Klage/Fwd: LGBT event in Liverpool
Erik Ribsskog
Til: juridisk
dette er trakassering som følge av identitetstyveri, (virker det som).
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Med hilsen
Erik Ribsskog
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rachel Dolezal
Date: 2017-12-05 7:23 GMT+01:00
Subject: Re: LGBT event in Liverpool
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Hi Erika,
Thank you for reaching out to inquire about my interest and availability for your 2018 conference. Yes, I would absolutely love to hear more details about this event and explore the possibility of a keynote. What is the title of the conference, and what organizations are typically involved in putting the conference together?
> On Nov 29, 2017, at 8:16 PM, Erika Ribsskog
> Would you be interested in giving a keynote address at a conference on LGBT people's status in politics in Liverpool late next year? It's still early in the planning, so we will come back with more details later if you're interested. We would particularly be interested in your thoughts on the relationship between racial and gendered identities. We can offer a fee of 2,000 British pounds plus travel expenses/accommodation. Best regards, Erika Ribsskog