people are writing that I'm insane etc., on Wikipedia in Norwegian (bokmål).
And they've also let a company, (Orkla), censor facts about the what a frozen pizza brand, (Grandiosa), contains, etc.
The Norwegian admins don't take this seriously, they say that they have no responsible person, and the one who's answering me, (Fjeld), is just patronising me.
So I've tried to send it to
info@wikipedia.org, to see if they have a responsible person there.
But they just send it back to Fjeld.
I think that Wikipedia should have a responsible person somewhere, who can clean up things like this, but I can't find anyone.
So I'm wondering if you could please help me find someone who are responsible for the content on Wikipedia Norwegian (bokmål).
Thank you very much in advance for any help!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Wikipedia Info Team <info-no@wikipedia.org>
Date: 2010/2/23
Subject: Re: [Ticket#2010010610016951] Responsible person/Fwd: Complaint about the Norwegian Wikipedia/Fwd: Klage: Dette her er bare traka [...]
To: Erik Ribsskog <
Hei, Erik, og takk for din e-post.
02/22/2010 15:59 - Erik Ribsskog wrote:
> Altså,
> jeg vil ikke ha noe patronisering fra deg Fjeld.
> Hvis du ikke sender det til noen andre selv, så får jeg gjøre det.
> Med hilsen
> Erik Ribsskog
Det er det bare å gjøre.
Med vennlig hilsen,
Hans-Petter Fjeld
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