[23:47.29] <john_cons> juli-e: do you have norwegian ancestors since you mentioned the norwegian food lefse the other day
[23:47.29] * Jack` hides behind tristy
[23:47.42] * Robin_Hood bobs up and down
[23:47.45] <+juli-e> my grandparents were norwedgian
[23:47.51] <john_cons> ok, not bad
[23:48.12] <john_cons> have you been to norway then
[23:48.23] <+juli-e> nope and they both dead now so
[23:48.33] <john_cons> my grandmother used to make lefse for christmas etc
[23:48.42] <+juli-e> so did mine
[23:48.48] <john_cons> a special type of lefse named numedals-lefse
[23:48.58] <john_cons> it was stiff and not soft like the other lefse
[23:49.05] <Dolley> Hello XRP
[23:49.07] * TristanX giggles
[23:49.15] * Kilo (~Kilo@kilo.users.undernet.org) has joined channel #usa
[23:49.17] <john_cons> with buter, sugar and cinamon
[23:49.22] <john_cons> i think it was
[23:49.45] <+juli-e> mine made soft kind only
[23:49.51] * Nancy_GA (~nmm@adsl-74-190-39-214.asm.bellsouth.net) has joined channel #usa
[23:50.01] <+TristanX> if you suck on the stiff ones do they go soft
[23:50.04] <john_cons> ok, i know that kind as well, they used to sell them at the trains in norway
[23:50.09] <+TristanX> wait that did NOT sound right
[23:50.13] <john_cons> they possibly still do
[23:50.24] <+juli-e> mikey mikey mikey
[23:50.33] * TristanX facepalms
[23:50.44] <john_cons> and in the shops
[23:51.16] <+juli-e> now i buy mine off ebay
[23:51.20] <+TristanX> I love these twangy EDM songs
[23:51.24] <john_cons> really
[23:51.28] <+juli-e> yup
[23:51.42] <Robin_Hood> !request Snap! - The Power
[23:51.45] <+juli-e> around hollidays ppl sell homemade lefse on ebay
[23:51.57] <john_cons> yes i've seen on the internet that they sell a swedish brand i think in the us
[23:52.04] <john_cons> something with olsson?
[23:52.08] <john_cons> mrs. olsson?
[23:52.14] <+juli-e> that too
[23:52.22] * MrBurns is now known as MrBurnsAFK
[23:52.39] <+juli-e> but its not cheap
[23:52.49] <john_cons> juli-e: ok, where in norway where your grandparents from then (if it's ok to ask)
[23:53.04] <+juli-e> im not sure they never said besides norway
[23:53.20] <john_cons> oh, ok, could be many places then i guess
[23:53.20] * ladyluck (~ladyluckk@host81-154-238-81.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined channel #usa
[23:53.34] * X sets mode +l 152 for #usa
[23:53.53] <Robin_Hood> !request Coldplay - Clocks
[23:54.28] <john_cons> i bought a tasy lefste not long ago in a kiwi-shop in norway
[23:54.34] <john_cons> lefse
[23:54.42] <john_cons> what was the brand again
[23:54.48] * diatronic (~diatronic@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:55.00] * diatronic (~diatronic@ has joined channel #usa
[23:55.06] * sweetfitman (~sweetfitm@ip98-163-45-103.oc.oc.cox.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving...)
[23:55.15] * RainBoots (uid122909@id-122909.highgate.irccloud.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:55.34] * X sets mode +l 150 for #usa
[23:56.07] <john_cons> it was almost like lefse, it was called 'turklenning' from Berthas
[23:56.37] <john_cons> it cost about 10 NOK (a bit more than a dollar), for a snack-sized lefse with butter and sugar i think it was
[23:57.27] <Robin_Hood> cool
[23:57.44] <+TristanX> ,song
[23:57.46] <+TristanX> .song
[23:57.47] <+Bowie> :||: USA Radio :||: DJ: TristanX :||: ✨ Coldplay - Clocks 2014 (Cristian Poow Nu Disco Mix [Single]) ✨ Type .radio to Tune In! :||: USA Radio :||:
[23:57.58] <Robin_Hood> nice
[23:58.20] * RainBoots (uid122909@id-122909.highgate.irccloud.com) has joined channel #usa
[23:59.48] <Robin_Hood> wow, a guitar!
[23:59.56] * ^Eve (uid491661@id-491661.tooting.irccloud.com) has joined channel #usa
[23:59.58] <Robin_Hood> can't believe it
[00:00.04] * X sets mode +l 152 for #usa
[00:00.18] <Robin_Hood> lol
[00:00.40] <Robin_Hood> wow
[00:00.55] <+TristanX> fabulous remix
[00:01.06] <Robin_Hood> guess so
[00:01.35] <Robin_Hood> that got a little dissonant there for a bit
[00:02.09] <john_cons> mrs. olson might be norwegian, it's just that we say olsen in norway, but they could have changed it over there
[00:02.40] <Robin_Hood> cool version tho
[00:03.06] * XaN (uid495136@highgate.irccloud.com) has joined channel #usa
[00:03.13] <Robin_Hood> yay, love this song
[00:03.31] <+TristanX> bet you haven't 'heard this version lol
[00:03.36] <Robin_Hood> true
[00:04.02] <@USA> [4/4] For funny and memorable quotes follow us on Facebook @ https://goo.gl/S4dtF8 & Twitter @ http://goo.gl/7Jwq5j
[00:04.07] <Robin_Hood> so far it's close to the original
[00:04.31] <Robin_Hood> I hear the extra drums
[00:04.39] <+TristanX> yep
[00:04.49] <Robin_Hood> and kind of a speeded up tempo
[00:04.55] <+TristanX> def sped up lol
[00:05.02] <Jack`> !w
[00:05.03] <@USA> Farmingville, New York, USA (40.837, -73.044) -- Partly cloudy and 54°
Dette amerikanske merket hadde kanskje solgt bra i Norge:

Dette amerikanske merket hadde kanskje solgt bra i Norge:
