Erik Ribsskog
eribsskog@gmail.com - CWJobs.co.uk - Applicant details for Front End Developer -
Sophie Jackson
Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 3:42 PM
"eribsskog@gmail.com" <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Hi Erik
Thank you for your email and interest in HAVAS LYNX.
We are reviewing applications over the coming week and will contact all successful applicants by 5th July.
Kind regards
Recruitment & HR Executive
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+44 7557 433 118.
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From: cwjobs@cwjobsmail.co.uk [mailto:cwjobs@cwjobsmail.co. uk]
Sent: 26 June 2013 01:56
To: Sophie Jackson
Cc: eribsskog@gmail.com
Subject: eribsskog@gmail.com - CWJobs.co.uk - Applicant details for Front End Developer -
Job Packs
Candidate email address: eribsskog@gmail.com.
Candidate’s comments:
I read about this vacancy on CW Jobs, and I wanted to please apply for this job.
I've learned about JQuery, (and Java), when I studied IT, at Oslo University College, (Faculty of Engineering), from 2002 to 2004.
at Oslo University College, Faculty of Engineering, from 2002 to 2004. And after that I studied Computing, for one year, at the University of Sunderland, (Faculty of Applied Sciences), in 2004/05. And I recieved my 'Høgskolekandidat'-degree, in IT, from Oslo
University College, in 2009, (and I've also contacted the University of Sunderland and NHI, (or NITH like they are called now), and am waiting, to recieve degrees from them aswell).
I attach my CV and hope to hear back from you!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
I confirm that I am eligible to live and work in the UK
If the candidate has supplied a CV it will be attached to this email.
Please provide your feedback to eribsskog@gmail.com.
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