det er jo at de bruker ulovlige ledelsesmetoder da, at folka der ble systematisk plaga, av ledere som var opplært til å bruke mobbing, for å styre virksomheten. Det var Illumianti/frimurere, som hadde kontrollen der, og samla fine, nordiske damer, som
de brukte psykologi på, for å manipulere til å bli horer, hadde jeg nær sagt, for de her frimurerne. Så norske og nordiske damer, de gråt hele tida på jobben der.
Så noe var alvorlig galt der, norske folk ble så dårlig behandla der, de måtte ta samtaler på
tre språk (norsk, dansk og svensk), mens finner og dansker bare tok samtaler på sitt språk, men norske fikk ikke mer betalt. Et hovedpoeng, er at produkt-aktivering, over telefon, ikke har noe definert hovedmål, det er altså
bare en fiktiv virksomhet som er satt opp, for at frimurere, skal få tilgang til unge damer, kan det virke som. Så sånn er nok det.
Jeg har masse filer som støtter dette, og jeg synes det er alvorlig at et stort selskap driver etter
prinsipper som må bety at de er i krig mot de nordiske.
Her er en link til alle dokumentene:
Jeg trodde den sangen var sånn, at Ola var fra Sandefjord, men det var kanskje jeg som har hørt feil, og at det var Ivan som var fra Sandefjord?
Med vennlig hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 7:56 AM, Redaksjonen Sandefjords Blad <redaksjonen@sb.no> wrote:
Tror nok dette i første rekke er en sak for ØP, DT eller et
eller annet nisjeblad i databransjen. ;-) Som lokalavis for Sandefjord kommer
vi ikke til å lage en sak på språkproblemer og mulig trakassering på
Bertelmanns Microsoft-aktivisering.
Geir Baarnes
Sandefjords Blad
930 18 348
Fra: Erik Ribsskog
Sendt: 4. juni 2009 08:13
Til: Redaksjonen Sandefjords Blad
Emne: Alvorlige problemer og tulling med norske folk på Microsoft-aktiveringen
i Liverpool/Fwd: Employment-case against Bertelsmann Arvatos Microsoft
Scandinavian Product Activation
jeg har vokst opp i Larvik og på Berger, så jeg har kontaktet
Østlandsposten og Drammens Tidende om dette.
Men jeg har ikke fått noe svar, så jeg tenkte kanskje at dere var interessert i
hvordan norske og nordiske folk ble
behandla på Bertelsmanns Microsoft-aktivering.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, May 27, 2009 at 2:14 AM
Subject: Employment-case against Bertelsmann Arvatos Microsoft Scandinavian
Product Activation
To: info@equalityhumanrights.com
I searched on the LSC database, for lawyers that one could
apply for legal aid founding through,
and your organisation showed up.
I worked at Bertelsmanns Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation, in 2005 and
2006, and
since then I've been trying to get an employment-case
through the legal-system, but I haven't
found any lawyers who have wanted to help, even if I've been
in meetings with many solicitior-
This could be because of that big companies like Bertelsmann and Microsoft are
and the case is about illigal management-methods being used
and a lot of bullying from Arvato-managers in Liverpool.
(I suspect women were manipulated there by some freemasons as well, by using
kabbalish methods etc., but this is just something I mention
by the way).
I have a lot of documentation about the problems there, it was horrible, we
were threated
like slaves almost, I think I have to say.
With team-leaders bullying us all the time, and we were asked to do impossilbe
like I was asked to take Danish call, just as fine as I did
Norwegian calls, even if I'm from
Norway, and the Danish language has a quite unclear pronounsiation,
which is commonly
known in all of Scandinavia, making it difficult to
understand, and to speak.
Neverheless, I had to sit all day taking Danish calls, for
months, (on top of the Norwegian
and Swedish calls), which for a Norwegian is tirering, so it
was like they didn't hire Danish
speakers to tire me, so that I had to quit.
The things I mention here, and more, should be well documented in a group I
have at a
web-publishing site called Scribd:
I hope that you have a chance to help me with this case,
since I suspect that these are problems,
that still goes on, today, in the Bertelsmann Arvato
Microsoft product-activations around the world.
These campaigns lacked a main goal, and one could almost speculate, from what I
heard, behind
my back, that I was there to get the young women to calm
down, to stay there longer.
Probably said by some Freemasons/Illuminati, in a big open office-landscape, in
the Cunard
Building, in Liverpool, with many hundred people working, so
I didn't see who said this, but
this is what I overheard, that my real job was to calm the
women down, so that the masons
could exploit them for a longer periode of time.
So, since there is no main-goal, (at least that we got to hear, I worked there
for more than a year),
due to this, one could suspect, that all Bertelsmann
Microsoft Product-activations, are just
phoney, there wasn't much empasis put on the actual calls,
but most calls where activated,
without much fuss, some women their told me they just let
everything through, which seemed
to me, to be the case with most of the people, (mostly
young, scandinavian woman), who
So if the (real) purpose of these activations are to gather a number of pretty,
young women,
in a big office building-envoronment, so that these girls
could be exploitet, in other offices
This was how it seemed to me.
I think this should be looked closer at, so I'm trying to
get a lawyer to help me with this
case, so I hope you have the chance to have a look at this!