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tirsdag 8. september 2009

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til Liverpool City Council

Google Mail - Update/Fwd: Complaint to G. Thompson, Environmental Enforcement Services, Liverpool City Council

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Complaint to G. Thompson, Environmental Enforcement Services, Liverpool City Council

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 7:07 AM



I'm just sending an update about this.

I think that the garbage-bags, in Leather Lane, could be from the company, that empty the 'G-bar bins', in Dale St., and when they find household-waste, in those bins, then perhaps they through those bags in the lane?

What do you think?

I'll explain more in a PS, (with pictures etc).

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


Here's what I think the problem with the garbage-bags, in Leather Lane, could be due to:

post Today, 06:57 AM

Post #218

Gary Jones

Group: Members
Posts: 106
Joined: 3-August 08
Member No.: 2,848

Now I'll try to explain, how I think this mystery, with the garbage-bags, in Leather Lane, is.

I'll try to explain with pictures, so that noone can pretend, not to understand, and so that perhaps also the Council perhaps will understand.

We'll see:


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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 7:43 PM
Subject: Complaint to G. Thompson, Environmental Enforcement Services, Liverpool City Council
To: Liverpool Direct <>


I'm writing to you, since on Wednesday, you and your college, from Liverpool City Council, in 'police-like uniforms', called on my calling, in flat 3, 5 Leather Lane, and wanted to speak with me, about the garbage, that someone had left in the lane, after the Bank Holiday.

I explained, that this wasn't my garbage, since I go with all my household-waste, to the restaurant Lady of Mann's garbage room, since that's the routine the Landlord, has told us to use, with the garbage.

Still I got a letter today, saying that you think it's possible me who do this, even if we talked about this on Wednesday.

You don't eighter seem, to reflect on, what I told you, that from my kitchen-window, I can see some type of break-room, (since I've been filming some funny seagull-family, on the roof of the 'G-bar building', which has made a lot of noise and learned to fly etc., earlier this summer).

So then I've noticed, that there is a combined washing-machine room, and break-room with fridge and microwave etc., right under the roof of the 'G-bar building', where the seagulls where.

I don't what kind of business it is, who has this break-room, but I've noticed, that employees, has to hang up black towels, from the washing-machine, during their brakes.

So I'm not sure how fine this business is.

I've wondered if this could be the break-room, (like I told you and your collegue), for City of Angels, hair-dressers, but I think this seems a bit strange, since there are perhaps 20-30 meter from the break-room to the hair-dressers, who are on the other end of the lane, than Dale St.

(I wonder, since the break-room, is alway full of attractive women, who fixes their hair, and put on make-up, is a brothel they have there, or what is it?).

I can't say what type of business, for sure, that the break-room belongs to, but it's right above G-bars exit-door, where they throw out drunks, who then sometimes knock on the door, in the midle of the night, and make noise.

So I think it's a bit unfair, that we in 5 Leather Lane get the blaime for this garbage.

I think that probably someone throw the garbage in the G-bar bins, (who is for bottles, that they throw in them, at around 7 AM, making a lot of noise, and they also throw ashes from sigarettes, I think, because sometimes the 'G-bar bins' starts to catch fire).

And then perhaps, when the bin-company comes, to collect the 'G-bar bins', then that company could perhaps throw out the household-waste, from the break-room?, near Leather Lane, if that's where the bins are collected.

Something like this, because I know that household-waste, has to be in the purple bins, for bin-companies to not write fines, to the businesses.

But I haven't seen that the G-bar building has their own purple bins, like the Lady of Mann-restaurant and Rigbys pub-garbage-room.

So I think that perhaps the G-bar building has to get their own purple bins, for the break rooms?

Could this be the problem?

Since I can't see that you mention this break-room, in the 'G-bar building', in you letter, that I recieved today, even if I explained you and your college, about this break-room, on Wednesday.

So I think it's a bit strange that I get this letter, saying that you think it's me that put the garbage in Leather Lane, after I told you that I put it in the Lady of Mann's garbage-room, like the Landlord has explained to me, when I moved in here, in 2006, that I should do.

So I wanted to please complain about this, since I think citizens shouldn't be threated like this, that the Council don't listen to what the citizens says.


Erik Ribsskog


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