Erik Ribsskog
FW: Erik Ribsskog commented on a link City of Fargo shared.
Erik Ribsskog
Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 4:14 PM
Melisa Duncan <MDuncan@cityoffargo.com>
ok, that didn't seem to be the right Gullick.
Your first researched mentioned something about a Gullick from Gilby.
(He found about him in a file which wasn't online, I think).
Do you have some more info about this Gullick Gullikson?
I haven't used Ancestry.com that much.
I think I'll look more at it at a later time.
I used to have an account with My Heritage, but it was hi-jacked.
I served my conscription-service in the Norwegian infantry.
And we were on an exercise in Troendelag, in Middle Norway, and there they had weather like that.
It was very windy.
And it's also freezing in North America at the moment, (if I understand it right), and then the wind makes it seem even colder, we learned in the infantry.
So I hope you have more luck with the weather later this year.
Best regards,
Erik Ribsskog
On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Melisa Duncan <MDuncan@cityoffargo.com> wrote:
One of our other Librarians did some more research on your request for information.
I wasn’t sure if her email got through to you or not, so I am sending again to your gmail account.
As a side note about our weather, we are expecting 50 mph winds and a blizzard for tomorrow (1/16) here in Fargo, ND.
Melisa Duncan
Community Relations Specialist
Fargo Public Library
102 3rd St. North
Fargo, ND 58102
Ph: 701.476.4076
Fax: 701.241.8581
e-mail: mduncan@cityoffargo.com
From: Diane Briggs
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 11:25 AM
To: mailto:update+zj4os46aofc9@Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 11:25 AM
Cc: Melisa Duncan; Karena Carlson
Subject: FW: Erik Ribsskog commented on a link City of Fargo shared.
Good morning Erik,
After researching this request more, I discovered this information about Gulick and Asse, and Bergeti living in the same household in the US Census of 1880. Without knowing your mother’s maiden name or any other information…this is an educated guess with the attached scan documentation. The family seemed have moved to the US from Telemark, Norway. The source for this information is Ancestry.com.
Hopefully this information is helpful to you and if you have any questions regarding this please let me know
Diane Briggs - Reference
Fargo Public Library
102 3rd St N
Fargo, ND 58102
From: Facebook [mailto:update+zj4os46aofc9@ facebookmail.com]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2014 7:32 AMTo: Karena Carlson
Subject: Erik Ribsskog commented on a link City of Fargo shared.
Erik Ribsskog commented on a link City of Fargo shared.
Erik wrote: "Hi, my great-grandmother Bergit, (from Rollag, Norway), lived in North Dakota in the 1880's with her foster-parents Gullik Gulliksen Gulliksrud and Aase Levorsdatter. Do you have any files about this in your library, I was wondering. Best regards, Erik Ribsskog"
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