Hello Erik,
You have filled in a feedback form on our website and are looking for some help. As you included your telephone number we did try to call you a couple of times
but were unable to get in touch with you.
It’s really positive that you have recognised your need for support. There are lots of ways you can get help, but rather than me giving you lots of unnecessary
information, I’m just wondering if you could get back in touch with a bit more about what it is that you’re looking for.
You can contact us directly here at the Mind infoline either by email at
info@mind.org.uk or you can call us on 0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday). If you would like to include the town, city or
London borough you’re based, we can look for specific services in your area.
I hope this clarifies how we can help.
Best wishes,
Mind infoline
Thank you for contacting us. Were we able to help? Please tell us by taking a few minutes to complete our feedback form.
You can do this at
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