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Gmail - BCW Ref: B13953119 (Letter received today)
Erik Ribsskog
BCW Ref: B13953119 (Letter received today)
Erik Ribsskog
Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 5:29 PM
I am un-employed at the moment, on a budget in co-operation with CCCS.
I have been adviced by them, (to keep my budget), to prioritise Water, Electricity (I'm now with British Gas), phone and council-tax, after my rent.
All other creditors I've been adviced to offer token-payments. So I can start with paying £5 a month, untill I get a job.
I can send you an income and expendeture-form, if you want, like I e.g. send to Capital One.
I'm sorry that I can't pay this debt any faster at the moment, but I hope my economical situation will improve soon!
Yours sincerely, Erik Ribsskog