Google Mail - Norwegian CS & Sales in Canary Islands, Spain. DX1434
Erik Ribsskog
Norwegian CS & Sales in Canary Islands, Spain. DX1434
Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 10:08 AM
Ana Alfonso <>
You recently sent us your CV for Norwegian
roles and I wanted to keep you up to date about vacancies that may be of interest
to you.
We have a new company in the Canary
Islands, Spain that is hiring Norwegian speakers for customer service and sales
positions. The role is to support the Norwegian market in a proactive sales and
sales support role; speaking with customers, responding to emails and providing
product advice in order to close new sales.
The ideal candidates will possess a blend of
sales and customer service skills and will be interested in a sales or outbound
role where you will work in a targeted position.
2 months accommodation and flights are paid
to the successful candidates. Salaries are from €10,000-25,000 depending on targets.
This is a very competitive local salary and will allow you to earn money while
you learn Spanish or enjoy the sun!
If this position is of interest please
email us your latest CV to
and add your day time phone number so we can call to discuss.
Interviews starting next week!
Kind regards,
Marketing and Sales support |
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Jeg tror kanskje det er litt for varmt for meg, nede på Kanariøyene.
Det er sikkert fint for å dra på ferie, men å jobbe i den varmen, hvordan er det da?
Jeg husker når det var sånn hetebølge her, tidligere i sommer, da var det vel litt vel varmt, husker jeg.
Så jeg får tenke litt på det her tror jeg, jeg har jo ikke lyst til å havne i et sånt 'lugubert' bofellesskap igjen, som jeg bodde i, i Walton.
Vi får se.
Med vennlig hilsen
Erik Ribsskog