six subjects, after several weeks monitoring, and then twisted on the subjects.

Well heres your chance erik - take some of the subjects this persons talked about and give us the truth.


if he appologieses and present one subject at the time, then I'll answer.

I'm not going to start digging in that pile of shit he presented.

Erik Ribsskog


Christmas Soda King from Norway:

Christmas Spirit King from Norway:

Democracy Norway Facebook-group:

More about the Troll in the box on the message-board.

Re: A crazy person emails the queen
by johncons on Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:45 am

Ned wrote:
Svirre wrote:
Just a few notes on mr Ribsskog.

I have been monitoring his activities for the last week or so, going through his blog, going through facebook as well as going through different forums he has posted on.
There is no doubt what so ever. The man is mentally ill. He has even put out his psyciatric journal on his blog, this because he is convinced they got it all wrong because they wrote down the worng age on him.

His psyciatric journal tells us that the preliminary diagnosis is "paranoid psychosis".

A couple of years ago Erik left Norway in a hurry, because he was convinced he was hunted by the "mafia". Something he overheard on the bus. So he ran, took the ferry to denmark, drove through europe, flew to the united states, returned, and ended up in Liverpool where he now is currently residing. He has been working, but was fired after harassing the people he worked for and with. Amongst other things he is holy convinced that all the people at his former job was brainwashed by the mafia, and that illuminati has something to do with everything. Currently he is living from what he recieves in welfare, but the norwegian state will at some point stop paying him because of the rules that states that you have to be a resident of norway, and stay in norway to recieve welfare. Since he refuses to return to norway (because of the mafia, but most likely because he doesnt want treatment for his illness), it will probably end badly with a scenario where he'll be thrown out from his apartement and ending up as a bum.

It is clear that Erik suffers from a mental disorder, and the whole issue is just..well its sad. Im not yet sure if he can be concidered dangerous, but caution is important. What is worse is that he should come back to norway to recieve proper treatment, but will probably end up under british public psyciatric healthcare, since he refuses to return. Nothing wrong about british healthcare, but it is obviously easier to treat someone with a psychological disorder in their own language, not in their second language.

As a person that doesnt know you Erik, but who can see that you have issues, please; Choose for yourself the best option. Return to Norway and recieve proper care for your condition, even if you dont think its a condition yourself. Proper medication can do wonders. Thats a promise. And by the way, its better to take them yourselves, instead of ending up with an ever bigger dept in 2 years and being force fed in a british institution.

In the end i guess its a plea for deaf ears, since you cannot see clearly.

To people participating in this conversation, as well as admins running the forum who might read this, please do not engage into conversation with him. You should also remove his user privileges as soon as possible. Erik has a known history of harassing people he comes into contact with. He has reported most of his own family to the police. I guess a really good one is him reporting a girl to the police for a presumed rape. 17 years ago. Raped. By a girl who was more or less the same age. Where she sat on him, rode him, and in his own words; "she was quite big, so i couldnt excactly throw her off"..and he felt raped, cos for the next weeks he couldnt think about anything else than sex.

I rest my case there. Good luck Erik. Me and others WILL keep following you, and we WILL keep on warning people against you, as well as shutting down your blogs, which is in direct violation of law.

Sounds like something the Norwegian mafia would say

Kieran-M wrote:
None of my bussiness but



Well said la


I have close to 4000 posts on my blog.

This person must have been reading them for weeks.

And he is obviously a Brit, I'd say, from the way he writes, so he must probably have got help with translating the posts from Norwegian, because he is refering to posts written in Norwegian.

And then he has picked out five or six subjects, after several weeks monitoring, and then twisted on the subjects.

And then presenting them all at the same time, like a jack in the box.

So I got a bit shocked by the attack from the troll in the box, since it was so many things at once.

One can't expect that one should answer so many subjects at the same time, so it was a bit horrible attack, and a bit overflow.

So jack in the box should appologise for acting like a troll in the box, with the bit of overflow.

And then the troll in the box should act like a man, and just ask about one subject at a time from the blog.

Then it would be ok I guess.

Erik Ribsskog

More from the message-board.

Re: A crazy person emails the queen
by johncons on Sun Dec 28, 2008 9:29 pm

Kieran-M wrote:
johncons wrote:
Kieran-M wrote:
can someone explain IN BASIC WORDS what this topic is all about?

I've overheard in Norway that I'm being followed by 'the mafia'.

And I'm trying to get the police to tell me what this means, and who they are.

But the Government wont tell me anything, even if I think I have the right to know what's going on.

So I'm trying to make a lot of fuzz, to try to make people aware of that I'm being messed with by the Government, and that they
are keeping things secret from the public.

Erik Ribsskog

Woah dude!

Ill be honest



I've been spending my four last Christmases alone, since noone wants to tell me anything.

So I don't know how to go on with my life.

So I'm beginning to understand that there probably is some 'heavy shit' that's going on.

We'll see what happens.

Erik Ribsskog


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Om meg

Bildet mitt
Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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