Session Start: Tue Mar 01 00:32:15 2011
Session Ident:#blablabla
[00:32] ->> blablabot :No such nick/channel
[00:32] ->> blablabot :End of /WHOIS list.
[05:36] ->> You joined channel #blablabla
[05:36] ->> resolved to
[05:36] ->> Channel Modes are: +tn
[05:36] ->> Channel created on 31/12/2010 09:58:40
[05:36] ->> Attempting to join #quiz-show-styre
[05:37] * Quizzie2 sets mode +o _cons_awa for #blablabla
[08:45] * Quizzie2 ( Quit ( Ping timeout: 268 seconds )
[08:52] * Quizzie2 ( has joined #blablabla
[12:31] * _cons_awa sets mode +o Quizzie2 for #blablabla
[12:31] * Quizzie2 sets mode +bb *.trench.!*@* *.c7C355A!*@* for #blablabla
[15:34] * Blueshift (Blueshift@ has joined #blablabla
[15:34] <Blueshift> der?
[15:37] <@_cons_awa> hei hva skjer
[15:37] <@_cons_awa> (dette er en kanal for meg og mine kjente)
[15:37] ->> Blueshift is Blueshift@ (telenor)
[15:37] ->> Blueshift is on: #blablabla
[15:37] ->> Blueshift using (TekSavvy Solutions)
[15:37] ->> Blueshift :End of /WHOIS list.
[15:37] ->> resolved to
[15:38] <Blueshift> Du, jeg lurer på noe
[15:38] <Blueshift> har du noen anbefalinger til kylling og chips?
[15:38] <@_cons_awa> da får du nesten kjøpe en kokebok tror jeg
[15:38] <@_cons_awa> jeg er ikke utdannet kokk dessverre
[15:39] <Blueshift> hmm;
[15:39] * Blueshift was kicked by _cons_awa ( ) Reason (useriøs)
[15:39] * _cons_awa sets mode +b *!*@ for #blablabla
[19:27] ->> You joined channel #blablabla
[19:27] ->> Attempting to join #quiz-show-seriell
[19:27] ->> Channel Modes are: +tn
[19:27] ->> Channel created on 31/12/2010 09:58:40
[19:27] ->> blablabot is (v_beider)
[19:27] ->> blablabot is on: #quiz-show-seriell #quiz-temp #quiz-show-styre #blablabla
[19:27] ->> blablabot using (Warsaw, Poland)
[19:27] ->> blablabot :End of /WHOIS list.
[19:28] * Quizzie2 sets mode +o _cons_awa for #blablabla
[19:28] * _cons_awa sets mode +o blablabot for #blablabla
[19:28] * _cons_awa sets mode +b *!* for #blablabla
[19:28] * ludoleif was kicked by _cons_awa ( ) Reason (ludoleif)
[19:38] * _cons_awa sets mode -o Quizzie2 for #blablabla
[19:41] -> *blablabot* hello
[19:42] -> *blablabot* ident (sensurert av johncons-blogg)
[19:42] --blablabot-- I recognize you there.
[19:43] -> *blablabot* op (sensurert av johncons-blogg)
[19:43] * _cons_awa sets mode +o Quizzie2 for #blablabla
[19:44] * _cons_awa sets mode -o _cons_awa for #blablabla
[19:44] -> *blablabot* op (sensurert av johncons-blogg)
[19:44] * blablabot sets mode +o _cons_awa for #blablabla
[19:44] * _cons_awa sets mode -o Quizzie2 for #blablabla
[19:44] * _cons_awa sets mode +b *!* for #blablabla
[19:44] * Quizzie2 was kicked by _cons_awa ( ) Reason (Quizzie2)
[20:05] -> *blablabot* rehash (sensurert av johncons-blogg)
[20:05] --blablabot-- Rehashing...
[20:36] ->> You joined channel #blablabla
[20:36] ->> Attempting to join #quiz-show-styre
[20:36] ->> resolved to
[20:36] ->> Channel Modes are: +tn
[20:36] ->> Channel created on 31/12/2010 09:58:40
[20:36] ->> Attempting to join #england
[20:37] -> *blablabot* op (sensurert av johncons-blogg)
[20:37] * blablabot sets mode +o _cons_awa for #blablabla