- Samtale startet 8. oktober
- Erik Ribsskog
I'm a fourth-cousin, of your husband Kristian.
(Deg Arne Mogan Olsen din far Øivind Olsen hans far Ingeborg Olsen hans mor Ragnhild Ovidie Andresen (født Olsen) hennes søster Arvid Andresen hennes sønn Frank Andresen hans sønn Kristian Andresen hans sønn).I have seen on Facebook, that you've been to my hometown Berger, and met Frank Eastwood, (who is the son of my fathers childhood friend Ernest Eastwood, who died a few years ago), and factory-owner Jebsen, etc.I remember my cousin Ove telling me, in the 90's, that he been an exchange student/pupil, in Canada, and then he had been laying on top, of a scyscraper in a city there, together with two Canadian guys.Was that your husband and his brother Frank, I was wondering.Ove also told me that his father Runar and mother Inger, had been visiting his host-family in eighter USA or Canada, (this was some years ago, so I don't remember which city Ove said this was in).Ingeborg and Ragnhilds father var Oluf Olsson Brunmark, from Sweden.Brunmark are after Birger Earl, Danish king Waldemar Sejer, and many more, (including Swedish Spy-chief Ødel-Ødla).So that's a bit interesting guy, (I'd say), your husbands, (and my), great great grandfather Olof Olsson Brunmark, since he was from Norways neighbour-contry Sweden, and also after nobles, etc.Also your husband has a third-cousin, (my earlier clas-mate, from Berger, Svelvik and Sande), Linda Moen, who still lives close to Berger, I think.And also a well-known Norwegian journalist Kristine Brunmark is your husbands fourth-cousin, (she's a great-granddaughter of Oluf Olssons son Johan Fredrik Brunmark Olsen).I hope it was ok that I tried to send this 'geneaolgy-message'.I couldn't find your husbans Kristian or his brother Frank, on Facebook, (even if I've read a lot about/from them, on a Berger-group, on Facebook, a few years ago).So I thought I could try to send you a message, since I couldn't find your husband, on Facebook.I hope this is alright, and thanks in advance for any reply!Best regards,Erik Ribsskog - I dag
16:48Cindy Andresen har godtatt forespørselen din.
- Cindy Andresen
Hi Erik. Thanks for your messsage. Send me your email and I will forward to Kristian. Kristian is actually the son of Frank Andresen. He has a brother Martin Andresen.l who lives in Vancouver. We visited Norway a couple years ago. A beautiful place. I would love to go back again. Please send me your email contact, neither of the people you would want to get in touch with are on FB. Thanks for reaching out. - I dag
- 20:59
- 22:08
Erik Ribsskog
thanks for the reply!
My e-mail-address is: eribsskog@gmail.com.The other day, I was at Bergstø, (where your husbands great-grandmother Ragnhild's sister Ingeborg, (my great-grandmother), lived).(My granduncle Idar lived at Bergstø.But died a few months ago.But my father didn't want to inherit after Idar's brothers Gunnar and Otto, so I own a part of Bergstø, and had a look there).In the kitchen-window there, it was laying a note, from a Ragnhild, (it looked like), written on a type-writer.I'm not sure if that note, (to my granduncle Idar), could have been written, by your husbands great-grandmother Ragnhild.Because Ragnhild is a quite usual name, in Norway.So it could have been, from a neighbour, (or something), as well, I guess.I attach a photo of Berger, (where you and your husband was, a couple of years ago), and one of the main-house, at Bergstø, (so you can see where Ingeborg lived, (who was Ragnhilds sister).You met Jebsen, at Berger, (I read in the online edition of the local-paper there, I think it was).And my grandfather Øivind, (Ragnhilds nephew), and my grand-mother Ågot, both worked for Jebsen.They then started a wooden-furniture-factory, at Sand, (close to Berger), in the 60's.You also met Frank Eastwood when you visited Berger, (I read on a Berger-Facebook-group, I think it was).Frank Eastwood is a son of my fathers mate Ernest.And on one boat-holiday, in the 70's, my father, sister and I, met up with Ernest, Frank and his sister Anne, near Tjøme, (a bit south of Berger), I remember.(For a few days boat/holiday-life).Thanks again for the reply!Best regards,Erik Ribsskog
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