Erik Ribsskog
Course with Learn Direct
Erik Ribsskog
Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 12:52 PM
Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>
"enquiries@hughbaird.ac.uk" <enquiries@hughbaird.ac.uk>
I was in a meeting with Personal Advisor Sarah at Aintree Jobcentre today.
In the meeting we discussed that I'm trying to get on a course.
This was initiated by you, in our meeting, earlier this year, at
Aintree Jobcentre.
You asked me, (in this NCS-meeting), if I thought about going to a
course, as part of my career-plan.
You adviced me to try Hugh Baird College.
I searched on their web-site and found a CAD-course.
I applied for the course, and has gone to the college three times, and
gotten enrolled there, etc.
Last week, the college told me my course was canceled.
I informed Personal Advisor Sarah about this today, at Aintree Jobcentre.
And that I was a bit fed up of Hugh Baird College and Liverpool
Community College, since this has happened three times now, (that
courses I've registered on has been canceled, since 2009).
(Three of out three times).
I explained to Personal Advisor Sarah that I have better experience
with Learn Direct, and I had printed out some information about a
PHP/MySQL-course, with Learn Direct, that I was wondering if I should
(To update my IT-skills a bit.
Since my degree consists of modules I've taken in Norway from 1989 to 2004).
But Personal Advisor Sarah didn't suggest that the Jobcentre could
found that course.
(Even if she suggested that the Jobcentre could found the
college-course that was canceled).
But I remember that you mentioned possible founding in our meeting, a
couple of months ago.
Do NCS have any founding available for a course like this?
Personal Advisor Sarah mentioned that the jobcentre have an
employability-course with Mercia, which the Learn Direct-course could
be a part of, after an initial two weeks with employability-training
with them.
But I was thinking about taking more Learn Direct IT-courses as well.
So it would perhaps be best to found them outside of that Mercia
programme, I'm wondering.
I could perhaps hear with Learn Direct if I can pay like ten pounds a
week, or something, to found the course.
I thought the Jobcentre had founding available, (since they had
founding available to pay for the CAD-course it seemed).
But I can also see if I can find a less expensive Learn Direct-course
and pay for it myself.
In case I don't really need the Mercia-course.
What do you think?
I promised Personal Advisor Sarah I would send her a copy, of this e-mail.
I don't have her e-mail address, so I just sent a copy, to the
'contact_us'-department, at the Jobcentre.
Thanks in advance for a reply about this!
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog