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tirsdag 23. april 2013

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Gmail - New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: What's wrong with neighbour?


Erik Ribsskog

New update/Fwd: Update/Fwd: What's wrong with neighbour?

Erik Ribsskog


Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 10:21 AM



Lars Aasen <>, Info <>, Runcorn Office <>


now the guy in number 9 was on my door again, twice.

First at 9.50 AM.

All his clocks were set five minutes wrong now.

So I think he must have set them wrong himself, since he's bored, or something.

To try to be interesting, or something, to his neighbours.

Then he was back on my door again, at 10.10 AM.

And I screamed the time, through the door.

And he said 'tha mate', (or something like that).

But is this guy senile, you think?

Why does he need to ask for the time, three times a day?

What do you think is the reason for this strange behaviour?

And he walks around without trousers sometimes, (like one can see on one of the attached  photographs).

So he needs special care, or something.

People who helps him get dressed, etc.

And he terrorises me almost, (I have to say), because he doesn't know the time, all the time.
How can three clocks be wrong, at the same time?

Then the neighbour set the clocks wrong himselves, I think.

He shouldn't need help from his neighbours, to know what the time is, I think.

Then it's something wrong with him, I think.

Don't you agree on this?

Perphaps the Council could give this guy some help with his problems?

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 8:35 AM
Subject: Update/Fwd: What's wrong with neighbour?
To: Liverpool Direct <>
Cc: LHT Customer Service <>


now this neighbour woke me up again.

He always wonder if his watch and two white plastic-clocks are set right.

I think he must set them a lot himselves, because once they were half an  hour wrong.

And then I had to set all three of them.

One of the white clocks lacks a pin to set it.

But the neighbour then just took the pin out of the other white clock.

So he really knows how to set the clocks, I think.

Maybe he is just lonely.

Who knows.

But I'm not educated as a 'baby-sitter' for senil people.

He should get help from people who understand his challenges, I think.

He also speaks un-clear, and have problems understanding what people say, I think.

So it isn't easy communicating with him.

He now goes on my door at least once a day wondering about if his two clocks and one watch, are set right.

I even had to set his watch to the right time, the other day.

It was half an hour wrong.

He needs to know when to take his tablets, he said.

Something like that.

But he should get help from people who are educated within medicine, I think.

His neighbours have their cores to do, and can't be expected to help this confused guy, (in number 9 Keith Court), all the time, I think.

My grand-mother Ågot, in Norway, was senile, and she had to live in a home, for ill people, (Svelvik sykehjem), when she got to bad.

Don't you have placed like Svelvik sykehjem, in the UK?

At least he need a 'støtte-kontakt', that's 'support-contact', I think.

Something like this.

Just as an update, (see attached digital photographs).


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 8:00 PM
Subject: What's wrong with neighbour?
To: Liverpool Direct <>
Cc: LHT Customer Service <>


the neighbour, (the guy in number nine), goes on my door, more or less every day, to ask me what the time is.

What's wrong with this guy, I'm wondering.

Because that isn't normal, I think.

The neigbour is also mentioning his tablets.

So I guess he has some problem with being senile, or something, and needs someone from the council, to help him set his clocks, every day.

I don't understand this person.

I can't be expected to be some kind of around the clock clock-setting service I think.

This is really every day now, that this neighbour asks about this.

Earlier he used to ask which day it was.

And if it was morning or evening.

And how much electricity he had on the meter.

Things that normal people know.

And he sometimes wakes me up, to ask me what the time is.

I sometimes sit up at night, to do computer-stuff etc., and think it's a bit strange to be woken by an old neighbour-guy, that wonder what the time is.

Does the neighbour need help from the council, or something, I was wondering.

What's going on, I was wondering.


Erik Ribsskog

7 attachments


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