Erik Ribsskog
Problems with course start
Erik Ribsskog
Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 10:44 PM
Marc Bailey <Marc.Bailey@hughbaird.ac.uk>
Contact-Us <Contact-Us@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk>, pamela.woods@connexionslive.com, Landsleder UK <landsleder.uk@ansa.no>, "Kershaw, Danielle" <Danielle.Kershaw@workinglinks.co.uk>
I can't see that I've recieved any e-mail from you on 9/9.
And the false letter seems a bit strange.
I'm used with colleges canceling the courses I register for.
Liverpool Community College did this a couple of times, (for courses I
registered on), some years ago.
So that's why I though I'd try the college in Bootle now.
(Since NCS informed me about your college.
Pamella Woods there at a meeting at Aintree jobcentre).
This is the third time, (if I'm not mistaking), that this happens to
me, here in Liverpool.
So I think it's a bit like being hit by the lightning three times.
I can't recommend for people in Norway to study at Merseyside, because
the courses are 'always' changed.
This was very dissapointing, I think.
I'll just hear with Aintree jobcentre, (or NCS it they reply), about
taking one of more courses with e.g. Learn Direct, in stead.
I already have a foundation-degree in IT, from Norway.
So I don't really have the 'update-courses' on a college, (I think).
(It's just that Michelle Kershaw at an organisation the Jobcentre sent
me to, some years ago, in the city centre, adviced me to study at
Liverpool Comunity College, (if I remember it right).
And NCS adviced me to update my skills at a college as well).
I have good experience with Learn Direct, so I'm just going to try to
take some courses there instead.
Thanks for informing me.
Erik Ribsskog
On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 10:04 PM, Marc Bailey
<Marc.Bailey@hughbaird.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hello Erik,
> Thank you for getting in touch. I have tried to contact you by telephone a couple of times which I have unfortunately been unsuccessful. I had also sent you an email (see below) informing you of the course cancellation.
> I was unaware that a letter had been sent to you with an incorrect start date for the course, so I can only apologise for that. The courses scheduled start date for induction should have been Wednesday 11th, so as you can imagine I was expecting a couple of days for you to receive this information.
> Sorry for the inconvenience this miss communication has caused.
> Regards,
> Marc
> ------------------------------
> From: Marc Bailey
> Sent: 09 September 2013 09:43
> To: 'eriksskog@gmail.com'
> Subject: AutoCAD Training - Cancelled
> Importance: High
> Hi Erik,
> I have just tried to phone you.
> I am sorry to say that due to a low number of applicants for the CAD course, we have made the decision that it would not be viable to run the course this year. It's a shame as historically we have had good enrolment on the course, however I think that it is a casualty of current economic times that courses like this are not as sought after as they used to be.
> Anyway, sorry we will not be able help you with your CAD training this year. If you require CAD specifically, I believe Liverpool Community is advertising the course, I am not sure about other institutions. If you are just generally looking for courses to develop your career or skill set, please feel free to look through the our website, or contact the college careers advice to see if there is anything else you would be interested in.
> In relation to your fees that you have paid on enrolment (if applicable), I will inform our office of the status of the course, and you will be able to claim a refund from them.
> Again, I'm sorry about this situation.
> Kind Regards,
> Marc Bailey
> Programme Manager for CAD
> ------------------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Elaine Evans
> Sent: 12 September 2013 15:50
> To: Marc Bailey
> Subject: FW: Problems with course start
> Hello Marc,
> Please see the email below.
> Thanks
> Elaine
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]
> Sent: 09 September 2013 20:21
> To: Student Services
> Cc: Contact-Us; pamela.woods@connexionslive.
> Subject: Problems with course start
> Hi,
> i was at Pembroke Building today at 17.50 for the first course-day.
> (See attached scans about CAD-course).
> I asked the guy in the reception, about the course.
> He told me to sit down, and waited for ten minutes, and then he used five minutes, to ask in another room, about the course, after I gave the files I've attached.
> This guy, (who said he was Terry from Security), told me, that you have written the wrong day, on the letter.
> And he said he couldn't find the person responsible for the course.
> (After I'd waited for around fifteen minutes).
> I was wondering whats going on.
> I see now that someone from the college have called me earlier today.
> I thought it was from the computer repair shop, because the motherboard on my computer has been replaced.
> What's going on I'm wondering?
> Can you e-mail me the course timetable, please?`
> Best regards,
> Erik Ribsskog
> [http://development.hughbaird.
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