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fredag 15. februar 2013

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til the Local Government Ombudsman

Gmail - Case ID - 12019055


Erik Ribsskog

Case ID - 12019055

Erik Ribsskog


Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 12:35 PM



I wrote this to the Jobcentre, in November, in 2011, (so this is a complicated case it seems):

Erik Ribsskog <>


to Contact-Us, CONTACT-US, Phso, bcc: TAYLORG

Liverpool City Council sent me a letter the other day, saying that they want to deduct money, from my Jobseekers Allowance.

However, those arrears are part of an ongoing complaint-case I have against the Liverpool City Council which have even been with the Parliamentary Ombudsman.

To not make this more complicated than necessary, I ask the Jobcenter to wait untill that case is settled, with withdrawing money.

I ask the Parliamentary Ombudsman for more advice regarding this case, as the Liverpool City Council have closed the complaint-file ten days after sending the long letter refered to in the forwareded e-mail, which I think is much to early, and as far as I remember it this breaches the Liverpool City Councils own Complaint Procedure.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 11:10 AM, <> wrote:
15 February 2013

Our ref: 12 019 055
(Please quote our reference when contacting us)
Dear Mr Ribsskog,

Thank you for your email.

The complaint you made to us in October 2011 was regarding a council tax debt that had been passed to bailiffs. The complaint you have contacted us about recently is that the council are have refused to allow you to back date a claim of council tax benefit. I understand it is regarding the same council tax debt but they are two separate complaints.

If you have made a claim to the council for back dated council tax benefit and have had a formal decision then you may the right to appeal this. If you have just asked the council if this is possible then we may be able to consider a complaint about the advice you were given.

Could you please confirm whether or not you have made an actual claim for the benefit to be backdated or if you have simply asked the council if it is possible?
Yours sincerely
Katherine Jordan
Intake Team Leader
NOTICE - This message contains information intended only for the use of the addressee named above.  If you have received this message in error please advise us at once and do not make any use of the information.


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Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).

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