torsdag 24. april 2008
More about the 'magic' automated reply from the CAB Chief Executive.
16. On 5 and 27 July, the client e-mailed the complaints officer to
say he had received no answer from the bureau. On 3 and 22
August, the client e-mailed the chief executive of Citizens
Advice to say he had received no answer. The first
communication he received after the complaints officer‘s e-mail
of 31 May was an automated reply from the chief executive‘s
office on 22 August saying that he would be away from the
office until 30 August.
I'll write the sentence in bold again, so that it's more overviewable:
On 3 and 22 August, the client e-mailed the chief executive of Citizens
Advice to say he had received no answer.
This isn't right at all. I sent the e-mails on 3 and 16 August, like can be seen in this blog-post, that contains the e-mail from 16/8, in a forwarded e-mail, to a manager/director at the CAB head office, sent earlier this year:
And here is a link to the 'magic' automated reply:
One can read above, that the independant CAB adjunctant writes this, in her report:
The first communication he received after the complaints officer‘s e-mail
of 31 May was an automated reply from the chief executive‘s office on 22 August saying that he would be away from the office until 30 August.
I wrote the date in bold, thats 22 August.
So this, the 'magic' automated reply, is waiting for six days, from Thurday 16 August 2007 to Wednesday 22 August (I checked the days in my calender, or what it's called again), before it thinks it's about time, to send itself, to my e-mail address.
So I don't know what the 'magic' automated reply was doing in the meantime.
What was the automated reply, doing on Friday 17 August, Saturday 18 August, Sunday 19 August, Monday 20 August and Tuesday 21 August?
Was it AWOL, or what it's called again?
I think this is very strange.
Shouldn't the CAB head-office, keep better track of their automated replies?
And not let them use six days, before they reach the right e-mail address.
When I recieved the magic automated reply, I didn't read it that properly, I was a bit stressed.
I thought it was a normal e-mail.
Since I was reading it in a break from work.
So I didn't really note, that it claimed to be an automated reply.
I thought at first, when I was a bit tired, when I read the e-mail, that it was a proper e-mail of some type.
Sent by a human.
Since, it didn't cross my mind, that it could have been an automated reply, when I recieved it, almost a week after I sent the reminder e-mail, on 16/8.
So I thought that this had been looked at, by the CAB Chief Executive.
So when I, a couple of weeks later, recieved the stage 1 report, from the Liverpool Central CAB, then I thought this was because the Chief Executive had looked at this.
And therefore, I wasn't really sure if I should complain, about the stage 1 report.
Since it seemed to me, that the CAB Chief Executive, had already involved himself, in the complain-process.
So that it had really, already, been at the top-level of the organisation.
So I had to think a while about this, because at first, then I thought it would be inpolite of me to complain, about the stage 1 report, since the Chief Executive, seemingly to me, had been involved in getting the stage 1 report, or at least getting it sent.
But I decieded later, to complain to the Chair, like the representative is called, there.
But due to this, that the 'magic' automated reply, at first, seemed to me, to be sent by a person, indicating, that the Chief Executive there, had directly or indirectly, involved himself in the complaint process.
Then I at first decided not to complain.
I decided to post about it on the BBC message-board, I think it was, or possibly another message-board, in Scandinavia.
And after looking more about this, in connection with the posting on the message-board, then I decided to complain.
I think it was then I discovered that the 'magic' reply, claimed to be 'automatic'.
But, now, I suspect, that this was done this way, deliberatly.
Like I wrote, in the answer to the CAB-case independant adjunctant:
I think there has been some type of Police surveilance operation around me, since I reported to the St. Ann St. Police, in 2005, that I had overheard, that I was being followed by the 'mafia', and that I was being chased away from my uncles farm in Larvik, in Norway, some days earlier, by some people with guns and dogs.
(It's possible, that I didn't get to explain this much, since the Police didn't want to listen to my explanation, since they didn't want to be involved, like I overheard the Police-officer, telling his collegues, in the office they have, in conection, with the reception there.
And then they sent me out, after handing me a folder, and telling me to come back, if something actually had been going on).
I didn't really know to say then.
So I said, that I couldn't go back if I was dead, I'm not sure if I understood exactly what he meant.
Like I understood it, I could only go back, if someone had actually succeded in killing or injuring me.
I'm not sure if this is exactly what they meant.
But the Police-officer, was very young and tense.
And I was stressed from being chased.
So I just said that I couldn't go back if I was dead, because what the Police-officer said, didn't make any sence to me.
And I didn't think it was any point in trying to reason, since I had already overheard, that they didn't want to be involved.
So I just went out from there, with the folder, with the phone-number on it, even if how the Police were reasoning, surrounding this, seemed a bit unclear to me.
And back to the CAB-case.
I suspect, that the Streat Theater operation, that it seems to me, that the strange incidents on the Liverpool Central CAB, on 5/4, last year was.
I suspect, that this Street Theater operation, could be a part of, a surveilance operation, from the British Police, that started after I went to the Police-station in St. Ann's St. in Liverpool, in July/August 2005.
Or, really, I suspect it started before this, since there was something going on, in London, when I went there, in February 2005, from Sunderland, where I was studying the third year of my Bachelor Computing degree, on the University there.
There was some strange things going on then, so it could be, that the British Police, knew about what went on in Oslo, in 2003 and 2004, since it seemed to me, that the whole city there, knew about what went on then.
Even if I myself, didn't know exactly what went on, other than the things I had overheard at work, and more, which I have explained a bit about, in this blog-post:
So it seemed clear to me, that something serious, to do with some 'mafia' etc, was going on in Oslo, even if I can't say that I had been doing anything wrong.
But, at first, I wasn't sure, if this was known about, in Britain.
I didn't really think, that people in eg. London, cared that much about what went on in Oslo.
Since London, is obviously a very large city.
But, something strange, went on there as well, but I'm not sure exactly, what went on.
But people acted very strange there, and from what I overheard there, some mafia or mob-stuff went on.
Eg. I went to Harrods once, and then I overheard, that someone called someone else, from a mobile-phone, and said, he isn't just staying at the hotel, now he is on Harrods.
So I thought this was very strange.
I wasn't sure exactly, why someone would call like this.
And several other, more or less, similar incidents, happened there, which I now suspect that maybe could be linked with what went on in Oslo, even if it also could have been, for some reason, not linked with the problems in Oslo.
I'm not used with things to do with mob/mafia, or what the right term is, so I can't really say this for sure.
But, in the end, I thought, many people in London, acted very stale when they saw me, and I overheard, someone talking outside the room which I rented on the hotel.
So, I decieded to go to some other place than London, which I had really planned to try to find an appartment and job, in.
Since, from what I had heard, from before this, it would be easier, to find a job in, in eg. computing, or shop-management, which I had worked with from before, than in Sunderland.
The study abroad advisor, on my home university in Oslo, HiO, Frode something, had a British friend/collegue, from Sunderland, who said in a meeting in Oslo, some months before I went to Sunderland, that it was almost imposible, to find a job there.
So that's one of the reasons, that I decided to go to London, to try to find a job, since my studies, were very delayed, due to some problems, with my study-finance, from Lånekassa, being four or five months delayed, even if HiO had told me, that they would send an aplication for me, in the spring of 2004.
And HiO, also, at first, wouldn't approve my modules there,
(I needed HiO, to approve the modules there, to get the study-founding from the Norwegian Government Study Finance Programme, Lånekassa. Around February of 2004, I think it was, I delivered two Study Abroad applications, to HiO.
One Erasmus-programme application (I had some loans since I had a lot of problems wih my car in Oslo, which I bought, when I was promoted to Rimi grocery store manager, in 1998. And the car was often broken in to, about three times a year I'd guess, and there were a lot of problems with the enigine and the electric system and more, so I guess I should have checked the car better before I bought it, but I had set aside some founds for repairs, like I had told my friend Magne Winnem, so I thought I was covered).
So the Erasumus programme grant, would have helped me paying the bills, for the loans.
I hadn't imagined that the founding from Lånekassa, would be so many months delayed, because I seemed to remember, that the applications there, were quite quickly processed, if one sent them, after the peek-season, since I half remebered this, from when I had sent an application to them, some years earlier. At least I this was how I remebered, that the system there worked, since not very many applications were sent them, after the automn-term had started.
But, HiO, said, that, since there was a module I hadn't taken the exam in.
(I was a bit overworked, after the years working as a Rimi grocery store manager, and the part-time job, as team-leader on Rimi Bjørndal, was very tirering, since the two store-managers working there, both put on a lot of pressure on me, even if I was only working two shifts a week.
My Area Manager there, Skodvin, asked me if I could work a shift in another shop, Rimi Langhus, which was having a kind of 'war' then, between the store manager then, Brun, and the staff.
I said that was alright, and then they needed a team-leader there, so I said that I could work there one shift a week.
So then I was working three shifts a week, as team-leader, in two different Rimi Shops.
Since I wanted to be cover my back, since I didn't get on that well, with any of the store-managers I had when I was working as a team-leader, while studyin full time, Computing/Bachelor Information Technology, on HiO (Oslo Universtiy College), in 2002-2004.
I was used to not putting that much pressure, on the Team-Leaders, when I was working as a store-manager myself.
Since I understood, that they had a lot of other things going on in their lifes, and really were just working, so that the store-manager, and the assisting store-manager, could have their rest-days.
So I couldn't understand, why they were putting so much work on me, I had to run around there, all the time, especially on Rimi Bjørndal, which is a busy shop, with a lot of customers, and low avarage spending for each customer, which means that the shop had to have more customers, to have the same income, that most other Rimi shops, but there wasn't more money spent to use on salaries, so there was more work for each person, and I thougt I got a bit more than my share of the extra work, since the manager there, put on a lot of pressure, regarding what I had to do, on eg. the busy Saturday late shift, which I worked every week. And this was not negoable. I was really on my way out of Rimi, I had just agreed to have a part-time job, so that I could keep my Rimi-flat, untill I had got å new job, in eg. management in a computing-firm, or as self-employed in computing.
So I tried to cover my back, by getting a second team-leader Rimi job, in case the problems with the Rimi Bjørndal store-manager, would escalate into some kind of constructed dismissal, or something like this.
I didn't really get on that well with the Area Manager eighter, she was a bit stale, and difficult to communitate with sometimes, and she withdrew the plan b arrangement, I had made, that I could start as store-manager again, if plan a, to work as a manager in a computing firm etc, for some reason failed.
The years I had been working as a Rimi store-manager, in 1998-2002, in three different stores, had been very eventful, with a lot of conflicts etc.
For some reason.
And in one shop, Rimi Kalbakken, I got the store assistants, against me, so I had to almost keep the shop, myself, it seemed to me, for about half a year there.
And it was a big shop, with a weekly income, of around 700.000 NOK, which is about £70.000.
So it was a lot of work, and a lot of conflicts.
And before I started there, I had been managing a smaller store, Rimi Nylænde, where there had been a lot of robberies, and projects, like starting with the Government lottery, Norsk Tipping, moving the fruit-department, chaning the freezers and the chlling-machines.
And some conflicts etc.
I had before this, from 1993-1998, been working on very low Rimi team-leader, and assisting manager salaries.
So, when I finally got a decent salary, I thought it was fun to do something else than just working in Rimi.
In the years 1993-1998, a large part of my life, was working on Rimi, and learning to run a Rimi store.
Even if I was working quite a lot, and I was a lot on the internet etc, to relax and recover from the stess in the store.
So, I hadn't been having a very good economy, in the first years of the nineties.
Since the Rimi store-manager assistant salaries then, were so low, that they were writen about, on the front-pages, of the national newspapers in Norway.
But in the first years of the nineties, Norway was recovering from a recession.
And since I had started working in Rimi, I thought it would be smart to have it on my CV, that I had worked as a store manager also, and not only as an assistant.
Since I thought it would be valuable, to have that on my CV, that would give a better impression then I reconed, and people I spoke with about this, also thought this.
And in 1998, my mother lent me some money, around £1000, to go to a Microsoft NT 3.0 or 4.0, I guess it was, course, for a week, in a holiday from Rimi, which my mate, Magne Winnem, who worked as a lecturer in Computing, had recomended me to take.
To get a computing-job, which I thought seemed tempting, since I had been working for more than two years, as a store manager assistant, on Rimi Bjørndal, with a lot of routine-work then.
But then, when I had finished the one week NT course, at Global Knowledge Network, in Skullerud, in Oslo, around February 1998.
Then I thought I could ask the Area Manager, Skodvin, if there was any future for me, in Rimi, before I started appying for computer jobs.
Since I hadn't really written any job-applications and dealt with things like that, for many years, and the work on Rimi Bjørndal, was very high-tempo, I worked all of the late shifts, so I thought that I would maybe be a bit bored, working in an office, after working so many years in a shop, with a lot of people around.
And I was used to working with almost only very beautiful young women, at Rimi Bjørndal, the last year I worked there. I was managing maybe five or six almost only very beautiful women, for some reason, on the late-shifts there, so I was also a bit worried, that I would maybe be a bit restless, if I should start working in an office, with programming etc, since I was used to working with a lot of pretty women around me all the time, on Rimi Bjørndal, in 1997 and 1998.
So I asked the Area-Manager, first, before I started to apply to computing-jobs, if she thought I had a future in Rimi, as a store-manager.
Then, she discussed this, with the Bjørndal store-manager, Kvehaugen, and then I heard she said to him, that I guess we have to give him a chance now.
Then I had been working as a Rimi store-managing assistant, for more than four years on a low salary, so I thought it was about time, to get some progress, on my work-situation.
Then I was offered Rimi Nylænde.
I was a bit disapointed, since I thought it would be a bigger store, Munkelia. (With more probably more women working in it, since I was very used to having a lot women around me at work all time. It almost made me crazy sometimes, with all the pretty women there).
But I knew Rimi Nylænde well from working there for two or three years from before, so in that perspective, it was an fine store to manage).
But there were a lot of things always happening, conflicts etc., in the three stores I had been working as a manager in.
And i was really tired, from working more than two years, with all the late-shifts, from the very busy Rimi Bjørndal shop, with all the work, the store manager there, Kvehaugen, put on me, while I was working there, in the years before starting working as a store-manager, in 1998.
So the three years working as a store-manager, really go to me.
Especially, the eight months or so, at Rimi Kalbakken, one of the largest Rimi shops in Oslo, where there were problems with the store-assistants etc.
But I thought it would be very embarrasing, to not sucseed managing a big store, so I went on, trying to keep the shop, at least the fruit-department, and chilled food department, myself, for many months, which was tirering, since it was a big shop, and I was tired from the years before in Rimi.
And there was a war with the assistant there, and the Area-manager, etc.
But then, Skodvin, offered me to start managing Rimi Langhus, in Ski municipality, south of Oslo.
A shop, that had a weekly income, in between, of Rimi Nylænde (in the Oslo township Lambertseter), and Rimi Kalbakken.
But the shop was challenging to run, in the way, that the shop-area, was really much to small, for the weekly income, and number of customers a day there.
So it was challenging, with the orders, and the logistics etc, since the non-shoping areas also were really to small there.
But this shop, Rimi Langhus, was very poorly run, from before, from a customer-perspective, I think one have to say.
Since the campaigns looked very poor, the fruit was almost always poorly presented, and goods were often sold out etc.
And I had been working several years, in another Rimi shop, Rimi Nylænde, which was quite similar, in the way that it was a bit worn down shop, that we succeded, in getting a better standard at, I think one can say.
So I felt a bit at home at Rimi Langhus, since I was so used with working as a manager, on Rimi Nylænde.
So even if I was very tired, when I was working at Rimi Langhus, and really only worked there, to get control of my economy, to get a job outside of Rimi, since I had totally lost faith in the Higher Management in the Rimi head-office, since I thought there had been a lot of unprofessional errors from them, regarding how I was explained to run Rimi Kalbakken etc., which created a lot of the problems I had been having there.
And I had had enough of problems with conflicts etc., so I tried to manage Rimi Langhus, in a way, that I let the assistant manager, get a lot of responsibility for the mangement of the shop.
I tried to ask the staff, what the store-manager work-tasks where.
So that the staff shouldn't be to stressed, from a new store-manager working there.
Since you don't wont unrest among the staff, at least not, if you are very tired from before, and don't want to work a lot of extra shifts, due to staff calling in sick etc.
And also, because I thought this was a good way of managing the shop, to include the other the other managers and staff, with manager-meetings, and staff-meetings.
This was also how the previous manager had been running the shop, it seemed to me.
And the staff there, were quite wary, on the Area Manager, and people that weren't from Langhus, I thought it seemed, so I chose to have a quite democratic management style, when I was working there.
But I had learned a bit about runing food-shops, from the seven or eight years as a Rimi manager, from before I started working on Rimi Langhus.
And this was a lot more than the previous manager had been working, since he was on a programme in Rimi, to work at the head-office, and working out in the field, as a store-manager, for one year, was part of this trainee-program.
So even if I didn't change any of the rutines, on Rimi Langhus etc.
Since I reset myself, and tryed to take the approach, that if it isn't broken, don't try to fix it.
Even so, the results in the shop, improved, since I tryed to put empasis on the general shop-work.
Like trying to put up fruit better, and improve that department, since this deparment, had had a low standard, from before.
And the same with the campaigns there etc.
And also, in the summer of 2001, I got some of the part time team-leaders, to do work like rearrange the shelves in the shops, after 'planograms', which where drawings, from the head office, which are constructed in a way, that the goods in the shop earn most money on, are given more and better shelf-place.
So that building the shelfs, according to the 'planograms' make sure the profit of the shop, and placing of the goods, is optimised.
And then the own-label goods sold percentage increased.
The fruit sold percentage of the total income increased.
And the avarage amount sold pr. customer increased.
So in the last half of 2001, the shop won the Rimi managemnet prize, 'Rimi Gullårer', as one of only three shops, of maybe 100 or so, in the greater Oslo Area.
Even I was very tired and overworked this year.
So that was a bit fun.
But I had been working hard on Rimi Langhus also, since I didn't want to disapoint the staff and the customers there, since I had overheard that some of the staff/customers, were dispointed in me there, since the shop wasn't looking that fine, after I had been working there for maybe a month, since the Area-manager, I think it must have been, had promised them, that the shop-standard would improve, when I started working there, since the shop-standard had improved, when I managed Rimi Nylænde, a year or two before this.
But in the mean-time, I had been very over-worked at Rimi Kalbakken.
But I thought it wouldn't be very fun, thinking back on, that I had in a way, let down, Rimi Langhus, so I tried to do a good job, with improving the shop-standard etc. there).
So I finally had arranged, to start studying again, in the automn of 2002, than I was very tired and overworked, and a bit depressed due to problems at Rimi Kalbakken, and it was embarrasing, to tell my family and friens, that I was going to start studying again, since they didn't really know how it was, to work with all the conflicts etc, in the big shop, Rimi Kalbakken, since this was really tirering, working there, since I don't really like to quit, when I've set myself a target, so then I just goes on.
But in the end, I had to give up there, because, trying to run such a big shop, when you're not on level terms with the staff, assistant managers and head-office managers and directors, that isn't very easy.
So I don't think I could have lasted much longer, coping with working there, it was like in a stale-mate there, so it was really, eighter me who had quit, or all of the other employees and managers, that had to quit.
And then it really made more sense, that I quit, so I agreed to this, after working there for eight or nine months.
But then, after starting studying again, in 2002, I was a bit tired, and I needed to get my spirits up a bit, since I was a bit down, after the last seven or eight years with problems with the other managers in Rimi.
But I had been studying computers from before, for two years, at University-level, in 1989-1990, and in 1991-1992.
So I had some back-up.
So that I could relax a bit, and try recover from all the years working very hard in Rimi.
I wanted to organise it this way, since I thought I was to overworked to start a new career right away.
I needed a couple of years, with a bit lower tempo, to get recovered again, I reckoned.
But the Rimi store-managers, on Rimi Bjørndal and Rimi Langhus, they put much more pressure on me, than I had done, towards the team-leaders, when I was working as a store-manager.
And in the summer of 2002, I was working 16 hour shifts, on Rimi Bjørndal, since the other manger there, called in sick, while the store-manager was on holiday.
So, I was studying a bit from home, and didn't go to all the lectures, since I had had much of the same lectures from before, some ten years or more before this.
Except that this degree, was a three year degree, and not a two year one, like the one I had almost finished, from before.
So, since I had quite a lot of responsibility, in the two Rimi team-leader jobs, and since I thought I should try to wind down a bit, for a year or two.
Then, it was an examn, that I hadn't taken, in the first year of the studies, I think it must have been.
And then, I couldn't participate, in the Erasmus programme HiO said, since I didn't have the theoretical basis, that I should have had, after two years.
I explained, that I had this module, form NHI, and that this was why I hadn't taken the examn on HiO.
But then they found anohter reason, not to give me the Erasmus scholarship.
And then, I complained on this, but then they found a third reason, not to give me the Erasums scholarship.
But, I knew, that I had also applied, on just a regular study abroad place.
But this application, had been lost, by HiO, they told me, around May or June 2004,
when I had recieved the last rejection for the Erasmus-programme scholarship.
Before this, around April 2004, a HiO Bislet International Office representative, a woman with a lot of empty 1.5 litre Tab X-tra bottles, placed in a row, in her office at Bislet, told me, that she would deliver my Lånekassa, study abroad application, since she said that this more complicated, than a normal Lånekassa application.
I couldn't think of any reason why I shouldn't let her do this, if she wanted to do this, so said this was alright, and counted on that the issues with the study finance aplication, was sorted.
After HiO told me, in May or June 2004, that they couldn't see that they had received my plan-b application, a regular study abroad application (as a back up, in case my Erasmus programme application was rejected for any, more or less, buraucratic reason, which sometimes happen in Norway).
Then I searched on the internet.
And it turned out, that there was an organisation, in the center of Oslo, called IEC (Now Kilroy education), in Nedre Slottsgate, in Oslo.
They had an agreement with the University of Sunderland.
And, since it was already June, and much to late, to start the HiO application process, and since they were very buraucratic, and they seemed to have a dislike towards me, or that I should study abroad.
Since the study abroad manager there, also had brought a friend from Sunderland, to a meeting there, to get me, it seemed to me, to not go there, to study.
And due to the mentioned problems with the Erasmus-programme applicatons.
Due to these problems, I didn't it would be possible, to get HiO to get me to Sunderland, after they had lost my plan-b application, the regular study abroad application.
So I contacted IEC, one day, around June 2004, on my way to work, as a team-leader on Rimi Langhus.
And they helped me.
They contacted University of Sunderland.
I enlosed the grade-overviews, from both NHI, and Oslo University College/HiO, and then, I was admited, to a place, on the third year of the regular Bachelor Computing study there.
Since the University of Sunderland, thought I had the qualifications, with the exams I had from Norway, to start directly on the third year there.
So then I would have got a British bachelor degree, in computing, if I had finnished the third-year modules there.
So there shouldn't really be any reason for HiO, to make a fuzz about this.
Since this was organised on the regular study abroad programme.
And, even if I didn't get an Erasmus scholarhip.
Even so, the Norwegian study-finance programme, Lånekassa, is quite good, and the living expenses low in the north of Britain, like the International Office representative, with all the empry Tab X-tra bottles, had told me, a couple of months before.
And I had all the theory I needed to participate on the third year of the Bachelor programme there, like if I had been a regulare student studying the first two years in Sunderland on schedule.
So there shouldn't have been any reason for HiO, and the study abroad manager there, Frode, not to autorise me studying there, and not to autorise the modules there.
Which I needed, to get the Lånekassa founding.
I needed the HiO study abroad managers approval to get the Lånekassa founding.
But there shouldn't have been any reason for him to deny me this.
He had made enough problems for me, from before, with the three aplications for the Erasmus schoolarship, being turned downed by the department he was responsible for.
But, the HiO study abroad manager, wouldn't accept my modules there, before after, the University of Sunderland study abroad office staff, had let me borrow their phone, and call HiO, from their offices.
And this was maybe in November, two months after my studies there had started.
Something like this.
Then he finally accepted the modules.
He was over in Sunderland, for some reason, and then I met him, in a meeting at the University there, and then he accepted the modules, a couple of months late.
And then, Lånekassa, needed a couple of months as well, to get the application processed.
So I didn't recieve the founding, untill January, four months late.
And then I had lost control, on the several differnt loans I had in Norway, and my Norwegian mobile bill.
Since I wasn't that good at understaning the dog-and-bone, phone-card, system, that one had to learn, to take calls from the Forge flats landline phone.
I had presumed, that it wouldn't take that long time to get the Lånekassa founding.
And I had quite a lot of money with me there, since I had been working a lot, on Rimi Langhus, as a manager, in the summer of 2004.
So I got by, untill January 2005, for four months, on the money I earned in the summer, even if I spent quite a lot of money the first month in Sunderland.
Since I had planned to stay in Britain, after ending the studies in Sunderland, in 2005.
Due to the mentioned problems in Oslo.
So I also built myself a desktop-computer there, and bought a lot of clothes etc., since I had planned to stay in Britain, so I didn't have to worry about excess bagage.
But, I lost control, on my bills in Norway, since the study-founding, was delayed by four months.
And I also lost control, of the studies, since I had some problems, finding the right modules.
For some of the modules, one had to be very good at writing in English.
So, that it was challinging for native Brits, to complete the module.
So when I understood that a couple of the modules I had chosen, weren't that smart for Norwegian speakers, to chose, then I changed a bit on the modules.
And I also, had to get the modules, in line with the HiO-modules, since I had to do this, to get the modules approved, by HiO, to get the study-finance from Lånekassa.
And before I went to Sunderland, I didn't really want more people than necessary, eg. the lecturers at HiO etc., to know where I was going, due to the earlier mentioned problems in Oslo/Rimi Bjørndal.
So I waited untill I got there, to start working with finding out of the modules.
So, when I finally recieved the study-founding, in January 2005, then I was so long behind scedule, for the modules, so I decided, that it would be smarter, to just try to find a job.
The first day in Sunderland, I overheard the study abroad manager there, commenting to a collegue, that he didn't understand why I wanted to study, with the papers I had from before, from NHI and HiO, he said that he didn't think I needed to study any more, to get a job, to a collegue there, the first day there, so that I overheard it, from where I was sitting there.
I had heard that the job-market was difficult in Sunderland.
And I though noone would know who I was in London, so I went there.
And then I had plan to find a job, and an appartment, and to contact the University again, when I was established there, and had a flat and a job, and internet and/or a landline etc., since it took some time for me to get a British mobile etc, in London.
But things didn't go according to plan, unfortunalty.
And the University of Sunderland, where very fine, since they didn't throw me out, from the Forge, even if my study finance was delayed for many months.
But I was in a difficult situation.
I didn't want to find myself, without any money, without a degree, without a job, in the summer of 2005.
So thats why I thought it would be smarter, to go London, in February 2005.
While I still had the study-finance.
So then I could try to get a job there, and then sort with the money I owed the University and the banks in Norway, and get payment-plans for the money I owed.
I thought this would be a better solution, than wait till the summer of 2005, with trying to get a job, due that I was very behind schedule already, with the modules, and since I was a study abroad student, with the lectures being held in English, then I thought the chances of me finishing the degree on shedule where low.
And if I hadn't managed this, then Lånekassa wouldn't have given me any more study-finance for 2005/2006, since I was already, close to a year delayed, with the modules from NHI and HiO, due to working quite a lot as a manager etc., besides the studies.
And the Lånekassa-limit, for when the study-finance is being stoped, is if one are more that one year delayed, which I would have been if I hadn't finished all the modules, which didn't seem likely at all that I would have managed, since I was really delayed with the modules by January 2005.
So thats why I chose to go to London.
But now, when I think back, I think it was a bit strange, that HiO should make so much problems for my studies at Sunderland.
But I had some problems with my face also. (It's a long story), so this distracted me a bit, I must admit, since my face didn't look very normal at all there.
I think I was subject of some kind of plot, so that the skin in my face, was very strange, and thin, and to thight, so I didn't look like usually had done, so this I thought was a bit embarrasing and strange.
So this was also one of the reasons, that I wanted to go to London, since I had been having problems with my face looking strange, when I was in Sunderland.
So I used to work-out, and swim, a lot, on the Sports Center there, this helped me relax, and forget about the problems.
So I was really more at the Sports Center almost, than at the University.
But really, the most important thing for me, surrounding this study-year, was to get away from Oslo.
Because it wasn't very fun living in Oslo, the last months there.
Because every time I went out the door, I overheard people talking about me, behind my back.
I overheard things like:
'Haven't they taken him/got him yet, haha'.
'I can't see why it should be so difficult to get him, since he's walking the same way home from work each day'.
'He's even buying clothes this guy'. (Said in a more or less chocked way, when I bought a couple of t-shirts, on H&M, at Stortorget, in Oslo, around March 2004.
And also at HiO, there were people talking, more or less, behind my back, saying things more or less similar, to this.
I had already overheard, in December 2003, when I was working on Rimi Bjørndal, that I was followed by the 'mafia' _also_.
And I heard some collegues talking, about another collegue there, Songül, a Kurdish girl from Turkey, being together with a mafia-guy, and that she was calling to the store, and to all the people she knew, trying to get information about me, and trying to get to the stores employment-folder, to see if there was any information about me there.
Which I heard the collegue, say to Songül, that she couldn't get to the employee-folder, since it was looked in, in the safe.
But, anyway, I thought it was a bit strange, always hearing people talk, in a upset/shocked way, behind my back, so it was very nice, to get to Britain and Sunderland, where people were behaving a bit more normal, than I thought people were behaving in Oslo.
I don't think I could have coped with living much longer in Oslo, since it was like everybody knew what was going on.
Expect me, maybe, since I had never read anything about, in the paper, that one could end op, being followed by some mafia, in Norway.
So this was a surprice to me.
And people were acting very strange when I went out the door, and I got strange phone-calls from friends etc.
But I didn't have much money, when this happened, in December 2003, I was a student then.
So I just had to try to be calm, and get through it, untill the automn, when I had planned, to go abroad, on the study aboad programme.
Since I didn't think the situation in Oslo was very fun, seemingly being followed by some mafia, and the whole town seemingly knowing about what went on, but without the possibility, of finding out more, about this, by reading in the paper, or on the internet, since things like these, weren't written about.
So this was a surprice to me, who thought, that what when on in society, should be written about in the paper.
So I decided, to wait with calling the Police, since obviously had failed, in informing the public, regarding what was going on.
And then, when I had my own flat, abroad, then I wanted to find who it was in the Police, who were the experts on this subject, mafia etc. (Kripos, I read it was, who were the experts on organised crime/mafia problems etc, I read in the online Norwegian newpapers, when I was studying in Sunderland).
But they havent even given me advice, now that I have been calling them, in 2005, 2006 and 2007.
So it's obvious that something serious is wrong, in society.
Something that a lot of people know about.
I think the media and the Police, probably also must know about the problems that are going on.
But for some reason, they don't inform the public, about what's going on.
So it's difficult, to know who to trust, regarding issues like this.
I think people have the right to get advice from the Police etc.
But I haven't managed to get any advice from the Government, even if I have contacted a lot of ministries etc., regarding this, both in Norway and Britain.
So it's obvious that something is going on.
And I'm not sure who's side the Governments are on, I must admit.
If they are on the mafias side, or what they are.
Or if they are on the normal peoples side.
I wouldn't be to certain about, that the Government are on the normal peoples side, when it comes to problems like this.
I think it's obvious, that there some serious things going on, in society, that the Government, and the media, for some reason, aren't informing the public about.
I'm not sure if maybe everybody are aware of this.
It seems to me, that very many people must be aware of whats going on, and must get some kind of underground information, regarding this.
But in case, that there are someone, that haven't heard anything about this, then I would maybe try to tell a bit, that it seems like the Government, and the media, are involved in some kind of agenda, to do with not people, what it is that's going on.
This seems quite clear to me.
At least clear enough, to me, so I think I should maybe mention this, since it seems, that it isn't only in Norway, that things like this, is going on.
So that's why I thought I could maybe mention this, while I was writing here anyway.
That I'm not sure how much trust I would have in the Government actually telling people whats going on.
Even if, I think, if I remember right, that one of the foundations for democracy, is, that people know whats going on in society.
So if the Government don't tell people whats going on, then it's not really a democracy, it's a Plutocracy, like I've read in the Norwegian papers, in the late 90s, and in the first years of this millenium, that the papers have been writing in some of the comments etc. in the paper.
That in Norway, the Governing-system, is really a plutocracy.
I didn't really understand exactly what they meant by this.
But now, I'm beginning to understand.
It means that everyone, that are not in the elite, have no rights.
You have to have a university degree, etc., to get help from the Police, if something happens.
Or to get help from the legal-system etc.
Like I read in a Norwegian blogg/online newspaper, Riksavisen, lately.
In the justice-system, one, as a normal person, aren't finding justice, you are meeting/opposing the power.
So the justice-system, is political.
It should be about peoples rights, but it isn't.
It's about the Government, who is organised like some kind of mafia, so that you won't get any help from any Government organisations.
On the conterary, they can start putting obstacles in your way, and start messing you around, like HiO did, when I wanted to study abroad.
Like this, the justice system can be, the different ombudsmen, the different ministries, the prime ministers office in Norway, the list goes on and on.
It isn't only me, who is writing about this, or have experienced things like this.
This is also mentioned, on the Riksavisen site, where they use an example from the municipality Eiker, in the County of Buskerud, in Norway, where the local Government, crushed, picturally, a citizen, by working together, like a mafia, to achieve this purpose.
And I've also read about this other places, even if there is very much information on the net, regarding Illuminati/New World Order, so it's a bit difficult to remember exactly where I've been reading all the different things.
But it's really to search on Google about these terms, and I must admit, that even if I hadn't heard about the term Illuminati, or reflected anything on the term 'New World Order', six months or a year ago.
Even so, I must admit, that if I add what I've experienced myself, together with a lot of the information one cand find, if search on this issues on the internet, then it seems to me, more and more, that the probelms with these agendas, are very real, even if they aren't properly explained about in the newspapers.
Also, there seems to be different mafias, in addition to this.
I've read, that the muslims, aren't in on the New World Order agenda.
But, I've also read, that the reason, for why, countries like Norway, and cities like Oslo, have let in so many muslims imigrants, is to help holding the natives in check, or traumatise them even, so that the Illuminati/New World Order/The New Elite, wont lose control, on the normal people, on the sheep og the goy, like they are calling them.
These are anyone, who aren't in the top percentage of the elite, that know whats going on, and want to control the rest of the people.
The ones, that they don't think deserves to be alive, or the ones who seem to difficult to tame maybe, are being put in the 'slaughterhouse'.
This means, that the Illuminati/New World Order, exploites them, in every way they can, to use them as slaves, to work in shops, etc, used as spies by the police, againts ones will, etc.
Everything and everyway they can think of, of exploting this person, till they die.
They don't think about them as people, but as sheep or cattle, that they can do whatever they want with.
And they have a Government administration/mafia, and an Illuminati mafia, (these two are probaly just the Illuminati I guess), who help them, so that the vitims, that are in the slaughterhouse, wont get any help, from their familiy, friends, workplace, government and human rights organisations, since all of these people and institutions, have been taken control of, in the slaughterhouse-plan, that the Illuminati, has laid up, for this person/cattle.
I'm not sure where they make these plans, but I wouldn't be very surprised if it was in the Pentagon, and in the Free-mason buildings.
And they are very good at making plans, and cover ups.
When it seems, that the Illuminati, have been taken down, and lost control.
And then they manage to cover this up anyway.
Then this is called a false dawn, or another false down.
Which there have been many of, during the last centuries, since the Illuminati, are from the end of dark ages, or even longer back.
And it also seem to me, that there is a war, of some kind, against light-haired people.
Eigther as part of, or in adition to, this mentioned Illumintai/New World Order agenda, in which the richest people in the world, the new elite, wants to control the world, and exploit the people they find worthless, that they call excess baggage, for the human race.
They just exploit these people mercylessly, in a type of Matrix-system, or like the Ace Ventura-guy movie, about the guy who finds out that he is on TV all the time, or what it was. The Truman show? Something like this.
This is my impression, about what it is that's going on now.
One could see this, when Hurricane Katrina was destroying New Orleans.
Now help, was given, to the poor people, who didn't have cars, and could get away from the city, on their own.
The facist leaders there, which I think one have to call them, with George W. Bush, and Co., did not put in, by far, enough resources, to help the poor people that was left in New Orleans, during Hurricane Katrina.
Why didn't the let the US Army or US navy help these people?
I can't see this any differently, than that it was an example of facist New World Order policy.
That people were just considered sheep, cattle or excess baggage, by the elite/people in power, and left to their own destiny, and given little or noe help.
The same, with the Tsunami, in Asia, in 2004, where the Asian countries, where not called, and warned, by the US tsunami monitoring center, for the Pacific, who sat and watched the tsunami, getting closer and closer to Asia, on their computer screens, for hours, without they, or their managers, calling the Asian countries embassies etc., to try to warn them, which they should have had plenty of time to do.
The use the excuse, that they didn't have their Asian collegues phone-numbers.
But, you it should only be to get your manager, to escalate, and get someone to inform these countries embassies.
It isn't difficult, for someone, to find the phone-number, to eg. the Thai embassy.
It's just to call 118 118, or what it is again.
And the embassys, would know who in eg. Thailand to call.
I shouldn't have been more difficult than that.
In stead, hunded of thousands of people were killed by the tsunami, since no warning was given.
So I suspect that these failures to give help to people, in these natural catastropies, are so un-explainable, that I think must have been to do with some type of New World Order aganda.
At least this is how it seems to me.
There are probably a lot of people, who'll say, that this just nonsense etc., it can't be like this, the people in power aren't as cynical as this.
Then I'll just recomend, to try to do the same as I myself did, last week, to search on eg. 'Illuminati' or 'New World Order', on Google.
Then it's possilbe to find, I think, millions of web-pages, with information about this.
And they all add together, it seems to me.
It's just that the normal media, are all part of a New World Order agenda.
So they don't want people to know this.
That's why it isn't in the news.
So if people don't want to end up in the 'slaugterhouse', being mercylessly exploited, by the Government/elite/Illuminati, in different types of slavery, untill one dies, without getting any form of help, from family, friends, the Government, Human Rights Organisations etc, since all of these, have been already been instructed by the Police and others, not to help.
If the risk of ending ones life in slavery, and being exploited by the super-rich New World Order elite (Bush, Blair possibly, Brown possibly, prince William, the Queen of England, the Rotchilds, the Rockefellers, the Bilderberger-group people. Microsoft is involved, I've read. The ones that have/is participating in the pervert club, that the American elite, with Bush and Co., has, called Bohemian Groove, where smuff-film type of pervert stuff, with very pervert explotaition of people is going. And who has an owl, as their logo. Bush and Prince William, have both been taken pictures of, showing the owl/devil sign, with showing your index-finger, and the smallest finger, what it's called again. This is because they are memebers of this pervert club, where they have slaves, who they exploit and torture, and execute etc. I'll find a link):
Here's what President Bush, and Prince William & Co., seems to be up to, since they are showing this sign, of the owl, or the devil, which is the logo of the very pervert Bohemian Grove club, that the elite have.
I can't see any other reason, why they would show this sign, than they must almost without any doubt, be members of this very pervert Bohemian Groove club, that one can read here, about some of the very pervert things they are doing, and thing I've read on other web-sites about this club, was even worse:
If someone reading this post don't belive me, then it should really just to Google 'Bohemian Groove', and then it should be so many web-pages regarding this, which also are quite well-documented, many of them, so it shouldn't really be much doubt that it is like this.
So if people don't want to end up as being exploted, and in the end killed, in a very pervert way, or used as slaves or killed or exploited, in other ways, by the New World Order elite, then I'm not sure what they should do, other than try to keep this in the back of their heads, and try to be aware of this, and try to use ones head.
And if one don't belive me, that it really is like this, then it should really be just to search on 'Illuminati', 'New World Order' or 'Bohemian Groove', on the net, and then, after reading some of the millions of web-pages, that has been written about these subject, then I don't think it should be very much doubts, that this is really how it is.
Now I wrote a bit away from the subject, but I wold suspect that the 'magic' automated replies, in the CAB head office, are in some way also linked to this New World Order/Plutocracy/Slaugherhouse agenda.
It would suprice me more if it wasn't.
I think I should be able to ducument the things I've been writing in this blog-post, so pleace just contact me, by writing a comment to this post, or eg. by sending an e-mail to my e-mail address, which should be possible to find, on my profile here on Blogger.
Then I can try to explain better, about things that I might have forgotten to explain well enough about, regarding this, in this blog-post.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
E-mail to the CAB-case Independant Adjudicator, 24/4/08.
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 17:27:17 +0100
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Citizens Advice
I said I would enclose the screenshot, so I'm sending the screenshot now,
since I forgot
to enclose it with the first e-mail.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog
Date: Apr 24, 2008 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Citizens Advice
To: Barbara Stow
thank you very much for your answer!
I've been reading through your report now, and I have some comments on it.
I hope it's alright that I send you these comments!
Here you write, that I left the employment with Arvato Services Ltd.
What happened, was that the Managing Director ordered me home, with pay,
since he wouldn't let
me stay and work there, since he feared for my security there, he said.
Arvato, were supposed to call me, when they had checked up more about what
went on in the company.
They didn't call me, but they pushed a 'phoney' letter under the door to the
building I live in, which was
written, by one the persons I had reported there, and which the Managing
Director, had put in charge of
the investigation of the problems I had reported.
And then, I got a form, saying my employment there had ended.
I reported about this to the Police, as continuing of the harassment, which
is the way I saw it.
Now lately, I've heard, that this type of dismissal, is also called
'constructed dismissal'.
So I didn't leave the employment.
I was the subject of a constructed dismissal.
I thought I'd make a point of this, since this isn't reflected in your
You write that the area was poorly lit.
It was in fact very poorly lit.
One couldn't read like a folder or a newspaper there.
(At the Liverpool Central CAB premisses).
And most of the meeting there, was held in the dark there.
This isn't reflected in your report I think, that the meeting was held in
dark, so that it wasn't possible to read there.
Morecrofts had promissed me, on 10/4, that they would take on the case, on a
payment plan type
of payment-solution.
Miss Pool said this.
So when they (Samantha) said on 24/4, that there could be no payment plan
type of payment-solution,
then the company, went back on what I had previously agreed with them.
I thought I'd make a point of this as well, since I can't see it's reflected
in your report.
You write, that the second e-mail I sent the CAB Chief Executive David
Harker, was sent him on 22/8,
the same day as the automated reply for this e-mail was sent back.
This isn't right at all.
My e-mail, was sent on 16/8.
And the CEO's automated, or 'automated' reply, was sent back, on 22/8.
I'm a bit disapointed, since noone seem to think, that this is remarkable.
Since I myself, think, that automated replies, shouldn't be sent many days
Since then, I suspect that they aren't really automated at all.
Then I would start to think, that there's something phoney going on.
So I'm a bit disapointed that you write that the second e-mail, that I sent
the Chief Executive,
was sent on 22/8, when it was in fact sent on 16/8.
You write, that you have checked yourself, that the e-mail address, listed
on, now is the right e-mail address.
But I checked it now, I went to the website, and pressed the e-mail-button.
Then outlook opens, and the e-mail address that one get up, is:
and not the right e-mail address (, like you write
in your report.
I'm enclosing a screenshot, from the Liverpool Central CAB website, from
today, that shows this.
You say that the complaint was dealt with fairly.
But I don't agree with this.
Due to these reasons:
The CAP-representative, said that the whole meeting there, on 5/4, was held
with the lights on.
But I explained, to the Chair there, that this was a lie.
Since, he waited until the meeting was almost finished, before he switched
the lights on.
And before this, it wasn't possible to read in the area.
The fact, that the representative, read the fax-number, from the phone list,
instead of the
phone-number, to EAD, I think shows this, that the representative lied.
But this fact, that the representative lied, has been ignored, by the Chair
there, thats Chairman of
the Board then, I presume. And by the CAB Chief Executive.
I don't think this is very fair.
Further, you write, that e-mails were answered late.
But some e-mails, like the ones I sent the Comlaints Manager there, Follows,
weren't answered at all.
This isn't reflected on, as far as I can see, in your report.
And what about the problems with the automated reply.
Or the 'magic' automated reply, would maybe be a better description of the
nature of this reply.
Since the automaded reply, waited, from 16/8, untill 22/8, before it found
it right to send itself.
Isn't this a bit strange, that the CAB headoffice, is operating, with
seemingly 'magic' automated replies?
Why didn't the Chief Executive reflect on this at all?
Even if I made a point of it, in the compaint.
So I don't agree with you, that the complaint was dealt with fairly.
And I also think also you yourself, should have maybe reflected more on, at
least, point 1 and 3 here, in your report,
since I made a point out of these issues, in my remarks, regarding the Stage
3 report, from the Chief Executive.
These are the issues that comes to mind, from reading your report now.
So I thought I'd send you them, so that you could be aware, of the obvious
errors you've made, with the Liverpool
Central CAB's e-mail address, on their website, which you write that you
have checked, and you say it's now
the right address, which it isn't.
And the error, when you write, that my second e-mail to the Chief Executive,
was sent on the same date, as the
('magic') automated reply, was sent back (22/8), when the e-mail was in fact
sent on 16/8. (And not on 22/8,
like you write in your report).
So these are obvious errors, to do with obvious facts. So I don't think this
can be disputed.
The other issues, surrounding that the lie from the CAB representative,
isn't reflected on.
That the fact that the meeting there, was held in the dark, isn't
acknoledgded, even if I make a point of it in the
answers to the various reports, I think is worrying.
Since I explain what happened around this in detail.
That I explain that the CAB representative read the fax-number to the
EAD-company, instead of the phone-number.
So it shouldn't really be any doubt regarding if the meeting there, was held
in the dark or not.
I also explained, that there seemed to be some kind of 'Street Theather',
arranged there, at the Liverpool Central CAB.
That it seemed that there was a planned Street Theather operation, set up
there, in connection with my meeting there
on 5/4, last year.
This isn't taken seriously.
I think this is probably something to do with, that I have been in contact,
with the Liverpool Police, regarding something
I overheard, when I was working in Norway, that I was followed, for some
reason unclear to me, by some mafia.
(Possibly due to some honour-stuff, due to some misunderstandings, with a
collegue there, in the township, that the
shop I worked as part-time team-leader in, besides my University level
When I got to Liverpool, I overheard that the Police-officer, that I
explained to, that I was followed, said on the back-office,
on St. Ann St. Police Station there, that 'don't he understand, that noone
wants to be involved'.
I think, that the British Police, after this, that they sent me out of the
Police-station, without leting me explain properly,
about this, why I thought I was being followed, have been having some type
of survailance operation, around me.
And that this Street Theater operation, at the CAB, last year, was part of
this Police surveilance operation.
So that the whole meeting there, wasn't a proper meeting at all, just some
kind of phoney set-up.
I don't think this is right.
Because since Norway are part of the EU-market, then Norwegian citizens have
the right, to work and live in Britain.
And I have paid tax to the UK government, and to the Council.
So I don't think it's right that my rights should be ignored, in a way like
this, since the Police want's to have some
kind of set-ups, like it seems.
Anyway, how this is, I can't see that this is reflected on in your report.
But I suspect, due to the mistakes in your report, that I've mentioned, and
due to the many things you just ignore in it,
and fail to reflect on.
Due to this, I also suspect that your report, could be part of this phoney
Police operation, or what this all is.
So I think this is very poor.
That the organisation, and system, around the CAB, that is supposed to work
for making sure that peoples rights are
respected, just play games with peoples rights in a way like this.
Since I think it has to be something phoney going on here, since the whole
CAB process around the meeting and
the complaint, is obviously corrupt.
So the reason that I'm writing this e-mail, isn't really because that I
think something will be done regarding the
serious issues I've been pointing at here.
But I'm planning to publish my e-mail on my blog, so then at least, I'll be
able to deal with this in that way, that
I at least get this published, so that maybe someone reads this, and maybe
react or reflect on what's going on.
So that's really why I'm writing this e-mail.
Just to explain about this.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerly,
Erik Ribsskog
On 4/24/08, Barbara Stow
> Dear Mr Eribsskog
> I enclose the report of my review of your complaint.
> I have also sent it to Citizens Advice. They will write to you within the
> next two weeks when they have considered the report.
> Yours sincerely
> Barbara Stow
> Independent Adjudicator
> ----- Forwarded Message ----
> From: Barbara Stow
> To: Erik Ribsskog
> Sent: Friday, 18 April, 2008 12:12:35 PM
> Subject: Fw: Citizens Advice
> Dear Mr Ribsskog
> When I wrote to you on 1 April I said that I hoped to complete my review by
> today, 18 April.
> I have almost done so but I am not yet quite ready to send the report.
> I am sorry for the delay. I will write to you again not later than the end
> of next week.
> Yours sincerely
> Barbara Stow
> Independent Adjudicator
> ----- Forwarded Message ----
> From: Barbara Stow
> To: Erik Ribsskog
> Sent: Tuesday, 1 April, 2008 1:05:32 PM
> Subject: Citizens Advice
> Dear Mr Ribsskog
> I am the independent adjudicator for the Citizens Advice service and I
> write to confirm that Saffron Follows, on behalf of David Harker, has asked
> me to review how your complaint has been dealt with. I am writing by e-mail
> as I understand this is your preferred means of communication.
> I will consider whether your complaint has been dealt with in line with the
> Citizens Advice national complaints procedure and fairly. I have no
> authority to say whether your complaint justified. My task is to say
> whether it has been considered properly.
> Ms Follows has sent me the correspondence about your complaint. This
> includes the e-mail message of 14 March to David Harker in which you
> accepted the offer that someone independent could look at your complaint.
> If there is anything more you would like to say to me about why you are
> unhappy with the way your complaint has been considered, please let me know
> at the e-mail address above.
> I hope to be able to complete my review by 18 April. If I have not heard
> from you by 11 April I will assume that there is nothing you want to add to
> what you have explained already.
> Yours sincerely
> Barbara Stow
> Independent Adjudicator
Report from the CAB-case Independant Adjudicator, enclosure sent with e-mail from 24/4/08. (Converted from PDF).
1. National Citizens Advice has asked me to review how the
service has dealt with a complaint about Liverpool CAB.
2. The Citizens Advice Service has a national complaints
procedure. It is set out in a guidance note for member bureaux
and summarised in a leaflet for members of the public.
Complaints are first considered inside the Citizens Advice
service. If a client is not satisfied with the response, they can
ask me to review how their complaint has been dealt with. I do
not have any authority to comment on the substance of a
complaint or to say whether it is justified. My task is to say
whether the service has followed the complaints procedure and
acted fairly. If I find that the procedure was not followed or that
the matter has not been handled fairly, I say why and may give
directions for a re-investigation.
3. In this report I will summarise the background to the complaint.
I will then look at the complaints procedure and the sequence
of events to show whether the complaint has been dealt with in
compliance with it. I will then turn to the content of the
complaint and the replies so that I can see whether the
complaint has been dealt with fairly. To protect the
complainant‘s confidentiality I refer to him throughout this
report simply as ”the client‘
4. The complaint is about the client‘s requests for advice in the
period February to April 2007. Until the client made his
complaint in May 2007, the bureau‘s only record of their
dealings with him was a brief note made by a solicitor on 27
February 2007. Apart from this, I have relied on the client‘s
own papers and the correspondence about the complaint to
understand the background.
5. It seems that the police advised the client to go to a citizens
advice bureau. The client had reported problems with a former
employer. He believed the company had been infiltrated by
persons who were engaged in crime and harassing him. He
had also asked for advice about the job centre, since his
eligibility for unemployment benefits depended on why he had
left that employment.
6. On 19 February 2007, the central Liverpool bureau arranged
for the client to see a solicitor at the bureau on 27 February.
The session was not long enough for the client to explain the
problems fully. The solicitor‘s note says that the client might
have a harassment claim but she had advised that it might be
preferable for him to consult someone who could advise on the
criminal aspect, too. She would discuss this with a colleague.
The client says that, after the interview, the solicitor wrote to
him from her firm and said that they could help with a complaint
of harassment and the charges would be £140 per hour.
7. On 20 March, the client went back to the bureau to ask about
legal aid and the circumstances in which he would need a
solicitor who was expert in criminal matters. The bureau has
no record of the client‘s visit on 20 March but agrees that they
arranged for him to speak to a solicitor on the telephone.
Neither the bureau nor the solicitor told the client the solicitor‘s
name or firm. The solicitor said that the client would need a
solicitor expert in criminal matters only if he was charged with a
criminal offence. Otherwise, crime was dealt with through the
police. The solicitor referred the client to the Community Legal
Service‘s Legal Aid Calculator, to find out whether he was
eligible for legal aid. However, when the client looked into this,
he found that because he was self-employed the calculator did
not help. It said he would need to go a legal adviser for advice
about eligibility and the place to get advice was the CAB.
8. So the client went back to the CAB, who arranged an
appointment with a solicitor at the bureau for 5 April. Before
the appointment, the client went back to the solicitor he had
seen in February. She told him that her firm never got legal aid
for employment cases and only accepted payment from private
funds. The client felt confused and decided to attend the
appointment at the CAB and contact the firm again after that.
9. On 5 April the client arrived in time for his appointment at 1.30.
It was lunchtime and the bureau was closed, but he was
admitted after —buzzing“ twice. The client says he was left
alone in the reception area for some minutes and the area was
poorly lit. The bureau unit coordinator then arrived and
explained that the solicitor who was expected to attend had
cancelled. He gave the client a telephone number and
suggested he telephone the firm and ask if they could help by
telephone. The coordinator did not know the name of the
solicitor who had cancelled. Again the bureau has no record of
the client‘s visit.
10. The client went home and tried to telephone the firm but the
number did not work and the firm was not listed in the yellow
pages. He telephoned the CAB and was given the correct
number. The number he had been given was a fax number.
The client telephoned the firm again. His call was transferred
to a legal adviser who said: his complaint was outside the three
month time limit though the employment tribunal could extend
its time limits in exceptional circumstances; only the solicitor
dealing with the case could advise about legal aid; and the firm
took only trade union cases. The solicitor gave the client
details of a firm that acted on the basis of contingency fees.
11. On 10 April, the client contacted the solicitor he had previously
met at the bureau who said that the time limit for harassment
cases was longer than three months. He expected the firm to
contact him but they did not do so. When he approached them
again on 24 April he was told: it would cost £250 for an
interview; there could be no payment plan; his case was not an
employment case; and he could approach the Law Society.
The procedure at Stage One
12. The first stage of the national complaints procedure is a review
by the bureau concerned. The procedure stipulates, among
other things:
Once a complaint has been received, a letter of
acknowledgement must be sent to the complainant within five
working days. The complainant must be told who is dealing
with the complaint, what action is being taken, and when s/he
can expect to receive a full reply œ the target time is 20 working
days. If it is unlikely that this target will be met, then the client
must be informed in writing and given an indication of when the
review will be complete.
The bureau manager should undertake the investigation œ or
oversee it if it is carried out by another member of staff. If the
complaint is against the manager then the chair or a
designated member of the bureau trustee board will need to
investigate, in effect jumping straight to Stage Two.
If the matter is complex and will take longer than originally
indicated, write to the complainant explaining the reasons why
and including an indication of when a response can be
The full response to the complaint must inform complainants of
their right to ask for a review of the investigation if they are not
satisfied with the outcome of Stage One and of how to access
the second stage
13. The guidance for bureaux contains a checklist of good
investigative practice. Among other things, this says:
Ensure that the person undertaking the investigation is not
implicated in the complaint.
What happened at Stage One
14. On 18 May, the client telephoned the complaints officer at
national Citizens Advice and on 23 May he sent her his
complaint by e-mail with other material by post. The
complaints were specified within a lengthy document that also
included much information about the client‘s concerns about
the employer and other related matters.
15. The complaints officer attempted to contact the Liverpool
bureau coordinator by phone but they kept missing each other
and on 29 May she forwarded the complaint by e-mail. The
coordinator replied next day that he had located the file and
remembered meeting the client. On 31 May, the complaints
officer sent the complaint to the bureau manager to handle in
accordance with the standard complaints procedure. The
same day the complaints officer e-mailed the client to say that
the bureau manager would investigate and send her findings in
20 working days.
16. On 5 and 27 July, the client e-mailed the complaints officer to
say he had received no answer from the bureau. On 3 and 22
August, the client e-mailed the chief executive of Citizens
Advice to say he had received no answer. The first
communication he received after the complaints officer‘s e-mail
of 31 May was an automated reply from the chief executive‘s
office on 22 August saying that he would be away from the
office until 30 August.
17. On 28 August, the complaints officer e-mailed the Liverpool
coordinator about the complaint. He replied that he had
investigated and recently forwarded his findings to the bureau
manager who was on leave until later that week. On 6
September the coordinator sent a full reply to the client,
commenting on each aspect of the complaint. He sent a copy
of the reply to the bureau manager and concluded by saying
that if the client was not satisfied he could ask for a review by
the Chair of the bureau whom he could write to at the bureau‘s
The procedure at Stage Two
18. Stage Two of the complaints process is a review under the
direction of the bureau trustee board. The procedure says that
the process to be followed is similar to the process for Stage
One but the lead person conducting the review is the Chair of
the board or a designated sub-committee. The same target
timetable applies as at Stage One, namely five days to
acknowledge a request and 20 working days to complete the
review. The complainant must be informed that if they are not
satisfied with the outcome of the review they can ask for a
further review under the direction of the Citizens Advice chief
executive by writing to the chief executive at the Citizens
Advice Central Office.
What happened at Stage Two
19. On 7 October the client e-mailed the bureau at, an address that the client says
he obtained from the bureau website, and asked what e-mail
address he should use for the Chair. The message bounced
back as undeliverable. On 8 October he e-mailed the
coordinator, repeating the request and explaining that he had
tried to send a message to the address on the website but it
was not working.
20. The coordinator replied on 22 October. He apologised for the
delay and explained he had been out of the office for two
weeks. He provided another e-mail address, On 27 October, the client e-mailed
the Chair at that address, asking him to review the complaint
and explaining under each point why he was not satisfied with
the coordinator‘s response.
21. On 26 November, the client e-mailed the Chair at the bureau
again as he had received no reply to his request of 27 October.
22. My copy of the Chair‘s reply is not dated but I am told it was
sent on 14 December. The Chair commented on each of the
points in the complaint and ended by saying that the client
could ask for a further review under the direction of the chief
executive of Citizens Advice by writing to the complaints officer
at the national office.
The procedure at Stage Three
23. The procedure states that the aim of this stage of the
procedure is to check that the fundamental issues have been
explored and the process followed properly. The Stage Three
review will not comment on the advice given. It is conducted
under the direction of the chief executive but delegated to an
appropriate individual.
24. On receiving a request, Citizens Advice will acknowledge it
within five working days and explain the purpose of the review.
The bureau should send the file to the Central Office within five
days of a request and the target time for communicating the
outcome of the review is 20 working days from receipt of the
file. The letter should explain that the complainant can ask for
a review by the independent adjudicator and the remit of such
a review.
What happened at Stage Three
25. On 11 February, the client e-mailed the Head of Advice Policy
and Standards. He said he had not contacted the complaints
officer, as the Chair had advised him, because she had not
answered the e-mails he sent in July when the bureau did not
answer within the promised timescale. He therefore sent the
Head of Advice Policy the details of his complaint.
26. The complaints officer obtained from the bureau a copy of the
Chair‘s reply to the client, the earlier correspondence about the
complaint and the solicitor‘s case note from 27 February 2007.
On 18 February, she e-mailed the client to confirm that a
review would be conducted under the direction of the chief
executive, that it would focus on how the complaint was
handled locally, and a full response would be sent by 14 March
or any delay explained.
27. The complaints officer sent the client the chief executive‘s
review on 14 March. The chief executive‘s letter ended by
explaining the availability and purpose of a review by the
independent adjudicator.
Stage Four
28. The client replied to the chief executive in two e-mails on 14
March. He said that he would like to have an independent
review as there were a number of points that still troubled him.
He explained what these were.
29. I received the file by post on 20 March, the day before the
Easter weekend. I e-mailed the client on 1 April inviting him to
contact me by 11 April if he wished to add any more
information. I have not heard from him.
The question of fairness
30. I have explained that it is not for me to say whether a
complaint is justified or whether I agree with the response. In
considering whether a complaint has been treated fairly, I look
to see whether it has been treated seriously, whether those
responding have taken trouble to understand the complainant‘s
point of view, and whether the replies are consistent with any
other material, such as case records. If there is a conflict
about the facts, I want to be sure that the complainant has had
a fair hearing and that the responses are not unfairly
prejudiced in favour of what the staff say rather than what the
complainant says. I also bear in mind that what usually
happens is not necessarily what happened on a particular
31. It is also right to say that I look for a proportionate response,
taking into account the bureau‘s resources and the other
demands on these. The complaints procedure is not a court of
law. I do not expect a forensic examination of every difference
of recollection. It is not unusual for different people genuinely
to remember the same events slightly differently. Overall, I
expect bureaux to approach criticisms with an open mind, not
defensively, and to reflect the principles stated in national
complaints procedure that:
Citizens Advice and all Citizens Advice bureaux take
complaints seriously. Complaints give us the opportunity to put
things right and the lessons learned can often influence bureau
32. I have set out below a brief summary of the client‘s complaints,
the responses he received at each stage and his comments on
those responses.
33. In connection with the interview with the solicitor on 27
February, the client says that the bureau should have
explained the legal aid scheme to him before the interview, that
he was not told that the interview was limited to 30 minutes,
and that he ought to have been told that the solicitor‘s firm did
not accept money from legal aid.
34. At stage one, the coordinator said that it was the bureau‘s
usual practice when booking appointments with the duty
solicitors to make clear that it was a —free first half hour“ and
they did not take responsibility for advising clients about their
legal aid entitlements when booking solicitor appointments.
The bureau was not responsible for the actions of the solicitor
after the first half hour at the bureau.
35. In connection with his visit to the bureau on 20 March, the
client says that he was not given sufficient opportunity to
explain the two issues on which he wanted advice. He was
simply given access to speak to an unidentified private solicitor
on the telephone and no adviser was available to speak to him
when he came off the telephone.
36. The coordinator‘s reply said that it was not the bureau‘s
responsibility that the solicitor did not give her name. It was
probable that no adviser had been available to see the client
on 20 March so he had been allowed to talk to a solicitor and
referred to the legal aid calculator as at least some
”signposting‘ advice.
37. In connection with the arrangements for legal advice on 5 April,
the client said that when the duty solicitor was not available at
the time of his appointment he would have preferred an
alternative appointment to see a duty solicitor at the bureau
instead of being given a phone number (which was wrong) and
no reference or contact details to quote when he telephoned
the firm. Moreover, the solicitor he spoke to said he could not
advise about legal aid on the telephone and the client
understood (wrongly as it turned out) that the firm was not
based in Liverpool.
38. The coordinator said that there was no alternative appointment
available until May, whereas duty solicitors who cancelled
usually saw or spoke to the clients who had appointments
either the same day or shortly afterwards. He said he had
been conscious that time limits were important in employment
cases. The coordinator said he did not know the name of the
solicitor who should have attended. The firms sent different
representatives and the firm had telephoned to say no one was
available. The bureau left the question of legal aid eligibility to
the solicitors. The coordinator apologised for giving the client
the fax number by mistake. He said the firm was in Liverpool
39. In connection with his reception at the bureau on 5 August, the
client said that the fact that the bureau seemed to be closed
and was poorly lit, and the fact he was left alone in reception
for some time, gave an unprofessional impression.
40. The coordinator said that the lights were partly off as the
bureau was closed for lunch and he had switched them on
when he began speaking to the client. He acknowledged that
perhaps they should have been fully switched on to create a
professional atmosphere.
41. In his request for a review by the Chair, the client
acknowledged the apology about the fax number and that the
solicitors‘ firm he spoke to when his appointment was
cancelled was based in Liverpool. He explained why he had
thought otherwise. He reiterated that he felt he should not
have been left to phone the firm without some form of contact
details and would have preferred another appointment. He
said that as he was unemployed it should have been obvious
to the bureau that he ought not to have been referred to a
solicitor who only took work that was privately-funded. He said
he had not been told that the free interview was for only 30
minutes. When a solicitor telephoned him at the bureau on 20
March, the adviser had not let him explain properly what he
needed and the client thought it wrong that a solicitor
telephoning him at the CAB did not introduce herself, in case
there was any future problem about possible wrong advice. He
did not agree that the coordinator had turned on the lights
immediately and he explained his memory of what happened.
He related other incidents that occurred at the bureau and on
his way there and afterwards which, in combination with his
reception at the bureau, had made him uneasy.
42. In his review, the Chair set out his understanding of the
complaint under nine main points. He emphasised that the
coordinator did not book a fresh appointment when the solicitor
cancelled on 5 April because of the risk that the client would
miss legal deadlines. He explained that the solicitors who
attended the bureau did so on a voluntary basis through their
firms and the bureau usually knew only the name of the firm,
not who would represent them any particular occasion. He
apologised for any unprofessional impression created by the
lights being partly switched off. He said it was the solicitor‘s
responsibility, not the bureau‘s, to inform clients about legal
43. The chief executive‘s review summarised the sequence of
events following the client‘s meeting with the duty solicitor in
February. He then gave his conclusions, expressing concern
about delay in dealing with the complaint at stage one and
stage two, and the absence of case records documenting the
client‘s dealings with the bureau, and he acknowledged the
lack of responsiveness from the Central Office to the client‘s e-
mails in July and August. He apologised both for delays in
dealing with the initial complaint and the lack of response from
Central Office and said he certainly upheld the complaint in
those respects. He said, however, that he believed the bureau
had responded fully to the issues in the complaint. He
commented that bureaux have to find ways of coping with the
demand for their advice services and it was not inappropriate
for bureaux to work closely with local solicitors to help provide
44. In his request for an independent review, the client explained
that his reception at the bureau on 5 April had made him
uneasy, partly because of other incidents on the way to the
bureau and afterwards. He explained that because the police
had advised him to go to the bureau to get the issues heard in
the Crown Court he had thought that the service was part of
the Government and everything would be free. If he had
known that he would have to pay for solicitors, he would have
gone back to the police and complained. He suspected a plot
between the CAB and the police to obstruct his case. The
client said that the advice from the two firms of solicitors was
contradictory. The second firm said his employment case was
too late but the first firm said there was a longer time limit for
harassment cases.
45. I am asked to say whether this complaint has been dealt with in
line with the national complaints procedure and fairly.
46. The time limits for correspondence were not complied with.
The chief executive acknowledged this and apologised, but the
failure was spectacular. The procedure says that complaints
will be acknowledged in five working days and a full response
sent in 20 working days or an explanation given. Apart from an
automated ”out of office‘ response, no communication was sent
to the client from 31 May until he received an e-mail from the
coordinator a full three months later on 6 September. And this
was despite the client‘s four courteous enquiries in July and
47. At the second stage (for which the target times are similar), the
client‘s request reached the bureau on 27 October. There
appears to have been no acknowledgement, and the full reply
was sent some six weeks later.
48. I do not know why the service, both locally and nationally,
neglected to reply to the client, as common courtesy, never
mind the procedure, required. It may be because the client
preferred to communicate by e-mail rather than by post that the
messages ”slipped through the net‘ and the usual standards
were not observed. But e-mail is increasingly used in place of
formal letters. Organisations have to adapt to ensure that e-
mails are subject to the same deadlines and disciplines as
letters would be.
49. There is one respect in which the procedure might be clearer.
When the complaints officer refers a complaint to be dealt with
locally at stage one, in my experience, the bureau usually
sends a letter of acknowledgement to the complainant,
explaining what will happen and when. I think it desirable that
they should, but perhaps the Liverpool bureau thought the
message to the client from the complaints officer was sufficient.
When next the guidance is reviewed, Citizens Advice may wish
to make sure that it is clear whether bureaux are expected to
send their own acknowledgement to complainants when a
complaint has been referred by the central office.
50. The stage one response also departed from the procedure in
another respect. The procedure states that the first stage
investigation will normally be by the bureau manager and that
the person undertaking the investigation should not be
someone who is implicated in the complaint. The complaint
was in part about the actions of the coordinator. According to
the procedure, the coordinator should not have been
responsible for the stage one reply.
51. None of the correspondence from Citizens‘ Advice mentions
the e-mail address that the client used unsuccessfully to try to
contact the Chair, and which he says he obtained from the
website. I do not know why the problem occurred but I see that
the e-mail address currently listed on the website for the
bureau is the correct address.
52. Was the complaint dealt with fairly? I am sorry to say that I
think the delays and failures to reply to correspondence in
themselves amount to unfair treatment towards a client who
was obviously worried. That apart, when replies were sent,
they all seem conscientious, thorough and fair. The client has
commented on his experience of the service. He does not find
some of the explanations he has been given satisfactory but
that does not mean they are unfair. It is however helpful for
any public service to see a customer‘s eye view.
53. Although there were deficiencies in how the complaint was
dealt with, there is no reason for me to ask for any further
investigation of it. However Citizens Advice may wish to:
• ensure that when the guidance is next reviewed it is clear
as to whether bureau should send their own
acknowledgement to complainants at stage one of the
procedure when the complaint has also been
acknowledged by central office;
• consider why the client‘s messages were left so long
without reply and whether any additional advice or
protocols are required when complainants communicate
by e-mail.
Barbara Stow
Independent Adjudicator 24 April 2008
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Om meg

- Erik Ribsskog
- Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).
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- 'Barne-Koordinatoren - Et greit sted for barn' (1)
- 'Barnepike-huset' (5)
- 'Baron Ribsskog' (3)
- 'Baron von Ribsskog' (1)
- 'Baron-epost' (1)
- 'Baronum de Adeler' (1)
- 'Basic Food Hygiene Course' (6)
- 'Beech-colour' dvs. bøk-etterligning (1)
- 'Beep-maskiner' (fra Ruter/EnTur) (2)
- 'Begravelse' (1)
- 'Bekkulf-en' (eieren av Bekken Kolonial som 'aldri' er på jobb) (1)
- 'Berger-Ingenting' (12)
- 'Berger-spillet' (1)
- 'Bergerdalen' (1)
- 'Bergstø-eiendommene' (8)
- 'Bestemor Lilleborg' (1)
- 'Bestemor-politiet' (2)
- 'Bestevenn' (1)
- 'Bibelbeltet' (3)
- 'Billy' (2)
- 'Blenda' (ei lærerinne som Øystein Andersen og Glenn Hesler hadde på Skedsmo videregående) (1)
- 'Blogger-nettsteder' (1)
- 'Blå fra Bø' (2)
- 'Boiler' (3)
- 'Bokhylla' (599)
- 'Bokhylla' (hos Nasjonalbiblioteket (1)
- 'Bokhylla' (hos Nasjonalbiblioteket) (58)
- 'Bolleklipp-Ole' (1)
- 'Bomulls-joggedress-dama' (pen spansk dame som studerte ved University of Sunderland) (1)
- 'Bonde-bevegelsen' (1)
- 'Bondelandet' (1)
- 'Bondeungdomslaget' (til Lill) (11)
- 'Brainwash channel' (1)
- 'Bridge-Øystein Olsen' (4)
- 'Brilleslanger' (1)
- 'Bruce Lee-vakta' (fra Kiel-ferja) (1)
- 'Brøle-negeren' (1)
- 'Burger-Anita' (17)
- 'Burmese Days'/'Dager i Burma' (1)
- 'Business hours' (7)
- 'Business letter' (1)
- 'Butikk-briller' (1)
- 'Bygdedyret' (5)
- 'Bygningsarbeid-katakombene' (på Bekkestua) (2)
- 'Bærumsdama' (2)
- 'Bønder i byvegen' (1)
- 'Bøtteballett' (1)
- 'California Man' (2)
- 'Carbon footprint' (1)
- 'Case' (3)
- 'Christelg' (1)
- 'Christell Lolita Humblen' (1)
- 'Christopher-forhold' (1)
- 'Constantine' (1)
- 'Copyright Infringement'-klage på YouTube (11)
- 'Council Cops' (1)
- 'Cowboyer' tuller med meg uansett hva jeg gjør for å prøve å få kontroll og prøver på den måten å få meg til å miste oversikten (1)
- 'Da Vinci-koden' (1)
- 'Dalom' (4)
- 'Dancing on wheels' (1)
- 'Dangerous Liaisons' (1)
- 'Dansar som robotar' (2)
- 'Danske Slotte og Herre Gårde' (1)
- 'Dansker er Nordens jøder' (7)
- 'Dark Ages part 2' (1)
- 'Dattera til Mengele' (2)
- 'De 100 viktigste nordmenn' (1)
- 'De britiske øyer' (Valgfag på Berger skole) (2)
- 'De falske Gjeddene' (49)
- 'De lykkelige år med Ankerita i Nevlunghavn' (2)
- 'De tre tvillingene' (1)
- 'De uavhengige' (1)
- 'Debatten' (1)
- 'Deep Throat' (venninne av Cilla og Degos) (1)
- 'Degenererte varemerker' (2)
- 'Demoner' (1)
- 'Den femte kassalederen' (ei blondine fra OBS Lillestrøm) på Matland/OBS Triaden (1)
- 'Den nye Jerusalem' (1)
- 'Den nye verden' (1)
- 'Den nye vinen' (2)
- 'Den skotske Kvinde paa Tjele' (1)
- 'Den Sorte Diamant'-biblioteket i København (1)
- 'Den sorte elgen' (radio-kåseri av min morfar Johannes Ribsskog) (1)
- 'Den tyske Kurland-foreningen' (1)
- 'Dental Surgery' i County Rd. (3)
- 'Depeche-flagget' (2)
- 'Desperate bekjentskaper' (1)
- 'Det afrikanske huset' (Hotell i Toxteth) (1)
- 'Det er bedre med en dram i timen enn en time i Drammen' (5)
- 'Det er noe med Haldis' (1)
- 'Det kalendariske system' innen arkitektur (1)
- 'Det moderne samfunnet' (1)
- 'Det papirløse kontor' (1)
- 'Det store huset på løkka' (3)
- 'Dirty cops' som er som en mafia? (2)
- 'Disco' (1)
- 'Don' Ditlev Castellan (Fra Sand og vel også Nesodden) (7)
- 'Don't be evil' (1)
- 'Don't be evil' (Googles motto) (1)
- 'Donald-skøytedrakt' (1)
- 'Dr. Elle-Melle' (1)
- 'Dr. Mengele' (Militærlegen i Elverum) (12)
- 'Drammens-moben' (1)
- 'Drammensraggeren' (Arne Mogan Olsen dvs. faren min) (1)
- 'Drittprupp' (2)
- 'Dummy-varer/esker' (2)
- 'Dumpa' på Abildsø (2)
- 'Duo-kasser' (1)
- 'Dverge-Lene' (10)
- 'Død mann på boks' (1)
- 'Døla-mafian'? (1)
- 'Dømmekraft-hint' (1)
- 'Dømmerne og strafferne' (1)
- 'Edderkoppen' (1)
- 'Eggemølleren' (2)
- 'Egil-niesa' (fra Rimi Bjørndal) (1)
- 'Ekstra-Hilde' (1)
- 'Electra' (1)
- 'Electric Dreams' (1)
- 'Elging' (14)
- 'Elitekurset gjennom 50 år' (2)
- 'Elsk deg selv' (1)
- 'En hustavle' (dikt av Arnulf Øverland) (5)
- 'En Schjølberg slekt' (1)
- 'Enebakk herred : bidrag til en bygde- og slektshistorie' (1)
- 'Erhvervsbenspænd' (4)
- 'Erik Marsipan' (1)
- 'Erik Ribsskog kommer til å dø snart' (1)
- 'Erik Ribsskog liten pikk' (8)
- 'Erik Ribsskog mind controll psykologisk intitutt' (5)
- 'Erik Ribsskog norsk rettighetsforkjemper (1970-)' (1)
- 'Erik Ribsskog Psychological Research Bertelsmann' (1)
- 'Erik the Viking' (2)
- 'Erik-Chan' (1)
- 'Etterforskningspolitiet' (1)
- 'EU-footere' (2)
- 'European citizen' (2)
- 'Executives Gym' at Haymarket in Liverpool (3)
- 'Fake mail' (2)
- 'Fake news' (2)
- 'Fast food' (2)
- 'Feite førtiåringer' (1)
- 'Fet og Rælingen herreder i hundreåret 1837-1937' (1)
- 'filmviser-studenten' (fra fjerde semester HiO IU) (1)
- 'Finn Kalvik-nyhetene på engelsk' (1)
- 'Fire stjerners middag' (4)
- 'Fisling' (2)
- 'Fjell-Strømm'/'Indre Svelvik' (1)
- 'Flesberg-boka : bustad og ætt. B. 2' (3)
- 'Folk i Farta' (1)
- 'Folkeregister #2' ( (3)
- 'For et underlig sted verden er : en toppmodells livshistorie' (1)
- 'Forfølgings' fra Drammen? (1)
- 'Formyndermennesker' (4)
- 'Forrest Gump' (1)
- 'Forsvensking?' (1)
- 'Fortid og Nutid' (3/1946) (1)
- 'Fortysking?' (1)
- '' (2)
- 'Freia-heksa' (1)
- 'Frihet likhet brorskap-dassene' (6)
- 'Frimurer-sønn'? (2)
- 'Frøken Erik' (1)
- 'Fudge' (Utested i Liverpool) (1)
- 'Funksjonsfrisk' (1)
- 'Førstiser' (1)
- 'Førti feit og ferdig' (1)
- 'Gammel-Gjedde' (4)
- 'Gangland Steinrøysa' (2)
- 'Giraffen' (2)
- 'Gjedde. Stamtavle over den gamle adelige slekt' (1)
- 'Glimt fra de gamle album i Stavangers østre bydel' (1)
- 'Glomstrup på Mors' (av Freddy Boysen) (1)
- 'Gnomen' fra Åpen Post (1)
- 'Goddag mann økseskaft' (1)
- 'Gokk' (1)
- 'Greek mafia' (2)
- 'Groundhog day' (1)
- 'Grums' i samfunnet (1)
- 'Grunnskolen i Noreg i 250 år : Glimt frå Hordaland' (1)
- 'Grønnsaksforbundet' (2)
- 'Gubba Noa' (1)
- 'Gullet' (1)
- 'Gutten som kappåt med trollet' (1)
- 'Gym i butikk' (1)
- 'Gærne-Finn' (1)
- 'Haldis-butikken' som var i et gult jugendhus i Drammen (2)
- 'Haldis-familien' (4)
- 'Haldis-huset' (44)
- 'Halv-gal halv-fetter i Klampenborg' (6)
- 'Halvorsen og Ribsskog' (Noen søker på Google om meg og Trond Halvorsen som om vi blir sett på som et problem) (1)
- 'Handelsregistre for Kongerike Norge 1933' (1)
- 'Handelsregistre for Kongerike Norge 1972' (1)
- 'Handelsregistre for Kongeriket Norge 1947' (1)
- 'Happy-Tom' (3)
- 'Harrytur' (2)
- 'Hav og fjell farvell' (kåseri av min morfar Johannes Ribsskog fra NRK radio) (4)
- 'Havnepolitikk og trafikkhavner - Administrative ledere - 1980-2000' (1)
- 'Hedrum: en bygdebok' (1)
- 'Heksenettverk' i Norge og Danmark? (1)
- 'Hemmelig kilde i Forsvarsdepartementet' (1)
- 'Hemmelige språk og tegn' (bok av min grandonkel Øivin Ribsskog) (3)
- 'Hermings'? (1)
- 'Herskapelig' (TV-program) (1)
- 'High five' (1)
- 'Hilsen fra graven' (1)
- 'Hippie-bevegelsen' (5)
- 'Hiroshima-kaos' (11)
- 'Historisk Årbog' (3)
- 'Hitler-sveis' (1)
- 'Hjemløs' (1)
- 'Hjemme-tyske' (1)
- 'Holmlia-klanen' (1)
- 'Homo-frisør fra Sandvika' (1)
- 'homo-sivilisasjon' (3)
- 'Horeri' (2)
- 'Hulter til bulter' (1)
- 'Hurum i Strømmen' (1)
- 'Hvit mafia' (4)
- 'Hvit neger' (1)
- 'hytten' (1)
- 'Høgget/URK/Depeche/Store-Glenn' (1)
- 'Høye-Lene' (fra OBS Triaden) (1)
- 'Haakon' (1)
- 'Hårfagre' (1)
- 'I nøden spiser fanden fluer' (ansatt på Rema Sandvika) (5)
- 'Idiot-teorien' til Anne Neteland og Kjetil Prestegarden i Rimi (1)
- 'Illuminati-Glenn' (1)
- 'Innhaug-folket' (1)
- 'Insektliv' (skuespill) (1)
- 'Intelligensen' (1)
- 'Intervju' på blogg (1)
- 'iPhone/Android-hysteri' (1)
- 'Isklar' kildevann (3)
- 'It Couldn't Happen Here' (Pet Shop Boys-film) (1)
- 'Ja vi elsker camping Oddane Sand' (1)
- 'Jalla-pakkiser' som driver med gateteater utafor vinduet mitt (12)
- 'Jan-ern' (11)
- 'Jarlsbergost-saken' (2)
- 'Jeg er havren' (1)
- 'Jensenposten' (Svelviksposten) (1)
- 'Jing og Jang'-teorien (11)
- 'Jintutten' (2)
- 'Johanitter-Christell' (4)
- 'Johaug-saken' (3)
- 'John Ribskog' (1)
- 'johncons-blogg (5)
- 'johncons-blogg: Er det myndighetene eller undergrunnen som tuller?' (1)
- 'Johnny fra Stovner' (2)
- 'JoJo' (4)
- 'JR-stol' (1)
- 'Junkie-Christell' (2)
- 'Jøde-mafia' (1)
- 'Jødene' kontrollerer Norge (3)
- 'Kafe Olsen' (1)
- 'Kaffer-negre' (1)
- 'Kalesj-Bjørn' (Troppsjef på Terningmoen (5)
- 'Kanal 3 fra Trondheim' (1)
- 'Kapteinen : historien om Hugo Larsen og Scandinavian Star' (1)
- 'Kari Nordmann' (1)
- 'Karneval' (1)
- 'Kartleggings'? (1)
- 'Kattemannen' i Nevlunghavn (4)
- 'Kebab-norsk' (1)
- 'Keep-it' (4)
- 'Ken og Barbie' (1)
- 'KFUM-masern' (fra Larvik) (2)
- 'Kinnskjegg-Heidi' (2)
- 'Kjepphest'-bruker på Wikipedia (1)
- 'Kjærlighetsdoktoren' (5)
- 'Kjøbenhavns veiviser for Reisende' (1)
- 'Kjøttland' (2)
- 'Kløne-Jan Thomas' (fra Rema Sporveisgata) (1)
- 'Kokai'-søstra til Siv Jensen (2)
- 'Kommandant Pia' (1)
- 'kongebilen' (1)
- 'Kongestol' (1)
- 'Kopimaskin-eksperten' (1)
- 'Korsfarer-spinn' (1)
- 'Kreftsvulst-veiarbeider' (19)
- 'Krok-postkasser' (på Nav) (3)
- 'Krøll' (1)
- 'Kversveven-runetegn' (1)
- 'Kvisedama' (til Kenneth Sevland) (3)
- 'La Cucaracha' (1)
- 'Laibach-fest' (2)
- 'Landssvikerstevnet' (2)
- 'Langs Lågen' (1)
- 'Larvik i nær fortid' (26)
- 'Le tribunal mondial' (1)
- 'Leah Dureksen' (1)
- 'leirgauk' (1)
- 'Lensmanns-Mogen' (3)
- 'Lighter-pakkisen' (fra Drammensmessa) (1)
- 'Like som to dråper vann' (33)
- 'Likhetssamfunnet' (1)
- 'Lille Berlin' (1)
- 'Lille-Oddis' (6)
- 'Lillestrøm gymnas : beretning 1955-1969' (1)
- 'Lise-Lotte Nærkjøp' (2)
- 'Lofoten' (hurtigrute-skip) (1)
- 'Lulz' (1)
- 'Lunsj-parken (1)
- 'Lurifaks' i samfunnet? (2)
- 'Lurings'? (1)
- 'Lykke-Per' (4)
- 'Lykkelige Vinland' (3)
- 'M' (2)
- 'Made in Hong Kong' (1)
- 'Made in Japan' (1)
- 'mafia' (27)
- 'mafian?' (10)
- 'mafian' (428)
- 'Mafian' = italienske mafiaen? (2)
- 'Mafian' i helsevesenet i Norge? (1)
- 'Mafian' i samfunnet? (1)
- 'Mafian'? (22)
- 'Magic' Automated Reply from David Harker/the Citizens Advice Head-office (7)
- 'Majoren' i Nevlunghavn (2)
- 'Malteserfalk' (1)
- 'Mangel på folkeskikk-gjengen' (2)
- 'Mannen i oppgangen' (fra Therese-saken) (1)
- 'Mannen i skogen' (2)
- 'Markør-Glenn' (2)
- 'Mars-søppelkasser' (24)
- 'Mase-negeren' (8)
- 'Masterchef' (1)
- 'Mediestream' (14)
- 'Medlemmer av Den Norske sakførerforeningen' (1)
- 'Melkerampen' (i Nationen) (1)
- 'Menn er fra Mars kvinner er fra Venus' (1)
- 'Merksnodig' (1)
- 'Meråpent bibliotek' (1)
- 'Militæretaten og "den indre fiende" fra 1905 til 1940' (av Nils Ivar Agøy) (1)
- 'Millennials' (1)
- 'Min Bok 2' (2)
- 'Min Bok' (3)
- 'Min Historie. Del 2: Misjonærtid' (av Simon Høimyr) (1)
- 'Min Tur' (1)
- 'Mitt Berger - Minner fra en oppvekst 1940-58' (av Åslaug Klæboe Svenkerud) (1)
- 'Mob?' (2)
- 'mob' (10)
- 'Mob' i England (1)
- 'Mob'-froskmenn? (1)
- 'Mob'? (7)
- 'Mobstere' (6)
- 'Mobsters'? (5)
- 'Mordforsøk-handlevogner' (2)
- 'Mosse-antroposofen' (1)
- 'Mosseveiens skrekk' (2)
- 'MS Brevik' (en båt min farfars fetter Olaf Arnestø var medeier i) (2)
- 'Mutebannet' på Wikipedias irc-kanal (1)
- 'My Employment Case Against Arvato' (1)
- 'Myndighetene er overalt' (1)
- 'Mysteriet Siv Jensen' (1)
- 'Møkkafolk' (1)
- 'Månedens klage' (til PFU) (2)
- 'Nacht unt Nebel' (1)
- 'Nav-skandalen' (2)
- 'Nazifiseringen' av Oslo (1)
- 'Negergutt-gjengen' (2)
- 'Nerdete guttegjeng' (fra HiO IU 2002/03) (1)
- 'New Age-Jan' (1)
- 'New World Order-partiet' (2)
- 'Nick Ewans' (10)
- 'Nick-stealing' (1)
- 'Nils i Dalen' (11)
- 'Nisselandet' (5)
- 'Nordmenn er som eskimoer' (2)
- 'Norges håndverkere - Bind II' (1)
- 'Norgistan' (1)
- 'Norrønafolket' (2)
- 'Norsk musikk i 100' (1)
- 'Norsk slang' (av Tone Tryti) (1)
- 'Norsk traverstambok for varmblodshester. 6' (1)
- 'Norske Rednecks' (1)
- 'Norske skulefolk' (1)
- 'Norskimoer' (1)
- 'Norwegian three-colour' dvs. gran/furu-etterligning (1)
- 'Nudge-teori' (2)
- 'Nummer to-butikker' (4)
- 'Ny-Norge' (1)
- 'Nyttige idioter' (1)
- 'Oblast-arkivet' (1)
- 'Obliarker' (1)
- 'Også Krok' (2)
- 'Olga på 90 år' (3)
- 'Olme beist' (1)
- 'Ombudsmannen' (1)
- 'Omgitt av idioter' (1)
- 'Omvendt rasisme' (2)
- 'Ondskapens akse' (1)
- 'Operasjons-TV' (1)
- 'Opposisjonen' (2)
- 'Orange scum' (2)
- 'Order of St. John' (2)
- 'Organisert ungdomskultur' (bok av Frøydis Barstad utgitt i 2009) (1)
- 'Orientaler-Davidsen' (4)
- 'Oslo tannlegeselskap gjennom 100 år' (1)
- 'Oveline' (1)
- 'Over sjø og land i tre riker' (reiseskildring av min morfar Johannes Ribsskog) (2)
- 'Papp'-pizza (1)
- 'Pattene' til Cecilie Hyde (1)
- 'People You May Know' (1)
- 'Pes-ing' (1)
- 'Pikk-landet' (1)
- 'Pilot-butikker' (1)
- 'Pingvinen' (fra Kiel-ferja) (1)
- 'Pink' fra internett kom med drapstrussel mot bestemor Ingeborg (1)
- 'Pipa' (Faren til Frode Kølner kalte søstra mi Pia for dette) (4)
- 'Pizza-terror' (2)
- 'Plageånd' 'Nicholas' på internett (1)
- 'Planet X' (1)
- 'Plast-plata' (butikkansatt hos Rema Ila) (1)
- 'Playgirl' (1)
- 'Pløsa' (1)
- 'Politi-mafian' (2)
- 'Politi-mafian'? (3)
- 'Politutten' (3)
- 'Polituttene' (3)
- 'politutter' (1)
- 'Post-terror (1)
- 'Post-terror' (194)
- 'Potetgull'-saken (12)
- 'Priscilla' (min fars kamerat Atle sin samboer) (1)
- 'Programmering' fra søstra mi (1)
- 'Propolis-krigen' (2)
- 'Pruppen' (8)
- 'Pusi Electra' (1)
- 'Pølsebukse-gjengen' (1)
- 'Quisling-myndigheter' (4)
- 'Ragnhild Jølsens saga' (1)
- 'Rahel og Rakel' (2)
- 'Random-nettstedet' (1)
- 'Raritet' (1)
- 'Red tape' (2)
- 'Reinforcement-learning' (1)
- 'Rektor-koden' (2)
- 'Ren utøver' (1)
- 'Rene Hender' (1)
- 'Reptiler' (I Illuminati-kontekst) (1)
- 'Rester av Sprengt Personell' (1)
- 'Retro-quizzen' (1)
- 'Review-meeting' (1)
- 'Revolusjonslemmen' (2)
- 'Ribsen' (1)
- 'Ribsskauen' (kallenavn til onkel Martin) (1)
- 'Ribsskog konspirasjon' (3)
- 'Ribsskog-familiens forbannelse' (1)
- 'Ribsskogverse' (1)
- 'Rimi Bjørndal-jobbsøkeren' (4)
- 'Rimi Bjørndal-negerdama' (1)
- 'Rimi er New World Order' (1)
- 'Rimi-fella' (34)
- 'Rimi-Nytt' (1)
- 'Ripsen' (1)
- 'Rock and Roll'-tannlegen i Walton (13)
- 'Roksvold av Høien' (eiendom på Sand) (4)
- 'Rotebladet' (1)
- 'Rumpe-klasking' (1)
- 'Russer-brakka' (4)
- 'Russisk stenging' (3)
- 'Russiske' poster på bloggen (1)
- 'Rørleggeren' (1)
- 'Røverpriser' (1)
- 'Rådebank' (2)
- 'Saga' (13)
- 'Sannhetsbevegelsen' (1)
- 'Schnell Schnell Sveinung' (1)
- 'Science-dama' (fra Tyskland og University of Sunderland) (1)
- 'Se & Hør-Tom' (5)
- 'Sekulær' (1)
- 'Selv-suggesjon' (1)
- 'Selvbetjenings-hysteri' (2)
- 'Sfinks-huset' (1)
- 'Shady' bilder i VG. Er det noe VG vil fortelle oss men ikke helt tørr å si? (2)
- 'sheriffen' fra EF-net på irc (1)
- 'Shizzle' (1)
- 'Silly season' (1)
- 'Sjam-Jan' (2)
- 'Skarpsmoen-Mogan' (1)
- 'Skaugum-sammensvergelsen' (1)
- 'Skeleton' (1)
- 'Skit-gubben' (1)
- 'Skogadministrasjonen i Norge gjennom tidene. 2 : Tiden etter 1857' (1)
- 'Skranke-Steinar' (fra Nav Bærum) (3)
- 'Skremmern' (1)
- 'Skrotinger' (1)
- 'Skytilen hennes mor' (et dikt av min mors grandonkel Asbjørn Dørumsgård) (1)
- 'Sladrekjærringer' (1)
- 'Slekten Borchgrevink anno 2004' (1)
- 'Slottet' (Hurum-gård) (2)
- 'Smil til det skjulte kamera' (TV-serie) (1)
- 'Smile og Fireball'. To vietnamesere som Øystein og Glenn kjenner (4)
- 'Smør på flesk' (1)
- 'Snail-mail' (1)
- 'Sofus' (4)
- 'Solens Rike' (1)
- 'Solvang' (1)
- 'Sommercafe Olsen' (1)
- 'Spam-angrep' (3)
- 'Spill-spesialisten' (1)
- 'Standard Business Hours' (3)
- 'Stasi Sande VGS.' (1)
- 'Stekke' (3)
- 'Stella de Falla' (1)
- 'Stiff Nipples' (1)
- 'Stikker'n' (1)
- 'Stjernegriser' (1)
- 'Storebror ser deg' (8)
- 'Stretchbukse-gjengen' (5)
- 'Strikkegenser-gjengen-huset' (3)
- 'Strikkegenser-gjengen' (7)
- 'Stripe-gjengen' (1)
- 'Studentene fra 1912 : biografiske oplysninger samlet til 25-års-jubileet 1937' (1)
- 'Støtteområdet' i HV (25)
- 'Stå-kasserere' (i sitte-kasser) (1)
- 'Sukkerert-bungalowen' (4)
- 'Superstore' (1)
- 'Sure feminist-hurper' (1)
- 'Suzi Quatro-gjengen' (1)
- 'Suzuki-Torben' (en bekjent av min bonusbror Viggo Snoghøj) (1)
- 'Svart mafia' (1)
- 'Svein og Svingstangflickorna' (1)
- 'Svelvik 1945 -1995' (5)
- 'Svelvik-mafian' (2)
- 'Svenske-folketellinga' (1)
- 'Svidd Grevling' (4)
- 'Syltestrikk-gevær' (1)
- 'Søndagsjobb' (1)
- 'Søppel-koden' (51)
- 'Søster Milly : nærbilde av misjonær Milly Kopperud' (1)
- 'Tangen-dyr' (5)
- 'Tante Meme' i Heegaard-familien (8)
- 'Tante-trusler' (45)
- 'Target guy' (2)
- 'Tater-Hans' (1)
- 'Tater-Pia'? (1)
- 'Tehandler-Heegaard' (delvis kulørt dansk slekt) (1)
- 'Tekken guru Øystein Andersen' (3)
- 'Teltboeren i Nevlunghavn' (1)
- 'Tempus Fugit' (1)
- 'Tender Turbot' (supply-båt) (1)
- 'Terian' i Svelvik (11)
- 'Terrasse-skrike-gubben' (3)
- 'Terror-post' (1)
- 'Terrorist' (2)
- 'Teskjekjærring-huset' (1)
- 'The Alarms største fan i Norge' (3)
- 'The Enduring Legacy of 9/11' (1)
- 'The Mile High Club' (1)
- 'The Slaughterhouse' (9)
- 'The Sphinx' (1)
- 'The usual suspects' (2)
- 'Tigerne'/de hvite i jing og jang (3)
- 'Til Tuesday (2)
- 'Tilsynet for høg moral' (1)
- 'Titten Tei' (fra Støtteområdet i Heimevernet) (4)
- 'To søstre' (kunstverk) (1)
- 'Toen-Mogan' (1)
- 'Tog-heksa' (1)
- 'Toill-dagen' (i Trondheim) (1)
- 'Tom-gjengen' (2)
- 'Tommyball' (1)
- 'Tootsie-Nina' (1)
- 'Travbane-miljøet' (2)
- 'Tre brødre Ribsskog' (2)
- 'Tre generationer av slægten Holbøll' (1)
- 'Trespassing' (4)
- 'Troll-post-kampanje/angrep' (13)
- 'Troll-post' (289)
- 'Troll-posten' (1)
- 'Troll' (2)
- 'Trollfabrikker' (1)
- 'Trollied' (1)
- 'Trolling' (4)
- 'tromsø illuminati plan mot erik ribsskog' (1)
- 'Trykkleif-er' (30)
- 'Trønder-Torkild' (1)
- 'Tråen-skatten-symbolet' (1)
- 'Tsarens kurer' (TV-serie) (1)
- 'Tullball' (1)
- 'Tulle-post' (3)
- 'Tulle-skandinavisk' (1)
- 'Tusen-trappene' (2)
- 'Tusseladder' (2)
- 'Tutta' fra Berger (3)
- 'Tvedestrand-Casa' (2)
- 'Tynningen' (vakt på the Forge) (1)
- 'Tyrirabben' (en eiendom i Stavern) (2)
- 'tysk-dansk mafia' (1)
- 'Tystingen' (kamerat av Frode Kølner) (4)
- 'Tøfler til Nyhuus' (1)
- 'Tønnene fra Tønsberg' (1)
- 'Uglemoser' (1)
- 'Ugler i mosen' (2)
- 'Ungane til Runar' (4)
- 'Utslitt-Pusi' (1)
- 'Vakum' (fra Sande Videregående) (1)
- 'Vandrer'n' (4)
- 'Vaske-Bakke' (1)
- 'Verdenssionismen' (3)
- 'Vestlands-dama' (fra HiO IU) (11)
- 'Vi har jo ikke noen saks' (9)
- 'Vi i Rimi' (1)
- 'Vi som driter i snåsamannen' (Facebook-gruppe) (2)
- 'Viceguy'-greier (2)
- 'Vicky' (fra USA/Trondheim) (1)
- 'Vikenhølet' (1)
- 'Vimse-resepsjonister' (2)
- 'Vår smule by' (1)
- 'Våre salmebøker gjennom 500 år : utstilling på Petter Dass-museet på Alstahaug juni 1999' (1)
- 'W-gjengen' (1)
- 'Wannabe dommere og bødler' (1)
- 'Weakling'/svekling (1)
- 'Weird Al' Nordengen (fra Twitter) (1)
- 'White thrash' (Naboen min i nummer 9 Keith Court) (2)
- 'White trash' (1)
- 'Wikipedia (21)
- 'Wind-chill' (1)
- 'Woody Allen-forhold' (1)
- 'Wordpress-nettsteder' (1)
- 'Yankee-ene' som kødder med meg? (1)
- 'Youngblood' (1)
- 'Zionism and Mafianism' (1)
- 'Æ' (2)
- 'Ættebok for Petter Peitersen Dass og hans hustru Margrethe Andersdatter og deres etterkommere i fjorten generasjoner' (1)
- 'Ørnist' (1)
- 'Å' (1)
- 'Ågot-huset' (45)
- (Eks)-prinsesse Märthas hingst White Jumper (1)
- (fra #quiz-show. Sønnen til Hanne Krogh) (1)
- (i/ved Larvik) (1)
- (Ma)lena mot ErikR? (1)
- (Online trakassering fra brukernavn 'Egil Berli-johnsen' Dagbladets kommentarsystem) (1)
- ( (1)
- @MartinePetra (på Twitter) (1)
- #Bjerkaker (3)
- #blablabla (98)
- #blablatemp (19)
- #Danmark (6)
- #Drammen (18)
- #efnet (1)
- (5)
- #elgolf (1)
- #England (5)
- #giraff (2)
- #innafor (1)
- #johncons (2)
- #johncons-fans (14)
- #London (24)
- #London på ef-net (2)
- #New_World_Order (1)
- #noreg (1)
- #Norga (1)
- #Norge (35)
- #Norway (46)
- #Oslo (23)
- #quiz-show (256)
- #quiz-show-konsern-blogg (2)
- #ruskenpånett (1)
- #sexbomb (3)
- #sexbomb på Ef-net (2)
- #sol.20ognoe (5)
- #spillegal (11)
- #Spillegal på EF-net (2)
- #usa (46)
- #USA (på Undernet) (1)
- #wikimedia-ops (2)
- #wikipedia.en (1)
- på Freenode-net på irc (1)
- #wikmedia.ops (1)
- ^MinxKittyn (fra irc) (1)
- =Oslo (1)
- 00-talet (1)
- 00-tallet (410)
- 00.tallet (1)
- 10 Downing Street (5)
- 10-tallet (205)
- 10-talllet (1)
- 1001 Natt (1)
- 11. september (73)
- 112 (Nødnummer i England) (1)
- 112 Gordon Road (1)
- 123Apotek (1)
- 123Greetings (5)
- 13th (nattklubb i Gerrard Street i London) (2)
- 16. mai (5)
- 1600-tallet (1)
- 17. mai (36)
- 1700-tallet (3)
- 1800-tallet (26)
- (3)
- 1900-tallet (5)
- 1910-tallet (17)
- (1)
- 1920-tallet (23)
- 1920-talllet (1)
- 1930-tallet (5)
- (1)
- 1970 (1)
- 1983 (3)
- 1984 (37)
- 1985 (15)
- 1986 (11)
- 1987 (17)
- 2 Unlimited (1)
- 2. verdenskrig (92)
- 2.verdenskrig (2)
- (2)
- 20-tallet (23)
- 2000-tallet (37)
- 2002 (3)
- 2003 (16)
- 2004 (18)
- 2005 (157)
- 2006 (8)
- 2007 (2)
- 2010 (1)
- 2010-tallet (3)
- 2012 (4)
- 2014 (1)
- 2015 (3)
- 2016 (1)
- 2017 (5)
- 2018 (7)
- 2021 (2)
- 2022 (1)
- 2023 (1)
- 21 Jump Street (1)
- 22. juli (11)
- 3 Brødre (1)
- 3. verdenskrig (1)
- 3. verdenskrig? (1)
- 30-tallet (22)
- 30-talllet (1)
- 3076 Sandbu (2)
- 311 (1)
- 365 Direkte (2)
- 4 Non Blondes (1)
- 4. juli (1)
- 40-tallet (54)
- 4chan (8)
- 4Chan sitt /b/-forum (1)
- 4H (7)
- 50 Cent (1)
- 50-tallet (101)
- 500-tallet (1)
- 5G (4)
- 60-tallet (196)
- 68-er/Hippie-generasjonen (9)
- 7-eleven (9)
- 7-Eleven Grønland Torg (2)
- 7-Eleven Nordhavn (1)
- 7-Eleven Vaterlandspassasjen (3)
- 70-tall (1)
- 70-taller (1)
- 70-tallet (1083)
- 734 SMG (1)
- 80-talet (1)
- 80-tallet (2036)
- 80-talllet (1)
- 80-talls musikk (2)
- 90-talet (1)
- 90-tallet (1505)
- 90-talls moter på internett (1)
- 99 p. Store (2)
- 99 pence shop on St. John's center in Liverpool (16)
- A fascist regime (2)
- A German masonic organisation (the Bavarian Illuminati?) (1)
- A Porta (1)
- A Sister or Two (1)
- A-Creme (7)
- A-gjengen (12)
- A-Magasinet (2)
- A-Pressen (10)
- A. Ribsskog (1)
- A/S Pikant (20)
- Abba (15)
- Abba (kamerat av David Hjort) (1)
- ABC (band) (1)
- ABC Startsiden TV-guide (1)
- ABC søk (1)
- Abdi Raja (2)
- Abdullahi-slekten (2)
- Abid Raja (1)
- Abigail Mead (Vivian Kubrick) (1)
- Abildsø (95)
- Abildsø gård (1)
- Abildsøveien (1)
- Abinger (1)
- Aborter (1)
- Abortkamp (1)
- Abu Dhabi (2)
- Academic Work (1)
- Acapulco (2)
- Acas (6)
- Accenture (12)
- Ace of Base (1)
- Acer (5)
- Acrylicon (1)
- Action Arcade (21)
- Action For Employment Ltd (1)
- Adam Smith (1)
- Adams Matkasse (2)
- Adax (3)
- Adel (14)
- Adele (1)
- Adeler (17)
- Adeler-familien (30)
- Adeler-slekten (73)
- Adelerborg (1)
- Adelige (2)
- Adelphi Hotel (18)
- Adelphi Hotel på Isle of Man (3)
- Adelsbrev (6)
- Adelsten (3)
- Adidas (3)
- Adjudicator (12)
- Adjunctant for HM Revenue-complaints (5)
- ADL (1)
- Adler (2)
- Adler-slekten (3)
- administrasjons- og kirkedepartementet (1)
- Adobe Photoshop Express Editor (2)
- Adobe Reader (1)
- Adolf Ejler Sørensen (min danske grandonkel Louis sin skipsreder-svigerfar) (1)
- Adolf Hitler (33)
- Adolf Humblen (1)
- Adolf Ribsskog (3)
- Adolf Ribsskog (Tvillingbror til faren til min morfar Johannes Ribsskog) (4)
- Adopsjon (5)
- (4)
- Adresseavisen (11)
- Adressebok for Oslo 1980-1981 (7)
- Adressebok for Vestfold fylke og Drammen 1941 (1)
- Adrian Castillo (1)
- Adrian Ingebrigtsen (1)
- adrian_hei (fra Instragram) (1)
- Adriel Rengård (1)
- ADSL (1)
- Advokat Arne Heiestad (daglig leder i (1)
- Advokat Geir Hovland (1)
- Advokat Håkon Bleken (min firemenning) (9)
- Advokat Ida Valen Rukke (17)
- Advokat Jeppe Normann (1)
- Advokat Lisa Eian (9)
- Advokat Øvergaard (2)
- (1)
- Advokater (6)
- Advokatfirmaet Cobleys (6)
- Advokatforeningen (33)
- Advokatforeningens disiplinærutvalg (1)
- Advokathjelp Drammen bibliotek (4)
- Advokatvakt (1)
- Advokatvakt Sandvika (6)
- AdWords (3)
- Aech (1)
- Aero (2)
- Aerobic (4)
- Aesch (21)
- AFC Shoreham (1)
- Afghanistan (4)
- Afrika (53)
- Afrodisium (1)
- Aften (1)
- Aftenposten (326)
- Aftenposten (Debattcentralen). (18)
- Aftenposten Digital (2)
- Aftenposten Historie (1)
- Aftenposten online. (Kommentar til artikkel). (16)
- (173)
- Aftenpostens arkiv (88)
- Aftenpostens tekstarkiv (117)
- Aftonbladet (23)
- Aftonbladet Blogg (2)
- Aftonbladet Forum (7)
- Aftonbladets forum (8)
- Agaton Sax (frisørsalong) (2)
- Agder (avis) (1)
- Agder Lagmannsrett (6)
- Agderposten (2)
- Agent Steklov (7)
- Agerø gård (1)
- Agnes 'Goggo' Bretteville-Jensen (tidligere Ellingsen) f. Schøyen (2)
- Agnes Jacobline 'Bestor' Brekke f. Onarheim (min fars samboer Haldis Humblen sin mor) (2)
- Agnes Johanne Olsen f. Pettersen (2)
- Agnes Olsen f. Pettersen (kona til min grandonkel Ragnar Olsen) (2)
- Agnes Sarkozi (lillesøstera til Sasha Gabor) (21)
- Agnsild (1)
- Agra (2)
- Agurknytt (4)
- Aha (6)
- Ahold (11)
- AI (1)
- Aiba (3)
- Aidan Tippins (Senior Team Leader Arvato MSPA) (2)
- Aids (5)
- AIK (Allmänna Idrottsklubben) (2)
- Ailin Bruserud (1)
- Aina Cecilie Holshagen (1)
- Aina Finsand (1)
- Aina Neegaard (5)
- Aina Svendsen (12)
- (3)
- Aintree (7)
- Aintree Jobcentre (9)
- Air (1)
- Air France (5)
- Airbnb (4)
- AirPods (1)
- Aitch (1)
- Akademiker (5)
- Akademikerforbundet (26)
- Akademikerne (1)
- Aker (3)
- Aker (Egyptian God of Death) (3)
- Aker ASA (5)
- Aker Brygge (25)
- Aker Kværner (1)
- Aker Solutions (4)
- Aker sykehus (30)
- Aker-saken (1)
- Akers avis Groruddalen (5)
- Akerselva (10)
- Akersgata/Ullevållsveien (12)
- Akershus (2)
- Akershus (avis) (7)
- Akershus Amtstidende (14)
- Akershus Arbeiderblad (10)
- Akershus festning (3)
- Akershus Fylkeskommune Sentraladministrasjon (5)
- Akershus Social-Demokrat (7)
- Akersveien (1)
- Akio Morita (1)
- Aksel Breian (1)
- Aksel Odden (1)
- Aktiv Kapital (7)
- Aktiv Kaptial (32)
- Aktiv Mat (1)
- (1)
- Aktiviteter (2)
- Aktuell (1)
- Aktuell Sikkerhet (2)
- Aktuellt (1)
- Akupunktur (2)
- Al Capone (2)
- Al Jazeera (1)
- Al Quaida (9)
- Al Quaida? (29)
- Al-Qaida (4)
- Alabama (1)
- Alan Walker (1)
- Alanis Morrisette (6)
- Albanny frisør (1)
- Albansk mafia? (31)
- Albanske mafian (12)
- Albert Bøe (19)
- Albert Böe (5)
- Albert Dock (1)
- Albert Memorial (1)
- Alberto Rosati (14)
- Albertville-OL (2)
- Albinoisme (1)
- Alcatel (2)
- Alder (1)
- Alderdom (14)
- Aldi (42)
- Aldi Millfield (i Sunderland) (5)
- Aldi Rantzausgade (1)
- Aldous Huxley (1)
- Aleksander 'Allik' Kristiansen (min farfars fille-onkel) (6)
- Aleksander Kiellands plass (3)
- Aleksander Olsen (min oldefars bror) (11)
- Aleksander Ribsskog Tolke (sønnen til min firemenning Bjarnhild Ribsskog) (1)
- Aleksander Schau (1)
- Alen Rosen (1)
- Alex (fra Rimi Sinsen) (10)
- Alex (fra Torshov) (3)
- Alex (utested i Ås) (1)
- Alex Gene Morrison (The painter of the painting 'Black Blub' from Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool. Illuminait-artist?) (3)
- Alex Rosen (4)
- Alex-gjengen (2)
- Alexander Andresen aka. Alik (5)
- Alexander Foss (Min grandtante Unse sin morfar) (2)
- Alexander Kielland-ulykken (1)
- Alexander Kiellands plass (2)
- Alexander Oppedal (1)
- Alexander Rybak (3)
- Alexandra Rotan (1)
- Alexis (diskotek i Elverum) (2)
- Alexis Priftis (1)
- Alf Lind Thrane (1)
- Alf Prøysen (1)
- Alf Tande-Petersen (1)
- Alfa Romeo (1)
- Alfaset (2)
- Alfheim stadion (1)
- Alfhild Røren Steenfeldt-Foss (1)
- Alfhildur Thorhallsson (1)
- Alfred Frederick French (2)
- Alfred Nobel (1)
- Alfred Oftedal Telhaug (1)
- Algarve (1)
- Algoritmer (1)
- Ali (fra Ungbo) (2)
- Ali G (1)
- Alibier AS (2)
- Alicante (22)
- Alice (fra Fjordkraft) (2)
- Alice Eastwood (1)
- Alice in Chains (9)
- Alicia Keys (1)
- Alise Marion Thunes (2)
- Alise Marion Thunes (Bjørn Humblen sin første kone) (2)
- Alison Goldfrapp (1)
- Alistair Darling (3)
- Alistair MacLean (1)
- Alizée (1)
- Alka-Seltzer (1)
- Alkohol (10)
- Alkoholisme (2)
- Allah (2)
- Allan Simonsen (1)
- Allemannsretten (3)
- Allente (7)
- Aller Media (1)
- Allergruppe (1)
- Allergruppen (95)
- Allers (3)
- Allington Hughes Solicitors (7)
- Allum-slekten (5)
- Alna (1)
- Alna senter (1)
- Alnabru (1)
- Alpha Nyan (1)
- Alpint (3)
- Alta (7)
- Altaposten (1)
- Altea (2)
- Altea la Vieja (11)
- Alternativ medisin (1)
- Alternativ Rock (1)
- Alternative nyheter/media (1)
- (1)
- Altmuligmenn/faktotumer (1)
- Alver (3)
- Alver kommune (7)
- Alverik Snakenborg (min tipp x 18 oldefar) (1)
- Amadeus de Lange (3)
- Amager (2)
- Amalie Aasen (1)
- Amanda (Fra Sverige. Jobber på Netto i Edge Lane vel) (7)
- Amanda Kornelia Anderson (1)
- Amazon (56)
- (3)
- Amazulu (1)
- Ambassaden i London (1)
- Ambassaderåd Sommerstad (7)
- Ambassaderåd Øvermo (19)
- Ambasseråd Øvermo (1)
- Ambjørg Knutsdatter Snøve (min tipptipptippoldemor) (1)
- Ambulanseforum (1)
- Ambulansetjenesten (1)
- AMD (1)
- Amedia (4)
- Amelita D. Sørlie (1)
- American Embassy in London (2)
- American Embassy in Oslo (5)
- American Express (1)
- American Freemasons (1)
- Amerika (14)
- Amerikanere (2)
- Amerikanere behandler folk som ikke er amerikanere dårlig (1)
- Amerikanerne prøver nok å få meg drept (1)
- Amerikanisering (1)
- Amerikansk fotball (3)
- Amerikanske Immigrasjons-myndigheter (4)
- Amerikanske myndigheter (1)
- Amerikanske presidenter (1)
- Amerikanske skattemyndigheter (1)
- Amfi Moss (1)
- Ammerud (6)
- Amnesty (48)
- Amnesty EU (1)
- Amnesty International Secretariat (7)
- Amnesty Norge (6)
- Amnesty UK (6)
- Amporn Havre (1)
- Amstelveen (3)
- Amsterdam (47)
- Amulanseforum (1)
- Amundrød (1)
- Amy Lee (2)
- Amy Williams (britisk gullmedaljevinner i 'skeleton' i vinter-OL 2010) (1)
- Amy Winehouse (4)
- Anabella A/S (3)
- Anagnostis Andreas Tselentis (min stesøster Christell sin eks) (6)
- Anarkisme (4)
- Anastasia-Eva Gabor (Sasha Gabor sin datter) (1)
- (4)
- Ancona (1)
- Ancona mafiafamilien i USA (19)
- Ancona-slekten (7)
- Andalucia (1)
- Andebu (1)
- Anderberg-slekten (1)
- Anders Heegaard (1)
- Anders (butikksjef Rimi Manglerud år 2000) (1)
- Anders (fra Matland/OBS Triaden) (1)
- Anders Behring Breivik (30)
- Anders Berle aka. Berle (fra Rimi Langhus) (2)
- Anders Buen (1)
- Anders Christensen Gjedde (18)
- Anders Gjedde (13)
- Anders Gjedde Nyholm (120)
- Anders Gjone (Rådgiver i ANSA) (4)
- Anders Grønnern Holbøll (1)
- Anders Hilding (2)
- Anders Hilton (3)
- Anders Hilton (tidligere butikksjef Rimi Manglerud mm.) (5)
- Anders Johan Oskar Wikslund (1)
- Anders Karlsson (7)
- anders Karlsson (fra Rimi Langhus) (6)
- Anders Krokan (Telenor) (1)
- Anders Martin Kvam (1)
- Anders Odbjerg (1)
- Anders Offesen Hvide (2)
- Anders Olofsson Brunmark (min tipp x 5-oldefar) (7)
- Anders Olsen (min farfars farmor sin far) (4)
- Anders Opdahl (konsernsjef Amedia) (1)
- Anders Qvigstad (2)
- Anders Røkås (6)
- Anders Stifts-Tidende (1)
- Anders Stridsklev Nilsen (1)
- Anders Svensson Ödell Ödla (min 7 x tippoldefar og Sveriges første spionsjef) (3)
- Anders Vik Jenssen (1)
- Anders Wikslund (1)
- Andersen (fra militæret) (2)
- Andersen-slekten (1)
- Andor Normann (1)
- Andre M. Larssen (1)
- Andre Støylen (4)
- Andre Tangerud (8)
- Andre verdenskrig (97)
- Andre Willassen (56)
- Andrea Ingebrigtsen (85)
- Andrea Lea Ingebrigtsen (5)
- Andrea Osés Rota (1)
- Andreas Bull-Gundersen (1)
- Andreas Lederhilger (1)
- Andreas Misund Berntsen (4)
- Andreas Muri (4)
- Andreas Rokstad (1)
- Andreas Røykås Marthinsen (1)
- Andreas Slettholm (1)
- Andreas Velle (1)
- Andresen (fra Geværkompaniet og Vinstra) (3)
- Andresen-slekten (1)
- Andrews Salts (1)
- Android-mobiler (1)
- Andvord (2)
- Andøya (4)
- Ane Eide (fra Arvato) (2)
- Ane Marie Galtrup (1)
- Ane S. Eide (fra Arvato) (3)
- Aneka (1)
- Anestesi (bedøvelse) (1)
- Anestesi-sykepleiersker (1)
- Anette (Fra Rimi Munkelia 1993) (3)
- Anette Andresen (fra Svelvik og Sande videregående) (4)
- Anette Bøe (25)
- Anette Dørumsgaard (5)
- Anette Ekenes (6)
- Anette Eknæs (8)
- Anette Grøndahl (fra den Grunerløkka-klassen som var på Barnas Gård-leirskole sammen med min Berger-klasse) (1)
- Anette Melheim (3)
- Anette Nielsen (4)
- Anette Søndergaard Larsen (1)
- Anfield (4)
- Anfield & Walton Champion (1)
- Angel of the North (1)
- Angela Schubot (1)
- Angelfire (57)
- Angelica Martinsen (1)
- Angrep på bildene i johncons-blogg sin design (3)
- Angrep på nordmenn osv. på fotball-forum. (2)
- Angrepet på Pentagon 11. september (3)
- Anica (fra Rimi Bjørndal) (3)
- Aniina (From Arvato) (3)
- Anita (fra Nav Sandvika) (4)
- Anita (kusine av tremenningen min Øystein Andersen) (17)
- Anita Berglund (17)
- Anita Røykås Marthinsen f. Syvertsen (min tremenning) (7)
- Anita Skorgan (1)
- Anita Sofie Frendal (5)
- Anita Syvertsen (7)
- Anita Teien f. Clausen (2)
- Anita-Renée Aas (f. Seemann Pettersen) (6)
- Anja (fra University of Sunderland) (2)
- Anker Apartment (4)
- Anker Heegaard (87)
- Anker Heegaards Fabrikker (20)
- Anker Heegaards gade (2)
- Anker Heegaards gate (1)
- Anker Hostel (1)
- Ankerita (Signatur bestemor Ingeborg brukte når hun skrev avisinnlegg) (9)
- Ankerita Antik (8)
- Ankerstjerne (8)
- Anmeldelse (1780)
- Anmeldelse av 'bølling fra drittunger' (1)
- Anmeldelse av 'John Doe' (1)
- Anmeldelse av 'Laksegutten' (2)
- Anmeldelse av 'Olav' (3)
- Anmeldelse av 'Sillyme' (1)
- Anmeldelse av dokumentfalsk (3)
- Anmeldelse av faren min for omsorgssvikt (29)
- Anmeldelse av faren min for telefonsjikane (28)
- Anmeldelse av mulig drap på butikksjef-dama på Rimi Ryen i 1999 (1)
- Anmeldelse av Stein Erik Hagen og frimurer Halvorsen for mulig mordforsøk (1)
- Anmeldelse av trakassering og mafiavirksomhet (1)
- Anmeldelse av trusler på internett (2)
- Anmeldelse av trusselkampanje (1)
- Anmeldelse til politiet (4)
- Anmeldese av æreskrenkelse (3)
- Ann 'Texas' Noel (13)
- Ann Bakke (Fra Ungbo) (2)
- Ann Elisabeth Wedø (Direktør HIOA) (1)
- Ann Kjerulf Hansen (7)
- Ann Noel Southworth (2)
- Ann Sofie Kaalen (9)
- Ann Southworth aka. Ann Vestgren (4)
- Ann-Jorid Nilsen (1)
- Anna (irc-bot) (4)
- Anna Brunmark Olsen (min farfars filletante) (5)
- Anna Cathrine Holm (min tipptipptipptippoldemor) (1)
- Anna Heegard (min tippoldefar Louis Carl Heegaard sin lillesøster) (1)
- Anna Heegaard (delvis kulørt dame fra Dansk Vestindia) (2)
- Anna Holmsen (49)
- Anna Nordmark (fra Arvato). (2)
- Anna Nyholm (10)
- Anna Riski (1)
- Anna Riski (Fra Arvato) (19)
- Anna Ødegård (1)
- Anne Arnestø Gulliksen (min fars tremenning) (1)
- Anne Berit Bullen (1)
- Anne Birgitte Høyer-Dahl (4)
- Anne Boleyn (1)
- Anne Brit Sylvareik (1)
- Anne Britt Hansen (3)
- Anne Britt Knutsen (3)
- Anne Britt Larsen (1)
- Anne Britt Lorentsen (1)
- Anne Bullen (1)
- Anne Bullen Eek (1)
- Anne C. Johannesen (2)
- Anne Cath. Vestly (1)
- Anne Cecilie Hyde (2)
- Anne Eastwood (7)
- Anne Edvartsen (dame fra Vestre Gran som var forlovet med min stefar Arne Thormod Thomassen) (11)
- Anne Grete Gudbrandsen (fra Svelvik ungdomsskole) (1)
- Anne Grete Omvik Orskaug (1)
- Anne Grete Preus (1)
- Anne Grossvoll (fra ungdomsskolen) (3)
- Anne Grosvold (3)
- Anne Gurid Tvedt (2)
- Anne Haugland (2)
- Anne Helene Eriksdatter (min tipptippoldemor) (1)
- Anne Helvig Rød (1)
- Anne Kathrine Skodvin (27)
- Anne Katrine Skodvin (97)
- Anne Kristine Bruserud (min tremenning) (3)
- Anne Kristoffersdatter (min tippoldemor) (2)
- Anne Lise (fra Abildsø) (5)
- Anne Lise Hagen (fra Østre Halsen) (4)
- Anne Lise Holshagen (2)
- Anne Lise Martinsen (1)
- Anne Mansrud (1)
- Anne Margrethe 'Lete' Ueland f. Brekke (11)
- Anne Margrethe Hvidtfeldt (min tipptipptipptipptippoldemor?) (5)
- Anne Margrethe Ueland f. Brekke (3)
- Anne Marie Kalskin (1)
- Anne Marie Stoknes f. Humblen (1)
- Anne Marte Aakvåg (2)
- Anne Mogan (8)
- Anne Møllerhagen (Nav Bærum) (2)
- Anne Neteland (90)
- Anne Orderud Paust (4)
- Anne Sofie Abildsgård (4)
- Anne Tismer (2)
- Anne Torp Sely (2)
- Anne Uglum (43)
- Anne Verde (Daglig leder Larvik Bibliotek) (1)
- Anne-Britt Larsen (1)
- Anne-Christine Ahrenkiel (DFDS) (2)
- Anne-Gull Røed (1)
- Anne-Gunn Lervik (1)
- Anne-Karin Utnes (1)
- Anne-Karin Wahl Pedersen (2)
- Anne-Kat. Hærland (6)
- Anne-Katrine Skodvin (12)
- Anne-Lise (fra Ungbo) (1)
- Anne-Lise Hagen (2)
- Anne-Lise Martinsen f. Slemdal (1)
- Anne-Lise Svendsen (5)
- Anne-Sofie Abildgaard (10)
- Anne/Anna Mogan (10)
- Annete Melheim (1)
- Annette Valen f. Dørumsgaard (min firemenning) (2)
- Anni-Frid Lyngstad (1)
- Annicke Fallan f. Ryberg (1)
- Annie Marie Magdalene Heegaard (1)
- Annie(?) (Kassaleder i 40/50-åra på Matland/OBS Triaden) (1)
- Annika Berglund (1)
- Annika Horten (100)
- Anniken Huitfeldt (23)
- Annikken Holmsen (2)
- Annikken Holmsen (Min fadder i Sverige) (23)
- Annina Valtonen (fra Arvato) (5)
- Annonser (1)
- Anny Lilly Rude (1)
- Anong (kona til min halvbrors tremenning) (1)
- (2)
- Anonym trakassering (1)
- Anonyme kommentarer på blogg (3)
- Anonymous (1)
- ANSA (29)
- Ansa UK (2)
- Anser (fra irc) (1)
- Ansettelser (1)
- Ansgar Gabrielsen (12)
- Antall lesere på bloggen (63)
- Ante (TV-serie) (1)
- Ante Valente (6)
- Anthon B. Nilsen (firmaet som eier NITH) (4)
- Anthon B. Nilsen AS (7)
- Anti-terror-lover (1)
- Antidoping Norge (1)
- Antikvariat Pillegaard (1)
- Antikviteter (1)
- Anton B. Nilsen (firmaet som eier NITH) (3)
- AnyWhere (fra irc) (10)
- Apache (1)
- Apache-sykkel (3)
- Apartheid (3)
- Apeberget (1)
- Apene (1)
- Apenes (2)
- Apenes gård (1)
- Apenes Vel (1)
- Apeplaneten (film) (1)
- Aper (1)
- Apocalypse Now (1)
- Apocalyptica (1)
- Apocalyptica feat. Lacey (1)
- Apotek (2)
- Apotek 1 (8)
- Apotek For Deg (2)
- Apotek1 (2)
- Apoteker (3)
- Apotera (6)
- Apper (1)
- Apple (18)
- Apple-shop (6)
- applegroo (fra irc) (9)
- Aprilsnarr (1)
- Aquarius (1)
- Aqwis (Fra ##Norge på freenode-net) (1)
- Ar (1)
- Arabere (4)
- Arabia (1)
- Arabisk (1)
- Arbeider-Avisen (4)
- Arbeiderbevegelsen (39)
- Arbeiderbladet (31)
- Arbeiderboligene (på Berger) (3)
- Arbeiderklassen (4)
- Arbeidernes opposisjonsliste (min morfars onkel Asbjørn Dørumsgaard sitt parti) (1)
- Arbeiderpartiet (76)
- Arbeidet (avis) (1)
- Arbeids og Inkluderingsdepartementet (17)
- Arbeids- og Sosialdepartementet (7)
- Arbeidsdepartementet (4)
- Arbeidsformidlingen (3)
- Arbeidsformidlingen Schous plass (3)
- Arbeidsledig (3)
- Arbeidsliv (137)
- Arbeidslivstelefonen (5)
- Arbeidsmiljø (5)
- Arbeidsmiljøskaddes Landsforening (1)
- Arbeidsrett (4)
- Arbeidssak (54)
- Arbeidssaker (5)
- Arbeidstid (1)
- Arbeidstilsynet (46)
- Arbeidstilsynet i Oslo (3)
- Arcade Action (12)
- Arcadia (cruiseskip) (2)
- Arcon (2)
- Arctander-slekten (1)
- Arctic Beer (1)
- Arctic Monkeys (1)
- Are (Kamerat av tremenningen min Øystein Andersen fra Lørenskog) (3)
- Are Føll (1)
- Are Kalvø (1)
- Are Veraas (2)
- Aremark (1)
- Aren Olufsen Klett (min tipptipptippoldefar) (1)
- Arena House (1)
- Arenastaden (i Stockholm/Solna) (2)
- Arendal (1)
- Arent Klet (min tipptipptippoldefar) (1)
- Areopagos (2)
- Argentina (11)
- ARGH Hamar (1)
- Argos (52)
- Argos Birkenhead (2)
- Argos Liverpool One (1)
- Ari Behn (18)
- Arial (2)
- Arild I. (Stavanger Aftenblad) (1)
- Arild Johannessen (Coop) (2)
- Arild Stolpnes (min fars firemenning i Australia) (12)
- Aristokrater (3)
- Aristoteles (1)
- Arizona (3)
- Arizona International (1)
- Ark (20)
- Arkaden (1)
- Arkhangelsk-skatten (1)
- Arkitektur (10)
- (1)
- Arkivverket (22)
- Arktis (1)
- Armed Forces Day (1)
- Arne Andersen (Faren til Lene Andersen) (9)
- Arne Anka (1)
- Arne Bullen (2)
- Arne Dørumsgaard (44)
- Arne Dørumsgaard (Komponist i Italia. Min morfars fetter) (11)
- Arne Dørumsgaards boksamling (1)
- Arne Fabrikker (1)
- Arne Fliflet (7)
- Arne Glittum (1)
- Arne Gran (1)
- Arne Johnny Nerdrum (2)
- Arne Karlsen (Klasseforstander 3. klasse handel og kontor. Gjerde VGS. 1988/89) (8)
- Arne Karlsen (Lærer Gjerdes VGS.) (16)
- Arne Limkjær (10)
- Arne Mogan 'Snekker'n' Olsen (1)
- Arne Mogan Olsen (1233)
- Arne Mogan Olsen (fattern) (46)
- Arne Olai Dørumsgard (2)
- Arne Olav Lund (6)
- Arne Paulsen (tidligere Matland-hypermarked eier) (5)
- Arne Risnes (Fra Rimi) (6)
- Arne Risvåg (butikksjef Rimi) (6)
- Arne Roger Stake Paulsen (Matland-disponent) (1)
- Arne Scheie (1)
- Arne Thomassen (49)
- Arne Thormod Thomassen (280)
- Arne Ødegaard (1)
- Arnestø (26)
- Arnestø-slekten (3)
- Arnestø-stranden (2)
- Arnestøa (1)
- Arnesø (1)
- Arnfinn (fra Telenor-reklamene) (1)
- Arnfinn Dueslag (fra Facebook) (1)
- (2)
- Arngrim Røhme (1)
- Arnold Schwarzenegger (6)
- Arnstein Grill Fasting (1)
- Arnt Klemet Taasen Torp (1)
- Arnt Lund (23)
- Arnt Olsen Dørumsgaard (15)
- Arnulf Øverland (4)
- Arokivi-slekten (1)
- Arsenal (1)
- Arthur Johan Grande (1)
- Arthur Kølner (1)
- Arthur Svenssons internasjonale pris (1)
- (Stokmarknes dyrebutikk AS) (2)
- Artikler skrevet av meg (Erik Ribsskog) (2)
- Arts University Bournemouth (3)
- ArtStation (1)
- Arups gate (3)
- Arv (256)
- Arv etter mormor-sak (38)
- Arv etter mormors-sak (1)
- Arvato (563)
- Arvato Finance AS (1)
- Arvato Irland (1)
- Arvato Liverpool (19)
- Arvato Services Ltd. MSPA (3)
- Arvato-case (235)
- Arvato-saken (1)
- Arve 'Bergen' Karlsen (3)
- Arve 'Bergen' Nilsen (7)
- Arve (Fra Bergen og Bergeråsen (1)
- Arve (Fra Bergen og Bergeråsen) (20)
- Arve fra baron (1)
- Arve Karlsen (2)
- Arve Løken (en som skriver dritt om meg på Quora) (1)
- Arve Melling (2)
- Arve Solstad (Tidligere redaktør i Dagbladet) (1)
- Arve Wiborg (1)
- Arve Aasmundseth (1)
- (7)
- Arvesynd-hevn fra de veldig kristne? (2)
- Arvid Andresen (min farfars fetter) (1)
- Arvid Møller (forfatter) (1)
- Arvika (1)
- Arvikafestivalen 2000 (16)
- AS Pikant (3)
- Asak (11)
- Asak skole (1)
- Asak skole i Skedsmo (15)
- Asakhagen (1)
- Asbjørg Brekke (Christells tante. Gift med en kjøpmann i Bergen. Var på middag på Gulskogen i 88 hvor ikke Christell var) (7)
- Asbjørn Christensen (1)
- Asbjørn Dørumsgard (4)
- Asbjørn Dørumsgaard (84)
- Asbjørn Ribsskog (11)
- Asbjørn Ryen (min mors grandonkel Bernhof Ribsskog sin sekretær) (1)
- Asbjørnsen og Moe (1)
- Aschehoug (1)
- Aschehoug og Gyldendals store norske leksikon (1)
- Asda (69)
- Asda Stoneycroft Supermarket (1)
- Asda Bootle (1)
- Asda Breck Road Superstore (7)
- Asda Essentials (1)
- Asda Smart Price (1)
- Asda Walton (43)
- (1)
- Asia (11)
- Ask og Embla (2)
- (1)
- Askeladden (3)
- Asker (40)
- Asker Golfklubb (5)
- Asker og Bærum legevakt (2)
- Asker og Bærum namsfogd (3)
- Asker og Bærum politikammer (1)
- Asker og Bærum tingrett (2)
- Asker og Bærums Budstikke (6)
- Asker og Bærums' Budstikke (15)
- Askim (13)
- Askim Camping ved Gøteborg (11)
- Askim kommune (1)
- Askjem-slekten (2)
- Asko (5)
- Asko-klubben (1)
- Askøy (1)
- Aslak Nore (1)
- Aslak Sira Myhre (1)
- Aslaug Margrete 'M' Ribsskog Mangnes (1)
- Aslaug Margrete Ribsskog (5)
- Aslaug Pauline Hesler f. Søring (Glenn Hesler sin farmor) (1)
- Aslaug Ribsskog (min morfars kusine) (1)
- Asle Raaen (Holmsbumaler) (1)
- Asmund Hansen Kvehaugen (1)
- Asmund Ribsskog (min morfars fetter) (3)
- Asmund Ribsskog (min oldefars bror) (6)
- Aspartam (4)
- Asrunn Rogsund f. Ribsskog (min mors tremenning) (3)
- ass. butikksjef Rimi Bjørndal (2)
- Associated Marketing Services (AMS) (1)
- Asta Heegard aka. Asta Efsen f. Erichsen (1)
- Astarte Education (2)
- Astral Projection (1)
- AstraZeneca (1)
- Astrid (Tutta) Johansson f. Hanssen (min firemenning Kari Ribsskog sin svigermor) (1)
- Astrid Bleken (2)
- Astrid Dørumsgaard (4)
- Astrid Eknæs (2)
- Astrid Holte Østbye (3)
- Astrid Lindgren (1)
- Astrid Meland (3)
- Astrid Meland (Journalist i Dagbladet) (10)
- Astrid Meland blogg (27)
- Astrid Norunn Høisæter (3)
- Astrid S (2)
- Astrid Sand (Fra Gjerdes VGS. i Drammen) (4)
- Astrid Viker (moren til Grethe Ingebrigtsen) (8)
- Astrid Aase Thorstensen (Ved biblioteket i Porsgrunn) (2)
- Astronomi (1)
- Asylsøkere (1)
- ATB (1)
- AtB AS (4)
- Atcho (katt) (2)
- Athens (1)
- Atlanterhavet (3)
- Atlantis (7)
- Atle (kamerat av faren min på 70-tallet. Fra Oslo) (8)
- Atle Farmen (6)
- Atle Farmen (Fra Larvik) (28)
- Atle Farmen sin frimerkeklubb (1)
- Atle Melling (1)
- Atletic Factor (Treningsstudioet i Pompany Beach i Florida hvor Viggo Snoghøj/Snowhill jobber) (1)
- Atombomben eksisterer ikke. (23)
- Atomdrevne ubåter (1)
- Atomkraft (1)
- Atomkraft (Magi eller vitenskap?) (1)
- Atomuret i Sveits (1)
- Attester (6)
- Attila (1)
- Au-pair (4)
- Aud Berggren (journalist og Sasha Gabor sin ekskone) (1)
- Aud Judith Mikalsen (4)
- Aud Morisse (1)
- Aud Skoglund (3)
- Aud von Morisse (1)
- Audi (4)
- Audioslave (2)
- Audun Kleven (4)
- AUF (17)
- August Heegaard (5)
- August Mørk (3)
- Auksjoner (1)
- Aulestad (2)
- Aune-slekten (7)
- Aurora Hagen (Rødt Nordstrand) (1)
- Aurora Hansen (1)
- Aurora Skaland (1)
- Aurskog (24)
- Aurskog-Høland (1)
- Auschwitz (Konsentrasjonsleir fra 2. verdenskrig) (3)
- Aust-Agder Blad (1)
- Australia (26)
- Austråttborgen (1)
- Auteisme (1)
- Autisme (2)
- Autobahn (1)
- Autopulver (23)
- Autoxo (1)
- Avatarer (2)
- Avenyn i Gøteborg (2)
- (1)
- Avida Finans AB NUF (3)
- Avis-abonnement (2)
- Avisa Nordhordaland (1)
- Avisa Nordland (1)
- Avisa Oslo (2)
- Avisen (1)
- Avisen Hardanger (1)
- Aviser (4)
- Avkobling (1)
- Avocado (1)
- Avslag (1)
- Avstemninger på johncons-blogg (68)
- Avvikere (21)
- avXperten (3)
- Awolnation (3)
- AXBO AS (10)
- Axel (4)
- Axel 'Harry fra Hokksund' Thomassen (1)
- Axel Nicolai Thomassen (54)
- Axel Nicolay Thomassen (404)
- Axel og Peter (2)
- Axel Sandemose (2)
- Axel Thomasen (3)
- Axel Thomassen (158)
- Axel Thomassen (Bruttern) (43)
- Axel Valdemar Efsen (1)
- Axis and Allies (1)
- Axo Finans (1)
- Ayia Napa (5)
- Aylar Lie (1)
- Azalea Lodge (8)
- Aziz (fra Rimi Bjørndal) (2)
- Aziz Invest AS (1)
- Aziz-familien (1)
- Aziza Moquim (2)
- Aztec Camera (1)
- B-gjengen (13)
- B-varer (1)
- B&M (4)
- Babelfeeds (1)
- Baby-forumene på (1)
- Babylon (2)
- Babylon Zoo (2)
- Babysvømming (1)
- Baccara (1)
- Bache Gabrielsen (2)
- Bache Gabrielsen Appriciation Society (4)
- Bache-Gabrielsens Venner (3)
- Bachelor-graden (3)
- Back-up 11. september webside (1)
- Backstreet Girls (1)
- Backup (3)
- Backup-blogg (3)
- Bad Wolves (2)
- Badminton (3)
- Badword-1.3.tcl (Eggdrop-script) (1)
- Bag-er (2)
- Baglee (Bakli)-slekten (fra Rollag) (2)
- Bags of Sweets (38)
- Baha Men (1)
- Bailey Tzuke (9)
- Bailiffs (18)
- Baitz' Eftf. (1)
- Baker Hansen (1)
- Baker O. E. Leinæs (1)
- Bakers (3)
- Bakers Birkebeinerbrød (1)
- Baking (1)
- Bakke (fra militæret) (10)
- Bakke (hos Lånekassa) (2)
- Bakken-slekten (1)
- Bakås skanse (1)
- Balder (2)
- Baljinder Singh (1)
- Balkan (1)
- Ballerup (5)
- Ballerup Centret (1)
- Balstad (9)
- Baltikum (4)
- (4)
- Bamse Brakar (3)
- Banan-blokka (på Ammerud) (1)
- Banana Airlines (2)
- Band Aid (1)
- Bandidos (3)
- Bane Nor (4)
- Bangles (1)
- Bangsbo (8)
- Bank (47)
- Bank Axept (1)
- Bank ID (3)
- Bank Norwegian (6)
- Bank of America (1)
- Bank of England (1)
- Bankenes betalingssentral/Nets (2)
- Bankespråk (3)
- Bans (irc) (1)
- Baptistkirken (1)
- Barack Obama (12)
- Barbarer (1)
- Barbering (12)
- Barbie-Heidi'? (2)
- Barbro (fra Rimi) (1)
- Barcelona (6)
- Barclaycard (1)
- Barclays (71)
- Barclays forsikring (5)
- Barcode (5)
- Bardøla (1)
- Bare Bilutleie (1)
- Bare Egil Band (2)
- Bare-øl (3)
- Barfly (2)
- Barkebiller (1)
- Barn (3)
- Barn i magen-forumet på (1)
- Barnas Gård (50)
- Barne- (1)
- Barne- og likestillings- og inkluderingsdepartementet (2)
- Barne-TV (2)
- Barnemishandling (1)
- Barneombudet (1)
- Barnepass (2)
- Barnevaktsentral (1)
- Barnevernet (15)
- baron ad (1)
- Baron Adeler (59)
- Baron Erik Ribsskog (2)
- Baron Holger Adeler (5)
- Baron Johannes Emil Adeler (2)
- Baronen (Utested i Oslo) (7)
- Baroneriet Rosendal (5)
- Baronesse Magna 'Meme' Adeler f. Nyholm (Min oldemor Karen Margrethe Nyholm sin yngre søster) (8)
- Baronesse Magna Adeler (Min mormor Ingeborg Ribsskogs tante) (80)
- Baroniet Rokksvoll (1)
- Baroniet Rosendal (7)
- Baroniet Strømm (3)
- barras (fra irc) (1)
- Bartholdy-slekten (1)
- Basefarm A/S (7)
- Basel (23)
- Basel-Landschaft (1)
- Basic (2)
- Baskerland (2)
- Basket (1)
- Baskomti (5)
- Baskomti-havna (1)
- Basshunter (7)
- Bastillen (2)
- Bataljonsmesterskap i AG 3-skyting (2)
- Batchelors Beanfeast (1)
- Bayern (6)
- Bayswater (1)
- BBC (51)
- BBC Merseyside (3)
- BBC Morning (1)
- BBC News (2)
- BBC Two (1)
- (2)
- BBS (1)
- BCS (1)
- BD-båt-registreringsnumre (Holmsbu) (2)
- BD-huset (i Holmsbu) (2)
- BDO (1)
- Be Your Own Boss (1)
- Beach Boys (3)
- Beastie Boys (2)
- Beate (fra OBS Triaden) (5)
- Beate Neumann (3)
- Beathe Skjær (1)
- Beatles (14)
- Beatles-store (1)
- Beauty (hunden til Nina Monsen) (1)
- Beavis og Butt-Head (2)
- Bedehuset i Larvik (2)
- Bedehuset i Nevlunghavn (2)
- Bedfordshire (1)
- Bedrageri (1)
- Bedriftsfotball (5)
- Bedriftsidrett (1)
- Bedriftskultur (2)
- Beeswax (2)
- Begravelser (4)
- Behaviorisme (1)
- Behind the name (4)
- (1)
- Behn-slekten (1)
- Beichmann-slekten (2)
- Being in police custody and receiving a caution for stealing metallic letters from the Cunard Building (9)
- Beirut (1)
- Beitostølen (1)
- Bekkelagshuset (1)
- Bekkelund (fra militæret) (3)
- Bekken Kolonial (2)
- Bekkestua (246)
- Bekkestua bibliotek (2)
- Bekkestua Handelshus (18)
- Bekkestua Senter (54)
- Bekkestua stasjon (1)
- Bekkestua t-banestasjon (16)
- Bekkestua tannmedisin (8)
- Bekkestua Vinmonopol (5)
- Bekkestua-senteret (1)
- Bekkevollen (1)
- Bekymringsmelding (1)
- Belfast (4)
- Belfry (utested i Oslo) (1)
- Belgia (5)
- BeLiar (fra irc) (17)
- Bella (en hest som min farfars filleonkel Alik eide) (2)
- Bellini (1)
- Bellona (3)
- Belvoir (6)
- Bemanning (1)
- Bemidji Pioneer (1)
- Ben Ove 'Granskauen' Broks (2)
- Ben Ove Broks (fra Østre Halsen) (3)
- Benedicte Heegaard (2)
- Benedicte Mogan Olsen (Min kusine fra Son som har blitt muslim virker det som) (9)
- Benedikte (Fra Rimi Nylænde) (1)
- Benedikte Ribsskog Tokle (dattera til min firemenning Bjarnhild Ribsskog) (1)
- Bengler (2)
- Bengt Rune Holm (4)
- Bengt Rune og faren Kurt fra Rasta (13)
- Bengt-Rune Holm (4)
- Benjamin Bo Christensen (2)
- Benjamin-stammen/folkeslaget (6)
- Benkestokk-slekten (2)
- Bent Fuglesang (1)
- Bent Høie (6)
- Bent-Christian Myhre (1)
- Bente Amundsen f. Waage (2)
- Bente Anita Brustad Dobinson (1)
- Bente Boquist (min firemenning) (3)
- Bente Brisner (1)
- Bente E. Lier (Axbo) (1)
- Bente Forberg (Lillehammer Museum) (1)
- Bente Holte f. Ravn (8)
- Bente Larsen (nabo av min grandonkel Idar Sandersen) (2)
- Bente Legind (1)
- Bente Ljoen (Forværelset til Ingrid Killengren) (2)
- Bente Ribsskog Lie (min firemenning) (3)
- Bente? Waage (3)
- Bentley? (1)
- Bentsebrua (1)
- Bentsebrugata Legesenter (6)
- Bentzen-slekten (4)
- Beppe Assenzas malerskole (Rudolf Steiner) (1)
- Beredskapstroppen (1)
- Berengaria av Portugal (1)
- Berg menighet (1)
- Berg Sørensen-slekten (1)
- Bergen (75)
- Bergen fengselskole (1)
- Bergen Filharmoniske Orkester (1)
- Bergen kommune (5)
- Bergens Adresseavis (1)
- Bergens Annonce Tidende (1)
- Bergens Arbeiderblad (1)
- Bergens fengselsskole (1)
- Bergens Tidende (16)
- Bergensavisen (3)
- Berger (767)
- Berger Alpinklubb (1)
- Berger barnehage (1)
- Berger Bedehus (5)
- Berger Bil (5)
- Berger brygge (1)
- Berger båtforening (1)
- Berger fabrikk (3)
- Berger Fabrikker (14)
- Berger Fiber (1)
- Berger Gård (17)
- Berger historielag (8)
- Berger Husmorlag (1)
- Berger IL (141)
- Berger Kirke (27)
- Berger kirkes venner (1)
- Berger Museum (22)
- Berger musikkkorps (1)
- Berger og Fossekleven Fabrikker (3)
- Berger Samvirkelag (1)
- Berger Senteret AS (1)
- Berger skole (363)
- Berger Skolekorps (1)
- Berger-dialekt (1)
- Berger-fabrikkene (1)
- Berger-filmenen (1)
- Berger-folk (2)
- Berger-kafeen (9)
- Berger-slekten (4)
- Berger. Arve 'Bergen' Karlsen (1)
- Bergerbanen (2)
- Bergerbukta (1)
- (6)
- Bergerkollen (5)
- Bergeråsen (845)
- Bergeråsen Vel (3)
- Bergeråsen-folk (1)
- Bergeskogen barnehage (1)
- Berget (fra Geværkompaniet) (1)
- Berghum (tidligere navn på Berger) (1)
- Bergitshovda (1)
- Bergkrystallen (17)
- Bergljot Gundersen (Redaktør Norsk Hagetidend) (8)
- Berglund-slekten (4)
- Bergsjø høyfjellshotell (2)
- Bergstø (168)
- Bergstø 2 (3)
- Bergstø III (3)
- Bergstø/Olsen/Sandersen/Arnestøen/Hansen-slekten (2)
- Bergum-slekten (4)
- Berit (Tysk jente som studerte i Sunderland. Oppkalt etter Berit Aunli) (6)
- Berit Andersen f. Henriksen (Lene Andersen sin mor) (2)
- Berit Aunli (1)
- Berit Bullen (2)
- Berit Jansen (1)
- Berit Kraft (1)
- Berit Kvien Walby (Fra Barnas Gård) (1)
- Berit Lippert (1)
- Berit Moe f. Andersson (1)
- Berit Mogan f. O. Berg (min farmors svigerinne) (2)
- Berit Nordstrand (2)
- Berit og Gunnar Jorås (Husverter det året jeg bodde på Abildsø) (11)
- Berit Ribsskog (min firemenning) (7)
- Berkeley College (1)
- Berkshire Country Day School (3)
- Berkåk/Bjerkaaker (i Rennebu) (3)
- Berlin (38)
- Berlin (band) (2)
- Berlingske Politiske og Avertissementstidende (1)
- Berlingske Tidende (5)
- Berlinmuren (3)
- Bernhof Ribsskog (107)
- Bernhoft-slekten (1)
- Bernt Jebsen (1)
- Bernt M. Winness (1)
- Bernt Størsrud (Seniorkonsulent i UD) (2)
- Bertelsmann (164)
- Bertelsmann Arvato (43)
- Bertelsmann Arvatos Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation (220)
- Bertelsmann Foundation (2)
- Bertelsmann Norge-ansatte? (1)
- Bertha Olsdatter (1)
- Berthas (1)
- Bertie Carter (Fra Facebook) (1)
- Bertil (fra Sand) (3)
- Bertil Eastwood (5)
- Bertine Zetlitz (3)
- Bertlsman (fra irc) (1)
- Beskyttede navn (1)
- Best Western (3)
- Besteforeldrene til Eva Olsen (4)
- Bestemor Ingeborg er nok lik 'hovedtullern' (1)
- Bestemor Ingeborg pleide å ha maleriutstilling i Nevlunghavn hver sommer også i sommer enda hun var syk. Hm (2)
- Bestemor Ingeborg R.I.P. (1)
- Bestemor Ågot (3)
- Bestemora til Vibeke Kjølstad som jobba i sportsbutikk i Svelvik (1)
- Betalingspåminnelse (1)
- Betina (Rimi-butikksjef) (2)
- BETO A/S (1)
- Better Globe (1)
- Bettina Eilertsen (1)
- Bettina Leynaud Aller (1)
- Beverøya Camping (1)
- BI (19)
- BI Nydalen (2)
- (1)
- Biafra-krigen (1)
- Bibelen (1)
- Bibliotek (3)
- Biblioteket i Clinton Wisconsin (1)
- Biblioteket i Drammen (5)
- Biblioteket i Hadsel (1)
- Biblioteket i Nevlunghavn (2)
- Biblioteket i Porsgrunn (2)
- Biblioteket i Sunderland (1)
- Bibliotektorget (2)
- Bidet (1)
- Bier (2)
- Bifrost (3)
- Big Bang (1)
- Big Brother (6)
- Big Cat (2)
- Big Mac (3)
- Big Mac-indeksen (1)
- Big One (1)
- Bil (15)
- BIL-posten (1)
- bilag 2. wad dukker opp på grandiosa disk siden og skal diktere innholdet enda han ikke er int i hva grand inneholder (1)
- Bilbane (1)
- Bilbao (1)
- Bilde-arbeid (1)
- Bilder (1)
- Bilder og videoer fra Blackpool (1)
- Bilder og videoer fra Blundellsands og Crosby (2)
- Bilderberg-gruppen (3)
- Bilderberger Group (56)
- Bilderberger Siv (4)
- (1)
- Bildeserier (4)
- Biler (30)
- Biler som står lenge på tomgang utafor vinduet mitt (1)
- Bilfri Dag (1)
- Bilia (1)
- Biljard (5)
- Biljardhallen (på Skårer) (4)
- Bilka (2)
- Bill 'show Owl/Devil/Bohemian Groove sign' Clinton (3)
- Bill & Ted (1)
- Bill Clinton (3)
- Bill Gates (17)
- Bill Kenwright (1)
- Bille August (1)
- Bille-slekten (1)
- Billetto (1)
- Billi (Rimi sin maskot) (1)
- Billie Eilish (2)
- Billing (5)
- Billingstad (6)
- Billingstadsletta (9)
- Billingstadsletta 22 (5)
- Billy Idol (2)
- Billy Joel (1)
- Bilulykken på Bygdøy i 2008 (2)
- Bilulykker (9)
- Bin Laden (1)
- Binders (4)
- Bing (9)
- Bingen-slekten (3)
- Bingobransjen (1)
- Biografi om Bernhof Ribsskog av John H. Stamnes (20)
- Biografier (2)
- Biologisk mangfold i Spydeberg kommune : handlingsplan 1995-2007 (1)
- Bioteknologiloven (1)
- Bipollen (2)
- Birds Eye (1)
- Birger Jarl (2)
- Birger Mogan (1)
- Birger Stub Aune (1)
- Birger Thorhallsson (3)
- Birgit Gade Høksaas (3)
- Birgit Mogan (Min farmors mor) (37)
- Birgitte Bøe (lillesøster av Anette Bøe) (3)
- Birgitte Engebretsen (adm. dir. i Telenor) (1)
- Birgitte Humblen (min stesøster Christell sin kusine) (1)
- Birgitte Ribsskog (8)
- Birgitte Seierstad (3)
- Birka (1)
- Birkebeinerhytta (6)
- Birkebeinerne (1)
- Birkebeinerrittet (1)
- Birkelunden (5)
- Birken (1)
- Birkenhead (5)
- Birkenhead Benefit Centre (7)
- Birmingham (4)
- Birol 'Birre' Kilinc (fra #quiz-show) (1)
- Biseth-slekten (1)
- Biskopen i Tunsberg (8)
- Biskoper (1)
- Bislett (21)
- Bislett Games (1)
- Bislett Kebab House (6)
- Bislett stadion (1)
- Bisnode (56)
- (1)
- Bitcoin (2)
- Bitcoins (3)
- Bitpro (3)
- Bittorrent (1)
- Bjarne Brekke Pettersen (2)
- Bjarne Hjort (6)
- Bjarne Håkon Hanssen (1)
- Bjarne Magnus Ribsskog (min morfars fetter) (5)
- Bjarne Ribsskog (15)
- Bjarnhild Ribsskog (min firemenning) (3)
- Bjerke Travbane (1)
- Bjerkelunden (1)
- Bjerkely folkehøyskole (1)
- Bjerkøya (5)
- Bjerregaards gate (5)
- Bjorn Again (1)
- Bjugn? (2)
- Bjørg Bråten (3)
- Bjørg Eva Jensen (2)
- Bjørg Mogan (min fars kusine) (4)
- Bjørg Ribsskog Kjendlie (min mors tremenning) (7)
- Bjørg Weman (5)
- Bjørg Aaseby (1)
- Bjørge (butikk i Svelvik) (2)
- Bjørgvin Kirkesangerforbund (1)
- Björk (1)
- Bjørknes privatgymnas (5)
- Bjørn (1)
- Bjørn 'Sandbu Tepper' Havre (6)
- Bjørn Ancona (1)
- Bjørn Ancona Holter (6)
- Bjørn Andre Nikolaisen (5)
- Bjørn Andreassen (1)
- Bjørn Arild (Som var sammen med Wenche som bodde på Ungbo) (1)
- Bjørn Arild Holshagen (6)
- Bjørn Dæhli (1)
- Bjørn Eidsvåg (2)
- Bjørn Erik (kamerat av David Hjort) (8)
- Bjørn Erik Tveiten (2)
- Bjørn Falchenberg (1)
- Bjørn Gjøstøl (1)
- Bjørn Glenne Johansen (2)
- Björn Halldórsson aka. Sjutten (En som tuller med meg på irc) (11)
- Bjørn Harald Brunmark (min fars tremenning) (1)
- Bjørn Helge Kjøsnes (Cathrine Gran sin ektemann) (1)
- Bjørn Hovland (Fra Svelvik og Oslo og Horten?) (12)
- Bjørn Humblen (61)
- Bjørn Håvard Winnem (2)
- Bjørn Jarle Hanssen (leder NITH) (2)
- Bjørn Jonas Ulvund (Virker som å være en ved nick Bjirn som trakasserer meg på (2)
- Bjørn K. Bore ( (1)
- Bjørn Kjendalen (2)
- Bjørn Kolby (Leder juridisk avdeling i LO) (10)
- Bjørn Larssen (1)
- Bjørn Morisse (1)
- Bjørn Ribsskog (64)
- Bjørn Ribsskog sin slektsforskning (1)
- Björn Rosengren (1)
- Bjørn Rune Gjelsten (3)
- Bjørn Stephensen (en kompanjong av min tipptippoldefar Anker Heegaard) (3)
- Bjørn Thoresen (1)
- Bjørn Ullestad (samboer med min fars kusine og butikksjef for Kiwi Ål) (1)
- Bjørn Vegar Solheim (1)
- Bjørn Winnem (2)
- Bjørn-Arild Holshagen (1)
- Bjørn-Arne Ødegaard (1)
- Bjørnar (låseansvarlig Rimi Kalbakken) (5)
- Bjørnar Gjøstøl (2)
- Bjørndal (27)
- Bjørner Holshagen (1)
- Bjørnheim borettslag (1)
- Bjørnland-slekten (1)
- Bjørns bilrekvisita (1)
- Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (4)
- Bjørnør (tidligere kommune i Trøndelag) (1)
- Bjørvika (1)
- blablabot (20)
- Black (1)
- Black Adder (4)
- Black Friday (5)
- Black Lives Matter (10)
- Black Lives Matter Global Network (1)
- Blackberry (1)
- Blackburn (1)
- Blackjack (1)
- Blackpool (6)
- Blackpool-tårnet (4)
- Blackrock (1)
- Blackwater (3)
- Bladcentralen (5)
- Bladet Vesterålen (6)
- Bladkompaniet (2)
- Bladkongen (7)
- Blakstad (26)
- Blakstad sinnsykehus (21)
- Ble forsøkt henrettet på Løvås Gård i 2005 (15)
- Ble kasta ut (1)
- Ble min mormor Ingeborg Ribsskog myrdet av noe mob/mafia? (1)
- Bleken-slekten (15)
- Blekingstøen (5)
- Blekk til printer (4)
- Blichfeldt-slekten (2)
- Blikk (6)
- Blikkenslagere (1)
- Blindeforbundet (1)
- Blindern (14)
- Blindern i Enebakk (1)
- Blindeskrift (1)
- Blindvann (8)
- Blink (3)
- Blink 182 (2)
- Blir brukt som 'target-guy' av myndighetene (1)
- Blir Erik tulla med av noe britisk sivilpoliti/etterettning? (1)
- Blir etterkommere av Benjamin-stammen tullet med? (3)
- Blir nektet å søke asyl til Storbritannia av the Home Office siden jeg er fra et europeisk land (3)
- Blir nordiske damer misbrukt som del av en New World Order agenda? (1)
- Blir tullet med av etterettning/underverden? (3)
- Blir vanlige folk uvitende brukt som spioner/target-guys av politiet? (1)
- Blitt brukt som noe spion/target-guy av politiet? (1)
- Blitz (22)
- (1)
- Blix (Diskotek på Strømsø i Drammen) (2)
- Blix (musikklærer Svelvik ungdomsskole) (7)
- Blix Gym (i Drammen) (2)
- Blix-slekten (4)
- Blodhevn/vendetta (2)
- Blodlinjer (1)
- Blodtype 0 (5)
- Blodtype 0- (3)
- Blodtype 00 (1)
- Blodtyper (3)
- (4)
- (3)
- blogg (153)
- Blogg-design (5)
- Blogg-reklame (1)
- Blogg-sletting (1)
- (5)
- Bloggdesign (2)
- Bloggen 'Bevisste Borgere av Norge' (5)
- Bloggen 'Hva mainstream media ikke forteller' (1)
- Blogger (91)
- Blogger Backup Utility (2)
- Blogger Stats (7)
- Bloggers kommentar-gadget (1)
- Blogging (7)
- Blogglesere som har utvilklet et nærmest manisk forhold til johncons-blogg (1)
- Blogglisten (1)
- (1)
- Bloggpost 'Trakassering på nettet' (1)
- Bloggposter (5)
- Bloggrevyen (1)
- Blokksberg (1)
- Blombakken (3)
- Blombakken (i Nevlunghavn) (16)
- Blombakken 9 (8)
- Blommenholm (5)
- Blomster (5)
- Blomster-Finn (3)
- Blomsterhagen (restaurant på Grand hotel i Larvik) (1)
- Blondie (1)
- Blondinnevitser. (6)
- Blu-Tack (4)
- Blue Kipper (19)
- Blue Monk (14)
- Blue Oyster (1)
- Bluesnap (2)
- Bluestep (1)
- Bluetooth (2)
- Blur (2)
- Bløff (Larvik-band) (4)
- Blå (3)
- Blå Kors Fredrikstad (1)
- Blå-hvite varer (1)
- Blåbussen (til Vålerenga-fansen) (2)
- Blaafarveværket (1)
- Blågårds Plads (i København) (2)
- Blåruss (1)
- BN Bank (12)
- BNP (British Nationalist Party) (3)
- Bo-Konsulenten A/S (3)
- Board Company (1)
- Bob Dylan (2)
- Bob Geldof (1)
- Bobby McFerrin (1)
- Bodil Aune f. Rinnan (min mors tremenning sin kone) (4)
- Bodil Dørumsgard (3)
- Bodil Haavik (fra Facebook-gruppen: 'Du vet du kommer fra Berger når.........') (2)
- Bodil Haavik (fra Facebook-gruppen: 'Du vet du kommer fra Berger når....') (3)
- Bodil Koch (1)
- Bodil Winnem (4)
- Bodybuilding (21)
- (2)
- (10)
- Bodø (3)
- Bodø Energi Kraftsalg (2)
- Bodø-Glimt (1)
- Boechera holboellii (1)
- Boeing (1)
- Boel Marie Knem Christie (min fars tremenning) (2)
- Bofelleskap (1)
- Bogerud Tekstil (1)
- Bognor Regis Town (1)
- Bogstad Camping (2)
- Bogstadveien (5)
- Bogstadveien spesialskole (12)
- Bohemer (5)
- Bohemian Groove (10)
- Bokanmeldelse (3)
- Bokerøya (4)
- Bokhylla (14)
- Bokklubben (1)
- Bokmerker (1)
- Bokmål (Riksmål) og nynorsk er konstruerte språk (3)
- Boksalg (1)
- Bolig (17)
- Boligbistand (Bærum kommune) (39)
- Bolighuset Matsenter (1)
- (1)
- Bomb The Bass (2)
- Bombay-eksplosjonen (1)
- Bombeangrepene mot Boston Marathon (1)
- Bombetrusler (1)
- Bommestad (1)
- Bomser (1)
- Bon Jovi (2)
- Bon Prix (5)
- (1)
- Bondefangeri (1)
- Bondegårder (1)
- Bondeheimen (1)
- Bondekona Sand (3)
- Bondelaget (1)
- (1)
- Boney M (2)
- Bonfire Night (4)
- Bonnie Tyler (7)
- Bonnier (70)
- Bonprix (8)
- Boot Boys (1)
- Bootle (4)
- Boots (7)
- Boozt (2)
- Borchgreving-slekten (2)
- Bordtennis (5)
- Bordtennis/sjakk (valgfag på Svelvik ungdomsskole) (6)
- Borettslaget (2)
- Borg Forsikring AS (1)
- Borgaren (3)
- Borge gård i Våle (2)
- Borgen-slekten (3)
- Borgerbrev (1)
- Borgeren (1)
- Borgerkrig i Norge (4)
- Borgermesteren i Frederiksberg (1)
- Borgerrettigheter (2)
- (2)
- Borgheim (18)
- Borghild Andreassen (1)
- Borghild Nilsen Mogan (min grandtante som døde et år gammel i Våle) (1)
- Borgund kirke (1)
- Boris Gleb (1)
- Boris Johnson (1)
- Boris Skjegstad (1)
- Borjer'n (1)
- BOS (Berger og Svelvik O-lag) (4)
- Bosch (2)
- Bosch callsenter i Liverpool (Lufthansa) (3)
- Bosh (1)
- Bosporos-stredet (1)
- Boston (1)
- Bostøtte (22)
- Bot-er (1)
- Bot-shell (8)
- Botanisk hage (på Tøyen) (1)
- Botanisk have i København (4)
- Botsparken (på Grønland) (1)
- Bouncer4you (19)
- Bournemouth (15)
- Bournemouth Arts University (3)
- Bowling (1)
- Bowlinga på Åssida i Drammen (3)
- Bradford (2)
- Bradley Cooper (2)
- Braemar (13)
- Brage Mogstad (3)
- Bragernes (14)
- Bragernes Torg (7)
- Brain Police (1)
- Brainstorming (2)
- Brambanigården (1)
- Brand Foods (1)
- Brandbu (1)
- Brann (3)
- Brannalarmen gikk i bygningen (1)
- Brannvesenet i Drammen (2)
- Brannvesenet i Liverpool (1)
- Brasil (4)
- Brasserie Costa (i Klingenberggata) (1)
- Braun (3)
- Brave New World (1)
- Brazilian guy that was killed by the Police in London (2)
- Breaking Benjamin (1)
- Bredbånd (8)
- Bredbå (1)
- Bredbåndstelefon (1)
- Brede Hangeland (1)
- Brede Randen (2)
- Breeders (1)
- Breiangen (6)
- Breidablikk (3)
- Breitholtz-slekten (2)
- Breivik-slekten (2)
- Brekke (1)
- Brekke (i Ytre Sogn) (1)
- Brekke gård (på Berger) (4)
- Brekke-familien (9)
- Brekke-slekten (13)
- Brekkerock (1)
- Brenneriveien (6)
- Brenneriveien 9 (2)
- Brev (1219)
- Brevik (5)
- Brevik Historielag (3)
- Breville (1)
- Brexit (6)
- Brian Walters (2)
- Bricen-slekten (3)
- Bridge (3)
- Briggen 'Baldur' (som forsvant på vei til Grønland) (1)
- Bright Eyes (1)
- Brightcom Group (1)
- Brighton (143)
- Brighton Teachers Association (1)
- Brilleland (6)
- Briller (1)
- Bring (5)
- Briskeby (2)
- Briskebyveien (1)
- Brisner (fra Geværkompaniet) (26)
- Brisner-slekten (1)
- Brit 'Bibbi' Ribsskog Schøyen (6)
- Brit (Fra OBS Triaden) (7)
- Brit Andrea Hansen (1)
- Brit Gagnås (2)
- Brita Svenske (min tipp x 7 oldemor) (1)
- Britannia (1)
- Britene lager filmer med navn som 'Erik the Viking' men Merseyside-politiet 'tror' at Erik er et jentenavn. (1)
- Briter kresne/snobbete/vanskelig når det gjelder å forstå utlendlinger som prater engelsk (1)
- British Airways (1)
- British Expats (8)
- British Museum (1)
- British Telecom (32)
- Britisk førerkort (2)
- Britisk politikk (1)
- Britisk presse (2)
- Britisk YouTube (1)
- Britiske myndigheter (1)
- Britney Spears (3)
- Britt Ystebø (Rådgiver i ANSA) (4)
- Britt-Kirsten Skarpsno (Kristian Kvehaugens ekskone) (2)
- Britta Månsdotter Jønson Pukehorn (f. Tre Rosor av Horshaga) (1)
- brix (fra irc) (1)
- Brodtkorb-slekten (1)
- Broks-slekten (1)
- Bromborough (1)
- Bronsealderen (2)
- Brooklyn (2)
- Bror til Cathrine Gran fra Stavern? (1)
- Bros (1)
- Brosjyre (3)
- Broth (1)
- Bruce Springsteen (5)
- Brudd på EØS-avtalen (15)
- Brudepar (1)
- Brugata (2)
- Bruker John Doe som skriver kommentarer på johncons-blogg (1)
- Brukerklagenemnda for elektronisk kommunikasjon (6)
- Brukervennlighet (2)
- Brumark (3)
- Brumark-slekten (2)
- Brummer-slekten (3)
- Brumming/snerring når man prater (1)
- Brumunddal (10)
- Brun (fra militæret) (1)
- Brundtland-slekten (1)
- Brunei (4)
- Brunla gård (1)
- Brunlandnes (2)
- Brunlanes (43)
- Brunlanes frikirke (1)
- Brunlanes sparebank (1)
- Brunmark (12)
- Brunmark-slekten (35)
- Brunmark/Brumark-slekten (2)
- Brunmark/Brunnmark-slekten (1)
- Brunmark/Olsen-slekten (4)
- Brunstad Stevnested (5)
- Brus (1)
- Bruserud-slekten (9)
- Brusk (Som bodde på the Forge. University of Sunderland) (47)
- Brusk Seliman (3)
- Brussel (4)
- Brustad-buer/søndagsåpne butikker (4)
- Bruttonasjonalprodukt (1)
- Bryggeriforeningen (1)
- Bryggeveien 4 på Berger (1)
- Bryggeåsen (på Berger) (1)
- Bryllup (13)
- Brymbo Man (1)
- Bryn (4)
- Bryn Senter (1)
- Brynhild Bleken (1)
- Brynhild Ribsskog (min morfars kusine) (6)
- Brynjulf Ribsskog Bleken (min mors tremenning) (3)
- Brynjulv Bleken (2)
- Brüno (1)
- Brynseng (1)
- Brystløft-operasjon (1)
- Brød (4)
- Brødboksen (1)
- Brødrene Dal (1)
- BRØL (Bergers Reisende Øl Lag) (1)
- Brønnøysundregisteret (30)
- Brønnøysunds Avis (1)
- Braanaas-slekten (4)
- Braanaassletta (1)
- BT (1)
- BT (dansk avis) (5)
- BT ToGo (1)
- (33)
- (2)
- Bud (30)
- Budapest (2)
- Budbransjen (1)
- Buddha (1)
- Buddhisme (1)
- Buddy Stokmarknes (2)
- Budsjett (314)
- Budstikka (12)
- Budtjenster (1)
- Buenos Aires (2)
- Bugs (7)
- Bukkene bruse (1)
- Buksestrikk (1)
- BUL (1)
- Bulgaria (2)
- Bullen-familien (11)
- Bullen-slekten (26)
- Bullen/Boleyn/Bulin-slekten (1)
- Bumper (12)
- Bunad (1)
- Bunader (3)
- Bunnpris (27)
- Bunnpris Bislett (1)
- Bunnpris Buran (3)
- Bunnpris Lambertseter (2)
- Bunnpris Nylænde (4)
- Bunnpris Sofies gate (4)
- Bunnpris Therese gate (3)
- Bunnpris Thorvald Meyers gate (2)
- BurGeR (fra irc) (1)
- Burger King (62)
- Burger King Corporation (USA) (2)
- Burger King Klingenberg (18)
- Burger King Nygata (1)
- Burgere (1)
- Burma/Myanmar (1)
- Bursdager (10)
- Burt Reynolds (1)
- Burton (3)
- Burud-slekten (3)
- Bury (1)
- Bush (1)
- Business Management Association (4)
- Buskerud (38)
- Buskerud Begravelsesbyrå (2)
- Buskerud folkehøgskole (2)
- Buskerud Fotballkrets (1)
- Buskerud Fylkeskommune (37)
- Buskerud Storsenter (1)
- Buskerud tingrett (6)
- Buskeruds Blad (8)
- Buss (4)
- Buss-skur (1)
- Bussburger'n (1)
- Bussterminalen (2)
- Butikkdrift (15)
- Butikken på Sand (6)
- Butikker som har en egen 'Brustad-bu-del' som kun er åpen på søndager (1)
- Butikkledelse (2)
- Butikksjef Johan (Rimi Bjørndal år 2003) (13)
- Butikksjefer (1)
- Butikktyveri (1)
- Butt-slekten (1)
- Buxton (1)
- Byarkivet i Oslo (1)
- Byavisa Drammen (1)
- Bygdeborger (1)
- Bygdehistorie for Rælingen (1)
- Bygdeposten (2)
- Bygdø Kongsgård (5)
- Bygdøy (4)
- Bygdøy allé (6)
- Bygdøy Sjøbad (1)
- Bygg og Interiør A/S (5)
- Byggearbeid (2)
- Byggeportalen (1)
- Byggesett (1)
- Bygging av PC (1)
- ByggMax (2)
- Byggmester Frank Føll AS (2)
- Byggmester Neteland (1)
- Byggmester Nils Gundersen (1)
- Bygninger (1)
- Byporten-senteret (4)
- Byrådet (1)
- Byråkrater/myndigheter som oppfører seg som om de skriver 'Nigeria-brev' på fritiden (4)
- Byråkrati (7)
- Byskogen sykehjem (i Larvik) (1)
- Bysykler (i Oslo) (1)
- Bytting? (3)
- Bækkelaget (3)
- Bærepose-skatt (2)
- Bæreposer (5)
- Bæringen (2)
- Bærum (495)
- Bærum kommune (104)
- Bærum sykehus (3)
- Bærum Vaksinesenter (10)
- Bærums Værk (1)
- Bærums-klyser (2)
- Bærums-sosser (1)
- Bø (Fra militæret og Skotbu) (6)
- Bø (i Vesterålen) (1)
- Bø Blad (3)
- Bø i Telemark (11)
- Böe (1)
- Bøe-slekten (1)
- Bøhmer (3)
- Bøkedampen ('tøffetog' i Larvik) (1)
- Bøkekroa (1)
- Bøkelia (4)
- Bøkelia Vel (1)
- Bøker (262)
- Bøkeskogen i Larvik (15)
- Bøler (3)
- Bøleråsen (1)
- Bønder (11)
- Børge Brende (2)
- Børre Nikolaisen (min stefar Arne Thomassen sin fetter) (7)
- Børøya (3)
- Børøybrua (som visstnok min morfar Johannes Ribsskog fikk bygget) (5)
- Børøysund (1)
- Baard Berge (Ved politiet i Oslo) (12)
- Bård Folke Fredriksen (1)
- Bård Hoksrud (1)
- Bård Kaste aka. Thor Kaste Dahl (2)
- Baard Ribsskog Schøyen (19)
- Bård Tufte Johanssen (6)
- Bårdars danseinstitutt (4)
- Båter (9)
- Båtliv (7)
- Båtulykker (1)
- Bååt-slekten (3)
- C-gjengen (1)
- C-view (1)
- (1)
- Cadbury (1)
- Cadbury Caslte (1)
- Cafe Fiasco (1)
- Cafe Jebsen (3)
- Cafe Leonel (2)
- Cafe Lyche (2)
- Cafe Picasso (i Drammen) (1)
- Cafe Risto (i Drammen) (1)
- Cafe Saga (1)
- Cafe Sara (1)
- Cafe Sjakk Matt (2)
- Cafe Skansen (5)
- Cafe Sør (1)
- Cafena (kafe i Larvik) (1)
- Calais (1)
- Calcutta (1)
- California (6)
- Callsenter (1)
- Camden (2)
- Camel Club (2)
- Camelot (1)
- Camila Cabello (1)
- Camilla 'Niesa til Mengele' Kjus Elle (2)
- Camilla Ancona (4)
- Camilla Christie (min firemenning som er gift med kronprinsens kamerat) (5)
- Camilla Knatvold (1)
- Camilla Sevland (1)
- Camilla Skriung (38)
- Camilla Stephansen (kona til Erik Ree) (1)
- Camilla Stoltenberg (3)
- Campari (1)
- Camping (1)
- Campingbiler (1)
- Can Can (2)
- Canada (27)
- Canal + (1)
- Canal Digital (7)
- Canica (13)
- (9)
- Cannabis (1)
- Cannons (12)
- Capgemini Norge (1)
- Capital One (15)
- (8)
- Carl Berner (10)
- Carl Bildt (2)
- Carl E. Paulsen (Billedhugger fra Tønsberg) (1)
- Carl Edvard Ernst (1)
- Carl Frederik Tietgen (2)
- Carl Fredrik Fallan (64)
- Carl Hiaasen (2)
- Carl I. Hagen (6)
- Carl Marius Pay (1)
- Carl Otto Grønli (10)
- Carl Petter Holböll (13)
- Carl Steensen-Leth (min tipptippoldemor Maren Gjedde sin svoger) (2)
- Carl-Otto Grønli (8)
- Carla Bruni (2)
- Carlisle (1)
- Carlsberg (3)
- Carmen (Fra OBS Triaden) (9)
- Carolina (ferskvareansvarlig Rimi Kalbakken) (8)
- Carolina Øines (2)
- Caroline Berg Eriksen (1)
- Caroline Ellingsen Hustad (4)
- Caroline Hagerup (7)
- Caroline Knem Christie (min firemenning) (1)
- Carphone Warehouse (7)
- Carry (fra USA) (7)
- Carsten Borchgrevink (1)
- Carter USM (1)
- Casa Leonardo Gulskogen Senter (en gavebutikk som min stesøster Christell jobba i på slutten av 80-tallet) (12)
- Casa Renhold (1)
- Castenschiold-slekten (1)
- Castle St. (1)
- Castupload (1)
- Catacloud (1)
- Catalonia (2)
- Catatonia (1)
- Catering Oslo AS (1)
- Catharina Dørumsgard (1)
- Catharina Dørumsgard (Fra Svelvik) (8)
- Catharina Wagner (min tipp x 7 oldemor) (2)
- Cathiz (fra #sol.20ognoe på irc) (1)
- Cathrine 'Linjaldama' Henriksen Husemoen f. Henriksen (4)
- Cathrine (fra Rimi Karlsrud) (1)
- Cathrine Flatum Thrane (1)
- Cathrine Gran (40)
- Cathrine Gran sin lillebror (født cirka 1972) (5)
- Cathrine Gran? (6)
- Cathrine Henriksen Husemoen f. Henriksen (1)
- Cathrine Himberg (min stesøster Christell sin kusine) (1)
- Cathrine Huitfeldt (13)
- Cathrine Løvdahl (6)
- Cato Harviken (1)
- Cavern Pub (3)
- Cavern Walks (2)
- Cbox (1)
- CC (Cash and Carry) i Drammen (3)
- CC Brakerøya (17)
- CC Colosseum Stormarked Oslo (1)
- CC Cowboys (5)
- CC Drammen (12)
- CC Elektro (4)
- CC Mart'n (1)
- CC Matsenter (15)
- CC Møbler (1)
- CC Storkjøp (151)
- CC Vest (2)
- CC Water (3)
- CCCS (53)
- CDI (3)
- CDON (75)
- Cecilia Elisabeth Strøm (Som har Arvato Liverpool sin Facebook-side) (6)
- Cecilia Wahl f. Rosati (3)
- Cecilie Anvik (2)
- Cecilie Anvik-Hemmestad (2)
- Cecilie Caroline Waade (Thomas Seltzer sin kone som er psykolog) (1)
- Cecilie Gran (9)
- Cecilie Hyde (223)
- Cecilie Høstland (1)
- Cecilie Høstland (Fra Trøndelag. Som jeg kontaktet angående slektsforskning) (3)
- Cecilie Jebsen (1)
- Cecilie Molvær Jørgensen (5)
- Cecilie Schilling (1)
- Cecilie Stoltz (1)
- Cecilie Thoresens vei (på Lambertseter) (2)
- Cecilie. Kassadame på Rimi Kalbakken (8)
- Celeron (1)
- Celina Middelfart (2)
- Celine Johansen (dattera til Laila Johansen) (1)
- Céline Louise Müller (3)
- Celine Maktabi (1)
- Celtic (1)
- Censorship by the company Orkla on Norwegian Wikipedia (7)
- Centrum Legesenter AS (1)
- Cerebral parese (1)
- Cesar (1)
- Chabrol Opera Hotel (2)
- Champions League (3)
- Chang øl (2)
- Channel +1 (1)
- Channel Five (2)
- Channel Four (3)
- Chaos Computer Club (1)
- Chaplin (katten til ei nabodame av meg på St. Hanshaugen) (2)
- Charlatans (1)
- Charlene (1)
- Charles de Gaulle flyplass (1)
- Charlie Hebdo (6)
- Charlot Grymyr Jansen (3)
- Charlotte (fra Rimi Nylænde) (3)
- Charlotte Amélie de La Trémoïlle (1)
- Charlotte Cathrine Cathala (f. Fog) (1)
- Charlotte Cosmetic (5)
- Charlotte Gjedde (1)
- Charlotte kosmetikk (8)
- Charlotte Liljegren (22)
- Charlotte Marie Sveistrup (min tippx4-oldemor) (1)
- Charlotte Pia (1)
- Charlotte Thorstvedt (2)
- Charlotte von Geidern (4)
- Charlotte von Geldern (9)
- Charlotte von Geldern (I den 'nye' Gjedde-slekten. Søsteren min Pia Charlotte Ribsskog oppkalt etter?) (5)
- Charter-Svein (1)
- Chat (17)
- Chat-boter (7)
- ChatGPT (8)
- ChatGPT? (2)
- Chating (1)
- Chatti/Hessen/Keith-stammen/klanen (1)
- Chatting (4)
- Chav-kulturen (1)
- Checkpoint (1)
- Cheerleadere (1)
- Cheez Doodles (1)
- Chelsea (2)
- Chemical Brothers (2)
- Chemtrails (1)
- Cherbourg (2)
- Cherries Horley (2)
- cheshire (6)
- Cheshire West and Chester Council (1)
- Chess (1)
- Chester (29)
- Chester LSC (1)
- Chevrolet (1)
- Chicago (6)
- Chili (14)
- Chili mobil (6)
- Chimera (fra irc) (10)
- Chinatown Expressen (9)
- Chinatown-expressen Eiksmarka (27)
- Chistell Humblen (2)
- Chris (fra Rimi Bjørndal) (3)
- Chris Baines (3)
- Chris De Burgh (1)
- Chris Isaak (1)
- Chris Kenneth Giske (1)
- Chris Nicol (1)
- Chrissie Hynde (1)
- Christel Fallan (1)
- Christell 'Gullet' Humblen (2)
- Christell 40 år (2)
- Christell er bergenser (1)
- Christell Humblen (1079)
- Christell Humblen ser på mennesker som leketøy? (1)
- Christell Humlen (1)
- Christell som Ole Brumm (1)
- Christen Krogh (rektor OsloMet) (1)
- Christen Rød (min tipptippoldemor Gunild Olsdatter sin arbeidsgiver på Røedgårdene i Hurum (1)
- Christen Rød (min tipptippoldemor Gunild Olsdatter sin arbeidsgiver på Røedgårdene i Hurum) (1)
- Christen Sveaas (3)
- Christen Tømmermand (Sadolin) (1)
- Christensen-familien (fra Østre Halsen) (1)
- Christensen-slekten (fra Østre Halsen) (4)
- Christer Almquist (advokat) (2)
- Christer Sandum (5)
- Christer Tromsdal (2)
- Christian Bråttum (5)
- Christian Frederik Neve (dansk lege) (1)
- Christian Føyn Robak (3)
- Christian Grønli (146)
- Christian Hertzberg (2)
- Christian Jebsen (3)
- Christian Kroghs gate (1)
- Christian Lemika Grunnfoss (3)
- Christian Levorson Tollum (1)
- Christian Linge (1)
- Christian Radich (1)
- Christian Rene Wold (3)
- Christian Samuelsen (Administrerende direktør i Klassekampen) (2)
- Christian Sulheim (3)
- Christian Thode Otto (fra Grunerløkka-klassen som min klasse var på Barnas Gård sammen med) (2)
- Christian Tybring-Gjedde (10)
- Christian Valdemar Nyholm (1)
- Christian von Harling (2)
- Christian Wagner (min 8 x tippoldefar) (2)
- Christian Ødegaard (1)
- Christianfjeld Festning (1)
- Christianssands Tidende (1)
- Christianssandsposten (1)
- Christie-slekten (4)
- Christies Gate (19)
- Christin Røisland (9)
- Christina Aguilera (1)
- Christina Brynteson (Fra Rimi Langhus) (7)
- Christina Moestue f. Ribsskog (min tremenning) (10)
- Christina Møller Austad (3)
- Christine Hansen (Fra Arvato) (14)
- Christine Leborg f. Wangberg (9)
- Christine Leborg f. Wangberg (min firemenning) (5)
- Christine Muggerud f. Bruun Olsen ('Ungane til Runar' sin kusine) (3)
- Christine Næss Ingebrigtsen (4)
- Christine Surlien (5)
- Christmas-spirit king from Norway (1)
- Christoffer Hafsahl (1)
- Christoffer Jebsen (1)
- Christoffer Limkjær (min halvbror?) (4)
- Christoffer Schaug (2)
- Christopher (fra University of Sunderland) (2)
- Christopher de Paus (2)
- Christopher Jebsen (2)
- Christopher Mervyn Young (1)
- Christopher Mørch Husby (1)
- Chrome (7)
- Chromecast (1)
- Chronos (1)
- Church St. Liverpool (4)
- Chvrches (12)
- CIA (32)
- CIA eller andre tuller med folk på nettet for å få de til å bli paranoide eller lignende (1)
- CIA hos Flicker? (3)
- CIA? (46)
- CIA/amerikanerne/Illuminati tuller med norske folk i Norge og i utlandet (1)
- Ciara Paige Bowling (1)
- Cilla fra #quiz-show (11)
- Cille (butikksjef Rimi Karlsrud rundt 1996/97) (3)
- Cindy Andresen (2)
- Cinity (på Sol.20ognoe) (1)
- Circle K (1)
- Cisas (7)
- Citizens Advice Bureau. (CAB). (31)
- Citti-Park Kiel (1)
- City of Brides (1)
- City Road (3)
- City Self-Storage (119)
- City Self-Storage Colosseum (7)
- Citycon (1)
- CityPass (2)
- Ciudad del Carmen (1)
- CJ Around the Sport (1)
- Claes I Breitholtz (min tippx6 oldefar) (2)
- Claes Ohlson (5)
- Claire (fra University of Sunderland) (4)
- Clan Moffat (1)
- Clanny House (2)
- Clare (Hos the Jobcentre Williamson Sq.) (2)
- Clas Ohlson (13)
- Clas Ohlson Bogstadveien (1)
- Claude Dorumsgaard (2)
- Claudia Brunmark (min farfars kusine) (4)
- Claudia Wakim (3)
- Claus (OBS Triaden) (8)
- Clausen-slekten (1)
- Clean Bandit (1)
- Cleopatra (2)
- Clicky (1)
- Clifford's Tower (2)
- Clinton Cards (1)
- Cliro (2)
- Clockwork Orange (1)
- Club Clas (1)
- Club Creo (4)
- Club Skansen (2)
- Clubcard (2)
- CNBC (1)
- CNN (7)
- CNN Norge (1)
- Cobway Effect (kunstig edderkoppspinn på boks) (2)
- Coca-Cola (24)
- Coca-Cola Zero (1)
- Cocoon (1)
- Cola (7)
- Coldplay (10)
- Colgate (4)
- Colin (Fetteren til Magne Winnem fra Swindon) (10)
- Colin Archer (1)
- Colin Dobinson (9)
- Collett (2)
- Collett-slekten (2)
- Colombia (1)
- Colony House (1)
- Color Fantasy (53)
- Color Line (37)
- Color Magic (33)
- Colors (film med Sean Penn) (1)
- Colosseum kino (2)
- Columbus (2)
- Columbus Club (på DFDS Crown Seaways) (3)
- Columbus Club (på DFDS Pearl Seaways) (1)
- ComforTable (1)
- (5)
- Commercial Credit Services (1)
- Commodore 128 (2)
- Commodore 64 (1)
- Commodore Amiga (2)
- Commonwealth (4)
- Community Legal Advice (3)
- Companies who treath people bad and makes me lose my temper. (1)
- Complaint Ica Norge (HR) (1)
- Complaint (2)
- Complaint on Facebook-representative (5)
- Complaint to Lufthansa (10)
- Complaint to the Mirror (1)
- Complaint to UKChatterbox (2)
- Complaint to YouTube (2)
- Computer People (1)
- ComputerSalg AS (16)
- (1)
- Concert Square (3)
- Concilia (7)
- Concorde (1)
- Concrete Blonde (1)
- Conecto (14)
- Connect Internet Solutions (3)
- Connexions-meeting (7)
- Connie (fra 'Danskebåten') (1)
- Connie Kolbjørnsæter (4)
- Contar AS (5)
- Cookie Consent widgets (3)
- Cookies (3)
- Coolshop (3)
- Coop (121)
- Coop Danmark (1)
- Coop Extra (8)
- Coop Extra Bekkestua Nord (22)
- Coop Extra Majorstua (3)
- Coop Extra Pilestredet Park (37)
- Coop Extra Slependen (4)
- Coop Extra Tveita (1)
- Coop Fakta (1)
- Coop Mega (1)
- Coop Mega Bekkestua (2)
- Coop Norge (1)
- Coop Prix (16)
- Coop Prix Bygdøy allé (1)
- Coop Prix Gimle (1)
- Coop Prix Hausmanns gate (2)
- Coop Prix Neuberg gate (3)
- Coop Prix Postgirobygget (3)
- Coop Prix Stokmarknes (1)
- Coop Prix VG-huset (4)
- Coop Prix Waldemar Thranes gate (9)
- Coop Øst-England (1)
- Coop-torget (på Bekkestua) (7)
- Copmanthorpe (1)
- Copperas Hill (2)
- Copyright (1)
- Copyright-infringement (3)
- Copyright-infringment (25)
- Cora (4)
- Corned Beef (1)
- Cornelis Vreeswijk (2)
- Cornershop (1)
- Cornwall (2)
- Corona (28)
- Corona-krisen (27)
- Corona-pandemien (84)
- Corona-sertifikat (2)
- Corona-test (3)
- Corona-vaksine (10)
- Corruption in government (1)
- Cort Adeler (101)
- Cort Adeler (En som slåss mot tyrkerne bl.a.) (4)
- Cort Adeler 400 år (1)
- Cort Adeler Selskabet (11)
- Cort Adelers 350 års-dag (1)
- Cort Adelers gate (5)
- Cosa Nostra (2)
- Cosa Nostra? (3)
- Costa Blanca (2)
- Cotton Exchange (1)
- Cotton House (5)
- Couchsurfing (1)
- Countryside (1)
- County Court (76)
- County Rd. (13)
- County Ward (valgkrets i Liverpool/Walton) (1)
- Courlux (4)
- Covent Garden (1)
- Cover-sanger (2)
- CPU-er (2)
- Cranberries (3)
- Crawley News (1)
- CreateSpace (96)
- CreatesSpace (1)
- Creativepool (1)
- (1)
- Credit Expert (2)
- Creditsafe (4)
- Cresco (3)
- Cricket (6)
- Crocs (1)
- Crowded House (1)
- Crowne Plaza Hotel Liverpool (1)
- Cruise (4)
- CSS (8)
- CSS3 (1)
- Cuba (1)
- Cubus (6)
- Cumulus It Solbraaveien 45 1383 Asker søker om at jeg skal være ettersøkt for drap på Google (1)
- Cunard (2)
- Cunard Building (50)
- Curling (1)
- Currys (7)
- Curse of Ham (13)
- Curve (2)
- Cutters (12)
- Cutters Bogstadveien (1)
- Cutters Oslo City (3)
- Cutters Parkveien (1)
- CV (185)
- CV - Erik Ribsskog (130)
- cxp (fra irc) (12)
- (1)
- Cyndi Lauper (1)
- Cypress Hill (1)
- D-dagen (2)
- D.U.M.B.s (1)
- D/S Børøysund (1)
- D2 (1)
- Da Capo (pizzarestaurant i Sande) (1)
- DAB (1)
- Dag Airlines (1)
- Dag Anders Rougseth (105)
- Dag Furuheim (17)
- Dag Harald Sand (2)
- Dag Lillethun (1)
- Dag og Tid (2)
- Dag Ribsskog (9)
- Dag Solstad (1)
- Dag Sørsdahl (Allergruppen) (1)
- Dagali (3)
- Dagbaldet (1)
- Dagbladet (176)
- Dagbladet aka. 'Davbla'(?) (1)
- Dagbladet Chat (1)
- Dagbladet online. (Kommentar til artikkel). (129)
- Dagbladet sin TV-guide (1)
- Dagbladet-chat (1)
- (584)
- Dagbladets kommentarsystem (160)
- Dagen (5)
- Dagens gatesanger i Matthew St. (8)
- Dagens Nyheter (1)
- Dagens Næringsliv (16)
- Dagfinn Høybråten (KRF) (1)
- Dagfinn Tveito (1)
- Dagligvarebransjen (281)
- Dagligvarehandelen (1)
- (1)
- (3)
- Dagningen (1)
- Dagny Holmsen (Min tremenning i Sverige) (9)
- Dagny Johanna Holmsen f. Fitjar (min tremenning) (1)
- Dagny Ribsskog Holmsen (31)
- Dagrofa (1)
- Dagsavisen (30)
- Dagsavisen - Rogalands Avis (1)
- Dagsavisen Fremtiden (16)
- (7)
- Dagsposten (3)
- Dagsposten Trønderen (1)
- Daily Mail (10)
- Daily Post (4)
- (1)
- Dal (1)
- Dal-net (37)
- Dalai Lama (1)
- Dalan Advokatfirma (1)
- Dale St. (40)
- Dalei Lama (2)
- Dalen (plass i Flesberg) (3)
- Dall-slekten (2)
- Dallas (4)
- Dallas-burger (1)
- Dalnet (3)
- (1)
- Dama til Erik Dahl (1)
- Dama til Glenn Hesler (fra Skedsmo VGS vel) (1)
- Damer (75)
- Damgaard-slekten (1)
- Dampskip (1)
- Damstoft-slekten (1)
- Dan Brown (2)
- Dan Børge Akerø (1)
- Dan Viggen (1)
- Dance with a Stranger (1)
- Dandelion and burdock (2)
- Dandellions Cheer Crew (1)
- Dandellions Cher Crew (1)
- Danevirke (1)
- Daniel (fra City Self-Storage Majorstua) (2)
- Daniel (fra Mandeville Street) (1)
- Daniel Berger (14)
- Daniel Fernaeus (2)
- Daniel Ribsskog (83)
- Daniel Wikslund (2)
- Danielle Kershaw (10)
- Danielle Morris (fra Arvato) (3)
- Danmark (477)
- Danmark-Norge (1)
- Danmarks Adels Aarbog (3)
- Danmarks Adels Aarbog 1965 (1)
- Danmarks plass (1)
- Danmarks Radio (3)
- Dans (2)
- Dansk (2)
- Dansk Adelsforening (50)
- Dansk Biografisk Leksikon (2)
- Dansk mafia i Oslo? (1)
- Dansk presse (1)
- Dansk Retursystem A/S (5)
- Dansk Samfund i Oslo (1)
- Dansk språk (3)
- Dansk undergrunn-nettverk/etterettning (1)
- Dansk Vestindia (2)
- Dansk? (2)
- Danskebåten (4)
- Danskebåten (TV-program) (2)
- Danskekongen (4)
- Dansker (1)
- Danvik Folkehøgskole (5)
- Daphnee (fra irc) (1)
- Dargdog (Alex) (4)
- Darkedog (Alex fra Torshov. Kamerat til Glenn Hesler) (3)
- darwin (fra irc) (1)
- Daryl Hall & John Oates (1)
- Dass/Dundas-slekten (1)
- Data (6)
- Data Matrix-kode (1)
- Dataklubben (i Svelvik på 80-tallet) (3)
- Datalinja (5)
- Datasikkerhet (59)
- Datatilsynet (4440)
- Datavirus (1)
- Datec (1)
- Datsun (1)
- Dattera til Hagen (10)
- Dataavdelingen på Terningmoen (3)
- Daut Kadriovski (3)
- Dave Vaughan (fra Reed) (1)
- David Arnold (1)
- David Bowie (5)
- David Ekroll (2)
- David Guetta & Bebe Rexha (1)
- David Harker. Chief Executive. Citizens Advice Bureau. (CAB). (20)
- David Hjort (210)
- David Hjort jr. (1)
- David Hjort sin lillebror (2)
- David Hume (skotsk filosof) (2)
- David Lee Roth (1)
- David Moyes (3)
- David Müller (min 5xtippoldefar) (2)
- David Scrimshaw (ektemann til min Arvato-kollega Katarina Murie) (1)
- David Toska (18)
- David Ulriksen (15)
- David Vogt (1)
- Davidstjerne (6)
- DDE (3)
- De blandede domstoler i Egypt (1)
- De danske Forsvarsbrødre (1)
- De Forenede Jernstøberier (1)
- De forente arabiske emirater (3)
- De forente arabiske emirater Ministry of Education and Youth (1)
- De frankiske annaler (1)
- De franske alpejegerne (1)
- De hvite bussene (1)
- De Lange-slekten (2)
- De Lillos (3)
- De norske myndighetene er noen svin (1)
- De rød-grønne (1)
- De svenske 'motorvei-tvillingene' (1)
- Death In Vegas (1)
- Debatt (1)
- Debattant Jens Petrus på Veggavisen hadde spes. laget 'New World Order' Avatar. På samme tiden som det var en org. trak. kamp. mot meg der (3)
- Debattant Jens Petrus sier vel her at prinsesse Märtha er under kontroll og blir misbrukt av Illuminati (New World Order). Det er min tolkning i hvertfall. (2)
- Debattforum (57)
- Debattinnlegg som forsvinner hos norske nettaviser. (1)
- Debbie Flett (1)
- Debenhams (2)
- Debet & Kredit (2)
- Debit og Kredit (1)
- Dedenroth-slekten (1)
- Dee (Byelven i Chester) (6)
- Deep3D (fra irc) (1)
- Defaitisme (1)
- Deftones (1)
- Degenereringens årtusen (26)
- Degos (bekjent av Cilla) (8)
- Deichman (1)
- Deichman Majorstua (11)
- (1)
- Deichmans gate (3)
- Deichmanske bibliotek i Oslo (22)
- Dekkoperasjon for å dekke over at politiet har brukt meg som 'target guy'? (3)
- Del/Følg (1)
- Deli de Luca (3)
- Deli de Luca Haslum (1)
- Delikat (1)
- Dell (1)
- Demaskulering (2)
- Democracy Norway (10)
- Democracy Norway Protest Day 2 (5)
- (1)
- Demokraten (2)
- Demokrati (1)
- Demonstrasjon (3)
- Den amerikanske ambassaden i Oslo (8)
- Den amerikanske borgerkrigen (1)
- Den amerikanske regjeringen (1)
- Den anglikanske kirke (1)
- Den arabiske naboen min i flat 2 (1)
- Den britiske ambassaden i Oslo (2)
- Den britiske overklassen (1)
- Den danske ambassaden i Oslo (5)
- Den danske arkitektforeningen (1)
- Den Danske Bank (2)
- Den danske marinen (1)
- Den danske ombudsmannen (5)
- Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstolen i Strasbourg (1)
- Den franske revolusjon (4)
- Den franske æreslegionen (2)
- Den Grønne Kanin (2)
- Den hellige gral? (4)
- Den internasjonale domstolen i Haag (4)
- Den italienske mafiaen (2)
- Den italienske mafiaen? (8)
- Den japanske yakuzaen? (5)
- Den jugoslaviske mafiaen (2)
- Den jødiske verdenskonspirasjonen (10)
- Den jødiske verdenskonspirasjonen? (6)
- Den kalde krigen (10)
- Den katolske katedralen i Liverpool (4)
- Den livlandske adelsforeningen (2)
- Den lokalhistoriske konsulent (1)
- Den mellomfolkelige domstolen i Haag (1)
- Den nordiske motstandsbevegelsen (1)
- Den nordiske passunion (4)
- Den norske ambassaden i København (8)
- Den norske ambassaden i London (19)
- Den norske ambassaden i London. (118)
- Den norske ambassaden i Madrid (8)
- Den norske ambassaden i Roma (1)
- Den norske ambassaden i Stockholm (3)
- Den norske ambassaden i Washington (2)
- Den norske Amerikalinje (NAL) (1)
- Den Norske Dataforeningen (1)
- Den norske folkesjelen (1)
- Den Norske Forening i Danmark (2)
- Den norske ingeniøren som falt ut av et hotellvindu i København (1)
- Den norske kirke i Hadsel (1)
- Den norske kirken i København (12)
- Den Norske Klub (3)
- Den Norske Klubben Costa Blanca (1)
- Den norske pressen svikter (1)
- Den norske statskirken (23)
- Den nye eliten (10)
- Den Polytekniske Høgskolen (16)
- Den romerske hagen i Chester (2)
- Den russiske ambassade (1)
- Den russiske mafiaen? (4)
- Den russiske revolusjon (1)
- Den siste revejakta (1)
- Den siste sovjetstat (97)
- Den siste Sovjetstat-flagget (2)
- Den siste sovjetstat? (100)
- Den sommeren jeg fylte 15 (Norsk film) (2)
- Den Spansk-Nordiske Forening (i Alicante) (2)
- Den svenske ambassaden i London (18)
- Den svenske frimurerordenen (1)
- Den tidligere frikirken i Larvik (1)
- Den tyrkiske ambassaden i Oslo (1)
- Den tyske alpeveien (1)
- Den tyske ambassaden i Oslo (1)
- Den tyske krigskirkegården i Oslo (1)
- Den tyske okkupasjonen av Norge (5)
- Den Tyske Orden (2)
- Den Uafhængige Politiklagemyndighet (3)
- (2)
- Dennis (Fra Rimi Langhus) (6)
- Dennis (sønn av Siv fra Røyken) (9)
- Dennis Hansen (Pia sin venninne Siv sin sønn?) (2)
- Dennis Hjort (1)
- Dennis Libråten (4)
- Departementenes Sikkerhets- Og Serviceorganisasjon (1)
- Department of State (USA) (1)
- Department of Work and Pensions (21)
- Depeche Mode (33)
- Depeche-gjengen (14)
- DepositFiles (1)
- Desiree Ribsskog (1)
- Desireless (1)
- Desmond Tutu (2)
- Desperadoer (1)
- Det bayeriske Illuminati/The Bavarian Illuminati (9)
- Det bayeriske Illuminati/The Bavarian Illuminati? (4)
- Det danske kongehus (1)
- Det danske konsulatet i Liverpool (1)
- Det er onkelen min Runar som nok er i 'mafian' og kona hans Inger som er i Jehovas Vitner som det nok er som tuller med meg og antagelig faren min (1)
- Det finnes ingen menn eller folk som har æren sin i Norge (1)
- Det fonetiske alfabetet (1)
- Det kongelige bibliotek i København (2)
- Det kongelige hoff i England (2)
- Det Kongelige Teater (i København) (1)
- Det krigsvidenskapelige Selskab (i Danmark) (1)
- Det Liberale Folkepartis diskusjonsforum (2)
- Det norske forbundet for stein saks papir (3)
- Det Norske Hageselskap (9)
- Det Norske Hageselskap/Norsk Hagetidend. (29)
- Det norske juletreet på Trafalgar Square (8)
- Det Norske Kartselskapet (2)
- Det norske konsulatet i Liverpool. (33)
- Det Norske Misjonsselskap (2)
- Det norske rettssystemet svikter (2)
- Det norske samfunnet er i oppløsning (2)
- Det Norske Selskap (2)
- Det Norske Studentersamfund (5)
- Det norske veritas (3)
- Det ottomanske riket (1)
- Det overnaturlige (2)
- Det svenske utenriksdepartementet (6)
- Det tidligere direktoratet for sivil beredskap (9)
- Det Tverrfaglige Kunstinstitutt (1)
- Detaljstyring (1)
- Detroit (26)
- Detroit Airport Immigration Control (80)
- Detroit Metro Airport (5)
- Deutsche Bank (4)
- Devil-worshiping (2)
- Dezia Hansen (fra Arvato) (2)
- DFDS (35)
- DFDS Crown Seaways (32)
- DFDS Pearl Seaways (5)
- DFRI (1)
- DHL (1)
- Di Derre (1)
- Diana (fra Rimi Bjørndal) (5)
- Diana Suede Club Norge A/S (1)
- Diana Vickers (2)
- Dickens (pub i Drammen) (2)
- (1)
- Diderich Brummer (min tippx4-oldefar) (3)
- Diderik Galtrup Gjedde (3)
- Dido (2)
- Didrik Galtrup (4)
- Didrik Galtrup Gjedde (9)
- Didrik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm (Dommer i Egypt og Haag mm. Bror av Anders Gjedde Nyholm) (52)
- Didrik Severin Humblen (1)
- Die Draufgänger (1)
- Diedrich Brummer (min 5xtipp-oldefar) (1)
- Dieter (tante Ellen sin samboer rundt 1987) (1)
- Difi (12)
- Digg (4)
- (26)
- Digital bilder (16)
- Digital postkasse (1)
- Digitalarkivet (60)
- Digitale bilder (144)
- Digitale bøker (1)
- Digitale Medier 1881 AS (1)
- Digitaliseringsdirektoratet (5)
- Digitaliserte kirkebøker (18)
- Digitalt Museum (4)
- Dikt (13)
- Dikt-tolkning (4)
- Diktere (2)
- Dina Moxness Konglevoll (min firemenning) (1)
- Dinosaur jr. (1)
- (3)
- Dionne Warwick (1)
- Diplom is (6)
- Diplomater (1)
- Dire Straits (1)
- Direkte aner (6)
- Direkte Respons (3)
- Direktoratet for Arbeidstilsynet (5)
- Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap (1)
- Direktoratet for samfunssikkerhet og beredskap (4)
- Direktoratet for sivil beredskap (2)
- Direktør Jørstad (Norsk Pasientskadeerstatning) (1)
- Dirty Dancing (2)
- Dis Gravminner (3)
- Dischington-slekten (1)
- Diskotek i Eberle St. (15)
- (14)
- Disney (11)
- Disneyworld (1)
- (8)
- Displate (24)
- Display (1)
- Disqus (2)
- Dissimilis (12)
- Distriktshøyskolene (1)
- Distrubed (1)
- Ditlev Castelan (29)
- Ditte Haarløv Johnsen (2)
- Diva (13)
- Dixie Dean (2)
- Dixie Dean-statuen (1)
- Dixons (6)
- DJ Donald (1)
- DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince (1)
- DJ Ötzi (2)
- Djeveldyrker? (33)
- Djeveldyrkere i Olsen- og Ribsskog-familien (6)
- Djeveldyrkere? (6)
- Djevelpakt (1)
- Djeveltegn? (6)
- Djurberg (svensk kartmaker) (1)
- Djurgården (1)
- DML (19)
- DNB (63)
- DNB Nor/Svelvikbanken. (7)
- DNC (Den Norske Credittbank) (4)
- (1)
- Dobbeltklikk (2)
- (2)
- Dobinson-slekten (1)
- doc (fra irc) (1)
- Doc Martens (11)
- DOC-filer (2)
- Doctor And The Medics (1)
- (2)
- Dog Age (1)
- Dokka (4)
- Dokken AS (2)
- Dokkenplads (1)
- Doktor Online-forumet (4)
- Dokumentalist Mette Hansen (1)
- Dokumenter (2)
- Dokumentsenteret (1)
- Dollar (1)
- Dollie De Luxe (4)
- Dolly Dimples (1)
- Dolly Parton (2)
- Dolores O’Riordan (2)
- Dolph Lundgren (2)
- Dolphin A/S (2)
- (3)
- Domeneshop (9)
- Dominic McGough (1)
- Dominika Teske (fra University of Sunderland) (8)
- Domino-kort (7)
- Dominos Pizza (7)
- Dommedag (2)
- Dommedagsklokka (3)
- Dommere (4)
- Domstol Administrasjonen (4)
- (1)
- Domstoladministrasjon-kråka (1)
- Domstoladministrasjonen (23)
- Domstolen i København (2)
- Domstolene (2)
- Domstolsadministrasjon (1)
- Domus (14)
- Domus Academica (3)
- Don (Lærer på Basic Food Hygiene Course) (1)
- Don Ditlev Castellan (Fra Sand og vel også Nesodden og nå Askim) (7)
- Donald (8)
- Donald Duck & Co (4)
- Donald Trump (9)
- Donasjoner (1)
- Dontown Abbey (1)
- Doomsday Clock (6)
- Doping (5)
- Doritos (3)
- Dorking (4)
- Dorking Advertiser (2)
- Dorking Museum (2)
- Dornach (1)
- Dorothea Margrethe Vandborg Nyholm (2)
- Dorset (6)
- Dorset Echo (3)
- Dorthe M. Berger (1)
- Dover (2)
- Dovre (2)
- (2)
- Downs syndrom (2)
- DPH/NITH-alumni (1)
- Dr Da Core (som trakasserer på (1)
- Dr. Bjerre (Dansk lege ved Aker Sykehus) (8)
- Dr. Bombay (2)
- Dr. Ness i Helgeroa (17)
- Dr. Næss i Helgeroa (6)
- Dr. Oetker (1)
- Drafn (4)
- Dragedyrkere/De svarte i jing og jang/Djeveldyrkere (1)
- Dragon's Lair (spill) (1)
- Dragonstien (2)
- Dragsholm Slott (5)
- Dragshom slott (1)
- Drama (3)
- Drammen (705)
- Drammen bibliotek (5)
- Drammen Børs (1)
- Drammen Gym (7)
- Drammen Harry-TV (1)
- Drammen havn (1)
- Drammen IKT (1)
- Drammen jernbanestasjon (2)
- Drammen kommune (9)
- Drammen kommunes eiendomsarkiv (2)
- Drammen Sanitetsforenings Klinikk (6)
- Drammen Senior Høyre (2)
- Drammen Strong (1)
- Drammen sykehus (4)
- Drammen Tidende (2)
- Drammen Tingrett (66)
- Drammen Travbane (3)
- Drammen videregående skole (2)
- Drammen. (1)
- Drammenelva (1)
- Drammenfjorden (2)
- Drammens (1)
- Drammens Is (4)
- Drammens Museum (2)
- Drammens Teater (1)
- Drammens Tidende (152)
- Drammens Tidende og Buskeruds Blad (9)
- Drammenselva (13)
- Drammensfjorden (119)
- Drammensfjorden Rundt (1)
- Drammenshallen (6)
- Drammensmessa (3)
- Drammensområdet (4)
- Drammensregionen (10)
- Drammensregionen IKT (4)
- Drammensveien (3)
- Drammenveien (1)
- Drangedal (1)
- Drapsforsøk (6)
- Drapstrusler (17)
- Drapstrusler? (3)
- DrCoMBo (fra irc) (1)
- DreamHost (8)
- Dreamweaver (12)
- Dreggen (utested i Svelvik) (1)
- Dressmann (10)
- Dressmann XL (1)
- Drift (21)
- Drikkekultur (1)
- Drikkevann (1)
- Drillo (8)
- Drinker (1)
- Dritt i Norge (1)
- Drittpakke (2)
- Driver noen sinnsyke politifolk med noe Clockwork Orange-greier? (1)
- Dronefabrikken i Asker (2)
- Droner (2)
- Dronevideo (2)
- Dronning Elisabeth av Storbritannia (8)
- Dronning Margrethe II (av Danmark) (1)
- Dronning Maud (1)
- Dronning Sonja (11)
- Dronninggele (1)
- Drotninggutunatten (1)
- Drukningsulykker (1)
- Drøbak (38)
- Drøbaksundet (1)
- (34)
- DT/BB (157)
- dtp solicitors (1)
- Dubai (1)
- Dubais mest leste norske blogg? (1)
- Duer (4)
- Dugnad (1)
- Duisburg (1)
- Dukker (1)
- DumDumBoys (10)
- Dumme amerikanere (2)
- Dumpor (1)
- Dun & Bradstreet (6)
- Dunelm Mill (6)
- Dunihagen (3)
- Dunstable Borough Gazette and Luton Journal (1)
- Duppeditter (1)
- Duty Solicitor Programme (3)
- DVLA (2)
- DWP (7)
- Dyr (27)
- Dyrdahl-slekten (3)
- Dyrdal (på Berger) (2)
- Dyre-politi (1)
- (1)
- Dyrebeskyttelsen (4)
- Dyrepoliti (1)
- Dyrevern (1)
- Dystopier (1)
- Dærresgaara (Dørumsgaard) (3)
- Dødannonser (1)
- Dødningehode (1)
- Dødsannonser (102)
- Dødsbo (1)
- Dødsfall (105)
- Dødsstraff (1)
- Dødssvingen (på/vel Berger) (1)
- Dødstrusler (1)
- Dødsulykker (9)
- Dølastrand (1)
- Døler (1)
- Døløya (øy i Farris) (3)
- Dømmesmoen gartnerskole (1)
- Dømum/Dørumsgaard-slekten (1)
- Døra (1)
- Dørheim (1)
- Dørremsgrenda (1)
- Dörte Gensow (25)
- Dörte Gensow (fra University of Sunderland) (20)
- Dørum-familien (4)
- Dørum/Dørumsgaard-slekten (2)
- Dørumgaard-slekten (1)
- Dørumsgard/Dørumsgaard-slekten (14)
- Dørumsgaard-familien (23)
- Dørumsgaard-grenda (5)
- Dørumsgaard-slekta (1)
- Dørumsgaard-slekten (73)
- Dørumsgaard/Dørumsgard-slekten (9)
- Dørumstuggu (1)
- Dørumstuggu (bruktbutikk) (3)
- Døve (6)
- Døvehjemmet i Andebu (1)
- Døveskolen i Holmestrand (5)
- Døvespråk (1)
- Dåp (1)
- Dåpsattest (7)
- Dårlig folkeskikk (1)
- Dårlig hukommelse (2)
- Dårlig kundeservice (56)
- Dårlig kundeservice i England (2)
- Dårlig måking av fortau (1)
- Dårlig nettikette (1)
- Dårlig rullering (1)
- Dårlige arbeidsforhold på jobb (1)
- Dårlige handlevogner (1)
- E -post (4)
- E- post (2)
- E-bay (5)
- E-brev (87)
- E-brevet (1)
- E-bøker (9)
- E-commerce (4)
- E-handel (4)
- E-mail spoofing (4)
- E-on (28)
- E-post (16318)
- E-poster (3)
- E-poster fra Philip Gabrielsen (21)
- E-poster med anonyme avsendere (6)
- E-sport (1)
- E. C. Dahls (1)
- E. T. (2)
- (2)
- E18 (4)
- (52)
- EAD Solicitors. (7)
- Earls Court (1)
- Earth Hour (1)
- East Riding constituancy in Yorkshire (4)
- East Riding of Yorkshire Council (3)
- Eastwood-slekten (15)
- Easy Lavpris (1)
- Easy Law (1)
- Easy0bserver (irc-bot) (1)
- EasyJet (1)
- Ebay (139)
- Ebba Rysst Heilmann (1)
- Ebbestad (7)
- Eberle St. (25)
- ECDL (2)
- Eda (2)
- Eda (i Sverige) (2)
- Edda kino (på Kalbakken) (1)
- Eddaveien (9)
- Eddaveien 30 (3)
- Edeka (2)
- Edeka Andersen (1)
- Edel (daglig leder Nav Bærum) (1)
- Edel Stenberg (fra Bergeåsen) (7)
- Edele Bille f. Jernskæg (min 13 x tipp-oldemor) (2)
- Edens hage (1)
- EDF (6)
- Edge (1)
- Edge Hill (1)
- Edge Lane (3)
- Edie Brickell & New Bohemians (1)
- Edinburgh (5)
- Edinburgh Castle (1)
- Edison (6)
- Edith Bartels (1)
- Edith Piaf (1)
- Edmondo Savoldelli (1)
- Edna Napstad (4)
- Eduardo Cort baron Adeler (3)
- Edvard Befring (1)
- Edvard Grieg (3)
- Edward VII (1)
- EE (1)
- Eek-slekten (1)
- EF (1)
- EF Språkreiser (6)
- EF Språkreiser (51)
- ef-net (479)
- EFI AS (30)
- efnet (15)
- EFTA (81)
- Egertorget (1)
- Eggdrop (14)
- Eggdrop-bot (36)
- Eggdrop-script (1)
- Eggedal (15)
- Egil 'Drillo' Olsen (1)
- Egil aka. Tin-Tin (fra Larvik) (3)
- Egil Hansen (2)
- Egil Hansen aka. Tin-Tin (fra Larvik) (11)
- Egil Sørlie (1)
- Egil Tostrup Bråten (2)
- Egil Vagn Knudsen (frontkjemper gift med min mors kusine) (1)
- Egil Aarvik (1)
- Egmont (22)
- Egne Merkevarer (1)
- Egne merkevarer (EMV) (25)
- Egon (1)
- Egon Karl Johan (1)
- Egypt (10)
- Egyptisk religion (11)
- Ei jente fra Tangen som jeg mener vi hadde gym med som var ganske god i fotball vel (1)
- Ei jævla hore som skulle vært skutt (1)
- Eian Advokatfirma (11)
- Eide-slekten (1)
- Eidsfjord (1)
- Eidsvia (1)
- Eidsvoll (1)
- Eidsvoll Ullensaker Blad (1)
- Eidsvolls plass (1)
- Eiendom (50)
- Eiendomsretten (2)
- Eierskap (1)
- Eiffeltårnet (2)
- Eiganes (bydel i Stavanger) (1)
- Eight Wonder (1)
- Eik (5)
- Eik (i Svelvik) (1)
- Eik Meisingset (som har kjøpt huset til min danske grandtante Unse) (5)
- Eikedalen-slekten (2)
- Eikerbladet (1)
- Eiketreet (1)
- Eiksmarka (2)
- Eileen O'Shaughnessy (1)
- Eiler Hagerup (2)
- Eiler Hagerup den yngre (min 5 x tipp-oldefar sin tjener) (1)
- Einar Andre Staff (1)
- Einar Aune Thorhallsson (1)
- Einar Bråthe (gründer Direkte Respons Senteret) (1)
- Einar Bullen (2)
- Einar Flesaker. Personen bak nettstedet (7)
- Einar Gerhardsen (12)
- Einar Holbøll (min tippoldemors fetter som fant opp julemerkene) (1)
- Einar Kjerulf-Hansen (1)
- Einar Skjæråsen (1)
- Einar Staff (3)
- Einar Thorhallsson (1)
- Einar Torklev Nikolaisen Fredriksen (min stefar Arne Thomassen sin onkel) (1)
- Einstein (1)
- Einstein (irc-bot) (13)
- Eireen Savoldelli (6)
- Eirik Andersen (troppsjef i støtteområdet i HV) (1)
- Eirik Lund (16)
- Eirik Raudes Land (2)
- Eirik Ripsskog (Falsk Facebook-profil med bilde av meg som noen har opprettet på Facebook) (1)
- Eirik Thorhaldsson (Fra Berger) (4)
- Eirill Marie Sundheim (4)
- Eivin Berger (fra Svelvik) (3)
- Eivind Danielsen (fra Rimi Langhus) (4)
- Eivind Smith (fra Rimi) (2)
- Eivind Thorstad (3)
- Eivind Winnem (1)
- Eivør Pálsdóttir (1)
- Ejler Hagerup (den eldre) (1)
- Ekeberg (4)
- Ekebergrestauranten (1)
- Ekebergs Ærespris (1)
- EKG (1)
- Eknæs-slekten (4)
- Ekorn (3)
- Ekornes (1)
- Eksamener (1)
- eksamenskontoret) (1)
- Eksil i utlandet (1)
- Ekskjøpmannen og eksprinsessen (1)
- Eksport (1)
- Eksportøl (1)
- Ekstra Bladet (4)
- Ekstra Joker Nord (3)
- Ekstremisme (1)
- Ekstremsport (1)
- Ekte trematerialer kontra etterligninger (1)
- El-reperatør Joe (2)
- El-sparkesykler (4)
- Elden (2)
- Elden-slekten (3)
- Eldorado (2)
- Eldorado kino (1)
- Eldre par med 'Labbetuss'-bikkje på Sand (Venner av farmora mi) (1)
- Eldreomsorg (2)
- Elegans Pryd & Brukskuns A/S (4)
- Elektronisk adresseoppdatering (1)
- Elektroniske postkasser (1)
- Element Tattoo Oslo (1)
- Elena Ceausescu (rumensk presidentfrue) (1)
- Elena Kotchetkova (fra Arvato) (9)
- Eleonora Plantagenet av England (1)
- Elevorganisasjonen (1)
- Elfenbenkysten (1)
- Elfkin (Fra #Spillegal) (1)
- Elfsen-slekten (1)
- Elfsight (1)
- Elger (Klesbutikk) (1)
- Elghund (1)
- Elhub (5)
- Eli Johanne Torres aka. Eli Johanne Hyde f. Berger (4)
- Eli Mangset (2)
- Eli Muldbakken (1)
- Eli Therkildsen (Leder NITO Servicesenter) (1)
- Eli Torres (2)
- Elias Kræmmer aka. Anthon B. Nilsen (1)
- Elin (Fra OBS Triaden) (7)
- Elin (venninne av Espen Melheim) (2)
- Elin Bjerkebo (6)
- Elin fra Nesbygda (Venninne til Lene Andersen på videregående i Sande) (3)
- Elin Gagnås (3)
- Elin Gulestø f. Brekke (Christell sin kusine?) (2)
- Elin Heegaard f. Sørensen (2)
- Elin Jacobsdatter Bååt (min tipp x 8 oldemor) (2)
- Elin Jensen (4)
- Elin Johannessen (4)
- Elin Kjeldseth Hansen f. Kjeldseth Jensen (3)
- Elin Lillebil Ostad (fra Svelvik-banken) (1)
- Elin Lysnes Bjerkholt (fra Facebook-gruppen: 'Du vet du er fra Østre Halsen når ....') (1)
- Elin Marie Mikalsen (5)
- Elin Ribsskog (enke etter min mors fetter Ola Ribsskog) (8)
- Elin Sanne (1)
- Elin Schjelderup (1)
- Elin Søndenå Sanne (2)
- Elin Winnem (59)
- Elin Ørjasæter (fra (3)
- Elina Bruserud (1)
- Eline Bruserud (3)
- Eline Ekroll (1)
- Elinor Liljegren (1)
- Elisa Jebsen (1)
- Elisabeth Boyle (Ei i omgangskretsen til søstra mi fra Drammen) (5)
- Elisabeth Enger Lund (1)
- Elisabeth Falchenberg (20)
- Elisabeth Falkenberg (1)
- Elisabeth Falkenberg. Butikksjef LO (2)
- Elisabeth Falkenberg. Butikksjef Rimi. (85)
- Elisabeth Fougner hos Sivilombudsmannen (1)
- Elisabeth Gjelseth (5)
- Elisabeth Han (3)
- Elisabeth Høyer Johansen (4)
- Elisabeth Høyer Nebel (3)
- Elisabeth Liljegren (fra Arvato) (5)
- Elisabeth Lund (1)
- Elisabeth M. Lund (3)
- Elisabeth Mathisen (1)
- Elisabeth Nordeng (1)
- Elisabeth Odberg (1)
- Elisabeth Odberg Vollan (1)
- Elisabeth Reisersen (2)
- Elisabeth Thorstensen (1)
- Elisabeth Wangberg (1)
- Elisabeth Aakvåg (1)
- Elitekurset (1)
- Elitekurset (Unge Høyre) (4)
- Eliva (3)
- Elizabeth Han (5)
- Elkjøp (51)
- Elkjøp Carl Berner (2)
- Elkjøp på Carl Berner (3)
- Elkjøp Skøyen (1)
- Elkjøp Slependen (4)
- Elkjøp Ullevål (1)
- Elklagenemnda (1)
- Elle King (1)
- Elle Macpherson (1)
- Ellen 'Ripsen' Savoldelli f. Ribsskog (2)
- Ellen Dørumsgaard Varsi (min firemenning) (1)
- Ellen Greftegreff (fra Bergeråsen) (8)
- Ellen Marie Høiden Olsen (Kona til fetteren min Tommy) (7)
- Ellen Ribsskog (40)
- Ellen Sandersen (min farfars lillesøster?) (2)
- Ellen Sandersen/Olsen (2)
- Ellen Ugelstad (4)
- Ellesmere Port (5)
- Ellfrid Robsrud (1)
- Ellingsrud (2)
- Ellingsrudåsen (92)
- Ellinor Liljegren (19)
- Ellinor Thorkildsen (1)
- Elly (tråler) (9)
- Elmera (2)
- Elon Musk (2)
- Elsa Alexandra Jentoft (1)
- Elsa Gertrude Maren Gjedde Poulsen f. Davidsen (2)
- Elsa Hjort (David Hjort sin mor) (6)
- Elsa Kølner (1)
- Else Bjørnland Winnem (Magne Winnem sin stemor) (2)
- Else Gertrude Maren Gjedde Nyholm (1)
- Elton John (1)
- Elton Johns piano (1)
- Elverum (109)
- Elvia (5)
- Elvira Madigan (2)
- Elvis (6)
- Elvis-maskin (1)
- Elvrerum (1)
- Emballasje (8)
- Emballasje-bransjen (5)
- Embarek Hadj-Ali (1)
- Emelie Brandvik Ribsskog (5)
- Emelie Enbratt (min halvniese i Sverige) (2)
- Emelie Wallin (40)
- Emelie Wallin (fra Arvato) (53)
- EMF (1)
- Emil i Lønneberg (1)
- Emil Jensen & Co A/S (1)
- Emil Odden (1)
- Emil Waldemar Amundsen (3)
- Emilie 'Voe' Nereng (2)
- Emilie Brandvik Ribsskog (7)
- Emilie Enger Mehl (1)
- Emilie Ribsskog (9)
- Emilina Anderberg (datter av min fars stesønn Viggo Snoghøj/Snowhill) (9)
- Emily Linge (2)
- Emily Røhme (1)
- Eminem (12)
- (1)
- Emma (Frida Leknes sin venninne) (1)
- Emma Brekke (Haldis Humblen sin tante) (1)
- Emma Clair (fra Natt og Dag) (3)
- Emma Louise 'Gullungen' Løff Anvik (2)
- Emma Noble (1)
- Emma Steinbakken (1)
- Emma Tallulah Behn (1)
- Emma Vandbakk Hesler (2)
- Emneknagger (1)
- Emo-cops? (2)
- Emo-kidz? (1)
- Empen (8)
- Empire of the Sun (2)
- Employment Zones (21)
- emu163 (fra irc) (2)
- EMV (2)
- En Italiensk venn som mora mi kjente i 1984 som nok var noe 'mafian' (1)
- En med nick King Stroke kalte meg 'frøken' på Dagbladets kommentarsystem (1)
- En million pund (1)
- En person med brukernavn 'Fetter Anton' prøvde å få det til å se ut som at jeg var sinnsyk på Dagbladets kommentarsystem (1)
- En uautorisert Erik Ribsskog Fan-side på Facebook (4)
- Enarmet banditt (1)
- Encyclopedia Dramatica (5)
- Encyclopædia Britannica (1)
- Enda (1)
- Enebakk (12)
- (4)
- Enebakkveien (3)
- Enebakkveien 239 (11)
- Energi (1)
- Energikroken (2)
- Energipartner AS (et ingeniørfirma som søker om min penis på Google) (2)
- Enga (14)
- Engebretsen-slekten (1)
- Engelsk (3)
- Engelsk fotball (7)
- Engelsk Gladio prøver å få meg til å miste kontrollen over økonomien min? (1)
- Engelsk mafia(?) (1)
- Engelsk TV (1)
- Engelsk Wikipedia (5)
- Engelske Gladio (3)
- Engelskspråklige som skal lese på norsk (1)
- Engervannet (8)
- England (134)
- England eller Russland? (1)
- England for engelskmenn? (1)
- England/Storbritannia (2)
- Englebarn (1)
- Engleskolen (4)
- English for Academic Purposes (1)
- Enhetspris (1)
- Enkeltklikk (1)
- Enlgand (1)
- Enni Sanelma (2)
- Enok Olsen (3)
- Enok Wanberg (1)
- Enrique Dragseth (1)
- Ensjø (29)
- Ensjø t-banestasjon (1)
- Entercard (3)
- Enterprising Merseyside (3)
- Entreprenørskap (3)
- Entur (3)
- Envirofone (4)
- Enya (1)
- EPA (3)
- EPA-traktor (2)
- Epinion (1)
- Epost (1)
- Epp (Fra #Spillegal) (7)
- Epub (2)
- (4)
- Equinor (1)
- Er dansker de nye tyskerne? (1)
- Er den norske nasjon død? (1)
- Er det 'mafian' hos politiet i Oslo? (1)
- Er det 'mafian' infiltrert i forsvaret også? (1)
- Er det Bill Clinton som tuller med meg? (2)
- Er det en jødisk verdenskonspirasjon? (22)
- Er det en Svelvik-mafia? (5)
- Er det noe 'hjernevask' med TV? (1)
- Er Erik paranoid og sinnsyk eller er dette med 'mafian' reellt? (1)
- Er EU en 'katolsk klubb'? (2)
- Er faren min i et nettverk som har brukt meg som slave? (1)
- Er Giske beskyttet av politiet? (1)
- Er idealismen død? (1)
- Er irene med i krigen mot Benjamin-stammen/etterkommrne av de norske vikingene i Norge og England? (1)
- Er Issmat A. i CIA e.l.? (1)
- Er Jens Stoltenberg homo? (24)
- Er Mette-Marit i Jugo-mafian? (1)
- Er Mette-Marit under kontroll av Illuminati? (2)
- Er Mogan-familien khazarer? (1)
- Er Norge et land bestående av 'homofile' feiginger? (1)
- Er Oslopolitiet med i noe slags mafia? (1)
- Er Rimi-slave en uoffisiell stilling i et korrupt Norge? (2)
- Er Stein Erik Hagen homo og hadde han 'selskapgutter'/slaver i Rimi-leilighetene i W. Thr. gt i Oslo? (9)
- Er søstra mi (Pia Ribsskog) noe slags Illuminati? (1)
- Er søstra mi en slags 'mafian' eller heks? (1)
- Er Trond Giske en sex-maskin som tuller med alle fjortisene (7)
- Er USA det nye kommunist-Russland? (1)
- Erasmus-programmet (2)
- Erasmus-stipend (3)
- Erasure (5)
- Erdogan (1)
- Ergogroup (1)
- Eric Prydz (1)
- Eric Redcurrantforest (1)
- Eric Si aka. Lars Eikind (1)
- Erik (Ancona) Holter (1)
- Erik (barnehageonkel fra Ulåsen barnehage) (2)
- Erik (fra Trøndelag og Arvato) (1)
- Erik Ancona (4)
- Erik Ancona Holter (6)
- Erik Andersen (Troppsjef i HV Støtteområdet) (9)
- Erik Andre Stenberg (2)
- Erik Anker Heegaard (18)
- Erik Berg-Hansen (1)
- Erik ble forsøkt brutt ned som del av noe illuminati-greier? (1)
- Erik ble før tullet med av mafia men nå av politiet? (1)
- Erik ble tulla med av VIC-20 databutikk i Vika i Oslo i 1982 ca de sa at kassettspillere til VIC 20 var utsolgt i nesten et år (1)
- Erik blir tullet med av 'alt og alle' (1)
- Erik blir tullet med av 'alt og alle'? (1)
- Erik blir tullet med av myndighetene (1)
- Erik Brunmark (3)
- Erik Dahl (8)
- Erik Dahl (Fra Rimi Ljabru. Kamerat av David Hjort) (7)
- Erik E. (fra klassen min i første klasse på Østre Halsen skole) (3)
- Erik Engelstad (1)
- Erik fikk sengesett med bilde av naken blond dame av Christell Humblen min fars stedatter til jul (1)
- Erik Fosnes Hansen (1)
- Erik Friedmann (3)
- Erik Furuheim (12)
- Erik Holthgaard (1)
- Erik Håker (2)
- Erik J. C. Young (15)
- Erik jages av folk for Simon Wiesenthal-senteret? (3)
- Erik Klipping (dansk konge) (1)
- Erik Løvenbalk Ribsskog (1)
- Erik Mattias Lindblom (Christells ektemann fra Sverige) (16)
- Erik Michael Disch (1)
- Erik Moe-Helgesen (aka. Trumf) (1)
- Erik Mogan Olsen (1)
- Erik Nevland (1)
- Erik of Norway Salon Spa (1)
- Erik Okstad (fra Arvato) (2)
- Erik Olsen (9)
- Erik overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal i 2003 at han var forfulgt av 'mafian' (4)
- Erik Poppe (1)
- Erik Ree (19)
- Erik Ribsskog (35)
- Erik Ribsskog - fin på håret ja (1)
- Erik Ribsskog - kjendis(?) (1)
- Erik Ribsskog - kjent person (2)
- Erik Ribsskog - litt som en kjendis? (1)
- Erik Ribsskog (Bilder) (77)
- Erik Ribsskog (Videoer) (3)
- Erik Ribsskog 40 år (1)
- Erik Ribsskog blir tullet med av overvåkingspolitiet (3)
- Erik Ribsskog Fan Club (13)
- Erik Ribsskog forfulgt av Stay Behind (1)
- Erik Ribsskogs side på Xiandos (3)
- Erik Skamfer (6)
- Erik Solberg (fra førstegangstjenesten/Aurskog) (1)
- Erik Solheim (2)
- Erik Thorhaldsson (Fra Berger) (17)
- Erik Thorhallsson (28)
- Erik Thorhallsson (Fra Berger. Jobbet for faren min på huset til onkelen min i Son++) (10)
- ErikDust aka. cxp aka. Kris77 (fra irc) (9)
- (2)
- ErikSkog aka. cxp (fra irc) (1)
- Erin Studsrud (Axel sin bonus/ste-datter) (3)
- Erketor (Fra Spillegal-forumet) (1)
- Erland Borgen (74)
- Erling (fra #quiz-show) (1)
- Erling Fin Poulsen (11)
- Erling Jansen (1)
- Erling Lae (1)
- Erling Olav von Harling Lien (2)
- Erling T. Gjelsvik (1)
- Erna Solberg (41)
- Erna Tove Gjelseth (3)
- Ernest Eastwood (27)
- Ernst Broks (1)
- Ernst Christopher Rude (1)
- Ernst Normann Hansen (1)
- Ernæring (4)
- Erotikk (1)
- Erstatningskrav (1)
- Ertlandsjordet (1)
- Eskil (en fetter av min fetter Ove) (1)
- Eskil Monsen Mogstad (1)
- Eskild Larsen (5)
- Eskimoer (4)
- Espedal (1)
- Espelien-slekten (1)
- Espen 'Shampo' Knutsen (1)
- Espen Besslo (3)
- Espen Esther Pirelli Benestad (1)
- Espen Gran Pedersen (8)
- Espen Holthgaard (2)
- Espen Karlsson (3)
- Espen Karlsson (Fra Rimi Langhus) (6)
- Espen Kristensen (fra Rimi Langhus) (1)
- Espen Krogh (Spesialenheten for politisaker) (2)
- Espen Melheim (82)
- Espen Olsen (aka. Joi fra #quiz-show) (2)
- Espen Opedal (administrerende direktør i Tryg) (1)
- Espen Robak (en tremenning i Amerika) (4)
- Espen Sandholtbråten (1)
- Espen Sigmund Nornes (Fra Rimi Langhus) (16)
- Espen Skjønberg (1)
- Espen Thoresen Hværsaagod-Takkskalduha (4)
- Espen Tokerud (Fra IT-akademiet) (13)
- Espen Vindegg (1)
- Espresso House (2)
- Essensen (nevøen eller 'nevøen' til Viggo Snoghøj) (3)
- Essex (1)
- Essex girl (1)
- Esso (2)
- Esso Haslum (1)
- Esso Motor Hotel (1)
- Estland (6)
- Et moderne heksenettverk prøver å få meg angrepet av 'mob'? (1)
- Et rikere Norge (4)
- Etablererskolen (1)
- Etablererskolen for kvinner (2)
- etheretic (fra irc) (1)
- Etikk (1)
- Etikk i norske firma/norsk næringsliv (1)
- Etiopia (8)
- Etterettning prøver å få meg drept? (1)
- Etterettning/politi som tuller med meg gjennom andre organsiasjoner som the Financial Ombudsman? (1)
- Etterkrigstiden (3)
- Etterlysninger (1)
- EU (80)
- EU (European Union) (8)
- EU cookie law (1)
- EU-greier (1)
- EU-kommisjonen (41)
- EU-kommisjonen i Danmark (5)
- EU-kommisjonen i Oslo (3)
- EU-kommisjonen i Sverige (5)
- EU-kontroll (1)
- EU-minister Vidar Helgesen (1)
- EU-politiet (1)
- Euritmics (1)
- Euroads (7)
- Europa (15)
- Europcar (2)
- European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) (1)
- European Economic Area/EØS (14)
- European Human Righs Court (2)
- Europris (2)
- Europris Lambertseter (1)
- Eurosko (2)
- Eurythmics (1)
- Euston togstasjon (i London) (1)
- Euthymol (1)
- Eva 'Svelvik Open' Olsen (2)
- Eva Askjem (2)
- Eva Brekke Voss (5)
- Eva Først (3)
- Eva Jakobsen (1)
- Eva Joly (5)
- Eva Kristin Hansen (1)
- Eva Kølner (tanta til Frode Kølner) (4)
- Eva Merethe Steen Gullikstad (2)
- Eva Merethe Steen Gullikstad (Fra Facebook) (1)
- Eva Olsen (34)
- Eva Uglum (1)
- Evanescence (5)
- Evelyn Benham f. Young (1)
- Evelyn Nygård (6)
- Even 'Plankekongen' Torstvedt (2)
- Even Haugseth (2)
- Even Røed (2)
- Evenukker? (2)
- Evergood-kaffe (1)
- Everton (15)
- Everton (Fra Chile) (2)
- Everton FC. (92)
- Everton Jobcentre (1)
- Everton Park (5)
- Everton Valley (3)
- (1)
- (2)
- Evian (1)
- Evinrude (1)
- Evje (i Bærum) (1)
- Evneveikingene bor i Norge (1)
- Evo Castoldi (1)
- (1)
- Evry (1)
- Ex-phil (14)
- Ex-prinsessen (12)
- Excel (1)
- Exchange Flags (2)
- Experian (65)
- Expert (1)
- Expert Logistics (3)
- Expert-logoen (1)
- Explanation CAB. (Her står det om hva som skjedde vinteren 2006 og våren 2007. Etter at jeg hadde blitt 'construcitivly dismissed' fra Arvato osv. (1)
- Expressen (2)
- Extinction Rebellion (11)
- Extra (8)
- Extra Bekkestua (98)
- Extra Bekkstua (1)
- Extra Birkelunden (1)
- Extra Haslum (1)
- Extra Lysehagan (2)
- Extra Sandvika (2)
- Extra Slemdal (1)
- Extra Storo (2)
- Eystein Abel Engh (4)
- EØS (20)
- EØS-avtalen (37)
- FA-cupen (9)
- Fabel (1)
- Fabian Emil Søbak (1)
- Fabian Stang (1)
- Fabrikkarbeid (1)
- Fabrikkarbeidere (1)
- Fabrikken 'Aurora' (1)
- Fabrikkjordet borettslag (i Svelvik) (1)
- Fabrikkutsalg (1)
- Facebok (1)
- Facebook (5020)
- Facebook brukerstøtte (4)
- Facebook for developers (1)
- Facebook Friend Requests (22)
- Facebook Geir Arne Jørgensen (1)
- Facebook Support. (7)
- Facebook venner (1)
- Facebook-gruppen 'Du vet du er fra Drammen når...' (15)
- Facebook-gruppen 'Du vet du kommer fra Berger når.........' (183)
- Facebook-gruppen 'Unngå israelske varer' (5)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Berger 'Gamle' Skole' (3)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Berger Historielag' (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Berger skole 3075 Berger' (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Berger skole!! ...vær med !!' (2)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Berger' (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Bergeråsen' (2)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Bøkelia Vel' (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'DFDS Norge' (2)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'DRAMMEN - Før og Nå!' (18)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Drammen er byen min.....' (11)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Du veit du er fra Drammen ...' (10)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Du veit du er fra Grønnløkka nårru...' (9)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Du veit du er fra Svelvik....' (42)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'du vet du er fra eik ...' (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Du vet du er fra Hurum når.....' (20)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Du vet du er fra Kalbakken/Grorud når...' (5)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Du vet du er fra Konnerud (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Du vet du er fra Konnerud når du husker' (17)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Du vet du er fra Krokstadelva når...' (21)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Du vet du er fra Larvik når ...' (172)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Du vet du er fra Lindeberg når ........' (6)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Du vet du er fra Sande når.....' (14)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Du vet du er fra Stavern når.....' (2)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Du vet du er fra Østre Halsen når ....' (85)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Erik Ribsskog Fanklubb' (2)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Filtvet' (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Få Joshua French hjem før det er for sent' (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Grünerløkka skole på 70 og 80 tallet.' (8)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Hardanger og Sunnhordland folkeliv og samfunn' (3)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Holmsbubilder' (82)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Holmsbuhistorier' (15)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Jakten på sannheten om mordet på den norske kvinnen som ble drept i London'. (6)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'LARVIK I GAMLE DAGER' (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Living in Liverpool' (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Minnebok fra 80-tallet' (2)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Nairobiprosjektet - Drammen vgs' (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'NHI Norges Høyskole for Informasjonsteknologi' (6)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Nordmenn i London' (2)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Omdalsamlingen' (2)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'På kryss og tvers i Larvik' (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Reunion for Russ '90/'91 ved Gjerde VGS' (2)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Rimi Reunion' (2)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Sande historielag' (4)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Stjernene på RIMI' (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Svelvik Historielag' (2)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Svelvik- mimring og samtid..her er min historie...' (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Svelvikferjas venner. Europas korteste ferjetur!' (4)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Svunnen tid i Sigdal/Eggedal' (11)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Vi som digger Svein Tang Wa' (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Vi som er overført til Heimevernet' (1)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Vi som opplevde barndommen på 40/50/60/70-tallet' (18)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Vi som vil at Erik Ribsskog skal flytte tilbake til Norge' (2)
- Facebook-gruppen: 'Vi som vil at Nina Monsen sin grav skal bli flyttet til Berger' (2)
- Facebook-innsamlingsaksjoner (1)
- Facebook-siden: 'Bergen Sentrum' (1)
- Facebook-siden: 'Berger -Sand 1980 osv.' (18)
- Facebook-siden: 'Braaivleis Sunshine Rugby' (Sør-Afrika) (1)
- Facebook. (Med vilje intrikate skrevne meldinger). (2)
- Faceboook (2)
- (1)
- Faens drittsekker (2)
- Faens møkkapoliti. Gjør phoney-e ting. Man skulle rivd ut innvollene deres og kvælt dem med dem (1)
- Fagbevegelsen (1)
- Fagerborg hotell (i Lillestrøm) (1)
- Fagforbundet (4)
- Fagforeningen (1)
- Fagforeningsarbeid (1)
- Fahkar (fra Rimi Bjørndal) (2)
- Fair (1)
- Fair Collection AS (1)
- Fairfield (2)
- Fairtrade (1)
- Faiza-saken (2)
- Faks (1)
- Faktura (125)
- Falch-slekten (2)
- Falchenberg-slekten (5)
- Falcon (fra irc) (4)
- Falconlake(?) (1)
- Falk (irc-bot) (4)
- Falkenberg (1)
- Falkener (5)
- Falkener som ble Hagerup-slekten (4)
- Falkensten (1)
- Falklandskrigen (1)
- Fallan-slekten (12)
- Falling In Reverse (1)
- Fallskjermhopping (1)
- Falske bestillinger av fast-food (1)
- Falske brannalarmer (2)
- Falske Facebook-profiler (1)
- Falske Instagram-kontoer som følger meg (1)
- Falske rykter (3)
- Falun Gong (2)
- Familen Sand på Sand (6)
- Familie (282)
- familien (2)
- Familien Sand på Sand (6)
- Fampo (2)
- Fampos (1)
- Fana (1)
- (1)
- Fanging av mordere (1)
- Fanney (fra OBS Triaden) (9)
- Fanney Ingadottir (7)
- Fanta (3)
- Fanthomas (6)
- Fantomas (1)
- Fantomet (1)
- Faraoene (6)
- Faren min amerikansk mafia/spion? (1)
- Faren min Arne Mogan Olsen sender trusler i e-post (3)
- Faren til Frode Kølner (Som jobba i e-verket i Larvik) (12)
- Faren til Grete Ingebrigtsen jobbet med noe innen etterettning mener jeg å huske (3)
- Fargekoder i samfunnet som at gult betyr norsk f.eks? (1)
- Fargelegging av sort/hvitt-fotografier (1)
- Fargo (5)
- Fargo Public Library (6)
- Farm Town på Facebook (3)
- Farman (1)
- Farmasiet (34)
- Farmfoods (9)
- Farouk? (1)
- Farris (17)
- Farris Bad (1)
- Farrisbygda (5)
- Farrisdalen (6)
- Farriselva (1)
- Farrisvannet (1)
- Farrisveien (8)
- Fascisme (7)
- Fascist-idoter sender tegning (1)
- Fascist-politi (2)
- Fascistiske og bortskjemte idioter i Norge (2)
- Fast Candy AS (2)
- Fastball (1)
- Faste (1)
- Fastlege-ordningen (1)
- Fatso (3)
- Fattigvesenet (1)
- Fatwa (3)
- Fauske (1)
- Fawlty Towers (1)
- Fax (1)
- Fazakerley (1)
- Fazia-saken (1)
- FBI (11)
- FBI = Idioter (1)
- FBI? (2)
- Fedde Le Grand (1)
- Federal Reserve (3)
- Federica Mauro (46)
- Federspiel-slekten (5)
- Fedme (1)
- Fedrelandsvennen (1)
- Feetunique (1)
- Feide (1)
- Feieren (1)
- Feil bruk av Wikipedia (1)
- Feilberg-slekten (5)
- Feilsitering (1)
- Feilvare (1)
- Feliks Snoghøj (1)
- Felix Snoghøj (1)
- Felles studentsystem (1)
- Fellesrådet for det sørlige Afrika (5)
- Feltstykket-slekten (5)
- Feminisme (7)
- Feminister (3)
- Feng shui (2)
- Fengsel (5)
- Fengselsbetjenter (1)
- Fenrik Brødreskift (Fra Terningmoen) (8)
- Fenrisulven (2)
- Ferde (2)
- Ferdinand (kro i Larvik) (5)
- Ferdinand de Lesseps (3)
- Ferie (13)
- Fernanda de Lessepa Nyholm (2)
- Ferskvare (1)
- Ferskvare/delikatesse (4)
- Ferskvaredrift (Ole Jørgen Bakke) (2)
- Fester (1)
- Festivaler (2)
- Fet (5)
- Fet skolekorps (1)
- Fet/Fett (Romerike) (4)
- Fetsund skole (1)
- Fetter Anton. (Brukernavn på Dagbladets kommentarsystem). (1)
- FGS Frankfurt am Main (1)
- FHM (5)
- Field Fisher Waterhouse (1)
- Field's senter (i København) (2)
- Fiken (1)
- Fikk tilbake svensk femmer i kiosk eller butikk i Oslo (1)
- Fil-komprimering (1)
- Filateli (1)
- Filer (1)
- Filip Mauricio (8)
- Filip Snoghøj (3)
- Filippinene (4)
- Filler'n (4)
- Film (31)
- Filmnet (1)
- Filosof/feminist Nina Karin Monsen (navnesøster av min eks Nina Kristin Monsen) (2)
- Filosofi (4)
- filter (fra irc) (1)
- Filtvedt (4)
- Filtvedt Bad (1)
- Filtvet (4)
- Filtvet Fyrs Venner (1)
- Filtvet strand (1)
- Fin Torkild Poulsen (1)
- Final Year Project (6)
- Finans (5)
- Finans 2 (1)
- Finansavisen (4)
- Finansdepartementet (6)
- Finansiering (2)
- Finansinspektionen (1)
- Finansklagenemda (36)
- Finansklagenemda Bank (2)
- Finansklagenemnda (17)
- Finansklagenemnda Bank (2)
- Finanskrise (13)
- Finanskrisen på Island (10)
- Finansportalen (1)
- Finanstilsynet (17)
- Findus (1)
- Fingar Reiersen (1)
- Finland (60)
- Finn Bingen (1)
- Finn Einar Steen (nevø av min stefar Arne Thomassen sin forlovede på 50-tallet) (1)
- Finn Erik Gran (2)
- Finn Fuglestad (1)
- Finn Gaunaa (1)
- Finn Gran (3)
- Finn Kalvik (16)
- Finn Kalvik-nyhetene (3)
- Finn Kinserdal (1)
- Finn Kinserdal (Styremedlem hos Posten) (1)
- Finn Larsen (fra Bergeråsen) (2)
- Finn og Helge (to 'originaler' i Larvik) (3)
- Finn Sand (3)
- Finn Th. Sand (1)
- Finn Tore Schrøder (2)
- Finn-Erik Arctander (1)
- Finn-Erik Gran (1)
- Finn-Erik Vinje (5)
- (19)
- Finnair (3)
- Finneinnvandringen (1)
- Finnene/samene aka vanene tuller med etterkommere etter Asbjørn Dørumsgaards mor/Høne? (1)
- Finner (1)
- Finnes det en politi-mafia? (2)
- Finnmark (25)
- Finnmark Dagblad (1)
- Finnmarken (avis) (1)
- Finnmarksposten (1)
- Finnskogen (12)
- Finsbråten (1)
- Finstad Engros (1)
- Fiolstræde (i København) (2)
- Fiona Dillon (2)
- Firda (1)
- Firda Folkeblad (7)
- Firda Tidend (1)
- Firdaposten (1)
- Fire danske kronestykker (1)
- Firefox (6)
- Firemenninger (1)
- First Price (8)
- First To Eleven (23)
- Fisk (9)
- Fisk og Vilt (2)
- fisk77 aka. cxp (fra irc) (14)
- Fiskarlaget (1)
- Fiskebåter (1)
- Fiskedammen i Spydeberg (6)
- Fiskelaget Mandal (1)
- Fiskeri (15)
- Fiskeribladet (1)
- Fiskeripolitikk (1)
- Fisking (1)
- Fitjar kommune (2)
- Fitjar-slekten (3)
- Five Finger Death Punch (1)
- Five Star (1)
- Five USA (1)
- Fiza (fra Rimi Bjørndal) (2)
- Fjeldheim-slekten (1)
- Fjell (15)
- Fjellhamar (1)
- Fjellheim-slekten (5)
- Fjellklatring (1)
- Fjellreven Music (1)
- Fjellsbyen (på Berger) (9)
- Fjellstua (i Ålesund) (1)
- Fjerne Østen-imperalisme(?)-symbolet solstrålene (3)
- Fjernlager (1)
- Fjernsynskjøkkenet (1)
- Fjordekspressen (1)
- Fjordkraft (41)
- Fjordland (2)
- Fjøsli-slekten (1)
- Fjøsvise (1)
- Fladeby (5)
- Fladeby-slekten (1)
- Flagg (2)
- Flaggskjending (1)
- Flash (1)
- Flashback (151)
- Flaskeautomater (3)
- Flatanger (59)
- Flatanger Camping (1)
- Flatanger Historielag (1)
- Flatanger kommune (5)
- Flatanger-foto (1)
- (6)
- Flateby (7)
- Flateby-slekten (1)
- Flatebygodset (1)
- Fleetwood Mac (2)
- Fleip eller fakta? (1)
- Flekkefjord (1)
- Flesberg (12)
- Flesberg stavkirke (1)
- Flicker (6)
- Flickr (303)
- Flickr slideshow (1)
- FLIR Systems (1)
- Flisa (1)
- FLO IKT (1)
- Flo Rida (1)
- Flo-slekten (1)
- Float (CSS-kommando) (1)
- Floda (1)
- Floda BOIF (8)
- Florenthyna (7)
- Florenthyna Katrine Schei (4)
- Florida (10)
- Florø (2)
- Flowering (1)
- Fluffy (fra irc) (8)
- Fluxie (fra irc. Venninne av Cilla) (2)
- Fly (3)
- Flyakrobatikk (1)
- Flyktning fra Norge (4)
- Flyktninger (1)
- Flymo (1)
- Flyselskap (1)
- Flysimulatorer (1)
- Flytte tilbake igjen til Norge? (2)
- Flytting (1)
- Flyulykker (2)
- Flyvertinner (2)
- Flåbekkveien (i Sande/på Berger) (1)
- Flåklypa (2)
- FN (201)
- FN i Storbritannia (2)
- FN-tjeneste (3)
- FN's høykommisær for menneskerettigheter (1)
- FN's menneskerettighetskommisjon (2)
- Fog (1)
- Fog-slekten (16)
- Fog? (2)
- FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) (3)
- Folk fra Spillegal-forumet tuller med/trakasserer meg på en organisert måte (1)
- Folk har ordre å oppføre seg på en viss måte hvis jeg går inn på irc? (1)
- Folk i min familie oppfører seg som såkalt 'white thrash' selv om kanskje det begrepet ikke er helt pent (1)
- Folk i Norge driver å dikter opp rykter pga. mangel på ting å gjøre på fritiden? (1)
- Folk jeg skal stappe hue oppi ræva på hvis jeg finner ut hvem de er (1)
- Folk og hjem - på gamle og nye tomter : bosettingen i Spydeberg. (1)
- Folk som banker på døra mi uten å ha noen avtale (1)
- Folk som bor i Spania (1)
- Folk som har perverse Facebook profilbilder. (2)
- Folk som jeg ville ha gått til rettsak mot hvis myndighetene ikke hadde vært korrupte. (4)
- Folk som prater med dobbeltbetydninger/mellom linjene? (6)
- Folk som viser tegn på å ha blitt surrete (1)
- (1)
- Folkedomstolen i Haag (5)
- Folkeforbundet (2)
- Folkehelseinstituttet (5)
- Folkehøgskoler (3)
- Folkehøyskole (3)
- Folkemusikk (1)
- Folkeregisteret (37)
- Folkeskolen (3)
- Folketeateret (1)
- Folketellingen fra 1865 (1)
- Folketellinger (1)
- Folketrygdfondet (1)
- Folkets Strålevern (4)
- Folkeviljen (avis) (3)
- Folkevognboble (1)
- Folklore (1)
- folks rettigheter (3)
- Folkungætten (1)
- Follo (66)
- Fondet for dansk-norsk samarbeid (3)
- Fonter (2)
- Foo Fighters (1)
- Footer (2)
- Footer (webdesign) (15)
- For tidlig født (1)
- Forbannelser? (1)
- (1)
- Forbrukere (1)
- Forbrukerinstruktørene (1)
- Forbrukerkjøpsloven (2)
- Forbrukerklageutvalget (1)
- Forbrukerombudet (5)
- Forbrukerrettigheter (1)
- Forbrukerrådet (22)
- Forbrukersamvirke/Coop (9)
- Forbrukersamvirket (7)
- Forbrukersamvirket Lillestrøm (1)
- Forbrukersamvirket Øst (1)
- Forbrukersanvirket Lørenskog (1)
- Forbrukertilsynet (1)
- Forbryterspråk (3)
- Forbudstiden (1)
- Ford (5)
- Ford Sierra (1)
- Foreldre og barn (3)
- Foreldre/barn (1)
- Forelesere (1)
- Foreningen Norden (1)
- Foreningen Trankebar (1)
- Foreningsliv (1)
- Forenom (4)
- Forente Arabiske Emirater (2)
- Forfalskning av vitnemål (2)
- Forfalskning av vitnemål fra Buskerud Fylkeskommune (5)
- Forfatterskolen (1)
- Forfatterstipend (4)
- Forfatterstipend-sak (3)
- Forfølgelse i Norge (2)
- Forliksrådet (6)
- Forliksrådet i Bærum (2)
- Forlovelse (2)
- Forlovelser (1)
- Formuesfullmakt (1)
- Fornebu (6)
- Fornebuklinikken (1)
- Fornyings- (1)
- Fornyings- administrasjons og kirkedepartementet (4)
- Fornyings- og administrasjonsdepartementet. (8)
- Forpulte idioter (1)
- Forrandring av Wikipedia-sider for å vinne diskusjoner på johncons-blogg (2)
- Forrest Recruitment (1)
- Forretningsvirksomhet online (1)
- Forsikring (13)
- Forskjellen mellom de nordiske språkene (1)
- Forskning (6)
- Forskudd på arv (1)
- Forsterking (1)
- Forsterkning (4)
- Forsvardepartementet (4)
- Forsvaret (216)
- Forsvaret i Danmark (5)
- Forsvaret sier jeg er et 'problem' (1)
- Forsvarets Dag (i Elverum) (1)
- Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (3)
- Forsvarets Forum (1)
- Forsvarets lederopplæring (1)
- Forsvarets Overkommando (4)
- Forsvarets Regnskapsadministrasjon (2)
- Forsvarets sikkerhetstjeneste (2)
- Forsvarombudet (1)
- Forsvarsdepartementet (5)
- Forsvarsdepartementet i Danmark (4)
- Forsvarsmateriell (3)
- Forsvarsmuseet (2)
- Forsvenskningen (1)
- Forsyningsskipet Tender Trumpet (1)
- Forsøksgym (12)
- Forsøpling (1)
- Fortetning (1)
- Fortum (6)
- Forum Bekkestua (1)
- (1)
- (2)
- Forward (1)
- Forældreintra (1)
- Fosen (3)
- Fosnakulturen (3)
- Fosness åndssvakehjem (i Strømm) (1)
- Foss (1)
- Foss-slekten (12)
- Fossekleiva (9)
- Fossekleiva fabrikker (14)
- FOST (Forsvarets etterettningsorganisasjon) (1)
- Fosterforeldre (1)
- Fotball (258)
- Fotball på TV ( (3)
- Fotball-EM 1994 (1)
- Fotball-VM (9)
- Fotball-VM 1994 (2)
- Fotball-VM 1998 (1)
- Fotballgjengen på Ellingsrud (Seinere Åråsen) (2)
- Fotballklubben (1)
- Fotballskolen (1)
- (1)
- Fotografering (11)
- Fotografier (4)
- Fotvorter (2)
- Fox News (1)
- Fox's Confectionary (3)
- Foxxx (5)
- FPU (1)
- fra begynnelsen av 80-tallet) (1)
- Fra Rahels Facebook-side (3)
- Fra Rimi Langhus (2)
- Fractal (fra irc) (1)
- Frakt (1)
- Fram (18)
- Framhaldsskolen (1)
- France Gall (1)
- Francesca Lønstad Bleken (8)
- Franchise (2)
- Franco (1)
- Frank (fra Matland/OBS Triaden) (2)
- Frank (kamerat av Jan Snoghøj) (3)
- Frank (samboer med Lill Astrid Rugset) (1)
- Frank Arnold Vevang (1)
- Frank Black (1)
- Frank Eastwood (35)
- Frank Henning Hansen (7)
- Frank Larsen (3)
- Frank Vallee (2)
- Frankfurt (15)
- Frankfurter Sparkasse (2)
- Frankie Goes To Hollywood (1)
- Frankrike (29)
- Fransesca Bleken (2)
- Franz Kafka (11)
- Frateret (3)
- Fraxinetum (2)
- FRB.C (1)
- (5)
- Fred Bing (Fra Gjerdes VGS.) (11)
- Fred. Olsen & Co. (2)
- Fredag den trettende-terroren (1)
- Freddy Grønvold (1)
- Freddy Haugan (fra Bårdars danseinstitutt) (1)
- Freddy Kristoffersen/Mafiaen i Eiker (2)
- Fredensborg (6)
- Frederick (Assistent Rimi Bjørndal) (9)
- Frederick Forsyth (1)
- Frederik IX (1)
- Frederik Ludvig Holbøll (min tipptipptipptippoldefar) (1)
- Frederik Stang (1)
- Frederik VII (1)
- Frederiksberg (3)
- Frederiksberg Have (3)
- Frederiksberg kommune i Danmark (4)
- Frederikshavn (46)
- Frederiksvern (1)
- Frederiksværk (13)
- Fredheim skole (i Brandbu) (1)
- Fredrick (fra Rimi Bjørndal) (10)
- Fredrik 'Grøftegraver' Greftegreff (2)
- Fredrik Axelsson (1)
- Fredrik Axelsson (fra STS språkreiser til Brighton sommeren 1985) (3)
- Fredrik i Havna (butikk i Nevlunghavn) (1)
- Fredrik Karlsen (Fra Rimi Langhus) (14)
- Fredrik Skavlan (4)
- Fredrikke Louise Young f. Fog (11)
- Fredrikshavn (20)
- Fredriksstad Blad (2)
- Fredriksstads Blad (1)
- Fredrikstad (48)
- Fredrikstad Blad (3)
- Fredrikstad fotballklubb (1)
- Fredrikstad kommune (1)
- Fredriksverk (7)
- Fredsforhandlingene i Bosnia (1)
- Free Mason/Frimureri. (4)
- Freelancer (1)
- Freelancer? (1)
- Freelancere på internett (1)
- Freemasons (4)
- Freemasons Uninvited ft Bailey Tzuke (4)
- Freenations (4)
- (2)
- Freenode-nettet på irc (2)
- Freeview (4)
- Freeway (1)
- Freia (24)
- Frelsesarmeen (24)
- Fremad (2)
- Fremmedgjøring (4)
- Fremmedkultur (1)
- Fremmedlegionen (1)
- Fremover (avis) (1)
- Fremskritt (1)
- Fremskrittspartiet (73)
- Fremtiden (36)
- Fremtidsplaner (1)
- Fremtind Service (1)
- French-slekten (2)
- Frenship & Emily Warren (1)
- Fresjeborgen (1)
- Fretex (1)
- Freya (hvalross) (3)
- FRI (1)
- Fri Rettshjelp (81)
- Fribryting (1)
- Frida (fra Talkmore) (1)
- Frida Leknes (16)
- Frida Leknes sitt intervju med min fars stesønn Viggo 'Snowhill' Snoghøj (4)
- Frida Aasen (3)
- Frida-Sofie Hovik (1)
- Fridtjof Askjem (3)
- Fridtjof Dørumsgaard (3)
- Fridtjof Føll (1)
- Fridtjof Nansen (2)
- Frie Folkevalgte (1)
- Friends Arena (1)
- Frigjøringen (1)
- Frigjøringen 75 år (1)
- Frigjøringsdagen (1)
- Friheten (2)
- Frihetsgudinnen (1)
- Friidrett (11)
- Frikirken (1)
- Frimerkeklubben i Larvik (4)
- Frimerker (5)
- Frimerkesamling (6)
- Frimurarordenen (1)
- Frimurer Ulf Arild Fjeld Halvorsen (3)
- Frimurere (2)
- Frimureri (57)
- Frimureri som tuller i banker osv? (1)
- Frimurerlosjen (2)
- (1)
- Frisco (skip) (1)
- Frisell (Fra militæret) (18)
- Friskusen (1)
- Frisører (5)
- Frithjof Gartmann (1)
- Fritid (4)
- Fritidsbåter (2)
- Fritidsproblemer (1)
- Fritjof Nansen (2)
- Fritt Folk (1)
- Fritt Ord-prisen (2)
- Fritz Huitfeldt (2)
- Fritz Moen-saken (1)
- Fritzøe brygge (1)
- Frode (fra irc) (2)
- Frode Eika Sandnes (4)
- Frode Eika Sandnes (Leder for utenlandsstudier-seksjonen ved HiO ingeniørutdanningen) (24)
- Frode Grodås (1)
- Frode Grønnevik (fra førstegangstjenesten) (1)
- Frode Hansen (Fra Bergeråsen og Facebook) (2)
- Frode Holm fra Berger (11)
- Frode Kølner (159)
- Frode Mauring (3)
- Frode Norman Johansen (4)
- Frode Olsen (fotballspiller) (1)
- Frode Vestgarden (2)
- Frode Vidar Holm (Fra Berger) (23)
- Frogn (6)
- Frogn videregående (1)
- Frogner (9)
- Frognerbadet (2)
- Frognerparken (17)
- Frognerveien (1)
- Frogster (1)
- Frokost-TV (2)
- Fronter (2)
- Frosk (1)
- Frost (1)
- Frostskade (8)
- Frostskade-sak (51)
- Fru Hagen (1)
- Fru Landhjem som hadde butikk i Jegersborggate i Larvik (18)
- Fru Løff (fra Drammen) (3)
- Fru Ness (lærerinne på Svelvik Ungdomsskole) (13)
- Fru Sommer (kunde på Rimi Lambertseter) (2)
- Fru With (1)
- Fru/frøken (1)
- Frukt (25)
- Frukttrær (1)
- Frydenlund (1)
- Frynsegoder (2)
- Fryser (8)
- Frysere fulle av mer eller mindre umerka grytekjøtt mm (1)
- Frysja (4)
- Frysjaveien 33C (3)
- Frøbanken (6)
- Frøja Isabella Storm-Mathiesen (1)
- Frøken Norge (3)
- Frøshaug-slekten (1)
- Frøy (1)
- Frøya (3)
- Fu Min (leder Chinatown Expressen Eiksmarka) (1)
- Fuchsia Blix (Twitter-bruker) (1)
- Fuck For Forest (3)
- Fugees (1)
- Fugler (28)
- Fuglesang (leverandør for Norsk Hageselskap) (1)
- Fulham (3)
- Full Metal Jacket (2)
- Funcom (1)
- Fungerende kontorsjef Tone Hatlen hos HiO ingeniørutdanningen (5)
- Funksjonsemma (fra Twitter) (7)
- Funky Box (1)
- Furuheim-slekten (5)
- Furuset (94)
- Furuset Senter (1)
- Furuset-banen (1)
- Furuseth (fra Geværkompaniet) (4)
- Futsal (1)
- Futurama (4)
- Futurelearn (2)
- Fy faen for noen svin (1)
- Fy faen så amøbeaktige folk i Norge har blitt (1)
- Fyen (1)
- Fyens Stiftstidende (1)
- Fylkesmannen i Buskerud (8)
- Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Akershus (155)
- Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Viken (38)
- Fylkesmannen i Oslo og Viken sitt nyhetsvarsel (1)
- Fylkesmannen i Sør-Trøndelag (1)
- Fylkesmannen i Trøndelag (1)
- Fylkesmannen i Vestfold (33)
- Fylkestidende for Sogn og Fjordane (1)
- Fyllingsdalen (i Bergen) (1)
- Fyn (5)
- Fyrklövern AS (2)
- Fürst (1)
- Fyrstikktorget (3)
- Fyrvokter Edvard Edvardsen (2)
- Fysikk (1)
- Fædrelandsvennen (2)
- Færder (1)
- Færøyene (20)
- Fødselsannonser (1)
- Fødselsdager (4)
- Fødsler (2)
- Følelsesmenneskenes makt i Norge (1)
- Fønnebøfjorden (1)
- Første korinterbrev 13.13 (1)
- Første verdenskrig (8)
- Førstegangstjenesten (163)
- Førstegangstjensten (3)
- Føtex (12)
- Føtex Vesterbrogade (3)
- Fåberg (3)
- Får grått hår fordi jeg blir nekta rettigheter etter å ha overhørt at jeg er forfulgt av mafian og blitt førsøkt drept (2)
- Får Jag Lov (2)
- Får politiet unge damer til å gjøre seg til og så ser de om jeg ser på de? (1)
- Fårikål (1)
- G-bar i Eberle St. (23)
- G-ha (1)
- G-mail (72)
- (2)
- G-sport (3)
- g+ (1)
- G20-demonstrasjonene i London (1)
- Gabor/Sarkøzi-slekten (4)
- Gabriella (fra University of Sunderland) (4)
- Gabriella Szvacsek (1)
- Gade-slekten (1)
- Gagnås-slekten (1)
- Galdhøpiggen (1)
- Galgeberg (2)
- Galicia (1)
- Galleberg (7)
- Galleberg i Sande (4)
- Galleri Oslo (15)
- Galleri Oslo Klinikken (20)
- Galtrup-familien (4)
- Galtrup-slekten (2)
- Gambia (1)
- Gambling (1)
- GamesMaster (engelsk TV-program) (1)
- Gamezone (7)
- Gamle Aker kirke (1)
- Gamle Berger skole (9)
- Gamle Drammensvei (2)
- Gamle Kongevei (i Larvik) (1)
- Gamle Lofotbilder (1)
- Gamle Ringeriksvei (3)
- Gamlebyen (10)
- Gamlehjemmet i Søndre Strømm (9)
- Gammel grunnbok (2)
- Gammel Header-design (1)
- Gang Stalking (3)
- Gang-land? (1)
- Gangbrua ved Berger skole (1)
- Gange-Rolf (4)
- Gap (1)
- Gapahuk (1)
- Gar de Est (1)
- Garage (1)
- Garasjedrapet (i Drammen) (1)
- Garbage (6)
- Gardel Bricen (1)
- Garden (7)
- Gardermoen (11)
- Gare du Nord (5)
- Garlands (1)
- Garmisch-Partenkirchen (1)
- Garnisjonsmesterskapet i skyting på Terningmoen (1)
- Garnisons kirke (2)
- Garnisons kirkegård (1)
- Garnkuler (kavel) (1)
- Garston (2)
- Gartnerhallen (5)
- Gartnerhallen-kurs (8)
- Gasolin' (1)
- Gass (3)
- Gateguttspråk (1)
- Gatekoder (Noe rart som Folkeregisteret opererer med i Oslo visstnok) (2)
- Gatemusikanter (1)
- Gateselgere (2)
- Gateshead (3)
- Gateteater (34)
- Gatwick flyplass (1)
- Gauguin-slekten (2)
- Gaulaug Olsdatter (Min tipptippoldemor) (2)
- Gauldal (1)
- Gauper (2)
- Gaute Boris Skjegstad (3)
- Gaute Drevdal (1)
- Gaute Grøtta Grav (1)
- Gaver (2)
- Gaver til johncons-blogg (4)
- Gaysir (2)
- Gaza (1)
- GB-is (2)
- Gbar (4)
- GDPR (11)
- Gecko (1)
- Gedde-familien (3)
- Gedde/Gjedde-slekten (27)
- Geilo (26)
- Geir Andre Henriksen (min døve kusine Lene sin eks) (1)
- Geir Arne Jørgensen (94)
- Geir Børresen (1)
- Geir Eikanger (5)
- Geir Hamnes (2)
- Geir Isene (Avhopper fra Scientologene) (2)
- Geir Olav 'Gækki' Bøkestad (3)
- Geir Solberg (5)
- Geir-Magne Kristensen aka. Geir Magne Kristiansen (min døve kusine Lene sin eksmann) (3)
- Geistlige (1)
- General Motors (1)
- Generaladvokaten (1)
- Generasjon X (1)
- Generasjon Y (2)
- Generasjon Z (1)
- Generasjon-X politiet (2)
- Generator (2)
- Generell e-post adresse (3)
- Generell studiekompetanse (2)
- Generiske navn (1)
- Genesis (1)
- Geneve (1)
- Geni (27)
- Geni sitt verdenstre (1)
- Gent (2)
- Geoffrey Plantagenet (1)
- Geografi (2)
- Geometri (1)
- Georg Apenes (2)
- Georg Stengel (1)
- George (Hos Imperial Properties) (24)
- George Bush (2)
- George Michael (3)
- George Orwell (26)
- George Orwell/Animal Farm (8)
- George Soros (5)
- George W. 'show Owl/Devil/Bohemian Groove sign when he's with the Queen of England' Bush (12)
- George Washington (2)
- Georgia (1)
- Gerard McMahon (1)
- Gerd (Kontormedarbeider hos Dr. Ness i Helgeroa) (1)
- Gerd Aune (svigerdatter av min mors tremenning Odd Stub Aune) (2)
- Gerd Jorun 'Gerdie' Wiik (5)
- Gerd Jorun Vik (5)
- Gerd Jorun Wik (3)
- Gerd Liv Valla (21)
- Gerd Løveseter (1)
- Gerd Nilsen (1)
- Gerd Ramlo (3)
- Gerd Synnøve Elvestuen (2)
- Gerd-Liv Valla Film (1)
- Gerd-Unni Hansen (en tidligere nabo av min mor fra da hun bodde på Tagtvedt) (2)
- Gerhard Andreas Blix (1)
- Gerhardsen-familien (9)
- Gerilja-virksomhet (1)
- Germar Schneider (Bærum-lege som tvangsinnla meg i 2015) (1)
- Gert Nygårdshaug (2)
- GES (2)
- Gestapo-ish? (3)
- Geva av Danmark/Vestfold (1)
- Geværkompaniet (33)
- Geværkompaniet. Terningmoen. (239)
- Geværkompaniet) (1)
- Gezim (fra Rimi Bjørndal) (2)
- Ghersi (1)
- Ghettofisering (1)
- Giesegaard (1)
- Giftemål (8)
- Gigoloer (1)
- Gilby (2)
- Gilde (4)
- Gillette (5)
- Gimle (1)
- Gimsøy kloster (1)
- Gina (fra språkreise Brighton 1988 og Skjetten) (3)
- Gio (fra #quiz-show) (5)
- Giorgio Moroder (1)
- Girl It (3)
- Gisele Bündchen (2)
- Giske (fra Gjerdes VGS). (7)
- Giske Breivik Andreassen (4)
- Gisle Leonard Hansen (NTSF) (8)
- Giulio Rosati (2)
- Giullo Rosati (1)
- Gjedde (19)
- Gjedde-familien (59)
- Gjedde-slekten (75)
- Gjedder (1)
- Gjeld (12)
- Gjeldsregister (1)
- Gjeldsrådgivning (4)
- Gjelleråsen (1)
- Gjelseth-slekten (8)
- Gjengangeren (5)
- Gjennomsiktighet i samfunnet (1)
- Gjensidige (8)
- Gjenvinning (1)
- Gjerdes handelsskole (1)
- Gjerdes videregående (22)
- Gjerdes Videregående Skole. Drammen. (248)
- Gjerdrum (4)
- Gjermund Bruun Olsen (3)
- Gjerrighet/dumhet (1)
- Gjerrigknarken (6)
- Gjertrud Christine Gjedde f. Nyborg (5)
- Gjertsen-slekten (1)
- Gjettum (2)
- Gjevilvatnet (1)
- Gjønnes (5)
- Gjønnes gård (1)
- Gjønnes t-banestasjon (4)
- Gjønnesparken (7)
- Gjør pressen i Norge jobben sin? (1)
- Gjøvik (1)
- Glacier Mints (9)
- Gladengen Drift (1)
- Gladio? (2)
- Gladys Eastwood (1)
- Glasgow (1)
- Glasshytta (glassblåserverksted på Berger) (1)
- Glassmagasinet (2)
- Glassverket (4)
- Glassverkveien (2)
- Glenn 'Lille-Glenn' Hesler (1)
- Glenn (fra Rimi Lambertseter) (2)
- Glenn Bullen (1)
- Glenn Helser (4)
- Glenn Hesler (306)
- Glenn Hesler søkte på 'barneporno' på min PC mens jeg var på bensinstasjonen i 1996/97 (1)
- Glitre (1)
- Glitre Energi (7)
- Global Knowledge Network (8)
- Globalconnect (8)
- Globalisering (2)
- Globetrotter Inn (11)
- Globus-gården i Drammen (2)
- Glomma (1)
- Glomstrup herregård (1)
- Gloppe (7)
- Glostrupveien (Skjetten) (1)
- Glåmdalen (5)
- Gmail (61)
- Gnomedal (3)
- Go' Mat (supermarked i Drammen. Også kjent som Strømsø Supermarked) (5)
- Go' Morgen-yogurt (1)
- Godlia (1)
- (10)
- Godteposer (15)
- Godteri (1)
- Godtlibsen-slekten (1)
- Goetheanum (2)
- Gol (4)
- Goldberg (1)
- Goldie Hawn (1)
- Golding Estates (4)
- Goldman Building (2)
- Golf (4)
- Gollum (3)
- Gomorra (2)
- Gonzales (spansk etternavn) (2)
- Good Candy (2)
- Goodison (16)
- Goodison Park (12)
- Goodison Road (1)
- (1)
- Google (853)
- Google Account (1)
- Google AdSense (6)
- Google AdWords (22)
- Google Analytics (1)
- Google Books (3)
- Google Chat (6)
- Google Docs (1)
- Google Glass (1)
- Google Groups (5)
- Google Kunnskapspanel (1)
- Google Map (1)
- Google Maps (270)
- Google Nexus (1)
- Google One (1)
- Google Photos (40)
- Google Play (2)
- Google Plus (2)
- Google Takeout (1)
- Google Translate (8)
- Google Video (1)
- Google-talk (1)
- Google+ (11)
- Gordon Brown (11)
- Gordon Ramsay (1)
- Gordon Ramsey (3)
- Gordon Road (Shoreham-By-Sea) (6)
- Gordon-slekten (1)
- Gorillaz (3)
- Gorm (En dansk vikinge/sagn-konge) (1)
- Gorm den gamle (1)
- Gorm Ribsskog Johannson (3)
- Goterne (6)
- Gotham Nights (1)
- Gothard Sisters (3)
- Gotland (1)
- Gottlob Rosenkrantz (en adelsmann som min tipptippoldefar L. C. Nyholm arbeidet for) (3)
- Goy (8)
- GPS (1)
- GPT-4 (6)
- Graffiti (5)
- Grafitti (10)
- Gralslandet (1)
- Gram slott (i Danmark) (1)
- Grammatikk (1)
- Gran (2)
- Gran historielag (6)
- Gran-familien (6)
- Gran-slekten (12)
- Granbergstubben på Bjørndal (1)
- Grand Boulevard (2)
- Grand Hotel i Scarborough (3)
- Grand hotell i Larvik (5)
- Grand National (4)
- Grande (en bodybuilder fra Bergeråsen) (1)
- Grandiosa (178)
- Grandiosa Dance School Finland (1)
- Grandiosa uten paprika (5)
- Grandiosa-reklame (3)
- Grandis (1)
- Grankotten i Umeå (Christell sin ektemann sitt firma) (2)
- Granli sinnsykehus (i Sem) (9)
- Grans (8)
- Grans Bryggeri (24)
- Granstøl-familien (fra Kvelde) (1)
- Granum (5)
- Gratulasjoner (5)
- Gravdahl-slekten (1)
- Graver (3)
- Gravminner (2)
- Gravrøysene på Rødtangen (2)
- Gravrøyser (1)
- Gravsteder (1)
- Greater London (1)
- GreatFon (1)
- Green Day (7)
- Green Lane (2)
- Greenpeace (2)
- Greenwich (1)
- Greenwoods (1)
- Grefsen togstasjon (1)
- Greger Rosenvinge Støtvig (3)
- Gregory John Morrah Whyley (1)
- Gregussen (Som sier at personen er i 'mafian') (6)
- Gremlins? (1)
- Grenland (9)
- (1)
- Grensen (2)
- Gressholmen (2)
- Gressklipperulykker (1)
- Greta Garbo (1)
- Greta Skou Snoghøj (10)
- Grete 'Truseløs' Godtlibsen (2)
- Grete Bruun (1)
- Grete Gotlibsen (1)
- Grete Ingebrigtsen (150)
- Grete Roede (1)
- Grete Solløst (1)
- Grete Zachariassen (3)
- Grethe Biseth (1)
- Grethe Ingebrigtsen (61)
- Grethe Laila Olsen (3)
- Grethe Lillian Hovland (mora til Bjørn Hovland som gikk i parallellklassen min på Svelvik ungdomsskole) (2)
- Grethe Myrberg (1)
- Grethe Skjelsbek (2)
- Grethe Syvertsen f. Zachariassen (min fars kusine) (7)
- Grev Axel av Rosenborg (1)
- Grev Wedel (utested i Drammen) (1)
- Grevling (1)
- Grey's Monument (1)
- Grieg (1)
- Grieghallen (1)
- Griff-Müller-slekten (1)
- Grimsby Evening Telegraph (1)
- Grimstad (5)
- Grisen (3)
- Grissini (2)
- Gro Dahl (1)
- Gro Harlem Brundtland (26)
- Gro Haugerud Johansen-Thorbjørnsen (1)
- Gro Kari Hagen Næss (6)
- Gro Marit Fjellner (11)
- Gro Mogan (min fars kusine) (4)
- Gro Olsen (1)
- Gro Ribsskog (2)
- Gro Røsaas (1)
- Gro-dagen (1)
- Gro-Marit (I Svelvik-avisa) (5)
- Grocer 33 (1)
- Grorud (2)
- Groruddalen (29)
- (1)
- Groruddalens Avis (1)
- Grossister (2)
- Grosvenor (8)
- Grosvenor Museum (1)
- Grukkedal'n Cowboys (1)
- Grundig (3)
- Grunerløkka (77)
- Grunerløkka skole (6)
- Grunerøkka (1)
- Grunnane (13)
- Grunnane naturreservat (1)
- Grunnboksinformasjon (38)
- Grunnloven (12)
- Gruppearbeid (1)
- Gry fra Rimi Bjørndal (Aka. Bimbo-Gry) (1)
- Gry Grønlien (1)
- Gry Johansen (6)
- Gry Steinberg (1)
- Gry Stenberg (67)
- Gry Stenberg Wessel (13)
- Grymyr (1)
- Grymyr-slekten (1)
- Gründere (1)
- Grünerløkka (6)
- Grytenesfeltet (i Sætre) (1)
- Grytnes ungdomsskole (1)
- Grytnesfeltet (1)
- Grytnesveien (Sætre) (1)
- Grændsens Skotøimagazin AS (4)
- Grønland (80)
- Grønland HV-område (1)
- Grønland Politistasjon (6)
- Grønland t-banestasjon (2)
- Grønli-slekten (10)
- Grønning (foreleser ved HiO IU) (2)
- Grønnlisetra (muligens aka. Fyrsett) (1)
- Grønvold-slekten (2)
- Grøtte (i Rennebu) (2)
- Grøttinglia (2)
- Gråtass (1)
- Grått hår (1)
- Guantanamo (3)
- Gud (1)
- Gudbrandsdal Energi (7)
- Gudbrandsdal Energi Mobil (2)
- Gudbrandsdalen (9)
- Gudbransdølen Dagningen (2)
- Gudlaug Elden f. Ribsskog (2)
- Gudrun Alvilde Pauline Pedersen (1)
- Gudrun Stephensen (1)
- Gudstro (1)
- (1)
- Guinness rekordbok (1)
- Gul-E-Hina (fra Rimi Nylænde) (2)
- Gula Tidend (1)
- Gulating (1)
- Gulbrand Lunde (nazist) (1)
- Gule sider (42)
- Gulen (4)
- (10)
- Gulf (1)
- Gullbrev (8)
- Gullbryllup (1)
- Gullek Gulleksson (Toeiet) Gulleksrud (9)
- Gullek Spellemann (min tipptipptippoldefar) (1)
- Gullfunn (4)
- Gullik Gullikson (min farmors mors forster-far. Fant Traaen-skatten) (10)
- Gullik Mogan (9)
- Gullkløver (1)
- Gullnummer (1)
- Gullrekka (1)
- Gullruten (1)
- Gullskogen-senteret (1)
- Gullsnutten (1)
- Gullstandarden (1)
- Gullstikka (2)
- Gulskogen (47)
- Gulskogen gamle bedehus (1)
- Gulskogen senter (2)
- Gulsott (1)
- Gulv (2)
- Gummibransjen (2)
- Gunde Svan (2)
- Gunder Eriksen (aka. Hypple fra #quiz-show) (1)
- Gundersen-slekten (4)
- Gunerius (5)
- Gunhild Gundersen Holm (1)
- Gunhild M. Haugnes (7)
- Gunild Olsdatter i Rødtangen fra Eggedal (Min tipptippoldemor) (24)
- Gunleik Chr. Gjerde (1)
- Gunn Marit Traaen (min tremenning) (1)
- Gunnar 'Go' Mat' Fjeldheim (2)
- Gunnar 'Kjakan' Sønsterbø (1)
- Gunnar (hunden til onkel Martin og dem) (5)
- Gunnar Bergstø (94)
- Gunnar Bovim (rektor NTNU) (3)
- Gunnar Bøe (KGB-spion) (1)
- Gunnar Ekeberg (1)
- Gunnar Eskeland (1)
- Gunnar Gjedde (1)
- Gunnar Gundersen (4)
- Gunnar Jørgensen (2)
- Gunnar Mogan (min fars fetter) (1)
- Gunnar Stavrum (20)
- Gunnar Stålsett (2)
- Gunnild Olsdatter (Min farfars farmor) (6)
- Guns N' Roses (4)
- Gunvor Holm (1)
- Gunvor Lersbryggen f. Eriksen (min farfars kusine) (1)
- Gunvor Nansen (5)
- Guri Becker f. Aarseth (min firemenning) (3)
- Guri Cecelie Rognli Olsen (2)
- Guri Skavlan (1)
- Guri Aarseth (min firemenning) (1)
- Guro (Dag Anders Roughseth sin samboer-dame) (1)
- Guro Skamfer Sliper (1)
- GuroSF (1)
- Guru Josh (2)
- Guru Josh Project (1)
- Gurvika (20)
- Gurvinder (Fra Rimi Kalbakken) (7)
- Gustav Kjølstad Nyheim (1)
- Gustav Vigeland (1)
- Gustav Vigelands vei (1)
- Gutenberg (2)
- Gutta Fra Havet (1)
- Gutta på Haugen (en butikk på St. Hanshaugen) (2)
- Guttorm Gran (advokat) (2)
- Guttorm Gran (onkel til min mors venninne og eier av Grans Bryggeri) (5)
- Guttorm Gran jr. (2)
- Guttorm Hesler (Glenn Hesler sin farfar) (3)
- Guy Fawkes Night (5)
- Gwladys St. (1)
- Gwyneth Paltrow (1)
- Gygrer (1)
- Gyldendal (10)
- Gyldenløve kro (1)
- Gyldenløvesgade (i København) (1)
- Gyldenstjerne (2)
- Gyllene Tider (6)
- Gyllenhaal-slekten (1)
- Gym (1)
- Gym Terra (1)
- Gütersloh (4)
- Gyvall-slekten (1)
- Gærninger sender tegning (5)
- Gøran Juel Johansson (4)
- Göran Rutensköld (min tippx6 oldefar) (1)
- Gøril fra CC Storkjøp (35)
- Gøril Kjos Mork (24)
- Gøteborg (53)
- gå etter boka (1)
- Gå og kast dere (1)
- Gågata (2)
- Gålåvatnet (1)
- Gården Kiil i Tjølling (5)
- Gårdsarbeid (2)
- Gårdsbruk (2)
- Gårdsdrift (4)
- Gårdstun (1)
- Gåserudbakken (1)
- Gåte (4)
- Gåten Siv Jensen (3)
- H and T (1)
- H-båt (1)
- H. Anker Heegaard v/Max Roe (2)
- H&M (4)
- Hacking (83)
- Hadeland (7)
- Hadeland (avis) (2)
- Haden (1)
- Hadia Tajik (Fra Arbeiderpartiet) (7)
- Hadrians wall (1)
- Hadsel (41)
- Hadsel bygdebok (2)
- Hadsel kommune (30)
- Hadsel kommunestyre (1)
- Haffalden (1)
- Hafnia hotell på Torshavn (1)
- Hafslund (31)
- Haga (1)
- Hagegartnere (4)
- Hagen Gruppen (9)
- Hagerup-familien (7)
- Hagman-slekten (2)
- Hai (1)
- HAJ (Haldis Arne Jan) Vannsenger (9)
- Hakadal (1)
- Hakekors (2)
- Hakon (1)
- Hakon Gruppen (4)
- Hakon Raiders (MC-klubben til Rimis hovedkontor på 90-tallet) (5)
- Hakon Rett Hjem (1)
- Hakon-gruppen (10)
- Hakon-gruppens hovedkontor på Sinsen (5)
- Halal (1)
- Halden (10)
- Halden Arbeiderblad (4)
- Halden kommune (3)
- Haldis 'Halv-t*ss' Humblen (f. Brekke) (1)
- Haldis Brekke (2)
- Haldis er 'mannen' i forholdet med faren min (1)
- Haldis Humblen (604)
- Haldis-familien (12)
- Haley Shea (2)
- Halfdan Bleken (min firemenning) (3)
- Halima Jamma (moren til Warsan fra Rimi Nylænde) (1)
- Hallingdal (16)
- Hallingdølen (1)
- Halloween (8)
- Halmstad (1)
- Halsefilmen (1)
- Halsen Dagligvare (1)
- Halsen IF (4)
- Halsey (2)
- Halslinser (1)
- Halsum (7)
- Halvard Thoresen (1)
- Halvor (Fra Øvre på Bergeråsen) (2)
- Halvor Levorson Tollum (bror av min oldemor Bergit Mogan sin fostermor/filletante Aase) (1)
- Halvor Raknes aka. Meco (5)
- Halvor Tjønn (Journalist i Aftenposten) (1)
- Halvor Tuv (7)
- Halvorsen (1)
- Halvorsen (En det blir søkt på Google om som visstnok skal ha noe med albansk mafia å gjøre) (2)
- Halvsju (1)
- Hamar (44)
- Hamar Arbeiderblad (24)
- Hamar Arbeiderblad og Østerdal Arbeiderblad (1)
- Hamar Katedralskole (1)
- Hamar osv. (1)
- Hamar Stiftstidende (1)
- Hamburg (1)
- Hammerfest (8)
- Hammersmith (3)
- Hammond-orgel (1)
- Hamstring (1)
- Han Martin Fallan (1)
- Hanaborg (14)
- Hanaumi aka. Hanne Yung Qvigstad (2)
- Handel (2)
- Handel og kontor (105)
- Handels (del av svensk LO) (1)
- Handelsbanken (2)
- Handelsfag (1)
- Handelshøyskolen BI's bibliotek (1)
- Handelskrig fra USA? (1)
- Hank von Helvete (3)
- Hanna Järver (1)
- Hanna Kampmann (2)
- Hanna Olsen (1)
- Hanna Sophie Therese Petersen (min danske tipptippoldemor som ble gift på Grønland) (3)
- Hanna Østberg (fra Rimi Bjørndal) (4)
- Hannahs (utested i Liverpool) (2)
- Hanne Fjellbo Kihle (fra Jegersborggate 18) (1)
- Hanne Harlem (6)
- Hanne Kristine Winnem (10)
- Hanne Krogh (6)
- Hanne Marie Tyldum Ribsskog (2)
- Hanne Wilhelmine Andersdatter (min farfars farmor) (3)
- Hannisdahl-slekten (2)
- Hanoi (1)
- Hans Bjørn Brunmark Olsen (min grandonkel) (13)
- Hans Burums vei (på Bekkestua) (1)
- Hans Christian Færden (1)
- Hans Christopher Gedde (2)
- Hans Eilef Berger (fra Svelvik) (2)
- Hans Erik Nydal (1)
- Hans Hagerup (2)
- Hans Henrik Holm (1)
- Hans Ingebrigtsen (3)
- Hans Kiærs gate 4 (5)
- Hans Kr. Høie (svigerfaren til Bernhof Ribsskog) (1)
- Hans Kølner (4)
- Hans Louis Heegaard (min danske oldefar) (21)
- Hans Martin Brekke (3)
- Hans Martin Fallan (20)
- Hans Olsen (min tipptipptippoldefar) (2)
- Hans Otto Bjørkå (1)
- Hans Otto Olsen (Min farfars far) (32)
- Hans Petter Pedersen (1)
- Hans Ranum (1)
- Hans Røsjordet (10)
- Hans Steenfeldt Dall (1)
- Hans-Marius Østby Schrøder (3)
- Hans-Petter Jahre (1)
- Hans-Tore Bjerkaas (tidligere kringkastingssjef) (1)
- Hansa (4)
- Hansemann (Utested i Larvik) (2)
- Har Erik blitt sinnsyk? (1)
- Har faren min solgt meg som noe Illuminati-slave til onkelen til Christell fra Bergen? (1)
- Har noe skjedd med Trond Halvorsen? (1)
- Har politiet fri tilgang til damer/horer? (1)
- Har politiet hemmelige dødspatruljer? (1)
- Har Tyskland startet en tredje verdenskrig gjennom ordener og firmaer? (1)
- Har vi et 'Arbeiderparti-politi' i Norge? (På samme måte som at vi har ARK. Arbeiderpartiets Rikskringkasting) (1)
- Harald Eia (19)
- Harald Eia. (Kjenner han til hva som foregår i forhold til en eventuell New World Order agenda mot nordiske/blonde osv?). (7)
- Harald Ferling Lund (far til Hege Snoghøj) (2)
- Harald Grenne (1)
- Harald Heide-Steen jr. (5)
- Harald Hilarius-Kalkau (1)
- Harald Hårfagre (13)
- Harald Igesund (1)
- Harald Inge Sand (7)
- Harald Ingebrigtsen (Grethe Ingebrigtsen sin far) (23)
- Harald L. Hansen (fra Berger) (1)
- Harald Løveseter (1)
- Harald Makonnen Uglum Bjune (1)
- Harald Stanghelle (2)
- Haraldrud sorteringsanlegg (i Oslo) (1)
- Haraldsen (fra Geværkompaniet) (11)
- Harassment Bryan Morley. (From Facebook). (14)
- Harassment David Smith. (From Facebook). (3)
- Harassment Erika Svensson. (From Facebook). (2)
- Harassment Issmat A. (From Facebook). (6)
- Harassment Lena Marie Mørk Lier (From Facebook). (16)
- Harassment Mia Dalen. (From Facebook). (2)
- Harassment Runar Gundersen. (From Facebook). (3)
- Harassment Sara Jennifer. (From Facebook) (22)
- Harassment Steinar Pettersen. (From Facebook). (4)
- Harassment Stian Larsen. (From Facebook). (1)
- Hard Rock Cafe (1)
- Harda Klær (1)
- Hardanger (4)
- Hardanger Folkeblad (2)
- Hardangervidda (1)
- Hardingfele (1)
- Hardman St. (1)
- Harestua Auto AS (1)
- Hariet Olsen (min grandtante fra Hurumlandet) (1)
- Harkness-slekten (1)
- Harmageddon (2)
- Harmageddon? (2)
- Harold Ribsskog (1)
- Harrasment Matthew Harrison. (From Facebook). (9)
- Harrassment Claudia Wakim. (From Facebook) (3)
- Harriet Olsen (5)
- Harriet Wilhelmine Sandersen (3)
- Harrods (1)
- Harry Cleveland Voss (3)
- Harry Erwin (amerikansk foreleser ved University of Sunderland) (6)
- Harry Potter (6)
- Harry Styles (2)
- Harry Wad (71)
- Harry Wad (Som det virker som at er pervers og pedofil synes jeg) (1)
- Harry-kultur (1)
- Harstad (2)
- Harstad Tidende (1)
- Hartvig Von Harling (3)
- Hartwig von Harling (1)
- Harvard Business Review (1)
- Hashinetes (1)
- Hasj (6)
- Hasle (2)
- Hasle-slekten (2)
- HasleLinje (2)
- Haslum (34)
- Haslum t-banestasjon (3)
- Hassebo (1)
- Hassfurt (1)
- hat-blogg (53)
- Hat-post (1)
- Hater amerikanerne skandinaver siden de ikke tror på Gud? (1)
- Hatters hostell (Copperas Hill Liverpool) (3)
- Haug-slekten (1)
- Hauge-slekten (1)
- Haugen-gruppen (1)
- Haugenstua (4)
- Hauger Golfklubb (1)
- Haugerud (10)
- Haugerudhagen (1)
- Haugesund (3)
- Haugesunds Avis (2)
- Haugesunds Dagblad (1)
- Haugetun folkehøyskole (2)
- Haugland-slekten (3)
- Haukeland Sykehus i Bergen (1)
- Hauketo (1)
- Hava Özgyr (27)
- Havana (1)
- Havana nattklubb (1)
- Havmo-slekten (5)
- Havnehagen (94)
- Havnehagen 21 (1)
- Havnehagen 32 (5)
- Havnehagen 4 (5)
- Havnelageret (1)
- Havre-slekten (3)
- Havård Lilleheie (1)
- Hawai (2)
- Haymarket (i Liverpool) (1)
- Head On (Tidligere utested i Oslo) (8)
- Headbangers Ball (1)
- Health and Safety Click Ltd. (1)
- Health Service Ombudsman (10)
- Heart (2)
- Heat Kensington (1)
- Heathrow (2)
- Heaven (1)
- Heavy-musikk (1)
- Hedmark (7)
- Hedrum (6)
- Hedrum bygdebok (1)
- Hedrum bygdebok. 1 : Kulturhistorie (2)
- Hedrum historielag (1)
- Hedrum jeger- og fiskerlag (4)
- Hedvig Catharina Larsdotter Gyllenhaal f. Rutensköld (1)
- Heegaard-familien (66)
- Heegaard-slekten (54)
- Hegdehaugsveien (1)
- Hege (fra Matland/OBS Triaden) (3)
- Hege Abrahamsen (Leder Rimis personalavdeling) (2)
- Hege fra Rødgata på Gulskogen (12)
- Hege Furfjord (20)
- Hege Grymyr (4)
- Hege Grymyr (butikksjef Rimi Oppsalstubben) (5)
- Hege Holm (1)
- Hege Lislerud (4)
- Hege M. Østby (1)
- Hege Ragnhildsløkken (1)
- Hege Rønjom fra Svelvik (28)