Erik Ribsskog
#6666873 Twitter Support: update on "Offensive content - DollaKaroli"
Erik Ribsskog
Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 12:23 AM
Twitter Support <support+id6666873@twitter.zendesk.com>
this person writes I'm insane ++.
Still you don't think it's offensive.
I wondered if I could please have this escalated for a second opinion?
Erik RIbsskog
On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 12:27 AM, GigiMessina <notifications-support@ twitter.zendesk.com> wrote:
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
GigiMessina, Dec 05 04:27 pm (PST): Hello,
We’ve investigated and suspended the account you reported as it was found to be participating in abusive behavior.
This help page has instructions and additional information on making your profile protected:
Here is some additional information about dealing with bullying:
If these problems persist for you on Twitter, please let us know.
Twitter Trust & Safety
johncons, Nov 21 07:16 am (PST): How can we help?: Offensive content
Reported user: @DollaKaroli
Offensive Tweet: https://twitter.com/
Text of Tweet: Ler meg fortsatt skakk av @johncons som åpenbart er helt koko i boksen, spilt opp i shortsen, og rundpult av oksen
Tweet time: Nov 20 2012 18:01:28 via web
What are you reporting?: This user keeps sending me @replies and I don't want to receive them.
Blocked user(s): Yes
How long ago did this begin?: 24 hours ago
How many times has this happened?: Only once, (but this is a new account which seems dedicated to attacking me).
I've sent you tens of similar reports lately.
This seems organised to me.
Further description of problem: This account pretends to be a well-known gypsy-norwegian criminal.
The tweet is directed at me and means: Laughing myself silly of @johncons who clearly is nuts in his head, [something with shorts], and f*cked around by the bull.
I wanted to report this as an offensive and harrasing comment.
Your full name: Erik Ribsskog
I understand that Twitter may provide third parties, such as the affected user, with a copy of this report.
Twitter username: @johncons
Email address: eribsskog@gmail.com