here's an update about this.
A search from a Linux-macine, in Norwegian, from a university, in the USA.
Could this be from NTNU, I'm wondering.
I've seen many searches which are similar, from Linux-machines, in Norwegian, and from universities, around the world.
Which are odd, I think, (the searches, which I've seen on StatCounter).
They search about a woman with the midle-name Munch.
If shes mafia/illuminati.
Is this to do with the Munch-robbery in Oslo, around 2003?
Do someone think I'm involved in this, is this why I don't get my rights?
I've read in Norwegian online newspapers, that the Norwegian police still follow people in Europe in connection with this robbery, and the Nokas-robbery.
If I'm connected with this, then it's because I took some photograps of the Munch-museum, for an earlier mate of mine, when I was a child, in Spain, Christian Grønli, on a digital camera, owned by Fredrick, from the shop I worked besides my IT-studies, at Oslo Univesity College, Rimi Bjørndal, (since I didn't have a camera then).
Grønli, in Barcelona, studied graphical design, and asked me if I could take some photographs, of the Munch-museum in Oslo, for a school-project he had, which I did, I asked Fredrick, if I could borrow his camera, and e-mailed the photographs, as a favour, for an old mate, which mother, Tove Grønli, who died young, was almost like a mother for me, for around a year, when I was around 10 years old, because my father let me live alone, and I was often at their place, and she was a nice woman from the north of Norway, I think one have to say.
Also, a college from Rimi, a woman, Linn Korneliussen, from Florø, was a pair, with David Hjort, from Rimi Bjørndal, the first time I worked there, from 1996 to 1998.
That was a busy shop, and I was an Assistant Manager, who wanted to be Shop Manager, and then the Shop Manager Kristian Kvehaugen, and Area Manager, Anne-Katrine Skodvin, (she decided I think), hired David Hjort, who knew a lot of criminals he said, on my shifts.
And on my shifts, Kvehaugen had put almost only young women, (for some reason).
And Hjort was good with young women, so I feard he would do 'mutiny', and control all the staff.
And then my ambitions in Rimi, wouldn't go well, I don't think I would have got to Shop Manager, even if I had invested many years in Rimi, to be Shop Manager, since I thougt that looked good on the CV.
So I really had no choice, but had to accept invitations from Hjort, for dinner at his place, with his woman, etc.
And I helped him with getting his internet set up, etc., in an attempt to get a bit control, so that he wouldn't do a mutiny there.
And later, Linn Korneliussen have told me, on Facebook, that she and Hjort, once was at a party, where David Toska, the mastermind-criminal behind the Nokas-robbery, (and Munch-robbery?), also was.
So maybe the police mess with me because of that I know Christian Grønli and/or David Hjort, (or Frederick from Rimi Bjørndal who also can be a bit like a criminal sometimes, I've noticed when he spoke with Thor-Arild Ødegaard, about a young woman we walked passed, after work, when we went to Burger King, after a late-shift at Rimi Bjørndal, even if Frederick maybe looks a bit like a nerd, and one wouldn't expect him to talk about women that way perhaps).
What's going on here, I'm wondering.
I'm sending about this as an update, to my report of crime, a couple of hours ago.
I attach a screen-shot of the above mentioned StatCounter-page.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 2:46 AM
Subject: Report of crime
I have a tracking-cookie-programme, on my blog, to see how many readers I have etc.
On that programme I can see the Google-searches, which leads to my blog.
Sometimes I can see rumours about me, that I comment about, on my blog.
The one today says that an academic institution, (NTNU), in Norway, are using me as a subject, i a course in psycology, (against my knowledge).
I've picked up some very strange Google-searches, from linux-machines, on universities around the world.
Which are clearly just dumb, I think, with rumours about me.
This must be NTNU-students trying to manipulate me.
This is like terror, to me, so I think this really must be called terrorism.
And I want to report this as a horrible, 'nazi-crime', by that academy, where the students, (and lecturers), are mostly nerds, I think.
(To be a bit direct).
I attach a copy of the StatCounter-page mentioned above.
Hope this is alright!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog