Erik Ribsskog
Re: Shopping instore [SR 1-284217844] [SR 1-284395091] [SR 1-284658826] [SR 1-284725040] [SR 1-284817165] [SR 1-284934883] [SR 1-285127521]
Erik Ribsskog
Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 2:57 PM
also, at Christmas, your quite old femal staff with blonde hair.
In the check-out.
(I bought so much food for Christmas that I used a trolley and went to the manual check-out).
She had to have antennas on her, since it was Christmas, it seemed.
She was almost crying, from this ridiculus costume, it seemed to me.
It reminded me of when I worked as an assistant manager, at Rimi Bjørndal, in Norway, from 1996 to 1998.
The Store Manager Kristian Kvehaugen said the check-out-staff had to wear santa-caps.
But the Marocco-girl, in the check-out, took her red santa head-cap of all the time.
But your staff didn't do this.
So it was a bit like a shop from Mars, last Christmas, I think.
Also your chicken-steaks, for £1.15, doesn't taste that delicous, I think.
Erik Ribsskog
On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 1:35 PM, <customerservice@sainsburys. co.uk> wrote:
Thanks for your email. We appreciate you taking the time to get in touch as your feedback is important to us.
We want to ensure you receive great service, so we need to investigate your query a little further. We’ll be back in touch as soon as possible.
Thanks for your patience.
Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd.
0800 636 262
-----Original Message-----
From: eribsskog@gmail.com
Sent: 13.03.2013 01:34:45 PMFrom: eribsskog@gmail.com
To: customerservice@sainsburys.co.
Subject: Re: Shopping instore [SR 1-284217844] [SR 1-284395091] [SR 1-284658826] [SR 1-284725040] [SR 1-284817165] [SR 1-284934883] [SR 1-285127521]
is your head-office in Moscow or something?
Your reply just look like a mess to me.
Your reply just look like a mess to me.
Those higher managers, (or what they were), were definetly just standing around.
I know what I saw, I'm an experienced retail-manager, who has worked for almost a lifetime in retail.
You just invent a reply, it seems to me.
I have no confidence in you due to this.
These people weren't even in uniform/work-clothes.
Even if that isn't isn't reflected in your reply, I think.
Also, Sainsbury's low-priced noodles, doesn't taste good.
And Sainsbury's low-priced potato-mash smells bad, I think.
(I tried it last week-end, but I just threw it, due to the smell, I have to admit).
Good luck with the Moscowits, Marsians and Gremlins.
Erik Ribsskog
On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 12:33 PM, <customerservice@sainsburys. co.uk> wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your further email.
As detailed in my response of 2 March, your comments have been escalated to me as Senior Manager within Careline.
In this reply I detailed our final response to the incident in out Rice Lane store on 14 February relating to the inability to process your card payment. Equally this was addressed in my colleague Katrina Dicks reply on 4 March.
Similarly in my reply of 2 March I detailed the reason our self scan checkouts where not functioning on your visit to the store. Although it may have appeared my colleagues in store were simply standing around, I assure you this was not the case.
The extensive detail provided in each of these responses, and those previously sent by my team, provide our final answer on these points. I hope you can use the information provided and I have explained actions of my colleagues in store.
Kind regards
Stacey Canon | Senior Careline Manager
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd | 33 Holborn, London | EC1N 2HT
customer.service@sainsburys.twitter.com/sainsburys | facebook.com/sainsburys
-----Original Message-----
From: eribsskog@gmail.com
Sent: 08.03.2013 03:42:07 AM
To: "Customer.Service" <Customer.Service@sainsburys.
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Shopping instore [SR 1-284217844] [SR 1-284395091] [SR 1-284658826] [SR 1-284725040] [SR 1-284817165] [SR 1-284934883]
I've sent to your college, Katarina Dick, about this, earlier this week.
(And asked her to escalate).
(And asked her to escalate).
So this is being dealt with already, I think I have to say.
Erik Ribsskog
Here is more about this:
ok, I think it's strange that all your machines doesn't seem to work.
It was also a problem with your bank-terminal, at this shop, the week before, (I think it was).
(Like I have discussed with your college Ajay Chand, like one can see, in one of the forwarded e-mails, with this e-mail).
A bank-terminal that refuses to let people pay by card, when they have money, on their account.
That must be pretty rear, I think.
And that this store also have a group of six self-service tills, that doesn't work, the next week.
(Which I haven't seen in any other store.
And these tills have been around since 2005, at least, I remember.
Because I saw them that year, at a big Sainsbury's in Kensington, in London, where I lived for a couple of weeks, that year).
So this seems very strange to me.
It's like an invasion of Gremlins, I think.
And how about the group of higher managers, which were standing in between the two groups of self-service tills, on the mentioned Wednesday, (the ones who were monitoring me and the other custommers), do you have an explanation for this?
Have you had problems with an invasion from Mars?
I think it must have been something like this, since there has been so much strange 'stuff' going on in your store.
Due to that there have been many problems, I would have wanted to escalate about this, please.
It has been so much problems with the food-industry lately, (with the horse-meat-scandal etc), so I think this should be on a higher level in your organisation.
It's a problem with the whole industry, a lefleat I saw today at Tesco says.
So due to this I want to escalate, please.
Erik Ribsskog
On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 2:51 PM, <customerservice@sainsburys. co.uk> wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thanks for your email and the further information you provided. I’m sorry to learn you’re unhappy with our response.
As advised in our previous emails, if a card if declined in store we’re unable to establish the reason for this. The instruction to decline the card comes direct from the card provider. As I’m sure you can appreciate, we need to act on such requests.
The only way to resolve this is to contact your card provider. They’ll be able to carry out a full investigation and establish the reason the card was declined. Unfortunately, we’re unable to do this on your behalf.
Your card provider wouldn’t be able to provide us with any of this information. This would constitute a breach of the Data Protection Act. Your card provider will only be able to discuss this with you. I’m sorry we’re not able to assist you further.
We appreciate you’ve taken the time to contact us again and hope you’re able to get this resolved soon.
Kind regards
Pamela Scott | Customer Manager
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd | 33 Holborn, London | EC1N 2HT
customer.service@sainsburys. co.uk | 0800 636 262
twitter.com/sainsburys | facebook.com/sainsburyscustomer.service@sainsburys.
-----Original Message-----
From: eribsskog@gmail.com
Sent: 05.03.2013 12:53:19 AM
To: "Customer.Service" <Customer.Service@sainsburys.
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Shopping instore [SR 1-284217844] [SR 1-284395091] [SR 1-284658826] [SR 1-284725040] [SR 1-284817165]
I've sent about this complaint earlier today, (Monday):
Erik Ribsskog
Here is more about this:
ok, I think it's strange that all your machines doesn't seem to work.
It was also a problem with your bank-terminal, at this shop, the week before, (I think it was).
(Like I have discussed with your college Ajay Chand, like one can see, in one of the forwarded e-mails, with this e-mail).
A bank-terminal that refuses to let people pay by card, when they have money, on their account.
That must be pretty rear, I think.
And that this store also have a group of six self-service tills, that doesn't work, the next week.
(Which I haven't seen in any other store.
And these tills have been around since 2005, at least, I remember.
Because I saw them that year, at a big Sainsbury's in Kensington, in London, where I lived for a couple of weeks, that year).
So this seems very strange to me.
It's like an invasion of Gremlins, I think.
And how about the group of higher managers, which were standing in between the two groups of self-service tills, on the mentioned Wednesday, (the ones who were monitoring me and the other custommers), do you have an explanation for this?
Have you had problems with an invasion from Mars?
I think it must have been something like this, since there has been so much strange 'stuff' going on in your store.
Due to that there have been many problems, I would have wanted to escalate about this, please.
It has been so much problems with the food-industry lately, (with the horse-meat-scandal etc), so I think this should be on a higher level in your organisation.
It's a problem with the whole industry, a lefleat I saw today at Tesco says.
So due to this I want to escalate, please.
Erik Ribsskog
On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 10:58 AM, <customerservice@sainsburys. co.uk> wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your email reply. I am sorry my colleagues have been unable to resolve this matter to your satisfaction. I can appreciate your frustration as you have provided us with several pieces of information about your transaction.
Thank you for your email reply. I am sorry my colleagues have been unable to resolve this matter to your satisfaction. I can appreciate your frustration as you have provided us with several pieces of information about your transaction.
I can confirm that the information my colleague Jamie and Stacey provided you is correct. When a customer’s payment card is declined at our checkouts we are unable to identify why this decision was made. The instruction to refuse payment comes from the card provider.
I know you understand there is also a merchant who facilitates these requests on behalf of your card provider. I appreciate you experience of retail in Norway but unfortunately the process you outline when incidents like this occur is not mirrored in our stores.
When a card is declined in store we are unable to establish the reason. There can be several factors which can cause this, for example the merchant provider may be down. We would request you follow the guidance offered by my colleagues and contact your card provider for further information.
We appreciate you taking the time to come back to us and hope the information we have provided is useful.
Kind regards
Katrina Dick | Senior Customer Manager
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd | 33 Holborn, London | EC1N 2HT
twitter.com/sainsburys | facebook.com/sainsburys
-----Original Message-----
From: eribsskog@gmail.com
Sent: 02.03.2013 05:28:17 PM
To: "Customer.Service" <Customer.Service@sainsburys.
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Shopping instore [SR 1-284217844] [SR 1-284395091] [SR 1-284658826] [SR 1-284725040]
like I wrote in the first e-mail about this problem.
If it was a problem with the connection, then the bank-terminals in Norway, more than twenty years ago, wrote a receipt, which was almost like a cheque, for the custommer to sign.
The amount would then take a bit longer time, (a couple of days, I think we told the custommers), to be withdrawn, from the custommers' bank-accounts.
So is the UK more than 20 years behind Norway, when it comes to this?
This doesn't seem likely, to me.
This doesn't seem likely, to me.
I wonder if there have been some 'Gremlins' here, messing with my account.
I think it's poor custommer-service, that you don't investigate what has happened here.
I have also gone to business-school, and learned that the custommer is always right.
I think the UK is poor on custommer-service.
You should learn from the USA, I think.
It doesn't seem you have a custommer-service attitude, (towards custommers), here in the UK.
Erik Ribsskog
On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 3:40 PM, <customerservice@sainsburys. co.uk> wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your further email. I am sorry my colleagues have been unable to resolve this matter to your satisfaction. I can appreciate your frustration as you have provided us with several pieces of information about your transaction. As requested your correspondence has been escalated to me.
Our customers experience is important to us. We expect our customers to have the best service possible and it is disappointing to us that this has not been your experience.
As my colleagues have explained, when a customer’s payment card is declined at our checkouts we are unable to identify why this decision was made. The instruction to refuse payment comes from the card provider.
I know you understand there is also a merchant who facilitates these requests on behalf of your card provider. I appreciate you experience of retail in Norway but unfortunately the process you outline when incidents like this occur is not mirrored in our stores.
As you mention your card was then accepted on the second attempt, it may be there was a temporary error with the connection from your card supplier. To this end we would request you follow the guidance offered by my colleagues and contact your card provider for further information.
I appreciate this was not the answer you were hoping for but I must stress that my colleagues have guided you correctly through all stages of your contact with us. I hope you can speak with you banking group and source the answer you require.
I appreciate you taking the time to get in touch.
Kind regards
Stacey Cannon | Careline Manager
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd | 33 Holborn, London | EC1N 2HT
customer.service@sainsburys. co.uk | 0800 636 262
twitter.com/sainsburys | facebook.com/sainsburyscustomer.service@sainsburys.
-----Original Message-----
From: eribsskog@gmail.com
Sent: 01.03.2013 04:50:16 PM
To: "Customer.Service" <Customer.Service@sainsburys.
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Shopping instore [SR 1-284217844] [SR 1-284395091] [SR 1-284658826]
thank you for your e-mail!
I think that since this was something that happened, in your store, then you have a responsibility, to help finding out what has happened.
I think that since this was something that happened, in your store, then you have a responsibility, to help finding out what has happened.
I think it's poor custommer-support, that I have to go in the bank, and ask them, what has happened.
I've sent you the recepts and all, so this is something you could find out, I think.
You are just being lazy here, it seems to me.
Dear I ask to get this escalated again?
Erik Ribsskog
On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 3:06 PM, <customerservice@sainsburys. co.uk> wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thank you for your further email. I am sorry you are unhappy with my colleagues’ previous responses.
I have looked into this matter and I can confirm that the information my colleagues’ gave you is correct. When a card is declined in store we are unable to establish the reason. There can be several factors which can cause this, for example the merchant provider may be down.
As my colleagues have advised, the only way to establish what went wrong would be to contact your card provider directly as we would not be able to offer any further assistance with this matter.
I hope this information is useful to you and we look forward to seeing you in store again soon.
Kind regards
Jamie Morris | Senior Customer Manager
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd | 33 Holborn, London | EC1N 2HT
customer.service@sainsburys. co.uk | 0800 636 262
twitter.com/sainsburys | facebook.com/sainsburyscustomer.service@sainsburys.
-----Original Message-----
From: eribsskog@gmail.com
Sent: 28.02.2013 12:27:46 AM
To: "Customer.Service" <Customer.Service@sainsburys.
Subject: Re: Re: Shopping instore [SR 1-284217844] [SR 1-284395091]
I've worked as a store manager myself in Norway.
And if I had gotten a complaint like that, I would have called the company which runs the bank-terminals, and asked them what the problem was.
So this wasn't good custommer-support, I think.
Can I escalate this to your line-manager, please?
Erik Ribsskog
On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 9:38 PM, <customerservice@sainsburys. co.uk> wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog
Thanks for your email and further comments relating to your recent enquiry.
I’ve contacted the Rice lane store and discussed this with Nicola Edwards, the Customer Services Desk. She’s asked me to send her apologies and was disappointed to hear of your experience. She’s advised when a card is declined in store we aren’t able to establish the reason. There can be several factors which can cause this for example the merchant provider may be down.
I appreciate the time you have taken to contact us and I hope this information is helpful.
Kind regards
Ajay Chand | Customer Manager
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd | 33 Holborn, London | EC1N 2HT
customer.service@sainsburys. co.uk | 0800 636 262
twitter.com/sainsburys | facebook.com/sainsburyscustomer.service@sainsburys.
-----Original Message-----
From: eribsskog@gmail.com
Sent: 23.02.2013 04:27:35 PM
To: "Customer.Service" <Customer.Service@sainsburys.
Subject: Re: Shopping instore [SR 1-284217844]
thank you for your e-mail!
I don't think it could have been the card-provider, that the problem was with.
I don't think it could have been the card-provider, that the problem was with.
Because like one can see, on the recepits, that I attach copies of.
The card worked again, a minute after if first had been refused.
So it was just a temporarely problem, it seems.
But like I wrote to you earlier, I've worked full time, as a cashier, for almost a year, at OBS Triaden, in Norway.
And this was in 1990/91.
But we had bank-terminals, in every other till.
And even 20 years ago, this didn't happen.
If the bank terminals were off-line, then the custommer was told to sign a recepit, and this was then like a cheque, more or less.
So I think it's to bad, that this worked in Norway, 20 years ago.
But it doesn't work in the UK, today.
I know there is a company, in-between you and the banks.
(I know, because I've also worked as a retail manager in Norway, for ten years, in the Rimi-chain, owned by ICA).
So I think it could be some 'Gremlins' there perhaps.
This company was called 'Bank Accept', (or something), in Norway.
You probably have an equivalent, (to Bank Accept), here in the UK.
So I send again about this.
Perhaps you could escalate this to your line-manager.
Erik Ribsskog
On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 4:15 PM, <customerservice@sainsburys. co.uk> wrote:
Dear Mr Erik Ribsskog
Thanks for your email. I’m sorry your visa card payment was refused at our Rice Lane store on your recent visit. I understand your disappointment as there was enough money in your bank.
We are not aware of any faults with our card machines at the minute. I can only recommend that you contact your card provider.
We appreciate you taking the time to get in touch and make us aware of this and hope to see you in store soon.
Kind regards
Daniel Carr | Customer Manager
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd | 33 Holborn, London | EC1N 2HT
customer.service@sainsburys. co.uk | 0800 636 262
twitter.com/sainsburys | facebook.com/sainsburyscustomer.service@sainsburys.
-----Original Message-----
From: eribsskog@gmail.com
Sent: 19.02.2013 03:24:16 PM
To: "Customer.Service" <Customer.Service@sainsburys.
Subject: Shopping instore
The following comments have been made:
Full Name: Erik Ribsskog
Email: eribsskog@gmail.com
Subject: Complaint
User's Comments: I was in your supermarket, in Rice Lane, in Liverpool, on Saturday, (14/2).
My visa card payment was first refused, even if there was enough money, on the account.
I haven't experienced this before.
(Even if I've worked for almost a lifetime, in retail, in Norway).
Do you need the recepit-number etc., to investigate this?
Erik Ribsskog
Nectar Card Number:
Order/Reference Number:
Delivery Date:
Store Name:
Purchase Date:
Product Name and/or barcode number:
Other codes (batch; be; supplier):
Product Name and/or barcode number:
Store Name:
Incident Date:
Store Name:
Purchase Date:
Product Name and/or barcode number:
Other codes(batch; bbe; supplier):
Reference: CTU-1361287453578-393
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