I thought about moving now, and have contacted my old university,
University of Sunderland.
But, I haven't got enough money, to move with all my property.
I can't carry more than less than half of it.
So I can't really move now, unfortunately.
It's not possible for me to move now, I can't afford to rent a car, or
to rent self-storage, (they also mess with me, the last time I went to
University of Sunderland, I used City Self-Storage, in Oslo, in 2004, and they
still keep my valuable antiques etc., after my late grandmother, so selv-storage
just mess with me, it seems, since I'm being followed by the 'mafian', I've
overheard. So it's not that easy for me to move, as for other people, since I'm
followed and almost have no money).
Please just stay away, the bailiff-stuff is going on my nerves a bit, so I
hope you don't go here, since like I've now explained, it isn't possible for me
to move now, even if thought properly through it, I think I have to say.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
Til Advokatforeningen:
Kan dere få Liverpool County Court til å slutte å kaste meg ut?
Jeg har egentlig ikke lyst til å flytte til University of Sunderland, for
da får jeg maks med meg halvparten av tingene mine, og jeg er ikke garantert å
få studieplass og bolig der heller.
Håper dette er i orden, siden jeg har en klagesak hos dere.
Han advokaten kunne jo sikkert ha hjulpet meg med dette, hvis han ikke
hadde slutta å svare.
Håper dette er i orden!