Erik Ribsskog
#11112208 Twitter Support: update on "Impersonation - HomseCons"
Erik Ribsskog
Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 3:28 PM
Twitter Support <support+id11112208@twitter.zendesk.com>
this should have been sent on July 15th.
Erik Ribsskog
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On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 1:09 AM, Twitter Support <support@twitter.zendesk.com> wrote:
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
You have a pending impersonation report and it's been awhile since we've heard from you. This is a friendly reminder, that in order to move forward with your impersonation report, we need to confirm your identity.
To confirm your identity, please fax the identification information outlined in our previous email. For security reasons, we are only able to accept this information via fax; our systems strip incoming email attachments. We understand that this can be inconvenient; please note that this policy is in place to prevent against false and/or unauthorized reports. Rest assured that this faxed information will be shredded as soon as it has been used to confirm your report. Additionally, we will be able to bypass this step for any future reports.
Please fax the information to Twitter at 1-415-865-5405. Include your ticket number (#11112208) and write “Attention: Twitter User Safety.” This is a United States number, so be sure to include the appropriate international dialing code if you're sending from outside the United States.
Your ticket will be closed, however, you can reopen it by sending in the requested identification or by responding to this email.
Thank you,
Twitter Trust & Safety